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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Boats, caves, spies and stories : a narrative study of outdoor management development programmes in the United Kingdom

Stokes, Peter John January 2000 (has links)
The thesis develops new understanding in relation to Outdoor Management Development (OMD). The argument is in three parts. Part One reviews notions of management development within which OMD is conventionally located. It underlines the powerful influence of a modernistic positivistic-objectivist methodological paradigm in much of the OMD commentary, manifesting itself as an objectivised corporate imperative of optimum effectiveness and efficiency. Complementary critical perspective paradigms are introduced including comments on narrative and social construction. In relation to this context, the argument presents a contemporary set of images sourced from prima facie conceptualisations of the OMD domain. Part Two considers possibilities for revisiting the contextualisation of OMD. This is undertaken through a contemporaneous and diachronic look at OMD. This involves a novel debate on the "origins" of OMD and comments on the neglected influences important to how individuals construct narrative. Certain narrative accounts in OMD writing are reviewed. These are shown to be very influenced by the predominant positivist paradigm. The third and final Part of the argument presents: Methodology, Stories and Conclusion. The debate develops a qualitative participant observer approach that facilitates the writing of narratives that underline the reflexive and deeply personal experience that the research involves. The Stories are accompanied by reflective commentaries. The argument concludes and contributes a number of points. The contemporaneous conceptualisation of OMD is positivistic and this is a consequence of its close association with modernistic perspectives of management thinking. Also, modernistic meta-narratives have been apparent in the historical accounts in the field. Consequently, stoned and narrative accounts have been marginalised but where written they are imbued with positivism also. Bearing the above in mind the thesis writes fresh socially constructive accounts of experiences in OMD contexts and provides reflective commentary on them.

Stellectric : En studie om modernistiskt blivande i utvalda dikter av Mina Loy

Rova, Felice January 2013 (has links)
My essay is an examination of the poet Mina Loy and two poems that are essential in her authorship, these poems also represents a thematic entrance to Loys life and literary concepts. On the basis of Gunnar Harding preface and translation of selected poems from the collection Lunar Baedeker, I have chosen to look further at the poems Lunar Baedeker and Songs to Joanne, poems that accommodate contexts of an esthetical and linguistic complexion. Using terminology from the philosopher Gilles Deleuze as method for analysis, enabling an examination which proceeds from the concepts of nomadism, deterritorialization and line of flight. In the consideration of Loys modernistic and woman –becoming, a situational and relational context is introduced which includes references to feminism, cosmopolitism, futurism, modernism, Dadaism as well as to acquaintances of Gertrude Stein, Djuna Barnes, F.T. Marinetti and Isadora Duncan. My examination of Loys “Baedeker” describes a travel guide which turns out to be disorientation in the spatial and temporal, through history and tradition, a guide that’s devoted to the form and the artistic autonomy. A map over the modernistic landscape, in a contemporary and in a subject comprehension that is drifting. Through the abandonment of a representative parlance and a by evolving it through its line of flight, Loy calls for a development of the language and for an altered state of mind.

Engagement and Disengagement in David Herbert Lawrence's Novel “Women in Love” / Potraukis ir išsilaisvinimas Davido Herberto Lawrence’o romane „Mylinčios moterys”

Ziberkienė, Indrė 03 September 2010 (has links)
The turn of the 19th and the 20th centuries in Great Britain was marked by the appearance of modernist ideology particularly manifested in literature. The school of Modernism was pioneered by the group of so called ‘imagists’ with David Herbert Lawrence as a prominent leader. Modernism rejected Victorian realities and values and suggested a totally different way of thinking. D. Lawrence established himself as a sex revolutionist and implemented his ideas in his oeuvre. One of his mostly recognized novels Women in Love displays engagement and disengagement. The theme involves an overlook on various ways of engagement presented in the novel, including variety of sexual attractions, polarity and blood based inclinations. Furthermore, the theme presents ways of disengagement described in the book. The liberty is gained through: escaping the past, sexual intimacy, separation and death. The object of the current study is the novel Women in Love by David Herbert Lawrence first published in 1920. The current paper is aimed at revealing engagement and disengagement through characters in the novel Women in Love. After carrying out descriptive analysis of theoretical literature and investigating the object from the aspect of engagement and disengagement, following conclusions were drawn: Lawrence was a modernist writer criticized for amorality but praised for his literary talent. His modernist novel Women in Love reflects the great shift of mind from Victorian era to the twentieth... [to full text] / XIX-ojo ir XX-ojo amžių sandūroje, Didžiojoje Britanijoje, iškilo modernistinis judėjimas, kuris ypatingai reiškėsi literatūroje. Modernizmo mokyklos pradininkai buvo rašytojų būrelis pasivadinęs imagist‘ų vardu. Vienas ryškiausių jų lyderių buvo Davidas Herbertas Lawrence‘as. Modernizmas atsisakė Viktorijinio stiliaus tikroviškumo ir vertybių bei pasiūlė visiškai kitokį mąstymą. D.Lawrence‘as pasiskelbė sekso revoliucionieriumi ir savo mintis išdėstė savo kūryboje. Vienas žymiausių jo romanų Mylinčios moterys atskleidžia potraukius ir išsilaisvinimą. Šio tyrimo tema apima įvairių, romane nupasakojamų potraukių apžvalgą, įskaitant seksualinių polinkių įvairovę, priešingybių bei kraujo ryšių traukas. Taip pat apibūdinama išsilaisvinomo tema romane. Išsilaisvinimo siekiama per atsiribojimą nuo praeities, seksualinį intymumą, išsiskyrimą ir mirtį. Šio tyrimo objektas yra Davido Herberto Lawrence‘o romanas Mylinčios moterys, pirmą kartą išspausdintas 1920 metais. Šiuo tyrimu siekiama atskleisti potraukio ir išsilaisvinimo idėjas perteiktas per veikėjus romane Myličios moterys. Atlikus teorinės medžiagos apibūdinamąją analizę ir ištyrus objektą potraukio ir išsilaisvinimo aspektu, buvo padarytos šios išvados: Lawrence‘as buvo modernistinės srovės atsovas, kritikuotas dėl amoralumo ir garbintas dėl literatūrinio talento. Jo modernistinis romanas Mylinčios moterys atspindi Britanijos visuomenės minties kaitą nuo Viktorijos epochos į XX amžių. Potraukis, romane Myličios moterys... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Die opskorting van pasiëntvertroulikheid in Aptekerswese: 'n etiese analise / Johann (J.P.) Kruger

Kruger, Johannes Petrus, 1958- January 2012 (has links)
The handling of patient confidentiality in the medical, and more specifically as dealt with in this article, the pharmaceutical profession, is accepted as a given. Confidentiality cannot, however, always be guaranteed. The reason is that, amongst other things, the utilitarian principle of the ‘greatest good for the greatest number of people’ determines that certain exceptions have to be made in order to protect the health of the nation as a whole. Provision is made for exceptions in the Pharmacy Act where confidentiality may be breached. However, there are certain cases which are not provided for in the Act (and Acts change from time to time). This situation makes it necessary for the pharmacist to make moral judgements in specific instances related to specific patients. The objective of this article is to investigate these exceptions within a philosophical framework and to determine what the philosophical basis of such decisions would entail. This article initially will examine the current Pharmacy Act and the exceptions will be discussed that allow for the breaching of patient confidentiality. This will be followed by a brief exposition of modernist ethics and the issue of confidentiality under the headings of the idea of duty as moral imperative, as well as the utility idea. Pluralistic alternatives such as the ethics of virtue, postmodern ethics, and anti-moralism, will be explored as possible solutions to the pharmacist’s dilemma in this regard. / Thesis (MPhil)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013

Die opskorting van pasiëntvertroulikheid in Aptekerswese: 'n etiese analise / Johann (J.P.) Kruger

Kruger, Johannes Petrus, 1958- January 2012 (has links)
The handling of patient confidentiality in the medical, and more specifically as dealt with in this article, the pharmaceutical profession, is accepted as a given. Confidentiality cannot, however, always be guaranteed. The reason is that, amongst other things, the utilitarian principle of the ‘greatest good for the greatest number of people’ determines that certain exceptions have to be made in order to protect the health of the nation as a whole. Provision is made for exceptions in the Pharmacy Act where confidentiality may be breached. However, there are certain cases which are not provided for in the Act (and Acts change from time to time). This situation makes it necessary for the pharmacist to make moral judgements in specific instances related to specific patients. The objective of this article is to investigate these exceptions within a philosophical framework and to determine what the philosophical basis of such decisions would entail. This article initially will examine the current Pharmacy Act and the exceptions will be discussed that allow for the breaching of patient confidentiality. This will be followed by a brief exposition of modernist ethics and the issue of confidentiality under the headings of the idea of duty as moral imperative, as well as the utility idea. Pluralistic alternatives such as the ethics of virtue, postmodern ethics, and anti-moralism, will be explored as possible solutions to the pharmacist’s dilemma in this regard. / Thesis (MPhil)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013

The Modernistic Experiments in Gertrude Stein’s and John Dos Passos’s Creative Works / Modernistiniai eksperimentai Gertrude’s Stein ir Johno Dos Passoso kūryboje

Martinskas, Vytautas 31 August 2012 (has links)
The object of the Bachelor Thesis is the modernistic experiments in Gertrude Stein’s and Jon Dos Passos’ creative works. The aim of the present research is to analyze the modernistic experiments in Gertrude Stein’s and John Dos Passos’s creative works. In order to achieve the aim the following objectives have been set: 1) to present and analyze theoretical material concerning modernism; 2) to analyze modernistic experiments in Gertrude Stein’s and John Dos Passos’s creative works; 3) to compare G. Stein’s and J. Dos Passos’s artistic linguistic experiments and creative means. The methodology applied in the present Thesis included: 1) the historical-comparative method was applied in order to review and compare the definitions of literary modernism in different countries; 2) Ihab Hassan’s concept of modernism, which helped describing the phenomenon of modernism and specifying its basic peculiarities, and 3) the theory of comparativistics that allowed determining the correlation of literary modernism and non-linguistic discourses. In the Bachelor Thesis modernistic experiments were treated as the linguistic experiments with language, words and their meaning, grammatical and syntactical forms, way of narration and text composition. For practical analysis G. Stein’s “Tender Buttons” (1914) and J. Dos Passos’s “The 42nd Parallel” (1930) were chosen. In the course of the research the scientific literature concerning the theoretical background of modernism appearance, the variety... [to full text] / Bakalauro darbo objektas – modernistiniai eksperimentai Gertrude’s Stein ir Johno Dos Passoso kūryboje. Darbo tikslas – analizuoti modernistinius eksperimentus Gertrude’s Stein ir Johno Dos Passoso kūryboje. Tikslui pasiekti buvo nustatyti šie uždaviniai: 1) Apžvelgti ir analizuoti mokslinę literatūrą apie modernizmą kaip istorinį kultūros raidos etapą; 2) Nagrinėti modernistinius eksperimentus Gertrude’s Stein ir Johno Dos Passoso kūriniuose; 3) Palyginti Gertrude’s Stein ir Johno Dos Passoso naudojamus kalbinius eksperimentus bei kūrybos būdus. Bakalauro darbo metodologiją sudaro: 1) Istorinis lyginamasis metodas, kuris naudojamas įvairių šalių literatūrinio modernizmo apibrėžčių apžvelgimui ir palyginimui; 2) Ihabo Hassano modernizmo koncepcija, kuri taikoma modernizmo fenomeno aprašymui bei jo pagrindinių ypatumų nustatymui; 3) Komparatyvistikos teorija, leidusi apibrėžti literatūrinio modernizmo ir neliteratūrinių diskursų sąsajas. Šiame darbe modernistiniai eksperimentai traktuojami kaip lingvistiniai eksperimentai su kalba, žodžiais ir jų reikšmėmis, su gramatinėmis bei sintaksinėmis formomis, su pasakojimo būdais ir teksto kompozicija. Praktinei analizei atlikti buvo pasirinktas Gertrude’s Stein kūrinys „Švelnios sagos“ (1914) ir Johnno Dos Passoso romanas „Keturiasdešimt antroji paralelė“ (1930). Tyrimo metu buvo analizuota teorinė literatūra apie modernizmo atsiradimą, jo ideologines nuostatas bei chronologines ribas. Identifikuota šių reiškinių įvairovė... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Dekonstruksie van die teologiese diskoers liefde

Pretorius, Hendrik Erasmus Sterrenberg 01 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die Wetenskap filosofiese en prakties teologiese posisionering word deur 'n postmoderne benadering bepaal. Met die doel van die studie naamlik, dekonstruksie van die teologiese diskoers, liefde, in die oog, volg 'n blik op kwalitatiewe navorsing. Sosiale konstruksie diskoers word as epistemologiese vertrekpunt bespreek. Metodologies het die keuse op 'n narratiewe benadering geval. Voortvloeiend hieruit volg die gebruik van metafore, eksternalisering en dekonstruksie van die gesprekke. Die doel van die studie vereis ook bestudering van verskeie sienings oor liefde. Die literatuurstudie word bespreek onder die volgende metafore, naamlik algemene sienings, 'n historiese oorsig en teologiese sienings. Die relevansie van die gekose inligting word weerspieel in die gesprekke. Met behulp van veelvuldige reflekterende gesprekke word saam met gesinne gekonstrueer aan 'n nuwe verstaan van liefde. / Both the Scientific Philosophical and the practical theological positioning are determined by a postmodemistic approach. Keeping in mind the aim of this study, namely the deconstruction of the theological discourse, iove, a view on qualitative research is given. A review of social construction discourse as epistemological starting point is given. Methodologically a narrative approach was used. Emanating from this follows the use of metaphors, externalization and deconstruction of the interviews. The aim of this study also demands the study of various views on love. The study is arranged under the following metaphors, namely general views, a historic review and theological views. The relevance of the chosen information is reflected in the interviews, and new understanding of love is constructed in collaboration with the families. / M.Th.(Practical theology)

Dekonstruksie van die teologiese diskoers liefde

Pretorius, Hendrik Erasmus Sterrenberg 01 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die Wetenskap filosofiese en prakties teologiese posisionering word deur 'n postmoderne benadering bepaal. Met die doel van die studie naamlik, dekonstruksie van die teologiese diskoers, liefde, in die oog, volg 'n blik op kwalitatiewe navorsing. Sosiale konstruksie diskoers word as epistemologiese vertrekpunt bespreek. Metodologies het die keuse op 'n narratiewe benadering geval. Voortvloeiend hieruit volg die gebruik van metafore, eksternalisering en dekonstruksie van die gesprekke. Die doel van die studie vereis ook bestudering van verskeie sienings oor liefde. Die literatuurstudie word bespreek onder die volgende metafore, naamlik algemene sienings, 'n historiese oorsig en teologiese sienings. Die relevansie van die gekose inligting word weerspieel in die gesprekke. Met behulp van veelvuldige reflekterende gesprekke word saam met gesinne gekonstrueer aan 'n nuwe verstaan van liefde. / Both the Scientific Philosophical and the practical theological positioning are determined by a postmodemistic approach. Keeping in mind the aim of this study, namely the deconstruction of the theological discourse, iove, a view on qualitative research is given. A review of social construction discourse as epistemological starting point is given. Methodologically a narrative approach was used. Emanating from this follows the use of metaphors, externalization and deconstruction of the interviews. The aim of this study also demands the study of various views on love. The study is arranged under the following metaphors, namely general views, a historic review and theological views. The relevance of the chosen information is reflected in the interviews, and new understanding of love is constructed in collaboration with the families. / M.Th.(Practical theology)

En bur gick ut för att finna en fågel : En tolkning av tolv kvinnors berättelser om mödomshinnan och kvinnlig oskuld

Schiller, Lina January 2017 (has links)
This paper is an interview study with 12 women between the ages of 17-88 from Bohuslän, Sweden and their thoughts about female virginity and the hymen. Today it has been proven that there exists no hymen that breaks at a woman’s first sexual intercourse. Nonetheless, the study shows that the myth of the hymen is still alive even though it is fading in the younger generations. All the women in the study have at some point in their lives believed there was a hymen but many have via education or media been informed that that’s not the case. Despite education, the hymen was still related to blood, pain, difficulties using feminine care products, or thoughts that something might rupture due to sport activities, like horse riding. Based on the women’s reports, this paper interprets why female virginity has become something that is in need of surveillance and control. As understood from Lévi-Strauss’s theories on the kinship system, the woman becomes a gift unit through the ritual of marriage. The alleged presence of the intact hymen is the valorizing factor in said structure.      The semi-structured interviews were analyzed through a content analysis and interpreted by using the post-modernistic theoretical frameworks, with focus on the ideas of Michel Foucault. Further post-structuralist theories are applied to interpret how language and action create norms and truths. The results indicate that the belief in the existence of the hymen as an anatomical structure took hold in medical science and popular culture in line with the hypothesis that power creates knowledge. The results also show that knowledge is not constant: from being an established truth among the older participants in the study, to the youngest generation expressing that the hymen is something “old”. Simultaneously, all women expressed that the hymen and female virginity are connected to discipline and power asymmetries. The results show that the hymen, in this specific context can be seen as a social construction with the aim of maintaining unity and discipline.

Kerkmusiek vir hedendaagse tieners

Van Tonder, Barend Jacobus 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die eng definiering van kerkmusiek staan tans in die spervuur vanwee: 1. Ingrypende wendinge binne die praktiese teologie in die afgelope paar dekades, wat pleit om 'n hernieude ondersoek binne die handelingsveld van viering (waaronder himnologie); 2. 'n Verskuiwing in wereldbeskouing weg van modernisme na postmodernisme; 3. Die geboorte van 'n totaal nuwe geslag adolessente, bekend as die 'Verlore Generasie' of 'Generasie X' . Kerkmusiek, in die engere sin, soos dit steeds grootliks verstaan word, hou nie genoegsaam met hierdie tendense rekening nie. Vandaar verloor kerkmusiek sy impak en inspraak in die leefwereld van die hedendaagse tiener. Dit veroorsaak gevolglik 'n groterwordende kloof tussen adolessente en die erediens, gemeente en kerk. In hierdie studie word gepoog om genoegsaam op bostaande tendense ag te slaan, sodat 'n breer def iniering van kerkmusiek tot stand mag kom, wat ruimte vir grater verskeidenheid en aktualiteit tot gevolg sal he, en die spanning random kerkmusiek en die tiener kan probeer ontlont. / The narrow defining of church music today experiences a critical assault on account of: 1. Drastic turns within the development of Practical theology in the past few decades, which ask for a renewed investigation within the field of himnology; 2. a Shift in worldview away from modernism to post-modernism; 3. The birth of a total new generation of adolescents, known as the 'Lost Generation' or 'Generation X' . Church music in the narrow sense, as it is still understood to a great extent, does not take these tendencys serious enough. For this reason it's impact and influence in the life of today's teenagers declines. With this study a thorough acknowledgement of these shifts is attempted, which will result in a much broader defining of church music, and in turn will bring forth a scope for more variety and actuality, so that hopefully the growing gap between teenagers and church music can be bridged. / Practical Theology / M.Diac. (Jeugwerk)

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