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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Design of an X-ray transfer beamline for the Soft X-ray project at MAX IV

Emadi, Milad, Tynelius, Sofia, Beas Peterson, Patric, Ljung, Johnny January 2019 (has links)
At the MAX-IV lab in Lund, there is a current goal to build a new soft X-Ray laser. The beam will be generated from a free-electron laser (FEL), which is an instrument consisting of high-speed electrons. The electrons move through alternating magnetic fields, causing the beam to become monochromatic. After the FEL, the Xrays will enter a beamline consisting of different optical components, such as mirrors, gratings and slits. This project investigated the necessary parameter values of the components, in order for the new X-Ray laser to focus the beam enough. The project consisted of a theoretical part and a simulation part. The use of so-called Kirkpatrick-Baez mirrors enables the beam to be very focused. The best focus achieved was 7.23um*10.87um for ''Pink beamline'' and the intensity at the end was 71.5%, which meant that only 30% of the rays were lost. For the monochromatic beamline, a loss of intensity is inevitable. With a pair of KBmirrors, this beam was focused to be 6.95um*9.80um. The energy spread is ranging from 6.198 eV to 0.3442 eV. The analytical calculations for the spot size matched well with the simulations. The pink beamline which was built in Ray satisfied the criterias of a spot size and intensity loss. The monochromatic beamline did fullfil the criterias of spot size and narrowing the energy spread. A loss of intensity will for this beamline be inevitable. Studying the misalignment effect showed that the components were most sensitive for vertical misalignment. The most sensitive parameters were the curvature of the mirrors.

Topology-guided analysis and visualization of charge density fields

Jakobsson, Elvis January 2019 (has links)
Direct volume rendering techniques for scalar fields make use of transfer functions to map optical properties to the field; the field can subsequently be visualized through the drawing of isosurfaces in the volume spanned by the field. The utility of this approach is limited in the case of nested or clustered structures with the same isovalue and further does not easily allow for quantitative measurements of the visualized data. This report explores the use of topological structures (contour trees and Morse-Smale complexes) as an augmentation of traditional direct volume rendering and describes a fully functional implementation in the visualization software Inviwo. The implementation is evaluated through analysis of valency charge density fields in cubic MgO2 and FeO2. It is demonstrated that both contour trees and Morse-Smale complexes provide information and segmentation of initial volume data that allows for selective transfer function application (based on the segmentation), on-demand information on critical points and an overview of the scalar field through a topological representation embedded in the visualized volume. Analysis of the provided charge density fields show that contour trees generate physically irrelevant artefacts and thus are ill-suited for analysing highly symmetric data. On the other hand, the Morse-Smale complex approach is used to extract information of the bond strength of O-O contacts in MgO2 and FeO2 consistent with previous findings, as well as information on electronic charge configuration consistent with previous findings on MgO2. In the case of FeO2, the electronic configuration results are not consistent. This is speculated to be due to a combination of factors, most notably the lack of periodic boundary conditions in the implementation and the more complicated structure of FeO2.   In light of the partially accurate data analysis, as well as the added functionality and utility provided to visualization software, this approach to topology-guided visualization is considered promising and worthy of further study and/or development.

Double Excitations in Helium Atoms and Lithium Compounds

Agåker, Marcus January 2006 (has links)
<p>This thesis addresses the investigation of doubly excited <i>2l´nl</i> states in helium atoms and double core excitations in solid lithium compounds.</p><p>Measurements on <i>He</i> are made in field free environments and under the influence of electric and magnetic fields, using synchrotron based inelastic photon scattering. Cross sections for scattering to singly excited final states are directly determined and compared to theoretical results and are found to be in excellent agreement. Radiative and spin-orbit effects are quantified and are shown to play an important role in the overall characterization of highly excited <i>He </i>states below the <i>N =2</i> threshold. A dramatic electric field dependence is also observed in the flourecence yield already for relatively weak fields. This signal increase, induced by electric as well as magnetic fields, is interpreted in terms of mixing with states of higher fluorescence branching ratios.</p><p>Double core excitations at the lithium site in solid lithium compounds are investigated using resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS). The lithium halides <i>LiF, LiCl, LiBr</i> and <i>LiI </i>are studied as well as the molecular compounds <i>Li</i><i>2</i><i>O, Li</i><i>2</i><i>CO</i><i>3</i> and <i>LiBF</i><i>4</i>. States with one, as well as both, of the excited electrons localized at the site of the bare lithium nucleus are identified, and transitions which involve additional band excitations are observed. A strong influence of the chemical surrounding is found, and it is discussed in terms of the ionic character of the chemical bond.</p>

Ordering in Crystalline Short-Chain Polymer Electrolytes

Liivat, Anti January 2007 (has links)
Polymer electrolytes are the most obvious candidates for safe "all-solid" Li-ion batteries and other electrochemical devices. However, they still have relatively poor ionic conductivities, which limits their wider adoption in commercial applications. It has earlier been the conventional wisdom that only amorphous phases of polymer electrolytes show usefully high ionic conduction, while crystalline forms are insulators. However, this has been challenged in the last decade by the discovery of highly organized, low-dimensional ion-conducting materials. Specifically, the crystalline phases of LiXF6.PEO6 exhibit higher ionic conductivities than their amorphous counterparts, with the Li-ion conduction taking place along the PEO channels. Polymer chain-length and chain-end registry has emerged as potentially significant in determining ionic conduction in these materials. Molecular Dynamics simulations have therefore been made of short-chain, monodisperse (Mw~1000), methoxy end-capped LiPF6.PEO6 to examine relationships between ion conduction and mode of chain-ordering. Studies of smectic and nematic arrangements of PEO chains have revealed that ion-transport mechanisms within the smectic planes formed by cooperative chain-end registry appear to be more suppressed by ion-pairing than in-channel conduction. Disorder phenomena in the chain-end regions emerge as a critical factor in promoting Li-ion migration across chain-gaps, as does the structural continuity of the PEO channels. Simulations incorporating ~1% aliovalent SiF62- dopants further suggest an increase in Li-ion conduction when the extra Li-ions reside within the PEO channels, with the anion influencing charge-carrier concentration through enhanced ion-pair formation. XRD techniques alone are shown to be inadequate in ascertaining the significance of the various short-chain models proposed; atomistic modelling is clearly a helpful complement in distinguishing more or less favourable situations for ion conduction. Though providing valuable insights, it must be concluded that this work has hardly brought us significantly closer to breakthroughs in polymer electrolyte design; the critical factors which will make this possible remain as yet obscure.

Classical over-the-barrier model for ionization of poly-cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in keV-collisions with atomic ions

Forsberg, Björn January 2011 (has links)
We are developing a novel classical over-the barrier model for electron transfer from an in nitely thin conducting disc to a point charge projectile to model multiple electron capture in e.g. keV collisions of atomic ions with poly-cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). In its nal form, the present model will incorporate the polarization of the PAH molecules due to the active electron and the point charge projectile at a general angle of incidence. This will drastically improve the description of the potential barrier in comparisons with simpler versions of the model where the nite size and polarizability of the target molecule is neglected or treated in an averaged fashion. In this work we arrive at expressions for the electrostatic potential energy barrier experienced by the active electron in the two spatial orientations where the point charge projectile is located along the normal symmetry axis and in the tangent plane of the disc. Applied to coronene (C24H12) such barriers compare better with high level density functional theory (DFT) calculations than with the results from the simpler versions of the classical over-the-barrier models for atomic and spherical cluster targets. These results thus strongly supports the conducting disc approximation of PAHs. Finally we discuss the nal steps in the model development and possible extensions of the model to include less symmetric elliptical discs or spherical caps.

Spontaneous and stimulated X-ray Raman scattering

Sun, Yu-Ping January 2011 (has links)
The present thesis is devoted to theoretical studies of resonant X-ray scattering and propagation of strong X-ray pulses. In the first part of the thesis the nuclear dynamics of different molecules is studied using resonant X-ray Raman and resonant Auger scattering techniques. We show that the shortening of the scattering duration by the detuning results in a purification of the Raman spectra from overtones and soft vibrational modes. The simulations are in a good agreement with measurements, performed at the MAX-II and the Swiss Light Source with vibrational resolution. We explain why the scattering to the ground state nicely displays the vibrational structure of liquid acetone in contrast to excited final state. Theory of resonant X-ray scattering by liquids is developed. We show that, contrary to aqueous acetone, the environmental broadening in pure liquid acetone is twice smaller than the broadening by soft vibrational modes significantly populated at room temperature. Similar to acetone, the "elastic" band of X-ray Raman spectra of molecular oxygen is strongly affected by the Thomson scattering. The Raman spectrum demonstrates spatial quantum beats caused by two interfering wave packets with different momenta as the oxygen atoms separate. It is found that the vibrational scattering anisotropy caused by the interference of the "inelastic" Thomson and resonant scattering channels in O2. A new spin selection rule is established in inelastic X-ray Raman spectra of O2. It is shown that the breakdown of the symmetry selection rule based on the parity of the core hole, as the core hole and excited electron swap parity. Multimode calculations explain the two thresholds of formation of the resonant Auger spectra of the ethene molecule by the double-edge structure of absorption spectrum caused by the out-of- and in-plane modes. We predict the rotational Doppler effect and related broadening of X-ray photoelectron and resonant Auger spectra, which has the same magnitude as its counterpart-the translational Doppler effect. The second part of the thesis explores the interaction of the medium with strong X-ray free-electron laser (XFEL) fields. We perform simulations of nonlinear propagation of femtosecond XFEL pulses in atomic vapors by solving coupled Maxwell's and density matrix equations. We show that self-seeded stimulated X-ray Raman scattering strongly influences the temporal and spectral structure of the XFEL pulse. The generation of Stokes and four-wave mixing fields starts from the seed field created during pulse propagation due to the formation of extensive ringing pattern with long spectral tail. We demonstrate a compression into the attosecond region and a slowdown of the XFEL pulse up to two orders of magnitude. In the course of pulse propagation, the Auger yield is strongly suppressed due to the competitive channel of stimulated emission. We predict a strong X-ray fluorescence from the two-core-hole states of Ne created in the course of the two-photon X-ray absorption. / QC 20110426

Cs-137 i Svamp : Dataanalysrutiner för gammaspektroskopi

Nordman, David January 2018 (has links)
Kärnkraftsolyckan i Tjernobyl ledde till en spridning av radioaktiva ämnen över Europa och Sverige. År 2018 är det 32 år sedan kärnkraftsolyckan ägde rum och den enda radioaktiva isotopen som finns kvar i det svenska ekosystemet som följd av olyckan i en betydande mängd är Cs-137, på grund av dess 30-åriga halveringstid. Genom att bestämma aktiviteten hos svamp kan halten Cs-137 i mark uppskattas. Hösten 2018 kommer det tvärvetenskapliga massexperimentet Strålande jord att utföras i syfte att kartlägga denna halt i hela Sverige. Syftet med detta examensarbete var att nå resultat som är användbara vid aktivitetsbestämning av svamp. Ett numeriskt verktyg för analys av data ifrån gammaspektroskopi har konstruerats. Två metoder för att beräkna händelser (counts) i energitoppar i gammaemissionsspektra har formulerats och varit byggstenar för det vidare arbetet. Under arbetets gång har följande bestämts: effektiviteten hos en high purity germanium (HPGe) detektor, aktiviteten hos två svampprover, attenueringskoeffcienten av 662 keV-gamma för samma svampprover samt för vatten. För att kunna approximera en burk med svamp som en isotropt strålande punktkälla och få goda resultat behöver aktivitetsmätningarna göras med ett långt avstånd mellan provet och detektorn. Att mätningar måste göras på ett långt avstånd gör att approximationen bara är lämplig för ett svampprov med hög aktivitet, vilket blev tydligt i detta examensarbete då aktiviteten hos ett lågaktivt svampprov inte kunde bestämmas med god statistik trots att enskilda mätningar gjordes under närmare en veckas tid. Systematiska fel har inte tagits hänsyn till i detta arbete, utan enbart statistisk osäkerhet. / The nuclear disaster in Chernobyl brought radioactive substances over Europe and Sweden. In 2018 it has passed 32 years since the disaster and the only radioactive isotope that reamins in the swedish ecosystem at a signicant level is Cs-137. By determining activity of mushroom, the amount of Cs-137 in the ground can be estimated. In the fall of 2018, the interdisciplinary mass-experiment Strålande jord will take place with the purpose to map this amount all over Sweden. The purpose of this work was to reach results that could be of use when determining the activity of mushroom. A numerical tool for analysing data from gamma spectroscopy has been constructed. Two different methods for calculating counts in energy peaks from gamma emission spectra have been made and have been the basis for the further work. During this work the following has been determined: The efficiency of a high purity germanium (HPGe) detector, the activity of two different mushroom samples, the attenuation coefficient of gamma at 662 keV for these samples and for water. In order to be able to approximate a can filled with mushroom as an isotropic radiating point source and get accurate results, the activity measurements need to be carried out with a great distance between the sample and the detector. A consequence of this is that this approximation is only suitable for high-activity mushroom, which became evident when the activity of a low-activity mushroom could not be decided with decent statistics even though single measurements were carried out in almost a weeks time. Systematic errors are not considered during this work, only statistical uncertainties.

Atomistic Modeling of Amorphous Energetic Materials

Melin, Pontus January 2018 (has links)
A majority of research within the field of energetic materials have been centered around the stable crystalline phase, whilst there has been less about the amorphous phase and the implications of these types of material. In this study, Molecular Dynamics simulations with the General Amber Force Field (GAFF) is used to predict fundamental properties of the nitramine explosives HMX and CL-20 in the amorphous phase. Amorphous structures are obtained by compressing a molecular gas to 4 GPa followed by relaxation and equilibration. The simulations indicate that the amorphous phases of HMX and CL-20 have lower densities than the corresponding crystal phases, 12.7% and 7.3% respectively. Both HMX and CL-20 was found to compress more easily when subject to external pressure, the difference was most significant for HMX.As a second part of this study an amorphous composition of CL-20/HMX/Polyvinylacetate(PVAc) (50/45/5 -wt%) was studied. This was obtained by compressing a molecular gas to varying pressures followed by relaxation and equilibration. Results indicate that the simulated density around 1.64 [g/cm3 ] fall close to experimental observations of 1.7 [g/cm3 ]. The density was observed to not vary significantly for pressures higher than 0.4 [GP a] in accordance to experimental data.

Valence Band Properties of the Ruthenium Complex Catalyst Using Ab Initio Theory

Svensson, Pamela H.W. January 2018 (has links)
Ruthenium complexes has been geometrically optimized with different combinations of basis sets. Using single point calculation, the Density of States and partial Density of States has been calculated. RuIII-OH2 experienced a shift towards higher binding energies. The Ru atom plays a vast role in the contribution to the HOMO level of each complex, dominating in RuII-OH2. The nitrogen atom gives a small contribution for each complex in the HOMO region except for RuII-OH2 where it only appears at higher binding energies. The energy difference between RuII-OH2 and RuIII-OH/RuIV-O is about 1.1 eV whereas it experimentally is shown to be around 1.5 eV for the same complexes.

Fourier transform and Vernier spectroscopy using optical frequency combs / Fouriertransform- och Vernierspektroskopi med optiska frekvenskammar

Khodabakhsh, Amir January 2017 (has links)
Optical frequency comb spectroscopy (OFCS) combines two previously exclusive features, i.e., wide optical bandwidth and high spectral resolution, enabling precise measurements of entire molecular bands and simultaneous monitoring of multiple gas species in a short measurement time. Moreover, the equidistant mode structure of frequency combs enables efficient coupling of the comb power to enhancement resonant cavities, yielding high detection sensitivities. Different broadband detection methods have been developed to exploit the full potential of frequency combs in spectroscopy, based either on Fourier transform spectroscopy or on dispersive elements.There have been two main aims of the research presented in this thesis. The first has been to improve the performance of mechanical Fourier transform spectrometers (FTS) based on frequency combs in terms of sensitivity, resolution and spectral coverage. In pursuit of this aim, we have developed a new spectroscopic technique, so-called noise-immune cavity-enhanced optical frequency comb spectroscopy (NICE-OFCS), and achieved a shot-noise-limited sensitivity and low ppb (parts-per-billion, 10−9) CO2 concentration detection limit in the near-infrared range using commercially available components. We have also realized a novel method for acquisition and analysis of comb-based FTS spectra, a so-called sub-nominal resolution method, which provides ultra-high spectral resolution and frequency accuracy (both in kHz range, limited only by the stability of the comb) over the broadband spectral range of the frequency comb. Finally, we have developed an optical parametric oscillator generating a frequency comb in the mid-infrared range, where the strongest ro-vibrational molecular absorption lines reside. Using this mid-infrared comb and an FTS, we have demonstrated, for the first time, comb spectroscopy above 5 μm, measured broadband spectra of several species and reached low ppb detection limits for CH4, NO and CO in 1 s.The second aim has been more application-oriented, focused on frequency comb spectroscopy in combustion environments and under atmospheric conditions for fast and sensitive multispecies detection. We have demonstrated, for the first time, cavity-enhanced optical frequency comb spectroscopy in a flame, detected broadband high temperature H2O and OH spectra using the FTS in the near-infrared range and showed the potential of the technique for flame thermometry. For applications demanding a short measurement time and high sensitivity under atmospheric pressure conditions, we have implemented continuous-filtering Vernier spectroscopy, a dispersion-based spectroscopic technique, for the first time in the mid-infrared range. The spectrometer was sensitive, fast, robust, and capable of multispecies detection with 2 ppb detection limit for CH4 in 25 ms. / Optisk frekvenskamspektroskopi (OFCS) kombinerar två tidigare icke förenliga egenskaper, dvs. ett brett optiskt frekvensområde med en hög spektral upplösning, vilket möjliggör noggranna mätningar av hela molekylära absorptionsband och detektion av flera gaser samtidigt med en kort mättid. Eftersom frekvenskammar har en regelbunden struktur med jämnt separerade laser moder kan man effektivt koppla kammen till en optisk kavitet och därmed möjliggöra frekvenskamsdetektion med hög känslighet. Olika metoder har utvecklats för att utnyttja frekvenskammarnas fulla potential för spektroskopi, baserad på antingen Fouriertransform-spektroskopi eller dispersiva element.Forskningen som presenteras i denna avhandling har haft två huvudmål. Det första har varit att förbättra prestandan hos mekaniska Fourier-transformspektrometrar (FTS) baserat på frekvenskammar med avseende på känslighet, upplösning och spektral täckning. I strävan efter detta har vi utvecklat en ny spektroskopisk teknik, benämnd brusimmun kavitetsförstärkt optisk frekvenskamspektroskopi (NICE-OFCS), och uppnått en hagelbrusbegränsad känslighet och detektionsgränser ner till låga ppb koncentrationer (miljarddelar, 10−9) för CO2 i det när-infraröda frekvensområdet enbart med användning av kommersiellt tillgängliga komponenter. Vi har också utvecklat en ny metod för insamling och analys av kambaserade FTS-spektra, som betecknas ha sub-nominell upplösning. Metoden gör det möjligt att uppnå ultrahög spektral upplösning och hög frekvensnoggrannhet (båda i kHz-området, endast begränsad av kammens stabilitet) över kammens hela frekvensområde. Slutligen har vi utvecklat en optisk parametrisk oscillator som genererar en frekvenskam i det mid-infraröda frekvensområdet, där de starkaste rotations-vibrationsmolekylära absorptionslinjerna finns. Med hjälp av denna kam och en FTS har vi för första gången demonstrerat frekvenskamspektroskopi över 5 μm. Vi har detekterat bredbandsspektra av flera molekylära gaser och har, för mättider på 1 s, uppnått detektionsgränser ner till låga ppb halter för CH4, NO och CO.Det andra syftet har varit mer applikationsorienterat: att använda frekvenskamspektroskopi i förbränningsmiljö och under atmosfäriska förhållanden för snabb och känslig multiämnesdetektion. Vi har för första gången demonstrerat kavitetsförstärkt optisk frekvenskamspektroskopi i en flamma, där vi har detekterat högtemperaturspektra av H2O och OH i det när-infraröda området med användning av FTS och visat teknikens potential för termometrisk karakterisering av flammor. För applikationer som kräver en kort mättid och hög känslighet under atmosfäriska förhållanden har vi utvecklat ett detektionssystem baserat på Vernier-spektroskopi med kontinuerlig filtrering, vilket är en dispersionsbaserad teknik, för första gången i det mid-infraröda frekvensområdet. Det befanns att spektrometern var känslig, snabb, robust och kapabel till multiämnesdetektion med en detektionsgräns på 2 ppb för CH4 för korta mättider (25 ms).

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