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Monitoramento e incentivos em redes de franquias brasileiras / Monitoring and Incentives in Brazilian FranchiseSilva, Bianca Maria da 11 November 2015 (has links)
Redes de franquia constituem um tipo de arranjo híbrido de governança onde, normalmente, lojas próprias e franqueadas operam sob uma mesma marca e formato de negócios. Considerando que taxas de franquia (fixas e variáveis) estão entres as principais fontes de receita do franqueador senão a principal, este trabalho tem por objetivo identificar evidências quanto a fixação destas taxas por redes de franquia. A variação de tais taxas é comparada à capacidade de monitoramento das redes, considerando que custos de monitoramento são influenciados pelo nível de dispersão geográfica das unidades das redes. Verifica-se também o efeito de variáveis que tornam o monitoramento a distância mais factível e eficiente, o que modera o custo de monitorar unidades a distância. Para tal objetivo, um total de 376 redes associadas à Associação Brasileira de Franchising (ABF) são investigadas em uma análise cross-section tendo como base o ano de 2011. Os resultados indicam que, de fato, custos de monitoramento levam as redes a praticarem taxas menores como forma de incentivar e motivar franqueados. Porém, características das redes com relação a maior nível monitoramento mitiga tal efeito. Os resultados são mais claros para taxas variáveis de franquia (royalties). Também se constatou que as taxas de franquias não apresentam efeito substitutivo entre elas, ou seja, não são inversamente proporcionais, o que indica uma diferenciação do cenário brasileiro em relação a outros países. / Franchise chains are a type of hybrid arrangement of governance, which usually owned and franchised stores operate under the same brand and business format. Considering that franchise fees (fixed and variable) are among the main sources of the franchisor´s income, (otherwise the franchisor\'s major source), this paper aims to identify evidence for setting these fees for franchise chains. The variation of such fees is compared to the chains monitoring capacity, considering that monitoring costs are influenced by the geographical dispersion level of the units of the chains. There is also the effect of variables that make the remote monitoring more feasible and efficient, which moderates the cost of monitoring distance units. To this aim, 376 chains associated with the Brazilian Franchising Association (ABF) are investigated in a cross-section analysis based in 2011. The results indicate that, in fact, monitoring costs lead the networks to practice lower rates as a way to encourage and motivate franchisees. However, chains characteristics related to higher-level of monitoring mitigates this effect. The results are more evident to franchise variable fees (royalties). It was also found that franchises fees show no substitute effect between them, ie they are not inversely proportional, which indicates a differentiation of the Brazilian scenery in relation to other countries.
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Estrutura, concorrência e performance do setor bancário em um mercado heterogêneo / Banking structure, competition and performance in an heterogeneous marketFerreira, Caio Fonseca 22 August 2005 (has links)
Mercados financeiros de todo o mundo têm caminhado em direçãoo a crescente integração. Isto significa que as instituições locais estão perdendo importância? Este trabalho argumenta que devido às assimetrias informacionais envolvidas na concessão de crédito e ao papel dos bancos como monitores a resposta é não. Motivado por evidências empíricas que mostram uma grande dispersão nos spreads bancários brasileiros, desenvolveu-se um modelo de competição imperfeita onde a necessidade de monitoramento dos empréstimos e a heterogeneidade da demanda criam nichos de atuação onde é possível se proteger da competição e cobrar sistematicamente taxas mais elevadas em operações de crédito. Depósitos bancários dispensam monitoramento e, assim, tendem a apresentar concorrência mais intensa. Essa diferença competitiva entre os dois serviços das instituições modeladas pode gerar uma alocação ineficiente dos recursos na economia, prejudicando particularmente regiões menos desenvolvidas. Dados referentes ao volume de empréstimos e depósitos em diferentes municípios e Estados brasileiros suportam estas previsões. / Financial markets have become increasingly integrated throughout the world. Does this mean that local financial institutions are becoming irrelevant? We argue that due to the information asymmetries involved in credit concession and banks role as monitors the answer is no. Motivated by empirical evidences that show a great dispersion among Brazilian banks interest spreads, we have developed an imperfect competition model where the need to monitor loans and the heterogeneity of demand for credit create market niches in which it is possible to systematically charge higher interest rates on credit. Bank deposits do not need monitoring; thus the tendency to more intense competition. The difference in the level of competition under which these two services operate can generate an inefficient allocation of resources in the economy, particularly harming less developed areas. Volumes of loans and deposits observed in different Brazilian cities and states support the conclusions of the model.
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Estrutura, concorrência e performance do setor bancário em um mercado heterogêneo / Banking structure, competition and performance in an heterogeneous marketCaio Fonseca Ferreira 22 August 2005 (has links)
Mercados financeiros de todo o mundo têm caminhado em direçãoo a crescente integração. Isto significa que as instituições locais estão perdendo importância? Este trabalho argumenta que devido às assimetrias informacionais envolvidas na concessão de crédito e ao papel dos bancos como monitores a resposta é não. Motivado por evidências empíricas que mostram uma grande dispersão nos spreads bancários brasileiros, desenvolveu-se um modelo de competição imperfeita onde a necessidade de monitoramento dos empréstimos e a heterogeneidade da demanda criam nichos de atuação onde é possível se proteger da competição e cobrar sistematicamente taxas mais elevadas em operações de crédito. Depósitos bancários dispensam monitoramento e, assim, tendem a apresentar concorrência mais intensa. Essa diferença competitiva entre os dois serviços das instituições modeladas pode gerar uma alocação ineficiente dos recursos na economia, prejudicando particularmente regiões menos desenvolvidas. Dados referentes ao volume de empréstimos e depósitos em diferentes municípios e Estados brasileiros suportam estas previsões. / Financial markets have become increasingly integrated throughout the world. Does this mean that local financial institutions are becoming irrelevant? We argue that due to the information asymmetries involved in credit concession and banks role as monitors the answer is no. Motivated by empirical evidences that show a great dispersion among Brazilian banks interest spreads, we have developed an imperfect competition model where the need to monitor loans and the heterogeneity of demand for credit create market niches in which it is possible to systematically charge higher interest rates on credit. Bank deposits do not need monitoring; thus the tendency to more intense competition. The difference in the level of competition under which these two services operate can generate an inefficient allocation of resources in the economy, particularly harming less developed areas. Volumes of loans and deposits observed in different Brazilian cities and states support the conclusions of the model.
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Monitoramento e incentivos em redes de franquias brasileiras / Monitoring and Incentives in Brazilian FranchiseBianca Maria da Silva 11 November 2015 (has links)
Redes de franquia constituem um tipo de arranjo híbrido de governança onde, normalmente, lojas próprias e franqueadas operam sob uma mesma marca e formato de negócios. Considerando que taxas de franquia (fixas e variáveis) estão entres as principais fontes de receita do franqueador senão a principal, este trabalho tem por objetivo identificar evidências quanto a fixação destas taxas por redes de franquia. A variação de tais taxas é comparada à capacidade de monitoramento das redes, considerando que custos de monitoramento são influenciados pelo nível de dispersão geográfica das unidades das redes. Verifica-se também o efeito de variáveis que tornam o monitoramento a distância mais factível e eficiente, o que modera o custo de monitorar unidades a distância. Para tal objetivo, um total de 376 redes associadas à Associação Brasileira de Franchising (ABF) são investigadas em uma análise cross-section tendo como base o ano de 2011. Os resultados indicam que, de fato, custos de monitoramento levam as redes a praticarem taxas menores como forma de incentivar e motivar franqueados. Porém, características das redes com relação a maior nível monitoramento mitiga tal efeito. Os resultados são mais claros para taxas variáveis de franquia (royalties). Também se constatou que as taxas de franquias não apresentam efeito substitutivo entre elas, ou seja, não são inversamente proporcionais, o que indica uma diferenciação do cenário brasileiro em relação a outros países. / Franchise chains are a type of hybrid arrangement of governance, which usually owned and franchised stores operate under the same brand and business format. Considering that franchise fees (fixed and variable) are among the main sources of the franchisor´s income, (otherwise the franchisor\'s major source), this paper aims to identify evidence for setting these fees for franchise chains. The variation of such fees is compared to the chains monitoring capacity, considering that monitoring costs are influenced by the geographical dispersion level of the units of the chains. There is also the effect of variables that make the remote monitoring more feasible and efficient, which moderates the cost of monitoring distance units. To this aim, 376 chains associated with the Brazilian Franchising Association (ABF) are investigated in a cross-section analysis based in 2011. The results indicate that, in fact, monitoring costs lead the networks to practice lower rates as a way to encourage and motivate franchisees. However, chains characteristics related to higher-level of monitoring mitigates this effect. The results are more evident to franchise variable fees (royalties). It was also found that franchises fees show no substitute effect between them, ie they are not inversely proportional, which indicates a differentiation of the Brazilian scenery in relation to other countries.
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Dissociating sub-processes of aftereffects of completed intentions and costs to the ongoing task in prospective memory: A mouse-tracking approachKurtz, Marcel, Scherbaum, Stefan, Walser, Moritz, Kanske, Philipp, Möschl, Marcus 30 May 2024 (has links)
In the present study, we used mouse tracking to investigate two processes underlying prospective memory (PM) retrieval: First, we aimed to explore to what extent spontaneous retrieval of already completed PM intentions is supported by reflexive-associative and discrepancy-plus-search processes. Second, we aimed to disentangle whether costs to an ongoing task during the pursuit of a PM intention are associated with presumably resource-demanding monitoring processes or with a presumably resource-sparing strategic delay of ongoing-task responses. Our third aim was to explore the interaction of processes underlying costs to the ongoing task and processes of spontaneous retrieval. Our analyses replicated response-time patterns from previous studies indicating aftereffects of completed intentions and costs to ongoing-task performance, as well as increased aftereffects while pursuing a PM intention. Notably, based on our mouse-tracking analyses, we argue that aftereffects of completed intentions are best explained by a reflexive initiation of an already completed intention. If the completed intention is not performed in its entirety (i.e., no commission error), the reflexive initiation of the completed intention is followed by a subsequent movement correction that most likely represents a time-consuming response-verification process. Regarding performance costs in the ongoing task, our analyses suggest that actively pursuing a PM intention most likely leads to a strategic delay of ongoing activities. Lastly, we found that pursuing a novel PM task after intention completion exacerbated orienting responses to all deviant stimuli, exacerbated the readiness to initiate the completed intention reflexively, and substantially prolonged the response-verification process following this reflexive intention retrieval.
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Využití mikroekonomických poznatků v souvislosti s řízením nákladů / The use of microeconomic findings in relation to the cost managementLINZMAIEROVÁ, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with the topic of monitoring and directing financial costs in chosen company. First part of thesis describes theoretical basis and connects the knowledge of different fields, which complete the knowledge of general economic theory. This part defines basic terms and relationships between different quantities. Second part of the thesis describes the costs of the companies and the methods of the calculation of the costs. Thesis specifically focuses on chosen products. In this place, specifically the microeconomic evidence is used, such as break-even point or shut-down of the production in the short and long term. On the basis of this cost Analysis I created some recommendations concerning the purchase of materials, cost calculation, sale price and the quantity.
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Determinants for the effective provision of public goods by honduran hometown associations in the United States: the Garífuna caseZavala, Carlos Gustavo Villela January 2006 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / The study concludes that the existence of HTAs in the USA is explained by the socially enforced institution of the hijos del pueblo (sons of the town) having a duty to help their hometowns, as well as the private benefits of preserving Garífuna traditions and the possibility of helping repatriate dead immigrants. Fulfilling this duty (and the consequent prestige attained) provides the incentives to send CRs home. In the cases studied, CRs were used to partly finance potable water projects, electricity projects, road paving, a community centre and the construction of a Catholic temple. In most of the cases HTAs worked with a local development organisation, known as Patronato, which formed specific committees for executing projects, for example the water and the electricity committees. For the construction of the temple, a religious organisation known as Pastoral was the local partner. The term Collective Remittances (CRs) refers to the money sent by migrant associations, known as Hometown Associations (HTAs), to Community-Based Organisations (CBOs) in their hometowns for financing public works projects. Few cases of CR are known in Honduras. The only ones reported are among the Garífunaethnic group living on the Caribbean Coast, and with a large migrant community in New York City (NYC). This mini-master’s thesis is the first study written on CRs in Honduras. It studies CR experiences in four Garífuna hometowns and their corresponding HTAs in NYC. It answers three questions: How do CRs work in each case? What are the determinants for HTAs to provide CRs to the hometowns? And what are the determinants for local CBOs in the hometowns to use the CRs effectively to provide public goods in the hometowns? CR is conceptualised as a that chooses which local group and project to finance, and the local CBO, which is the agent
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