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Organic-inorganic hybrid materials for boron removal from aqueous mediaSanfeliu Cano, Cristina 02 May 2016 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [EN] The present PhD thesis is centred in the design (using concepts of supramolecular chemistry), synthesis and characterization of different hybrid organic-inorganic materials for boron removal from aqueous media. The interaction between boron and organic groups, polyols, used in the development of these new adsorbents is also studied.
In the first part of the thesis it is presented a brief review of supramolecular chemistry concepts, chemistry of boron and also the main methods for boron removal (first chapter) and, also, the objectives of this thesis (second chapter).
The third chapter exposes the results obtained by using a ceramic foam as macroscopic support for active materials for boron removal. This support is previously "impregnated" with an inorganic silica mesoporous material (UVM-7) and, in a second step, it is functionalized with an organic group with high boron affinity (gluconamide). This organic group, which works as an adsorbent, remains anchored to a macroscopic support, which will facilitate the use of these materials in industrial applications. Once the material is synthetized their boron adsorption and elimination abailability in aqueous media is studied and its ulterior reutilization.
The fourth chapter of the PhD thesis is focused on the preparation of low cost materials for boron adsorption from water. In first place, it is used, as inorganic scaffolding, UVM-7 material, a mesoporous silica phase with a bimodal pore system. This material has a high boron adsorption capacity after its functionalization with the polyalcohol (as it is shown in the previous chapter) nevertheless, the reagents used in the synthesis tetraethylorthosilicate, as silica source, and hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide, as templating agent are so expensive that they induce a high cost of final materials. In this chapter is presented as an alternative another materials which are able to perform as inorganic scaffolds: UVM-11 (surfactant-free mesoporous material), two silica xerogels with pores within the mesoporous range and comercial high surface area silica fume were prepared. Once all the materials are synthetized they are functionalized with gluconamides which are the active compounds for boron adsorption. Finally, a comparative study of the boron adsorption capacities in water is carried out. Low cost materials present comparable boron removal to those of higher cost and comercially abailable materials.
Finally, in the fith chapter of this PhD thesis, the adsorption mechanism of boron on the active materials (based on UVM-7 as inorganic support) is studied using solid Nuclear Magnetic Resonance measures of 11B and 13C and using techniques as Magic Angle Sppining, crossed polarization and heteronuclear polarization disacoplament. To do that, a hybrid material composed by UVM-7 matrix grafted with gluconamide is prepared and then the solid is put in contact with different boron quantities. Final solids are characterized through 13C and 11B NMR, showing the formation of boronesters between gluconamide diol groups and boron adsorbed. When low boron concentration is used, bisquelate complexes are formed (B:glucosa = 1:2), however with higher concentrations monoquelate complexes are formed (B:glucosa = 1:1). This work was carried out in collaboration with the research group of "sol-gel materials and NMR", appertaining to the center of "Chimie de la matière condensée de Paris" of the "Université Pierre et Marie Curie". / [ES] La presente tesis doctoral está dedicada al diseño (empleando conceptos de química supramolecular), síntesis y caracterización de diferentes materiales híbridos orgánico-inorgánicos para la eliminación de boro en medios acuosos. También se ha procedido a estudiar detalladamente la interacción del boro con las agrupaciones orgánicas, polialcoholes, empleadas en el desarrollo de estos nuevos adsorbentes.
En la primera parte de la tesis de presenta una introducción en la que se revisa los conceptos de química supramolecular, química del boro y los principales métodos de eliminación de boro (primer capítulo) y, también, se exponen los objetivos de la tesis (segundo capítulo).
Ya en el tercer capítulo se exponen los resultados obtenidos empleando una esponja cerámica como soporte macroscópico para los materiales activos frente a la eliminación de boro. Este soporte se "impregnan" previamente con un material inorgánico silíceo mesoporoso (UVM-7) y, en una fase posterior, se funcionaliza con un grupo orgánico con alta afinidad hacia el boro (gluconamida). El grupo orgánico que funcionará como adsorbente queda así anclado a un soporte de tamaño macroscópico que facilitará la aplicación de estos materiales a gran escala. Una vez preparado y caracterizado se estudió la capacidad del material para adsorber y eliminar boro de medios acuosos y su posterior reutilización.
En el cuarto capítulo de la tesis doctoral se aborda la preparación de materiales adsorbentes de bajo coste económico para la eliminación de boro en medios acuosos. En primer lugar se emplea, como soporte inorgánico, UVM-7 una sílice mesoporosa con un sistema bimodal de poros. Este material tiene una capacidad de adsorción de boro muy elevada una vez funcionalizado con el correspondiente polialcohol (tal y como se expone en el capítulo anterior) sin embargo los reactivos para su síntesis tetraetilortosilicato como fuente de sílice y bromuro de cetiltrimetilamonio como agente director de estructura son muy caros con lo que el material final presenta un elevado coste. En este capítulo se presenta como alternativa otros materiales que puedan actuar como soportes inorgánicos: UVM-11, material mesoporoso que no requiere de agente director de estructura en su síntesis, dos xerogeles con poros en el rango meso y una sílice comercial nanoparticulada de elevada superficie específica. Una vez sintetizados y caracterizados los cinco soportes se funcionalizaron con gluconamidas, que son los componentes activos frente a la adsorción de boro. Finalmente, se realiza un estudio comparativo de la capacidad de eliminación de boro de los cinco materiales preparados. Los materiales de bajo coste estudiados presentan una capacidad de eliminación de boro comparable a los materiales de mayor coste y a los materiales comercialmente disponibles.
Por último, en el capítulo cinco de esta tesis doctoral, se aborda el estudio del mecanismo de adsorción del boro en los materiales activos preparados (basados en UVM-7 como soporte inorgánico) mediante medidas de resonancia magnética nuclear de sólidos, tanto de 13C como de 11B empleando las técnicas de rotación en ángulo mágico, polarización cruzada, y el desacoplamiento dipolar heteronuclear. Para ello se prepara un material híbrido formado por una matriz de UVM-7 funcionalizada con gluconamidas y este sólido se pone en contacto con diferentes cantidades de boro. Los sólidos finales se caracterizan mediante RMN de 13C y de 11B, observándose la formación de boroesteres entre los grupos diol de las gluconamidas ancladas y el boro adsorbido. Cuando la concentración de boro empleada es baja se forman complejos bisquelados (B:glucosa = 1:2) mientras que a concentraciones altas empiezan a formarse complejos monoquelados (B:glucosa = 1:1). Este trabajo se llevó a cabo en colaboración con el grupo de investigación de "Materiales sol-gel y RMN", perteneciente al centro "Chimie de la matiè / [CA] La present tesi doctoral està dedicada al disseny (empleant conceptes de química supramolecular), síntesi i caracterització de diferents materials híbrids orgànico-inorgànics per a la el¿liminació de bor en medi aquòs. També s'ha precedit a estudiar detalladament la interacció del bor amb les agrupacions orgàniques, polialcohols, empreats en el desenvolupament d'aquestos nous adsorbents.
En la primera part de la tesi es presenta una introducció en la que es revisen els conceptes de química supramolecular, química del bor i els principals mètodes de el¿liminació de bor (primer capítol) i, també, s'exposen els objectius de la tesi (segon capítol).
Ja en el tercer capítol s'exposen els resultats obtinguts empreant una esponja ceràmica com a suport macroscòpic per als materials actius front a l'el¿liminació del bor. Aquest suport s'impregna prèviament amb un material inorgànic de sílice mesoporós (UVM-7) i, en una següent fase, es funcionalitza amb un grup orgànic amb alta afinitat cap al bor (gluconamida). El grup orgànic que funcionarà com a adsorbent queda aixina anclat a un suport de tamany macroscòpic que facil¿litarà l'aplicació d'aquestos materials a gran escala. Una vegada preparat i caracteritzat s'estudia la capacitat del material per a adsorber i el¿liminar bor en medi aquós i la seua posterior reutilització.
Al quart capítol de la tesi doctoral s'aborda la preparació de materials adsorbents de baix cost econòmic per a l'eliminació de bor en medi aquòs. En primer lloc, s'empra, com a suport inorgànic, UVM-7 una sílice mesoporosa amb un sistema bimodal de porus. Aquest material té una capacitat d'adsorció molt elevadadeprés de la seua funcionalització amb el corresponent polialcohol (tal i com s'exposa al capítol anterior), no obstant això els reactius que s'utilitzen per a la seua síntesi tetraetilortosilicat com a font de sílice i bromur de cetiltrimetilamoni com agent director d'estructura són molt cars, per tant el material final presenta un elevat cost. En aquest capítol es presenta com alternativa altres materials que puguen actuar com a suports inorgànics: UVM-11, material mesoporòs que no requereix d'agent director d'estructura durant la seua síntesi, dos xerogels en porus en el rang meso i una sílice comercial nanoparticulada amb elevada superficie específica. Una vegada sintetitzats i caracteritzats els cinc suports es funcionalitzen en gluconamides, que són els components actius front a la adsorció de bor. Finalment, es realitza un estudi comparatiu de la capacitat d'el¿liminació de bor dels cinc materials preparats. Els materials de baix cost estudiats presenten una capacitat de eliminació de bor semblant als materials de major cost i als materials comercialment disponibles.
Per últim, al capítol cinc d'aquesta tesi doctoral, s'aborda l'estudi del mecanisme d'adsorció de bor als materials actius preparats (basats en UVM-7 com a suport inorgànic) mitjançant medides de resonància magnética nuclear de sólids, tant de 13C com de 11B emprant tècniques de rotació en àngul màgic, polarització creuada, i el desacoplament dipolar heteronuclear. Per a ell es prepara un material híbrid format per una matriu de UVM-7 funcionalitzada amb gluconamides i aquest sòlid es posa en contacte amb diferents quantitats de bor. Els sòlids finals es caracteritzen mitjançant RMN de 13C i de 11B observant-se la formació de borésters entre els grups diol de les gluconamides anclades i el bor adsorbit. Quan la concentració de bor emprada és baixa es formen complexos bisquelats (B:glucosa = 1:2) mentre que a concentracions més altes comencen a formar-se complexos monoquelats (B:glucosa = 1:1). Aquest treball és va realitzar ne col¿laboració amb el grup d'investigació de "Materials sol-gel i RMN", perteneixent al centre "Chimie de la matière condensée de Paris" de la "Université Pierre et Marie Curie". / Sanfeliu Cano, C. (2016). Organic-inorganic hybrid materials for boron removal from aqueous media [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/63277 / Compendio
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Combustion auto-propagée et mécanosynthèse de ZnS : étude des conversions ZnS <->ZnO et application à la désulfuration des gaz. / Self-propagating High temperature Synthesis (SHS) and mechanical alloying of ZnS : study of ZnS<->ZnO conversions and application to gas desulfurization.Perraud, Igor 20 December 2012 (has links)
Aujourd'hui, l'impact environnemental de chaque technologie fait l'objet de toutes les attentions. L'élimination des composés soufrés et surtout de H2S dans les gaz entre dans cet aspect écologique au sein de plusieurs processus industriels. L'oxyde de zinc est utilisé comme adsorbant régénérable pour la désulfuration. Le but de ce travail est la préparation de filtres monolithiques macroporeux et de nanopoudres de ZnO avec une forte capacité en soufre et facilement régénérable, ainsi que l'optimisation de leurs propriétés.Des matériaux composites ZnS/NaCl sont tout d'abord synthétisés par combustion auto-propagée à partir de mélanges de zinc, de soufre et de chlorure de sodium. NaCl est éliminé par lixiviation dans l'eau après la synthèse. Les nanopoudres de ZnS sont préparées par mécanosynthèse à partir de mélanges de zinc et de soufre. Les deux matériaux préparés ont des structures cristallines différentes, de type würtzite pour les filtres de ZnS et de type sphalerite pour les poudres. Cette différence est due aux deux voies de synthèse. Monolithes et poudres ZnS sont ensuite convertis en ZnO par traitement thermique sous air à 700 °C.Les transformations macro- et microstructurales des filtres et des poudres ont été étudiées au cours de cycles de sulfuration-oxydation par les méthodes de caractérisation telles que la diffraction des rayons X, la microscopie électronique à balayage et la porosimétrie au mercure. Les résultats montrent que les propriétés des matériaux restent très stables au cours des conversions successives. Enfin, les filtres et nanopoudres de ZnO ont été utilisés comme adsorbants au cours d'essais de désulfuration. La capacité massique en soufre des filtres est assez faible, 6,4 mg S/g ads. montrant que la porosité doit être améliorée. Quant aux nanopoudres, la capacité massique en soufre est très élevée, 272 mg S/g ads, prouvant que la surface spécifique est très importante pour ce type d'application. / Today, we have to take care of every technology's environmental effects. The removal of H2S and other sulfur compounds in hot gas enters this ecological aspect in several industrial processes. Zinc oxide is used here as a regenerable sorbent for gas desulfurization. The goal of this work is, the preparation of macroporous ZnO monolithic filters and nanopowders with high sulfur capacity and easily regenerable, and their optimization with the control of their properties. ZnS/NaCl composite materials are first obtained by Self-propagating High temperature Synthesis from mixtures of zinc, sulfur and sodium chloride powders. NaCl is then removed by lixiviation with water. ZnS nanopowders are prepared by mechanical alloying from mixtures of zinc and sulfur. The two materials have different crystalline structure, würtzite type for ZnS filters and sphalerite type for powders, because of the way of synthesis. Then, they are converted into ZnO by thermal treatment under air at 700 °C. Next, the macro- and microstructure transformations of both filter and powders during sulfidation-oxidation cycles are thus considered. Results of all characterizations like X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and Hg porosimetry show that materials properties are very stable against conversions. Afterwards, ZnO filters and nanopowders are used as adsorbent in desulfurization trials. The sulfur capacity of filters is not so high, 6,4 mg S/g ads and shows that porosity has to be improved. Regarding nanopowders, the sulfur capacity is very high, 272 mg S/g ads, proving that surface area is very important in this application.
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Développement d’une méthode de préconcentration de phosphopeptides sur phase monolithique en puce / Development of a phosphopeptide preconcentration method using monolith in microchipAyed, Ichraf 27 September 2012 (has links)
La phosphorylation de protéines est un régulateur clé de voies de signalisation cellulaire. Elle est impliquée dans la plupart des événements cellulaires et contrôle les processus biologiques tels que la prolifération, la différenciation et l'expression des gènes. Une phosphorylation anormale de protéines peut être observée dans diverses maladies comme certains cancers ou maladies neurodégénératives. Ces protéines constituent donc des biomarqueurs potentiels pour le développement d’outils de diagnostic. Cependant les phosphoprotéines peuvent être présentes à faibles concentrations dans les liquides biologiques et des techniques d’enrichissement sélectif des protéines phosphorylées doivent être développées en amont des analyses. L'une des approches les plus courantes est basée sur la chromatographie d'affinité de type IMAC. Le but de ce travail de thèse était de développer un microsystème contenant un monolithe en tant que support solide d'extraction pour réaliser une préconcentration sélective de phosphopeptides par IMAC. La polymérisation par UV et la caractérisation (perméabilité, porosité et surface spécifique) d'un monolithe à base de phosphate de méthacrylate d'éthylène glycol dans des capillaires de silice ont été d'abord réalisées. Puis, nous avons tenté d'optimiser les différentes étapes de l’IMAC (immobilisation du métal, chargement de l’échantillon, lavage et élution). Une immobilisation efficace de zirconium sur le monolithe phosphaté a été démontrée par des mesures de FEO dans un capillaire et a été par la suite confirmée par la rétention d'un phosphopeptide modèle. Nous avons démontré que le monolithe phosphaté était également un support d’échange de cations vis-à-vis de peptides fortement basiques. Les protocoles de chargement et d'élution ont également été étudiés, mais nécessitent encore d’être améliorés. La transposition de l'enrichissement de phosphopeptides par IMAC sur un système miniaturisé a ensuite été envisagée. Nous avons choisi deux matériaux pour la puce : le PDMS, qui est un polymère attractif pour son faible coût, sa facilité de microfabrication, ses excellentes propriétés en termes de biocompatibilité ainsi que ses nombreuses possibilités d'intégration (enrichissement, séparation, détection) et le verre plus communément employé pour développer des microsystèmes analytiques et possédant une bonne transparence aux UV. Toutefois, le PDMS présente deux inconvénients majeurs: son absorption élevée et sa perméabilité importante à l'oxygène qui inhibe la polymérisation radicalaire. A l’exception de quelques tentatives, ce matériau n'a jamais été employé avec succès comme support pour la polymérisation d’un monolithe. Afin de pouvoir surmonter ces problèmes, nous avons étudié plusieurs stratégies de traitement de surface du PDMS tels que le traitement par plasma d’oxygène ou encore le revêtement au borosilicate. Enfin, nous avons démontré que notre module d’IMAC fonctionnait correctement dans un microsystème en verre. Ce module miniaturisé devrait à l’avenir s’intégrer dans un microsystème d’analyse dédié au diagnostic de la maladie d'Alzheimer. / Protein phosphorylation is a key regulator of cellular signaling pathways. It is involved in most cellular events and strictly controls biological processes such as proliferation, differentiation and gene expression. An abnormal phosphorylation can be observed in various diseases such as some cancers or neurodegenerative diseases. Therefore, these proteins are potential biomarkers for the development of diagnostic tools. However, phosphoproteins can be present at low abundance in biological samples and selective enrichment techniques have to be developed prior to the analysis process. One of the most common approaches is based on Immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC). The goal of this work was to develop a microsystem which contains a porous polymer monolith (PPM) as a solid phase extraction for a selective preconcentration of phosphopeptides by IMAC. UV-polymerization and characterization (permeability, porosity and specific area) of a monolith based on ethylene glycol methacrylate phosphate in silica capillaries was first performed. Then, we tried to optimize the different IMAC steps (metal immobilization, sample loading, washing and elution). An efficient immobilization of zirconium on the phosphated PPM was demonstrated by EOF measurements in capillary and confirmed by retention of a model phosphopetide. We demonstrated that the phosphated monolith was also a strong cation exchanger of highly basic peptides. Protocols of loading and elution were also studied but need to be further optimized. Transposition of phosphopeptides enrichment by IMAC on a miniaturized system was then considered. We selected two microchip materials: PDMS is an attractive polymer for its low cost, its ease of microfabrication, its excellent working properties (biocompatibility, UV transparent with low autofluorescence) and many integration possibilities (enrichment, separation and detection) and glass microchip more common and having a good UV transparency. However, PDMS presents two major disadvantages: high absorption property, and oxygen permeability which quench free radical polymerization. Except a few attempts, this material has not been employed successfully as mould for monolith polymerization. To overcome these problems, we investigated several strategies for PDMS surface treatments such as plasma treatment and borosilicate coating. Finally, we demonstrated that our IMAC module performed well on glass microchip. This miniaturized module should be integrated in the future into a microsystem dedicated to the diagnosis of Alzheimer disease.
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Desenvolvimento de colunas monolíticas poliméricas para extração em fase sólida de metais e separação de neurotransmissores por nanocromatografia de interação hidrofílica / Development of polymeric monolithic columns for solid phase extraction of metals and separation of neurotransmitters by hydrophilic interactionRibeiro, Luiz Fernando 17 October 2018 (has links)
Nesse trabalho de duas partes, colunas monolíticas poliméricas foram aplicadas em extração em fase sólida e em nanocromatografia capilar, duas das suas mais importantes aplicações. Na primeira parte foi desenvolvido um monolito para extração em fase sólida dos metais Cd(II), Pb(II) e Cu(II), que foi acoplada on-line com detecção eletroquímica com o auxílio de instrumentação de análise por injeção sequencial (SIA). A coluna usada como suporte sólido para extração em fase sólida foi obtida com a copolimerização entre formador de ligação cruzada etileno dimetacrilato (EDMA) e monômero funcional glicidil metacrilato (GMA), preparada a partir de uma mistura reacional composta de 30% GMA, 10% EDMA, 5% H2O, 35% n-propanol e 20% 1,4- butanodiol, aquecida durante 24 horas à 60°C. Essa composição e condições de polimerização favoreceram a permeabilidade do monolito, o que foi necessário para o acoplamento no SIA. Após a obtenção do monolito base o mesmo foi modificado pela reação do anel epóxi do grupo GMA com ácido iminodiacético (IDA) para garantir propriedades de quelação de metais e maior capacidade de adsorção para a coluna. O monolito foi caracterizado com imagens de microscopia de varredura eletrônica (MEV) e a capacidade de extração foi de 4,4 ± 0,3 mg Cu(II) m-1 obtida com curvas de breakthrough. O método de determinação on-line dos metais operado por SIA, que executou as etapas de carregamento de amostra, limpeza da coluna, eluição dos analitos e recondicionamento dos sítios ativos teve frequência amostral de 6,8 injeções por hora. Os limites de detecção (LD) e quantificação (LQ) para o método foram, respectivamente, de 1,0 e 3,3 µg L-1 para o Cd(II), 0,7 e 2,2 µg L-1 para o Pb(II) e 0,5 e 1,8 µg L-1 para o Cu(II). O método foi aplicado na determinação dos metais em diferentes matrizes de águas naturais, sendo encontrado Cu(II) em algumas amostras. A exatidão do método foi avaliada com estudos de adição e recuperação nessas águas, obtendo-se valores entre 75,5 e 116,6%. Na segunda parte do trabalho foi utilizada uma coluna polar composta da sulfobetaína zwitteriônica N,N-dimetil-N-metacriloil-oxietil-N-(3-sulfopropil) amônio betaína (MEDSA) e do formador de ligações cruzadas dioxietil dimetacrilato (DiEDMA) em Nanocromatografia de Interação Hidrofílica (HILIC) para fazer a separação de Dopamina, Epinefrina, Norepinefrina, L-DOPA, Tiramina, DOPAC e Ácido Homovanílico, neurotransmissores, alguns de seus metabólitos e precursores, compostos polares de baixa massa molecular. A seletividade cromatográfica da coluna foi altamente dependente da composição da fase móvel aquosa:orgânica, apresentando um mínimo de retenção na transição do mecanismo HILIC para a fase reversa (RP). Ajustando os dados experimentais de fatores de retenção em função da composição da fase móvel com o modelo de retenção duplo foi possível prever qual composição de fase móvel promoveria a separação dos analitos da mistura, que foi atingida em torno de 85% acetonitrila e 15% H2O. A coluna foi modificada com o grupo zwitteriônico 2-metacriloil-oxietil fosforilcolina (MPC) por UV grafting e a modificação da metade do comprimento da coluna durante 30 minutos de exposição UV levou às mudanças na seletividade cromatográfica. / In this two parts work, polymeric monolithic columns were applied in solid phase extraction and in capillary nanochromatography, two of their most important applications. In the first part, a monolith for solid phase extraction of Cd(II), Pb(II) and Cu(II) metals was developed and coupled online with electrochemical detection with the aid of sequential injection analysis instrumentation (SIA). The column used as a solid support for solid phase extraction was obtained by copolymerization between the crosslinker ethylene dimethacrylate (EDMA) and the functional monomer glycidyl methacrylate (GMA), prepared from a reaction mixture composed of 30% GMA, 10% EDMA, 5% H2O, 35% n-propanol and 20% 1,4-butanediol, heated at 60 ° C for 24 hours. This composition and polymerization conditions favored monoliths permeability, which was required for the SIA coupling. After obtaining the base monolith, it was modified by reaction of the epoxy ring of the GMA group with the iminodiacetic acid (IDA) to guarantee metals chelating properties and increase adsorption capacity for the column. The monolith was characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images and extraction capacity was 4.4 ± 0.3 mg Cu(II) m-1, obtained from breakthrough curves. The method for online determination of metals operated by SIA, which performed the steps of sample loading, column cleaning, analyte elution and reconditioning of active sites had a sampling throughput of 6.8 injections per hour. The limits of detection (LD) and quantification (LQ) for the method were, respectively, 1.0 and 3.3 µg L-1 for Cd(II), 0.7 and 2.2 µg L-1 for the Pb(II) and 0.5 and 1.8 µg L-1 for Cu(II). The method was applied for the determination of metals in different natural water matrices, finding Cu(II) in some samples. The accuracy of the method was evaluated with addition and recovery studies in these waters, finding recoveries between 75.5 and 116.6%. In the second part of the work, a polar column composed of the zwitterionic sulfobetaine N,N-dimethyl-N-methacryloyloxyethyl-N-(3-sulfopropyl) ammonium betaine (MEDSA) and the cross-linker dioxyethyl dimethacrylate (DiEDMA) was used in Hydrophilic Interaction Nanocromatography (HILIC) to separate Dopamine, Epinephrine, Norepinephrine, L-DOPA, Tyramine, DOPAC and Homovanilic Acid, neurotransmitters, some of its metabolites and precursors, which are polar compounds of low molecular mass. The chromatographic selectivity of the column was highly dependent on the composition of the aqueous:organic mobile phase, showing a minimum retention at the transition from the HILIC to the reverse phase (RP) mechanism. By adjusting the experimental data of retention factors as a function of mobile phase composition with the double retention model it was possible to predict which mobile phase composition would promote the separation of the mixed analytes, which was achieved around 85% acetonitrile and 15% H2O. The column was modified with the 2-methacryloyl oxyethyl phosphorylcholine (MPC) zwitterionic group by UV grafting and the modification of half columns length during 30 minutes of UV exposure led to changes in the chromatographic selectivity.
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Desenvolvimento de colunas monolíticas poliméricas para extração em fase sólida de metais e separação de neurotransmissores por nanocromatografia de interação hidrofílica / Development of polymeric monolithic columns for solid phase extraction of metals and separation of neurotransmitters by hydrophilic interactionLuiz Fernando Ribeiro 17 October 2018 (has links)
Nesse trabalho de duas partes, colunas monolíticas poliméricas foram aplicadas em extração em fase sólida e em nanocromatografia capilar, duas das suas mais importantes aplicações. Na primeira parte foi desenvolvido um monolito para extração em fase sólida dos metais Cd(II), Pb(II) e Cu(II), que foi acoplada on-line com detecção eletroquímica com o auxílio de instrumentação de análise por injeção sequencial (SIA). A coluna usada como suporte sólido para extração em fase sólida foi obtida com a copolimerização entre formador de ligação cruzada etileno dimetacrilato (EDMA) e monômero funcional glicidil metacrilato (GMA), preparada a partir de uma mistura reacional composta de 30% GMA, 10% EDMA, 5% H2O, 35% n-propanol e 20% 1,4- butanodiol, aquecida durante 24 horas à 60°C. Essa composição e condições de polimerização favoreceram a permeabilidade do monolito, o que foi necessário para o acoplamento no SIA. Após a obtenção do monolito base o mesmo foi modificado pela reação do anel epóxi do grupo GMA com ácido iminodiacético (IDA) para garantir propriedades de quelação de metais e maior capacidade de adsorção para a coluna. O monolito foi caracterizado com imagens de microscopia de varredura eletrônica (MEV) e a capacidade de extração foi de 4,4 ± 0,3 mg Cu(II) m-1 obtida com curvas de breakthrough. O método de determinação on-line dos metais operado por SIA, que executou as etapas de carregamento de amostra, limpeza da coluna, eluição dos analitos e recondicionamento dos sítios ativos teve frequência amostral de 6,8 injeções por hora. Os limites de detecção (LD) e quantificação (LQ) para o método foram, respectivamente, de 1,0 e 3,3 µg L-1 para o Cd(II), 0,7 e 2,2 µg L-1 para o Pb(II) e 0,5 e 1,8 µg L-1 para o Cu(II). O método foi aplicado na determinação dos metais em diferentes matrizes de águas naturais, sendo encontrado Cu(II) em algumas amostras. A exatidão do método foi avaliada com estudos de adição e recuperação nessas águas, obtendo-se valores entre 75,5 e 116,6%. Na segunda parte do trabalho foi utilizada uma coluna polar composta da sulfobetaína zwitteriônica N,N-dimetil-N-metacriloil-oxietil-N-(3-sulfopropil) amônio betaína (MEDSA) e do formador de ligações cruzadas dioxietil dimetacrilato (DiEDMA) em Nanocromatografia de Interação Hidrofílica (HILIC) para fazer a separação de Dopamina, Epinefrina, Norepinefrina, L-DOPA, Tiramina, DOPAC e Ácido Homovanílico, neurotransmissores, alguns de seus metabólitos e precursores, compostos polares de baixa massa molecular. A seletividade cromatográfica da coluna foi altamente dependente da composição da fase móvel aquosa:orgânica, apresentando um mínimo de retenção na transição do mecanismo HILIC para a fase reversa (RP). Ajustando os dados experimentais de fatores de retenção em função da composição da fase móvel com o modelo de retenção duplo foi possível prever qual composição de fase móvel promoveria a separação dos analitos da mistura, que foi atingida em torno de 85% acetonitrila e 15% H2O. A coluna foi modificada com o grupo zwitteriônico 2-metacriloil-oxietil fosforilcolina (MPC) por UV grafting e a modificação da metade do comprimento da coluna durante 30 minutos de exposição UV levou às mudanças na seletividade cromatográfica. / In this two parts work, polymeric monolithic columns were applied in solid phase extraction and in capillary nanochromatography, two of their most important applications. In the first part, a monolith for solid phase extraction of Cd(II), Pb(II) and Cu(II) metals was developed and coupled online with electrochemical detection with the aid of sequential injection analysis instrumentation (SIA). The column used as a solid support for solid phase extraction was obtained by copolymerization between the crosslinker ethylene dimethacrylate (EDMA) and the functional monomer glycidyl methacrylate (GMA), prepared from a reaction mixture composed of 30% GMA, 10% EDMA, 5% H2O, 35% n-propanol and 20% 1,4-butanediol, heated at 60 ° C for 24 hours. This composition and polymerization conditions favored monoliths permeability, which was required for the SIA coupling. After obtaining the base monolith, it was modified by reaction of the epoxy ring of the GMA group with the iminodiacetic acid (IDA) to guarantee metals chelating properties and increase adsorption capacity for the column. The monolith was characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images and extraction capacity was 4.4 ± 0.3 mg Cu(II) m-1, obtained from breakthrough curves. The method for online determination of metals operated by SIA, which performed the steps of sample loading, column cleaning, analyte elution and reconditioning of active sites had a sampling throughput of 6.8 injections per hour. The limits of detection (LD) and quantification (LQ) for the method were, respectively, 1.0 and 3.3 µg L-1 for Cd(II), 0.7 and 2.2 µg L-1 for the Pb(II) and 0.5 and 1.8 µg L-1 for Cu(II). The method was applied for the determination of metals in different natural water matrices, finding Cu(II) in some samples. The accuracy of the method was evaluated with addition and recovery studies in these waters, finding recoveries between 75.5 and 116.6%. In the second part of the work, a polar column composed of the zwitterionic sulfobetaine N,N-dimethyl-N-methacryloyloxyethyl-N-(3-sulfopropyl) ammonium betaine (MEDSA) and the cross-linker dioxyethyl dimethacrylate (DiEDMA) was used in Hydrophilic Interaction Nanocromatography (HILIC) to separate Dopamine, Epinephrine, Norepinephrine, L-DOPA, Tyramine, DOPAC and Homovanilic Acid, neurotransmitters, some of its metabolites and precursors, which are polar compounds of low molecular mass. The chromatographic selectivity of the column was highly dependent on the composition of the aqueous:organic mobile phase, showing a minimum retention at the transition from the HILIC to the reverse phase (RP) mechanism. By adjusting the experimental data of retention factors as a function of mobile phase composition with the double retention model it was possible to predict which mobile phase composition would promote the separation of the mixed analytes, which was achieved around 85% acetonitrile and 15% H2O. The column was modified with the 2-methacryloyl oxyethyl phosphorylcholine (MPC) zwitterionic group by UV grafting and the modification of half columns length during 30 minutes of UV exposure led to changes in the chromatographic selectivity.
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Conversion photocatalytique du CO2 sur monolithes poreux / CO2 photocatalytic conversion through porous monolithsBernadet, Sophie 30 November 2018 (has links)
Dans le contexte actuel de développement de nouvelles sources d'énergie non fossiles tout en minimisant l'impact environnemental, la production de carburants solaires par la valorisation des émissions anthropiques de CO2 apparaît comme une solution à fort potentiel. Le principal défi dans les processus artificiels photo-induits concerne le caractère bidimensionnel des systèmes utilisés, en raison de la faible profondeur de pénétration des photons. Ce travail de thèse se concentre sur le développement de mousses solides alvéolaires, issues de la chimie intégrative, présentant une porosité hiérarchiquement organisée. A travers l’imprégnation de précurseurs de TiO2, des photocatalyseurs autosupportés ont été synthétisés et ont montré une augmentation de la pénétration des photons d’un ordre de grandeur. D’autre part, ces solides limitent les réactions inverses par un effet de dilution, tout en assurant une sélectivité élevée envers la génération d'alcanes. Un modèle cinétique, basé sur un formalisme mixte de Langmuir-Hinshelwood et Eley-Rideal, est proposé pour décrire le comportement des matériaux. / In the current context of developing novel non-fossil energy sources while minimizing the environmental impact, solar-driven-fuel-production by exploiting anthropogenic CO2 emissions appears to be a solution with great potential. The main challenge in artificial photo-induced processes concerns the two-dimensional character of the systems used, due to the low photon penetration depth. This thesis work focuses on the development of alveolar solid foams, derived from integrative chemistry and bearing a hierarchically organized porosity. By TiO2 precursor impregnation, self-standing photocatalysts were synthesized and provided a photon penetration increase by an order of magnitude. Moreover, these solids limit back-reactions by a dilution effect, while ensuring high selectivity towards alkane generations. A kinetic model, based on a mixed formalism of Langmuir-Hinshelwood and Eley-Rideal, is proposed to describe material behavior.
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Extraction of High-Value Minor Proteins from MilkBillakanti, Jaganmohan January 2009 (has links)
Various methods for extraction and analysis of high value minor proteins (lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase and immunoglobulins) directly from raw milk were explored. Extraction, purification and analysis of high-value minor proteins directly from milk without pre-treatment are major challenges for dairy industry, largely due to the complexity of milk and the presence of colloidal solids (casein micelles and milk fat globules). To overcome some of these challenges, this work focused on three main objectives: 1) characterization of cryogel monolith chromatography for purification of lactoferrin (LF) and lactoperoxidase (LP) directly from raw milk in single step, 2) identification and characterization of Protein A Mimetic affinity ligands for purification of immunoglobulins (Igs) from milk and 3) development and validation of a surface plasmon resonance method for simultaneous quantification of five whey proteins in multiple samples.
Results portrayed the possibility of 40–50 column volumes of various milk samples (whole milk, skim milk and acid whey) to pass through a 5 mL cryogel monolith chromatography column at 525 cm hr⁻¹ without exceeding its pressure limits if the processing temperature is maintained around 35–37°C. Ideally, this should be the milk secretion temperature. The dynamic binding capacity obtained for the cryogel matrix (2.1 mg mL⁻¹) was similar to that of the binding capacity (2.01 mg mL⁻¹) at equilibrium with 0.1 mg mL⁻¹ of lactoferrin in the feed samples. Lactoferrin and lactoperoxidase was selectively bound to the cryogel column with trivial leakage in flowthrough fractions. Lactoferrin was recovered from elution fractions with a yield of 85% and a purity of 90%. These results, together with the ease of manufacture, low cost and versatile surface chemistry of cryogels suggest that they may be a good alternative to packed-bed chromatography for direct capture of proteins from milk, provided that the binding capacity can be increased.
A Protein A Mimetic (PAM) hexapeptide (HWRGWV) peptide ligand that binds to the Fc portion of antibody molecules was explored for affinity purification of immunoglobulins from milk. The peptide has the ability to purify IgG from various milk and whey samples with a purity of greater than 85% in single step. More than 90% bound IgG was recovered with 0.2 M acetate buffer at pH 4.0 and total column regeneration was successfully achieved by 2.0 M guanidine-HCl. At 9.0 mg mL⁻¹ of IgG feed concentration, an equilibrium binding capacity of 21.7 mg mL⁻¹ and dynamic binding capacity of approximately 12.0 mg mL⁻¹ of resin was obtained. Recoveries and yields of IgG were significantly influenced by the feed IgG concentration. PAM hexamer ligand also contributed a significant amount of cross-reactivity with casein, glycomacropeptides and β-lactoglobulin proteins, however majority of these proteins were recovered in the regeneration step, except β-lactoglobulin, which co-eluted with IgG. Higher IgG concentration in feed vastly reduced the amount of cross-reactivity whilst increasing the recoveries and purities in the final product. PAM affinity ligands also showed interactions towards other classes of bovine immunoglobulins. These findings established the possibility of using PAM hexamer peptide as an alternative to conventional Protein A/G affinity chromatography for the isolation of Igs from milk in single step process.
A surface plasmon resonance (SPR) method was developed for simultaneous, quantitative determination of commercially important whey proteins in raw and processed milk samples, whey fractions and various milk-derived products, with six samples per assay. Immobilized antibody stability and reproducibility of analyses were studied over time for 25 independent runs (n=300), giving a relative standard deviation (RSD) of <4%. Immobilized antibodies showed negligible non-specific interactions (<2–4 SPR response units (RU)) and no cross-reactivity towards other milk components (<1 RU). Regeneration of immobilised antibodies with glycine at pH 1.75 was determined to be optimal for maintaining the SPR response between samples. This method compared and validated well with reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) and standard enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA).
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Development of novel mass spectrometry-based approaches for searching for low-mass tyrosinase inhibitors in complex mixtures / Développement de nouvelles approches basées sur la spectrométrie de masse pour le criblage d’inhibiteurs de la tyrosinase en milieu complexeSalwiński, Aleksander 24 April 2014 (has links)
Ce manuscrit de thèse présente le développement de méthodes basées sur la spectrométrie de masse consacrées à la recherche d'inhibiteurs d'enzymes en milieux complexes, tels que les extraits de plantes. L’enzyme Tyrosinase a été utilisé comme principale cible biologique du fait de son implication dans les processus d’hyperpigmentation cutanée. De ce fait, la recherche d’inhibiteurs de cette enzyme, présente un grand intérêt pour l'industrie cosmétique. La première partie de ce manuscrit décrit la mise en place de la chromatographie d'affinité frontale (FAC), permettant d’obtenir le classement simultané des inhibiteurs présent dans un mélange complexe en fonction de leurs affinités avec la cible biologique. Deux capillaires hydrophiles de phase monolithiques ont été évalués afin de réduire au maximum les interactions non spécifiques indésirables entre les analytes et le support solide d’immobilisation. De plus, nous avons étudié la faisabilité de l’utilisation de phases à base de silice comme support solide d’immobilisation des enzymes dans le cadre de ces analyses par chromatographie d'affinité frontale. La seconde partie du manuscrit de thèse est consacrée au développement et à l’optimisation de l’approche nommée ENALDI-MS (Enzyme-coupled Nanoparticles-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionisation Mass Spectrometry) permettant d’accéder à une gamme des faibles masses (m/z 500 Da). Elle est déclinée en une première approche dite par ‘extinction d’ions’ (Ion Fading, IF-ENALDI), basée sur l’identification directe de la liaison des inhibiteurs vis-à-vis de l’enzyme sans pré-traitement de l’échantillon végétal. Une seconde déclinaison de l’ENALDI-MS concerne une approche dite par ‘Ion Hunting’ (IH - ENALDI MS), basée sur une méthode de pré-concentration sélective des inhibiteurs présents dans l'échantillon. / This thesis report presents the development of mass spectrometry-based methods for searching for inhibitors of enzymes in complex mixtures, such as plant extracts. Tyrosinase enzyme was used as the main biological target for the reason of a significant importance of its inhibitors in the cosmetic industry as the skin whitening agents. The first part of this report describes Frontal Affinity Chromatography (FAC), an approach enabling simultaneous ranking the inhibitors within the complex mixture according to their affinities to the biological target. Two hydrophilic capillary-scale polymer-based bioaffinity stationary phases were evaluated in the context of the presence of undesirable nonspecific interactions between the analyte and the solid immobilisation support. In addition, we explored the usability of two types of silica-based particles as a solid support for enzyme immobilisation for FAC. The second part of the thesis manuscript is devoted to Enzyme-coupled Nanoparticle-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionisation Mass Spectrometry (ENALDI MS) as a low-mass compatible extension of the Intensity ion Fading MALDI MS (IF-MALDI MS) method for high-throughput screening of the inhibitors in the complex mixtures. Two variations of ENALDI MS were evaluated: 'Ion Fading' (IF-ENALDI MS), based on on-the-spot binding of inhibitors by enzyme molecules and 'Ion Hunting' (IH-ENALDI MS), based on selective pre-concentration of inhibitors present in the sample.
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Monolithes à porosité multi-échelle comme supports pour la réduction enzymatique du CO2 en molécules d'intérêts / Hierarchical porous monoliths as supports for the enzymatic reduction of CO2Baccour, Mohamed 12 October 2018 (has links)
La conversion du dioxyde de carbone en molécules d'intérêts est un enjeu majeur de notre société moderne. Actuellement, ces réactions sont très coûteuses en énergie, impliquent de hautes pressions et températures et sont faiblement sélectives. Une alternative séduisante serait l’utilisation d’enzymes redox, i.e. des déshydrogénases, qui fonctionnent à pH neutre, température et pression ambiantes et sont très sélectives. Le frein à leur utilisation est leur stabilité et le fait qu’elles nécessitent la présence du cofacteur nicotinamide adénine dinucléotide (NAD+ / NADH), couteux et délicat à régénérer. L’immobilisation de déshydrogénases sur des supports poreux monolithiques est proposée dans ce travail de thèse dans l’objectif de développer des réacteurs en flux continu.Dans un premier temps, des monolithes siliciques à porosité hiérarchique macro- et mésoporeux ont été préparés. Des macropores plus larges allant jusqu’à 35-50 microns ont été obtenus. Dans un second temps, des synthèses de monolithes de carbone à porosité hiérarchique en une étape ou en plusieurs étapes par dépôt de carbone sur des monolithes siliciques (greffage de saccharose, suivi de polymérisation et carbonisation) ont été développées. Ce travail a permis un contrôle fin de la macro-, méso et microporosité. Des monolithes de carbone avec une surface spécifique supérieure à 1200 m2.g-1 ont notamment pu être obtenus. Ces matériaux présentent non seulement une macroporosité large (35-50 µm), mais également une mésoporosité bimodale. Au-delà d’une porosité multi-échelle, ces matériaux carbonés présentent l’avantage d’être conducteurs du courant électrique. Ils peuvent ainsi être utilisés comme support pour l’électrocatalyse enzymatique. Ces monolithes de carbones ont été utilisés pour l’immobilisation de formiates déshydrogénases connus pour pouvoir réduire le CO2 en présence du cofacteur NADH. La régénération du cofacteur est étudiée soit par voie électrochimique soit par voie biocatalytique à l'aide d'une deuxième enzyme la phosphite déshydrogénase. Des études de fonctionnalisation des monolithes carbonés pour la co-immobilisation des enzymes et du cofacteur ont également été initiées. / Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a greenhouse gas that results, in part, from human activities and causes global warming and climate change. According to the International Energy Agency, global CO2 emissions from fossil-fuel combustion reached a record high of 31.3 gigatonnes in 2011. The concept of the methanol economy, advocated by Nobel laureate Prof. George A. Olah back in the 1990s, hinges on the chemical recycling of CO2 to methanol and derived, suggesting methanol as a key substitute fuel and starting material for valuable chemicals. The recycling conversion of CO2 could be a rational way to develop an anthropogenic short-term carbon cycle. With this aim, The design of functional porous architectures depicting hierarchical and interconnected pore networks has emerged as a challenging field of research. Particularly, porous monoliths offer many advantages and can be employed as flow-through reactors for separation, catalysis and biocatalysis. This study focuses on the design of monoliths with hierarchical porosity and high surface area. Firstly, silica monoliths with both homogeneous macro- and mesopores were prepared using sol-gel chemistry and spinodal decomposition using PEO polymers. Macropore (up to 30 microns) and mesopore (up to 20 nm) diameters of the monoliths were controlled by modifying various experimental parameters (PEO molecular weight, addition of surfactants, different basic post-treatments, different temperatures, etc.). Secondly, carbonaceous replica have been prepared through hydrothermal carbonization of sucrose, subsequent pyrolysis and silica etching. These materials present large interconnected flow-trough macropores, a bimodal mesoporosity, a high surface area (up to 1400 m2 g-1) and high meso- and macropore volumes.Different enzymes were immobilized onto the monoliths amongst which formate dehydrogenases. Flow-through reactors were engineered and continuous flow biocatalysis was performed. In such systems, straightforward processes for the in situ regeneration of the enzyme cofactor, i.e. 1,4-NADH wrer developped. Flow-through reactors and their use for the enzymatic reduction of carbon dioxide into formate were designed.
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Matériaux Hybrides nanostructures photoactifs pour des applications optiques et biomédicales / Photoactive Nanostructured Hybrid Materials for Optical and Biomedical ApplicationsEpelde Elezcano, Nerea 20 May 2016 (has links)
Dans ce manuscrit, la synthèse et la caractérisation complète de différents matériaux hybrides dédiés à des applications dans le domaine optique ou thérapeutique sont décrites. Dans un premier temps, des systèmes macroscopiquement ordonnés sont obtenus par intercalation de colorants tels que le Styryl 722 ou la pyronine-Y dans plusieurs films à base d’argile de type smectite. Les films d’argile sont élaborés par spin-coating et les colorants intercalés par immersion des films dans les solutions de ces colorants. Les effets de l’argile sur les propriétés des colorants sont analysés en détail et leur orientation préférentielle dans l’espace inter-couches est étudié grâce à la réponse anisotropique des films en lumière linéairement polarisée. Dans la deuxième partie, la synthèse par chimie sol-gel de monolithes de silice de grande dimension contenant des colorants laser présentant une forte absorption et une émission de fluorescence dans le visible est abordée. Des colorants laser à l’état solide (SSDL) avec de bonnes stabilités photochimique, thermique et chimique sont ainsi proposés. Dans le troisième chapitre, la synthèse par voie sol-gel de nanoparticules de silice (NP) d’environ 50 nm de diamètre fonctionnalisées sur leur surface externe est ensuite décrite. Grâce à l’encapsulation de molécules de colorants fluorescents dans leur cœur et le greffage de photosensibilisateurs sur leur écorce, des nanoparticules biocompatibles adaptées à la bio-imagerie et la thérapie photodynamique (PDT) ont été préparées. Pour optimiser leurs performances, les propriétés photophysiques et plus particulièrement la production d’oxygène singulet d’une nouvelle série de photosensibilisateurs basés sur les chromophores de type PODIPY ont d’abord été étudiées en détail. A partir de ces résultats, des BODIPY particulièrement efficaces ont été greffés sur les nanoparticules de silice afin de les utiliser pour la PDT. Les propriétés photophysiques de ces matériaux ont été analysées par spectroscopie d’absorption et de fluorescence (stationnaire ou résolue en temps) et les rendements quantiques de production d’oxygène singulet déterminés par des méthodes directe (émission de luminescence de l’oxygène singulet à 1270 nm) ou indirecte (utilisation de sondes chimiques spécifiques à l’oxygène singulet). Par ailleurs les matériaux hybrides ont été complètement caractérisés par plusieurs techniques (SEM, TEM, XRD, XPS, IR, DLS, BET). / Along this manuscript different hybrid materials are synthesized and extensively characterized for several uses: from optical to therapeutic applications. First, by the intercalation of different dyes, styryl 722 and pyronine-Y into several smectite clay films, macroscopically ordered system are obtained. Clay films are elaborated by spin-coating technique and the dyes are intercalated by the immersion of clay thin films into dye solutions. The effect of clay on the dye properties is deeply analyzed and its preferential orientation in the interlayer space of the clay is studied by the anisotropic response of the films to the linear polarized light. Second, large silica monoliths with embedded laser dyes with strong absorption and fluorescence bands in different region of the Visible spectrum are attained by sol-gel chemistry to obtain solid-state dye laser (SSDL) with good photo, thermal and chemical stabilities. Third, silica nanoparticles (NP) with suitable size (50 nm) and functionalized external surface are also synthesised by sol-gel chemistry. Through the encapsulation of fluorescent dye molecules in their core and by the grafting of photosensitizers on their shell, biocompatible nanoparticles for bio-imaging and Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) applications are prepared. In order to optimize their properties, a careful investigation of the photophysical properties and mainly the singlet oxygen generation of a large range of new photosensitizers based on chromophores known as BODIPYs, is previously carried out. Based on these results, some efficient BODIPYs are selected for grafting on silica nanoparticles in order to use them for PDT. The photophysical properties of all these hybrid materials are analyzed by absorption and fluorescence (steady-state and time correlated) spectroscopies, and the singlet oxygen measurements are monitored by direct method (recording the singlet oxygen luminescence at 1270 nm) and by indirect method (using selective chemical probe). Moreover, the hybrid materials are fully characterized by several techniques such as, SEM, TEM, XRD, XPS, IR, DLS, BET.
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