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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Miniaturisation de la séparation Uranium / Plutonium / Produits de Fission : conception d’un microsystème « Lab-on-cd » et application / Miniaturization of the separation of Uranium / plutonium / Fission products : design of a lab-on-CD microsystem and applications

Bruchet, Anthony 18 October 2012 (has links)
L'analyse chimique est indispensable à de nombreuses étapes de la mise au point et dusuivi des procédés de retraitement des combustibles nucléaires usés, de la gestion des déchetsnucléaires, ou encore de l’optimisation des combustibles du futur. Le cycle global d’analysecomprend généralement plusieurs étapes de séparations chimiques longues, manuelles etdifficiles à mettre en oeuvre en raison de leur confinement en boite à gants. Il apparaîtaujourd’hui nécessaire de proposer des solutions innovantes et viables dans le butd’automatiser ces étapes mais aussi de réduire le volume de déchets radioactifs en fin de cycleanalytique. Une solution est alors la conception de plateformes analytiques miniaturiséesautomatisées et jetables.L’objectif de cette thèse est de concevoir un système miniaturisé alternatif à lapremière étape actuelle d’analyse des combustibles usés séparant, par chromatographied’échange d’ions, l’Uranium et le Plutonium des autres éléments constituant l’échantillon. Cesystème doit permettre à la fois de conserver les performances analytiques du processusactuel, de réduire drastiquement l’exposition des expérimentateurs par l’automatisation, ainsique le volume de déchets produits en fin de cycle analytique. Ainsi, la séparation a étéimplantée sur un microsystème jetable en plastique (COC), au design spécialement adapté àl’automatisation : un lab-on-CD.Le prototype développé intègre une micro-colonne séparative d’échange d’anionsremplie d’un polymère monolithique dont la synthèse in-situ ainsi que la fonctionnalisation desurface ont été optimisées spécifiquement pour la séparation voulue. Le développement duprotocole de séparation adapté à ces micro-colonnes a été réalisé à l’aide d’un outil desimulation de l’élution des différents éléments d’intérêts. Cet outil permet de prévoir lagéométrie de la colonne (section et longueur) afin d’obtenir, en fonction de l’échantillon, desfractions de collecte de l’Uranium et du Plutonium pures.Finalement, le prototype actuel est capable de conduire simultanément 4 séparationsde façon automatisée et permet de réduire à la fois le nombre de manipulations, le tempsd’analyse mais aussi de diviser approximativement par 1000 le volume des déchets liquidesgénérés. / The chemical analysis of spent nuclear fuels is essential to design future nuclear fuelscycle and reprocessing methods but also for waste management. The analysis cycle consistsof several chemical separation steps which are time consuming and difficult to implement dueto confinement in glove boxes. It is required that the separation steps be automated and thatthe volume of radioactive waste generated be reduced. The design of automated, miniaturizedand disposable analytical platforms should fulfill these requirements.This project aims to provide an alternative to the first analytical step of the spent fuelsanalysis: the chromatographic separation of Uranium and Plutonium from the minor actinidesand fission products.The goal is to design a miniaturized platform showing analytical performancesequivalent to the current process, and to reduce both the exposure of workers throughautomation, and the volume of waste produced at the end of the analysis cycle. Thus, theseparation has been implemented on a disposable plastic microsystem (COC), specificallydesigned for automation: a lab on a Compact Disk or lab-on-CD.The developed prototype incorporates an anion-exchange monolithic micro-columnwhose in-situ synthesis as well as surface functionalization have been optimized specificallyfor the desired separation. The development of an adapted separation protocol was carried outusing a simulation tool modeling the elution of the various elements of interest. This tool isable to predict the column geometry (length and cross section) suited to obtain pure fractionsof Uranium and Plutonium as a function of the sample composition.Finally, the prototype is able to automatically carry out four separationssimultaneously reducing the number of manipulations, the analysis time and reducing thevolume of liquid waste by a factor of 1000.

Evolution of porosity in carbide-derived carbon aerogels

Oschatz, M., Nickel, W., Thommes, M., Cychosz, K. A., Leistner, M., Adam, M., Mondin, G., Strubel, P., Borchardt, L., Kaskel, S. 19 December 2019 (has links)
Carbide-derived carbon (CDC) aerogel monoliths with very high porosity are synthesized starting from polymeric precursors. Cross-linking by platinum-catalyzed hydrosilylation of polycarbosilanes followed by supercritical drying yields preceramic aerogels. After ceramic conversion and silicon extraction in hot chlorine gas, hierarchically porous carbon materials with specific surface areas as high as 2122 m² g⁻¹ and outstanding total pore volumes close to 9 cm³ g⁻¹ are obtained. Their pore structure is controllable by the applied synthesis temperature as shown by combined nitrogen (-196 °C) and carbon dioxide (0 °C) measurements coupled with electron microscopic methods. The combination of large micropore volumes and the aerogel-type pore system leads to advanced adsorption properties due to a combination of large storage capacities and effective materials transport in comparison with purely microporous reference materials as shown by thermal response measurements.

Využití kapalinové chromatografie ve farmaceutické analýze a příprava monolitických stacionárních fází pro tenkovrstvou chromatografii / Use of liquid chromatography in pharmaceutical analysis and preparation of monolithic stationary phases for thin-layer chromatography

Vojta, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
(EN) In the first part of this work, analytical methods for determination of impurities of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) in combined pharmaceutical dosage forms were developed and validated. Development of the methods covered both the optimization of sample preparation procedure and chromatographic conditions. The methods were validated according to International Conference on Harmonization guideline and both of them were confirmed to be able to analyze stability samples. Impurities in paracetamol, codeine phosphate hemihydrate and pitophenone hydrochloride in the presence of fourth API fenpiverinium bromide were separated by using ion-pair reversed phase chromatography with gradient elution. Symmetry C18, 250 x 4,6 mm, 5 µm heated to 35 řC was used as a separation column. A diode array detector was used. The detection wavelengths were set as follows: 220 nm for paracetamol impurity K, 245 nm for paracetamol and its other impurities and 285 nm for codeine, pitophenone and their impurities. Impurities in valsartan, amlodipine besylate and hydrochlorothiazide were separated by reversed phase UHPLC method with gradient elution. Chromatographic column Zorbax Eclipse C8 RRHD, 100 x 3,0 mm, 1,8 µm heated to 30 řC and spectrophotometric detection were used. The detection wavelengths were set as...

Measurement of effective diffusivity : chromatographic method (pellets & monoliths)

Zhang, Runtong January 2013 (has links)
This thesis aims to find out the effective diffusivity (Deff) of a porous material – γ-alumina, using an unsteady state method with two inert gases at ambient condition with no reactions. For porous materials, Deff is important because it determines the amount of reactants that transfers to the surface of pores. When Deff is known, the apparent tortuosity factor of γ-alumina is calculated using the parallel pore model. The apparent tortuosity factor is important because: (a) it can be used to back-calculate Deff at reacting conditions; (b) once Deff with reactions is known, the Thiele modulus can be calculated and hence the global reaction rate can be found; (c) apparent tortuosity factor is also important for modelling purposes (e.g. modelling a packed-bed column or a catalytic combustion reactor packed with porous γ-alumina in various shapes and monoliths). Experimental measurements were performed to determine the effective diffusivity of a binary pair of non-reacting gases (He in N2, and N2 in He) in spherical γ-alumina pellets (1 mm diameter), and in γ-alumina washcoated monoliths (washcoat thickness 20 to 60 µm, on 400 cpsi (cells per square inch) cordierite support). The method used is based on the chromatographic technique, where a gas flows through a tube, which is packed with the sample to be tested. A pulse of tracer gas is injected (e.g. using sample loops: 0.1, 0.2, 0.5 ml) and by using an on-line mass spectrometer the response in the outlet of the packed bed is monitored over time. For the spherical pellets, the tube i.d. = 13.8 mm and the packed bed depths were 200 and 400 mm. For monoliths the tube i.d. = 7 mm and the packed lengths were 500 and 1000 mm. When the chromatographic technique was applied to the monoliths, it was observed that experimental errors can be significant, and it is very difficult to interpret the data. However, the technique worked well with the spherical pellets, and the effective diffusivity of He in N2 was 0.75 – 1.38 × 10-7 m2 s-1, and for N2 in He was 1.81 – 3.10 × 10-7 m2 s-1. Using the parallel pore model to back-calculate the apparent tortuosity factor, then a value between 5 to 9.5 was found for the pellets.

Conception et évaluation de phases stationnaires chirales pour l'emploi en électrochromatographie capillaire ( Tubes ouverts et colonnes monolithes ) / Non-covalent and covalent chiral stationary phases for capillary electrochromatography based on β-cyclodextrins (OT-CEC and m-CEC)

Lakhlifi, Mourad 27 November 2017 (has links)
Suite à la première thèse sur le greffage et l’adsorption physique successives de sélecteurs chiraux dans des tubes ouverts en électrochromatographie capillaire (ECC ou CEC) chirale, menée par le Dr Guillaume Pédéhontaa-Hiaa au sein de l’équipe du laboratoire COBRA (IUT d’Evreux), nous avons développé des phases stationnaires chirales covalentes (CSPs) à base de cyclodextrines (CDs) en tubes ouverts et des CSPs sur supports monolithiques pour l’emploi en CEC. Nous avons ainsi évalué les paramètres électrochromatographiques et la stabilité de ces CSPs en séparant une variété de racémiques neutres et chargés. L’influence de la température d’analyse, le potentiel appliqué ainsi que la nature et le pH des électrolytes sur la qualité des électrochromatogrammes ont été étudié en CEC chirale. Cette étude se divise en deux grandes parties. La première concerne les CSPs élaborées sur colonnes à tubes ouverts pour l’OT-CEC. Il s’agit initialement de graver la surface interne d’un capillaire de silice de 50 μm de diamètre interne à l’aide d’une solution de bifluorure d’ammonium dans le but premier d’augmenter considérablement sa surface spécifique et d’immobiliser en surface une grande quantité de sélecteurs chiraux à base de β-CD. Nous avons alors décrit des greffages covalents de CDs anioniques (Scc-β-CD et CM-β-CD) et d’un polymère anionique de CDs (p-CM-β-CD-) en surface de capillaire de gel de silice gravée et modifiée chimiquement par l’aminopropyltriéthoxysilane (APTEOS). Les greffages des sélecteurs ont été reproduits dans les mêmes conditions que dans la thèse rapportée précédemment en électrophorèse. L’originalité de la construction de ces CSPs réside dans la rapidité et la simplicité du couplage dit péptidique à température ambiante, des sélecteurs carboxylés sur des colonnes préalablement gravées. Ce greffage nécessite des agents de couplage peptidique solubles dans l’eau tels que 1-Ethyl-3-(diméthylaminopropyl)carbodiimide (EDC) et le N-Hydroxysuccinimide (NHS). Il peut aussi être obtenu de manière moins efficace avec d’autres agents solubles en milieu organique tels que le O-(Benzotriazol-1-yl)-N,N,N’,N’-tétraméthyluronium tétrafluoroborate et la triéthylamine (TBTU/TEA). Chaque étape menant aux CSPs a été caractérisée par une étude de flux électroosmotique (FEO) en OT-CEC. Des analyses en AFM et en MEB nous renseignent d’avantage sur le succès du procédé « etching » de nos capillaires. La deuxième grande partie de cette étude traite de la synthèse in-situ de CSPs sur des colonnes de type polymères monolithes organiques et un monolithe hybride à base de sol gel. Des post modifications de surface de ces supports monolithiques nous ont permis d’immobiliser de façon covalente et non covalente des sélecteurs de β-CD en surface des volumes macroporeux. Deux collaborations ont vu le jour pour atteindre ces objectifs. La première eut lieu avec le Dr Thuy Tran et le Pr Myriam Taverna de la Faculté de Pharmacie de Chatenay Malabry (UMR 8612), durant laquelle nous avons reproduit une colonne monolithe organique de type méthacrylate, porteuse de groupements phosphate dans l’optique d’adsorber physiquement en surface le polymère cationique de CDs (p-CD+) que nous a transféré le Pr Benjamin Carbonnier et d’évaluer les capacités de discrimination chirale de cette nouvelle CSP en m-CEC. La seconde collaboration a eu lieu avec le Dr Mohamed Guerrouache et le Pr Benjamin Carbonnier au sein du laboratoire ICMPE de Thiais, où nous avons synthétisé des colonnes monolithiques organiques à base d’acrylates dans le but de greffer en surface de façon covalente et non covalente les CDs et polymères de CDs et d’évaluer ces nouvelles CSPs en m-CEC. La troisième phase stationnaire monolithique employée est celle décrite par le Dr Huihui Yang qui décrit un monolithe hybride porteur de groupements sulfonates nous permettant par la suite d’immobiliser électrostatiquement le p-CD+ sur le réseau poreux et d’évaluer cette nouvelle CSP en m-CEC. / New chiral stationary phases have been prepared for Open Tubular and monolithic columns used in electrochromatography capillary. In order to separate racemic mixtures such as flavonoïd, Hidantoïn derivatives, Binaphtalene-2, 2-hydrogenophosphate and others chiral solutes, we use the β-cyclodextrin forms as chiral selector. Besides, β-cyclodextrin seems to be the most efficient chiral selector in chromatography since it is able to complex and dissolve optical organic isomers in an aqueous media, this chiral selector is able to dissolve even lipophilic molecule with high weight. The complexation is based on interactions with β-cyclodextrin. This study aims to elaborate new chiral stationary phase for CEC using β-cyclodextrin polymers and β-cyclodextrin derivatives. Two approaches were used: Firstly, covalent stationary phases coating with carboxymethyl-β-cyclodextrin polymers and oligomers containing carboxyl’s group had been experimented for open tubular and monolithic column in CEC. Then a non-covalent coating cationic polymer of β-cyclodextrin’s derivatives was immobilized (polytrimethyl ammonium β-CD) on continuous organic monoliths bearing anionic’s group. Prior to the covalent coating of the CD’s chiral selector for OT-CEC and m-CEC, we needed to modify the silicate surface and the monolithic surface with a primary amine silicate1,2 (aminopropyltriethoxysilane) and EDA, an amino-organic moiety (Ethylene diamine). The stability of the bonded organic moiety (APTEOS, EDA) were studied by CEC at different pH with constant ionic strength’s buffer. In this way, graft of carboxymethyl-β-cyclodextrin polymer on silica inner surface modified by APTEOS and on NAS-co-EDMA surface modified by EDA succeeded in activating and covalently coupling reagent as EDC and NHS (1-ethyl-3(-3-dimethtylaminopropyl) carbodiimide and N-hydroxysuccinimide, respectively3) with carboxymethyl’s group of carboxymethyl-β-cyclodextrin . The resultant stationary phase lead to stable chiral stationary phases, easier to prepare starting by coupling the selector to the amine’s group using EDC and NHS. In order to optimize enantio-separations by increasing the specific surface of open tubular columns, we reproduce the etching process to bared capillaries with ammonium bifluoride solution, referred to Pesek’s process4. By this mean, we increase dramatically the specific surface of bared capillaries before anchoring CDs polymers to silicate surfaces modified by APTEOS. Finally due to etching process, we obtain a covalent bonded Chiral Stationary Phase (CSP) which led to more efficient and resolvent enantio-separations by CEC. To describe, in another way, the non-covalent coating of CSP, we immobilised a cationic polymer (polytrimethyl ammonium β-CD+) on two kind of continuous organic and silica hybrid monoliths bearing sulfonate5 and phosphate’s groups. Based on precedent results for OT-CEC enantio-separation with LbL stationary phase7, using successive layers charged polymers to separate racemic mixture in CEC, we decided to adsorb a polycationic polymer hydrosoluble onto the silica hybrid monolith column to form chiral stationary phase (CSP) polytrimethyl ammonium β-cyclodextrin. This way of modification for monolithic surface by chiral selectors is nowadays highly efficient and attractive for CEC. The effect of the matrix and the coating’s nature are discussed by comparing the chromatographic parameters.

A systematics for interpreting past structures with possible cosmic references in Sub-Saharan Africa

Wade, Richard Peter 05 May 2009 (has links)
This thesis presents a method of identifying astronomical expressionsinherent within the spatial geography, cultural landscapes, and layouts of structures with a view to implementing the systematics in an African context. In determining astronomical codes of the southern African pre - early farmer and metalworking archaeological sites - this review deals with oral tradition, rituals, formative calendars, fertility, meteorites, eclipses, bio-diversity, sustainable agriculture, rainmaking and the general star lore. Conclusions are drawn from the hypothesis that certain structures functioned as astronomical expressions by use of monoliths and other configurations, with specific examples of how these possibilities were drawn from aspects within the Mapungubwe/Zimbabwe Cultural Complex and the preceding riverine cultural formations. / Dissertation (MSc(Applied Science))--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Architecture / unrestricted

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