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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Betesskador i vargrevir, norra Örebro län : En jämförande studie i ÄSO Linde östra - ÄSO Fellingsbro-Näsby / Browsing damage in wolf territory, northern part of Örebro county : A comparative study in ÄSO Linde Östra-ÄSO Felingsbro Näsby

Hellström, Per January 2023 (has links)
Betesskador kostar Sveriges skogsbruk stora summor varje år orsakade av älgbland annat. Vargens återkomst och mänsklig jakt har stor påverkan på älgpopulationen och trots en minskad älgstam så visade studier på att betesskadorna var oförändrade och till och med ökade. Studiens syfte var att utreda om man med hjälp av befintlig statistik från älgbetesinventeringar, avskjutningsstatistik för älg samt varginventering bekräfta att betesskadorna borde minskat i områden med vargrevir. Någon statistisk signifikans kunde inte bekräfta att betesskadorna minskade inom vargrevir och en trolig förklaring var stora mellanårsvariationer i älgbetesinventeringen samt för få variabler.Största anledningen till betesskador verkade mera bero på skogsbruket och skogens sammansättning och inte på hur mycket älg det fanns, trots stor predation och jakt så minskade inte betesskadorna.

The Future of the Tea Party: A Comparison of the Progressive (Bull Moose) Party and the Tea Party Movement

Bailey, Kendall Lyons 04 September 2012 (has links)
The Tea Party Movement (TPM) has emerged as an important player in United States politics by promoting fiscal conservatism, limited government, free market economics, and Constitutionalism. Candidates championing these TPM values have had some successful campaigns, particularly in the 2010 congressional primary and general elections. In doing so, TPM candidates focused their attacks on President Obama and his supporters in Congress, drawing attention to the increase in government spending and the growing budget deficit. The niche focus of the TPM combined with the strength of the U.S. two-party system and voters' partisan loyalties may limit the long-term effectiveness of the group. An analysis of campaign rhetoric from a sample of successful TPM House candidates highlights similarities in language used by the sampled TPM candidates in conveying TPM values. The discussion of similar economic and political climates of the Progressive (Bull Moose) Party and the Tea Party Movement eras provides for a historical comparison from which to predict the future of the TPM. In sum, this thesis suggests that the Tea Party Movement will likely expire with an improved economy and the conclusion of Barack Obama's presidency. / Master of Arts

An Ichnological and Sedimentological study of Devonian Black Shales from the Long Rapids Formation, Moose River Basin, Northern Ontario

Bezys, Ruth Krista Angela 07 1900 (has links)
<p>The Long Rapids Formation in the Moose River Basin of northern Ontario is Upper Devonian in age and can be correlated with similar shale deposits in the Michigan, Appalachian, and Illinois Basins . The southern Ontario equivalent to the Long Rapids Formation is the Kettle Point Formation. </p> <p> The Long Rapids Formation is a marine black shale deposited predominantly under depleted oxygen conditions. Large amounts of marine organic matter from the water column and from terrestrial sources accumulated in reducing bottom waters with little recycling to produce brown to black, organic-rich sediments . The depositional basin was stratified, and anoxic bottom waters and oxic surface waters were separated by a pycnocline. The position of the pycnocline (or the absence of it) dictated the type of sediment deposited, and the relative depth of the pycnocline to the sediment-water interface was more important than the absolute depth of the water column. The Moose River Basin in Late Devonian times was located on the Laurasian Continent in an area experiencing tropical conditions and was affected by a period of transgression following the Acadian Orogeny. The black shales in the Long Rapids Formation represent a period of transgression of the large epicontinental Catskill Sea, whereas the green-grey mudstones and carbonates represent periods of minor eustatic changes. </p> <p> Dark-coloured facies with abundant bioturbation are overlain by lighter-coloured facies. Bioturbation is variable in the less abundant green-grey mudstone and carbonate facies, and were also low in organic matter. The ichnofauna suite Chondrites-Planolites-Zoophycos-Alcyonidiopsis-(?Teichichnus) represents an oxygen-minimum ichnofacies found predominantly in dark shale facies. As more oxygen was introduced to the sediment-water interface, more permanent burrow structures were constructed such as Teichichnus, Terebellina, ?Cylindrichnus, Skolithos, and Ichnogenus "A" in the green-grey mudstones and carbonates. As well, body fossils were more commonly found in those facies. The Leiorhynchus brachiopod fauna in the dark-coloured shales probably represents a sparse epifauna living in poorly oxygenated or temporarily oxic conditions in a basinal or open-shelf environment. </p> / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)

Silurian and Ordovician conodont biostratigraphy of the Moose River Basin and Appalachian Basin

Bancroft, Alyssa Marie January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Développement méthodologique pour la modélisation géologique avec exemple pour la région de Moose Mountain, Alberta

Massé, Luc 29 May 2019 (has links)
Depuis peu, l’intégration et l’interprétation des données géoscientifiques peut s’effectuer dans des systèmes d’information géoscientifique (SIGS), afin de bâtir des modèles géologiques en trois dimensions. Ces systèmes sont encore à un stade juvénile de développement et d’utilisation, marqué par peu de méthodes et d’exemples d’application pour guider les utilisateurs potentiels. Une méthodologie de construction de modèles géologiques 3D a donc été développée à l’aide du logiciel gOcad™. Cette méthode est fondée sur l’intégration de données géoscientifiques de surface, d’un modèle numérique de terrain, et d’une mosaïque d’orthophotos. La modélisation est guidée par les contraintes géologiques établies par une étude structurale récente de la région à l’étude. La construction du modèle géologique a permis d’établir la géométrie tridimensionnelle des failles et des plis, ainsi que de déterminer l’extension latérale de ces structures. De plus, la méthode permet de résoudre la construction d’une surface géologique complexe partiellement affectée par un chevauchement. / Québec Université Laval, Bibliothèque 2019

Elninių žvėrių gausa ir jų poveikio mitybos ištekliams įvertinimas Kuršėnų miškų urėdijoje / Cervids density and influence to nourishment resources in kursenai forests

Zeleniūtė, Vitalija 27 June 2014 (has links)
Šio darbo tikslas buvo išstudijuoti elninių žvėrių (briedžių, tauriųjų elnių ir europinių stirnų) gausumą 2009-2010 m. žiemojimo periodu Kuršėnų urėdijos miškuose ir palyginti skirtingų miškų gautus rezultatus. Tyrimai atlikti 18 miškų, naudojant McCain netiesioginę elninių žvėrių apskaitą pagal jų paliekamus ekskrementus bei Aldous medžių pažeidimo metodą. Pagal atliktus tyrimus, vidutinis elninių žvėrių tankumas Kuršėnų urėdijos miškuose 2009-2010 m. žiemojimo periodu buvo 14, 7 individų tūkstančiui hektarų. Briedžių tankumas tirtame regione buvo du kartus didesnis, lyginant su vidutiniu briedžių tankumu visoje Lietuvos teritorijoje, tauriųjų elnių – labai panašus, o stirnų buvo dvigubai mažesnis. Taigi, tirtuose miškuose yra gausu stambiųjų elninių, tačiau jie konkuruoja su stirnomis. Vidutinis briedžių ir tauriųjų elnių tankumas tirtuose miškuose atitinka ekologinį ir ūkiškai leistiną elninių žvėrių gausumą Lietuvos miškams, o stirnų yra du kartus mažesnis, tačiau, atsižvelgiant į mitybinę konkurenciją, taurusis elnias laikomas pagrindine elninių žvėrių rūšimi tirtoje vietovėje, tad pagrindinis dėmesys turėtų būti skiriamas jo populiacijų gausinimui. Elniniai žvėrys pagal mitybos specializaciją renkasi skirtingus biotopus. Didžiausias briedžių gausumas nustatytas krūmynuose, tauriųjų elnių – pievose, o europinių stirnų – dirbamų laukų biotopuose. Vidutinis dendrofloros panaudojimo pašarams intensyvumas Kuršėnų urėdijos miškuose buvo 18,5 %, bet netgi didžiausi pažeidimai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of this study was to find out the density of cervids during wintering period in Kušėnai forests and to compare gathered data with density in different forest. The research have been conducted in 18 forests, using McCain indirect record by excrement and Aldous trees damage method. Studies have shown that the average density of cervids in surveyed areas is 14.7 individuals per thousand hectares. Moose density in this region is twice higher than average moose density in whole Lithuania, red deer – very similar, roe deer density is half lower. Therefore, explored forests is rich of large ungulate mammals, but they compete with roe deers. The average abundance of red deer and moose satisfies commercially and ecologicaly acceptable ones, also roe deer density is more than two times smaller, bur in aspect of the competition diet, red deer is considered to be the main cervid species in studied forests, so more attention should be paid to increase their population. Cervids by specificity of their species in different forests choose similar biotopes. The highest abundance of moose were in scrubs, red deer – in meadows, roe deer – in cultivated fields. The average of tree damage in stydy areas is 18.5 percent, but even the highest nutrient load does not exceed the recommended rate (30–40 %), so there is no danger to natural forest regeneration.

Habitat selection by moose (Alces alces) in southwestern Sweden / Älgars habitatval i sydvästra Sverige

Olovsson, Anders January 2007 (has links)
<p>The moose (Alces alces) is very important both economically and ecologically, therefore all knowledge of moose is vital for future management of the moose population. Little is known about moose habitat selection in Sweden. In coastal southwestern Sweden growing human population and new infrastructure projects continuously threaten to fragment and isolate local moose populations. The habitat selection of 22 moose, 8 males and 14 females, in southwestern Sweden was studied from February 2002 until December 2005. The moose were captured and fitted with GPS-collars and positions were collected at 2-hour intervals. The number of moose positions totaled 71103 during the study period of 46 months. Data for individual animals were divided into four seasons: spring, summer, fall and winter based on climate and moose biology. A total of 125 moose seasonal home ranges were generated and habitat use within each of the generated home ranges was studied using Euclidean distance-based analysis. A reclassified digital landcover map was divided into the land use classes agriculture, clear-cut, coniferous forest, deciduous forest, mire and mountain. The results showed that there was a difference in habitat selection between males and females. Males were significantly closer to forest and clear-cuts compared to females. Both males and females selected clear-cuts and avoided agriculture within their home ranges.</p> / <p>Älgen är en viktig art, både ekonomiskt och ekologiskt, och all kunskap är viktig för att även i framtiden kunna sköta en sund älgstam. Trots flertalet studier finns det många frågetecken om älgens habitatval i Sverige. En ökad exploateringstakt och nya infrastrukturprojekt hotar att fragmentera och isolera populationer av älg. Habitatvalet hos 22 älgar, 8 tjurar och 14 kor, i sydvästra Sverige studerades mellan februari 2002 och december 2005. Älgarna sövdes och utrustades med GPS-sändare, deras positioner registrerades varannan timma och det totala antalet positioner under den 46 månader långa studietiden var 71103 stycken. Data från varje älg delades in i 4 säsonger; vår, sommar, höst och vinter, baserat på klimat och älgens biologi. Totalt genererades 125 hemområden baserade på säsong, och valet av habitat inom varje hemområde studerades med hjälp av Euclidean distance-based analysis. En omklassificerad digital marktäckedata användes som var indelad i 6 olika klasser; odlad mark, hygge, barrskog, lövskog, myrmark och berg i dagen. Resultaten visade att det var skillnad mellan könen i hur de väljer habitat. Tjurarna var signifikant närmare barrskog och hyggen än korna, men både tjurar och kor selekterade för hyggen och undvek odlad mark inom deras hemområden.</p>

The use of highway crossings to maintain landscape connectivity for moose and roe deer

Olsson, Mattias January 2007 (has links)
<p>Increasingly wildlife managers and land managers are challenged to maintain the viability and connectivity among large mammal populations. Thus, it is important that effective highway crossings are identified and optimized with respect to construction cost, facilitation of ungulate movements, and ability to reduce wildlife-vehicle collisions. The use of exclusion fencing to reduce ungulate-vehicle collisions is commonly installed along Swedish highways. However, exclusion fences may pose a threat to the viability of wildlife populations because they serve as barriers to individual movements and may limit accessibility to resources. Various types of wildlife crossings intended to reduce road-kills and increase habitat connectivity across fenced highways have been constructed throughout the world. Previous studies have evaluated the importance of structure design and size for many ungulate species, but few studies involved moose (Alces alces) which is the target species for most large ungulate mitigations in Sweden. The results of the studies are intended to facilitate the development of wildlife crossings and conventional road passages to meet ungulate demands.</p><p>We monitored moose fitted with GPS radio collars and characterized their space and habitat use patterns in southwestern Sweden. Moose had seasonal differences in habitat selection within their home range, and generally preferred clear-cuts and early successional forest, boreal forest, and glades, but avoided agricultural areas and open water. We used infrared remote cameras, track surveys, and GPS telemetry to monitor the use of wildlife crossings and conventional road passages by moose and roe deer (Capreolus capreolus). The upgrading of a non-fenced road to a fenced highway with three wildlife crossings decreased the moose movements across the highway by 67-89 %. Overpass use by moose and roe deer declined with increased traffic volume on the highway and both species walked during periods of low highway traffic volumes and shifted to trotting as traffic intensity increased. Low rates of human disturbances and proximity to forest edges increased use of highway underpasses by roe deer. Moose used large underpasses to a higher degree than small.</p>

Phylogenetic relationships and species richness of coprophilous ascomycetes

Nyberg Kruys, Åsa January 2005 (has links)
<p>Coprophilous ascomycetes are a diverse group of saprobes, of which many belong to three families, Delitschiaceae, Phaeotrichaceae and Sporormiaceae, within the large order Pleosporales. The natural relationships and circumscription of these families are unclear, especially within the family Sporormiaceae, where the generic delimitation have been questioned. There is also a need to understand how different ecological processes affect species richness and occurrence of coprophilous ascomycetes in general. The aim of this thesis was therefore to test earlier classifications of coprophilous taxa within Pleosporales, using phylogenetic analyses of DNA sequences; and to study how the habitat, dung type and herbivores´ food choice may affect the species richness and species composition of coprophilous ascomycetes.</p><p>A phylogenetic study shows that coprophilous taxa have arisen several times within Pleosporales. Sporormiaceae and Delitschiaceae are separate monophyletic groups and should continue to be recognized as two distinct families within Pleosporales. Phaeotrichaceae forms a monophyletic group, and is, unexpectedly, a strongly supported sister-group to Venturiaceae, but if they belong to Pleosporales or not, remains unresolved. Testudinaceae and Zopfiaceae, which previously had an unclear position in Ascomycota, are shown to be members of Pleosporales and should be treated as two separate families. The genus <i>Eremodothis</i> is, however, not related to Testudinaceae, but is nested within Sporormiaceae and should be transferred to <i>Westerdykella</i>.</p><p>The natural relationships within Sporormiaceae are still not fully resolved and consequently, I suggest a rather conservative generic classification, accepting <i>Preussia, Sporormia, Westerdykella</i>, as well as <i>Sporormiella</i>, despite that the latter is not conclusively well supported as monophyletic. Characters previously used in the taxonomy and classification of Sporormiaceae, as choice of substrate, presence or absence of an ostiole, presence or absence of germ slits, and spore ornamentation, were all homoplastic and not very useful for circumscribing monophyletic groups.</p><p>Field-studies of moose (<i>Alces alces</i>), mountain hare (<i>Lepus timidus</i>) and roe deer (<i>Capreolus capreolus</i>) dung resulted in several new species records, which suggests that coprophilous ascomycetes in boreal Sweden are poorly known. Fungal species richness and occurrence on moose dung varied significantly between habitats. Species diversity was negatively associated with amount of insect attack, and insects feeding either on the dung and/or the fungi may be an important factor explaining the observed pattern. Species richness of coprophilous fungi varied also significantly between different dung types. A study of moose, mountain hare, and roe deer dung did not show any consistent patterns in respect to the animals´ digestive system. There was, however, a general strong positive relationship between the total number of ascomycete species and the number of plant species foraged by the three herbivores. Fungal species with large spores (≥ 50 µm) were over-represented on roe deer dung, and under-represented on moose dung, while the reverse was found for species with small spores (<10µm). This suggests that the foraging level of the herbivore, which in turn mirrors species-specific differences in spore dispersal of the fungi, may be an important factor in explaining species richness and diversity of the coprophilous community.</p>

Phylogenetic relationships and species richness of coprophilous ascomycetes

Nyberg Kruys, Åsa January 2005 (has links)
Coprophilous ascomycetes are a diverse group of saprobes, of which many belong to three families, Delitschiaceae, Phaeotrichaceae and Sporormiaceae, within the large order Pleosporales. The natural relationships and circumscription of these families are unclear, especially within the family Sporormiaceae, where the generic delimitation have been questioned. There is also a need to understand how different ecological processes affect species richness and occurrence of coprophilous ascomycetes in general. The aim of this thesis was therefore to test earlier classifications of coprophilous taxa within Pleosporales, using phylogenetic analyses of DNA sequences; and to study how the habitat, dung type and herbivores´ food choice may affect the species richness and species composition of coprophilous ascomycetes. A phylogenetic study shows that coprophilous taxa have arisen several times within Pleosporales. Sporormiaceae and Delitschiaceae are separate monophyletic groups and should continue to be recognized as two distinct families within Pleosporales. Phaeotrichaceae forms a monophyletic group, and is, unexpectedly, a strongly supported sister-group to Venturiaceae, but if they belong to Pleosporales or not, remains unresolved. Testudinaceae and Zopfiaceae, which previously had an unclear position in Ascomycota, are shown to be members of Pleosporales and should be treated as two separate families. The genus Eremodothis is, however, not related to Testudinaceae, but is nested within Sporormiaceae and should be transferred to Westerdykella. The natural relationships within Sporormiaceae are still not fully resolved and consequently, I suggest a rather conservative generic classification, accepting Preussia, Sporormia, Westerdykella, as well as Sporormiella, despite that the latter is not conclusively well supported as monophyletic. Characters previously used in the taxonomy and classification of Sporormiaceae, as choice of substrate, presence or absence of an ostiole, presence or absence of germ slits, and spore ornamentation, were all homoplastic and not very useful for circumscribing monophyletic groups. Field-studies of moose (Alces alces), mountain hare (Lepus timidus) and roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) dung resulted in several new species records, which suggests that coprophilous ascomycetes in boreal Sweden are poorly known. Fungal species richness and occurrence on moose dung varied significantly between habitats. Species diversity was negatively associated with amount of insect attack, and insects feeding either on the dung and/or the fungi may be an important factor explaining the observed pattern. Species richness of coprophilous fungi varied also significantly between different dung types. A study of moose, mountain hare, and roe deer dung did not show any consistent patterns in respect to the animals´ digestive system. There was, however, a general strong positive relationship between the total number of ascomycete species and the number of plant species foraged by the three herbivores. Fungal species with large spores (≥ 50 µm) were over-represented on roe deer dung, and under-represented on moose dung, while the reverse was found for species with small spores (&lt;10µm). This suggests that the foraging level of the herbivore, which in turn mirrors species-specific differences in spore dispersal of the fungi, may be an important factor in explaining species richness and diversity of the coprophilous community.

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