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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rituell kreativitet inom nyhedendom : En forskningsbaserad litteraturstudie om rituell kreativitet och ritualers funktioner inom wicca och modern asatro i syfte att berika elevers förståelse för ritualer och nyhedendom.

Johansson, Andrea, Torevik, Annie January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med undervisning i religionskunskap är att elever ska utveckla förståelse för olika sätt att leva och förhålla sig till världen. Ett fokus på religion som praktik ska enligt läroplanen också finnas. I skolan får elever lära sig om de olika världsreligionerna men mer sällan får de höra talas om vad nyhednisk religion är. Ännu mer sällan undervisas elever i skolan om ritualer som något föränderligt och kontextbundet. Eftersom nyhednisk religion definieras mer utifrån sin praktik än sin tro så förmedlas ritualers uppbyggnad och syfte fördelaktigt genom studier av nyhednisk religion. Uppsatsens syfte är att berika religionsundervisningen genom att undersöka hur rituell kreativitet yttrar sig vid skapandet av ritualer inom wicca och modern asatro samt vilka funktioner ritualerna fyller för utövarna. Detta skapar möjligheter för elever att bredda sin förståelse av ritualer och nyhedniska religioner. Metoden som används är en systematisk litteraturstudie. Examensarbetet undersöker vad forskningen idag säger om rituell kreativitet inom de två valda religionerna. Syftet med detta är att öka lärares kunskap om ritualer som fenomen. Resultaten i examensarbetet visar enligt forskningen att de två religionerna till viss del inspireras utav varandra då ritualer återskapas. Detta är dock något som utövare av religionerna själva inte håller med om. Resultaten visar dessutom att förekomsten av skriftliga källor är en bristvara. Inom modern asatro finns ett begränsat utbud av förkristna källor som de förhåller sig till medan det inom wicca helt saknas äldre källor. Bristen på källor leder inom båda religionerna till en stor rituell kreativitet med föränderliga ritualer som inspireras av de utövare som utför dem. Gemensamt för de båda religionerna är att ritualer snarare än tro är det centrala och att ritualer fyller mycket viktiga sociala funktioner. Att öka kunskapen om hur ritualer skapas och vilken funktion de fyller för utövarna är viktigt för förståelsen om ritualer som fenomen.

När det otänkbara händer : En studie av skillnader och likheter i kriminaljournalistiken om Arbogamorden 2008 i AB, DN, Arboga Tidning och VLT

Widegren, Ellinor, Österberg, Ellenor January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att öka kunskapen om och förståelsen för hur olika tidningar väljer att framställa samma händelse i text och bild. Vi har gjort en empirisk undersökning av nyhetstexter publicerade om Arbogamorden som skedde 2008. De tidningar vi valt att studera är Bärgslagsbladet/Arboga Tidning och Vestmanlands Läns Tidning på grund av sin geografiska närhet till händelsen samt Dagens Nyheter och Aftonbladet på grund av sin rikstäckning. Vi har med hjälp av en massmedieretorisk analysmodell gjort en kvalitativ innehålls analys som har legat till grund för vårt resultat. Det vi under arbetets gång har kommit fram till är att skillnaderna är stora och många. Aftonbladet har stått för en mer sensationsinriktad journalistik och har, har enligt vår bedömning av det undersökta materialet, ofta befunnit sig i gränslandet för hur denna typ av arbete bör utföras för att inte bryta mot befintliga pressetiska regler. Dagens Nyheter har tagit sig an händelsen på ett helt annat sätt, de har en mer saklig kriminaljournalistik och har vad vi kunnat observera i det undersökta materialet följt de pressetiska reglerna väl. Mitt emellan dessa två motpoler finner vi Bärgslagsbladet/Arboga Tidning och Vestmanlands Läns Tidning som båda två har använt sig av en tveksam medieetik och stundvis tänjt på spelreglerna.

Turism i filmens värld : En fallstudie rörande tv-serien "Morden i Midsomers" potential som turismprodukt / Tourism in the world of films : A case study concerning the “Midsomer murder” series potential as tourism product

Tyrfelt, Christian January 2011 (has links)
This essay notice film and TV-series as a resource, which can be utililized by the tourism industry. To be more concrete, the aim of this essay is to examine if and how the Television series “Midsomer murders” can be utilized as a tourism product. To fulfill the purpose of this essay, two different methods have been used: the study off literature and a content analyses, the later in form of a picture & film analyses. The results of this study showed that “Midsomer murders” have qualifications enough to be a successful tourism product. Among other things, tourism based on TV-series or film, seem to be right in time. The post-tourist accepts imagination and finds “authentic” meaning in experiences rather than in objects. The post-tourist even prefer and expects some form of imagination. ”Midsomer murders” as a tourism product, offers a stay based on fiction where rooms of “tourism” comprehend a stage where the tourist plays his part like an actor in the theatre. The plot in the series can be utilized through arranging role-playing, where the tourist is allowed to leave the daily life and assume new identities. The qualities of the post-tourist, easily correspond to those experiences, attractions and attributes offered by filmtourism. That is why the tourism product ”Midsomer murders” is right in time. Further, the plot, sceneries, actors and characters in “Midsomer Murders” can be utilized to create a lasting tourism product. The study also found that locals as well as private, governmental and municipal actors needs to be involved in the tourism planning in order for the tourism product to work efficiently. Agreements on writing guide books and to create an official ”fansite” need to be established by involving the producers and distributors of the series. The study also found that the village of Great Missenden as well as the village of Bledlow could serve as main attractions for the “Midsomer murder” tourism product.

Reproductive biology and nectary structure of <i>Lythrum</i> in central Saskatchewan

Caswell, Wade Devin 26 August 2008
This project examined multiple aspects of the reproductive biology of the wetland invasive species, purple loosestrife (<i>Lythrum salicaria</i> L.), in central Saskatchewan. An examination of insect taxa visiting the three floral morphs of <i>Tristylous</i> L. <i>salicaria</i>, as well as a ranking of the pollination efficiency of individual insect species, an apparent first for L salicaria, was undertaken. Surface features of the floral nectary of L. <i>salicaria</i>, as well as floral nectar secretion dynamics, were also investigated. This project also re-visited some of the previous work done on this invasive species, including various floral organ morphometrics in relation to heterostyly, and aspects of the tristylous breeding system including self-fertilization, and fertilization potential of both illegitimate pollination and legitimate pollination.<p>The trimorphic nature of the sexual floral organs of L. <i>salicaria</i> were well defined in Saskatchewan. Significant differences in length (long-, intermediate- and short-style lengths) exist between all three floral morphs. Lengths of the staminal filaments (long, intermediate, and short) were also significantly different. Also the floral nectary in L. <i>salicaria</i> is located in a depression formed at the interface of the hypanthium and the gynoecium. Several stomata are located at regular intervals along the nectary surface, and may constitute the escape route for floral nectar. No morphological differences in nectary structure were apparent among the three floral morphs.<p>Nectar secretion dynamics of L. <i>salicaria</i> were examined between the three floral morphs throughout two summer days in 2006. Peak average nectar volumes and nectar sugar quantities were detected at 3:00 pm, and, interestingly, no significant differences were detected between floral morphs, in accordance with nectary morphology. The estimated secretion rates for L. <i>salicaria</i> ranged from 61 83 µg of nectar sugar per flower per hour.<p>Hand-pollination experiments carried out over the summers of 2006 and 2007 at three field sites in and around Saskatoon have verified the strong self-incompatibility in the breeding system of this tristylous species. Intramorph pollination, using illegitimate pollen, did not result in fertilisation, whereas legitimate hand-pollination experiments yielded multiple pollen tubes at the style base, without exception.<p><i>Lythrum salicaria</i> in central Saskatchewan was visited by several bee taxa including honeybees (<i>Apis mellifera</i> L.), bumblebees (Bombus spp.), leafcutter bees (Megachile spp.), and sweat bees (Lasioglossum spp.). A single visit by <i>Anthophora furcata</i> (Panzer) was also recorded in 2007. Generally, bee visits led to high levels of pollination success as determined by fluorescence microscopy of pollen tubes following single insect visits to previously-unvisited flowers. However, most visits by hoverflies (Syrphidae) were non-pollinating. Visits by Pieris rapae (L.), yellowjacket wasps (Vespidae) and some non-syrphid flies (Diptera) also yielded no pollen tubes at the style base.<p>A study of the ultrastructure and development of the floral nectary of the purple loosestrife cultivar Morden Gleam (<i>Lythrum virgatum</i> L. x L. alatum Pursh.) showed that starch build up in pre-secretory nectary tissues declined throughout secretion, and is virtually absent in post-secretory nectary tissues. The lack of a direct vascular supply to the floral nectary suggests that the starch breakdown products likely make up most of the floral nectar carbohydrates. Surface features of the floral nectary in Morden Gleam closely resembled those of L. salicaria, located in the valley formed between the hypanthium and gynoecium. Nectary stomata, occasionally in pairs, likely serve as outlets for nectar in this cultivar.

Reproductive biology and nectary structure of <i>Lythrum</i> in central Saskatchewan

Caswell, Wade Devin 26 August 2008 (has links)
This project examined multiple aspects of the reproductive biology of the wetland invasive species, purple loosestrife (<i>Lythrum salicaria</i> L.), in central Saskatchewan. An examination of insect taxa visiting the three floral morphs of <i>Tristylous</i> L. <i>salicaria</i>, as well as a ranking of the pollination efficiency of individual insect species, an apparent first for L salicaria, was undertaken. Surface features of the floral nectary of L. <i>salicaria</i>, as well as floral nectar secretion dynamics, were also investigated. This project also re-visited some of the previous work done on this invasive species, including various floral organ morphometrics in relation to heterostyly, and aspects of the tristylous breeding system including self-fertilization, and fertilization potential of both illegitimate pollination and legitimate pollination.<p>The trimorphic nature of the sexual floral organs of L. <i>salicaria</i> were well defined in Saskatchewan. Significant differences in length (long-, intermediate- and short-style lengths) exist between all three floral morphs. Lengths of the staminal filaments (long, intermediate, and short) were also significantly different. Also the floral nectary in L. <i>salicaria</i> is located in a depression formed at the interface of the hypanthium and the gynoecium. Several stomata are located at regular intervals along the nectary surface, and may constitute the escape route for floral nectar. No morphological differences in nectary structure were apparent among the three floral morphs.<p>Nectar secretion dynamics of L. <i>salicaria</i> were examined between the three floral morphs throughout two summer days in 2006. Peak average nectar volumes and nectar sugar quantities were detected at 3:00 pm, and, interestingly, no significant differences were detected between floral morphs, in accordance with nectary morphology. The estimated secretion rates for L. <i>salicaria</i> ranged from 61 83 µg of nectar sugar per flower per hour.<p>Hand-pollination experiments carried out over the summers of 2006 and 2007 at three field sites in and around Saskatoon have verified the strong self-incompatibility in the breeding system of this tristylous species. Intramorph pollination, using illegitimate pollen, did not result in fertilisation, whereas legitimate hand-pollination experiments yielded multiple pollen tubes at the style base, without exception.<p><i>Lythrum salicaria</i> in central Saskatchewan was visited by several bee taxa including honeybees (<i>Apis mellifera</i> L.), bumblebees (Bombus spp.), leafcutter bees (Megachile spp.), and sweat bees (Lasioglossum spp.). A single visit by <i>Anthophora furcata</i> (Panzer) was also recorded in 2007. Generally, bee visits led to high levels of pollination success as determined by fluorescence microscopy of pollen tubes following single insect visits to previously-unvisited flowers. However, most visits by hoverflies (Syrphidae) were non-pollinating. Visits by Pieris rapae (L.), yellowjacket wasps (Vespidae) and some non-syrphid flies (Diptera) also yielded no pollen tubes at the style base.<p>A study of the ultrastructure and development of the floral nectary of the purple loosestrife cultivar Morden Gleam (<i>Lythrum virgatum</i> L. x L. alatum Pursh.) showed that starch build up in pre-secretory nectary tissues declined throughout secretion, and is virtually absent in post-secretory nectary tissues. The lack of a direct vascular supply to the floral nectary suggests that the starch breakdown products likely make up most of the floral nectar carbohydrates. Surface features of the floral nectary in Morden Gleam closely resembled those of L. salicaria, located in the valley formed between the hypanthium and gynoecium. Nectary stomata, occasionally in pairs, likely serve as outlets for nectar in this cultivar.

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