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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Morfologie patra u pacientů s hemifaciální mikrozómií / Morphology of palate in patients with hemifacial microsomia

Nádaská, Sandra January 2013 (has links)
Thesis deals with studying of morphology and variability of palatal shape in patients with hemifacial microsomia. It is congenital facial disorder, manifests in hypoplasia and asymmetry of facial structures. It interfere with part of splanchnocranium,especially manifests at hypoplasia of mandible and facial asymmetry, ears or orbits can be another affects part of the face. For notice morphology of palate was use virtual dental models of superior alveolar arch and palate of patients with HFM. Mean age of patients with HFM was 27,2 years (in range 20,8 - 41,5 years), mean age of control's file was 13,2 years (in range 13,0 - 13,9 years). Every subjects, also from patient's file and from control's file are mens with Czech's nationality. Models were evaluate by methods of geometrics morphometry (DCA, PCA, analysis asymmetry) and multidimensional statistic (Hotteling test, test of homogenity). Palatal shape of patients with HFM and controls is significantly different. Palate of patients with HFM was narrower and shorter in anterior part while wider in posterior lateral part, especially at the left side relative to control's file. We found out by evaluation asymmetry that palate of patients with HFM had the biggest asymmetry at back side of palate, by contrast, the biggest symmetry was at vertical middle line of...

Zarovnané povrchy v Hrubém Jeseníku / Planation surfaces in the Hrubý Jeseník Mts.

Jablonská, Danica January 2013 (has links)
Remnants of planation surfaces in Hrubý Jeseník were noted in many geomorphological studies made in the studied area. However, the levels of planation surfaces were never described. The present study deals with the determination of the levels of planation surfaces (the amount of levels) and its connection to neotectonics. The whole area was divided into three parts (Pradědská, Keprnická and Orlická part). Histograms of elevation frequency, the cumulative graph of the area of planation surfaces and the statistical test show six levels of planation surfaces. Six levels were determined in Pradědská and Orlická part and four levels in Keprnická part. The levels of planation were compared to similar areas in the Sudetes. These intervals have significant representation of the flat surfaces within. Six levels of planation surfaces were determined. The main periods of uplift were presented based on the intervals between the levels of planation surfaces. The minimum uplift in the central, most active part is estimated to be 450 m.

Morfologie a taxonomie nově objevených zástupců skupiny Megasecoptera ze svrchního karbonu severní Číny (Insecta: Palaeodictyopteroida) / Megasecoptera: morphology and taxonomy of newly discovered specimens from Upper Carboniferous of northern China (Insecta: Palaeodictyopteroida)

Pecharová, Martina January 2013 (has links)
The extinct insect group of Palaeodictyopteroida (Insecta: Palaeoptera) comprised mainly phytophagous species and occurred from Upper Carboniferous to Upper Permian. Megasecoptera is one of several orders of belonging to this group. Although, the order Megasecoptera comprised over 20 described families, morphology of some body structures are insufficiently studied. The present thesis deals with evaluation of new material comprising the extensive set of 76 fossil insect specimens from the Upper Carboniferous (Bashkirian) of northern China. The fossils having excellent state of preservation of the wings and other body structures provide new insights concerning the external morphology of Megasecoptera. All studied specimens were attributed based on wing venation pattern into two known megasecopteran genera within families Brodiopteridae and Sphecopteridae. The aim of the present thesis is examine the morphology and variability of wing venation of two newly proposed species Brodioptera sp. n. and Cyclocelis sp. n. from site in northern China. In addition the following methods of geometric morphometrics based on landmarks were used for comparison of venational characters: a comparison of centroid size, procrustes analysis, principal component analysis and thin plate spline. Variability of wing venation...

Pohlavní dimorfismus obličeje a jeho změny při stárnutí / Sexual dimorphism of the face and changes during senescence

Mydlová, Miriama January 2013 (has links)
The human face shape is constantly changing during human life, even after one`s development stop (Hennessy a Moss, 2001; Williams a Slice, 2010). This work applies geometric morphometry method on study of sexual dimorphism of human face through ageing. Sexual dimorphism can be defined as a systematic difference in form between individuals of different sex of the same kind (Samal et al., 2007). Morphological changes, related to the process of ageing of human face, were analysed on data obtained from 3D surface models of human faces using methods of geometric morphometry (Dense Correspondence Analysis, Principal Component Analysis, Shell-to-Shell Deviation) and multivariatel statistics (Scree Plot, Hotelling`s Tš-test, permutational test, MANOVA). The work results indicates that the form (size with shape) and shape of men and women faces significantly change through ageing. Individuals aged between 20-40 years differ in form of the face, however the oldest men aged between 61-82 years differ from women only in shape of the face. The biggest differences in sexual dimorphism are in the middle age category (41-60 years), where there are significant differences not only in form, but also considering shape alone. Key words: ageing, form and shape, geometric morphometry, human face, sexual dimorphism 7

Diversité cryptique du zooplancton carbonaté et réponse aux changements globaux du pléistocène à l'anthropocène / Carbonate zooplankton cryptic diversity and response to climate changes from pleistocene to anthropocène

Regoli, Fabienne 10 July 2014 (has links)
La dynamique de la thermocline Equatoriale Pacifique est en grande partie modulée par des phénomènes climatiques majeurs tels que l'ENSO ou la mousson indo asiatique. Nous utilisons des fossiles de deux morphotypes de l'espèce de foraminifères planctoniques Globigerinoides ruber comme traceurs de la stratification à la bordure Sud du Pacifique Ouest Equatorial, afin de retracer la dynamique climatique de cette région durant les derniers 800 000 ans. Nos résultats mettent en évidence un battement de la thermocline Pacifique en réponse aux variations Glaciaire /Interglaciaire, en relation avec les hautes latitudes. Lors des périodes glaciaires, la gyre subtropicale Sud renforcée permet le transport d'eaux froides venues de l'Antarctique vers le Pacifique Ouest. Ce mécanisme s'est progressivement intensifié depuis 800 000 ans en réponse à l'augmentation de l'amplitude de l'obliquité de l'orbite terrestre. L'étude morphologique des deux morphotypes de Globigerinoides ruber en réponse aux changements climatiques des derniers 800 000 ans, montre que la forme des tests est influencée par les changements environnementaux à l'échelle Glaciaire/Interglaciaire. Ces résultats suggèrent également que ces deux populations ont des exigences écologiques distinctes, permettant de les utiliser comme proxy de la stratification. La calibration mono-morphotypique pour les paléotempératures issues du Mg/Ca a également montré qu'il ne semble pas y avoir de différence de thermodépendance du Magnésium entre ces deux populations. / The Equatorial West Pacific thermocline dynamic is strongly modulated by climatic phenomenon as the ENSO and the Indo Asiatic monsoon. Here we use fossils of two morphotypes of the same planktonic foraminifera species, Globigerinoides ruber, from the Southern edge of the Western Equatorial Pacific as proxy of paleostratification, in order to track climate changes since the last 800 000 years. Our results show a regular beating of the Equatorial Pacific thermocline in response to Glacial/ Interglacial changes connected to the high latitudes. During glacials, the reinforced South subtropical gyre increases the advection of cold waters from the Antarctic to the West Pacific. This mechanism was progressively intensified by the increasing obliquity amplitude since 800 000 years. The morphometric study of the two morphotypes of Globigerinoides ruber indicates that the test shape responses to environmental changes at Glacial/Interglacial time scale. Furthermore these results suggest that those two populations have distinct environmental requirements, allowing to uses them as proxy of stratification. The mono-morphotypic calibration for Mg/Ca derived-paleotemperatures indicates that there is no specific thermodependance of magnesium between the two morphotypes.

Evolution, adaptation and speciation in Anthroherpon Reitter, a genus of subterranean Coleoptera / Evolution, adaptation et speciation chez Anthroherpon Reitter, un genre de coléoptères souterrains

Njunjic, Iva 14 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse traite de l’évolution, de l’adaptation et de la spéciation en milieu souterrain, en utilisant le genre Anthroherpon comme modèle. Ce genre appartient à la tribu des Leptodirini (Leiodidae Cholevinae), un groupe qui a connu une remarquable diversification dans le domaine souterrain. Toutes ses espèces ont développé des modifications troglomorphiques spectaculaires: anophthamie, aptérisme, élongation extrême des appendices, de la tête et du pronotum, et physogastrie. Pour comprendre l’histoire évolutive du groupe, ces adaptations troglomorphiques ont été replacées dans un cadre phylogénétique. La thèse est une analyse de la radiation évolutive des Anthroherpon, dans le cadre d’une phylogénie moléculaire datée, qui a permis de mieux comprendre les modalités de diversification du genre, de reconstruire son aire de distribution ancestrale, d’explorer la diversité des évolutions troglomorphiques en son sein et de proposer une nouvelle structure taxonomique du groupe. / The PhD research project focus on the study of evolution, adaptation, and speciation in the subterranean environment using troglobitic Coleoptera of the genus Anthroherpon as a model. Genus Anthroherpon belongs to the tribe Leptodirini (Coleoptera: Leiodidae: Cholevinae), a group that has undergone extensive diversification in the subterranean environment. All species of this genus have developed typical troglomorphic modifications: complete anophthalmy, apterism, extreme elongation of appendages, head, and pronotum, and physogastric elytra. To understand the evolutionary history of this group, the troglomorphic adaptations need to be studied in a phylogenetic framework. The thesis provide a comprehensive evolutionary analysis of the Anthroherpon radiation, using a dated molecular phylogeny as framework for understanding Anthroherpon diversification, reconstructing the ancestral range, and exploring troglomorphic diversity. In light of these findings, a new taxonomical organisation of the group has been proposed.

Interação entre deficiência de ferro e estimulação tátil: avaliação ultraestrutural do nervo óptico de ratos Wistar no período pós-natal precoce / Iron deficiency and tactile stimulation interaction: ultrastructural evaluation of the optic nerve from developing rats.

Barbosa, Everton Horiquini 27 November 2017 (has links)
A deficiência de ferro é a carência nutricional mais frequente no mundo, uma vez que a população de crianças é uma das que mais sofre com essa condição. É sabido que o desenvolvimento cerebral é determinado não apenas por um plano genético, mas sim por uma forte interação de fatores genéticos e ambientais. Evidências emergentes sugerem que a estimulação precoce pode oferecer grande eficácia terapêutica, uma vez que o cérebro é notavelmente responsivo a essa interação com o ambiente. Dado que a estimulação tátil (TS) tem sido previamente demonstrada ser uma abordagem terapêutica eficaz e com potencial aplicação em seres humanos, o objetivo deste estudo foi verificar se a exposição à estimulação tátil desde o dia pós-natal (P) 1 até P32 durante 3 min/dia, poderia ser utilizada para prevenir alterações estruturais do nervo óptico de ratos mantidos com uma dieta deficiente em ferro durante o desenvolvimento pós-natal. Foram utilizados 72 ratos machos recém-nascidos (Wistar), sendo que as ratas-lactantes foram mantidas com dieta isocalórica com 35mg/Fe por kg de ração (Grupo ANTS) ou com 4mg/Fe por kg de ração (Grupo DNTS) durante todo o período de lactação e os filhotes receberam a dieta de suas respectivas ratas-lactantes após o desmame (P22-32). Metade dos filhotes de cada grupo foi submetida à TS diária (Grupo ATS e DTS), durante todo o período experimental (P01-32). Foram realizadas análises estrutural e ultraestrutural, em 3 diferentes idades, para avaliar a integridade tecidual e também a fim de determinar se as mudanças observadas na citoarquitetura do nervo óptico foram significativamente diferentes entre os grupos e idades. Verificou-se que os animais mantidos com dieta deficiente em ferro apresentaram baixo peso corporal a partir do desmame, revelando uma curva de crescimento menos acentuada. A baixa concentração de hemoglobina e hematócritos indicam que esses animais sofreram com anemia severa em todos os períodos estudados. A análise ultraestrutural qualitativa mostrou que a deficiência de ferro imposta durante o período crítico do desenvolvimento leva a sérios danos as fibras das células ganglionares da retina, com efeitos sobre o envoltório de mielina que frequentemente apresentou afrouxamento lamelar e em idades mais avançadas foram encontradas degenerações mielínicas e axonais. A análise ultraestrutural quantitativa mostrou que a dieta deficiente em ferro leva a um atraso no processo de mielinização que pode ser parcialmente revertido pelo tratamento com estimulação tátil. Além disso, fica claro que as fibras de menor diâmetro são mais sensíveis às lesões geradas pela deficiência de ferro e também ao tratamento, enquanto que as fibras de maior diâmetro são afetadas de forma desproporcional tanto pela deficiência de ferro quanto pela estimulação tátil. As lesões sugerem que a transmissão dos sinais elétricos pode estar prejudicada, interferindo com as funções normais do sistema visual. / Iron deficiency has a critical impact on maturational mechanisms of the brain and the damage related to neuroanatomical parameters is not satisfactorily reversed after iron replacement. However, emerging evidence suggest that enriched early experience may offer great therapeutic efficacy in cases of nutritional disorders postnatally, since the brain is remarkably responsive to its interaction with the environment. Given the fact that tactile stimulation (TS) treatment has been previously shown to be an effective therapeutic approach and with potential application to humans, here we ask whether exposure to TS treatment, from postnatal day (P) 1 to P32 for 3 min/day, could also be employed to prevent neuroanatomical changes in the optic nerve of rats maintained on an iron-deficient diet during brain development. It was verified that the animals maintained with iron deficient diet presented low weight from the weaning, revealing a lower growth curve. The low concentration of hemoglobin and hematocrits indicate that these animals suffered from severe anemia in all studied periods. The qualitative ultrastructural analysis showed that the iron deficiency imposed during the critical period of development leads to serious damage to the fibers from retinal ganglion cells, with effects on the myelin sheath that frequently presented lamellar loosening and myelin degenerations and axonal at more advanced age. Quantitative ultrastructural analysis has shown that the iron deficient diet leads to a delay in the myelination process that can be partially reversed by treatment with tactile stimulation. In addition, it is clear that the smaller diameter fibers are more sensitive to the iron deficiency and also to the treatment, whereas the larger fibers are disproportionately affected by both iron deficiency and tactile stimulation. The lesions suggest that the transmission of electrical signals may be impaired, interfering with the normal functions of the visual system.

Estudo quantitativo da vascularização do timo em cães / Quantitative study of the thymus vascularization in dogs

Agreste, Fernanda Rodrigues 14 December 2005 (has links)
Durante a vida fetal e no período neonatal, o timo é órgão de grande importância imunológica e, anatomicamente é o maior órgão linfático e com alta atividade linfopoiética, constando como precursor da linfopoiese. No que diz respeito à irrigação do timo em cães, a literatura é escassa, visto que os autores quando se reportam ao assunto fazem-no na sua maioria de maneira genérica. Com isso, aspectos morfológicos como número de vasos, tamanho do órgão foram estudados considerando as variáveis sexo e faixas etárias. Para este estudo, foram utilizados 24 fetos de cães domésticos, sem raça definida, machos e fêmeas, divididos em quatro grupos etários. Os timos foram processados para o estudo da microscopia de luz, e as análises estereológicas foram realizadas utilizando o método do disector físico associado com o princípio de ConnEulor. O volume do órgão (Vref), comprimento, espessura e largura aumentaram gradativamente com o desenvolvimento, sendo maior nos machos do que nas fêmeas. As variáveis estereológicas analisadas (densidade de comprimento do vaso - Lv, comprimento do vaso - L, densidade de superfície de área - Sv, superfície de área - S, estimação da densidade numérica vascular ? Nv(vasc) número total de vasos no órgão - N (vasc) ), tiveram um aumento gradativo, sendo que o Lv foi maior nas fêmeas e as demais os machos apresentaram maior valor. Aumento na Nv(vasc) e N (vasc) foi observado nos animais do grupo IV. / During phoetal life and neonatal period, the thymus is the organ that has a wide immunological relevance and, anatomically speaking is the largest lymphoid organ presenting high limphopoietic activity presented as the predecessor of limphopoiesis. The literature about thymus irrigation in dogs is scarce, becouse most authors refer to the subject in a general way. Then, morphological aspects as number, shape, size, irrigation, and quantitative were study considering sexy and differents ages of development of the dogs. To the study, were used twenty-four fetus of the mongrel domestics dogs, males and females, divided into four different well defined aged groups (fetus 30, 40, 50 and 60 days). The thymus were processed for the light microscopy study, and the stereological analyses were done using the physical disector method associated with the ConnEulor principle. The volume of the organ, length, thickness and wide increased gradually with the development, in males is great that female. The stereological variables analysed (length density ? Lv, length od vascullar ? L, surface area density ? Sv, surface area ? S, vascullar number density ? N.v(vasc) , and vascullar total number - N. (vasc) ), had the gradual high, the Lv was more in female and the others variables were more in males. The rise of N.v(vasc) and N. (vasc) was observed on the group four animals.

Condicionantes estruturais da drenagem e do relevo na cratera de Colônia e entorno, São Paulo - SP / Structural conditioning of drainage and relief in the Colônia crater and surrounding areas, São Paulo - SP

Santos, André Henrique Bezerra dos 21 June 2013 (has links)
A pesquisa tem como objetivo compreender a evolução da drenagem e do relevo na cratera de Colônia e entorno, no setor meridional do Planalto Paulistano, em São Paulo-SP. Parte-se da hipótese de que o relevo da área resulta da degradação de uma zona de estruturas concêntricas, formada em conjunto com a cratera, por impacto de bólido extraterrestre. Essas estruturas seriam atribuídas a um ou mais mecanismos, entre eles: a) controle exercido por um sistema de falhas radiais e concêntricos, b) estratificação do alvo, c) pico anelar em cratera complexa, d) ejecta fluidificada e e) fluidificação de finos, que resultaram na geração de uma zona de formas concêntricas no entorno da cratera. Após sua formação, o relevo da cratera e seu entorno foram degradados pela drenagem, que promoveu trabalho erosivo mais intenso a leste que a oeste, produzindo níveis hipsométricos menores a leste. Com base na proposta metodológica de Oliveira (2003), elabora-se uma descrição do relevo e da drenagem para identificar elementos sugestivos de condicionamento geológico produzido pela estrutura de impacto, por meio de fotointerpretação, trabalhos de campo e morfometria. A partir dos dados de hipsometria, rupturas de declividade e lineamentos da drenagem, descartam-se os mecanismos de estratificação do alvo, pico anelar e ejecta fluidificada, restando apenas o sistema de falhas radiais e concêntricos e a fluidificação de finos como possibilidades em aberto, cujo teste definitivo dependerá da disponibilidade de dados geofísicos detalhados. Os dados de morfometria, por sua vez, sugerem maior trabalho erosivo efetuado pelos rios da bacia do Jurubatuba que do Embu-Guaçu, respondendo pela assimetria altimétrica leste-oeste da zona de formas concêntricas e do anel colinoso da cratera de impacto e pela abertura da drenagem a leste, em conjunto com o condicionamento dado pelas linhas estruturais geradas tectonicamente. A presença de anomalias de drenagem e sua correlação com as integrais hipsométricas, por sua vez, são indicativas de modificação tectônica da drenagem, posterior à sua delineação condicionada pela estrutura de impacto. / This research aims to comprehend the relief and drainage evolution in the Colônia crater and surrounding areas, in the southern sector of the Paulistano Plateau, São Paulo-SP. We advance a hypothesis such as the morphology of the area results from degradation of a zone of concentric structures, originated at the same time as the crater, by extraterrestrial bolide impact. These structures are due to one or more mechanisms, among them: a) system of concentric and radial fractures, b) target stratification, c) peak ring in a complex impact structure, d) fluidized ejecta and e) fluidization of fine sediments, which generated a zone of concentric forms around the crater. After its formation, the relief of the crater and surroundings was degraded by drainage, which promoted a more intense erosive work to East than West, producing lower hypsometric levels to East. Based on the methodological proposal of Oliveira (2003), we elaborated a description of the topography and drainage to indentify suggestive elements for geological conditioning produced by the impact structure, by means of photointerpretation, fieldwork and morphometric measurements. From hypsometric data and slope break and drainage lineations analysis, we discard the hypothesis of: target stratification, peak ring and fluidized ejecta, leaving only those of concentric and radial fractures and fluidization of fine sediments, as open possibilities, whose final test will depend on the availability of detailed geophysical data. The morphometric data suggest greater erosive work performed by the Jurubatuba drainage basin than by Embu-Guaçu, responding by hypsometric East-West asymmetry of the craters raised ring and surroundings. This still accounts for the position of its drainage exutory, to East, together with structural lines tectonically generated. The presence of drainage anomalies and their correlation with the hypsometric integrals are indicative of tectonic modification of drainage, after its delineation conducted by the impact structure.

Influência de fontes e níveis de cobre sobre o desempenho de leitões desmamados / Influence of sources and levels of copper on the performance of weaned pigs

Okiyama, Willian Hideharu de Eiróz 10 March 2017 (has links)
O baixo crescimento após o desmame ainda é um grande desafio na suinocultura. A queda no consumo de ração e o aparecimento de diarreias nos leitões desmamados são uma constante no manejo suinícola e estão diretamente relacionados com desempenho dos animais nesta fase. Estratégias como a utilização do cobre em níveis acima das exigências nutricionais dos leitões já são amplamente utilizadas nas dietas a fim de controlar a diarreia e melhorar o desempenho dos animais nessa fase. Neste contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar diferentes fontes de cobre (sulfato e cloreto de cobre tri-básico) e níveis deste mineral (125 e 200 mg/kg) no controle de diarreia, seus efeitos como melhorador desempenho e na morfologia intestinal de leitões no período de creche. Para a realização do experimento foram utilizados 96 leitões de linhagem comercial, desmamados com idade média de 21 dias e peso médio de 6,14 ± 0,269 kg. Os leitões foram divididos em 24 baias, sendo que cada unidade experimental foi composta por 4 animais, o delineamento experimental foi o de blocos casualizados em esquema fatorial 2x2, os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância através do teste F a 5% de significância. Foram investigados o desempenho dos animais, a incidência de diarreia, e a morfometria intestinal. Pode-se concluir que o cloreto de cobre é uma fonte efetiva de cobre quando incluída na dieta de leitões desmamados a níveis farmacológicos, sendo tão eficaz quanto o sulfato de cobre como promotor de crescimento e no controle da diarreia. Além disso, pode-se inferir que a utilização do cloreto de cobre tem como vantagem uma maior concentração deste micro mineral. / Low growth after weaning still a big challenge in the swine production. The low feed intake and diarrhea in weaned pigs are a constant in swine management and are directly related to the performance of the animals at this stage. Strategies such as the use of copper at levels above the nutritional requirements of the piglets are already widely used in the diets to control diarrhea and improve animal performance. In this context, the aim of this study was to evaluate different sources of copper (copper sulfate and tri-basic copper chloride) and levels of this mineral (125 and 200 mg/kg) in the diarrhea control, their effects as growth promotor and the intestinal morphology of nursery piglets. For the trial, 96 commercial line piglets were used, they were weaned at 21 days of age in average with mean body weight of 6,14 ± 0,269 kg. The piglets were divided in 24 pens and each experimental unit was composed of 4 animals, the experimental design was a randomized complete block in factorial scheme 2x2, the data were submitted to analysis of variance through the F test at 5% of significance. The performance of the animals, incidence of diarrhea and intestinal morphometry were investigated. It was concluded that copper chloride is an effective source of copper when it is included in the diet of weaned pigs at pharmacological levels, this source seems to be nearly as efficacious as copper sulfate as growth promotor and in the diarrhea control. In addition, it can be inferred that the use of copper chloride has the advantage of a higher copper concentrarion is indicated since it brings a higher concentration of this trace mineral.

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