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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uvěry-srovnání kritérií pro jejich poskytnutí / Mortgages - Comparison factors of providin the mortgages

Mikesková, Dana January 2012 (has links)
In my thesis I focuse on comparing the mortgages in Czech Republic in detail. In the first part I focuse on dependance of amout provided mortgages on unemployment and Gross domestic product. In another part of my thesis I focuse on various types of mortgages and the different factors for providing. In the last part I refer the differences on real examples.

Essays On Housing Tax Policy and Discrimination in the Mortgage Market

Martin, William H 11 May 2015 (has links)
This dissertation explores the impact of tax policy and institutions on decisions in the market for housing. The first essay is joint work with Andrew Hanson. In it, we estimate the sensitivity of mortgage interest deducted on federal tax returns to the availability of the Mortgage Interest Deduction (MID). Our primary results show that for every one percentage point increase in the tax rate that applies to deductibility, the amount of mortgage interest deducted increases by $303–590. The second essay simulates changes to average home prices in twenty-seven cities that would result were the MID reformed. I use local variation in housing parameters to simulate home price changes for three different reforms: eliminating the MID, converting the MID to a fifteen percent credit, and capping the MID at fifteen percent. City price changes vary in response to a single policy by as much as 12.8 percentage points. Spatial variation within cities is also notable, with areas high in income experiencing steeper price declines and areas of lower income experiencing shallow declines. The third essay is joint work with Andrew Hanson, Zack Hawley, and Bo Liu. We design and implement an experimental test for differential response by Mortgage Loan Originators (MLOs) to requests for information about loans. Our e-mail correspondence experiment is designed to analyze differential treatment by client race and credit score. Our results show net discrimination of 1.8 percent by MLOs through non-response.

Impacts of Volatility Spillovers, Economic Volatility and Capital Inflows on Mortgage-backed Financial Markets

Tilahun, Ayanou Z. 01 December 2009 (has links)
The first essay explores the dynamic behaviors of mortgage-backed stock returns and their volatility spillovers within the framework of time-varying symmetric, asymmetric and multivariate GARCH-family models. The focus of the chapter is on the dynamics of volatility of the U.S. real estate investment trusts (REITs) and volatility spillovers within the REITs subdivisions as well as between the REITs and the Fannie Mae (FNM) and theFreddie Mac (FRE) mortgage-backed stocks. We analyze risk-return linkages using the GARCH-in-mean (GARCH-M) model. The presence of asymmetric effects of "bad" news and "good" news on conditional financial volatilities is evaluated using the Threshold ARCH (TARCH) model and the exponential GARCH (EGARCH) model. Volatility spillovers and comovements within REITs subdivisions; REITs with FNM and FRE and other selected financial assets are examined using the multivariate GARCH (MGARCH) model. The second essay investigates factors behind the existence of time-varying conditional volatilities of mortgage-backed securities (MBS). This is done by analyzing the impacts of economic volatilities on mortgage-backed financial markets' performance. The relationship between conditional volatilities of the MBS and conditional volatilities of the key economic fundamentals in the housing sector and the macroeconomy are explored. The sensitivity of mortgage-backed stocks to the underlying time-series changes in economic fundamentals, and the extent to which economic volatilities explain the variation in mortgage-backed stocks' volatilities are investigated. Particularly, we examined whether changes in the REITs, FNM and FRE volatilities are linked to and driven by time-varying volatilities of the housing sector economic activity and set of key macroeconomic variables. Thus, the chapter analyzes the impacts of conditional economic volatilities on the conditional volatilities of the REITs, FRE and FNM stocks. The GARCH (p, q) process is used to find conditional volatility dynamics for the economic variables in the study. Then we employ multivariate GARCH (p, q) model to investigate the spillovers and comovements among the conditional economic fundamentals' volatilities and the conditional volatilities of the MBS. The third essay explores the impacts of foreign sector of the economy on the mortgage-backed financial markets and the housing sector. There is large surge of foreign capital flows to the U.S, particularly since late 1990s. The net foreign holdings of U.S. financial assets have become very significant in the U.S. Treasury notes and bonds. Foreign investors also hold a growing share of securities of the U.S. agencies and government sponsored enterprises (GSEs). Similarly, foreign direct investment in the U.S. real estate as well as real estate equities in the form of REITs has grown sharply. To this end, a multivariate vector autoregression (VAR) model is the main tool of analysis. Based on the VAR model, generalized impulse response functions and generalized variance decompositions are employed to evaluate the responses of mortgage interest rates and Treasury yields to the changes in net foreign ownership of U.S. Treasuries and agency bonds.

Dopady nového zákona o spotřebitelském úvěru na hypoteční trh / The effect of New Credit Consumer Law on mortgages

Turský, Martin January 2017 (has links)
The goal of the diploma thesis is to show influence of the new Consumer Credit Law on mortgages in Czech Republic and its effect on real data. The thesis is dealing with issues of mortgages, shows types of mortgages and the possibility of repaid. Description of making deal between bank and client is written in next part of thesis. There are shown parameters like LTV, loan interest rate and RPSN as well as possibilities of insurance of client and secure of mortgage. Practical part of thesis shows difference between new and old Consumer Credit Law on real data, and shows effect on interest rate and number of contracts after effectiveness of the new law. There is written influence of new law on prices of resident estates. Last part of the thesis describes offers of mortgages of selected banks on Czech market.

The Mortgage Interest Deduction and Implications of Its Limitation in Tax Reform

Brinster, Cara 01 January 2018 (has links)
This paper examines one of the most controversial items of the new GOP tax bill, the Mortgage Interest Deduction. The paper seeks to identify which groups would feel the greatest financial burden if the deduction is limited in the future tax code. The author identifies potential declines in mortgage interest rates and expensive home values as two key motivations behind the lobbying efforts for this deduction to remain untouched. Using data on mortgages originating in 2016, the author estimates a decline in mortgage interest rates between .039 and .043 percent for every $1,000 borrowed above the 2016 MID limits for taxpayers. The paper then goes on to discuss interest rate volatility implications for Mortgage Servicing Assets. The paper ends with a discussion on the downward pressure the new tax reform may have on expensive home values.

Index-Linked Mortgages in Sweden : A Study of an Alternative Mortgage Structure / Index-länkade bolån i Sverige : En studie av en alternativ bolånestruktur

CARTER, SABRINA, LARSSON, JOHANNA January 2014 (has links)
Households generally have little or no possibility to unload their real estate risk, which constitutes a large part of  their total portfolio risk. The aim of this study is to analyze a way for households to unload this risk through a socalled index-linked mortgage financed by a fund. The study examines how such a mortgage could be structured, and how it will affect  he bank, the borrower and the fund investor compared to a conventional mortgage. The ominal loan value and therefore also the interest payments of the studied index-linked  ortgage will vary according to the HOX Flats Stockholm Index. Through linear optimization, the structure is optimized from a borrower’s perspective but is subject to a set of constraints on the bank’s and the fund’s profitability and risk levels. The optimal structure is tested through a scenario analysis for different outcomes of apartment price developments and also  hrough a sensitivity analysis to test the effect of shifting conventional mortgage rates. The esults show that the interest rate payment burden will consistently be lower for the index-linked mortgage than for the conventional mortgage. The borrower is insured against house price drops but have to give up some of the upside potential on the property investment if house prices increase. The fund gets a satisfactory payoff in relation to the real estate  arket movement while it is somewhat protected when house prices decline. The bank issuing the mortgages will always experience a profit, but the conventional mortgage is more profitable  or negative index scenarios. Furthermore, the probability of default decreases for the index- inked mortgage holder when prices drop as the loan to value ratio (LTV) always remains  elow 100 percent for index decreases up to 40 percent. The structure is appropriate for  owincome households who will have difficulties paying back the loan when apartment prices  rops. This study contributes to theory in hedging of real estate risk, mortgage risk and  inancial innovation. / Hushåll har generellt få möjligheter att försäkra sig mot husprisrisk som idag utgör en stor del av hushållens totala portföljrisk. Denna studie undersöker en möjlighet för hushåll att försäkra sig mot sådan risk genom ett så kallat index-länkat bolån som finansieras genom en fond. Studien kontrollerar hur ett index-länkat lån kan struktureras och hur det påverkar banken, låntagaren och fondinvesteraren i jämförelse med ett traditionellt bolån. Lånets nominella värde och därmed även räntebetalningarna som är kopplade till lånet varierar enligt förändringar i HOX Flats Stockholm Index. Lånestrukturen optimerats genom linjär optimering med hänsyn till låntagarens lönsamhet och med bivillkor på bankens och fondens risktagande respektive lönsamhet. Den optimerade strukturen testas genom scenarioanalys för olika utfall av lägenhetsprisutveckling samt genom en känslighetsanalys av den  raditionella bolåneräntan. Resultaten visar att den månatliga betalningsbördan för räntebetalningarna alltid kommer att vara lägre för hushåll som håller ett index-länkade bolånet än för de som innehar ett vanligt lån. Det index-länkade lånet innebär att bolånetagare får ge upp en viss del av vinsten då bostadspriser stiger i förhållande till ett vanligt bolån men ger ett skydd mot förluster vid en nedgång i bostadspriser. Fonden visar sig kunna ge en god avkastning i relation till indexets utveckling och ger ett visst skydd mot fall i bostadsmarknaden. Banken som ger ut indexlänkade bolån kommer alltid att gå med vinst, dock är vanliga bolån mer lönsamma vid nedgång i huspriser. Fortsättningsvis minskar risken att ”defaulta” för hushåll med det index-länkade bolånet då huspriser faller eftersom strukturen innebär ett loan to value ratio (LTV) under 100 procent upp till en prisnedgång på 40 procent. Resultatet visar att index-länkade lån passar låginkomsttagare och hushåll som ommer att ha svårt att betala tillbaka sitt lån om bostadspriserna faller. Studien bidrar till teori inom husprisriskförsäkring samt till teori inom finansiell innovation


陳祥銘, Chen, Hsiang-Ming Unknown Date (has links)
一般優惠房貸是政府提供購屋家戶進入房市購屋之貸款利息補助;然而,這項全面性的補貼措施究竟補貼到哪些購屋者?此問題將牽涉到該補貼措施是否公平。是以,本文試圖從申貸人及其所購產品之屬性探討該措施之公平性,透過二項羅吉特模型(Binomial Logistic Model)探究「什麼樣的購屋者,購買了什麼樣的房屋,會選擇申貸使用政府優惠房貸?」;另一方面,購屋者在具有其他政策性房貸申貸資格的情況下,「何種特質的特殊身份補貼購屋者會選擇搭配一般政府優惠房貸?」,本研究希望藉由上述兩項問題之討論,企圖了解優惠房貸政策對於個體家戶之影響,在補貼公平層面中究竟是扮演著「雪中送炭」或是「錦上添花」的角色。 研究結果發現,一般優惠房貸之提供在住宅補貼公平面成效上之效果是弊多於利。首先在補貼對象上,購屋目的為自住之購屋者,其選擇使用政府優惠房貸的發生比較非自住目的購屋者高出約2倍;而首購購屋者選擇使用政府優惠房貸之發生比較非首購購屋者多出了54%。這代表一般優惠房貸的提供讓首購自住購屋者有相對較高的機率使用政府優惠房貸達成購屋目標,在補貼對象上相對達到了部分效果;然而,由於政府過度利用貸款補貼方式刺激房市以達景氣復甦之效果,以及貸款利息補貼制度設計上的盲點(包括申貸資格之缺乏限制與多種補貼措施並行等),高所得貸款購屋者傾向選擇使用政府優惠房貸之發生比較低所得購屋者高出約3.23倍,因而造成這些購屋者得以接受雙重補貼;此外,當購屋者購買品質越好之住宅,其使用一般政府優惠房貸的機率也越大,上述結果皆表示這項補貼措施並不能排除高所得購屋者獲得政府優惠房貸補貼,也因而造成政府優惠房貸在補貼公平性之負面作用。是故,在未來的補貼政策中,除應繼續整合現行住宅貸款利息補貼措施外,並應試圖建立一套更嚴謹的申貸資格審查標準,以確保政府所提供之住宅補貼能夠對最需要的民眾有所幫助。

The Home Mortgage Interest Deduction for Federal Income Tax: A Federalist Perspective

Ortiz, Dennis S. 08 1900 (has links)
The debate over federal income tax treatment of home mortgage interest (HMI) has largely overlooked an important, and possibly unintended political and economic consequence of our federal income tax system. The distribution of the for home mortgage interest deduction tax benefit across states is a possible missing consideration. Specifically, this study offers a federalist1 perspective on the federal income tax benefit from the deduction for HMI - one of the largest personal federal tax expenditures on the books. This dissertation analyzes current national political rhetoric from a federalist perspective. Discussion also includes background, current status, and proposed changes to the tax code for of the HMI deduction. First, a Tobit regression is used to analyze the distribution of the HMI tax benefit across states and to test for disproportionate distribution across states in benefit derived from the federal income tax deduction for home mortgage interest beyond that which is explained by income. This initial part of the study is also the precursor to a hierarchical analysis seeking to identify significant factors affecting the distribution of the benefit of the HMI deduction across states. The Ernst and Young/University of Michigan Individual Model File of 1992 tax returns is the primary data source for this initial part of the investigation. The second part of the analysis examines the effect of sets of factors in a causal hierarchy on the HMI deduction benefit. By first controlling for the effects of personal and identifiable state characteristics on HMI deduction benefit, the possible existence of a residual socio-political force is tested. The primary data sources for this part of the study are the 1990 Census of Population and Housing 5% Public Use Microsample as well as tax data extracted from the Statistics of Income, Individual Public Use Tax File, Level III Sample, as well as others. Ridge regression is used for hypothesis testing. Results indicate the existence of a significant difference in the benefit from home mortgage interest deduction across states holding income constant. This study also finds that a set of personal as well as a set of state market, legal and tax characteristics significantly influence the taxpayer's HMI deduction benefit, and that a residual difference in benefit across states after controlling for personal and identified state attributes. Future study should examine the source of residual across state differences (attributed to socio-political differences between states). Federal housing goals may be frustrated as the effective subsidy actually helps support higher home prices in areas where high housing costs may already be a barrier to potential new homeownership. The concepts and techniques applied in this study could easily be applied to other provisions of federal tax, or to any other tax system in a federation for that matter.

Hypoteční úvěry v České republice / Mortgage loans in the Czech republic

Königová, Jaroslava January 2007 (has links)
The thesis summarizes the situation on mortgage market in the Czech republic from the 90th of the 20th century till present time, reasons for the mortgage boom. It informs about the state support of housing (incentives, state programmes), state residential conception.It defines kinds of morgage and gives its characteristics, informes about the phases of mortgage arrangement, scoring method for client evaluation and regulative standards for bank risk management. It shows housing and mortgage in statistics.There are mentioned the actual results of financial competition and influence of American mortgage crisis on the Czech mortgage market.In conclusion,it states the trends in the Czech mortgage market.

Návrh financování bydlení v nové bytové výstavbě / The proposal of finance of habitation in new housing quarters

Procházka, Štěpán January 2007 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the analysis of available forms of financing of housing in Czech Republic. The attention is basicly concentrated on mortages and loans provided by building society, including bridging loans. There are also mentioned different types of prospects for financing, concretely loans and backing provided by government. The application example shows financial demands of various products and their possible combinations.

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