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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Problematika Malárie v Zambii / Malaria as a major Public Health problem in Zambia

MUBIANA, Nawa January 2013 (has links)
Malaria is known to be endemic throughout Zambia and continues to be a major public health problem. Eighty three percent (83 %) of Zambian population is reported to be living in malaria high risk areas and the remaining 17 percent is reported living in malaria low risk areas. Zambia has a 16 percent malaria national prevalence. Malaria peak transmission periods are usually during the rainy season ? from November to April and the main transmitting vectors are anopheles species; funestus, gambiae and arabiensis. Plasmodium falciparum is the main transmitting parasite accounting for about 98 percent of all malaria infections in the country. Other species of plasmodium that can be found in Zambia are ovale and malariae. The main intervention measures used in the prevention and control of malaria in Zambia are; Indoor Residual spray (IRS), mass distribution of insecticide treated mosquito nets (ITNs) and Intermittent Prevention Treatment (IPT). The main aim of this thesis is to analyze the efficiency and effectiveness of the the current intervention measures used to prevent and control malaria in Zambia. I approached this issue from time the ?roll back malaria ? project was intiated in 1998 up to 2011. With help of the changes introduced to the health sector under the sector wide approach reforms in 1995, the public health approach in the fight against malaria was even much widened. The second aim of my thesis is to offer acceptable alternative interventions that can used in the prevention and control of malaria. In this qualitative type of research, I chose to use secondary analyzation of data as my research method. I obtained much of the information from studying health literature, journals, laws and other online publications, which I found to be relevant to the topic at hand. I also consulted with the Zambian ministry of health through provincial health offices as well as via district health offices. A series of three open research questions was used as a guide to obtaining the much needed data. However, the results revealed that the current intervention measures used in the prevention and control of malaria are efficient and effective. In 2009, Zambia recorded a 66 percent reduction in deaths due to malaria. This success recorded clearly surpasses the target set by the ?roll back malaria? 2006 which was aimed at reducing mortality due to malaria by 50 percent by year 2010. However, parasitemia results still show great variation in prevalence between urban areas and rural. This inequality is also evident in the access to health care as well. There is much need to scale up on intervention measures if a Zambia without malaria is to be achieved. This work can as used as a public health tool in the prevention of malaria in Zambia and also as a road map to future research concerning malaria and public health.

Etnobotânica de plantas antimaláricas em Barcelos, Amazonas

Tomchinsky, Bernardo [UNESP] 31 January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:26:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2014-01-31Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T18:54:59Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 000753711.pdf: 3825617 bytes, checksum: d602dc7d0b7403a01a3c8c28de208a0f (MD5) / A malária persiste como uma das principais doenças negligenciadas em todo o mundo. Anualmente três milhões de pessoas a contraem e cerca de um milhão morrem por causa dela. A região do mundo mais afetada é a África Subsariana e, no Brasil, a região amazônica é a mais afetada. As populações locais aprenderam a retirar do meio ambiente os recursos necessários para sobreviver e são atualmente a principal esperança na descoberta de novos medicamentos antimaláricos frente ao parasita da malária que apresenta resistência aos fármacos existentes. Neste trabalho estudou-se o manejo das plantas antimaláricas utilizadas por populações locais de Barcelos, Amazonas. Durante o primeiro semestre de 2013 foram entrevistadas 52 pessoas de sete comunidades rurais e da zona urbana de Barcelos, reconhecidas localmente por seu conhecimento sobre o uso de plantas medicinais. Foram indicadas 118 plantas, seis animais e dois minerais para o tratamento da malária e para outros oito sintomas reconhecidos pelos entrevistados. Foram indicadas 58 espécies para o tratamento da malária, 70% dessas são nativas da região amazônica e 15 plantas não possuem nenhuma referência na literatura com esta indicação de uso. Também foram indicadas 27 plantas para febre, 51 plantas para o tratamento do fígado, 17 plantas para o tratamento da anemia e 15 plantas para dores de cabeça. Foram descritas 12 diferentes formas de preparo das partes utilizadas. 47% das plantas indicadas têm suas folhas utilizadas e 24% sua casca e entrecasca. Das 118 plantas indicadas 46% são arbóreas, 30% herbáceas, 15% arbustivas e 9% trepadeiras. 65% têm origem amazônica, 26% são exóticas do Brasil e as demais são nativas do Brasil, mas não ocorrem naturalmente na região amazônica. De todas estas plantas 45% são cultivadas, 8% podem ser cultivadas ou favorecidas, 17% são favorecidas e as demais não têm nenhum tipo de... / Malaria remains one of the major diseases around the world. Every year three million people contract it and about a million died because of it. The most affected region of the world is sub-Saharan Africa and in Brazil the Amazon region is the most affected. Local people have learned how to survive just with the enviroment and are currently the main hope in the discovery of new antimalarial drugs against the malaria. This work studied the management of antimalarial plants used by local populations of Barcelos, Amazonas. During the first half of 2013 52 people from 7 rural communities and the urban area of Barcelos, locally recognized for their knowledge on the use of medicinal plants were interviewed. 118 plants , six animals and two minerals are used to treat malaria and eight other symptoms. 57 species are used for the treatment of malaria, 70 % of these are native from the Amazon region and 11 of them don't have any reference in the literature. 27 plants are used for fever, 51 plants for the treatment of liver, 17 plants for the treatment of anemia and 15 plants for headaches are also indicated. 12 different preparation of the plants were described. 47 % of listed plants have their leaves used and 24 % used their bark. Of the 118 plants indicated 46 % are woody herbaceous 30 % , shrub 15 % and 9 % climbing plants. 65 % have Amazonian origin , 26 % are exotic in Brazil and the rest are native to Brazil , but do not occur naturally in the Amazon region. 45 % are grown, 8 % can be grown or favored, 17 % are favored and the other does not have any kind of conscious management. 4 % of the plants are only acquired in trade. 26 % of plants are propagated by seeds directly, 17 % by vegetative parts of plants and 12% of seedlings that are transplanted. The use of antimalarial plants is important in the study region even with the use of allelochemicals medicine, but preventive methods , and plants used ...

Cartografia geof?sica regional do magmatismo mesozoico (mosquito e sardinha) na Bacia do Parna?ba

Mocitaiba, Leonardo da Silva Ribeiro 04 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-02-02T12:43:28Z No. of bitstreams: 1 LeonardoDaSilvaRibeiroMocitaiba_DISSERT.pdf: 3240652 bytes, checksum: ac8d62608bb771516ea0170de5b0e8ba (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-02-07T19:27:49Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 LeonardoDaSilvaRibeiroMocitaiba_DISSERT.pdf: 3240652 bytes, checksum: ac8d62608bb771516ea0170de5b0e8ba (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-07T19:27:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LeonardoDaSilvaRibeiroMocitaiba_DISSERT.pdf: 3240652 bytes, checksum: ac8d62608bb771516ea0170de5b0e8ba (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-08-04 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico (CNPq) / A Bacia do Parna?ba ocupa uma imensa ?rea na por??o NE do territ?rio brasileiro, abrangendo v?rios estados do Brasil. Ela ? uma sin?clise paleozoica, que contem registros desde a forma??o e desagrega??o do supercontinente Gondwana. A bacia ? sustentada por um embasamento cristalino desenvolvido ap?s a colis?o entre as plataformas Amaz?nica e Brasileira. Em um contexto tect?nico de ruptura do megacontinente Pangeia no Mesozoico, que levou ? abertura do Oceano Atl?ntico, rochas ?gneas intrusivas (diques e soleiras) e extrusivas, de composi??o b?sica, acomodaram-se na Bacia do Parna?ba, que, do ponto de vista estratigr?fico, foram divididas em duas unidades: Forma??o Mosquito Eojur?ssica e Forma??o Sardinha Eocret?cea. A presente pesquisa tem por objetivo principal a cartografia geof?sica regional desses corpos magm?ticos com base em dados aeromagn?ticos e uma t?cnica de mapeamento semiautom?tico (SOM). O Matched Filter foi aplicado com o objetivo de decompor o Campo Magn?tico An?malo (CMA) da bacia em componentes relacionadas a fontes magn?ticas em diferentes profundidades. Com isso, foram obtidos os campos magn?ticos profundo (CMP), intermedi?rio (CMI) e raso (CMR). Como o CMI apresenta principalmente uma contribui??o causada por fontes magn?ticas em profundidades mais rasas na crosta superior, caracter?stica dos corpos magm?ticos da bacia, aplicamos as t?cnicas de filtragem espectral Amplitude do Sinal Anal?tico e Derivada Vertical nas anomalias magn?ticas do CMI, com o objetivo de real?ar ainda mais a resposta geof?sica dessas fontes magn?ticas, aumentando a resolu??o espacial do m?todo investigativo. Com base nas anomalias de alta amplitude e curto comprimento de onda, delimitamos dom?nios e lineamentos magn?ticos nos mapas aeromagn?ticos, correlacionando-os com os poss?veis corpos causadores. Assim, integrando os mapas geof?sicos com essas assinaturas magn?ticas ao SOM e ao mapa geol?gico, ? apresentado um mapa interpretativo com a distribui??o superficial das anomalias magn?ticas associadas ao Magmatismo Mesozoico da bacia. Os resultados indicaram que o Magmatismo Mosquito tem grande ocorr?ncia nas bordas oeste e sul da bacia, e o Magmatismo Sardinha est? concentrado nas por??es centro-leste e nordeste. Os dados de susceptibilidade magn?tica medidos nas rochas vulc?nicas da bacia individualizaram o Magmatismo Mesozoico, constatando que a Forma??o Sardinha exibe susceptibilidade magn?tica m?dia de 25,2 x 10-3 SI, aproximadamente duas vezes maior que a susceptibilidade magn?tica m?dia da Forma??o Mosquito de 11,46 x 10-3 SI, revelando uma diferencia??o composicional destes dois eventos magm?ticos. Associa??es entre as se??es s?smicas, os dados magn?ticos e o mapa geol?gico demonstraram que as anomalias do CMA e da ASA est?o relacionadas ?s soleiras e diques intrusivos, geralmente nos grupos Serra Grande, Canind? e Balsas, e s?o sensivelmente influenciadas por rochas ?gneas aflorantes ou subaflorantes. Por fim, as dire??es dos lineamentos magn?ticos revelaram que riftes de dire??es ENE-WSW e NNE-SSW, associados ? desagrega??o do Gondwana Oeste, e trends estruturais E-W e NE-SW, associados ? Zona de Cisalhamento Transbrasiliano, exerceram controle estrutural sobre o Magmatismo Mesozoico da bacia do Parna?ba. / The Parna?ba Basin occupies a large area in the NE portion of Brazil, covering several states. It is a Paleozoic syneclise that contains records from the formation and break-up of the Gondwana supercontinent. The basin is supported by a crystalline basement developed after the collision between the Amazonian and Brazilian platforms. During the Mesozoic break-up of the Pangea megacontinent, which contributed to the opening of the Atlantic Ocean, intrusive igneous (dykes and sills) and extrusive rocks took place in the Parna?ba Basin. In the stratigraphic context, those igneous rocks were divided into two units: Early Jurassic Mosquito and Early Cretaceous Sardinha formations. The main objective of this research is a regional geophysical mapping of these magmatic bodies based on aeromagnetic data and self-organizing map technique (SOM). Matched Filter was applied in order to decompose the Total Magnetic Intensity anomalies (TMI) of the basin in their components related to magnetic sources at different depths: Deep (DMF), Intermediate (IMF), and Shallow Magnetic Fields (SMF). As the IMF anomalies mainly present contributions from magnetic sources at shallower depths in the upper crust, characteristics of such magmatic bodies, spectral filtering techniques (Analytic Signal Amplitude and Vertical Derivative) were applied to IMF data in order to enhance the geophysical response of these magnetic sources, increasing the spatial resolution of the investigative method. Based on high amplitude and short wavelength anomalies, magnetic domains and lineaments were delimited in aeromagnetic maps and correlated with the possible causative bodies. Thus, the correlation of the geophysical maps with SOM solutions and the geological map allowed to propose an interpretive map with the surface distribution of magnetic anomalies associated with Mesozoic Magmatism in the Parna?ba basin. The results indicated that the Mosquito Magmatism has great occurrence at the western and southern basin edges and the Sardinha Magmatism is located at the centraleastern and northeastern parts. Magnetic susceptibility data, measured in the magmatic rocks, permitted individualizing the Mesozoic Magmatism.The Sardinha Formation displays average magnetic susceptibility of 25.2 x 10-3 SI, about two times higher than the values of 11.46 x 10 -3 SI obtained to Formation Mosquito, revealing a compositional differentiation of these two magmatic events. Associations between seismic sections, magnetic data and geological map showed that the high amplitude anomalies in the Analytic Signal and TMI maps are associated with sills and dykes intruded usually within Balsas, Canind? and Serra Grande groups, and are significantly influenced by outcropping or at near-surface buried igneous rocks. Finally, the directions of the magnetic lineaments revealed that ENE-WSW and NNE-SSW oriented rifts, associated with the break-up of West Gondwana, and E-W and NE-SW structural trends, associated with Transbrasiliano Shear Zone, exercised structural control over the Mesozoic Magmatism of the Parna?ba basin.

West Nile virus in Maricopa County, Arizona: Investigating human, vector, and environmental interactions

January 2013 (has links)
abstract: Despite the arid climate of Maricopa County, Arizona, vector-borne diseases have presented significant health challenges to the residents and public health professionals of Maricopa County in the past, and will continue to do so in the foreseeable future. Currently, West Nile virus is the only mosquitoes-transmitted disease actively, and natively, transmitted throughout the state of Arizona. In an effort to gain a more complete understanding of the transmission dynamics of West Nile virus this thesis examines human, vector, and environment interactions as they exist within Maricopa County. Through ethnographic and geographic information systems research methods this thesis identifies 1) the individual factors that influence residents' knowledge and behaviors regarding mosquitoes, 2) the individual and regional factors that influence residents' knowledge of mosquito ecology and the spatial distribution of local mosquito populations, and 3) the environmental, demographic, and socioeconomic factors that influence mosquito abundance within Maricopa County. By identifying the factors that influence human-vector and vector-environment interactions, the results of this thesis may influence current and future educational and mosquito control efforts throughout Maricopa County. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.S. Sustainability 2013

Aspectos ecológicos de mosquitos (Diptera:Culicidae) em ambientes degradados e preservados da APA Capivari-Monos no município de São Paulo / Ecological aspects of mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) in degraded environments and in the Environmental Protection Area Capivari-Monos in São Paulo

Andressa Francisca Ribeiro de Souza 27 February 2014 (has links)
A Área de Proteção Ambiental (APA) Capivari-Monos no sul do município de São Paulo, sub-distrito de Parelheiros, é uma área de Mata Atlântica que abriga importantes mananciais. Devido à urbanização desorganizada, alterações das condições ecológicas naturais dessa área propiciam o contato entre humanos, patógenos e culicídeos. Pouco se sabe sobre a ecologia de mosquitos vetores de patógenos nessa localidade, o que instigou a pesquisa na região. Nesse sentido, o presente estudo investigou a fauna culicídeos presentes em ambiente silvestre e antrópico na APA Capivari-Monos, determinando-se indicadores de biodiversidade e relacionando-os a fatores ambientais. Para tal, por 12 meses foram capturados mensalmente culicídeos adultos e imaturos de ambiente silvestre e antrópico usando-se diferentes técnicas de captura. Foram utilizados indicadores de diversidade para avaliar a riqueza, dominância, abundância e equabilidade dos diferentes ambientes. Um total de 9.403 mosquitos adultos foram capturados de maio de 2009 a junho de 2010. As espécies prevalentes entre as coletadas no ambiente silvestre foram Anopheles (Kerteszia) cruzii, Culex (Melanoconion) seção Melanoconion e Aedes serratus, enquanto as mais comuns no ambiente antrópico foram Coquillettidia chrysonotum / albifera, Culex (Culex) grupo coronator e An. (Kerteszia) cruzii. A riqueza de mosquitos adultos foi semelhante entre os ambientes, e a abundância variou entre as espécies. Ao comparar os padrões de diversidade entre os ambientes, a região antrópica apresentou maior riqueza e uniformidade, o que sugere que o estresse ambiental aumentou o número de nichos favoráveis para culicídeos e promoveu maior diversidade. A espécie An. cruzii apresentou correlação positiva com pluviosidade e temperatura no ambiente antrópico, mas no ambiente silvestre essa espécie não esteve associada aos fatores climáticos. Dos 2443 mosquitos imaturos coletados, 1507 (61,7 por cento ) foram encontrados no ambiente antrópico e 936 (38,3 por cento ) no ambiente silvestre. Os mosquitos imaturos foram distribuídos em 62 categorias taxonômicas, e sua riqueza e abundância foram maiores no ambiente antrópico que no silvestre. Os indivíduos Culex (Microculex) grupo Imitator foram os que apresentaram maior abundância e foram encontrados com maior frequência no ambiente antrópico e silvestre. / The Environmental Protection Area (APA) Capivari-Monos in the Parelheiros sub-district, in South São Paulo, is an Atlantic Forest area that comprises important springs. Owing to the disorganized urbanization, changes in the natural ecological conditions of the APA promoted human-Culicidae-pathogen contact. The lack of information on the ecology of mosquito vectors in the APA motivated the present study, which investigated the Culicidae fauna wild and anthropic zones of the Capivari-Monos APA, determining biodiversity indicators and relating them to environmental factors. To that end, adult and immature Culicidae were monthly collected from the wild and from the anthropic zones for 12 months and using different capture techniques. Diversity indicators were used to assess richness, dominance, evenness and abundance in the different environments. A number of 9,403 adult mosquitoes were collected from May 2009 to June 2010. The main species collected in the wild environment were Anopheles (Kerteszia) cruzii, the Melanoconion section of Culex (Melanoconion) and Aedes serratus, whereas the most common species in the anthropic zone were Coquillettidia chrysonotum/albifera, Culex (Culex) Coronator group and An. (Ker.) cruzii. Mosquito richness was similar between the zones, and their abundance varied according to the species. Compared to the wild zone, the anthropic zone exhibited higher richness and evenness, suggesting that environmental stress increased the number of favorable niches for culicids, promoting diversity. An. cruzii occurrence was positively correlated with rainfall and temperature in the anthropic zone, but in the wild zone it was not associated with climatic factors. From the 2,443 immature mosquitoes collected, 1,507 (61.7 per cent ) were found int the anthropic zone and 936 (38.3 per cent ) in the wild zone. The immature mosquitoes were distributed into 62 taxonomic categories, and their richness and abundance were higher in the anthropic than in the wild zone. Culex (Microculex) Imitator group was the prevailing species in both environments.

Fauna de mosquiteiros (Diptera: Culicidae) em fragmento de caatinga no Alto Sertão Sergipano

Cruz, Danilo Esdras Rocha 26 July 2013 (has links)
The family Culicidae has great public health importance for being composed by haematophagous insects in majority, which can be vector of diseases for the human being and other vertebrates. The knowledge about culicideos fauna, besides of data about various species that compose the Caatinga biome, can also bring information about species that are vector of pathogens, providing important tools in case of eventual epidemic outbreak at the region. The Caatinga biome occupies around 55% of all northeast region, representing 11% of Brazil s surface, and holds the position of the less preserved biome of the country, relative to its total area. This work aimed to realize a mosquitoes fauna survey, as well as ecologic aspects analysis for adult species in two areas of Caatinga and immature in three semi permanent breeding grounds. The study was realized in the city of Poço Redondo, semi-arid of Sergipe, where the Unidade de Conservação Monumento Natural Grota do Angico is located under exclusive domain of Caatinga. Collects were made monthly in two areas of Caatinga, between 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. using the Shannon trap for adults, and in three breeding grounds with plastic dipper method for mosquito larvae collects. On ecologic aspects analysis were used the Shannon diversity index, Pielou s equitability, Berger-Parker dominance, Nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) for species composition. A number of 1788 specimens were collected on total among adults and immature, distributed on ten genus, Aedes, Aedomyia, Anopheles, Coquilettidia, Culex, Haemagogus, Mansonia, Ochlerotatus, Psorophora and Uranotaenia and 21 species. The adults resulted in 583 specimens, 268 from shrubby Caatinga and 315 from arboreal Caatinga, dominant species were Mansonia (Man) indubitans and Ochlerotatus (Och) scapularis,there was no difference between these areas on species composition or abundance, however, the arboreal Caatinga was richer in species. In relation to the immature, breeding sede captured the larger number of specimens (N=590), followed by breeding cancela (N=436) and the smaller value on breeding trilha (N=179). Species composition did not show difference between breedings, dominant species were Anopheles (Nys) albitarsis and Culex (Cx) chidesteri. The presence of mosquitoes species with vector importance, some of that capable to adapt on anthropic ambient, associated with lack of knowledge about Caatinga s mosquitoes suggests future studies to avoid epidemiologic outbreaks in the Unidade de conservação Monumento Natural Grota do Angico . / A família Culicidae apresenta grande importância em saúde pública por ser composta de insetos em sua maioria hematófagos, os quais podem veicular diversas doenças para o homem e demais vertebrados. O conhecimento sobre a fauna de culicídeos, além de gerar informações sobre as espécies que compõem o bioma Caatinga, permite conhecer espécies vetoras de patógenos fornecendo importantes ferramentas em caso de eventuais surtos epidêmicos na região. O bioma Caatinga ocupa cerca 55% de toda a região Nordeste, representando 11% da superfície do Brasil, e detém a posição de bioma menos conservado em relação à área total. O presente trabalho objetivou realizar levantamento da fauna de mosquitos, bem como análise de aspectos ecológicos para as espécies de adultos em duas áreas de Caatinga e espécies de imaturos em três criadouros semipermanentes de solo. O estudo foi realizado no município de Poço Redondo, situado no alto sertão sergipano, na unidade de conservação Monumento Natural Grota do Angico, sob o domínio exclusivo de Caatinga. As coletas foram realizadas mensalmente em dois ambientes de Caatinga das 17 às 20 horas através de armadilha de Shannon para adultos, e em três criadouros de solo utilizando metodologia de concha para coleta de larvas. Para análise de aspectos ecológicos foram utilizados os índices de diversidade de Shannon, equitabilidade de Pielou, dominância de Berger-Parker e escalonamento multidimensional não métrico (NMDS) para composição de espécies. No total foram coletados 1788 espécimes entre adultos e imaturos, distribuídos em dez gêneros, Aedes, Aedomyia, Anopheles, Coquilettidia, Culex, Haemagogus, Mansonia, Ochlerotatus, Psorophora e Uranotaenia e 21 espécies. Os adultos somaram 583 exemplares, sendo 268 na Caatinga arbustiva e 315 na Caatinga arbórea, as espécies dominantes foram Mansonia (Man) indubitans e Ochlerotatus (Och) scapularis, a composição de espécies e a abundância não diferiram entre as áreas, no entanto a Caatinga arbórea apresentou maior riqueza de espécies. Em relação aos imaturos, no criadouro sede foi capturado maior número de espécimes (N=590), seguido do criadouro cancela (N= 436) e os menores valores no criadouro trilha (N= 179). A composição das espécies não variou entre as áreas, as espécies dominantes para imaturos foram Anopheles (Nys) albitarsis e Culex (Cx) chidesteri. A presença de espécies com importância vetorial, dentre elas algumas com capacidade de adaptação ao ambiente antropizado, aliada ao déficit de conhecimento sobre os mosquitos da Caatinga sugerem continuidade de estudos para evitar que quadros epidemiológicos possam se instalar na unidade de conservação Monumento Natural Grota do Angico.

Estudo das populações de Anofelinos em ambientes com diferentes graus de antropização no município do Cantá - Roraima

Christine de Souza Gomes, Elaine January 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-12T15:05:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 arquivo1798_1.pdf: 723582 bytes, checksum: a74b99fbc6caba53d874185d4c81c04e (MD5) license.txt: 1748 bytes, checksum: 8a4605be74aa9ea9d79846c1fba20a33 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005 / Embora a malária seja uma doença endêmica no Estado de Roraima, o registro das espécies de anofelinos que ocorrem na região ainda é escasso. Nesse estudo investigou-se a ocorrência, abundância e distribuição das espécies do gênero Anopheles, seus principais criadouros, a influência das estações seca e chuvosa sobre as populações desses mosquitos, bem como, a freqüência horária da sua atividade hematofágica. Duas áreas com diferentes graus de impactação antrópica foram escolhidas no município de Cantá. Cinco pontos fisionomicamente distintos, compreendendo: peridomicílio, intermediário, extradomicílio, borda de mata primária e curral, foram selecionados como locais de coleta nas áreas A e B. Os mosquitos foram capturados durante coletas de 4 horas (18-22h) e 12 horas (18-06h) por três e dois dias respectivamente, nos meses de fevereiro, maio, agosto e novembro de 2004. Um total de 3.279 espécimes foram capturadas, compreendendo 11 espécies de anofelinos: A. albitarsis (41,8%); A. darlingi (24,8%); A. triannulatus (17,6%); A. nuneztovari (11,8%); A. oswaldoi (1,5%); A. evansae (1,4%); A. argyritarsis, A. braziliensis, A. intermedius, A. mediopunctatus e A. peryassui representaram menos de 1% da amostra. A. albitarsis (55,5%) e A. darlingi (22,7%) predominaram na área mais antropizada (área A), enquanto A. triannulatus (34,6%) foi mais abundante na área mais preservada (área B). A maior densidade ocorreu em maio (período chuvoso), enquanto as menores, apresentaram-se em fevereiro e novembro (período de estiagem). Nos 21 criadouros encontrados, registrou-se nove espécies de anofelinos, duas das quais, A. minor e A. strodei, não foram capturadas como adultos. A atividade hematofágica dos anofelinos, durante as coletas de 12h, iniciou-se no primeiro horário de coleta (18-19h) nas duas localidades, sendo esse o horário de pico na área B. Na área A o pico ocorreu das 19-20h. A única espécie que manteve atividade durante toda a noite foi A. darlingi, com pico das 21-22 horas. Esses resultados mostraram uma grande diversidade de anofelinos na área estudada cuja abundância pode ser influenciada por ações antrópicas no ambiente e variações climáticas. Indicam também que A. albitarsis e A. darlingi apresentam maior atividade hematofágica no peridomicílio, favorecendo a transmissão do parasito da malária na região

Rôle du cholestérol, de la protéine SAMHD1 et de la salive d’Aedes aegypti dans l’infection des cellules cutanées par le virus Chikungunya / Role of Cholesterol, SAMHD1 protein and Aedes aegypti saliva on Chikungunya virus infection in human skin fibroblasts

Wichit, Sineewanlaya 11 July 2017 (has links)
Le virus Chikungunya (CHIKV), arbovirus en pleine ré-émergence, a envahi rapidement de nombreuses zones géographiques du monde. La propagation mondiale de ce virus constitue une menace pour la santé humaine car il n'y a pas de vaccin ou d'agents antiviraux appropriés pour contrôler l'infection virale. La transmission du virus s’effectue lors de la piqure d’un moustique infecté du genre Aedes, qui injecte sa salive contenant le virus dans la peau de l’hôte humain. Afin de contrôler la dissémination du virus, il est primordial de développer des recherches sur l’identification de molécules antivirales et de comprendre les mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans les interactions hôte-virus et/ou vecteur-virus-hôte. En utilisant différentes stratégies moléculaires et cellulaires, nous avons étudié le potentiel antiviral de l'Imipramine, une molécule déjà commercialisée et qui a la capacité de perturber le transport du cholestérol intracellulaire. Nous avons démontré que cette molécule est capable d'inhiber la réplication du CHIKV dans les fibroblastes cutanés humains. Nous avons mis en évidence que l'Imipramine affectait à la fois les étapes de fusion et de réplication pendant le cycle de réplication du virus. En outre, la molécule a également fortement inhibé la réplication de plusieurs Flavivirus comme le virus Zika (ZIKV), le virus du Nil occidental et le virus de la Dengue. Nous avons également déterminé le profil protéomique global des fibroblastes humains infectés par le CHIKV ou le ZIKV. Cela nous a permis de mettre en évidence les modulations significatives de plusieurs protéines stimulées par l'interféron et de protéines impliquées dans à la défense anti-virale dans les cellules infectées. Plus important encore, nos résultats montrent pour la première fois le rôle de la protéine SAMHD1 dans l'infection des fibroblastes cutanés par les arbovirus. Enfin, compte tenu des fortes interactions entre l’hôte, le vecteur et le CHIKV, l'effet de la salive du moustique Ae. Aegypti sur l'infection virale a été étudié. À notre connaissance, cette étude est la première à montrer l’importance de la salive d’Ae. aegypti sur la facilitation de l’infection du CHIKV, dans des fibroblastes cutanés, à travers la régulation des gènes impliqués dans la réponse interféron de type I. / Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is a re-emerging mosquito-borne alphavirus that has been spread worldwide. The dissemination of this virus is a threat to human health since there is no approved vaccine or appropriate antiviral agents to control viral infection. The global expansion of the virus is preceded by biting of infected Aedes mosquitos, which injects saliva containing the virus into the skin of the human host. Searching for effective antiviral compounds and understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in host-virus or vector-virus-host interactions are crucial for controlling viral spread.Using different molecular and cellular strategies, we demonstrated that the FDA approved drug, imipramine, which has the capability to disturb intracellular cholesterol transport inhibits CHIKV replication in human skin fibroblasts. Imipramine was found to affect both the fusion and replication steps of the viral life cycle. Moreover, it also strongly inhibited the replication of several Flaviviridae family members, including Zika, West Nile and Dengue virus. We have also determined the global proteomic profile of Chikungunya and Zika virus infected human skin fibroblasts, and found that several interferon-stimulated proteins and antiviral response proteins are significantly up-regulated in the infected cells. More importantly, our results also provided for the first time a role of SAMHD1 in arbovirus infection of human skin fibroblasts. Finally, we demonstrated that Aedes aegypti saliva enhances CHIKV replication in human skin fibroblasts. To our knowledge, this is the first report showing the importance of Aedes aegypti saliva on promoting CHIKV infection via down regulation of the genes involving type I IFN secretion in the infected human cutaneous cells.

Identification and functional characterization of mosquito genes that affect plasmodium development

Jaramillo Gutierrez, Giovanna 07 October 2009 (has links)
Les moustiques anophèles sont les vecteurs du parasite Plasmodium l’agent du paludisme. Le parasite subit des pertes massives pendant son cycle de développement chez l’anophèle, ce qui suggère que les moustiques sont capables de développer une réaction immunitaire efficace contre le parasite. La connaissance de l’immunité et de la résistance des moustiques au genre Plasmodium provient principalement de systèmes de laboratoire qui utilisent des espèces de parasites de rongeurs ou d’oiseaux comme modèles du paludisme humain. Les observations présentées dans cette thèse suggèrent que certains gènes comme Tep1 et LRIM1 sont des médiateurs de réponses antiparsitiques contre différents Plasmodiums dans différents vecteurs. Cependant, le degré d'efficacité avec laquelle un moustique est capable de réduire le nombre de parasites peut être variable surtout entre combinaison de souche de moustique et de souche de parasite différentes, selon que la paire soit hautement compatible ou non.<p><p><p> / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Résistance aux insecticides et transmission de la malaria chez le moustique Culex pipiens / Insecticide resistance and malaria transmission by Culex pipiens mosquitoes

Vézilier, Julien 21 June 2011 (has links)
L'évolution de la résistance aux insecticides chez les moustiques responsables de la transmission de maladies infectieuses compromet notre capacité à contrôler ces populations de vecteurs et pose de graves problèmes de santé publique. Mais les nombreuses modifications physiologiques associées au phénomène de résistance aux insecticides pourraient altérer l'épidémiologie de ces maladies de manière plus indirecte en modifiant la capacité vectorielle des moustiques. Afin d'étudier cette question nous avons mis en place un nouveau système expérimental composé du parasite aviaire Plasmodium relictum SGS1 et de son vecteur naturel le moustique Culex pipiens. Nous avons étudié l'effet de différents allèles de résistance aux insecticides (représentant deux mécanismes principaux i.e. la résistance métabolique ou la modification de la cible) sur une série de traits d'histoire de vie du parasite et du moustique. L'impact de ces différents allèles a été étudié d'une part, dans les conditions contrôlées de leur expression dans un même fond génétique (en utilisant plusieurs souches de moustiques isogéniques), et d'autre part, dans les conditions plus réalistes de leur expression dans un fond génétique hétérogène (utilisation de moustiques échantillonnés sur le terrain). Nous montrons que la résistance aux insecticides a des effets pleïotropes sur l'immunocompétence et les traits d'histoire de vie des moustiques. Son effet sur le développement de Plasmodium semble en revanche limité. Nous discutons d'une part, de la nécessité de poursuivre une approche multifactorielle (impliquant la physiologie, l'immunité et le comportement des moustiques) afin de mieux comprendre l'impact de la résistance aux insecticides sur la transmission de Plasmodium, et d'autre part des perspectives intéressantes qu'offrent ce nouveau système expérimental pour l'étude de l'écologie évolutive des maladies à vecteurs. / The evolution of insecticide resistance in mosquitoes threatens our ability to control many-vector-transmitted diseases, thereby raising serious public health issues. Insecticide resistance entails numerous physiological changes in mosquitoes. This thesis investigates whether these physiological changes alter the quality of mosquitoes as vectors of malaria. To address this issue, we developed a new experimental system consisting in the avian malaria parasite Plasmodium relictum SGS1 and its natural vector, the mosquito Culex pipiens. We investigated the impact of two insecticide resistance mechanisms (target site resistance and metabolic resistance) on several mosquito and parasite life history traits relevant for malaria transmission. The effect of different insecticide resistant genes was investigated using both isogenic laboratory mosquito strains (i.e. against a homogeneous genetic background) and sympatric field caught mosquitoes (i.e. under the more realistic, albeit noisier, conditions of a heterogeneous genetic background). We show that insecticide resistance has a pleiotropic effect on several mosquito traits (immunocompetence, longevity, fecundity), whereas it has only a limited effect on Plasmodium development. We discuss, on the one hand, the need to pursue such a multi-factorial approach (combining the mosquito physiology, immunity and behavior) to better understand the impact of insecticide resistance on malaria transmission and, on the other hand, the promising perspectives offered by this new experimental system for studying the evolutionary-ecology of infectious diseases.

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