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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Implementação da técnica de magneto-acustografia em um equipamento de ultrassom diagnóstico por imagem / Implementation of magneto motive technique in an ultrasound diagnostic equipment.

Sampaio, Diego Ronaldo Thomaz 25 November 2014 (has links)
A magneto-acustografia ou, em uma nova terminologia mais abrangente, vibromagneto-acustografia (VMA) é uma técnica que combina técnicas magnéticas e acústicas, a fim de observar o comportamento visco-elástico de um meio material marcado com partículas magnéticas (alvo). A força magnética oscilatória de frequência () provoca, dentro do alvo, movimento das partículas e do meio material com frequência (2). O feixe acústico pulso-eco utilizado para detectar o movimento das estruturas, tem uma frequência de repetição de pulso (PRF), no mínimo, cinco vezes maior que a frequência do movimento do alvo. Assim, a proposta deste projeto foi desenvolver um protocolo de aquisição, processamento e análise da técnica VMA, por meio da implementação de uma plataforma automatizada de aquisição, que forneça dados estruturados para posteriormente através de uma plataforma de processamento analisar diferentes aplicações da técnica VMA em fantomas e in vivo. A primeira etapa foi desenvolver a plataforma de aquisição utilizando um equipamento de ultrassom diagnóstico por imagem. Nesta etapa foi desenvolvido um software, com interface gráfica de usuário, escrito em C++ e Qt com a função de automatizar a excitação magnética e a aquisição acústica de alta resolução temporal, foram definidos os protocolos padrão dos modos de excitação magnética e de aquisição acústica em termos da taxa de aquisição dos frames ultrassônicos para gerar movimentos oscilatórios ou ondas de cisalhamento. Em seguida, os dados provenientes das aquisições foram estruturados por meio de um cabeçalho para transferência para outros computadores através do protocolo TCP/IP. Depois foi desenvolvida um software, com interface gráfica de usuário, para a fase de processamento e análise. O processamento dos frames adquiridos em modo radiofrequência (RF) consistiu em obter mapas de deslocamentos ou velocidades das estruturas internas do meio material utilizado como alvo. Nesta etapa adaptamos o algoritmo de correlação cruzada normalizada com correção de pico de máxima correlação x e obtivemos mapas otimizados para a técnica VMA. A avaliação da otimização destes mapas foi baseada na avaliação entre a resolução espacial e tempo computacional. A partir do uso destes softwares em experimentos com fantomas e in vivo foram desenvolvidos métodos de análise da frequência dos deslocamentos e segmentação/caracterização de ondas de cisalhamento em termos da sua velocidade e atenuação. Por fim, foi implementado um sistema VMA automatizado composto, por uma plataforma de aquisição embarcada em equipamento de diagnóstico por ultrassom para aquisição de mapas de RF e, que posteriormente eram transferidos para um computador com hardware superior para geração de mapas de deslocamento do meio material. Os mapas foram analisados para determinação de parâmetros visco-elásticos. Além disso, através da implementação da técnica VMA, viabilizou-se estudos clínicos de maneira rápida e eficiente, por exemplo, análises gástricas após a digestão de alimentos marcados com partículas magnéticas e produção de ondas de cisalhamento para caracterização viscoelástica. / The magneto motive ultrasound (MMUs) is a novel technique, which combines magnetism and acoustics, in order to observe viscoelastic behavior of medium labeled with inserted magnetic particles. The magnetic force with modulation frequency () creates a mechanical disturbance in the object of study with twice the modulation frequency (2). Was applied a pulse-echo ultrasonic beamforming with pulse repetition frequency (PRF) at least five times greater than frequency of internal structure movement. The aim of this study was to develop an acquisition, processing and analysis protocol for MMUs through implementation of an automated platform for acquisition, which provides structured datasets for further processing and analysis of different applications (tissue mimicking phantoms or in vivo) of MMUs. First step was to develop the acquisition platform using an ultrasound research interface (URI). At this stage was developed a software with graphical user interface (GUI) written using C++ and Qt. This software automates magnetic excitation and acoustic acquisition, which has high frame rate. In addition, were defined default presets to provide oscillatory movement or shear waves. Then was created datasets acquired were structured and a header and transferred to an external personal computer through TCP/IP network. Second, the processing software with graphical user interface for processing and analyzing was developed. The frames acquired in radiofrequency (RF) mode were processed into displacement or velocity maps of medium internal structures. In this stage, we adapted a cross correlation algorithm to optimize for MMUs datasets. The evaluation of these maps was based on tradeoff between spatial resolution and computation time. Protocols for analysis of motion frequency and segmentation/characterization of shear waves, extracting velocity and attenuation for experiments performed with phantoms or in vivo were developed . In this work, it was implemented an automated MMUs system integrated with a software framework running on an ultrasound research interface (URI), which is used for acquisition of RF maps, further transferred for a PC with robust hardware to process into displacement maps. These maps were analyzed to obtain viscoelastic parameters of the medium. Moreover, this implementation of MMUs enables clinical fast and efficient trials for gastric evaluation of meals with magnetic particles and shear wave production for viscoelastic characterization.

Strategisk resultatutjämning : En studie av income smoothing i svenska börsnoterade företag / Income smoothing : Motive and structure of income smoothing in swedish listed companies

Brusewitz, Katrin, Otteborn, Sofi January 2014 (has links)
Redovisningen har många olika nyanser, vilket beror på alla de möjliga val som en redovisareställs inför. Copeland (1968) säger att det finns 30 miljoner olika sätt, på vilket ett företagsresultat kan beräknas, inom ramen för de redovisningsstandarder som finns. Med det sagt, kanmanipulering av resultatet koordineras med en standard eller utan en standard. I bakgrundenav studien presenterar vi begreppet income smoothing och i problemdiskussionen utvecklar vibegreppet ett steg längre genom att utveckla ett koncept av tre relaterande begrepp; motivstruktur-resultat. Därefter såg vi det utifrån en praktisk synvinkel och utvecklade treforskningsfrågor: Hur utbrett är income smoothing bland stora svenska företag? Vilka motivoch vilken struktur har svenska börsnoterade företag för att jämna ut sina resultat? Vilkeneffekt får income smoothing på företagets börsvärde? Vidare har vår metod till största delvarit operationell då vi utvecklat konceptet motiv-struktur-resultat och använt finansiellarapporter som informationskälla. Vi har även gjort en teknisk analys genom att vi använtKustonos (2011) modell för att kategorisera företag som en smoother eller icke-Smoother.Teorin som vi presenterar i den teoretiska referensramen kommer från relevant litteratur ochanvänds sedan för att analysera våra resultat.Vår studie har bidragit med tre saker. (1) Den har ökat kunskapen kring income smoothing iSverige. (2) Den har visat att income smoothing inte är vanligt förekommande bland storasvenska företag. (3) Den har bidragit med en teoretisk utveckling genom konceptet motivstruktur-resultat, för att skapa ett observerbart kriterium för förståelse av manipulering isvensk redovisning. / Program: Civilekonomprogrammet

Låt oss lära av de [o]döda - En motivstudie av Max Brooks´ World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War

Karlsson, Rasmus January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to examine, through the process of close reading, the usage of different motives and narrative perspectives in Max Brooks´ bestselling novel World war Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War, such as narration, the usage of the zombie and moral projections. As this paper also takes an overviewing pedagogic direction, the paper aims to present the positive outcome of reading fiction, in alignment with the envisionment-arguments of Judith A. Langer, and how this can be implemented in the Swedish school system. A great amount of different claims were made in the analysis, due to the setting of the narratological hermeneutic alignment. For instance, the analysis revealed that WWZ could be read as an exposition of human behavior, when pushed to the edge of extinction, but it can also be seen as a mockumentary in book form – exposing some of the backsides of the capitalistic system. As for the pedagogic perspective, Langer’s concept of envisionment shows that merging the reading of fiction with group discussion can widen pupils grasping of different world phenomena, and thus stimulate their will for a lifelong learning, which correlates with one the of the core objectives and values in the Swedish school curriculum.

British Virgin Islands Tourists' Motives to Travel, Destination Image, and Satisfaction

Augustine, Sherrine Natahsa 01 January 2017 (has links)
The turbulent events of the world have resulted in a decline in the number of travelers since 2011. Nevertheless, approximately one billion international tourists still travel annually.Tourist activity plays an important role in the global economic activity. The purpose of this correlational study was to examine if a relationship exists between destination images, push and pull motives to travel, and tourists' satisfaction. The target population consisted of noncitizen and nonresident tourists of the British Virgin Islands (BVI) between March 2017 and April 2017. Oliver's expectancy-disconfirmation theory that the individual will act in a particular way because the expectation that a certain outcome follows the act formed the theoretical framework for this study. Data were collected through a self-developed paper survey using existing Likert-scale questions based on prior research to measure the study variables. A convenience sample of 257 noncitizen and nonresident tourists of the BVI resulted in 247 participants with useable responses. Standard multiple regression analysis determined whether there was a relationship between destination image, push and pull motives to travel, and BVI tourists' satisfaction. The results indicated the 2 predictors, destination image and push and pull motives to travel, accounted for approximately 17% of the variation in tourist satisfaction (R2= .166, F(2,244)= 24.233, p<.001). Either destination image and push and pull motives to travelor both predictors had a significant relationship with tourist satisfaction. The implications for positive social change include employment opportunities through various tourism sectors and for the future development of tourism profitability and sustainability benefiting the local community.

Toward An Integrated Communication Theory For Celebrity Endorsement In Fund Raising

Domino, Tracie M 13 November 2003 (has links)
Throughout the history of the United States, Americans customarily have given away their money, as well as their time to serve the common good. Americans will give "to build something, to fight something, or to save something" (Fink, 1990, p. 136). They make gifts to causes, or the societal problems represented by organizational missions, that are important to them. Individuals give not only to advance a common good, but also to receive private goods, or benefits that are internal, intangible, and in some cases, tangible (Steinberg, 1989). To create this feeling of reciprocity for prospective donors who have not actually benefited from the organization, charitable organizations attempt to attract these individuals by providing them with a benefit from the organization as a result of their donation of time or money. A benefit many individuals are now receiving as a result of their donations is the personal association, real or perceived, with a celebrity (Wheeler, 2002). Preliminary empirical evidence suggests that celebrities are more effective as endorsers when they are personally connected to a cause not only because they help raise awareness for the cause, but they also have a perceived higher level of involvement in the organization. To date, most celebrity endorsement research remains in the field of marketing, while fund raising is more effective when discussed from the public relations perspective (Kelly, 1991, p. 163). However, there currently is no discipline-specific public relations theory that merges the concept of celebrity endorsement with the concepts of symmetrical and asymmetrical fund raising. Fortunately, the interdisciplinary nature of public relations fosters the use of theoretical constructs from other areas of the social sciences, including marketing research (Werder, 2003). The mixed motive model of public relations (Dozier, L. Grunig, & J. Grunig, 1995) provides a framework when it is adapted to guide celebrity endorser fund raising success on a continuum between marketing and public relations. This study did not find support for the integrated communication model of celebrity endorsement fund raising since no significant differences existed between the different endorsers ability to increase the active seeking of information and acting on that information, information processing, and willingness to donate money and volunteer time for a charitable organization.

Understanding of human communicative motives in domestic dogs

Pettersson, Helene January 2009 (has links)
<p>I investigated the understanding of human communicative motives in domestic dogs. Dogs use human communicative cues, like the pointing gesture when searching for hidden food, but it is uncertain how dogs interpret human communication. 32 dogs were presented with two communicative contexts in an object choice task experimental design. In a cooperative context the experimenter informed the subject where food was hidden by pointing and giving a verbal indication. In a competitive context the experimenter held out her arm towards the correct location in a stop gesture and firmly said no. To be successful in the competitive context the subject had to understand the experimenters communicative motive and make an inference from the prohibition (i.e. she would only prohibit it if there was something good there). The average correct choices were compared between the conditions. The dogs successfully followed the cooperative communication. They showed a trend towards choosing the baited cup in the competitive condition. A second study tested if the stop gesture affected the dogs’ choice, since it is not known how dogs interpret gestures. The pointing cue was now presented with the prohibiting command and the stop gesture was presented with the cooperative verbal cue. The dogs used the cooperative communication but did not understand the competitive context. A difference between the contexts was found. The dogs did not differentiate between the gestures. In conclusion dogs do not make inferences from competitive communication or prohibition but are specialized in utilizing cooperative communication</p>

The research of strategic alliance after wireless TV enters the digital industry- The case of FTV.

LU, Lien-hsien 27 August 2007 (has links)
In the digital industry, FTV mainly develops three kinds of business: digital TV, network and cell phone. In the aspect of digital TV, there are ¡§Follow Me TV¡¨ and ¡§Fly Vision¡¨; in the aspect of network, there are ¡§Online TV¡¨ and ¡§FTV-beauty.com¡¨ e-commerce website; and in the aspect of cell phone, there are ¡§Cell-phone TV¡¨ and ¡§FTV Master¡¨ monitoring system. This research adopts ¡§semi-structured interview¡¨ and transaction cost theory to study the motive, type and management actions of FTV strategic alliance and evaluate the performance of the strategic alliance. It is found in this research that, after FTV enters the digital industry, the network TV and transmission stations with simpler alliance motives and type have lower performance in management and see less profit. ¡§Fly Vision¡¨ and ¡§Cell-phone TV¡¨ have complicated motives, including market expansion, cost sharing, risk reducing, technology supplementing and competitive advantage increasing; they have achieved relatively stable growth due to the longer time of alliance. ¡§Follow Me TV¡¨ has the five motives of alliance; however, it fails to reach remarkable performance because the viewership rate of digital TV is not clear. ¡§FTV-beauty.com¡¨ and ¡§FTV Master¡¨ also have the five motives of alliance, but the time of market exploitation is relatively shorter, so it has just seen a relatively high growth and its performance will be steady after that.

Understanding of human communicative motives in domestic dogs

Pettersson, Helene January 2009 (has links)
I investigated the understanding of human communicative motives in domestic dogs. Dogs use human communicative cues, like the pointing gesture when searching for hidden food, but it is uncertain how dogs interpret human communication. 32 dogs were presented with two communicative contexts in an object choice task experimental design. In a cooperative context the experimenter informed the subject where food was hidden by pointing and giving a verbal indication. In a competitive context the experimenter held out her arm towards the correct location in a stop gesture and firmly said no. To be successful in the competitive context the subject had to understand the experimenters communicative motive and make an inference from the prohibition (i.e. she would only prohibit it if there was something good there). The average correct choices were compared between the conditions. The dogs successfully followed the cooperative communication. They showed a trend towards choosing the baited cup in the competitive condition. A second study tested if the stop gesture affected the dogs’ choice, since it is not known how dogs interpret gestures. The pointing cue was now presented with the prohibiting command and the stop gesture was presented with the cooperative verbal cue. The dogs used the cooperative communication but did not understand the competitive context. A difference between the contexts was found. The dogs did not differentiate between the gestures. In conclusion dogs do not make inferences from competitive communication or prohibition but are specialized in utilizing cooperative communication

To associate leading with teaching the effect which four grade of pupil creates the peom of children concurrently the one that tests consensual assessment technique of Amabile is proper

Chang, Hsiu-Tsu 31 July 2006 (has links)
To associate leading with teaching the effect which four grade of pupils creates the poem of children concurrently the one that tests consensual assessment technique of Amabile is proper. Hsiu-Tsu Chang ABSRACT It is the motive power of promoting social progress too to create and think it is mankind's unique natural talent . In strange and changeful and changeable era, ' the intention ' grasps parameters , opens the new chances . Train student's creativity, become the important subject for education at present. In order to which kind of method is taken to promote students' Chinese creativity? This research mainly aims at leading pupils of grade four to create the poem of children by associating teaching technology, and the one that study its impact on pupil's creativity and concurrently test Amabile1983 consensual assessment technique(CAT) is proper. This result of study is as follows: First , three different group of nine experts of groups evaluate creativity of poem works CAT of 68 pupil children consent quantity Up to. More than 90. Second, the pupil's children poem works creativity displays and is correlated with their children poem writing motives.( r =. 410, p<. 01). Third, accept the pupil dealing with the experiment and behave in children poem creativity, there is difference of showing in the groups, associate and lead the pupil of teaching group to display and is obviously superior to contrasting the group pupil .(F =7.77, p<. 05, d =.68) Key word: to associate leading, consensual assessment technique, Children poem creates, form of motive amount of children poem writing

Resherch on the segmentation of potential tourist is impression for resorts and the marketing strategies for Moalin national scenic area

Fan, Jue-chin 05 September 2006 (has links)
How potential tourists sort out intriguing resorts or wherever could fulfill their necessities among all the tourism destinations, it¡¦s what tourism marketers eager to know and their intention to guide the tourists. In terms of touristic necessities, besides the general factors such as distance, timing, traffic ways and the cost, tourists would more and more value the image and slant on resorts while choosing tourism destination. They would decide where they want to go by acquiring more information about the credit and image of the resorts, and determine whether they would travel there again by the hands-on traveling experiences and impression. This study has at fist referred to some relevant literatures about the tourists¡¦ impressions and slants on the tourism destination and the segmental marketing, then based on the resources and attributes of Moalin national scenic area to build up measurement and questionnaire for traveling image, so as to carry positive investigation around Taiwan and base on non-residents¡¦ impression for Moalin to segmentalize its potential tourism market. There were totally 900 questionnaires issued and 666 were returned (the valid returning rate was 78%). Then by factor analysis, the images and slants of scenic resorts were divided into four constructs, including ¡§natural landscapes¡¨, ¡§history and culture¡¨, ¡§social environment¡¨ and ¡§agricultural and forestry leisured activity¡¨. Furthermore, the imagery factors of resorts were used to be variables of market segmentation and the potential tourist market was divided into 3 factorial segments as factors of ¡§traveling experiences¡¨, ¡§motives for traveling¡¨ and ¡§cognition on impediments to traveling¡¨. The factors of motives for traveling were especially extracted by factor analysis and ramified into 8 clusters such as factors of ¡§enjoying touring experience¡¨, ¡§molding peaceful temperament¡¨, ¡§calling out friends¡¨, ¡§work-out for health¡¨; as well as the four factors for cognition on impediments to traveling such as ¡§experience and safety¡¨, ¡§travel-mate¡¨, ¡§substantial reasons¡¨ and ¡§environment and equipment¡¨. The author also used traveling images, demographic variables and some relevant data about traveling experiences to describe the characteristic and difference among those market segmentations. In the end, the results were sorted out and described according to the characteristic and difference among those market segmentations, so as to work out suggestions for marketing strategies as reference for relevant industries and tourism agency to choose adequate niche market and efficient market strategy.

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