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AB „Audimas“ vidurinio lygio vadovų motyvacijos pasireiškimo lygio nustatymas / Ltd “Audimas” determination of motivation manifestation level of middle level managersGečionis, Romualdas 16 May 2006 (has links)
of Master’s final research
by Romualdas Gečionis
“Ltd “Audimas” determination of motivation manifestation
level of middle level managers”
Key words: demand, motive, motivation, organization, manager.
The object of the research - determination of motivation manifestation level.
Investigative problem of the research. The essence of investigative problem of research is based on the fact that common mechanism of motivation exists and if it is mastered, the flow of events can be turned to the right direction. For this reason natural question is asked: what is the mechanism of motivation, what is the level of motivation manifestation in order the energy would appear form purposive and instinctive actions which could influence an individual or his work results?
The aim of the research – to define determination of motivation manifestation level of middle level managers in Ltd “Audimas”.
In order to achieve the aims of the research, the following tasks are heightened:
1. To analyze the conception of motivation fulfilling the survey of motivation theories.
2. To define determination of motivation manifestation level of middle level managers.
3. To determine external motivation manifestation level of middle level managers.
The analysis of literature showed that motivation is a complex phenomenon and in order to explain it a group of theories are created though none of them is accepted unanimously. Choice of employees motives between “to do” and “to behave”... [to full text]
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Visagino miesto suaugusiųjų gyventojų mokymosi motyvacijos ypatumai / Motivation peculiarities of adult trainingKakštienė, Albina 07 June 2006 (has links)
Life-long learning for knowledge societies becomes fundamental for educational process. Motivation, expectations and contentment of people take a very important place in today’s learning. The most important objectives of today’s educational process are providing answers to current challenges and essential questions as well as helping to seize new opportunities for society and individuals.
The objective of this research is to explore the motivation, motives and problems of life-long learning of residents in Visaginas town. The tasks of the research are following:
• to explore residents’point of view towards life-long learning;
• define the motives of adults which force them to start studying again;
• analyze what conditions residents of Visaginas have;
• define issues which impede more active involvement of adults into life-long learning;
• provide with recommendations on how to nurture residents’point of view on life-long
The analysis was done in November, 2005 and took place in Visaginas National Language Center, in “Draugystes” secondary school (adult classes) as well as in other public institutions.
During this research the residents of Visaginas town were asked to answer a question on how they perceive and value life-long learning and what is their point of view towards it. After the answers were figured out it could be concluded that the greatest part of residents think that life-long learning is obligatory (91,5 %). Only 9 % of residents perceive life-long... [to full text]
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"Global Blue" darbuotojų motyvacijos tyrimas (Skandinavijos, Baltijos, Beniliukso šalių atvejis) / "Global Blue" employees' motivation research (Scandinavia, Baltic and Benelux countries)Norkūnienė, Irma, Žukaitė, Inga 03 July 2012 (has links)
Žmogiškųjų išteklių vadybos magistro darbo tema yra aktuali, nes šiandieninėse internacionalizacijos bei globalizacijos sąlygomis veikiančiose organizacijose ypatingai svarbu operatyviai reaguoti į ekonominius, socialinius, technologinius pokyčius. Dažnai svarbiausias įrankis, lemiantis, kaip sėkmingai organizacija reaguos į pokyčius ir prisitaikys, yra žmogiškieji ištekliai su atitinkamais gebėjimais, įgūdžiais bei žiniomis. Todėl labai svarbu, kad organizacijoje dirbtų savo darbu patenkinti bei asmeninių ir organizacijos tikslų siekimo motyvuoti asmenys, suinteresuoti dirbti efektyviai ir konkurencingai. Vienas svarbiausių veiksnių, lemiančių darbo efektyvumą, yra motyvacija.
Atlikta nedaug tyrimų, siekiant palyginti Lietuvos darbuotojų motyvavimo patirtį ir aspektus su kitų šalių darbuotojų motyvavimo ypatumais. Tuo grindžiamas tyrimo naujumas bei praktinė reikšmė, kadangi tyrimo rezultatai leidžia palyginti darbuotojų motyvavimo ypatumus skirtinguose regionuose: Skandinavijos, Baltijos ir Beniliukso.
Baigiamojo darbo objektu pasirinkta tarptautinės organizacijos ,,Global Blue“ darbuotojų motyvacija.
Baigiamojo darbo tikslas - ištirti ,,Global Blue“ darbuotojų, dirbančių skirtinguose regionuose, darbo motyvaciją, ją lemiančius veiksnius ir darbuotojų motyvacijos svarbą konkurencinėje aplinkoje.
Baigiamojo darbo uždaviniai yra išanalizuoti motyvacijos definiciją ir motyvacijos vietą šiuolaikinėje organizacijoje, ištirti organizacijos vadovų požiūrį į darbuotojų motyvavimą... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Master’s work of Human Resource Management topic is very significant because in today’s globalized conditions it is extremely important to promptly react to economic, social, technological changes; and very often the most important tool is human resources with corresponding capabilities, skills and knowledge. That’s why it is very important that in an organizationpeopleare satisfied with their work, motivated to reach personal and organizational goals, concerned to work efficiently and competitively. One of the most important factors which determinework efficiency is motivation.
There are not that many studies performed to compare Lithuanian employees’ motivation experience and aspects with that of the other countries employees’. The study originality and practical sense is based on this fact. Work results made it possible to compare employees’ motivation characteristics in different regions: Scandinavia, Baltic and Benelux.
The subject of the work wasthe motivation of “Global Blue” employees’.
The aim of the work was to investigate “Global Blue” employees’ work motivation, which is influenced by different factors, and the importance of employees’ motivation in a competitive environment.
The work tasks were to analyze the definition and place of motivation in contemporary organization, to investigate the managers’ attitude towards employees’ motivation, to identify factors which motivatethe employees, to investigate the impact of motivation tools on motivation levels and... [to full text]
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Edukacinės programos - dailės mokymosi motyvaciją paauglystėje skatinantis veiksnys / Educational programmes – a factor stimulating fine arts learning motivation in adolescenceBlinova, Viktorija 27 June 2011 (has links)
Temos aktualumas ir problema. Paauglystės amžiuje vyksta savęs ieškojimas ir mąstymo vystymasis, o tai turi įtakos vaizduotės raidai. Mokiniai pradeda kritiškai vertinti savo piešinius, nes jų nebetenkina vaikiškos schemos, jie savo kūryba veržiasi prie natūralistinės. Kadangi nepavyksta to įgyvendinti – pasireiškia nenoras piešti. Praradus susidomėjimą kūryba, menu ir dailės dalyku, svarbu stengtis paauglius sudominti ir motyvuoti paįvairinant dailės pamokas edukacinėmis programomis, organizuojamomis kultūros įstaigose (muziejuose/dailės galerijose). Kadangi paauglystės amžius yra laikomas vienu sudėtingiausių ir pilną krizių, šios temos nagrinėjimas ypač aktualus būtent šiame amžiuje. Be to stokojama tyrimų, nagrinėjančių edukacinių programų, kaip mokymosi motyvacijos veiksnio įtaka paaugliams, nes tai pakankamai naujas dalykas.
Tyrimo tikslas – atskleisti edukacinių programų, kaip dailės mokymosi motyvacijos paauglystėje veiksnio, reikšmę. Tyrimo objektas – edukacinės programos – dailės mokymosi motyvacijos veiksnys. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1) apžvelgti mokslinėje, pedagoginėje, psichologinėje ir metodinėje literatūroje mokymosi motyvacijos ir motyvo sąvokas, klasifikaciją, mokymosi motyvacijos veiksnius ir teorijas; 2) apžvelgti mokslinėje, pedagoginėje, psichologinėje ir metodinėje literatūroje paauglystės amžiaus tarpsnio ypatumus; 3) aptarti edukacinių programų ypatumus; 4) remiantis 5-10 kl. mokinių apklausa, edukatorių ir dailės mokytojų interviu nustatyti edukacinių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The investigated problem and importance of the work: the self-identifying and the development of thinking are processes affecting the evolution of imagination in the adolescence. Scholars are not satisfied with childish schemes; therefore, they begin to criticize their drawings and go straightforward to the naturalistic oeuvre. The failures to accomplish their drawings cause the reluctance to draw. It is highly essential to introduce educational programmes in cultural houses (e.g., museums and/or art galleries) when adolescents start loosing their interest in creative arts. The analysis of aforementioned problem is critical in adolescence, since this age is founded to be most complex and full of crisis. Unfortunately, as it is a recent concern, there are few researches on educational programmes examining their effect on enhancing motivation of scholars in learning fine arts.
The goal of research is to reveal the importance of educational programmes as a factor enhancing the motivation of learning fine arts in adolescence. The objects of research are educational programmes as the factor motivating learning of fine arts. The tasks of research: 1) to review the concepts, classification, factors and theories of motive and learning motivation in scientific, educational, psychological and methodological literature; 2) to survey the peculiarities of adolescence in aforementioned literature; 3) to discuss the characteristics of educational programmes; 4) to measure the effect of... [to full text]
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Kaišiadorių kūno kultūros ir sporto centro darbuotojų motyvavimo veiksniai strateginio valdymo aspektu / The motivational aspects for employees of Kaišiadorys Physical Education and Sports Centre in aspect of strategic managementNavickas, Karolis 20 June 2012 (has links)
Darbo objektas: Kaišiadorių kūno kultūros ir sporto centro darbuotojų motyvavimo veiksniai
Darbo tikslas: Ištirti Kaišiadorių rajono sporto centro darbuotojų motyvavimo veiksnius strateginio valdymo aspektu.
Darbo uždaviniai:
1. Apibūdinti motyvacijos ir strateginio valdymo teorines sampratas;
2. Aptarti darbuotojų teorines motyvavimo veiklos rūšis ir strateginio valdymo mechanizmus;
3. Nustatyti esminius Kaišiadorių kūno kultūros ir sporto centro darbuotojų motyvavimo veiksnius strateginio valdymo aspektu.
1. Analizuojant motyvacijos ir strateginio valdymo sampratas, daugelis autorių savo darbuose išskiria nemažai motyvacijos sampratos pavyzdžių, sąvokų ir apibrėžimų, tačiau kiekvienas juos apibūdina skirtingai. Taip pat ir daugelis strateginio valdymo autorių šį terminą apibūdina savaip, tačiau kiekvienas pabrėžia strateginį valdymą kaip procesą, kuris padeda organizacijoms egzistuoti ir tobulėti.
2. Nagrinėjant motyvacijos temą galima matyti, kad yra pateikiama daugybė teorijų, kurios padeda tirti ir analizuoti motyvaciją, daugybė svarbių motyvacijos priemonių, veiksnių, veiklos rūšių.. Taip pat pateikiami ir strateginio valdymo mechanizmai bei jų komponentai, kurie padeda geriau suprasti, tiek pačią strategijos esmę, tiek patį valdymą bei reikšmę motyvavimo veiksniams.
3. Atlikus tyrimą Kaišiadorių kūno kultūros ir sporto centre matyti, kad esminiai darbuotojų motyvavimo veiksniai yra darbo užmokestis, darbo sąlygos, pats darbas ir karjeros galimybės. Gauti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The motivational aspects for employees of Kaišiadorys Physical Education and Sports Centre in aspect of strategic management.
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Mokinių, turinčių klausos sutrikimų, mokymosi motyvų tyrimas / The analysis of hearing-impared children learning motivesJanulienė, Renata 27 May 2013 (has links)
Siekdami mokyklos nelankymo reiškiniui daryti įtaką, turime išsiaiškinti aplinkybes, kurios jį sąlygoja – kodėl moksleiviai nubyra iš mokyklos, kodėl nenori jos lankyti ir mokytis. Pagrindinės mokyklos moksleivių motyvacijos silpnėjimo priežasčių tyrimas apima bent du aspektus: tai, pirma, aplinkos sąlygas, kurios formuoja vaiko nepalankumą mokyklai, nenorą ją lankyti bei silpnina norą mokytis ir, antra, paties moksleivio nuostatas, požiūrius bei vertybines orientacijas, susiformavusias tomis sąlygomis. Moksleivių mokymosi motyvacijos silpnėjimo priežastys gali būti išorinės (sąlygotos aplinkos) ir vidinės (priklausančios nuo moksleivio savybių). Kiekvieno vaiko sąmonę tiesiogiai ir netiesiogiai formuoja aplinka, kuri daro įtaką ir jo motyvacinei sferai.
Tyrimo tikslas – ištirti mokinių, turinčių klausos sutrikimų, mokymosi motyvus. Teorinėje dalyje analizuojama literatūra apie mokymosi motyvus bei jų svarbą, taip pat pateikiama klausos sutrikimo charakteristika. Empirinėje dalyje analizuojami klausos sutrikimų turinčių mokinių mokymosi motyvai, gauti duomenys lyginami su įprastinės raidos mokinių tyrimo gautais duomenimis. Taip pat buvo analizuojama pedagogų nuomonė apie mokinių mokymosi motyvus. Tyrime, kuris buvo vykdomas anketine apklausa, dalyvavo 232 respondentai. Iš jų 103 klausos sutrikimų turintys, bei 103 įprastinės raidos mokinių, taip pat 26 pedagogai.
Mokslinės literatūros analizė rodo, kad motyvai ir motyvacija, įvairių autorių yra pateikiama skirtingai, tačiau... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In order to affect the nonattendance the circumstances determining the students’ unwillingness to attend school have to be ascertained. The main analysis of the reasons of students’ failing motivation includes two aspects. The first aspect concentrates on the surrounding conditions framing the child’s disfavor to school, unwillingness to attend lessons and learn. The second aspect focuses on students’ attitudes, worth orientation which were formed in those circumstances. The failing motivation to learn might be external (effected by the surroundings) and internal (depending on students’ character features). Every child’s consciousness is directly or indirectly formed by the surroundings that have an influence on child’s motivation.
The aim of the analysis is to investigate the learning motives of hearing-impaired students. The first part of the thesis includes the analysis of the literature on learning motives and their importance and provides the characteristic of hearing impairment. In the practical part the hearing-impaired students’ learning motives are analyzed and the received data is compared with conventional development students’ analysis results. Also the opinions of the educators on students‘ learning motives were analyzed. 232 respondents (of which 103 hearing-impaired, and 103 conventional development students) participated in the investigation which was carried out as a questionnaire. 26 educators also participated in the investigation.Scientific literature... [to full text]
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The Importance of Customers in Mergers and AcquisitionsÖberg, Christina January 2008 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to identify categories and patterns of how customers impact and are impacted by an M&A. In M&A (merger and acquisition) research the focus is traditionally on the M&A parties alone, and while customers are important elements of the motives behind M&As, they are rarely seen as actors affecting and being affected by an M&A. This thesis researches M&As from M&A parties’ and customers’ perspectives. It categorises and connects M&A parties’ activities related to expectations and activities of customers, with customers’ activities at the acquisition point and at integration. Based on findings from eight M&As, the thesis concludes that customers may be the reasons why companies merge or acquire. Customers may react to the M&A announcement if it involves companies the customers do not want to have relationships with, or based on the fact that customers perceive the M&A as turbulent, for instance. Customer actions, and M&A parties reconsidering their initial intentions, affect integration strategies. The realisation of integration is in turn impacted by customers’ resistance to buy according to M&A parties’ intentions and by customers actively objecting to integration. In short, customers impact M&As through: (i) being a reason to merge or acquire, where the M&A aims at acquirer’s or acquired party’s customers, or markets/positions, and where the M&A is a responsive activity to customers’ previous activities or is based on expectations on customers; (ii) customer reactions or changed buying behaviour; (iii) M&A parties’ pre-integration reconsideration; and (iv) post-integration difficulties, whereby customers impact integration realisation through not seeing the benefit of the M&A and thereby continue to buy as previously, through objecting to integration or through dissolving relationships. Customers are impacted by M&As through: (i) the M&A as possibility for change; (ii) ownership changes, which may lead to changes in competition structures; and (iii) forced integration. This means that the impact that customers have on M&As are both results of their own actions, and also of the expectations that the M&A parties have on customers. Important findings from this thesis concern adjustments of initial M&A intentions, how integration may be resisted so as not to challenge ongoing relationships, and how customers (often) make it difficult to achieve initial M&A goals and integration as the customers do not act in accordance with the integration intentions of the parties involved in the M&A.
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Destackification and Motivic Classes of StacksBergh, Daniel January 2014 (has links)
This thesis consists of three articles treating topics in the theory of algebraic stacks. The first two papers deal with motivic invariants. In the first, we show that the class of the classifying stack BPGLn is the inverse of the class of PGLn in the Grothendieck ring of stacks for n ≤ 3. This shows that the multiplicativity relation holds for the universal torsors, although it is known not to hold for torsors ingeneral for the groups PGL2 and PGL3. In the second paper, we introduce an exponential function which can be viewed as a generalisation of Kapranov's motivic zeta function. We use this to derive a binomial theorem for a power operation defined on the Grothendieck ring of varieties. As an application, we give an explicit expression for the motivic class of a universal quasi-split torus, which generalises a result by Rökaeus. The last paper treats destackification. We give an algorithm for removing stackiness from smooth, tame stacks with abelian stabilisers by repeatedly applying stacky blow-ups. As applications, we indicate how the result can be used for destackifying general Deligne–Mumford stacks in characteristic zero, and to obtain a weak factorisation theorem for such stacks. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 1: Manuscript. Paper 2: Manuscript. Paper 3: Manuscript.</p>
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Ägare av mindre aktiebolags motiv att anlita en revisor eller ej / Small business owner's motive for hiring an auditor or notClaesson, Rebecka, Nyqvist, Cecilia January 2018 (has links)
Problembakgrund och problemdiskussion: Mellan åren 2006 och 2010 genomförde länderna i den Europeiska Unionen ett omfattande förenklingsarbete gällande de mindre aktiebolagen. Detta medförde vissa regeländringar. Syftet med förenklingsarbetet var att företagen skulle bli mer konkurrenskraftiga och detta skulle leda till fler växande företag som i sin tur skulle anställa fler. Den 1 november 2010 tog riksdagen beslutet att avskaffa revisionsplikten för mindre aktiebolag i Sverige i enlighet med förenklingsarbetet. Beslutet medförde att de aktiebolag som inte överskrider fler än ett av de fastställda gränsvärdena inte längre omfattas av revisionsplikten. Gränsvärdena är individuella för medlemsländerna men får inte överstiga de värden som Europeiska Unionen fastställt. Revisionspliktens avskaffande påverkade, år 2010 mer än 70 % av alla aktiebolag i Sverige. Vi har hittat studier som är genomförda i Storbritannien, Danmark och Finland men inte Sverige angående vad ägarna har för åsikt om avskaffandet. Därför vill vi undersöka ägarnas inställning till revisorn. Utifrån resultatet kan ägarna få en överblick över hur andra ägare resonerar. Syfte: Uppsatsen syfte är att identifiera och förklara vilka motiv ägare av mindre aktiebolag har till att anlita en revisor eller ej. Detta för att skapa en förståelse för ägarnas inställning till revisorn. Metod: Undersökningen har baserats på en kvalitativ metod med en abduktiv ansats. Där intervjuer utgjorde insamlingsmetoden av empirin som sedan analyserades med hjälp av en egenframtagen analysmodell. Det genomfördes sex intervjuer med ägare av mindre aktiebolag i Skövde och närliggande orter. Dessa ägare är verksamma i tre olika branscher; jordbruk, klädbutiker samt hälsa och sjukvård. Slutsats: Ägarna har olika synsätt på revisorn. Det vill säga att det finns ägare som anser att det är värdefullt att anlita en revisor trots att lagkravet togs bort men det finns också ägare som tycker motsatsen. Dock är den generella meningen bland de intervjuade att vid valet skall ägaren ta hänsyn till sina egna behov, företagets ekonomi och kostnaden för revisorn. Samtliga ägare utgår också från sig själva när de genomför valet och funderar inte över hur likartade organisationer gör. Det stämmer inte överens med den nyinstitutionella teorin som menar att organisationer strävar efter att bli mer lika varandra. / Background: Between 2006 and 2010, the countries of the European Union underwent massive simplification work regarding small businesses which resulted in some law changes. The main purpose with these rule changes was to make the companies more competitive and growing. This expects to lead the companies hiring more people. November 1st 2010 the Swedish government abolished the audit obligation for small businesses. The outcome of these changes was that companies that do not exceed more than one of the defined values do not need to hire an auditor. These values are different in each member state but are not allowed to exceed the values set by the European Union. The exception from the audit obligation affected more than 70 % of all companies in year 2010 in Sweden. Research has been made from owners’ perspective in other countries, like United Kingdom, Denmark and Finland, but not in Sweden. Therefore we wanted to analyze the subject from an owner’s perspective. The result can give the owners an overview of how other owners choose. Purpose: The purpose of the essay is to explore and explain what motives owner of small business’ have for hiring an auditor or not. This will create an understanding of the owners' views on the auditing. Method: The study has been based on a abductive approach applying qualitative methods. The data have been collected by interviews which have been analyzed by using our own model. Six interviews were made with owners of small companies in Skövde and nearby towns. These owners are active in three different industries: agriculture, clothing stores and health and medical care. Conclusion: The owners have different views on the auditor. That is, there are owners who consider it useful to hire an auditor even though the legal requirement was removed but there are also owners who think the opposite. However, the general opinion among the interviewees is that when the choice is made, the owner must take into account his or her own needs, the company's finances and the cost. It is also clear that the choice is based on themselves and not from other similar organizations, which is in contrast to the new institutional theory. Since the theory focuses on the organizations aim to be more alike each other, which this studies informants do not agree with.
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O processo de digitação para violão da Ciaccona BWV 1004 de Johann Sebastin BachAlípio, Alisson Cardoso Monteiro January 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho trata do processo de digitação para violão da Ciaccona BWV 1004 (original para violino) de Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750). O objetivo foi desenvolver uma digitação de mão esquerda capaz de refletir as intenções musicais do presente autor. Para tal, foi estabelecido um modelo de análise, onde a textura musical é dividida e classificada, com base em referenciais teóricos, como: melódica, harmônica, motívica e polifônica. Ao analisar as digitações usadas em transcrições, e compará-las às desta pesquisa, concluímos que se pode ter autonomia para contestar uma digitação grafada, pois ela reflete nada mais que as decisões do seu autor, sejam musicais ou técnicas. A partir disto, podemos deduzir que elas se alteram conforme as nossas próprias decisões. / This work deals with the process of elaborating guitar fingerings for J. S. Bach’s Ciaccona BWV 1004 (original for violin). The aim was to develop a left hand fingering able to reflect the musical intentions of the present author. To this end, a model of analysis was established, in which the musical texture is divided and classified, based on theoretical references, into the following categories: melodic, harmonic, motivic and polyphonic. By analyzing the fingering used on transcriptions, and comparing it with the results of this research, we conclude that we can question a suggested fingering, because it reflects nothing more than the decisions of its author, whether musical or technical. From this we can deduce that they change according to our own decisions.
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