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The Role of Expectancies and Personality Factors in the Formation of Alcohol and Marijuana Use Motives among College StudentsJones, Mark Edward 01 June 2004 (has links)
Undergraduates at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (N = 306) were surveyed to investigate the formation of alcohol and marijuana use motives. Based upon a hypothesized path model effect expectancies, use motives, use frequencies, and use-related problems for alcohol and marijuana were assessed via self-report. Personality factors of sensation-seeking, sociability, and neuroticism-anxiety were also assessed during this single session. Many of the hypothesized pathways were confirmed via multiple regression methods for path analysis. The findings indicated that use motives are related to theoretically more distal influences such as related personality factors and drug effect expectancies. Motives were found to consistently account for substantial variation in use and the development of problems related to alcohol and marijuana in the sample. In some cases these motives not only predicted use, but also appeared to mediate the influences of personality factors and expectancies. Finally, specific motives were found to account for significant variation in the development of substance-related problems even after controlling for the frequency of use. / Master of Science
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Revitalizing Sustainable Reshoring Brands: Understanding the Customer Perspective on the Roles of Motivation Attributions and the Institutionalization ProcessYuan, R., Luo, J., Liu, M., Sivarajah, Uthayasankar, Yannopoulou, N. 18 June 2023 (has links)
Yes / Reshoring can be theorized as a brand revitalizing process for fostering companies’ ability to create value in the home country. The question of how to maintain sustainable reshoring implementation strategies by developing favorable brand responses is an important but underexplored field. Given that reshoring brand meanings are socially constructed and causally inferenced by consumers, we advocate that a reshoring brand revitalization should begin by understanding what constitutes customers’ attributions to reshoring motives. We identify values-driven, stakeholder-driven, and strategic-driven attributions as determinants of the sense of the institutionalization process (brand authenticity, legitimacy, and sustainability). These institutional logics comprise drivers that influence brand love and brand advocacy. We conduct an empirical study (n=1043) in China. The findings indicate that institutionalized reshoring branding activity is significantly influenced by customers’ attributions to underlying reshoring decisions. Reshoring brands that achieve institutional recognition are more likely to generate brand love and advocacy. In addition, our study provides empirical evidence that nostalgia (1) strengthens the influences of stakeholder-driven attributions on brand authenticity and sustainability, (2) inhibits the influence of values-driven attributions on brand authenticity, and (3) inhibits the influence of strategic-driven attributions on brand authenticity, legitimacy, and sustainability. Reshoring brand managers should consider these connections when designing their reshoring implementation strategies in the home country. / Major Humanities and Social Sciences Research Projects in Zhejiang higher education institutions (Grant No. 2023QN033), National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 72101131,71972112) and Zhejiang Soft Science Programme (Grant No. 2022C35003) / The full-text of this article will be released for public view at the end of the publisher embargo on 30 Jun 2025.
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Entwicklungsbedingungen impliziter MotiveScheffer, David 25 September 2001 (has links)
Die folgende Arbeit beschreibt ein entwicklungs- und persönlichkeitspsychologisches fundiertes Verfahren zur Messung von impliziten (unbewussten) Motiven. Es wird theoretisch postuliert und empirisch nachgewiesen, dass die impliziten Motive Bindung, Leistung und Macht in frühen, deprivierenden bzw. herausfordernden familiären Strukturen begründet liegen. Diese frühkindlichen Herausforderungen werden durch interindividuell variierende Regulationsstile gemeistert und so zu einem Motiv ausgestaltet. Der aus den theoretischen Vorannahmen entwickelte Motiv-Inhaltsschlüssel kann als Persönlichkeitstests verwendet werden (der Operante Motiv-Test OMT ), welcher eine hohe Validität bspw. in der Personalauswahl und entwicklung für sich in Anspruch nehmen kann.
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How do implicit and explicit motives differ? The role of non-verbal versus verbal stimulus and non-declarative versus declarative response formatsSchad, Daniel J. January 2007 (has links)
How distinct implicit and explicit motive systems differ has long been unclear. Schultheiss' (2001) information processing account of implicit motive arousal hypothesized that implicit motives respond to nonverbal stimuli to influence non-declarative measures of motivation and that explicit motives respond to verbal stimuli to influence declarative measures of motivation. Moreover, in individuals high in referential competence, i.e., with the ability to quickly translate non-verbal stimuli into a verbal representation, implicit motives are thought to respond to verbal stimuli and influence declarative measures of motivation and explicit motives are thought to respond to nonverbal stimuli and to influence non-declarative measures of motivation. The present study tested these hypotheses by assessing liking ratings as a declarative response format and an affective stroop task as a non-declarative response format using emotion words as verbal and emotional facial expressions as non-verbal stimuli. Individual power, affiliation, and achievement motive dispositions were assessed via the Picture Story Excercise for implicit motives and via questionnaires for explicit motives. Referential competence was assessed via a colour-naming/-reading task. I found that as expected explicit and implicit motives overall were not correlated across subjects. Moreover, implicit and explicit motives affected declarative and non-declarative responses for verbal and non-verbal stimuli. As predicted, however, implicit motives responded to verbal stimuli and influenced declarative responses more strongly for individuals high compared to those low in referential competence. Likewise, explicit motive effects were moderated by referential competence in some - but not all - of the predicted conditions. These results show that implicit and explicit motives can influence declarative and non-declarative responses to verbal and non-verbal stimuli. They support the hypothesis that referential processing is needed for implicit motives to respond to verbal stimuli and influence declarative response formats, and they partly support the hypothesis that referential processing plays a role for the influence of explicit motives. Results for explicit motives may suggest that new measures are needed to assess the referential competence to translate verbal stimuli into non-verbal representations. Overall, the findings provide support to the information processing account of implicit motive arousal by Schultheiss' (2001), suggesting that a non-verbal and non-declarative implicit motive system and a distinct verbal and declarative explicit motive system interact via referential processing, i.e., by translating information between representational formats. / Wie sich distinkte implizite und explizite Motivsysteme voneinander unterscheiden war lange unklar. Schultheiss' (2001) Informationsverarbeitungsansatz für implizite Motivanregung hat die Hypothese aufgestellt, dass implizite Motive auf nonverbale Reize reagieren um nicht-deklarative Motivationsmaße zu beeinflussen, und dass explizite Motive auf verbale Reize reagieren um deklarative Motivationsmaße zu beeinflussen. Zudem wird angenommen, dass in Individuen mit einer hohen referentiellen Kompetenz - d.h. mit der Fähigkeit nonverbale Reize schnell in eine verbale Repräsentation zu übersetzen - implizite Motive auf verbale Reize reagieren und deklarative Motivationsmaße beeinflussen, und explizite Motive auf nonverbale Reize reagieren um non-deklarative Motivationsmaße zu beeinflussen. Die aktuelle Studie hat diese Hypothesen getested indem sie Bewertungen zum individuellen Gefallen von Reizen als ein deklaratives Antwortformat und eine affektive Stroop-Aufgabe als ein nicht-deklaratives Antwortformat unter Verwendung von Emotionswörtern als verbale Reize und emotionalen Gesichtsausdrücken als nonverbalen Reizen gemessen hat. Individuelle Macht-, Anschluss-, und Leistungsmotivdispositionen wurden durch die Bildgeschichtenaufgabe für implizite Motive und durch Fragebögen für explizite Motive gemessen. Referentielle Kompetenz wurde durch eine Farb-Nennungs/-Lesen Aufgabe gemessen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass - wie erwartet - implizite und explizite Motive über Versuchspersonen hinweg nicht korreliert waren. Zudem zeigte sich insgesamt ein Einfluss von impliziten und expliziten Motiven auf deklarative und nicht-deklarative Antworten für verbale und nonverbale Reize. Wie vorhergesagt reagierten implizite Motive auf verbale Reize und beeinflussten deklarative Antworten stärker für Individuen mit einer hohen im Vergleich zu einer niedrigen referentiellen Kompetenz. Zudem wurden explizite Motiveffekte in einigen, aber nicht in allen vorhergesagten Bedingungen von referentieller Kompetenz moderiert. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen, dass implizite und explizite Motive deklarative und nicht-deklarative Antworten auf verbale und nonverbale Reize beeinflussen können. Sie unterstützen die Hypothese, dass referentielle Verarbeitung notwendig ist damit implizite Motive auf verbale Reize reagieren und deklarative Antworten beeinflussen können, und unterstützen teilweise die Hypothese, dass referentielle Verarbeitung eine Rolle für den Einfluss von expliziten Motiven spielt. Das Ergebnis für explizite Motive könnte Nahe legen, dass neue Maße notwendig sind um die referentielle Kompetenz zu messen um verbale Reize in nonverbale Repräsentationen zu übersetzen. Zusammengefasst bieten diese Befunde Unterstützung für den Informationsverarbeitungsansatz der impliziten Motivanregung von Schultheiss (2001), welcher vorschlägt, dass ein nonverbales und nicht-deklaratives implizites Motivsystem und ein distinktes verbales und deklaratives explizites Motivsystem miteinander durch referentielle Verarbeitung wechselwirken, d.h., indem Information zwischen repräsentationalen Formaten übersetzt wird.
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The Drive to Be Better: The Role of the Self-Improvement Motive on Media Selection, Processing, and EffectsLuong, Tran (Kate) 13 November 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Turisten och souveniren : Motiv till inköpSjöberg, Evelina, Pettersson, Lisa, Weigardh, Elin January 2016 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att kartlägga de olika motiv som finns i samband med att turisterna gör souvenirinköp som de tar med sig hem. Metod: Uppsatsen bygger på en hypotetisk-deduktiv ansats för att skapa en djupare förståelse för hur motiv speglar souvenirer. Den empiriska datan samlades in genom strukturerade intervjuer där 320 respondenter deltog. Slutsatser: Studiens resultat visar att det finns olika motiv till souvenirinköp. Det framgår även att det finns skillnader i motiven gällande genus. Studien visar att inköp av souvenirer går att koppla till turismshopping
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A Study of the Relationship Between Motive and Structure in Brahms's op. 51 String QuartetsYang, Benjamin H. (Benjamin Hoh) 08 1900 (has links)
In 1873, Brahms completed the two op. 51 quartets. These were not the first string quartets Brahms composed, hut they were the first that Brahms allowed to be published. He found the string quartet difficult; as he confided to his friend Alwin Cranz, he sketched out twenty string quartets before producing a pair he thought worthy of publishing. Questions arise: what aspect of the string quartet gave Brahms so much trouble, and what in the op. 51 quartets gave him the inclination to publish them for the first time in his career?
The op. 51 quartets are essential to understanding the evolution of Brahms's compositional technique. Brahms had difficulty limiting his massive harmony and polyphony to four solo strings. This difficulty was compounded by his insistence on deriving even the accompaniment from the opening main motivic material.
This study investigates the manner in which Brahms distributes the main motivic material to all four voices in these quartets, while at the same time highlighting each voice effectively in the dialogue.
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Forma jako prostor pro vyjádření hudební myšlenky / Form as a space for expressing musical ideasUlrichová, Zuzana January 2011 (has links)
Forma jako prostor pro vyjádření hudební myšlenky Title of the Diploma Thesis: Form as a space for expressing musical ideas Abstract: The Diploma thesis deals with form as a meaningful space for expressing and developing musical ideas. The theoretical part describes various aspects of musical forms and elaborates the basic principles of musical forming. It also compares several books on the topic of musical forms concerning their use in pedagogical practice. Another part presents research on the topic of musical forms teaching. The chapter on pedagogical applications introduces ideas about presenting forms in music classes with the use of productive activities.
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Att avvika från det urbana : En studie kring flyttmotiv & känslan efter flytten till en landsbygdskommun från en urban kommun / To deviate from the Urban : A study about motives for migration and feelings after migration to a rural municipality from a urban municipalityJohansson, emanuel, Wikström, Petter January 2019 (has links)
Det urbana betraktas ofta som en norm, studien syftar till att lägga ett fokus mot landsbygden och studera berättelser från de som flyttar från stad till land. Där studien baseras på att undersöka flyttmotiv i kontext till migrantens liv före och efter flytten. Studien har ämnat att besvara vad det är som påverkar upplevelser av platser före- och efter flytt, vilka motiv som kan påverka personer att vilja flytta samt vad som kännetecknar den som flyttar till landsbygden. Den tidigare forskningen i studien bygger huvudsakligen på en bred genomgång av migrationsforskning. Forskning som behandlar ämnet migration har försökt förstå vilka faktorer som påverkar människors val att flytta. Studien utgår från ett humanistiskt perspektiv då vi vill komma åt informanternas berättelser och upplevelser av både den gamla och nya platsen. Där studien genomförts med en kvalitativ metod bestående av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Intervjuerna genomfördes i Värmland som är studiens geografiska avgränsning och informanterna kommer från fyra olika landsbygdskommuner. Sammantaget genomfördes tio intervjuer med tolv informanter. Empirin är baserad på de tre teman som ingick i intervjuguiden - bakgrund och erfarenheter, motivet och platsen. Detta för att komma åt informanterna berättelser om varför de flyttat samt hur de upplevt/upplever den gamla och den nya platsen. I diskussionsdelen sammanvävs empirin med den tidigare forskningen. Där framkommer skilda motiv till flytt samt berättelser om hur informanterna upplever det urbana och landsbygden före och efter flytt. Studiens slutsats uttrycker, övergripande, informanternas upplevelser av en bättre vardag på landsbygden med mer livskvalite såsom lägre levnadsrytm, mindre stress och större närhet till natur. Det lyfts fram hur det kan tolkas att den urbana miljön bidrar till en undanträngningseffekt och hur landsbygden som plats är socialt annorlunda jämfört med staden. Där landsbygden ses som mer välkomnande och med mer spontant umgänge. / The urban area is seen as the norm today, this study aims to focus on the countryside and study the stories from those who move from the city to the countryside. Where the study is based on examining moving motives in context to the migrant's life before and after the move. The study is intended to answer what is affecting experiences of places before and after moving, which motives can affect people wanting to move and what characterizes the person who moves to the countryside. The previous research in this study is mainly based on a broad review of migration research. Research that deals with the subject of migration has tried to understand which factors affect people's choices to move. The study starts from a humanistic perspective as we want to access the informants' stories and experiences of both the old and the new place. Where the study was conducted with a qualitative method consisting of semi-structured interviews. The interviews were conducted in Värmland which is the study's geographical delimitation and the informants come from four different rural municipalities. Overall, ten interviews were conducted with twelve informants.The empirical data is based on the three themes that were included in the interview guide - background and experiences, motive and place. This is to access the informants' stories about why they moved and how they experienced/experiencing the old and the new place. In the discussion section, the empirical data is interwoven with the previous research. Where there are different motives for moving and stories about how the informants experience the urban and rural areas before and after the move. The study's conclusion expresses, overall, the informants' experiences of a better everyday life in the countryside with more quality of life such as lower life rhythm, less stress and greater proximity to nature. It is emphasized how it can be interpreted that the urban environment contributes to a displacement effect and how the rural as a place is socially different from the city. Where the countryside is seen as more welcoming and with more spontaneous interactions.
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L’exigence d’objectivité en droit du travail / The objectivity test in labour lawIlieva, Valéria 01 December 2018 (has links)
Attachée à la justification patronale, l’exigence d’objectivité est nécessaire pour lutter contre l’exercice arbitraire du pouvoir de l’employeur dès lors qu’elle oblige ce dernier à bannir ses opinions personnelles des motifs invoqués au soutien d’une mesure de gestion du personnel. Par conséquent, l’employeur doit fonder sa décision sur des prémisses factuelles, indépendantes de son pouvoir discrétionnaire, susceptibles d’être prouvées. Il en va ainsi en matière de licenciement, d’évaluation des qualités professionnelles, comme de toute mesure de différenciation. Toutefois, cette exigence s’avère également ambivalente dès lors qu’elle peut être instrumentalisée par l’employeur pour restreindre les droits et libertés des salariés au nom de l’intérêt de l’entreprise ou de la défense d’intérêts catégoriels particuliers. Un tel usage de l’exigence est d’autant plus aisé que le droit du travail adopte une conception peu rigoureuse de l’objectivité. Il est donc nécessaire d’éprouver la mesure de gestion du personnel à l’aune d’exigences autres, que celle que justifie le fonctionnement de l’entreprise. En fin de compte, la portée de l’exigence d’objectivité doit être relativisée. / Any employer’s decision has to meet the requirement of objectivity, implying that his power cannot be arbitrary, i.e. the employer is prohibited to base any decision on his own personal views. Thus, the employer has to base each decision, outside his discretionary power, on provable factual premises. The objectivity test applies to vocationnal assesment, dismissal, and differenciation between employees. However, the objectivity test is ambivalent as some employers exploit this requirement to restrict employees’ fundamental rights in the name of the company’s interests or some other specific interests. This is all the more easy as judges’ control on employer’s objectiveness is rather loose. Therefore, employers’ staff management have to be scrutinisied on some other legal grounds. On the whole the objectivity test has rather a relative importance.
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