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Motiv till spel om pengar på internet och skillnader mellan problemspelare och icke-problemspelare. : en litteraturstudie / Internet gambling motives and differences among problem gamblers and non-problem gamblers : a systematic reviewHåkansson, Henrik, Bogren, Tomas January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrund: Trots att spel har positiva effekter på majoriteten av alla spelare har en till fem procent av befolkningen i varje land runtom i världen spelproblem. Detta folkhälsoproblem medför hälsomässiga, ekonomiska och/eller sociala negativa konsekvenser. I Sverige utgör främst män med låg utbildning och inkomst i åldersgruppen 18-24 år riskgruppen. Ett skäl till varför problemspelandet ökat på senare år är att allt fler spelare väljer internet som spelplattform där de flesta av problemspelarna befinner sig. Motiverande samtal och kognitiv beteendeterapi är två metoder som använts vid preventiva åtgärder mot spelproblem. Syftet med studien var att beskriva motiven till varför människor spelar om pengar på internet samt undersöka skillnaderna i motiv mellan problemspelare och icke-problemspelare. Metod: En litteraturstudie genomfördes och tio vetenskapliga artiklar hittades i databaserna Pubmed, PsycINFO, Academic Search Elite och SciVerse Science Direct. Data bearbetades genom temaanalys. Resultatet visade att spelandets ekonomiska möjligheter, chans till anonymitet, kontroll över sociala interaktioner, bekvämlighet och flexibilitet i spelandet, emotionella tillstånd styr spelandet samt omgivningens påverkan utgjorde sex teman som beskrev motiven till spel om pengar på internet. Problemspelare beskrev i större utsträckning spelandets ekonomiska möjligheter, negativa emotionella tillstånd styr spelandet och chans till anonymitet som viktigaste motiven jämfört med icke-problemspelare som beskrev bekvämlighet och flexibilitet i spelandet och att positiva emotionella tillstånd styr spelandet som viktiga motiv. Implikation: Då spel om pengar på internet är ett relativt nytt fenomen som fortsätter att växa behövs vidare forskning som tydliggör om motiven skiljer sig åt hos specifika grupper i samhället med syfte att individanpassa interventionsprogram. / Background: Although gambling has positive outcomes on the majority of the gamblers, one to five percent of the populations in each country around the world are problem gamblers. This public health issue gives healthy, economics and/or social negative consequences. The Swedish group with most risk for problem gambling is men with low education and income between the years 18-24. One reason to the progress of problem gambling is that more and more players choose Internet, where most problem gamblers exist. Motivational Interviewing and cognitive behavioral therapy are two methods which have been used as preventive measures against problem gambling. The aim of this study was to describe Internet gambling motives and examine differences in motives among problem gamblers and non-problem gamblers. Method: A literature review was made and ten peer reviewed articles was found in the databases Pubmed, PsycINFO, Academic Search Elite and SciVerse Science Direct. Data was processed through theme-analyze. The result showed that economic opportunities, chance to be anonymous, control of social interactions, convenience and flexibility in gambling, emotional state control gambling and the surrounding context as motive formed six themes in which the motives for gambling on Internet are presented. Problem gamblers were more likely to report economic opportunities, negative emotional state control gambling and chance to be anonymous as special important motives than non-problem gamblers, who preferred convenience and flexibility and positive emotional state control gambling as important motives. Implication: Internet gambling is a relatively new phenomenon which continues to grow; more research about differences in motives between specifically populations is needed to make it easier to create intervention programs which match each problem gambler.
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Motiv till idrottsdeltagande och personliga egenskaper hos handbollsspelare / Motives for participating in sport and personality traits in handball players.Corazza, Madeleine January 2012 (has links)
Denna undersökning riktades mot att studera motivation hos elit- och motions handbollsspelare, vad som kännetecknar motivationen hos respektive grupp. Vidare var syftet med studien att undersöka personliga egenskaper och motiv till idrottsdeltagande samt studera eventuella samband mellan personlighets egenskaper och motiv till idrottsdeltagande mellan grupperna. Urvalet bestod av elit- (n= 47) samt motionärs (n= 54) handbollsspelare. Totala antal deltagare uppstod till 101 stycken spelare. Deltagarna var av både manligt och kvinnligt kön fördelade på ett herrlag samt sex damlag, där tre lag spelar i handbollens högsta serie (elitserien) och fyra lag i lägre divisioner (division tre och fyra). Instrumentet som användes var ett frågebatteri med tre olika delar (1) bakgrund och demografiska fakta, (2) NEO-FFI samt (3) Participation Motivation Questionnaire (PMQ). Egenskapsdimensionerna extraversion och trevlighet/ vänlighet samt motiven hälsa och form, miljöfaktorer och socialt erkännande visade signifikanta skillnader. Elitspelarna uppvisade högre värden i extraversion, trevlighet/ vänlighet och laganda, medan motionärerna rapporterade högre värden i neuroticism och samvetsgrannhet. Resultatets kan främst tillämpas av tränare, då kunskap kring varför individer spelar handboll samt förståelse angående personlighets drag kan öka förståelsen kring spelarnas träning. Intressanta framtida studier är att undersöka ledares påverkan på spelarna utifrån individernas personlighets drag och motiv till idrottsdeltagande. / The purpose of this study was to examine motivation of elite and exercise handballplayers and what characterizes the motivation of each group. The study aimed to examine personal traits and motives for sport participation and study possible interactions between these two factors among players at elite and exercise level. The study consisted elite (n = 47) and exercise (n = 54) handballplayers. Total number of participants was 101 players. Participants were both males and females divided into one men's and six women's team. Three teams playing in the highest division and four teams in lower divisions. The instrument used was a battery of questions with three different parts (1) background and demographic data, (2) NEO-FFI, and (3) Participation Motivation Questionnaire (PMQ). The personality traits extraversion and agreeableness and the motives fitness, environmental and social recognition showed significant differences. Elite players showed higher levels of extraversion, agreeableness and teamspirit, while exercise players were higher in neuroticism and conscientiousness. The result can be applied by coaches, because knowledge about why people play handball and understanding regarding personality traits can enhance the understanding about players physical activity. Interesting future studies is to study coaches effects on players based on their motives for participating in sport and personality traits.
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Reflexologisk verksamhet : en intervjustudie med reflexologer / Reflexological activities : an interview with reflexologistsPersson, Linda January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrund: Andvändning av komplementära metoder har ökat i Sverige. Det efterlyses ökad kunskap om komplementär och alternativmedicin (KAM) inom primärvården i mötet med patienterna. Tidigare forskning har visat att reflexologisk behandling kan helt eller delvis lindra bland annat huvudvärk, rygg- nackbesvär och stress hos en del patienter. Huvudvärk är ett stort folkhälsoproblem i många länder. Förutom att orsaka patienten lidande är det en stor kostnad för samhället. Om fler patienter använt sig av reflexologisk behandling kunde troligtvis lidandet minskat. Syfte: Syftet med intervjustudien var dels att beskriva reflexologers verksamhet och dels deras erfarenhet av behandling av huvudvärk. Metod: Som metod valdes intervjuer med kvalitativ ansats med en intervjuguide som stöd. Materialet analyserades med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Urvalet var ändamålsenligt och omfattade åtta informanter i Skåne och södra Småland. I resultatet identifierades två kategorier och åtta underkategorier som beskrev reflexologers verksamhet samt deras erfarenheter av att behandla klienter. Det framkom att reflexologerna utför behandlingarna på olika sätt, att de ger rådgivning, att klienterna söker av olika anledningar samt att många fortsätter behandling i förebyggande syfte för att de mår bra av behandlingen. Slutsats: De som utför reflexologisk behandling anser att behandlingen är ett bra komplement till den traditionella sjukvården och att det bland annat helt eller delvis lindrar huvudvärk, stress och smärta. För att den traditionella sjukvården ska göras mer uppmärksam på reflexologisk behandling behövs mer forskning inom området. / Background: Use of complementary methods has increased in Sweden. It calls for increased knowledge about complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in primary care in the encounter with patients. Previous research has shown that reflexological treatment can completely or partially alleviate including headaches, back- neck pain and stress in some patients. Headaches are a major public health problem in many countries. In addition to causing patient suffering, it is a great cost to society. If more patients were to use the reflexological treatment, their suffering is likely to decrease. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to describe the reflexologers activities and their experience in the treatment of headaches. Method: The method chosen was interviews using a qualitative approach with an interview guide for support. The material was analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The selection was appropriate and included eight informants in Skåne and Småland. The results identified two categories and eight subcategories describing reflexologers activities and their experience of treating clients. It was revealed that reflexologers perform treatments in different ways, they give advice, the clients looking for various reasons and that many continue treatment as a precaution because they feel good by the treatment. Conclusion: Those performing reflexological treatment believe that treatment is a great addition to the traditional health care and that it includes all or part relief of headaches, stress and pain. The traditional health care should consider the benefits of reflexological treatment and offer more research in this area.
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The study of E-generation's media preferencesYang, Yao-Jung 09 August 2006 (has links)
Recent advances in networking technology have led to a paradigm shift in broadcast media. The entry of the Internet as a form of popular media means that traditional media are now seeking to transform themselves in a bid for survival. Changes in media broadcasting methods have made the spread and acquisition of information faster and easier. Today¡¦s youth of the E-generation live in an economically stable and technologically advanced society. Changes in society, politics and the traditional family structure have made youths an increasingly important market as their buying power and influence on family decisions have increased.
The goal of this study is to discover how the subjects of this study utilize various types of media. Media utilization includes their media preferences, utilization frequency and duration as well as where they use it most often. Beyond utilization, the study goes on to examine and categorize the subjects¡¦ lifestyle and media utilization motives. The study then seeks to discover if there are any links between the subjects¡¦ lifestyles and their media utilization motives. Finally, the study examines the question of ¡§Do different lifestyles or media utilization motives lead to differences in media utilization?¡¨
The subjects of this study were E-generation youths (i.e. young people aged between 13 and 22). Taking into consideration the ease of conducting the survey, information availability and cost, Taipei and Kaohsiung (including their counties and cities) were selected as the regions to be sampled. As for the types of media, the five common forms of TV, newspapers, magazines, the Internet and radio were selected for use in this study into media preferences and usage.
For this study, the collection of samples was carried out in the form of questionnaire surveys in Taipei and Kaohsiung. After the sample data was acquired, the lifestyles and media utilization motives were categorized and labeled. After factor analysis, lifestyle was divided into four categories: ¡§Community Involvement and Socialization¡¨, ¡§Fashionable and Trendy¡¨, ¡§Pro-Active¡¨ and ¡§Internet Home¡¨; media utilization motives were divided into three types, these being: ¡§Need for Entertainment and Peer Acceptance¡¨, ¡§Need to Increase Knowledge and Skills¡¨ and ¡§Need for Fashion Shopping¡¨. Finally the collected data were subjected to statistical analysis using the SPSS 10.0 software in order to validate the study¡¦s various hypotheses.
The results of the study indicated that among youths the media preference was TV first, followed by the Internet. As for frequency of usage, 46.3% of those interviewed used the Internet every day while 41.0% watched TV every day. In terms of duration, those who used the Internet for 5 hours or more made up 24.0% while those who used it for 2 to 4 hours made up 64%. Those who watched TV for 5 hours or more made up 11.6% while those who watched for 2 to 4 hours made up 72.1%. This showed that when it comes to media preferences and utilization, despite youth¡¦s preferences and increasing dependence on the Internet, TV remains an indispensable part of their daily life.
By differentiating amongst the sampling locations of this study, it was found that youths in Taipei used the Internet most, followed by TV; the exact reverse was true for youths in Kaohsiung. This showed that their location and environment affected youths¡¦ media preferences. When youths were classified according to their lifestyle, different lifestyles resulted in media utilization motive variances; different media utilization motives also in turn affected how youths utilized media.
Based on the above conclusions, the Internet and TV currently remain the types of media that youths are willing to use and devote a great deal of time to. Newspaper, magazine and radio by contrast made up a smaller segment with most youths having significantly less contact with these types of media and spending less time even when they do.
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Use Of Color In Residential Buildings: A Case Study On Facades Of Apartment Blocks In AnkaraYurt, Pelin 01 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Color is a significant architectural element, which is open to become a major representative element in the process of design. This study aims to understand the limits of using color as an architectural element and discuss the transformative effects of the use of color with respect to meaning and design levels of buildings.
The study is composed of two main parts. In the first part limits of using color as a complementary and consequential part of design are discussed. The architectural understanding of color in the 20th century is utilized as the main ground for a contemporary case study. The case study in the second part uses residential buildings in Ankara as the main domain to understand the continuities and discontinuities between color preferences and architectural meaning.
The method of the study is based on comparison of the facades of residential buildings of various contexts, scales, languages and typologies in five different categories. The first category is &ldquo / The Figural Use of Color&rdquo / which is constituted by decorated facades. &ldquo / The Elemental Use of Color&rdquo / is the second category based upon the continuity between tectonic elements of facade and color. The third is the &ldquo / Material Color and Painting,&rdquo / which is based upon the color representations of the natural material preferences supported by additional painting. &ldquo / Tectonic Use of Color&rdquo / as the fourth frame implies color brought by the nature of the material. The last category is &ldquo / Monochromatic Use of Color&rdquo / in which the facades are colored in a single hue or different lightness of the same hue.
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Construction Techniques Of Traditional Birgi HousesDiri, Filiz 01 October 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this study is to create reliable and comprehensive information, for its
potential usage in conservation efforts, regarding the construction techniques of the
traditional houses in Birgi,
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The Conservation Proposal Of Hasanagalar (alaydin) House In AlanyaGoncu, Ozge 01 April 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis concentrates on Hasanagalar House, dated at first period of the Republican Era,
in Alanya, Antalya. The building is one of the elaborated example of Traditional Houses in
Plain Area which constitutes one of the important part of the traditional house stock of
The aim of this study is to develop a conservation proposal for the building, with its values,
to provide its life in healthy way by its values. It is an elaborated example of the
In this content / a detailed documentation and research to understand the building, phases of
the building study to expose the original properties in previous periods. In conclusion, an
evaluation, a conservation proposal had been achieved in context of Hasanagalar House and
Traditional Houses in Plain Area.
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The Meaning of Sponsoring : A study on the motives behind sponsoring a sports team and the following effects on brand awareness.Skovshoved, Fredrik, Roshandel, Salar January 2009 (has links)
<p><em>Background: </em>Sponsoring is a topic that has always been present but in different forms. Recently however, it has become even more popular and companies today invest small fortunes on becoming sponsors of different events, individuals and teams. However, there is still not much research done within this field, hence we find it interesting to investigate further.</p><p><em>Purpose:<strong> </strong></em>The purpose of this thesis is to investigate, from a strategic marketing perspective, what a sponsoring organization wants to accomplish by sponsoring a sports team and how it affects brand awareness<strong><em>.</em></strong><strong><em></em></strong></p><p><em>Method: </em>In order to solve our purpose, we have conducted a case study concerning HV71 and four of their sponsors, to understand why they have become sponsors, and also to test whether this sponsorship affects brand awareness amongst viewers. This information was gathered by collecting qualitative data to be able to understand the motives behind sponsoring, as well as quantitative data where the aim was to test brand awareness and its affection. The qualitative data was gathered by conducting interviews with four different sponsoring organizations; Kinnarps, Säkra Försäkringar, Elmia and M-Clean Papertech, while the quantitative data was gathered by the use of questionnaires which were handed out to viewers at three different occasions.<em> </em></p><p><em>Conclusion: </em>This thesis shows that there is a common denominator in why to engage in sponsorship within sports amongst the sponsors of HV71 namely, the need for media exposure and getting the brand name out in the market. By possessing various sponsorship rights, varying results of brand exposure and awareness can be achieved. In strategic marketing sponsoring aims at a more long term increase in Brand Awareness.</p>
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Foreign Direct Investment : A Study of Medium-Sized Manufacturing Companies in the Jönköping CountyBergström, Daniel, Wanngård, Gustav January 2006 (has links)
<p>The world we live in is getting more and more global and this development carries many affects, not least for the business environment. During the last decades foreign direct investments have increased rapidly. Historically speaking, foreign direct investments were primarily undertaken by large corporations with high turnover and financial strength. However, with the alleviation of investment regulations smaller companies now also have an opportunity to reap the benefits of international business. Jönköping County is known for its entrepreneurial spirit and high density of small- and medium sized companies. We found that it would be interesting to discover the reason why these, usually successful, firms conducted foreign direct investments.</p><p>The purpose of this thesis is to describe the reasons and factors behind a foreign direct investment undertaken by mediumsized manufacturing firms in the Jönköping region.</p><p>The research was carried out by using a qualitative method. We found five firms within this region that were of medium size and wanted to participate in our study. The companies that we interviewed were; Eldon AB, Carlfors Bruk AB, AB Pettersons Järn-förädling, IDAB WAMAC International AB, and RH Form AB.</p><p>The main reason for conducting a foreign direct investment mentioned by these firms was market seeking motives. The companies wanted to enter new markets in order to grow and widen their customer base. The firms were mainly seeking markets that were large and had a good potential for growth. The remaining company based their decision on a resource seeking motive. The firms have decided to enter these markets through different entry modes. The firms that saw risks and lack of knowledge as important factors have chosen to use a joint venture as an entry mode. The companies that wanted a quick entry chose acquisitions as their form of entry. The two firms that have done green-field investments have done so for different reasons. One had knowledge and contacts already and did not see the need to acquire another firm and the other wanted to keep the full control of its technology. We have found that the factors in the host markets are most influential in the decision to invest abroad, and that push factors from the domestic market has had little significance. The firms are aware of the risks involved but do not choose location based on them.</p>
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Essays on multiple identities and motivated consumption: Exploring the role of identity centrality on self-brand connectionsHarmon, Tracy R 01 June 2007 (has links)
This dissertation consists of three essays on the role of identity centrality in the formation of consumer self-brand connections. It contributes to a better understanding of how consumers negotiate multiple identities in the marketplace when making brand choices. This is significant as much of the research on the self-concept and consumer behavior has focused on isolated self-dimensions or have examined single consumer identities in isolation.
Theoretically grounded in identity process theory (Breakwell 1986), which suggests individuals construct their identity through multiple identity motives influencing identity centrality, enactment, and affect; this dissertation addresses these gaps by answering two specific questions: 1) What are the various identity motives that influence a consumer's individual and group identity centrality leading to enhanced self-brand connections? 2) How does identity centrality influence reference group brand associations in the formation of self-brand connections? In Essay 1, a framework for conceptualizing the influence of multiple identity motives on self-brand connections is proposed driven by findings from consumer in-depth interviews. The framework suggests identity centrality mediates the relationship between the satisfaction of multiple identity motives on self-brand connections, and moderates self-brand connections when reference group brand associations are considered.
Fourteen propositions are presented, and are empirically tested in Essays 2 and 3. In Essay 2, identity motives from identity process theory along with others identified in Essay 1 are empirically validated, using both hierarchical linear modeling and hierarchical multiple regression. The findings support the influence of two identity motives informing identity centrality, namely: recognition and continuity. This is significant, as prior research in consumer behavior has largely focused on the self-esteem and self-consistency motives (Grub and Grathwohl 1967; Sirgy 1982). Essay 3 investigates the moderating effect of identity centrality on the formation of self-brand connections as reference group brand associations are considered. It is found that the when the ingroup identity is highly central, stronger self-brand connections result. On the contrary, when the ingroup identity is low in centrality self-brand connections are mitigated.
The differential effects of self-brand connections due to identity centrality provide insight into intra-group differences when the brand is consistent with the ingroup image. The results support a general importance of the role of identity centrality at both the individual and group levels, providing a catalyst for future studies examining the role of the self-concept in consumer behavior.
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