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Darbuotojų motyvacijos analizė Šiaulių miesto savivaldybėje / Motivation analysis of employees in Šiauliai municipalityKazlauskaitė, Ugnė 28 September 2010 (has links)
Bakalauro baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjamas Šiaulių miesto savivaldybės darbuotojų motyvavimo klausimas. Darbo tikslas yra išanalizuoti organizacijos darbuotojų skatinimo ypatumus, t.y. nustatyti pagrindinius darbo motyvaciją bei demotyvaciją lemiančius veiksnius, pateikti efektyviausius skatinimo būdus, būdingus Šiaulių miesto savivaldybės darbuotojams. Darbas susideda iš dviejų dalių: teorinės ir tiriamosios (empirinės) dalies. Teorinėje dalyje atskleidžiama darbuotojų motyvacijos ir motyvavimo sąvokų samprata, nagrinėjamos pagrindinės šiuolaikinės darbuotojų motyvacijos teorijos. Taip pat teorinėje dalyje išskiriamos pagrindinės viešųjų institucijų darbuotojų motyvavimo priemonės. Empirinėje dalyje pateikiami Šiaulių miesto savivaldybės darbuotojų motyvacijos tyrimo gauti rezultatai. Atlikus statistinių duomenų analizę pateikiamos išvados ir rekomendacijos savivaldybės darbuotojų darbo motyvacijai didinti. / The bachelor paper explores the issues of motivation analyzed in the institution of the Šiauliai municipality. The main aim of this work is to analyze the workers motivation features of organization, i.e. to determine the main work motivation and dismotivation factors of employees. Also to produce the most effective ways to promote workers of municipality. The work consists of two parts: theoretical and research (empirical) part. The theoretical part describes the employees' motivation concept and analyze the main issue in the modern theory of motivation. It also identifies methods, how to motivate workers in public sector. In the empirical part of work present the results of the research. After statistical analysis to supply present conclusions and recommendations, how to improve work motivation in Šiauliai municipality.
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Žemės ūkio specialybių universitetinių studijų pasirinkimo motyvai ir veiksniai / Choosing Motives and other Factors of Students Studying AgricultureKapočiūtė, Vaida 16 March 2006 (has links)
The purpose of the present investigation is to evaluate students’ wish to become experts of agriculture, their choosing motives, factors and future expectations.
The object of this investigation – first year full-time and correspondence course students of stockbreeding technologies of Lithuanian Veterinarian Academy and first year students of agronomy, who wish to get agricultural education in Lithuanian University of Agriculture.
The investigation aimed to find out students’ motivation of choosing academic agricultural studies, its significance and future expectations. The technique of the research includes literature review, interviewing students of different studying programs by filling in questionnaires, and statistical data analyses.
The goal of the present paper is to analyze demand change of high quality specialists in agriculture, specialist training dynamics and to define the main motives or factors determining choice of agrarian academic studies. Besides, there was a task to compare chosen studies’ dependence upon students’ dwelling-place, study form, and program. Conclusions: the main choosing motives of the university students’ were social-economical, i.e. ‘Possibility to get a diploma of high education’ and ‘I wanted to study at high school’. Significant importance while choosing agrarian academic studies was played by professional motives. The main factors stimulating students to choose agriculture were ‘I was good at biology at school’ or ‘I have experience in... [to full text]
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Sexual Motives in Heterosexual Women With and Without Sexual ProblemsWatson, Erin D. 04 September 2012 (has links)
The most commonly reported sexual concerns for women are low desire and orgasm difficulties (Laumann, Paik & Rosen, 1999; Laumann et al., 2005). Previous research indicates that women with sexual problems may have different reasons for engaging in sex than women with healthy sexual functioning (Giles & McCabe, 2009; Sand & Fisher, 2007). The current study investigated whether motivations for sex differed by levels of sexual functioning overall and specifically among women with and without problems with sexual desire or orgasm. Seven hundred and eight heterosexual women completed an online questionnaire assessing reasons for sex and sexual functioning. Women with sexual functioning concerns were more likely to endorse insecurity reasons for sex, while women without were more likely to endorse physical reasons for sex. Women experiencing low desire were less likely to endorse emotional and physical reasons for sex. Women experiencing orgasm difficulties were more likely to endorse insecurity reasons. The limitations and implications of the results are discussed.
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Examining the Relationships between Men’s and Women’s Motives for Pretending Orgasm and Levels of Sexual Desire, and Relationship and Sexual SatisfactionSéguin, Léa 13 August 2013 (has links)
Motivations for sex have an impact on sexual desire, and relationship and sexual satisfaction. However, it is not known whether motivations for pretending orgasm similarly impact these constructs. In three studies, North American men and women (N = 525) in committed relationships between the ages of 18 and 29 were recruited via Amazon Mechanical Turk to complete an online survey. In Study 1, exploratory factor analysis revealed that motives for feigning orgasm could be organized into six categories: Intoxication, Partner Self-Esteem, Poor Sex/Partner, Desireless Sex, Timing, and Insecurity, which together comprise the Motives for Feigning Orgasms Scale (MOFO). Motives were found to affect women’s satisfaction, but not their desire, while motivations were not found to be impactful among men. In Study 2, confirmatory factor analysis was performed on the MOFO and, in Study 3, its test-retest reliability was assessed. The findings of this research support and inform current sexual scripts.
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Turistų motyvai renkantis gydomąjį turizmą Birštono kurorte / Tourist motivatives in choosing service of curative tourism in Birstonas resortZabotkaitė, Gintarė 27 September 2011 (has links)
Šiuo metu vis didesnio dėmesio susilaukia, ne tik poilsiniai, bet ir gydomosios paskirties šalies kurortai, galintys pasiūlyti gydymą bei reabilitaciją. Darbe apžvelgiama gydomojo turizmo struktūra ir teikiamos paslaugos Lietuvoje. Šiuo metu didelio turistų dėmesio susilaukia Birštono kurortas, kuris pasižymi švelniu klimatu, gražia gamta bei teikiamomis sveikatingumo paslaugomis. Taigi tyrimu siekiama išsiaiškinti, kodėl turizmo vartotojai pasirenka būtent šį kurortą. Šiame darbe analizuojami turisto elgsenos veiksniai labiausiai įtakojantys turisto pasirinkimą kur keliauti. Svarbiausias veiksnys įtakojantys turistą yra motyvacija. Taigi darbe, pagal mokslininkų pateiktas keliavimo motyvų kategorijas, identifikuoti ir pateikti pagrindiniai motyvai, dėl kurių turistai pasirenka gydomojo turizmo rūšį Birštone.
Raktiniai žodžiai: motyvai, turistų tipai, poreikiai, gydomasis turizmas.
Darbo objektas: turistų motyvai, renkantis gydomąjį turizmą.
Probleminis klausimas – kokie motyvai įtakoja turistus renkantis gydomąjį turizmą?
Darbo tikslas – nustatyti turistų motyvus renkantis gydomąjį turizmą Birštono kurorte.
Darbo uždaviniai:
1. Atskleisti turisto poreikių, keliavimo motyvų ir tipo teorines sampratas;
2. Apžvelgti gydomojo turizmo struktūrą ir teikiamas paslaugas;
3. Identifikuoti turistų motyvus renkantis gydomąjį turizmą Birštono kurorte.
Svarbiausi rezultatai ir išvados: atlikus teorinę analizę ir tyrimą išsiaiškinta, kad turisto pasirinkimą kur keliauti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / -.
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The perilous bridge of medieval lore and literature /Lorrain, Andrée. January 1983 (has links)
No description available.
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Etnisk diskriminering på den svenska arbetsmarknaden? : En studie om arbetssökandes upplevelser av etnisk diskriminering vid anställningsintervju.Omercehajic, Adna, Hasanovic, Menaida January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med denna socialpsykologiska studie om etnisk diskriminering vid anställningsintervjuer är att belysa hur upplevelsen av detta kan se ut, vilka motiven är samt förstå de primära emotioner som de olika respondenterna upplever i dessa situationer. Vår frågeställning lyder; Hur upplever arbetssökande personer vad de anser vara etnisk diskriminering vid en anställningsintervju och vad menar de var motiven bakom den? Genom kvalitativa intervjuer ville vi få de diskriminerades egen upplevelse och erfarenhet av diskriminering, men även få en bredare förståelse för etnisk diskriminering genom intervju med vår nyckelinformant som var en utredare från Diskrimineringsombudsmannen (DO). Genom intervjuer med två arbetsgivare, en från privat respektive en från offentlig sektor, ville vi få veta deras allmänna syn på anställning och etnisk diskriminering, hur de går tillväga vid anställning samt för hur de arbetar för att motverka etnisk diskriminering, men även för att visa att det finns arbetsgivare som inte diskriminerar någon p.g.a. dess etnicitet och att invandrare faktiskt integreras på arbetsmarknaden. Våra intervjuer med de tre respondenter som har upplevt sig bli etniskt diskriminerade tyder på att upplevelserna kan se olika ut, beroende på hur man är som person. Det var olika motiv som de uppfattade låg bakom deras upplevelse av att bli diskriminerade - det var bärandet av slöja, att de hade mörkt hår samt uppfattades ha ett kriminellt utseende. Även den emotionella upplevelsen bland dessa respondenter var vid den upplevda etniska diskrimineringen mycket varierande. / Abstract The purpose of this social psychological study of ethnic discrimination during the job interview is to illustrate how the experience of this can be like, see what the reasons are and identify which the primary emotions of the various respondents are. Our research question is: How do job seekers experience what they consider to be ethnic discrimination at a job interview, and what do they claim was the motive behind it? Through qualitative interviews we wanted to get information about the respondents own experience of the discrimination, but also get a broader view of ethnic discrimination by the interview with our key-respondent – which was an investigator from the Diskrimineringsombudsmannen (DO). Through interviews with two employers, one from the private sector and one from the public sector, we wanted to obtain their general views on employment and ethnic discrimination, to get information on how they go about the job and to counter ethnic discrimination, but also to show that there are employers who do not discriminate ethnic and that immigrants actually integrate into the labor market. Based on our interviews with the three respondents who have experienced themselves to be ethnically discriminated our result suggests that the experiences may vary, depending on how you are as a person. The motives that were contributing to the discrimination were different – it was a veil, dark hair and criminal appearance. Also the emotions among these respondents in the perceived ethnic discrimination were highly variable.
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Mokinių, turinčių intelekto sutrikimą, mokymosi motyvų tyrimas / Analysis of the Learning Reasons of the Pupils with Intellectual Disability Bachelor ThesisMarkšaitienė, Jūratė 30 May 2013 (has links)
Bakalauro darbe tiriami mokinių, turinčių intelekto sutrikimą ir įprastinės raidos mokinių mokymosi motyvai. Darbo tikslas – nustatyti mokinių mokymosi motyvus. Taip pat buvo siekiama nustatyti, kokie veiksniai (vidiniai ar išoriniai) yra reikšmingesni mokymosi motyvacijai šiom dviem tiriamųjų grupėm. Suformuluota hipotezė, kad mokinių, turinčių intelekto sutrikimą, mokymosi motyvacijos lygis yra žemesnis, negu įprastinės raidos mokinių.
Tyrime dalyvavo 107 respondentai: 44 (6-10 kl.) mokiniai, turintys intelekto sutrikimą ir 63 (6-8 kl.) įprastinės raidos mokiniai.
Apklausai naudotas klausimynas, parengtas, remiantis autorių Deci, Connell ir Ryan tyrimuose (1989), adaptuotas Titenytės – Mackonienės (2005).
Tyrimu nustatyta, kad mokinių, turinčių intelekto sutrikimą, mokymosi motyvacijos lygis yra žemesnis, lyginant su įprastinės raidos mokinių mokymosi motyvacija. Nustatyta, kad mokinių, turinčių intelekto sutrikimą, mokymosi motyvams daugiau įtakos turi išoriniai veiksniai (bausmės baimė, noras įtikti mokytojui, priverstas laikytis mokinio taisyklių, gėdos jausmas, pozityvaus mokytojo įvertinimo laukimas, materialinis paskatinimas). Įprastinės raidos mokinių mokymosi motyvus daugiau įtakoja vidiniai veiksniai (žinių siekimas, žingeidumas, interesas, noras dirbti klasėje, mokymosi reikšmingumas, pomėgis spręsti sunkias užduotis, tiesos ieškojimas, savo jėgų išbandymas, mokymasis kaip maloni veikla).
Hipotezė, kad mokinių, turinčių intelekto sutrikimą, mokymosi motyvacijos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The Bachelor thesis studies the learning motives of the students with intellectual disabilities and students with normal development. The aim of the thesis is to identify the learning motives of the students. It was also used to determine what factors (internal or external) are more meaningful for learning motivation for these two analyzed groups. The hypothesis is formulated that the learning motivation rate of the students with intellectual disabilities is lower than the students with normal development.
The study involved 107 respondents: 44 (6-10 forms) students with intellectual disabilities and 63 (6-8 forms) students with normal development. The survey used a questionnaire prepared according to the researches of the authors Deci, Connell and Ryan (1989) adapted by Titenytė – Mackonienė (2005).
The research found that the learning motivation level of the students with intellectual disabilities is lower as compared to the learning motivation of the students with normal development. It was found that the external factors (fear of punishment, the desire to please the teacher, student forced to follow the rules, shame, waiting of positive teacher evaluation, material advantages) have more influence on the learning motivation of the students with intellectual disabilities. The internal factors (the pursuit of knowledge, curiosity, interest, the desire to work in the classroom, learning significance, hobby to solve difficult tasks, search for truth, their strength... [to full text]
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Evolutionary Motives and Consumer Food Choice in Romantic RelationshipsRicherson, William Robert (Rob), III 01 January 2014 (has links)
This research examines the evolutionary eating patterns of consumers when eating with those they are in relationships with, moving beyond eating decisions made in isolation or in the presence of strangers. Across three studies, unique patterns of consumption emerge when males and females are in different stages of romantic relationships. I demonstrate that the evolutionary motives of mate acquisition and mate retention drive eating patterns for relationship partners relative to their gender. I show that females match the eating habits of males at early stages in the relationship but are more independent later in the relationship, while males match eating habits of females in later stages in the relationships but are more independent early in relationships. I discuss how evolutionary eating patterns contribute to high obesity rates, provide recommendations for avoiding unhealthy eating among couples, and shed light on common cultural beliefs about weight gain in social relationships.
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Akademiska utlandsstudier : En fallstudie om motiv till utlandsstudier bland svenska studenter på Södertörns högskolaWali Ali, Shilan, Yagci, Emilla January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the primary motivation for studying abroad among students at Södertörn University, and also examine how the time studying abroad will affect the students on a personal level. The essay is based on a qualitative approach of ten interviews with students who have already completed an exchange program. With the help of the theoretical concepts of push and pull factors, motivation categories, human capital and previous research, the results and analysis showed a coherent pattern. It turns out that the majorities of students are primarily motivated by the opportunity to enjoy a nice nature, new environment and get to know new people. The time studying abroad mostly contributed to the student’s personal development and also gave an understanding of other people and different cultures. Therefore it became clear that it was only a couple of students that based their choice of studying abroad on motivation grounded in wanting to learn something, in terms of knowledge, which also had an accordance with the few students who indicated that they had gained knowledge-related experiences. Hence there appeared an unexpected social perspective, of which the motives are placed in a vast opportunity to participate in a unique experience, in a new country with new people and where experiences in form of personal development took place. / Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka primära motiv för utlandsstudier bland studenter på Södertörns högskola samt hur studietiden utomlands påverkar studenterna på ett personligt plan. Uppsatsen grundar sig i en kvalitativ ansats av tio intervjuer med studenter som redan har genomfört en utlandsstudie. Med hjälp av de teoretiska begreppen push samt pull faktorer, motivationskategorier, humankapital och även tidigare forskning visar resultat och analys ett sammanhängande mönster. Det visar sig att majoriteten av studenterna främst har motiverats av möjligheten att få uppleva en fin natur, ny miljö och lära känna nya människor. Studietiden utomlands påverkade främst studenternas personliga utveckling och gav en förståelse för andra människor och nya kulturer. Det var endast ett par studenter som framförde kunskapsmässiga motiv för utlandsstudier och kunskapsmässiga erfarenheter som resultat av utlandsstudierna. Därav framträdde ett oväntat socialt perspektiv, vars motiv och effekter är placerade i en övervägande möjlighet att delta i en unik upplevelse i ett nytt land med nya människor, där erfarenheter i form av personlig utveckling blivit aktuellt.
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