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The impact of culture and demographics on hiring decision : Telia Sonera and TelenorYahyapour, Nima January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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O uso de estratégias argumentativas em entrevistas de seleçãoOliveira, Kelly Cristina de 04 May 2007 (has links)
Com base nos estudos de Perelman e OlbrechtsTyteca (1958 [2000]) que entendem a argumentação como o processo em que se utilizam técnicas que permitem provocar ou aumentar a adesão dos espíritos às teses que se lhes apresentam ao seu assentimento (p.6), de Oswald Ducrot (1984 [1987]) que analisa a linguagem considerando que a argumentatividade é inerente à língua, de seu continuador Vogt (1980), como também de outros autores que estudam a argumentação tais como Koch (2002; 2003; 2004), Guimarães (2001), além dos gramáticos da língua oral Neves (2000) e Castilho (2004), propomos analisar as estratégias argumentativas em entrevista de seleção. A entrevista é um campo pouco explorado no âmbito lingüístico e nela há um verdadeiro jogo de representações daqueles que almejam uma vaga no mercado de trabalho. Por meio dessas teorias será possível analisar os operadores argumentativos, os pressupostos e subentendidos, o ethos construído durante o processo seletivo. A maneira como os candidatos prestam as informações é primordial nesse processo. As escolhas lexicais determinam o desempenho dos candidatos e mostram de que forma eles constroem seu ethos. Dessas escolhas, analisamos os operadores que foram de grande importância para a construção do discurso argumentativo durante o processo de seleção, tendo como fio condutor o mas. Justifica-se essa opção pelo fato de o mas estar, na maioria das vezes, relacionado ao implícito, fazendo com que outros sentidos fiquem subentendidos em um enunciado. A construção da imagem que o candidato faz de si mesmo pelo e no discurso ocorre também mediante esses outros sentidos tácitos, como assevera Ducrot (op. cit., p. 188): não se trata de afirmações auto-elogiosas que ele pode fazer de sua própria pessoa no conteúdo de seu discurso, afirmações que podem ao contrário chocar o ouvinte, mas da aparência que lhe confere a fluência, a entonação, calorosa ou severa, a escolha das palavras, os argumentos. Além desse operador, outros que orientam a escala e a força argumentativa dos enunciados também foram analisados. Outrossim, consideramos o modo como os entrevistadores formularam as perguntas e nelas procuramos detectar a possibilidade de haver predileção por determinado candidato. / Based on the studies by Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca (1958 [2000]), who understand argumentation as a process in which are used techniques allowing us to induce or to increase the minds adherence to the theses presented for its assent (p. 6), based on Oswald Ducrot (1984 [1987]), who analyzes speech considering argumentation as inherent to language, on his successor Vogt (1980), and on other authors who study argumentation, such as Koch (2002; 2003; 2004), Guimarães (2001), besides oral tongue grammarer Neves (2000) e Castilho (2004), we intend to analyze the argumentative strategies used in job interviews. The interview is a field that has been little explored in the linguistic realm and which presents a real set of representation on the part of those who seek a position in the job market. Through those theories, it will be possible to analyze the argumentative operators, the presumptions and the implicit, the ethos built during the selective process. The manner in which applicants convey information is fundamental in this process. The applicants performance is determined by their lexical choices, which show how they build their ethos. From those choices, we have taken and analyzed the operators which were important to the building of the argumentative discourse during the selective process, focusing on but. This option is justified by the fact that but is, in most cases, related to the implicit, making the other meanings implied in a statement. The building of the applicants self-image through and in the discourse occurs through these other tacit meanings too, as Ducrot states (op. cit. p. 188): it is not about self-flattering statements he can make about himself in the context of his speech, statements which may, in contrast, shock the listener, but about the appearance conveyed by the fluency, the warm or serious tone, the choice of words, the arguments. Besides but, other operators that guide the scale and the argumentative force of statements have been analyzed. In addition, we have taken into account the way interviewers asked questions in which we have tried to detect the possibility of preference for a certain applicant
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L'entretien d'embauche et sa préparation avec des migrants. Approche interactionnelle / The job interview and how migrants prepare for it. An interactional approachBoteanu, Aurora Lavinia 11 September 2017 (has links)
La présente recherche se situe dans une approche ethnographique du terrain orientée vers une approche interactionnelle, à partir de données audio-visuelles recueillies pendant trois ans, constituant un corpus assez riche pour documenter l’objet empirique sur lequel elle porte : préparation, entrainement et véritable entretien d’embauche. Il s’agit ainsi d’analyser les pratiques langagières structurées à la fois par, pour et dans leur contexte de production, plutôt que leur discours ou bien les représentations ou les attentes normatives qui s’en dégagent. Je développe des exemples d’analyse qui nourrissent des réflexions sur les pratiques d’apprentissage mises en œuvre durant la formation au français à visée professionnelle au sein d’une association parisienne dont une des activités aide les migrants à préparer les entretiens d’embauche. Le terrain ainsi conçu est approfondi à travers l’attention que je porte au lien réflexif entre ses différentes composantes : préparation, simulation et entretiens réels. Le but là, est d’observer l’écart entre le modèle (simulation) et les vrais entretiens d’embauche, de comprendre l’évolution de la figure du recruteur d’un entretien à l’autre, et de caractériser les solutions que les participants co-construisent. Ce faisant, ce travail de recherche ouvre un espace d’intersection entre une activité associative de formation des migrants, la rencontre de ceux-ci avec des employeurs et le regard universitaire sur ces faits. Le produit de cette intersection est analysé de façon à documenter l’écart entre les attentes du recruteur et les réponses des candidats dans un terrain peu exploré jusqu’à présent : celui d’un monde solidaire. / Based on three years’ worth of audio-visual recordings, the research presented in this paper represents a rich corpus of ethnographic fieldwork oriented towards an interactional approach. This research therefore documents the very empirical object which it seeks to interrogate: the job interview (including preparation and training job interviews, as well as actual interviews). The research presented here analyses language practices that are structured by, for and in their context of production, rather than by any discourses, cultural preconceptions or expectations we might have about job interviews themselves. In the research I develop examples which shed light on learning practices employed by one Parisian organisation which assists migrants to prepare for a professional life in France. Further, the analyses I propose are deepened through the focus I bring to bear on the reflexive link between the three different components: interview preparation, mock job interviews and real interviews. The aim here is to observe the ‘gap’ between the model (i.e. the simulation) and real job interviews, to understand the evolution of the figure of the recruiter from one interview to another, and also to identify solutions that participants co-construct. In doing so, this research opens a line of enquiry into the intersection between community level training of migrants, their encounters with employers and the academic take on these facts. The product of this intersection is analysed in such a way as to document the gap between the expectations of recruiters and the responses of candidates in a field that has been little explored until now: the world of social activism.
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How to Win Jobs and Influence Interviewers: A Psychological Exploration of Job Interview Best PracticesRycroft, C. Diggory 01 January 2011 (has links)
Navigating the formal employment interview has long been an imposing obstacle to acquiring gainful employment in the white-collar world, particularly that of the United States. Conventional wisdom offers a wide variety of suggestions for achieving the best possible outcomes from the interview, for instance smiling, having a firm handshake, demonstrating interest in the company, and “being yourself.” Much of this common knowledge is based primarily in intuition and carry-over from standard conversational best practices, rather than rigorous empirical testing. As such, this literature review sets out to bring together the various works of interview research that currently exist, with the goal of determining A) what candidate behaviors are most conducive to high interview ratings, B) strategies for coping with the effects of interview and interviewer characteristics on the interview’s reliability and validity, and C) areas of this still-growing topic that would benefit most from further research. By implementing the findings discussed in this review, employers and employees alike will be better equipped to make the best, most mutually beneficial use of the formal job interview.
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How to Win Jobs and Influence Interviewers: A Psychological Exploration of Job Interview Best PracticesRycroft, C. Diggory 01 January 2011 (has links)
Navigating the formal employment interview has long been an imposing obstacle to acquiring gainful employment in the white-collar world, particularly that of the United States. Conventional wisdom offers a wide variety of suggestions for achieving the best possible outcomes from the interview, for instance smiling, having a firm handshake, demonstrating interest in the company, and “being yourself.” Much of this common knowledge is based primarily in intuition and carry-over from standard conversational best practices, rather than rigorous empirical testing. As such, this literature review sets out to bring together the various works of interview research that currently exist, with the goal of determining A) what candidate behaviors are most conducive to high interview ratings, B) strategies for coping with the effects of interview and interviewer characteristics on the interview’s reliability and validity, and C) areas of this still-growing topic that would benefit most from further research. By implementing the findings discussed in this review, employers and employees alike will be better equipped to make the best, most mutually beneficial use of the formal job interview.
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Etnisk diskriminering på den svenska arbetsmarknaden? : En studie om arbetssökandes upplevelser av etnisk diskriminering vid anställningsintervju.Omercehajic, Adna, Hasanovic, Menaida January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med denna socialpsykologiska studie om etnisk diskriminering vid anställningsintervjuer är att belysa hur upplevelsen av detta kan se ut, vilka motiven är samt förstå de primära emotioner som de olika respondenterna upplever i dessa situationer. Vår frågeställning lyder; Hur upplever arbetssökande personer vad de anser vara etnisk diskriminering vid en anställningsintervju och vad menar de var motiven bakom den? Genom kvalitativa intervjuer ville vi få de diskriminerades egen upplevelse och erfarenhet av diskriminering, men även få en bredare förståelse för etnisk diskriminering genom intervju med vår nyckelinformant som var en utredare från Diskrimineringsombudsmannen (DO). Genom intervjuer med två arbetsgivare, en från privat respektive en från offentlig sektor, ville vi få veta deras allmänna syn på anställning och etnisk diskriminering, hur de går tillväga vid anställning samt för hur de arbetar för att motverka etnisk diskriminering, men även för att visa att det finns arbetsgivare som inte diskriminerar någon p.g.a. dess etnicitet och att invandrare faktiskt integreras på arbetsmarknaden. Våra intervjuer med de tre respondenter som har upplevt sig bli etniskt diskriminerade tyder på att upplevelserna kan se olika ut, beroende på hur man är som person. Det var olika motiv som de uppfattade låg bakom deras upplevelse av att bli diskriminerade - det var bärandet av slöja, att de hade mörkt hår samt uppfattades ha ett kriminellt utseende. Även den emotionella upplevelsen bland dessa respondenter var vid den upplevda etniska diskrimineringen mycket varierande. / Abstract The purpose of this social psychological study of ethnic discrimination during the job interview is to illustrate how the experience of this can be like, see what the reasons are and identify which the primary emotions of the various respondents are. Our research question is: How do job seekers experience what they consider to be ethnic discrimination at a job interview, and what do they claim was the motive behind it? Through qualitative interviews we wanted to get information about the respondents own experience of the discrimination, but also get a broader view of ethnic discrimination by the interview with our key-respondent – which was an investigator from the Diskrimineringsombudsmannen (DO). Through interviews with two employers, one from the private sector and one from the public sector, we wanted to obtain their general views on employment and ethnic discrimination, to get information on how they go about the job and to counter ethnic discrimination, but also to show that there are employers who do not discriminate ethnic and that immigrants actually integrate into the labor market. Based on our interviews with the three respondents who have experienced themselves to be ethnically discriminated our result suggests that the experiences may vary, depending on how you are as a person. The motives that were contributing to the discrimination were different – it was a veil, dark hair and criminal appearance. Also the emotions among these respondents in the perceived ethnic discrimination were highly variable.
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O uso de estratégias argumentativas em entrevistas de seleçãoKelly Cristina de Oliveira 04 May 2007 (has links)
Com base nos estudos de Perelman e OlbrechtsTyteca (1958 [2000]) que entendem a argumentação como o processo em que se utilizam técnicas que permitem provocar ou aumentar a adesão dos espíritos às teses que se lhes apresentam ao seu assentimento (p.6), de Oswald Ducrot (1984 [1987]) que analisa a linguagem considerando que a argumentatividade é inerente à língua, de seu continuador Vogt (1980), como também de outros autores que estudam a argumentação tais como Koch (2002; 2003; 2004), Guimarães (2001), além dos gramáticos da língua oral Neves (2000) e Castilho (2004), propomos analisar as estratégias argumentativas em entrevista de seleção. A entrevista é um campo pouco explorado no âmbito lingüístico e nela há um verdadeiro jogo de representações daqueles que almejam uma vaga no mercado de trabalho. Por meio dessas teorias será possível analisar os operadores argumentativos, os pressupostos e subentendidos, o ethos construído durante o processo seletivo. A maneira como os candidatos prestam as informações é primordial nesse processo. As escolhas lexicais determinam o desempenho dos candidatos e mostram de que forma eles constroem seu ethos. Dessas escolhas, analisamos os operadores que foram de grande importância para a construção do discurso argumentativo durante o processo de seleção, tendo como fio condutor o mas. Justifica-se essa opção pelo fato de o mas estar, na maioria das vezes, relacionado ao implícito, fazendo com que outros sentidos fiquem subentendidos em um enunciado. A construção da imagem que o candidato faz de si mesmo pelo e no discurso ocorre também mediante esses outros sentidos tácitos, como assevera Ducrot (op. cit., p. 188): não se trata de afirmações auto-elogiosas que ele pode fazer de sua própria pessoa no conteúdo de seu discurso, afirmações que podem ao contrário chocar o ouvinte, mas da aparência que lhe confere a fluência, a entonação, calorosa ou severa, a escolha das palavras, os argumentos. Além desse operador, outros que orientam a escala e a força argumentativa dos enunciados também foram analisados. Outrossim, consideramos o modo como os entrevistadores formularam as perguntas e nelas procuramos detectar a possibilidade de haver predileção por determinado candidato. / Based on the studies by Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca (1958 [2000]), who understand argumentation as a process in which are used techniques allowing us to induce or to increase the minds adherence to the theses presented for its assent (p. 6), based on Oswald Ducrot (1984 [1987]), who analyzes speech considering argumentation as inherent to language, on his successor Vogt (1980), and on other authors who study argumentation, such as Koch (2002; 2003; 2004), Guimarães (2001), besides oral tongue grammarer Neves (2000) e Castilho (2004), we intend to analyze the argumentative strategies used in job interviews. The interview is a field that has been little explored in the linguistic realm and which presents a real set of representation on the part of those who seek a position in the job market. Through those theories, it will be possible to analyze the argumentative operators, the presumptions and the implicit, the ethos built during the selective process. The manner in which applicants convey information is fundamental in this process. The applicants performance is determined by their lexical choices, which show how they build their ethos. From those choices, we have taken and analyzed the operators which were important to the building of the argumentative discourse during the selective process, focusing on but. This option is justified by the fact that but is, in most cases, related to the implicit, making the other meanings implied in a statement. The building of the applicants self-image through and in the discourse occurs through these other tacit meanings too, as Ducrot states (op. cit. p. 188): it is not about self-flattering statements he can make about himself in the context of his speech, statements which may, in contrast, shock the listener, but about the appearance conveyed by the fluency, the warm or serious tone, the choice of words, the arguments. Besides but, other operators that guide the scale and the argumentative force of statements have been analyzed. In addition, we have taken into account the way interviewers asked questions in which we have tried to detect the possibility of preference for a certain applicant
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“Hör du mig, syns jag?” –En kvalitativ intervjustudie om rekryterares upplevelse av det sociala samspelet vid videointervjuerKarlsson, Emelie, Vilhelmsson, Emmelie January 2020 (has links)
When recruiting new staff, the job interview is the most central and most common selection method, which has traditionally taken place face-to-face with the employer. Video interviews are something that has become more common in recruitment processes as a result of technological development and digitalization but also based on the organization's financial and time rationalization. Previous research in the field indicates that video interviews modify parts of the interaction, and points out that there is a need for further research. The purpose of the study is to investigate how job interviews in video format are experienced by recruiters in terms of social interaction, and what implications there are in assessing the candidate. The results of the study are based on six qualitative interviews with recruiters, where collected data have been analyzed from a social psychological perspective. The results indicate that there is a perceived difference in certain parts of the interaction. Particularly the non-verbal communication and small talk are limited, but the flow and timing are also more difficult in video interviews. The study also shows that the biggest advantage is considered to be that the format is time-saving and provides increased flexibility and the biggest disadvantage is difficulties in connecting with the candidate, which impairs the overall experience. Finally, it emerged that the recruiters consider themselves to have good opportunities to assess candidates in video interviews, but that the data collected indicates an experience of both positive and negative aspects. / Vid rekrytering av ny personal är anställningsintervjun den mest centrala och vanligaste urvalsmetoden, vilken traditionellt ägt rum ansikte-mot-ansikte hos arbetsgivaren. Videointervjuer är något som har kommit att bli mer vanligt i rekryteringsprocesser till följd av den teknologiska utvecklingen och digitaliseringen, men också utifrån organisationens ekonomiska och tidsmässiga rationalisering. Tidigare forskning på området pekar på att videointervjuer modifierar delar av interaktionen, och poängterar att behovet av vidare forskning är stort. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur anställningsintervjuer i videoformat upplevs av rekryterare i termer av det sociala samspelet, samt vilka implikationer som finns vid bedömning av kandidaten. Studiens resultat baseras på sex kvalitativa intervjuer med rekryterare, där insamlade data analyserats utifrån ett socialpsykologiskt perspektiv. Resultatet tyder på att det finns en upplevd skillnad i vissa delar av interaktionen. Framförallt begränsas icke-verbal kommunikation och småprat, men även flytet och timingen försvåras i videointervjuer. Studien visar även att de största fördelarna anses vara att formatet är tidsbesparande och ger utrymme till ökad flexibilitet och den största nackdelen är svårigheter att känna in kandidaten, vilket försämrar helhetsupplevelsen. Till sist framkom att rekryterare anser sig själva ha goda möjligheter att bedöma kandidater vid videointervjuer, men att insamlade data indikerar på en upplevelse av både positiva och negativa aspekter.
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The Role of Avatar Creation and Embodied Presence in Virtual Reality Job InterviewsMenon, Akash January 2021 (has links)
In this work, a prototype of a job interview training application in virtual reality is evaluated. This paper explores the factors affecting the usability and embodiment of an avatar and how they related to job interviews in a virtual reality setting. A between-group study was conducted (n=15) to measure the effect on the embodiment of an avatar that creating and customizing an avatar had compared to picking from pre-defined ones. Participants had to undergo a job interview in virtual reality with their avatars. A mixed-method approach was followed with data collection using both post-experiment questionnaires and recorded semi-structured interviews. No significant results could be established between the avatar selection process and the embodiment towards the avatar. The thematic analysis of the interview data and the quantitative data analysis resulted in design guidelines for future job interview training applications. Critical aspects of the design guidelines outline the need to promote and enable users to use hand gestures, allow basic customization of their avatars, and put special attention to the design and behavioral fidelity of the interviewer. / I det här arbetet, utvärderas en prototyp av en träningsapplikation för jobbintervjuer. Det här arbetet utforskar faktorer som påverkar användbarheten och förkroppsligandet av en avatar och hur dessa faktorer relaterar till jobbintervjuer i virtuell verklighet. En studie utfördes med två olika grupper (n=15) för att mäta effekten av förkroppsligande av avatarer som processen av att skapa och anpassa en avatar hade jämfört med att enbart välja bland förvalda avatarer. Deltagarna fick delta i jobbintervju i virtuell verklighet med sina avatarer. En blandad metod användes med datainsamling genom både formulär och inspelade intevjuer. Inga statistisk signifikanta resultat kunde erhållas mellan urvalsprocessen av avataren och förkroppsligande av avataren. Den tematiska analysen av intervjudatan resulterade i designriktlinjer som utlyser behovet av att möjliggöra användare att fritt använda händerna, göra enkla modifikationer av sina avatarer och lägga extra mycket fokus på designen av intervjuaren.
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Faking and Response Distortion by Applicants: A Comparison of Corrective Techniques and the Validity of Personality MeasuresWimsatt, Michael Charles 01 January 2004 (has links)
This is an examination of the predictive validity of two personality scales, the NEO PPI and the CRT-HR when administered to a sample of 595 Psychiatric Aide job applicants. The research design also tests the moderating advantages of two faking suppression techniques, the use of a lie scale and warning the test takers. The individual applicant profile provided by the screen was evaluated with criterion including turnover, performance, absenteeism and employee injury collected six months after employment began.
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