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Consuming cultures: the cultinary poetics of Francophone women's literatureSkidmore, Melissa Elliott 28 August 2008 (has links)
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Questions of apprenticeship in African and Caribbean narratives : gender, journey, and developmentHiggins, MaryEllen 16 March 2011 (has links)
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Marsden Hartley's tribal estheticsMiller, Virginie Witte January 1987 (has links)
No description available.
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International outsourcing in Swedish companies : How to keep key competencies in Swedish firms?Wei, Xiaoding January 2008 (has links)
This thesis is mainly based on an extensive literature review and statistic analysis. The purpose is to find out the motives and effects of four different options in both literature and empirical study and then answer research questions. The four options are in house production, off-shoring, domestic outsourcing and international outsourcing. After the explanation of four options’ definitions, literature review will discuss most common motives and effects of outsourcing from many articles. The theory basis, such as transaction cost, resource based view, industrial view and their influence on the outsourcing will be mentioned to help reader to understand outsourcing. In empirical study, four options model and two questions (in house/outsourcing, domestic/off-shoring) from survey are used to classify Swedish companies into four groups which stand for four options. The statistics analysis results are from SPSS's ANOVA and Scheffe. According to the results, important motives of Swedish companies are “cost reduction”, “investment reduction”, “fixed cost”, and “accessing to core competence”. They are a little different from the literature review. And most effects of four options are positive, only “lead time” and “delivery time” is significant between “in house production” and “off-shoring” options.
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Foreign Direct Investment : A Study of Medium-Sized Manufacturing Companies in the Jönköping CountyBergström, Daniel, Wanngård, Gustav January 2006 (has links)
The world we live in is getting more and more global and this development carries many affects, not least for the business environment. During the last decades foreign direct investments have increased rapidly. Historically speaking, foreign direct investments were primarily undertaken by large corporations with high turnover and financial strength. However, with the alleviation of investment regulations smaller companies now also have an opportunity to reap the benefits of international business. Jönköping County is known for its entrepreneurial spirit and high density of small- and medium sized companies. We found that it would be interesting to discover the reason why these, usually successful, firms conducted foreign direct investments. The purpose of this thesis is to describe the reasons and factors behind a foreign direct investment undertaken by mediumsized manufacturing firms in the Jönköping region. The research was carried out by using a qualitative method. We found five firms within this region that were of medium size and wanted to participate in our study. The companies that we interviewed were; Eldon AB, Carlfors Bruk AB, AB Pettersons Järn-förädling, IDAB WAMAC International AB, and RH Form AB. The main reason for conducting a foreign direct investment mentioned by these firms was market seeking motives. The companies wanted to enter new markets in order to grow and widen their customer base. The firms were mainly seeking markets that were large and had a good potential for growth. The remaining company based their decision on a resource seeking motive. The firms have decided to enter these markets through different entry modes. The firms that saw risks and lack of knowledge as important factors have chosen to use a joint venture as an entry mode. The companies that wanted a quick entry chose acquisitions as their form of entry. The two firms that have done green-field investments have done so for different reasons. One had knowledge and contacts already and did not see the need to acquire another firm and the other wanted to keep the full control of its technology. We have found that the factors in the host markets are most influential in the decision to invest abroad, and that push factors from the domestic market has had little significance. The firms are aware of the risks involved but do not choose location based on them.
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Appariement de l???attachement amoureux, satisfaction conjugale, perception des conflits conjugaux et r??actions ??motives aux conflits chez les couplesPistorio, Marc January 2013 (has links)
De nos jours, pr??s de la moiti?? des couples se s??parent (Bramlett & Mosher, 2002). Les chercheurs travaillent ?? mieux comprendre les difficult??s des partenaires et ?? construire de nouveaux mod??les d???intervention visant ?? favoriser la satisfaction conjugale (Johnson & Whiffen, 2003). Depuis 1987, la th??orie de l???attachement amoureux de Hazan et Shaver fournit un cadre d?????tude privil??gi?? de la satisfaction conjugale et des relations conflictuelles (Doss, Mitchell, & De la Garza-Mercer, 2008). Le lien entre l???attachement et la satisfaction conjugale a ??t?? maintes fois ??tabli dans les recherches (Feeney, 2008). Par contre, aucune ??tude recens??e ?? ce jour n???a port?? sur l???appariement des conjoints en termes d???attachement en lien avec les conflits conjugaux. ?? cet effet, la pr??sente ??tude a pour objectif de s???int??resser ?? l???appariement des conjoints selon leur style d???attachement, en ??tudiant les liens entre cet appariement et la satisfaction conjugale, la perception des conflits conjugaux et les r??actions ??motives associ??es aux conflits. L?????chantillon et les donn??es recueillies sont repris d???une ??tude plus vaste (Brassard, Lussier, & Shaver, 2009). Au total, 299 couples dont les partenaires sont ??g??s entre 18 et 35 ans ont rempli une batterie de questionnaires postaux portant sur l???attachement amoureux, la satisfaction conjugale, la perception des conflits et les r??actions ??motives aux conflits. Des analyses de variance multivari??es ?? mesures r??p??t??es ont ??t?? conduites pour comparer les moyennes des femmes et des hommes sur les diff??rentes variables ?? l?????tude (satisfaction, perception des conflits, r??actions ??motives aux conflits) en fonction des appariements d???attachement possibles. Les r??sultats montrent d???abord que l???appariement de deux conjoints au style s??curisant est l???appariement conjugal dans lequel les partenaires pr??sentent la satisfaction conjugale la plus ??lev??e. Ensuite, l???appariement de deux conjoints au style s??curisant constitue le type de couples ?? l???int??rieur duquel les conjoints pr??sentent le plus faible degr?? de conflits conjugaux per??us (globalement ainsi que pour toutes les cat??gories de conflits), avec des patrons d???appariement distincts chez les femmes et les hommes. De plus, l???appariement de deux conjoints au style s??curisant correspond ?? l???appariement de partenaires qui rapportent le moins de r??actions n??gatives ?? la suite d???un conflit. Enfin, les r??sultats r??v??lent que pour les couples mixtes (c.-??-d. un partenaire au style s??curisant avec un partenaire au style ins??curisant), la s??curit?? d???attachement peut agir comme un facteur de protection de la satisfaction conjugale, des perceptions des conflits et des r??actions ??motives n??gatives qui suivent les conflits, m??me si le partenaire est ins??curisant. La discussion pr??sente un retour sur ces r??sultats, les implications cliniques qui en d??coulent, de m??me que les forces, limites et pistes de recherches futures.
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Inventor motives, collaboration and creativityNo, Yeon Ji 13 January 2014 (has links)
This study examines the relationship between an inventor’s motives and creativity, invention commercialization, and collaboration pattern. Special emphasis is placed on the educational background of inventors when examining the effect of inventor motive on invention commercialization. The data are based in a unique survey of patent inventors in the United States, and archival data. The GT/RIETI 2007 Inventor Survey includes information on commercialization for patented inventions and measures of inventor motives. Archival data based on Lai et al. (2011) was the basis for the collection of creativity measures based on U.S. patent technology subclasses.
The results indicate that inventors’ motives differentiate the outcome of innovative activities. We found a firm motive has a positive effect on creating new combinations, commercialization of patents, and collaboration with coworkers. The results also suggest that the recognition motive negatively affects the creation of new combinations, and that there is no effect on the commercialization of the patent. As for collaboration pattern, the results show that individual differences in motives are associated with different patterns in collaboration. For example, task-oriented inventors are less likely to collaborate with others outside of the firm entity, whereas inventors with recognition motives are more likely to have a larger collaborative network with other professionals in the same field.
This paper suggests that policy-makers should consider individual heterogeneity in innovative performance, knowledge creation, and patterns of collaboration. Based on the findings, future research and policy implications are discussed.
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Šeimos, auginančios neįgalų vaiką, mokymosi poreikių ir motyvacijos analizė / Analysis situation of educational needs and motives of a family growing a disabled childLevickienė, Jūratė 02 June 2005 (has links)
In the Master's work the main attention is given to lifelong studies and motivation of families growing a disabled child. The work raises a hypothesis that unsatisfied educational needs and insufficient motivation of families that grow a disabled child makes their enablement in society more difficult. In order to verify the hypothesis and seeking to reveal educational needs and motivation of families that grow a disabled child, by employing a half-standardised questionnaire, 20 families living in Kaunas town and growing disabled children were questioned.
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IV ir V klasės mokinių mokymosi motyvacijos ypatumai / Peculiarities of the fluctuation of learning motivation in the 4th and 5th-form pupilsMickevičiūtė, Inga 24 September 2008 (has links)
Šiuolaikinis švietimas remiasi kryptinga veikla, skirta mokinio įgūdžių, gebėjimų ir vertybinių nuostatų formavimui, mokinio žinių ir kompetencijos plėtotei. Nors jau dešimtmetį yra vykdoma Lietuvos švietimo pertvarka, tačiau įvairūs tyrimai rodo, kad nesėkmingo mokymosi lygis švietimo sistemoje yra aukštas. Pati nenoro mokytis problema tapo globaline pradėjus įgyvendinti privalomą mokymą nuo 7 iki 16 metų.
Mokymosi motyvacijos stoka glaudžiai susijusi su mokyklos nelankymu, kurso kartojimu, dėl ko kiekviena pasaulio valstybė patiria didelius nuostolius. Žmogus, „iškritęs“ iš švietimo sistemos, negali gauti įstatymų nustatyta tvarka išduoto dokumento, patvirtinančio asmens mokymosi rezultatus, todėl toks asmuo negali sėkmingai įsilieti į darbo rinką. Neišsilavinusiam žmogui yra sunkiau dalyvauti visuomeniniame gyvenime. Iškyla tikimybė būti atstumtam, kas sąlygoja psichologines asmens problemas, socialinį ir finansinį nesaugumą. Todėl kiekvienos šalies švietimo sistemos tikslas yra siekti, kad jos visuomenės nariai būrų išsilavinę – įgytų asmens tam tikro lygio brandą liudijančią kompetenciją, žinias, įgūdžius, gebėjimus ir vertybines nuostatas. Tai sąlygoja atvirą ir demokratišką visuomenę.
Lietuvos ir užsienio autoriai pabrėžia, kad mokymosi motyvacija yra vienas svarbiausių mokymosi sėkmės komponentų. Taip pat pabrėžia vidinio poreikio mokytis svarbą. Be tokio poreikio mokytis prasmingas mokymasis neįmanomas. Dalis pedagogų ir psichologų tyrė vaikų ir paauglių mokymosi... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Motivation is a complex and dynamic phenomena. It is a psychological process, which regulates the activity of a personality and his/her relations with the environment. Motivation is closely related to the motives which influence a person’s behaviour and activity. In order to educate desirable behaviour it is necessary to eliminate negative causes.
The 4th and 5th-form pupils may be influenced by different motives, groups of motives or separate motives. Possible ways to strengthen learning motivation are expedient organization of learning process according to the pupils’ needs; formation of possibilities to establish the aims of the activities; expedient evaluation of pupils” achievements; improvement of the relationship among pupils, parents and teachers; strengthening of the internal and external learning motivation according to the pupils’ main learning motives: cognition, self-expression, future, communication, prestige and external stimuli.
To summarize the results of the survey it can be stated that learning motives of the 5th-form pupils are various. The most conspicuous are future and cognition motives, less important are prestige, self-expression and communication motives and minor motives are external stimuli. Formation of learning motives depends on various factors.
According to the survey, pupils in the 5th form face a lot of new things: pupils’ social environment changes. Learning process also changes. The 5th-form pupils take greater responsibility for the... [to full text]
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Sportuojančių moksleivių savivertė, vertybės ir motyvai ugdyme / Self-esteem, values and motives in education of pupils going in for sportsVarnienė, Birutė 28 August 2009 (has links)
Tyrimo aktualumas: šiandien visa švietimo sistema paremta nuolatinio mokymosi koncepcija ( Beresnevičienė, 1995), nusakančia asmenybės gebėjimą „augti“ visą gyvenimą - tai apima mokymą(si) bei ugdymą(si) mokykloje ir už jos ribų. Tik nuolatinis ugdymas(is) padeda neatsilikti nuo visuomenės mokslinės, techninės ir kultūrinės raidos, o taip pat tolydžio tobulinti savo asmenybę, žinias ir gebėjimus. Sportuojantys moksleiviai sportinėje veikloje ugdo(si) mokymosi motyvaciją, vertybines nuostatas bei savęs vertinimą, kaip esminius kintamuosius asmenybės ugdyme(si).
Tyrimo objektas: sportuojančių moksleivių savivertė, vertybės bei motyvai ugdyme.
Tyrimo tikslas: palyginti sportuojančių ir nesportuojančių moksleivių savivertę, vertybes ir motyvus ugdyme bei nustatyti tarpusavio ryšius.
Tyrime dalyvavo 254 (9 -12 klasių, 15 – 18 metų) tiriamieji. Tai 70 Šiaulių Vijolių vidurinės mokyklos sportininkai, 16 Radviliškio Lizdeikos gimnazijos bei 41 Šiaulių Lengvosios atletikos mokyklos sportininkas, 48 Šiaulių S. Daukanto vidurinės mokyklos bei 79 Radviliškio Lizdeikos gimnazijos moksleiviai.
Tyrimui taikytas modifikuotas D. Beresnevičienės (1995) metodas. Remtasi humanistinės filosofijos ir psichologijos (Maslow, 1970; Rogers, 1969) nuostatomis, permanentinio ugdymo teorija (Jovaiša, 2001) bei nuolatinio mokymosi koncepcija ( Beresnevičienė, 1995).
Tyrimo rezultatai ir išvados: paaiškėjo, kad stipresnė motyvacija sportui, lemia aukštesnį savęs vertinimą. Aukščiau save vertina... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Relevance of the research: today the whole education system is based upon conception of constant learning (Beresneviciene, 1995) defining the ability of a personality “to grow” all lifetime – it includes teaching/learning at school and behind its boundaries. Only constant teaching/learning enables not to fall behind social scientific, technical and cultural development and also constantly improve one’s personality, knowledge and abilities. The pupils going in for sports via sports activity develop learning motivation, value attitudes and self-esteem as essential variables in development of a personality.
The object of the research: self-esteem, values and motives in education of pupils.
The aim of the research: to compare self-esteem, values and motives in education of pupils who go in for sports and those who do not and to determine interrelations.
254 under research (9-12 forms, 15-18 age old) - 70 sportsmen of Siauliai Vijoliu secondary school, 16 sportsmen of Radviliskis Lizdeikos gymnasium and 41sportsmen of Siauliai athletics school, 48 sportsmen of Siauliai S. Daukanto secondary school, and 79 sportsmen of Radviliskis Lizdeikos gymnasium have participated in the research.
Modified method of D. Beresneviciene (1995) has been applied to the research. It has been referred to the guidelines of humanistic philosophy and psychology (Maslow, 1979; Rogers, 1969), theory of permanent education (Jovaisa, 2001) and conception of constant learning (Beresneviciene, 1995).
The... [to full text]
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