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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Motorická výkonnost žáků s poruchou pozornosti spojenou s hyperaktivitou na 1. stupni základní školy / Motor performance of pupils with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Otipková, Zuzana January 2012 (has links)
Title: Motor performance of pupils with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Objectives: The aim of the work was to determine the level of fine and gross motor skills of upper extremities of the pupils with diagnosis ADHD at schools specialized on these pupils and compare it with the fine and gross motor skills of upper extremities of children without this diagnosis at common elementary school. Further work objective was to determine the level of gross motor skills of lower limbs and laterality of paired organs (hand - foot) within above mentioned groups of pupils. Methods: To determine the level of fine and gross motor skills of upper extremities, gross motor skills of lower limbs, laterality of the upper and lower extremities of the pupils with and without ADHD aged 9-11 years we used these types of tests: "Spiral", "Dotting test", "Beads" (the level of fine motor skills of the upper extremities); "Pack", "Small plate tapping", "Big plate tapping" (the level of gross motor skills of upper extremities); "Tapping the leg" (the level of gross motor skills of the lower limbs); "Typing out the Rhythm" (the laterality of the lower limbs); "Bell" and "Matches" (the laterality of the upper extremities). Results: The fine motor level of dominant hand was in the case of ADHD diagnosed pupils...

Kineziterapijos poveikis vaikų, sergančių alkoholiniu vaisiaus sindromu, stambiajai ir smulkiajai motorikai / Effectiveness of physiotherapy on gross and fine motor in children with fetal alcohol syndrome

Trečiokaitė, Judita 18 June 2014 (has links)
Alkoholinio vaisiaus sindromo sąvoka yra labai plati, ja apibūdinamas kūdikio ar vaiko negrįžtamų anomalijų rinkinys (Lombard et al., 2007). Sindromas pasireiškia motorinio, socialinio, pažintinio ir kalbos vystymosi sutrikimais (Steinhausen et al., 2003), todėl AVS sergantiems asmenims taikomas kompleksinis gydymas (Burd et al., 2003). Tyrimo objektas – alkoholiniu vaisiaus sindromu sergančių vaikų stambioji ir smulkioji motorika. Tyrimo problema – nėra aišku, kokia kineziterapijos ar fizinio aktyvumo forma tinkamiausia alkoholinį vaisiaus sindromą turintiems vaikams, kad gerėtų stambioji ir smulkioji motorika. Darbo tikslas – nustatyti kineziterapijos poveikį vaikų stambiajai ir smulkiajai motorikai esant alkoholiniam vaisiaus sindromui. Šiam tikslui pasiekti iškelti uždaviniai: 1) Įvertinti stambiosios motorikos rodiklius vaikams, turintiems alkoholinį vaisiaus sindromą, taikant bendralavinančius pratimus (kontrolinė grupė) ir judriuosius žaidimus (tiriamoji grupė) prieš ir po kineziterapijos. 2) Įvertinti smulkiosios motorikos rodiklius vaikams, turintiems alkoholinį vaisiaus sindromą, taikant bendralavinančius pratimus (kontrolinė grupė) ir judriuosius žaidimus (tiriamoji grupė) prieš ir po kineziterapijos; 3) palyginti stambiosios ir smulkiosios motorikos rezultatus tarp vaikų, kuriems taikyti bendralavinantys pratimai ir judrieji žaidimai; 4) palyginti bendrą standartinį motorikos rodiklį tarp vaikų, kuriems taikyti bendralavinantys pratimai ir vaikų, kuriems taikyti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Fetal alcohol syndrome is an umbrella term used to describe the irreversible array of anomalies associated with in utero alcohol exposure (Lombard et al, 2007). Fetal alcohol syndrome manifestes by developmental perturbation in motor, social, cognitive and language domain (Steinhaussen et al, 2003). Appropriate management nearly always involves a multidisciplinary team effort with ongoing programming (Burd et al, 2003). Subject: gross and fine motor in children with fetal alcohol syndrome. Problem: there is no clear evidence about the most proper form of physiotherapy or physical activity on purpose to improve gross and fine motor functions in children with fetal alcohol syndrome. Objective: to determine the effectiveness of physiotherapy on gross and fine motor in children with fetal alcohol syndrome. There are four tasks to reach an objective: 1) to determine gross motor indexes for children with fetal alcohol syndrome in casual physiotherapy group (control) and active playing group (investigative) before and after physiotherapy; 2) to determine fine motor indexes for children with fetal alcohol syndrome in casual physiotherapy group (control) and active playing group (investigative) before and after physiotherapy; 3) to compare fine and gross motor indexes between the casual physiotherapy group and active playing group; 4) to compare standard motor score between the casual physiotherapy group (control) and active playing group (investigative); The fine and gross motor... [to full text]

Ikikomyklinio amžiaus mergaičių, kurioms kūdikystėje buvo nustatyti motorinės raidos sutrikimai, stambiosios ir smulkiosios motorikos įvertinimas / The evaluation of gross and fine motor for preschool girls, who have had motor development disorder in infancy

Naujalienė, Agnė 19 June 2012 (has links)
Darbo tiklsas: įvertinti ikimokyklinio amžiaus mergaičių, kurioms kūdikystėje buvo nustatyti motorinės raidos sutrikimai, stambiąją ir smulkiąją motoriką. Pasirinktam darbo tikslui įgyvendinti buvo iškelti šie uždaviniai: 1. Įvertinti ikimokyklinio amžiaus mergaičių, kurioms kūdikystėje buvo nustatytas specifinis motorinės raidos sutrikimas, stambiąją motoriką ir palyginti su kontroline grupe. 2. Įvertinti ikimokyklinio amžiaus mergaičių, kurioms kūdikystėje buvo nustatytas specifinis motorinės raidos sutrikimas, smulkiąją motoriką ir palyginti su kontroline grupe. Tyrimas buvo vykdomas Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universiteto Medicinos akademijos, Sporto institute bei viename Kauno lopšelyje darželyje. Tyrime dalyvavo 45 tiriamosios. Buvo vykdomi antropometriniai matavimai, stambiosios ir smulkiosios motorikos vertinimas. Išvados: 1. Įvertinus ikimokyklinio amžiaus mergaičių stambiosios motorikos gebėjimus nustatėme, kad tiriamųjų, kurioms kūdikystėje buvo diagnozuotas specifinis motorinės raidos sutrikimas, buvo prastesnė statinė pusiausvyra, šoklumas, manipuliacijos kamuoliu bei galūnės judesio greitis lyginant su mergaitėmis, kurioms nebuvo diagnozuoti raidos sutrikimai kūdikystės laikotarpiu (p<0,05). 2. Smulkiosios motorikos įvertinimas parodė, kad mergaitės, kurioms kūdikystėje buvo diagnozuotas specifinis raidos sutrikimas, pasižymėjo prastesne dinamine bei abipuse rankų koordinacija (p<0,05). / Objective of the work: to evaluate gross and fine motor of the preschool girls, who have had motor development disorder in infancy. Goals of the work: 1. To evaluate preschool girls, who have had motor development disorder in infancy, gross motor and to compare with control group. 2. To evaluate preschool girls, who have had motor disorder in infancy, fine motor and to compare with control group. The study was made in Lithuanian university of health science Medicine academy’s Sport institute and in one of Kaunas kindergarten nursery – school. The study examined 45 preschool girls. We investigated anthropometric measurements (weight, height), gross and fine motor. Conclusion: 1. The evaluation of preschool girls, who have had motor disorder in infancy, revealed that these girls showed worse results in such gross motor abilities like static balance, spring, manipulation with ball, extremity movement speed in comparison with the girls which didn’t had any motor disorders in infancy. 2. Fine motor evaluation showed that, girls, who have had motor disorder in infancy, had worse hand dynamic and bimanual coordination results (p<0,05).

Smulkiosios motorikos ugdymo įtaka 6 - 7 metų vaikų mokyklinei brandai / The influence of the small movement for 6 - 7-year-old children school maturity

Kasputienė, Živilė 16 August 2007 (has links)
Svarbus vaiko gyvenimo etapas, kai jis pradeda lankyti mokyklą, pareikalauja tikslių, koordinuotų plaštakos ir pirštų judesių, kurie būtini rašant, piešiant ir atliekant daugelį kitų mokymosi procese reikalingų veiksmų. Todėl smulkiosios motorikos lavinimas yra svarbi rengimo mokyklai dalis. Tyrimo tikslas: Ištirti 6 – 7 metų vaikų smulkiosios motorikos ugdymo įtaką jos kaitai ir vaiko mokyklinei brandai. Tyrimo metodai. Tiriamųjų kontingentą sudarė 100 šešerių – septynerių metų vaikų, lankančių darželį. Jie buvo suskirstyti į dvi grupes: tiriamąją (T) ir kontrolinę (K). Abiejose grupėse buvo po 25 mergaites ir 25 berniukus. T grupės vaikams buvo taikoma smulkiosios motorikos lavinimo programa pagal G. Musteikienės (2001) rekomendacijas. K grupė dirbo pagal Lietuvos Respublikos švietimo ministerijos patvirtintą ,,Vėrinėlio‘‘programą. Tyrimo pradžioje (pirmas tyrimas), po penkis mėnesius taikytos smulkiosios motorikos ugdymo programos, abiejų grupių vaikams tyrimai pakartoti (antras tyrimas). Vaikų rankų smulkiąją motoriką vertinome N. Ozereckio smulkiosios motorikos įvertinimo testu; judesių tikslumą ir dažnį, bei rankos raumenų susitraukimo greitį ir dažnį Eurofito testais; mokyklinę brandą tyrėme J. Jiraseko modifikuotu A. Kerno testu ir J. Jiraseko verbalinio mąstymo testu. Rezultatai. Po penkių mėnesių smulkiosios motorikos ugdymo programos eksperimentinėje grupėje pastebimai padaugėjo vaikų, kurių smulkiosios motorikos išsivystymo lygis pagerėjo (P=0,000). 46%... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / An important stage in a child‘s life is when he/she begins to attend school, it requires accurate, concerted hand‘s and fingers‘ movements which are necessary in writing, drawing and doing lots of other actions needed in learning process. The Goal of the Research: To explore 6-7-year-old childrens‘ small movement education‘s influence for its vicissitude and child‘s school maturity. The Methods of the Research. One hundred 6-7-year-old children who attended kindergarten were involved in the research. They were divided into 2 groups: exploratory (E) and auditorial (A). There were twenty-five girls and boys in both groups. The exploratory group‘s children were educated according to the small movement education program prepared by us. The auditorial group worked according to “Verinelis“ program certified by Lithuania Republic Education Ministry. The beginning of the research (the 1st research) has been continuing for 5 month using the small movement program. Later on (the 2nd research) the research was renewed for both groups of the children. The small movement of the children hands we evaluated according to N. Ozereckis small movement evaluation test; for movement accuracy and rate, hand‘s muscle shrinkage speed and rate we used Eurofitas test; the school maturity we researched using A. Kernas test modified by J. Jirasekas and J. Jirasekas verbal thinking test. Results. Five months later the number of children visibly increased in the exploratory group which worked according... [to full text]

Kineziterapijos poveikis kūdikių motorikos raidai skirtingais amžiaus periodais / Effect of kinesitherapy on development of infants’ motion in different periods of age

Joniškienė, Regina 10 May 2006 (has links)
During the first months of age the child is able to better regenerate what has been impaired. Following the phenomenon of integrity of motion and psychics, a method of neurodevelopment therapy (NDT), which helps to treat disordered motion, has been created and successfully applied around the world. In this work a hypothesis was made that if kinesitherapy application is started as early as possible in the infantry, there are better possibilities for the development of disordered motion of infants to reach the level of chronological age development. The aim of the work is to evaluate the effect of kinesitherapy on development of infants’ motion in different periods of infantry. 104 infants, who were brought to Early Rehabilitation Service, were randomly selected. 53 infants constituted the first group (who have started to have kinesitherapy procedures before 4 months of age) and the second group involved 51 infant (who have started to have kinesitherapy procedures being older than 4 months). The following methods were applied in the research: analysis of infants’ anamnesis; evaluation of motion development; mathematical statistics. The research was carried out in Children Clinic of Siauliai Hospital. Each infant was having two kinesitherapy procedures per week for two months. Development of infants was assessed using the method of Munich Functional Development Diagnostics before kinesitherapy procedures and after them (after 2 months). In kinesitherapy procedures the method... [to full text]

Ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų kalbos ir motorikos sutrikimų sąsajos / Preschool age children’s speech and motor disorders interface

Mockuvienė, Viktorija 11 February 2012 (has links)
Magistro darbe buvo atlikta teorinė mokslinės literatūros analizė apie kalbą ir jos sutrikimus, bendrosios ir smulkiosios motorikos raidos svarbą, artikuliaciją ir jos reikšmę kalbai. Taip pat nagrinėti autorių darbai apie motorikos įtaką kalbos sutrikimams. Prieš atliekant tyrimą, buvo iškelta hipotezė, jog 4-6 metų vaikų motorinės sistemos išlavėjimas gali turėti įtakos vaikų kalbos sutrikimams. Testavimo metodu buvo atliktas tyrimas, kurio tikslas – atskleisti 4-6 metų vaikų kalbos ir motorinės sistemos sutrikimų sąsajas. Atlikta kiekybinė ir kokybinė duomenų analizė, kuri leido nustatyti, ar vaikų motorinės sistemos išlavėjimo lygis daro įtakos jų kalbai. Tyrime dalyvavo 106 ketverių – šešerių metų vaikai, turintys fonologinių kalbos sutrikimų ir įvairaus laipsnio kalbos neišsivystimą. Tyrimas vyko keturiuose Mažeikių lopšeliuose – darželiuose: Delfinas, Kregždutė, Pasaka ir Žilvitis. Empirinėje dalyje buvo nagrinėjamas bendrosios ir smulkiosios motorikos išlavėjimo lygis, analizuojamas testų užduočių atlikimas. Taip pat buvo siekiama atskleisti oralinės motorikos paslankumą ir artikuliacijos organų anatominius pakitimus. Išanalizavus šias sritis, aptariama motorinės sistemos sutrikimų įtaka vaikų kalbai. Svarbiausios empirinio tyrimo išvados: Nustatyta, kad ketverių – šešerių metų vaikų, turinčių įvairių kalbos sutrikimų bendroji ir smulkioji motorika yra išlavėjusi nepakankamai; atskleista, jog oralinės motorikos sutrikimai turi didelės įtakos vaikų kalbai, nes... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Master thesis performed a theoretical analysis of scientific literature on language and its disorders, general and the importance of fine motor development, articulation and the importance of speech. Analyzed the influence of motor speech disorders. Before the investigation, hypothesis that 4-6 years of motor system may have an impact on children's language disorders. The study was conducted testing method. Research Destination - disclosure of 4-6 years children's language and motor disorders interface. Conducted a quantitative and qualitative data analysis, which allowed to determine whether the motor system of children affects their speech. The study included 106 four - six-year-old children with phonological speech disorders, and varying degrees of underdevelopment of the speech. The study took place in four Mažeikiai kindergarten: Delfinas, Kregždutė, Pasaka and Žilvitis. The empirical part of the issue in general and fine motor level, analysis of test tasks. It was also intended to reveal the oral motor agility and articulation organs anatomical lesions. These areas, the analysis helps to determine motor the impact of speech. The main findings of the investigation: It was found that the four - six year old children with speech disorders, general and fine motorics is insufficient; revealed that oral motor disorders have a significant impact on children's speech, because paying a targeted movement, can not correctly articulate speech sounds; found that... [to full text]

Příspěvek k stanovení metodických předpokladů mikroanalysy časového průběhu jednoduché, chronicky opakované činnosti činnosti

Kotásková, Jarmila January 1968 (has links)
No description available.

Centrální koordinační porucha - literární rešerše / Developmental coordination disorder - literature review

Kosová, Blanka January 2015 (has links)
Title: Developmental coordination disorder - literature review Objectives: The theoretical part talks about developmental coordination disorder, its diagnosis, investigations, etiology and division during the different ages of the child. The practical part compares the studies relating to atypical development of motor skills in children with developmental coordination disorder. In diploma thesis was often used shortcut CKP and DCD, depending on the source from which it was drawn. DCD is the English equivalent of the shortcut CKP. Methods: This diploma thesis has both descriptively - analytical character. It will be treated as a literature review. Results: On the basis of the researched literary sources, this thesis provides a comprehensive picture on the topic of developmental coordination disorder. This thesis evaluated the atypical motor skills in school and preschool age children with developmental coordination disorder from the perspective of different authors. It has been found, which diagnostic procedures are used and which difficulties are most limiting for the children. Keywords: developmental coordination disorder, fine motor skills, hand function, gross motor skills

Ovlivnění hrubé a jemné motoriky jedince po požití alkoholu / The Impact of Alcohol Consumption on Gross and Fine Motor Skills of Individuals

Purchartová, Dana January 2015 (has links)
Title: The Impact of Alcohol Consumption on Gross and Fine Motor Skills of Individuals Objectives of the thesis: The main objective of my thesis is to assess an immediate effect of alcohol on selected tasks from the area of fine and gross motor skills. First identified were the average values for selected tests in sober individuals, and then the values with an increasing level of alcohol in blood. The second objective is to differentiate whether or not are fine and gross motor skills affected upon the same alcohol level in blood. Methods: The required data were obtained on the basis of experimental measurements on 12 probands (6 women and 6 men) who were tested for fine motor skills using three non- standardized tests modified or created for the purpose of this experiment: threading beads on a string, unlocking locks and dropping coins to a moneybox. Gross motor skills were tested using stabilometric platform in a standing position with legs together and with open eyes for 30 seconds. The observed parameter in the fine motor skills test was the time, while in the stability test it was the track of COP; each fine motor skills test was performed three times in each round. In the second and in each subsequent round every proband was administered 0.3 g of alcohol per kg of weight. The total number of...

Pohybová aktivita dětí s motorickými obtížemi / Physical activity of children with motor difficulties

Kokštejn, Jakub January 2012 (has links)
Bibliographic identification Name and surname of the author: Mgr. Jakub Kokštejn Name of the dissertation: Physical activity of children with motor difficulties Workplace: Department of Sports Games Supervisor of the work: Doc. PaedDr. Rudolf Psotta, Ph.D. Year of presentation: 2011 Abstract Objective: Current knowledge of developmental disorders in motor skills of school children suggest potential negative impacts on the development of the personality of the child in the mental, social psychological and behavioural areas and also in the area of competence at school. Very little is known about how an insufficient level of motor skills of a child can limit his/her physical activity. This work was performed to discover whether developmentally determined motor deficit in children of older school age is a risk factor for lower physical activity (PA) and whether the attention of the child has a mediation function in the relationship between the level of motor skills and his/her physical activity. Methods: The research was based on analytical-descriptive examination of the motor skills of children, their physical activity in weekly regimes and the attention level, with subsequent comparison of children with a motor deficit (MD) and children without MD, through correlation analysis and analysis of the mediative...

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