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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Motyvai, skatinantys darbuotojų veiklą / Reasons stimulating activity of employees

Altakovaitė, Asta 20 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo objektas - motyvai, skatinantys darbuotojus dirbti bei prielaidos vertinimo sistemai diegti. Šiam tyrimui atlikti buvo pasirinktos dvi bendrovės: siuvimo bendrovė AB „Šatrija“ ir draudimo kompanija AB „Lietuvos draudimas“. AB „Šatrija“ buvo atlikta anketinė apklausa skirta nustatyti, ar reikalinga įdiegti vertinimo sistemą įmonėje, bei motyvų, skatinančių darbuotojus dirbti testas, skirtas abiejose organizacijose išsiaiškinti motyvus labiausiai skatinančius darbą. Anketa buvo sudaryta iš šešių klausimų, kurie leido sužinoti įmonės vadovų ir specialistų nuomonę apie tai, ar reikalingas vertinimo sistemos diegimas. Testas „Motyvai skatinantys dirbti“ buvo sudarytas iš penkiasdešimt šešių klausimų. Atsakymai padėjo sužinoti, kuris iš aštuonių motyvų labiausiai skatina darbuotojus dirbti, o atsakymai į 57-60 testo klausimus leido sužinoti, kokį priimtinausią vertinimo metodą pasirinktų darbuotojai. Tyrimo metodai: literatūros analizės metodas, anketinės apklausos metodas, testas bei statistinės analizės metodas. Darbo apimtis: darbą sudaro 75 puslapiai, panaudotos 3 lentelės, 12 paveikslų. Darbas suskirstytas į pagrindines dalis: teorinę, analitinę ir rezultatų. Pirmojoje dalyje trumpai aptariamos motyvacijos teorijos, apibūdinta personalo vertinimo sąvoka bei vertintojai, aprašomi keli vertinimo metodai ir jų reikšmė, uždaviniai, vertinimo kriterijai bei vertinimo klaidų prigimtis. Antroje dalyje pateikiama AB “Šatrija” ir AB „Lietuvos draudimas“ charakteristika bei tyrimo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object of this research is Joint-stock company „Šatrija“ and Lithuanian insurance company “Lietuvos Draudimas”. The main company “Satrija” specialists and executives were selected in order to investigate the opinion of company executives and specialists about the necessity and importance of employee evaluation system. The purpose of the survey is to find out what is the attitude of employees towards their work evaluation, and also to find out the main motives stimulating employees to work better in both companies. The whole research including collecting the material, research and data preparation took four months. Questionnaire form consisting of six questions was used for this research. While making this questionnaire all the factors which influenced the need of the employee evaluation system were taken into account. The test “Employee Activity Stimulating Motivation” contains fifty six questions. The answers to all questions helped to find out which eight motives were the most stimulating company employees. Questions starting from fifty seven to sixty were given to find out the most favorable evaluation method. Research method: the analysis of science informational literature, questionnaire, test, the analysis of graphical representation. Volume of work: seventy five pages, including three tables and twelve pictures. The whole work is divided into three parts: The first part includes theoretical material, such as motivation theory, the concept of staff evaluation... [to full text]

Utenos regiono suaugusiųjų bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose mokymosi motyvai / Adults' learning motivation in secondary general education schools of Utena region

Unton, Valentina 07 June 2006 (has links)
The world we live in is extremely dynamic in terms of change. Social and economical changes in Lithuania as well as in the whole world make people encounter new requirements in their every day and working life. The development of modern technologies, creation of information society encourages them to think about their personal development. Every year more and more people, having no secondary education, come to educational institutions for adults. Therefore today the problems of adult learning are actually important for a Lithuanian society. Successful learning depends on motivation. Adult education is not compulsory. It’s a person’s own free decision. The Objective of the Research. – to analyze adults’ learning motivation in secondary schools of Utena region. Referring to pedagogical and psychological literature it was revealed that learning motivation is influenced by many factors: activity stimuli, material and cultural benefits of learning, personal goals and interests, determination, values system. Every action of a person is motivated by internal as well as by external factors. Internal learning motives are much more important than external ones, though they are achieved gradually and slowly. The research revealed that the most important motives of adults’ learning are the following: 1. Eagerness to get the Certificate of secondary education. 2. Personality development. It also depends on a respondent’s age. The older is a person and the less time he(she) has for... [to full text]

Kauno apskrities baldų gamybos įmonių paskirstymo kanalų pasirinkimo motyvai / The motivation of selection of distributions channels of kaunas country in the furniture firms

Sadauskaitė, Sandra 08 September 2009 (has links)
Darbą sudaro trys pagrindinės dalys: pirma dalis yra teorinė, joje nagrinėjama paskirstymo kanalų samprata ir jų reikšmė, marketingo veiksniai turintys įtakos paskirstymo kanalo parinkimui, pateikiama motyvacijos teorijų apžvalga, analizuojamas paskirstymo kanalų narių parinkimas ir motyvai. Antroje darbo dalyje yra apžvelgiama baldų pramonės Kauno apskrityje verslo aplinka. Aptariamos jos vystymosi raidos tendencijos. Taip pat apžvelgiama bendra baldų pramonės rinkos situacija. Trečioje darbo dalyje yra pateikiami tyrimo rezultatai gauti anketinės apklausos metu, taip pat pateikiami rezultatai gauti interviu metu su baldų pramonės atsovais. Rezultatai yra interpretuojami bei vertinami, pateikiamos tyrimo išvados. Suformuotas paskirstymo kanalų pasirinkimo motyvų modelis. / Every company after manufacture or purchase of goods must introduce them to its costumers. “The place of distribution” is the third element of 4P in the plan of marketing. The main purpose of this element is to bring goods to costumers on accepted time, place, and quantity and on accepted manner. These tasks are important for wholesale and retail companies. The distribution channel of goods consists of other companies or persons, who participate in the process of goods movement from manufacturer to customer. To choose a suitable distribution channel of goods a company must know where is its costumer, how many costumer it has and what are selling conditions in the market. Marketing research can help to get answers into these questions and to find out what are the business conditions. The survey results will facilitate effective and correct decision-making process. Thus, when a company is making a decision about distribution channels, marketing research would help to clear the situation, and to reasonably motivate a selected distribution strategy: the number, sort of distribution channels, and the selected places where will be distributed goods and services. The selection of plan and structure of distribution channel lasts longer than decision making, based on any other marketing complex element. That’s why it is very important to choose a correct distribution channel, mediator, to evaluate all elements of environment, affecting the plan of distribution channel. Distribution in... [to full text]

Darbuotojų motyvacijai įtaką darančios priemonės ir jų taikymas viešojo ir privataus sektoriaus organizacijose / Employees motivation systems influence on work in private and public sector organizations

Zabulytė, Reda 26 June 2014 (has links)
Keičiantis pagrindinėms žmonijos egzistencijos vertybėms, kai orientuojamasi į veiksmų globalizaciją ir humanizaciją, keičiasi darbo motyvacijos turinys ir formos. Atsirado būtinybė ypatingą dėmesį kreipti į tuos veiklos motyvus, kurie priklauso nuo paties žmogaus prigimties ir jo vertybinių orientacijų, nukreiptų stiprinti dvasingumą ir puoselėti žmogų supančią darbinę aplinką, nepažeidžiant jos natūralaus vieningumo. Didelė dalis organizacijų nepakankamai derinasi prie pasikeitusių rinkos sąlygų, besikeičiančių darbuotojų poreikių, todėl yra būtinybė išsiaiškinti ir įvertinti, kokias motyvavimo priemones, užtikrinančias efektyvesnę įmonių veiklą bei didesnį darbuotojų pasitenkinimą taiko tiek viešojo, tiek privataus sektoriaus organizacijos, bei išsiaiškinti problemas, susijusias su naudojamomis motyvavimo priemonėmis ir pateikti galimus šių problemų sprendimo pasiūlymus. Darbo tikslas - ištirti motyvacijai įtaką darančias priemones ir jų taikymo ypatumus viešojo ir privataus sektoriaus organizacijose. Šio tikslo įgyvendinimui, buvo sprendžiami sekantys uždaviniai: • Išnagrinėti darbuotojų motyvavimo raidos etapus, teorijas ir modelius; • Išanalizuoti motyvavimo priemones ir jų taikymo ypatumus viešojo ir privataus sektoriaus organizacijose; • Aptarti motyvacines priemones naudojamas Lietuvoje ir skirtingose šalyse bei suformuoti motyvacinių priemonių taikymo viešojo ir privataus sektoriaus organizacijose tyrimo modelį; • Pagrįsti motyvacijai įtaką darančių priemonių ir jų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Motivation has always been the essential factor of staff management. It is the main variable in a company of high productivity. It is proved by researches in private and public sectors. It is assumed that work motives are one of the most important variables in modern human resource management in private and public sectors. This work paper presents the analysis of dominant work motivation in private and public sectors as well as their interaction with empyees satisfaction. The aim of work is to study and assess the levels of employee motivation and factors that cause different degrees of motivation and work motives prevailing in private and public sector organizations. Master work, the objective is addressed in the following tasks: • To explore the main theoretical aspects of motivation, motivation history and motyvation theories; • To identify and compare the factors that motivate employees in Lithuania and foreign countries; • On the basis of theoretical and empirical analysis, make a work motivation model of public and private organizations; • Investigate and compare employees work motives in public and private sector organizations, situated in Lithuania. and to provide proposals for the management of organisations and action guidelines for the improvement of the employee motivation system.

Motyw natury w poezji regionalistow / The motif of nature in regionalists’ poetry

Miloš, Alina 10 November 2006 (has links)
The topic of this work is the motif of nature in regionalists’ poetry of interwar period. The poems of Tadeusz Lopalewski, Witold Hulewicz, Wanda Niedzialkowska- Dobaczewska, and Eugenia Kobylinska are analyzed in this paper. All these poets called regionalists. The aim of this paper is not to analyze or evaluate all the poetry of the above mentioned authors but only those pieces of their creative work which deal with the motif of nature. So this master’s thesis analyses the motif of nature in the regionalists’ poetry of interwar period. The poems concerning nature are described in this work, stylistic and artistic devices of describing nature are discussed as well. The objects of this paper are: 1. To show the methods to describe the views of Vilnius. 2. To point out the most important motifs of the countryside in the poetry of Tadeusz Lopalewski, Witold Hulewicz, Wanda Niedzialkowska- Dobaczewska, and Eugenia Kobylinska. The landscapes of Vilnius are often related to people’s feature, their abilities to understand and feel. The regionalists idealize and glorify this nature. According to them the nature is exceptional and unusual. The poetry of regionalists reveals the features of romanticism and the “New Polish” styles in which the nature is personified and reflects the inner world of the lyrical object. The first part of the paper deals with the discussion of the nature of Vilnius in the poetry of the above mentioned authors. On the ground of the analysis of their... [to full text]

Socialinio darbuotojo profesijos rinkimosi motyvai ir veiksniai / Choice reasons and factors of social worker profession

Seliutaitė, Jurgita 24 September 2008 (has links)
Šio magistro darbo tema – būsimųjų socialinių darbuotojų profesijos rinkimosi motyvai ir veiksniai – pasirinkta neatsitiktinai, nes socialinis darbas atlieka svarbų vaidmenį visoje socialinėje sistemoje, kurio tiklsas – siekti teisingumo ir socialinės gerovės, turintiems problemų dėl skurdo, psichinės būsenos, užimtumo, patirto smurto ar nusikaltimų. Socialinio darbuotojo ir socialinio pedagogo specialybės Lietuvoje gyvuoja nuo 1991 metų, todėl profesijos naujumas neabejotinai lemia nesusiformavusį profesinį identitetą ir drauge skatina didesnį visuomenės domėjimąsi šia profesine veikla. Per kelerius pastaruosius metus padaugėjo šios srities specialistus rengiančių universitetų, aukštųjų mokyklų ir kolegijų, kartu ir šias studijas besirenkančiųjų. Tai skatina giliau pažvelgti į šio reiškinio priežastis profesijos pasirinkimo motyvacijos aspektu, siekiant išsiaiškinti, kokie motyvai ir veiksniai pastūmėja individus pasirinkti socialinio darbuotojo arba socialinio pedagogo profesijas. Atlikus Lietuvos bei užsienio mokslininkų darbų analizę paaiškėjo, kad profesijos pasirinkimas yra ilgas ir sudėtingas procesas, kurio kokybė priklauso nuo asmens savęs pažinimo, interesų, vertybių ir gebėjimų. Veiksniai, koreguojantys individo profesinį apsisprendimą, grupuotini į vidinius (besirenkančiojo asmeninės savybės, charakteris, temperamentas, intelektas, gebėjimai, pomėgiai ir pan.) bei išorinius (šeima, draugai, visuomenėje galiojančios stereotipinės nuostatos, ekonominė šalies... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Theme of this master job „Reasons and actions of choosing professions of future social worker“ is choosed especially, because this social job is playing important part in all social system, which purpose is reach for justice and for the social welfare of people, who has problem for poverty, state of mind, busyness, experience of violence or crimes. Speciality of social worker and social pedagogue in Lithuania exist since 1991, therefore newnes of profession certainly determines unformed professional identity and jointly promote better society interest of this career. Over a span of several years number of universities, higher educational institutions and colleges, which are training people for this profession increased. This cause invites to further analyse reason of choosing profession as social worker and social pedagogue. When the analys of Lithuanian and foreign scientists jobs had did, it emerged that choosing process of this profession is long and complicated, which quality depends on recognition of ourselves, interests, values and skills. When person is choosing profession also is essential professional vocation and motivation. With a view to see student‘s oponion to profession choosing reasons and actions was did test at Marijampolės, Panevėžio and Utenos colleges. During research hypothesis was confirmed, that basic reasons of choosing social worker profession are address to human: it is wish to help, possibility take care of people, communicate and work with... [to full text]

Mozaika "Improvizacija liaudies skuptūrų motyvais" / Mosaic "Interpretation on the movies of folk sculpture"

Lekavičius, Alfonsas 17 January 2006 (has links)
Mosaic "Interpretation on the motives of folk sculpture". It is a monument work of art intended for a particular architectural interior.Master's final project is a subtle and conceptual attitude towards old traditions and their application to contemporary environment by interpreting them. Such seeking of contemporary solutions based on ethnical symbols ensures continuity of traditions and corresponds to professional, contemporary and artistic attitude towards the development of creation.

Mokytojų motyvavimas bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose: vadybinis aspektas / Encouragment of Teacher's Motivation in Managing Comprehensive Schools

Gavėnaitė, Gintarė 27 June 2006 (has links)
The research was made in the year 2005 - 2006. It’s goal was to establish head’s of educational institutions used staff motivation means and ascertain if they satisfy personnel’s needs. The main tasks of this work are: to establish in which ways heads of educational institutions are achieving to improve teacher’s work quality; what are teacher’s needs; find out what defines the school as an attractive place to work; also establish which factors have influence to head’s of schools opinion building up the personnel’s motivation policy. These are the methods which were used for this research: 1) scientific psychological, pedagogical (educational) literature analysis; 2) interrogatory by questionnaires; 3) research data’s mathematical statistical analysis. There were 150 respondents who participated in this research, including 100 teachers from secondary schools of Lithuania and 50 heads of secondary schools of Lithuania (in town: Vilnius, Kaunas, Rokiškis, Alytus, Panevėžys, Marijampolė, Utena, Molėtai, Anykščiai). The results showed that leaders give most importance for stimulation by praise, and less importance for promoting. The leaders often make conditions to raise qualification and give possibility to use the newest literature and supplies to achieve better teacher’s work quality. But pedagogues prefer higher payment and acknowledgement. Most teachers’ dissatisfaction because of work settles bad administrative work and low social status. The chosen employees’... [to full text]

Pradinukų profesiniai lūkesčiai kaip mokymosi motyvas / Primary level students professional expectation

Zujienė, Neringa 05 July 2006 (has links)
Professional development of a man in a social content is like a process that lasts all his life. There are tasks that are solved in a primary level. That is why pupils of this level are considered to be as a lower professional orientation purposive group. Pupils of this educational level project themselves in a distance perspective and they have professional expectations. A professional expectation is a very important parameter of a social maturity. This is a part of social expectation of a person, a hopeful expectancy of self-realization in a distant perspective. People hope to perform actions that help to reach a goal (a desired occupation). The content of professional expectation depends on mentality, experience and politeness. They are inspired by a social environment, which surrounds a pupil, their parents’ and close people’s profession, mass and media, and especially TV that pays a special attention to politicians, businesspersons, stars of art and sport. The facts of the empirical research confirm basic differences of professional expectation between children of a village and a city, between boys and girls. However, there were no differences between children of a full and partial family. Mostly primary pupils are going to be teachers, doctors, police officers, singers, builders, shop assistants, drivers, hairdressers, basketball players, mechanics, football players, managers and farmers. The facts of the research revealed that professional expectations of primary... [to full text]

Pedagoginio personalo motyvavimas universitetuose / Motivation of pedagogical staff at the universities

Kareckaitė, Deimantė 08 September 2009 (has links)
Šiandien ypač aktualu efektyviai panaudoti darbuotojų potencialą, kuris yra vienas iš svarbiausių veiksnių, sąlygojančių šalies ekonominį kilimą bei klestėjimą. Savo ruožtu, tai neįsivaizduojama be išsamaus žmogaus poreikių ir motyvų, skatinančių veiklai, ištyrimo, žinojimo bei sėkmingo šiuolaikinių motyvacijos teorijų taikymo visuose lygmenyse, įvairiose veiklos ir gyvenimo sferose. Išsamių, sistemingų tyrimų apie tai, kaip motyvuoti darbuotojus tokiose specifinėse organizacijose kaip universitetai atlikta mažai. Šiuo metu universiteto darbuotojų motyvavimo klausimas opus ir aktualus, nes susiduriama su tokiomis problemomis kaip maži atlyginimai, prasta aprūpinimo darbo priemonėmis (bibliotekos, darbo technika, laboratorijų įrengimas ir kt.) bazė, jaunų specialistų nenoras dirbti aukštosiose mokyklose, pedagoginio ir mokslinio personalo “senėjimas”, kuris reiškia intelektinio potencialo silpimą. Neginčytina, jog universitetai vaidina svarbų vaidmenį valstybės kultūriniame, moksliniame, ekonominiame gyvenime. Šio tiriamojo darbo objektas – universitetų pedagoginio personalo motyvavimo metodai. Tiriamojo darbo tikslas – ištirti universitetų pedagoginio personalo motyvavimo metodų pasireiškimą. Siekiant įgyvendinti iškeltą tikslą, suformuluoti šie uždaviniai: 1) remiantis moksline literatūra, išanalizuoti darbuotojų veiklos motyvacijos sampratą ir teorijas; 2) išanalizuoti darbuotojų motyvavimo metodų pasireiškimą vystantis socialinei-ekonominei aplinkai ir vadybai; 3)... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In these times the universities meet with many difficulties: low salaries, poor supply of work equipment, young specialists’ reluctance to work in high schools, “aging” of pedagogical and academic personnel. That is why the issues of teacher’s motivations are so important. The object of this research is the motivations methods of pedagogical staff in universities. The goal of the research is the investigation how given motivation methods come out in universities. Following research methods have been used when studying teachers’ motivation: comparative analyze of academic papers, respondents poll using questionnaire form, and data analyze by mathematical statistics methods. The first part of work is based on scientific literature, it contains analyze of employees’ activities motivation concepts and theories. There is the representation how motivation methods work in context of development of social and economic environment, management theories, material and non-material stimulation means. The next part of the research includes the description of specific aspects of teachers’ work, motives and reasons of theirs activities. Also there is the discussion of peculiarities of teachers’ motivation methods research according to academic papers. The methodology of teachers’ motivation research is presented in the third document part. Also there is the full description of the research steps together with the data analyze section, discussion of the results and estimate of research.

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