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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Conceptual Planning of Managed Aquifer Recharge in the Context of Integrated Water Resources Management for a semi-arid and a tropical Case Study in Palestine and Brazil: A new Integrated MAR Planning Approach.

Walter, Florian 30 July 2018 (has links)
No description available.


Leães Filho, Wenceslau Virgilio Cardoso 14 August 2015 (has links)
The present study has as its general goal to analyze possibilities for the physical education of the human body from 1st to 4th year of elementary school. The specific objectives are: toreflect about: the culture of movement and children; how do the functions of movement gain meaning to the children; the dialogue between child/movement and the world; the academical matters and teacher formation to work in the initial years of school teachers and specialists in physical education. The study develops itself from a methodological basis of theoretical and bibliographic research. Through readings of classical literary work and different authors involved in the topic, to discuss and reflect about the reality and suggest the development of a thought that might serve as a basis in the development of alternatives for the reality of Physical Education classes in the initial years of school. Thus we intend that the final report of this study may be useful so that new ways of developing Physical Education classes in the initial years of school may be thought and created. As well as try to sustain a different teacher performance focused on the didacticalpedagogical transformation and a concern with the formal teacher formation such as in a category of a continuous formation. In addition to the Introduction and the Justification this research is complemented with chapters that seek for an approach with the proposed goals: Education, Pedagogy and Physical Education; The child and the Childhood A History; The Movement and To-Move; The Physical Education Developer Current; Psychomotor Education; Biomechanics and Physical Education; Human Movement and the To-Move A Philosophical Path; and completing the research with the chapter: The To-Move in the Process of Education Children in the Physical Education Classes Educational Possibilities. / O presente estudo tem como objetivo geral analisar possibilidades para a Educação Física do movimento humano do 1º ao 4º anos do ensino fundamental. Os objetivos específicos são: refletir sobre a cultura do movimento e crianças; como as funções de movimento ganham significado para as crianças; o diálogo entre criança/movimento e mundo; as questões docentes e a formação de professores para atuar nos anos iniciais unidocentes e especialistas em Educação Física. O estudo se desenvolve a partir de uma base metodológica das pesquisas teórica e bibliográfica. Por meio de leituras de obras clássicas e diferentes autores envolvidos no tema, discutir e refletir sobre a realidade e propor a construção de um pensamento que possa servir de base na construção de alternativas para a realidade das aulas de Educação Física nos anos iniciais. Dessa forma, pretendemos que o relatório final deste estudo possa ser útil para que novas formas de desenvolver as aulas de Educação Física nos anos iniciais possam ser pensadas e criadas, bem como sustentar uma atuação docente voltada para a transformação didático-pedagógica e uma preocupação com a formação de professores, quer de maneira formal, quer em uma categoria de formação continuada. Além da Introdução e da Justificativa, esta pesquisa é complementada com capítulos que procuram aproximação com os objetivos propostos: Educação, Pedagogia e Educação Física; A criança e a Infância Uma História; O Movimento e Se-Movimentar; A Corrente Desenvolvimentista da Educação Física; Educação Psicomotora; Biomecânica e Educação Física; Movimento Humano e o Se-Movimentar Um Caminho Filosófico; e concluímos a pesquisa com o capitulo: O Se-Movimentar no Processo da Educação Criança nas Aulas de Educação Física - Possibilidades Educacionais.

Avaliação da eficiência de compensadores de atrito aplicados a válvulas de controle. / Avaluation of the efficiency of friction compensators applied to control valves.

Bruno Castro Silva 02 August 2013 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é reduzir o efeito do atrito estático em malhas de controle. A não-linearidade inserida por esse fenômeno pode diminuir a eficiência de um controlador PID e até tornar o sistema em malha fechada oscilatório. Para minimizar esse problema, são testados compensadores presentes na literatura e que não necessitam de modelos internos, os quais, em princípio, podem ser implementados em CLPs e SDCDs com facilidade. Apesar dos compensadores não utilizarem um modelo da válvula em seu algoritmo, é necessário conhecer a magnitude do atrito para parametrizá-los. Por este motivo, os primeiros tópicos desta dissertação são sobre modelos de atrito e técnicas para estimar seus parâmetros. Após estes tópicos, são introduzidos os compensadores de atrito. Alguns dos métodos avaliados foram modificados para tentar aprimorar os resultados. Apesar da teoria poder ser aplicada para uma grande diversidade de processos, os algoritmos foram aplicados a uma malha de controle de vazão de água utilizando válvulas de controle. O objetivo assumido é minimizar o ITAE (Integral Time Absolute Error) e o desgaste gerado nos equipamentos, devido à movimentação excessiva da haste da válvula. Também se verifica o tempo de subida do sistema em malha fechada. Além de testar os compensadores em uma malha de controle de vazão, também foram realizados testes com os compensadores em uma malha de controle de posição, que por sua vez recebe o set-point de uma malha de controle de vazão (controle em cascata). Os resultados mostram que, utilizando os compensadores, é possível que uma válvula com alto índice de atrito apresente um desempenho próximo ao de uma válvula com baixo índice de atrito sem compensação, ou seja, foi possível compensar o atrito na haste. / The aim of this work is to reduce the effect of the static friction in control loops. The non-linearity inserted by this phenomenon may decrease the efficiency of a PID controller and even make the closed loop system oscillatory. To minimize this problem some compensation methods present in the literature that do not require internal models were tested, which, theoretically, can be easily implemented in a PLC or DCS. Even thought the compensation methods do not require internal models, it is necessary to know the friction magnitude in order to set their parameters. With that in mind, the first topics of this dissertation friction models and how to identify their parameters. After these topics the friction compensation methods are introduced. Some of these methods where modified, with the purpose of improving the results. Although the theory may be applied to a great variety of process, these algorithms were applied to a water flow control loop using control valves. The assumed objective is to minimize the ITAE (Integral Time Absolut Error) and the wearing of the equipments due to excessive movement of the valve stem. The rising time of the closed loop system is also verified. Besides testing these compensation methods in a flow control loop, they were also tested in a position control loop, that receives its set-point from a flow control loop (cascade control).

Insulinpump för en aktiv livsstil

Trulsson, Lina January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Detekce mrkání a rozpoznávání podle mrkání očí / Eye blink detection and recognition

Tesárek, Viktor January 2008 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the issues of the eye blink recognition from video. The main task is to analyse algorithms dealing with a detection of persons and make a program that could recognize the eye blink. Analysis of these algorithms and their problems are in the first part of this thesis. In the second part design and properties of my program are described. The realization of the program is based on the method of move detection using the accumulated difference frame, which helps to identify the eye areas. The eye blink detection algorithm tests a match between a tresholded pattern of the eye area taken from the actual frame and the frame before. The resolution whether the eye blink happened or not, is based on the level of the match. The algorithm is designed for watching a sitting man, which is slightly moving. The background can be a little dynamic as well. An average quality video with a moderator and dynamic backround was used as a tested subject.

Poïétique du déplacement. De l'espace traversé à la traversée de l'écriture. / Poïetic of travelling. From the land crossed to the crossing of writing.

Gautier, Virginie 19 November 2019 (has links)
Certains auteurs éprouvent la nécessité de se déplacer pour écrire : partir, sortir, se mettre en mouvement. Comment penser ce déplacement comme un processus de création et comment celui-ci façonne-t-il l’écriture ? La question est à l’origine de cette thèse de recherche-création qui explore une poïétique du déplacement depuis un régime d’investigation à la fois créatif et théorique. Cette double investigation fait l’objet d’une approche heuristique commentée dans une partie centrale, qui interroge le processus de création et l’articulation des deux volets et en constitue l’espace réflexif. Ainsi le déplacement met en jeu à la fois un contact avec le monde et un mouvement comme principe créateur, une cinéplastique. Il confronte l’écrivain et la littérature à une altérité, en activant une dimension expérimentale inséparable de la notion. La question initiale est ainsi mise en pratique dans le volet créatif à travers un dispositif de création en déplacement, une marche, qui devient l’articulation principale du récit Vers les terres vagues. Ce voyage, qui est à la fois une rêverie, un parcours et une enquête, conduit le lecteur vers un alter-lieu où s’expérimentent des déplacements de sens. Le volet théorique cible quant à lui des textes contemporains en les resituant dans l’histoire du récit de voyage comme genre littéraire, puis en façonnant la taxinomie “récit de déplacement”. Trois types de déplacements organisent les chapitres : le voyage, comme saut vers l’inconnu ; la déambulation, comme réappropriation d’un espace public ; le parcours, comme délimitation d’un dispositif de création in situ. La littérature convoque ici d’autres arts afin de saisir la dimension contextuelle d’une praxis en déplacement. Les questions d’écriture qui se manifestent dans le volet créatif viennent croiser ces axes de recherche en de nombreux points, révélant surtout une esthétique de l’hybride et une dimension pluridisciplinaire. Elles soulignent in fine un réengagement du littéraire dans le monde et une implication, dans un environnement géographique et socio-politique, que nous qualifions de poéthique. / Some authors feel the need to travel in order to write: leaving, getting out, putting oneself in motion. How can one analyze this movement as a creative process, and how can this movement shape literary writing? This question introduces our research-creation thesis which focuses on a “poïetic of travelling” from two investigative dimensions, one creative and one academic. A central part of this work exposes this dual research through a heuristic approach. It constitutes a reflective space in which the creative process and the articulation of the two dimensions are questioned. Thus, movement implies both a contact with the world and a creative kinetic principle. It confronts the writer and the literature with an otherness, by activating an inherent experimental dimension. The original question is thus practiced, into the creative part of this work through a generative writing process based on a walking journey. This journey becomes the main focus of the narrative Towards the vacant lands, which is altogether a daydreaming, an itinerary and an investigation, that brings the reader to a place where shifts of meaning are experienced, and constitute other displacements. The academic part of this study places contemporary literary texts it the history of travel narrative as a literary genre, and then develops the new term of “writing on the move”. Three types of movements organize the chapters: a travelling, as a jump into the unknown; a wandering, as a reappropriation of a public space; and an itinerary, designing an in situ generative creation process. Literature here calls for other artistic practices in order to understand the contextual dimension of an “on the move” praxis. The questions raised by the practice of writing, in the creative part, interact with these research issues in many ways. They mostly reveal an aesthetism of hybridity and a multidisciplinary dimension, and finally point out a commitment of literature into the world, into a geographical and socio-political environment, through a poethical orientation.

TU-Spektrum 1/2001, Magazin der Technischen Universität Chemnitz

Steinebach, Mario, Gieß, Hubert J., Häckel-Riffler, Christine, Lopez, Daniela, Schellenberger, Peggy 27 November 2002 (has links)
4 mal im Jahr erscheinende Zeitschrift über aktuelle Themen der TU Chemnitz:Das Rektoratsinterview: Quo vadis TU Chemnitz? Darüber freut sich jeder Wissenschaftler MOVE - die Weichen sind gestellt Wo im Internet Lernen richtig Laune macht Das Auto ist kein Tresor Alarm, Alarm - doch wer nimmt ihn Ernst? Ein gegenseitiges Geben und Nehmen Mit dem Rennrad durch die Emilia Romagna Wenn Stricknadel zur streknadel wird Entdeckungsreise nach Polen Das Auto im Jahr 2020 Wissen auf dem Weg zum Millionär? Mit dem Nischel im Herzen in den Laden um die Ecke Kontakte ins Land der Inkas Mit Hochdruck noch genauer arbeiten Den sächsischen Landtagen auf der Spur Das Geld wird nicht im Schlaf verdient Auf einen Blick: Messen 2001 Lücke zwischen Chipentwurf und -herstellung wird kleiner Der Turbolader in der Bildverarbeitung Der Katheter im Silo beugt Verstopfungen vor e-RIC ist der mobile Lebensretter für kranke Rechner Bundesverdienstkreuz für den Ex-Kanzler Der Chefarzt im Hörsaal Erfolgreiche Chemnitzer Tüftler im Wettstreit Ehrung für Kunststoffexperten und Unternehmer Der Sachse im Wissenschaftsrat Ein schwerer Verlust Mit marktfähigem Produkt verselbständigt Maschinen sehen und hören Neues aus der Zauberwelt der Holografie Ein Hauch vor Irland im belgischen Leuven Chemnitz - Mekka der intelligenten Datenanalyse Rechenleistung ohne Grenzen ... Giga, Tera, Peta Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Informationsrecht Drei Tagungen werfen ihre Schatten voraus Proppevoll, aber sehr interessant Ist Wissen Kapital? Hilfe, ich mag mich Ein College-Team auf Körbejagd Die verborgenen Talente des Ulrich Hahn

Bewegung als Zugang: Performance - Geschichte(n) - Ausstellen

Büscher, Barbara January 2013 (has links)
In den vergangenen Jahren widmete sich eine stetig steigende Anzahl von Ausstellungen und Reenactments der Vergegenwärtigung und Re-Vision der Geschichte von Performance-Kunst und integrierte Aufführungen in diesen Kontext. Sie sind beweglicher Umgang mit den Performance-Archiven. Sie aktualisieren die Frage nach dem Charakter der Artefakte, auf die sich alte und neue Erzählungen zu und über Geschichte(n) der Performance beziehen und thematisieren ihre Lesbarkeit in je neuen Zusammenhängen. Wie in der Bewegungsspur, die den Zuschauern angeboten wird, Zugänge eröffnet werden, wird anhand von Ausstellungsbeispielen untersucht.

Čas, prostor a materie: Procesuálně založené umění / Time, space and matter: Process-based art

Madar, David January 2015 (has links)
The Diploma thesis deals with process art research. Theoretical part is primary focused on theory of Process art, its predecessors, origins and development; resulting in contemporary art, effect of Gallery space and Art market, and controversial positions of Process art. Further it deals with theory of the creation process, artwork's existence and by the process of artifact reception. Pedagogical part is focused on the theoretic base of process in arts education, Proposal and documentation of pedagogic project, based on theoretical work. Practical part - Own project - deals with practical resulting of theoretical part into own project and its defense.

Komparativní kineziologická analýza záběru při veslování na skifu a při jízdě na trenažeru Concept 2 D PM3. / Comparative - kinsiological analysis of the rowing stroke on a single scull and on a rowing machine Concept 2

Zbořilová, Martina January 2017 (has links)
Title: Kinesiological analysis of the rowing stroke on a single scull and on a rowing ergometer Concept 2 comparison Purposes: The purpose of the present study was to determine a specific structure in timing of selected muscles during two movement patterns - rowing on a single scull and rowing on an ergometer Concept 2. Methods: By surface electromyography we recorded muscular activity, synergies and involvement throughout mean cycle of the rowing stroke. Results: The mutual correlations of mean EMG curves of all measured muscles showed, that there were not found any differences in inter-locomotive synchronization of selected muscles. Established values of correlation (r) showed higher level of dynamic balance (performance similarity between both measured activities. Determination of the muscular activity timing considering onsets and cessations, was in the percentual results explication of the movement cycle inter-locomotive different. Conclusion: Results showed a great similarity in synergies organizing the muscular coordination in between both measured physical activities. But timing of the movement was different in the moments of muscular activity onsets during rowing and during ergometer rowing. This may be attributed to the specificity of on-water locomotion. Key words: Rowing, Concept 2,...

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