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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Curriculum delivery in multi-grade rural schools in the Breede River / Overberg EMDC

Faroo, David Joseph January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (DTech (Education))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2009 / The phenomena of multi - grade schools has been absent both in educational policy making, educator training and only represented in a few local educational curriculum research projects. However, the practice of multi-grade is common in South Africa and especially in rural and farming South Africa. Our National Curriculum Statements implies that all schools are the same. This study addresses this anomaly. Farm schools, which started as a political means of cheap labour (Act 47 of 1953) presented a further complication to the ministry: public schools on private property govern by section 14 contract failed farm education (Forgotten Schools, 2004; Ministerial report on rural education, 2005; Commission on Human Rights, 2006). The political and ideological shift from People's Education, which, at first envision human rights in line with international treaties such Education For All, Convention on the right of the child, Africa Charter on the Rights of the Child to Human Capital Development has marginalize the farm and rural learner. Curriculum changes since Curriculum 2005 accepted the same political and economic vision. The first world technical National Curriculum Statements mismatch farm education as systemic results since 2004 has shown. The government’s deficit view and national curriculum influence farm and rural teaching and learning negatively. This study focuses on curriculum delivery (intended I implemented) planning. How the educator adapted the curriculum to suit the needs of third world farm learner, its multi-grade context and the ideology of the hegemony. The qualitative paradigm will be that of the critical theory and grounded theory methodology with the goal of uncovering the educators' views and practice. This has been done by holding interviews with various foundation phase educators and looking at the seating arrangements and planning. The sample was from the Breede River District. A focus group of nineteen ACE students with 312 collective years experience has been involved in the coding and analysing. Current practice and planning have been juxtaposed with international multi-grade practice. The research questions were aimed at uncovering how rural and farm educators plan for their multi-grade classes when faces with a national mono-grade curriculum. Various research methodologies were used.

Ολιγοθέσια σχολεία και διαπολιτισμική εκπαίδευση. Διερευνώντας το ρόλο του προϊσταμένου της σχολικής μονάδας

Νικολοπούλου, Αφροδίτη 27 June 2012 (has links)
Οι σημερινές κοινωνίες λόγω των συνεχών μετακινήσεων των ατόμων μοιάζουν περισσότερο με παγκόσμιο χωριό. Η πολυπολιτισμική ποικιλομορφία χαρακτηρίζει πια τις περισσότερες χώρες αλλά και την Ελλάδα και αποτελεί παράγοντα που έχει επιπτώσεις στη διαμόρφωση του εκπαιδευτικού μας συστήματος. Η ισχύς του σχολείου δικαιολογείται από τη σημασία του για την κοινωνική, οικονομική και πολιτιστική ανάπτυξη της χώρας και το καθιστά σημαντικό κοινωνικό δικαίωμα για όλους τους μαθητές ανεξάρτητα από τις πολιτισμικές τους καταβολές. Οι ανωτέρω προϋποθέσεις αφορά όλους τους τύπους σχολείων, ιδιαίτερα όμως των ολιγοθέσιων. Αυτά έχουν στόχο να προσφέρουν μέσω των εκπαιδευτικών τους ποιοτική εκπαίδευση σε μαθητές διαφορετικών ηλικιών σε δυσπρόσιτες περιοχές. Ο διευθυντής των σχολικών αυτών μονάδων δεν ασκεί μόνο διοικητικά καθήκοντα αλλά ανάλογα με του τύπο του σχολείου (μονοθέσιο, διθέσιο, τριθέσιο) έχει την ευθύνη δύο, τριών ή και όλων των τάξεων. Η ύπαρξη αλλοδαπών μαθητών στα ολιγοθέσια σχολεία της χώρας μας προσθέτει ένα ακόμα παράγοντα που πρέπει να αντιμετωπίσει ο διευθυντής των σχολικών αυτών μονάδων. Η συγκεκριμένη μελέτη προσπαθεί να διερευνήσει τις στάσεις και τις αντιλήψεις 9 προϊσταμένων ολιγοθέσιων σχολείων της Αχαΐας σχετικά με ζητήματα που αφορούν τις συνθήκες και τους τρόπους λειτουργίας τους σε συνάρτηση με την παρουσία αλλοδαπών μαθητών. Το ερευνητικό εργαλείο που επιλέχθηκε ήταν η ημιδομημένη συνέντευξη. Τα αποτελέσματα της έρευνας έδειξαν ότι οι προϊστάμενοι νιώθουν μεγάλο βάρος ευθύνης λόγω του όγκου των υποχρεώσεων της ταυτόχρονης διδασκαλίας στην οποία θα πρέπει να ανταποκριθούν και των διοικητικών καθηκόντων. Η παρουσία των αλλοδαπών μαθητών μεγαλώνει το αίσθημα της ευθύνης γύρω από το πώς θα συνδεθούν οι ικανότητες των νεοφερμένων μαθητών μεταναστών ή προσφύγων με την ευρύτερη κοινωνική δομή ώστε να έχουν αποτελεσματικότερη ένταξη. Έτσι, υπάρχουν ζητήματα που αφορούν το πώς θα συνεργαστεί το σχολείο και πώς θα γίνει η προσέγγιση με ανθρώπους πολύ χαμηλών προσδοκιών και υψηλών επιπέδων κοινωνικής απόρριψης όπως είναι οι μετανάστες και οι πρόσφυγες. Θετικό στοιχείο στην προσπάθεια επίλυσης των ζητημάτων που προκύπτουν είναι το καλό κλίμα ανάμεσα στα μέλη της σχολικής μονάδας αλλά και με την τοπική κοινωνία. / Multiculturalism is a phenomenon in many countries around the world including Greece, especially in the last two decades. Today as Greek schools are no longer characterized by homogeny in their population at the cultural and linguistic level important changes have come about in the structure of our educational system in order to correspond to the challenges of the multicultural Greek classroom. These changes concern all types of schools and especially multigrade schools. The Headmaster of these schools is not only responsible for administrative duties but also for one, two or all the classes depending on the type of school which increases pressure on teaching time. The appearance of foreign students in multigrade schools increases the obligations of the Headmasters. This thesis seeks to set out the opinions of nine Headmasters of multigrade schools in Achaia about issues related to the efficiency of multigrade schools with the presence pf foreign students via semi structured interviews. Our results showed that the presence of foreign students increases the sense of responsibility about how to connect the skills of newly arrived immigrant or refugee students in the broader social structure to succeed in a more effective integration of these students. Also, Headmasters feel a heavy responsibility because of the volume of simultaneous teaching commitments that they will have to meet in conjunction with their administrative duties. A positive element in solving the issues raised is the fact that having a good atmosphere among the members of the school and the local community can and does deal with the various issues that arise from the presence of immigrant and refugee children in the multigrade schools that took part in this study.

Les effets des classes à cours simple et multiple sur les acquisitions des élèves : le cas de la Vallée d'Aoste / The effects of simple and multigrade classes on pupils' learning : the Aosta Valley case

Gallotta, Paola 22 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat est consacrée à l'estimation des effets des classes simples et multiples sur les acquisitions et sur la motivation des élèves, examinant également l'influence de la motivation sur les performances scolaires. Nous avons analysé le cas de la Vallée d'Aoste, une région autonome italienne avec une forte tradition de classes multiples à cause de son territoire montagneux et de sa tradition de scolarisation des enfants de village remontant au 19e siècle (écoles de hameau). Étant une région bilingue (italien et français), l'outil de relevé est composé d'épreuves d'évaluation standardisées en français sur les disciplines de base (le français et les mathématiques). Le relevé en français permet d' étendre la base de connaissance des résultats produits par l'enseignement en français, véritable particularité du système scolaire valdôtain. L' étude a une structure longitudinale, avec la passation d' épreuves standardisées sur la même population d' élèves sur deux années scolaires (2011/12 et 2012/13) dans la transition de la dernière année de l'école primaire à la première année du collège. Chaque année scolaire fait l'objet de deux passations, un pré-test en début d'année et un post test en fin d' année. Nous avons choisi la transition de l'école primaire et le collège ce qui permet d'étudier des effets « immédiats » et des effets différés de la fréquentation de classes a cours simple vs multiple an primaire. Les classes multiples constituent un outil pour sauvegarder les petits villages mais quels sont leurs effets sur les élèves ? À travers les analyses multiniveaux, nous avons modélisé les différences entre les individus et entre les classes. En suivant une approche dynamique, nous avons tracé la trajectoire évolutive des régulastions motivationnelles et des performances grâce aux modèles longitudinaux de croissance. Examinant l'évolution dans le temps, en résulte un cours linéaire. La comparaison montre qu’ à l'école primaire les élèves des classes multiples obtiennent de meilleurs résultats dans toutes les épreuves. Au collège, les résultats des deux groupes se rapprochent et se conforment en obtenant un effet négligeable de la typologie de la classe de l’école primaire. Par rapport à la motivation (« Théorie de l'autodétermination » (Deci & Ryan, 1985)) des élèves selon l'organisation de la classe, les résultats ont mis en lumière que la régulation identifiée est la disposition motivationnelle qui semble correspondre le mieux aux élèves à l’école primaire ainsi qu’au collège. Ce résultat est commun aux deux catégories d'élèves. Le développement des diverses dispositions motivationnelles ne dépend pas de l'organisation de la classe. Concernant l'effet de la motivation sur les résultats des élèves la régulation externe influence négativement les performances scolaires et la régulation identifiée exerce un effet positif et remarquable sur les apprentissages en français. En suivant la « Théorie des buts d’accomplissement » (Elliot & Dweck, 2005) nous avons examiné l'effet des pratiques pédagogiques des enseignants et du milieu motivationnel perçu par les élèves sur la réussite scolaire. Nous avons constaté des résultats contradictoires à différents nivaux. Les variables de contexte semblent produire des résultats en même temps positifs et négatifs par rapport aux disciplines; l’effet des variables examinées varie selon le degré d’instruction avec des écarts entre l’école primaire et le collège et du niveau de motivation, ne nous permettant pas de tirer des conclusions absolues. / This PhD thesis is focused on the evaluation of the effects of single and multigrade classes on pupils' learning and motivation, studying the role of motivation on students' outcomes. We have analysed the Aosta Valley case, an autonomous region of Italy with a strong tradition of multigrade classes due to its mountainous territory and its tradition of village schooling dating back to the 19th century (the so-called hamlet schools). Being Aosta Valley a bilingual region (Italian and French), the survey tool is composed of standardized evaluation tests in French on two core subjects, French and mathematics. The choice of the French language allows us to extend the focus on the results produced by the French education, a real peculiarity of the Aosta Valley school system. The study has a longitudinal structure, it was set to pass standardized tests to the same population of pupils in two different school years (2011/12 and 2012/13), in the passage from the last year of primary school to the first year of middle school-stage 3. In each school year two tests are to be passed, a pretest at the beginning of the year and a post-test at the end of the year. We have chosen the passage from the primary school to middle school-stage 3 so that we can study the short and the long term effects of the attending single or multigrade classes. Multigrade classes are an instrument to protect small communities but what are their effects on students? Through multi-level analyses, we have modelled differences between individuals and between classes. Following a dynamic approach, we have traced the evolutionary trajectory of the motivational dispositions and performance through the longitudinal growth models and we have examined the evolution over the time, which results were in a linear course. The comparison shows that at primary school, multigrade class students get better results in all events. At middle school, the results of the two groups come closer and the typology of primary school class has a negligible effect on the students. As to students' motivation ("Self-Determination Theory" (Deci & Ryan, 1985) according to the organization of the class, the results have brought to light that the regulation identified is the motivational disposition which seems to best correspond to the pupils at primary school as well as at middle school. This result is common to both classes of students. The development of the various motivational dispositions does not depend on the organization of the class. As to the effect of motivation on student outcomes, external regulation negatively influences school performances and the identified regulation has a positive and remarkable effect on French learning. By following the "Achievement goal theory" (Elliot & Dweck, 2005) we examined the effect of pedagogical practices and the motivational environment perceived by students on academic achievement. Contradictory results were found at different levels. Context variables appear to produce positive and negative results at the same time in relation to the subjects; the effect of the variables examined varies depending on the degree of education with differences between primary school and middle school and the level of motivation. Therefore, we can not draw absolute conclusions.

Didaktiese hulpverlening aan leerders met 'n kogleêre inplanting wat taalagerstande ontwikkel het

De Lange, Hanine January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (MTech(Education))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2009 / When a child enters formal education a certain level of development and experience is expected. If there is a language deficit or shortfall upon entering formal schooling, a negative perception of schooling can develop, resulting in a low level of success in the classroom. Research has clearly shown that learners with a hearing deficit, and who received very little stimulation at an early age, tended to develop a language deficit which hampered their entrance into, as well as their performance in mainstream education. The ideal is thus that a child should experience success in the learning process at the earliest possible stage. Hereupon he can develop and realise his full potential as a human being. Children who experience early success should be more capable of coping with the challenges that schooling and learning present. If these learners receive early intervention to support their language development it could lead to being more successful in mainstream education. Learners with a cochlear implant must receive intensive hearing and communicative training. They are taught how to effectively interpret the sound relayed by the implant, and thereafter, if possible, be able to use this "hearing ability" to enter into interactive spoken language. Motivation and support from parents, family and friends is a determining factor in the successful use of the implant. This should lead to a learner being able to reach his full potential. From the research conducted it has become evident that the language deficit retrogression of the child leads to under-achievement when formal schooling begins.This is because of different hearing difficulties. However, if such a pre-school child is assisted and supported at an early stage through effective intervention strategies, language deficit can be decreased or even completely cured. In this study a learner who had received a cochlear implant, was closely observed. A significant improvement in his language ability was evinced. The action research study was an individualised teaching and learning situation with a learner who had a cochlear implant and with a language deficit. Over a period of 19 months different intervention strategies were used to improve the learner's language ability. The intervention strategies which were successful can be used as a possible point of departure for further research and study to give educators and parents a better insight into this problem. Through intensive research these findings can be developed as a possible support system or methodolgy for educators in the inclusive classroom.

A gestão das classes multisseriadas na educação do campo no município de Inhambupe (BA)

Martins, Suzana Maria Silva 21 December 2015 (has links)
Submitted by isabela.moljf@hotmail.com (isabela.moljf@hotmail.com) on 2016-08-01T15:40:59Z No. of bitstreams: 1 suzanamariasilvamartins.pdf: 1597610 bytes, checksum: 19af7edd6898b60dda2db9fbe7fcfc3a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Diamantino Mayra (mayra.diamantino@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-08-02T10:56:45Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 suzanamariasilvamartins.pdf: 1597610 bytes, checksum: 19af7edd6898b60dda2db9fbe7fcfc3a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-02T10:56:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 suzanamariasilvamartins.pdf: 1597610 bytes, checksum: 19af7edd6898b60dda2db9fbe7fcfc3a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-12-21 / A presente dissertação desenvolvida no Programa de Pós-graduação Profissional em Gestão e Avaliação da Educação Pública tem como objeto de investigação a gestão da política pública educacional da Secretaria da Educação do Estado da Bahia para Educação do Campo, especialmente com relação às classes multisseriadas, tendo como referência o regime de colaboração estado-município. Diante dessa realidade, delimitou-se como objeto de investigação a gestão das classes multisseriadas no município de Inhambupe. Esta pesquisa apresenta a seguinte questão: de que maneira se desenvolve a gestão das escolas ou classes multisseriadas no contexto da política de Educação do Campo, no município de Inhambupe, considerando o regime de colaboração estado-município? Para responder ao questionamento foram coletados e analisados documentos, entrevistados gestores na Secretaria da Educação do Estado da Bahia e na Secretaria de Educação e Cultura do município de Inhambupe. Como resultado, a pesquisa revelou alguns desafios a serem enfrentados na gestão pública, como a formação específica de professores; desarticulação e fragmentação na gestão da implementação da política de Educação do Campo; sistematização dos dados institucionais, para ter unidade nas informações, entre outros. Para atender os desafios apresentados foi elaborado um Plano de Ação Educacional, com três linhas assim definidas: constituição e instituição de Grupo de Trabalho na SEC (GT de Educação do Campo da SEC); diálogo com os municípios/classes multisseriadas e por fim, o fortalecimento da implementação do Pronacampo/Programa Escola da Terra. Essas linhas apontam possibilidades de superação dos desafios identificados durante a pesquisa e visam formar uma rede de relações entre estado e município, no sentido de fortalecer a parceria das referidas instituições de ensino e potencializar a operacionalização dessas ações. / This work developed at the Graduate Program in Professional Management and Public Education Evaluation has as research object the management of public education policy of the State Department of Education Bahia for Rural Education, especially with regard to multigrade classes, taking reference to the collaborative state-municipality.Given this reality, it was delimited as research object the management of multigrade classes in the city of Inhambupe. This research presents the question: how is developed the management of multigrade schools or classes in the context of Rural Education Policy in the municipality of Inhambupe, considering the collaborative state-municipality? To answer the question were collected and analyzed documents, interviewed managers in the Secretariat of the Bahia State Education and the Department of Education and Inhambupe municipality of Culture. As a result, the survey revealed some challenges to be faced in the public administration, such as specific teacher training; disarticulation and fragmentation in the management of the implementation of Rural Education Policy; systematization of institutional data, to have unity of information, among others. To meet the challenges presented has been prepared an Educational Action Plan, with three lines defined as follows: constitution and the establishment of the Working Group with the SEC (GT Field SEC Education), dialogue with municipalities / multigrade classes and finally the strengthening the implementation of Pronacampo / Earth School Program. These lines indicate possibilities of overcoming the challenges identified during the research and aim to form a network of relations between state and county, to strengthen the partnership of these educational institutions and enhance the implementation of these actions.


Rabaiolli, Greice Ozelame 17 March 2010 (has links)
In this research, which falls in line search "training, knowledge and professional development" of the Post-Graduate Education of this University, we seek to discuss the issue of learning how to teach from the reality of teachers of multigrade rural schools. Thus, our objective was to understand the concepts and elements that make a teacher learning teacher multigrade rural classes in the early years of elementary teaching Putinga / RS, and the repercussions of these professional development of these subjects. The starting point of the methodological quality approach of sociocultural character, because we believe that with this approach, it is possible to take into account all the components of the research situation, interactions and meanings constructed. We evidenced thus the subject as social and historical construction, based on the Vygotskian conceptions of learning. In this sense, as an instrument to collect data for research, we used narrative interviews, oriented for guides-topic, because we believe that this way you can capture the meanings of teaching spaces in multigrade classes in rural areas. Thus, six teachers were collaborative research working in multigrade classes in the municipal Putinga, RS. From the analysis of the narratives of the teachers, it was possible to identify three categories that show the details of teacher learning in multigrade classes: the pedagogical organization, training processes and the knowledge teachers. The survey found also that all categories pointed out are linked to teacher's work as being this field of activity and source of production of teaching the teachers of multigrade classes collaborative areas. From the analysis of the narratives of the teachers could understand that the learning of teaching in these education is through the movement of breeding, when the teachers show only repeat practice, without thinking about them, but also by movements of creation, when recognized through reflection about their theoretical and methodological conceptions, the teachers seek to build a difference in you and your staff do. Therefore, the professional development of teachers is marked by the oscillation movement between breeding and reproduction, indicating that the teaching learning happens in the relationship between daily activities and relationships that the teachers are seeking to establish with their peers. / Esta pesquisa insere-se na Linha de pesquisa Formação, saberes e desenvolvimento profissional , do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação desta Universidade. Neste estudo discutimos a temática da aprendizagem da docência, a partir da realidade de professores de escolas rurais multisseriadas. Assim, tivemos como objetivo compreender as concepções e os elementos que marcam a aprendizagem docente de professores de classes rurais multisseriadas dos Anos Iniciais do Ensino Fundamental de Putinga/RS, e a repercussão destas no desenvolvimento profissional destes sujeitos. Para tanto, partimos da abordagem metodológica qualitativa de caráter sociocultural, pois acreditamos que com esta abordagem, é possível levarmos em conta todos os componentes da situação investigada, as interações e significações construídas. Evidenciamos assim, o sujeito como construção histórica e social, tendo por base as concepções vygotskianas de aprendizagem. Nessa direção, como instrumento para a coleta de dados, nesta pesquisa, utilizamos entrevistas narrativas, orientadas por tópicos-guias, pois acreditamos que desta maneira é possível captar os sentidos e significados da docência nos espaços de classes multisseriadas rurais. Foram colaboradoras da pesquisa seis professoras que atuam em classes multisseriadas na rede municipal de Putinga/RS. A partir da análise das narrativas das professoras, foi possível evidenciarmos três categorias que apontam os elementos relativos à aprendizagem docente em classes multisseriadas: a organização pedagógica; os processos formativos e as aprendizagens docentes. Neste estudo, identificamos também que todas as categorias exploradas encontram-se vinculadas ao trabalho docente que se constitui como campo de atuação e fonte de produções da docência das professoras colaboradoras das classes multisseriadas rurais. Assim foi possível compreendermos que a aprendizagem da docência nesta realidade de ensino se dá através de movimentos de reprodução, quando as professoras evidenciam apenas repetir práticas, sem refletir sobre elas, mas também por movimentos de criação, reconhecidos quando, através da reflexão sobre suas concepções teóricas e metodológicas, as professoras buscam construir uma diferença em si e em seu fazer docente. Desta forma, o desenvolvimento profissional das professoras está marcado pela oscilação entre movimentos de criação e de reprodução, indicando que o aprender a docência acontece na relação entre o fazer cotidiano e nas relações que as professoras buscam estabelecer com seus pares.

Bridging the gap of a professional learning community as a support system in South Africa for multigrade teachers and principals: working together for collective learning and its implementation

Gomes, Martin Luther January 2013 (has links)
Thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree Doctor of Education in the Faculty of Education and Social Sciences at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology 2013 / Teacher education for multigrade education in South Africa is poor, since multigrade teachers and principals involved in multigrade education have not received formal training in this form of education, and therefore lack support. Owing to this lacuna in multigrade pedagogy, and teachers' limited knowledge of such pedagogy, multigrade teachers and principals struggle to interpret subject matter and settle for different ways to present and make it accessible to learners. This has a severe impact on the potential of multigrade schools to play an important role as educational units in underserved rural areas. Research shows that pre-service and in-service training does not enable multigrade teachers and principals to develop a knowledge base within the complexities of the actual classroom situation. Such a knowledge base would enable them to solve the endemic problems of multigrade education, thereby enhancing their task as multigrade teachers and principals. Training can have an impact on trainee teachers, but the successful transfer of this newly acquired knowledge to learners in the classroom is questionable. Owing to the extent of the problem experienced at each level of multigrade education in the educational system in South Africa, chances are slight that support to multigrade teachers and principals will emanate from officials and curriculum advisers. It is clear that the problem of supporting multigrade teachers and principals is substantial and daunting, and that a solution to the problem will lead to significant advances in learning, or at least a significant reduction in malfunction in the multigrade educational system. Therefore, bridging the gap between newly-acquired teacher competence and teachers' performance in the classroom is a major concern for the future. This research aims to understand the dilemmas and address the shortcomings as teachers implement new practices within classrooms. There needs to be a transitional process through which multigrade teachers and principals move as they gradually learn, come to understand, and become skilled and competent in novel ways of education. This research introduces a Professional Learning Community (PLC) as a model of support and guidance to multigrade teachers and principals, bridging the gap between knowledge acquired at a workshop, and concomitant support and guidance, in order to understand and address the dilemmas that emerge as they implement new practices within multigrade classrooms. This research employs a design research approach to determine design guidelines and principles to facilitate the process of supporting and guiding multigrade teachers and principals, working together as a network cluster for collective learning and its implementation. The research process in design research encompasses educational design processes and is therefore cyclical in character: analysis, design, evaluation and revision activities are iterated until a satisfying balance between ideals ('the intended') and realisation has been achieved. To develop solutions for this research, a prototyping approach was employed towards a final deliverable. The Prototyping Phase in this research comprised three cycles, and focused during the evolutionary prototyping process on elaborating on the components of the possible support system to multigrade teachers and principals. It was envisaged that this would concretise the situation, and obviate problems before implementation in the day-to-day user setting. Formative evaluation was applied in order to uncover shortcomings during the development process, in order to generate suggestions for improvement. The results of the evaluation of each preceding prototype were used in the development of the next prototype. Design research is an effective method of developing various prototypes in collaboration with multigrade teachers and principals to ensure contextual appropriateness of what works at a given time, as well as solutions to the specific problems of multigrade teachers and principals in South Africa. Keywords: Design research, Educational design processes, Educational design research, Multigrade, Multigrade pedagogy, Network cluster, Professional Learning Community, Support system.

Profissionalidade docente na educação do campo

Lopes, Wiama de Jesus Freitas 22 February 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:35:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 4959.pdf: 10308984 bytes, checksum: e2033d7b11f298cd6cd6904dc84e6c3b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-02-22 / Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos / This thesis entitled "Professionalism in Teacher Rural Education analyzes the process of formation of the teaching profession of educators in the field of Breves riversidemultigrade classes on the island of Marajó, state of Pará, through the subject matter of teaching based on its implications professional educators in in rural areas in multigrade classesriverside. This involved the following research question: For what reasons and educational practices that constitute the teaching profession of educators from the field in multigrade classes riverside? This, from the perspective of the discussion of knowledge base, while professional competence of professionalism that transcends the domain of skills and techniques and emerges from the interaction between moral obligation and commitment to the community where the school is; professional development of teaching from the standpoint of studies of Rural Education. This study was conducted under the framework of investigative historical and dialectical materialism and the contour ethnographic research in order to characterize the work in the multigrade teaching riparian profiles and attitudes of educators teaching intervention in the schooling process, institutional contribution to the teachers in the field and some aspects of community organization with respect to the structuring of schooling processes and dynamics of human development in rural areas. / Esta tese intitulada Profissionalidade docente na Educação do Campo objetiva analisar o processo de constituição da profissionalidade docente de educadores do campo em turmas multisseriadas ribeirinhas de Breves, na ilha de Marajó, estado do Pará. Tem seu objeto de estudo na ação educativa em escolas multisseriadas e suas implicações no desenvolvimento profissional da docência de educadores do campo. Para tanto, contou com a seguinte questão de pesquisa: Por quais fundamentos e práticas educativas se constitui a profissionalidade docente de educadores do campo em turmas multisseriadas ribeirinhas? Isto, tendo em vista que a profissionalidade enquanto competência profissional no campo, transcende o domínio de habilidades e técnicas e emerge a partir da interação entre o compromisso político, para com a competência técnica e o domínio científico, junto às comunidades em que estão sediadas as escolas em que trabalham os docentes da Educação do Campo. Este estudo se desenvolveu sob a perspectiva de análise do materialismo histórico-dialético e da pesquisa de contorno etnográfico em função da necessária análise e da caracterização dos trabalhos docentes na multissérie ribeirinha. Além de se investigar acerca dos perfis e posturas das intervenções didáticas deflagradas pelos educadores do campo em meio ao processo de escolarização no campo. O aporte institucional usufruído pelos docentes da Educação do Campo e as limitações e possibilidades de seus engajamentos na organização comunitária também foram observados e analisados neste trabalho. O que se deu em função da importância que possuem tais elementos na estruturação das práticas de escolarização e nas dinâmicas de formação humana que atravessam de modo central a constituição da profissionalidade docente na Educação do Campo.

Parental involvement in learning at rural multi-grade schools in South Africa: a school, community and family partnership programme

Venter, Nicolaas van Loggenberg January 2013 (has links)
Thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree Doctor of Education in the Faculty of Education and Social Sciences at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology 2013 / Parental involvement in rural multigrade schools in South Africa is poor. This is mainly due to a lack of support for and insufficient knowledge regarding the development of a programme that would increase parental involvement at rural multigrade schools in South Africa. The context of multigrade education in South Africa reflects the reality of a lack of parental involvement. South African rural multigrade education is beset by a variety of internal and external challenges which have a detrimental effect on effective parental involvement. However, in the rural multigrade school context, parents have untapped potential that needs to be identified and acted upon in order to empower parents; this could provide the rural marginalised children with meaningful access to quality education. Research has proved that parental involvement has a positive effect on the quality of education. According to research, the six types of parental involvement are parenting, communicating, volunteering, learning at home, decision-making and collaborating with the community. In this study the focus was on involving parents in learning and allowing them to become active partners in education. To increase parental involvement in learning at rural multigrade schools in South Africa, an intervention was needed. This intervention came in the form of a school, community and family partnership programme. The core elements of a school, community and family partnership programme (SCAF partnership programme) were the creation of partnerships and communication channels between the school, community and family, as well as the utilisation of existing community resources. These core elements had a specific focus on learning. This study used Bourdieu's (1986) theory on capital and Epstein's (1995) theory of overlapping spheres of influence. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of an effective school, community and family partnership programme that would increase parental involvement in learning at rural multigrade schools in South Africa. Design-based research was employed in order to design, develop and test the proposed programme. Research was conducted in two phases. During the preliminary phase, a needs and content analysis, review of literature, and the development of a conceptual or theoretical framework for the study were conducted. This was followed by a prototyping phase which is an iterative design phase consisting of iterations, each being a micro-cycle of research with formative evaluation as the most important research activity, and which is aimed at improving and refining the intervention. Summative evaluation was conducted during the prototype phase in order to determine whether the solution or intervention met the pre-determined specifications. Data gathered during this study indicated: 1. The SCAF partnership programme can increase parental involvement in learning at rural multigrade schools if certain product and process characteristics are active. 2. The SCAF partnership programme allows utilising school, home and community capital through interaction and collaboration to increase parental involvement in learning. 3. A SCAF partnership programme should focus on learning through creating partnerships and opportunities for communication, and utilising community resources. 4. A SCAF partnership programme should be employed through a specific process. 5. Design research offers an appropriate and powerful approach to design, develop and implement a SCAF partnership programme that increases parental involvement in learning at rural multigrade schools. Keywords: Parental involvement, Parents, Design Research, Rural multigrade schools, Rural multigrade education

Estratégias de ensino nas salas multisseriadas de italiano dos Centros de Estudos de Línguas (CELs) da capital e da grande São Paulo / Instructional strategies in italian multigrade classes of Language Study Centers (LSC) of the capital and Greater São Paulo

Rocha, Vitoria Garcia 19 September 2016 (has links)
O Centro de Estudos de Línguas (CEL) é um projeto da Secretaria da Educação do governo do estado de São Paulo que oferece aos alunos da rede estadual e, em alguns casos da rede municipal, cursos gratuitos de línguas estrangeiras. Devido à evasão de alunos e ao baixo número de matrículas em alguns idiomas, a cada estágio as turmas ficam menores, exigindo a formação de salas multisseriadas para garantir ao estudante a continuação e a conclusão do curso. As classes multisseriadas dos CEL são compostas por discentes de várias idades e que possuem diferentes níveis de conhecimento da língua estrangeira. Nossa pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar as estratégias de ensino que os professores de língua italiana dos CEL utilizam para ensinar nas turmas multisseriadas. Fomos orientados pela hipótese de que os professores do CEL empregariam estratégias de ensino iguais ou parecidas às aplicadas pelos docentes que lecionam no ensino multisseriado da zona rural. Para a realização desta pesquisa, fizemos uma revisão sobre o funcionamento dos CEL, sobre as salas multisseriadas do campo e sobre as estratégias de ensino adotadas no contexto multisseriado e em aulas de línguas estrangeiras. Com o propósito de alcançar o nosso objetivo, adotamos a metodologia qualitativa e escolhemos o questionário on-line e a entrevista individual, semiestruturada como técnicas de coleta de dados. As participantes do estudo são professoras de italiano de grupos multisseriados de Centros de Estudos de Línguas da capital e da Grande São Paulo. Cruzamos os dados obtidos pelas duas técnicas e analisamos as três estratégias de ensino mais presentes no discurso das professoras. Comprovamos que as docentes usam estratégias que também podem ser verificadas na zona rural, ou seja, organização dos espaços físico e social, administração do tempo e emprego dos materiais didáticos. O espaço social é mais valorizado que o físico, o que conta é o aprimoramento da aprendizagem e a interação entre os estudantes de estágios diferentes. O tempo é administrado muitas vezes de forma inconsciente, mas está sempre presente na organização do atendimento dos diferentes estágios. O livro didático é essencial, todavia há um empenho em criar outras atividades empregando vários tipos de materiais. A análise nos mostrou que a maioria das professoras decidiu ensinar com os grupos organizados de maneira multisseriada. Na ausência de uma orientação pedagógica específica e do reconhecimento do Estado, as docentes, por meio da prática, criam a forma própria de lecionar, esforçam-se em adequar estratégias de ensino para cada turma. / The Language Study Center (LSC) is a governmental project of the Education Secretariat of the São Paulo State that offers for the students from state and, in some cases from the municipal, free courses in foreign languages. Due to the evasion students and low number of enrollments in some languages, each stage classes are smaller, requiring the formation of multigrade classrooms to ensure students the continuation and completion of the course. The multigrade classes of LSC are composed of students of different ages and have different levels of knowledge of a foreign language. Our research aims to analyze the use of instructional strategies to teach by the italian teachers in multigrade classes of LSC. We were guided by the assumption that LSC teachers employ teaching strategies in the same way or similar to those applied by the teachers who teach in multigrade teaching the countryside. For this research, we have made a review of the functioning of multigrade classrooms and the teaching strategies adopted for foreign language classes in multigrade context. In order to achieve our goal, we adopted a qualitative methodology choosing the online questionnaire and individual interviews, semi-structured as data collection techniques and well. Study participants are italian teachers of multigrade classes from São Paulo Language Study Centers. We crossed the data obtained by the two techniques and analyze the three instructional strategies more present in the discourse of teachers. We have proved that the teachers use strategies that can also be checked in the countryside, that is, related to physical and social space, time and materials. The social space is more valued than the physical, what counts is the improvement of learning and interaction among students of different stages. Time is administered often unconsciously, but is always present in the organization of care of the different stages. The textbook is essential, but there is a commitment to create other activities using various materials. The analysis has shown that most teachers decided to teach in organized groups multisseriate way. In the absence of a specific tutoring and state recognition, the teachers, through practice, create their own way of teaching, strive to adapt instructional strategies for each class.

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