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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Informal English Language Teaching and Learning on Thai Facebook Pages: Affordances, Positioning, and Stance-Taking

Koowuttayakorn, Sichon, Koowuttayakorn, Sichon January 2017 (has links)
The present study explores informal English language teaching and learning (ELTL) on the social media platform of Facebook. In contrast to a formal second/foreign language (L2/FL) education setting which is institutionally sponsored and highly structured, the context of informal ELTL under investigation is "recreational" (Chik, 2015) in the sense that it is unconstrained by institutional structures and largely driven by personal interests and goals. With the unprecedented success of social media and social networking sites (SNSs), this new form of learning and teaching can be found in a variety of languages and discourses across diverse digital landscapes. This study pays particular attention to the context of Thai speakers in three ELTL communities formed on Facebook Pages (FPs). The aim is to describe the participants' SNS-mediated L2 literacy practices as informed by Thai culture, beliefs, and values. This research project is grounded in the concept of new literacies (Lankshear & Knobel, 2011) and the multimodal social semiotic approaches to analyzing digitally-mediated communication (Kress, 2010; Jewitt, 2009; Van Leeuwen, 2005). The analysis is also informed by the interpretative framework of positioning theory (Davies and Harré, 1990; Harré & van Langenhove, 1991) and sociolinguistic approaches to stances (Du Bois, 2007; Jaffe, 2009a). The integration of various theoretical and analytical models offers a holistic understanding of the participants' Facebook-based literacy practices from different perspectives. A mixed method approach that combines qualitative (e.g., multimodal analysis, online ethnographic observation) and quantitative (e.g., survey, user statistics) data analysis also helps describe the users’ semiotic productions and interactions from a diachronic point of view. While the purpose of the project is to examine contemporary L2 literacy engagement in an underexplored historical and cultural context, the analysis does not simply discuss the way Thai SNS users teach and/or learn English online. Rather, the findings also shed light on other important issues relating to digital literacies including multimodal production, identity construction, social relationship formation, stance-taking acts, and language ideology. These emerging literacy practices are presented in three separate but interrelated analysis chapters. They are comprised of: 1) the multimodal analysis of the interplay between Facebook affordances and the users' semiotic activities; 2) the investigation of the participants’ self- and other-positioning strategies; and 3) the discussion of the participants' stance-taking acts in various aspects relating to English language teaching, learning, and use in contemporary society. Altogether, the findings pinpoint the complex and interconnected relationships among digital media, self, community, and ideology as fundamental to meaningful learning experiences on SNSs. They also support the view of language learning as a social practice, which highlights the fact that meaning and knowledge are socially and culturally situated, shaped by contexts, and shared by members within particular communities (Gee, 2010; Lankshear & Knobel, 2011; Thorne, 2013). The dissertation, therefore, has implications for pedagogies and practice because it provides insights about how to design equitable learning materials and activities that address these contemporary social practices. Ultimately, the research suggests the use of a social media-enhanced ELTL site to develop meaningful interactions between learner, language, media, and community during the process of learning.

Shapes of Knowledge : A multimodal study of six Swedish upper secondary students' meaning making and transduction of knowledge across essays and audiovisual presentations

Florén, Henrika January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Cykler och loopar i Salongen : En studie av återkoppling i frisörklassrummet / Cycles and loops in the salon : A qualitative study of the role of feedback in the hairdressing classroom

Öhman, Anna January 2015 (has links)
The interest in this empirical study aims at assessment, more precisely feedback as part of ordinary activities within hairdressing education. The study investigates feedback practices related to assessment of knowing during production, with focus on communication between student and teacher. Communication is regarded as interactively constructed and is investigated through a multimodal social semiotic perspective which implies studying verbal as well as nonverbal resources in meaning making. Speech and body movements are not subordinate to each other and are studied as contributing in communication on their own terms. Video observations were used to investigate feedback practices in the hairdressing classroom, during a couple of lessons when last year’s students received customers for various treatments. From one hour recording, a selection was made showing communication between student and teacher with joint focus of attention during production. The selection is based on the assumption of feedback as interactively constructed and represented in a multimodal way. The analysis of the feedback practice shows a multifaceted result, since each interaction between a student and a teacher is unique. Nevertheless, a recurrent pattern of feedback construction could be discerned. Three important functions of feedback were distinguished, that of control, instruction and evaluation. Furthermore, these functions interact in temporal processes of cycles and loops. The core of feedback practice is found within the loop, where questions and wonders from the student are brought into a joint investigation. / Baksidestext: Cykler och loopar i Salongen handlar om återkoppling i yrkesgymnasiet, närmare bestämt på hantverksprogrammets frisörutbildning. Återkoppling studeras genom videoobservationer av kommunikation mellan lärare och elev under pågående undervisning, där elever arbetar med olika hårvårdsbehandlingar på kunder. Återkoppling görs genom olika meningsskapande resurser. Det verbalspråkliga är bara en del av kommunikationen. Kroppsrörelser, blickar och olika redskap används också för att kommunicera av både elev och lärare. Mönster i form av olika återkopplingsfunktioner och cykliska processer kan urskiljas i kommunikationen mellan lärare och elev. I det cykliska uppstår ibland loopar, som utgörs av händelser där något moment blir uppmärksammat i ett gemensamt utforskande. Looparna utgår från elevens frågor och funderingar och betraktas därför som centrala i återkopplingspraktiken. Studien bidrar med beskrivningar av den dagliga klassrumskommunikationen, där bedömning och undervisning är sammanvävda förlopp. Den riktar sig till forskare och lärare inom yrkesutbildning och andra skolformer, men också till övriga läsare med intresse för bedömningsfrågor och återkopplingspraktik. Licentiatuppsatsen är skriven inom ramen för Lic-forskarskolan i yrkesämnenas didaktik. / Intresset i denna studie är riktat mot klassrumsbaserad bedömning, närmare bestämt återkoppling som en del av den dagliga undervisningen. Studien undersöker återkopplingspraktik i frisörklassrummet relaterad till bedömning av kunnande under pågående arbete, med fokus på kommunikationen mellan lärare och elev. Kommunikationen betraktas som interaktivt konstruerad och studeras ur ett multimodalt perspektiv utifrån socialsemiotisk teori. Det innebär att återkoppling studeras både verbalt i samtalsform, men även icke-verbalt i form av bland annat gester, artefakter och blickar. De betraktas i detta perspektiv som jämbördiga resurser i meningskonstruktionen. Videoobservationer har därför varit ett lämpligt sätt att undersöka återkopplingspraktik i frisörklassrummet. Detta har gjorts under några lektionspass när elever i åk. 3 hade kundmottagning. Utifrån en timmes inspelningar, har urval gjorts som visar kommunikation mellan lärare och elev med gemensamt uppmärksamhetsfokus på ett pågående arbete. Urvalet baseras på grundantagandena om återkoppling som interaktivt konstruerad och multimodalt representerad. Analysen av återkopplingspraktiken visar på ett mångfacetterat resultat eftersom varje interaktion mellan lärare och elev är unik, således också deras kommunikation. Ändå har återkopplingspraktiken visat sig vara konstruerad enligt vissa återkommande mönster. Tre centrala återkopplingsfunktioner har kunnat urskiljas: den kontrollerande, den instruerande och den värderande, utgående från handlingar som kännetecknar dem. Vidare samspelar dessa över tid i cykliska processer och loopar. I looparna tas elevens frågor och behov tillvara i ett gemensamt utforskande. De kan betraktas som själva kärnan i återkopplingspraktiken.

Cykler och loopar i Salongen : En studie av återkoppling i frisörklassrummet / Cycles and loops in the salon : A qualitative study of the role of feedback in the hairdressing classroom

Öhman, Anna January 2015 (has links)
Abstract: The interest in this empirical study aims at assessment, more precisely feedback as part of ordinary activities within hairdressing education. The study investigates feedback practices related to assessment of knowing during production, with focus on communication between student and teacher. Communication is regarded as interactively constructed and is investigated through a multimodal social semiotic perspective which implies studying verbal as well as nonverbal resources in meaning making. Speech and body movements are not subordinate to each other and are studied as contributing in communication on their own terms. Video observations were used to investigate feedback practices in the hairdressing classroom, during a couple of lessons when last year’s students received customers for various treatments. From one hour recording, a selection was made showing communication between student and teacher with joint focus of attention during production. The selection is based on the assumption of feedback as interactively constructed and represented in a multimodal way. The analysis of the feedback practice shows a multifaceted result, since each interaction between a student and a teacher is unique. Nevertheless, a recurrent pattern of feedback construction could be discerned. Three important functions of feedback were distinguished, that of control, instruction and evaluation. Furthermore, these functions interact in temporal processes of cycles and loops. The core of feedback practice is found within the loop, where questions and wonders from the student are brought into a joint investigation. / Baksidestext: Cykler och loopar i Salongen handlar om återkoppling i yrkesgymnasiet, närmare bestämt på hantverksprogrammets frisörutbildning. Återkoppling studeras genom videoobservationer av kommunikation mellan lärare och elev under pågående undervisning, där elever arbetar med olika hårvårdsbehandlingar på kunder. Återkoppling görs genom olika meningsskapande resurser. Det verbalspråkliga är bara en del av kommunikationen. Kroppsrörelser, blickar och olika redskap används också för att kommunicera av både elev och lärare. Mönster i form av olika återkopplingsfunktioner och cykliska processer kan urskiljas i kommunikationen mellan lärare och elev. I det cykliska uppstår ibland loopar, som utgörs av händelser där något moment blir uppmärksammat i ett gemensamt utforskande. Looparna utgår från elevens frågor och funderingar och betraktas därför som centrala i återkopplingspraktiken. Studien bidrar med beskrivningar av den dagliga klassrumskommunikationen, där bedömning och undervisning är sammanvävda förlopp. Den riktar sig till forskare och lärare inom yrkesutbildning och andra skolformer, men också till övriga läsare med intresse för bedömningsfrågor och återkopplingspraktik. Licentiatuppsatsen är skriven inom ramen för Lic-forskarskolan i yrkesämnenas didaktik. / Intresset i denna studie är riktat mot klassrumsbaserad bedömning, närmare bestämt återkoppling som en del av den dagliga undervisningen. Studien undersöker återkopplingspraktik i frisörklassrummet relaterad till bedömning av kunnande under pågående arbete, med fokus på kommunikationen mellan lärare och elev. Kommunikationen betraktas som interaktivt konstruerad och studeras ur ett multimodalt perspektiv utifrån socialsemiotisk teori. Det innebär att återkoppling studeras både verbalt i samtalsform, men även icke-verbalt i form av bland annat gester, artefakter och blickar. De betraktas i detta perspektiv som jämbördiga resurser i meningskonstruktionen. Videoobservationer har därför varit ett lämpligt sätt att undersöka återkopplingspraktik i frisörklassrummet. Detta har gjorts under några lektionspass när elever i åk. 3 hade kundmottagning. Utifrån en timmes inspelningar, har urval gjorts som visar kommunikation mellan lärare och elev med gemensamt uppmärksamhetsfokus på ett pågående arbete. Urvalet baseras på grundantagandena om återkoppling som interaktivt konstruerad och multimodalt representerad. Analysen av återkopplingspraktiken visar på ett mångfacetterat resultat eftersom varje interaktion mellan lärare och elev är unik, således också deras kommunikation. Ändå har återkopplingspraktiken visat sig vara konstruerad enligt vissa återkommande mönster. Tre centrala återkopplingsfunktioner har kunnat urskiljas: den kontrollerande, den instruerande och den värderande, utgående från handlingar som kännetecknar dem. Vidare samspelar dessa över tid i cykliska processer och loopar. I looparna tas elevens frågor och behov tillvara i ett gemensamt utforskande. De kan betraktas som själva kärnan i återkopplingspraktiken.

Embodiment and agency in digital reading : preschoolers making meaning with literary apps

Frederico, Aline January 2018 (has links)
This dissertation investigates meaning-making in children's joint-reading transactions with literary apps. The analysis of meaning-making focuses on embodiment as a central aspect of literary app's texts and their reading and on children's negotiation of agency in the act of joint-reading. Meaning-making is understood through a multimodal social semiotics perspective, which considers that meaning is realised in the dynamic transaction between reader, text and social context. Therefore, the dissertation integrates the analysis of the apps and of the children's responses to capture the dynamics of meaning-making in such transactions. Case studies were conducted with six families, who read the apps The Monster at the End of This Book (Stone & Smollin, 2011) and Little Red Riding Hood (Nosy Crow, 2013) in an English public library. The central method of data collection involved video-recorded observations of parent-child joint-reading events, complemented by graphic elicitation, informal interviews and a questionnaire. The video data was analysed through multimodal methods. The findings indicate that the participant readers used their bodies not only as a material point of contact and activation of the interactive features but also as a resource for meaning-making in their transactions with the apps. The reader's body was essential in their engagement with the material and interactive affordances of the apps, in reader's expressions of their responses, and in the sharing of the reading experience with the parents. The body of the reader, through spontaneous and interactive gestures, is a mode of communication in the multimodal ecologies of both the text and the reader's responses. Furthermore, the child readers constantly negotiated their agency within the constraints posed by the text, which include the narrative itself and its interactive features, and those posed by the joint-reading situation. The bodies of the readers played an essential role in this dual negotiation of agency. Children's agency was scripted, that is, the readers exerted their agency within the limitations of a script. The script, however, allowed readers to improvise, and their performances also involved resistance to the script through playful subversion. In the joint-reading event, children's agency was foregrounded, positioning the children as protagonist readers, who performed most of the interactions and lived the aesthetic experience of the text fully, to the expense of their parents, who mostly participated as supporting readers, transferring their agency to the children through scaffolding.

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