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On developing an expert system: a knowledge base for GP formulation and analysisAggarwal, Ajay K. 13 July 2007 (has links)
An expert system approach to help OR naive users formulate and solve goal programs is proposed. The approach is demonstrated for single product blending problems using VP-Expert as the developmental tool. Results of a study using undergraduate and graduate business students to test the expert system effectiveness are provided.
An expert system determines the problem type using a taxonomy based upon problem context. Each problem type possesses distinct characteristics. Characteristics of twenty-four different problem types are discussed.
Formulation of constraints using problem characteristics is demonstrated. The expert system uses constraint information to assist users in goal selection. Goal structures are constructed using a pairwise comparison technique.
Solution values, recommendations based upon sensitivity analysis, and trade-offs between conflicting goals are provided to the user. A feedback loop permitting model changes and reiteration of solution and recommendation steps is provided. / Ph. D.
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An investigation of multi-attribute utility technology (MAUT) as an evaluation method in an organizational training environmentMilatzo, John P. 06 June 2008 (has links)
Multi-Attribute Utility Technology (MAUT) was investigated as an alternative organizational training evaluation method. Research questions focused on what problems emerge in involving stakeholders in training evaluation, what technical problems emerge in the application of the MAUT steps, and what can be learned about the credibility of MAUT results and their impact on decision making.
Five employee training courses offered by a city government training unit were evaluated. Two groups of stakeholders developed desired course attributes and indicators using MAUT. Survey data collected from students and their immediate supervisors provided indicator measurements. Location measures and utilities were provided to stakeholders and students. Stakeholders then evaluated MAUT from the participant perspective.
Positive and negative findings had implications for the effective use of MAUT. Positive findings were that stakeholders valued the group process and opportunity to have input to the evaluation; surveys were useful for measuring attribute indicators; the development of attributes, indicators, weights and location measures presented no technical problem; and, that MAUT results were credible to students and Stakeholders. Negative findings were that stakeholder availability was very difficult to obtain; not all stakeholders could deal with the conceptual tasks of MAUT; surveys were not feasible for attribute development; calculation and interpretation of MAUT utilities were seen as too complex by stakeholders; and, the use of MAUT results to influence decisions was hindered by the perceived complexity and the absence in the study of the primary decision maker for training.
It was concluded that a major strength of MAUT is that it affords the investigator the opportunity to easily tap into the organizational culture and political setting of a program. In addition, the strengths of MAUT as a training evaluation method are highly dependent on inclusion of all relevant stakeholders, a strong commitment of stakeholder time, stakeholder ability to communicate values and priorities, and, the clear and simple reporting of MAUT results. Detailed recommendations for the effective use of MAUT are provided. / Ph. D.
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A cognitive analytics management framework for the transformation of electronic government services from users perspective to create sustainable shared valuesOsman, I.H., Anouze, A.L., Irani, Zahir, Lee, H., Medeni, T.D., Weerakkody, Vishanth J.P. 09 October 2019 (has links)
Yes / Electronic government services (e-services) involve the delivery of information and services to stakeholders via the Internet, Internet of Things and other traditional modes. Despite their beneficial values, the overall level of usage (take-up) remains relatively low compared to traditional modes. They are also challenging to evaluate due to behavioral, economical, political, and technical aspects. The literature lacks a methodology framework to guide the government transformation application to improve both internal processes of e-services and institutional transformation to advance relationships with stakeholders. This paper proposes a cognitive analytics management (CAM) framework to implement such transformations. The ambition is to increase users’ take-up rate and satisfaction, and create sustainable shared values through provision of improved e-services. The CAM framework uses cognition to understand and frame the transformation challenge into analytics terms. Analytics insights for improvements are generated using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). A classification and regression tree is then applied to DEA results to identify characteristics of satisfaction to advance relationships. The importance of senior management is highlighted for setting strategic goals and providing various executive supports. The CAM application for the transforming Turkish e-services is validated on a large sample data using online survey. The results are discussed; the outcomes and impacts are reported in terms of estimated savings of more than fifteen billion dollars over a ten-year period and increased usage of improved new e-services. We conclude with future research.
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Metodología de Evaluación y Optimización de Sistemas Renovables Híbridos para Electrificación de Zonas Aisladas de la RedPeñalvo López, Elisa 05 June 2017 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is the definition and development of a comprehensive methodology of energy planning for areas isolated from the mains, considering not only the energy context of the country and its development towards a sustainable scenario, but also studying the potential of renewable generation in the remote area under study, the ability for demand management and the socio-economic aspects involved in the final decision on what renewable energy solution would be the most appropriate in accordance with the characteristics of the location.
The research work is organized into three major phases. The first one defines the algorithm of analysis of the context energy of the country and its evolution towards a future energy scenario based on renewable energies. A second phase which analyzes the best configurations of hybrid renewable systems capable of responding to energy needs in the area, sorting them based on their net present value. And a third one introducing the method of multi-criteria analysis which allows to select, from among all possible configurations identified in the previous stage, the most appropriate to the needs and characteristics of the area to study, taking into account not only economic or technical aspects, but also sociological, political, and environmental criteria.
Finally, the developed methodology is applied to a case concrete as example of its potential. An isolated community in the Democratic Republic of the Congo has been selected since 90% of the population living in areas isolated from the mains, and being one of the African countries with the greatest potential for renewable energy generation. / El objetivo de esta tesis es la definición y desarrollo de una metodología integral de planificación energética para zonas aisladas de la red eléctrica que considere no solo el contexto energético del país y su desarrollo hacia un escenario sostenible, sino también el estudio del potencial de generación renovable en la zona remota a estudiar, la capacidad de gestión de la demanda y los aspectos socio-económicos que intervienen en la decisión final sobre qué solución energética renovable sería la más apropiada de acuerdo con las características de la ubicación.
El trabajo de investigación se organiza en tres grandes etapas. La primera donde se define el algoritmo de análisis del contexto energético del país y su evolución hacia un escenario energético futuro basado en energías renovables. Una segunda fase donde se analizan las mejores configuraciones de sistemas renovables híbridos capaces de responder a las necesidades energéticas de la zona, clasificándolas en base a su valor neto actual. Y una tercera donde se describe el método de análisis multi-criterio que permite seleccionar, de entre todas las posibles configuraciones identificadas en la etapa anterior, la más adecuada para las necesidades y características de la zona a estudiar, teniendo en cuenta no solo aspectos económicos o técnicos, sino también criterios sociológicos, políticos y medioambientales.
Finalmente, se aplica la metodología a un caso concreto en la República Democrática del Congo como ejemplo de su aplicación. Para el análisis del caso de estudio, se ha seleccionado una comunidad aislada en la República Democrática del Congo ya que el 90% de la población vive en zonas aisladas de la red eléctrica, y es uno de los países de África con mayor potencial de generación con energías renovables. / L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és la definició i desenvolupament d'una metodologia integral de planificació energètica per a zones aïllades de la xarxa elèctrica que considere no solament el context energètic del país i el seu desenvolupament cap a un escenari sostenible, sinó també l'estudi del potencial de generació renovable en la zona remota a estudiar, la capacitat de gestió de la demanda i els aspectes soci-econòmics que intervenen en la decisió final sobre quina solució energètica renovable seria la més apropiada d'acord amb les característiques de la ubicació.
El treball de recerca s'organitza en tres grans etapes. La primera on es defineix l'algorisme d'anàlisi del context energètic del país i la seua evolució cap a un escenari energètic futur basat en energies renovables. Una segona fase on s'analitzen les millors configuracions de sistemes renovables híbrids capaços de respondre a les necessitats energètiques de la zona, classificant-les sobre la base del seu valor net actual. I una tercera on es descriu el mètode d'anàlisi multi-criteri que permet seleccionar, d'entre totes les possibles configuracions identificades en l'etapa anterior, la més adequada per a les necessitats i característiques de la zona a estudiar, tenint en compte no sol aspectes econòmics o tècnics, sinó també criteris sociològics, polítics i mediambientals.
Finalment, s'aplica la metodologia a un cas concret en la República Democràtica del Congo com a exemple de la seua aplicació. Per a l'anàlisi del cas d'estudi, s'ha seleccionat una comunitat aïllada en la República Democràtica del Congo ja que el 90% de la població viu en zones aïllades de la xarxa elèctrica, i és un dels països d'Àfrica amb major potencial de generació amb energies renovable. / Peñalvo López, E. (2017). Metodología de Evaluación y Optimización de Sistemas Renovables Híbridos para Electrificación de Zonas Aisladas de la Red [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/82308
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A critical analysis of iron status indicators in three independent studies of South African primary school children / Teresa HarrisHarris, Teresa January 2014 (has links)
The potential dire consequences of iron deficiency (ID) and iron deficiency anaemia (IDA) on childhood development are of major public health concern. Many factors contribute to anaemia, ID being only one progressive factor. The prevalence of ID and IDA must be accurately determined before iron intervention strategies can be safely prescribed. There is continued uncertainty regarding the optimal approach to identifying and measuring ID, as indicators have different roles, explore different aspects of iron metabolism and cannot be directly compared. Furthermore, inflammation and infection have a confounding effect on the commonly applied indicator and acute phase reactant, serum ferritin (SF). In the public health setting, a suitable method to assess iron status in developing countries has to be inexpensive, standardised, established, easy to measure and its applications specific to identifying ID.
We conducted secondary analysis of screening data from three independent iron intervention studies to critically evaluate the indicators used to determine iron status in 6-11-year-old primary school children from three South African provinces.
Study design and methods
A cross-sectional descriptive analysis was performed on the screening data collected in 2009 and 2010 during iron intervention studies in KwaZulu-Natal (n=736), Northern Cape (n= 1045), and North West (n=546). The three distinct study sites were analysed independently and collectively.
Children’s haemoglobin (Hb), SF, transferrin receptor (TfR), zinc protoporphyrin (ZPP), and C-reactive protein (CRP) concentrations were measured and body iron calculated. ID prevalence was compared using different methods (namely the single indicators SF, TfR and ZPP, body iron and the multiple criteria model), and the influence of inflammation on SF was considered. Literature suggests that the multiple criteria model provides a more complete assessment of iron status. The performance of single and body iron indicators were compared to the multiple criteria model (by assessing sensitivity, specificity and predictive values).
Significant positive correlations between CRP (indicator of inflammation) and SF existed in all study sites and the combined sample (p < 0.01). The mean SF concentration was substantially
higher in subjects with inflammation than those without. A different SF cut-off to identify ID was applied to subjects with inflammation.
The percentage of ID subjects varied using different indicators (4.2 – 26.5% in KwaZulu-Natal; 4.1 – 13.4% in Northern Cape; 7.0 – 24.4% in North West; and 5.4 – 15.2% in the combined sample). The sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of alternate ID indicators varied within and between study sites, compared to the multiple criteria model.
Simply using Hb as an ID indicator is inaccurate. The vast differences between percentages identified as ID by different indicators is reason for concern. No consistent agreement appeared between single ID indicators, body iron and the multiple criteria model for ID identification after correcting for inflammation in primary school children. The global view of the multiple criteria model as the gold standard for estimating ID is debatable and potentially impractical at a public health level. Current evidence cautions against overestimating the prevalence of ID, as there is more associated harm than deficiency underestimation. This critical analysis has confirmed a need for research to identify a suitable, accurate and precise alternative to Hb as a tool in the South African public health setting. Furthermore, the impact of inflammation on iron status indicators, in particular SF, should be assessed in context to clearly set parameters for its use in nationally-representative nutrition surveys, the cornerstone of iron intervention strategies. / MSc (Nutrition), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015
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A critical analysis of iron status indicators in three independent studies of South African primary school children / Teresa HarrisHarris, Teresa January 2014 (has links)
The potential dire consequences of iron deficiency (ID) and iron deficiency anaemia (IDA) on childhood development are of major public health concern. Many factors contribute to anaemia, ID being only one progressive factor. The prevalence of ID and IDA must be accurately determined before iron intervention strategies can be safely prescribed. There is continued uncertainty regarding the optimal approach to identifying and measuring ID, as indicators have different roles, explore different aspects of iron metabolism and cannot be directly compared. Furthermore, inflammation and infection have a confounding effect on the commonly applied indicator and acute phase reactant, serum ferritin (SF). In the public health setting, a suitable method to assess iron status in developing countries has to be inexpensive, standardised, established, easy to measure and its applications specific to identifying ID.
We conducted secondary analysis of screening data from three independent iron intervention studies to critically evaluate the indicators used to determine iron status in 6-11-year-old primary school children from three South African provinces.
Study design and methods
A cross-sectional descriptive analysis was performed on the screening data collected in 2009 and 2010 during iron intervention studies in KwaZulu-Natal (n=736), Northern Cape (n= 1045), and North West (n=546). The three distinct study sites were analysed independently and collectively.
Children’s haemoglobin (Hb), SF, transferrin receptor (TfR), zinc protoporphyrin (ZPP), and C-reactive protein (CRP) concentrations were measured and body iron calculated. ID prevalence was compared using different methods (namely the single indicators SF, TfR and ZPP, body iron and the multiple criteria model), and the influence of inflammation on SF was considered. Literature suggests that the multiple criteria model provides a more complete assessment of iron status. The performance of single and body iron indicators were compared to the multiple criteria model (by assessing sensitivity, specificity and predictive values).
Significant positive correlations between CRP (indicator of inflammation) and SF existed in all study sites and the combined sample (p < 0.01). The mean SF concentration was substantially
higher in subjects with inflammation than those without. A different SF cut-off to identify ID was applied to subjects with inflammation.
The percentage of ID subjects varied using different indicators (4.2 – 26.5% in KwaZulu-Natal; 4.1 – 13.4% in Northern Cape; 7.0 – 24.4% in North West; and 5.4 – 15.2% in the combined sample). The sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of alternate ID indicators varied within and between study sites, compared to the multiple criteria model.
Simply using Hb as an ID indicator is inaccurate. The vast differences between percentages identified as ID by different indicators is reason for concern. No consistent agreement appeared between single ID indicators, body iron and the multiple criteria model for ID identification after correcting for inflammation in primary school children. The global view of the multiple criteria model as the gold standard for estimating ID is debatable and potentially impractical at a public health level. Current evidence cautions against overestimating the prevalence of ID, as there is more associated harm than deficiency underestimation. This critical analysis has confirmed a need for research to identify a suitable, accurate and precise alternative to Hb as a tool in the South African public health setting. Furthermore, the impact of inflammation on iron status indicators, in particular SF, should be assessed in context to clearly set parameters for its use in nationally-representative nutrition surveys, the cornerstone of iron intervention strategies. / MSc (Nutrition), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015
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A case study on how an e-tailer can use a multiple criteria ABC analysis to identify risk in the selection of suppliersStrand, Joel, Strandänger, Louise January 2016 (has links)
Purpose – The purpose of this master thesis is to explore how an e-tailer selling bulky items can use a multiple criteria ABC analysis to make its purchasing process more effective, while balancing richness and reach, with the performance measurements of profitability, total asset turnover and inventory turnover. The purpose will be accomplished through a single case study on an e-tailer active on the Swedish furniture and home furnishing market. Methodology – This thesis applies a multiple criteria ABC-analysis to a single case study. The approach is semi-deductive as theory is combined with interviews on how to match and adapt theory about inventory control and purchasing with the specific requirements of an e-tailer selling bulky items. Findings – This thesis has resulted in a set of recommendations that aim to make the purchasing process of an e-tailer more effective. That is, capital and inventory space will be better allocated to the e-tailer’s more profitable items. Among other things, this thesis shows how dead articles can be identified and how a purchaser can prioritize more profitable articles over less profitable ones when making procurement decisions. The other recommendations are for the e-tailer to investigate the possibilities of decoupling the supply chain by keeping stock at the suppliers’ premises, to match the supplier reliability with their importance in the supply chain, and lastly to explore possibilities of drop shipment. Further, the main finding is that a comparison between the A-, B-, and C-classes and the reliability of the suppliers, highlights a gap and a possible risk. Put differently, the importance of a specific item for the business should be reflected in the choice of supplier and the multiple criteria ABC analysis is the tool to illustrate the importance. Keywords – E-commerce, E-tailer, richness, reach, transaction cost, ABC analysis, multiple criteria ABC, MCABC, inventory turnover ratio, supplier selection, purchasing Paper type – Masters thesis / Syfte – Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka hur en e-handelsdetaljist som säljer skrymmande artiklar kan använda en flerdimensionell ABC-analys för att göra sin inköpsprocess mer effektiv och balansera richness och reach, med mätetal som lönsamhet, kapitalomsättningshastighet och lageromsättningshastighet. Syftet kommer att uppfyllas genom en fallstudie på en e-handelsdetaljist verksam på den svenska möbel- och heminredningsmarknaden. Metod – Denna fallstudie använder sig av en flerdimensionell ABC-analys. Tillvägagångssättet är semi-deduktivt då intervjuer och teori om hur lagerstyrning och inköp kan matchas och anpassas till ett företags specifika behov. Resultat – Den här uppsatsen har resulterat i en rad åtgärder som syftar till att göra en ehandlares inköpsprocess mer effektiv. På så vis att kapital och lageryta bättre allokeras till ehandlarens lönsamma artiklar. Bland annat visar den här uppsatsen hur döda artiklar kan identifieras och hur inköparen kan prioritera mer lönsamma artiklar över olönsamma vid inköp. De andra åtgärdena handlar om att undersöka möjligheter att frikoppla försörjningskedjan genom att lagra produkter hos leverantören, att matcha leverantörernas pålitlighet och deras betydelse i försörjningskedjan, och slutligen att utforska möjligheter att utöka drop shipment. Det främsta bidraget är att eventuella felprioriteringar och risker blir tydliga genom en jämförelse mellan A-, B- och C-klasserna och leverantörernas pålitlighet. Med andra ord bör den affärsmässiga inverkan som respektive artikel har på e-handlarens resultat avspegla sig i valet av leverantör. En flerdimensionell ABC-analys kan användas för att påvisa respektive artikels affärsmässiga inverkan. Publikationstyp – Examensarbete för utbildning till civilingenjör (masteruppsats).
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Localização de centrais de resíduos sólidos para consórcios intermunicipais através da utilização de ferramentas logísticas e restrições de fatores ambientais / Localization of trash factories for groups of cities through the utilization of logistic implements, considering the ambiental factorsSantos, Ronaldo Marinho dos 17 December 1997 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo definir uma metodologia para escolha de locais visando, para um grupo de cidades, a instalação de centrais de tratamento, triagem e destinação final de resíduos sólidos urbanos, utilizadas através de consórcio intermunicipal, diminuindo custos e minimizando o impacto ambiental. Cidades (com suas taxas diárias de geração de resíduos sóIidos) posicionadas dentro de uma região com malha rodoviária definida, podem, através do uso de algoritmos matemáticos e abordagem multicriterial, ser divididas em grupos que otimizam o número de instalações, cada grupo tendo um ponto para destinação final de resíduos sólidos urbanos mantido através ele um consórcio intermunicipal. Estes pontos são definidos em locais que respeitam as restrições do ponto de vista ambiental (abordagem multicriterial), otimizando os custos de transporte do ponto de vista logístico (algoritmos matemáticos). / The work has been developed as objective or supplying for a group of cities, the best number of installations for the final destination of the urban-solid residues avaiable through the intermunicipals partnerships, decreasing rates and minimizing the environmental impact. Cities with daily rates of generation of residues posicionated within a region with a defined network, can be divided in clusters through the mathematics algorithms and multiple criteria analysis which optimize the number of installations, each group will have a point of final destination of urban-solid residues kept through an intermunicipal partnership. These points will be localized in locals which will respect the restraints of the ambiental point of view optimizing the rates of the transportation from the logistic point of view.
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Une approche d'aide multicritère à la décision pour l'évaluation du confort dans les trains : construction d'un modèle d'évaluation / A multiple criteria decision aiding tool for evaluating the overall comfort on board trainsMammeri, Mohamed 17 September 2013 (has links)
Les travaux de recherche menés dans cette thèse s’inscrivent dans deux champs disciplinaires que sont l’évaluation du confort et l’aide multicritère à la décision.L’objectif de la thèse est de construire un modèle pour évaluer des trains sur le point de vue du confort tel qu’il est perçu par les voyageurs. L’approche utilisée pour cela repose sur trois étapes principales de construction d’un modèle d’aide multicritère à la décision. La première consiste à définir et à formaliser les critères de confort du problème. Dans la deuxième étape, il s’agit de construire les échelles afin de pouvoir évaluer les trains sur chaque critère de confort considéré.La troisième étape consiste à agréger les critères de confort en utilisant des méthodes d’agrégation multicritère. Cette étape nécessite l’élicitation des préférences des décideurs afin de mettre en oeuvre les méthodes d’agrégation.Notre contribution est de formaliser une approche pour la construction d’un modèle d’évaluation du confort dans les trains. Cette approche peut être appliquée à d’autres problématiques que l’évaluation du confort. Elle présente deux particularités principales. La première est d’intégrer dans la construction du modèle des facteurs importants traduisant la perception du confort. Nous avons choisi pour cela un modèle hiérarchique comportant plusieurs niveaux. La deuxième particularité de l’approche est d’utiliser des méthodes d’agrégation pouvant être différentes d’un noeud à un autre du modèle. Elle présente également d’autres aspects plus spécifiques, notamment lors de l’élicitation des préférences où nous construisons des exemples d’apprentissage informatifs pour accélérer le processus d’élicitation / This PhD thesis falls within two scientific areas, which are comfort evaluation and multiple criteria decision aiding. The main purpose is to develop a model in order to evaluate trains on the comfort point of view, as percieved by passengers. The developed approach is based on three main steps of developing a multiple criteria decision aiding model. The first one consists on defining and formalizing the criteria of comfort. In the second step, the scales of each considered criterion must be built in order to evaluate the trains on these last. The third step aims at aggregating the criteria, using multiple criteria aggregation methods, in order to obtain an overall comfort evaluation of trains. For this purpose, the decision maker’s preferences must be elicited
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Localização de centrais de resíduos sólidos para consórcios intermunicipais através da utilização de ferramentas logísticas e restrições de fatores ambientais / Localization of trash factories for groups of cities through the utilization of logistic implements, considering the ambiental factorsRonaldo Marinho dos Santos 17 December 1997 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo definir uma metodologia para escolha de locais visando, para um grupo de cidades, a instalação de centrais de tratamento, triagem e destinação final de resíduos sólidos urbanos, utilizadas através de consórcio intermunicipal, diminuindo custos e minimizando o impacto ambiental. Cidades (com suas taxas diárias de geração de resíduos sóIidos) posicionadas dentro de uma região com malha rodoviária definida, podem, através do uso de algoritmos matemáticos e abordagem multicriterial, ser divididas em grupos que otimizam o número de instalações, cada grupo tendo um ponto para destinação final de resíduos sólidos urbanos mantido através ele um consórcio intermunicipal. Estes pontos são definidos em locais que respeitam as restrições do ponto de vista ambiental (abordagem multicriterial), otimizando os custos de transporte do ponto de vista logístico (algoritmos matemáticos). / The work has been developed as objective or supplying for a group of cities, the best number of installations for the final destination of the urban-solid residues avaiable through the intermunicipals partnerships, decreasing rates and minimizing the environmental impact. Cities with daily rates of generation of residues posicionated within a region with a defined network, can be divided in clusters through the mathematics algorithms and multiple criteria analysis which optimize the number of installations, each group will have a point of final destination of urban-solid residues kept through an intermunicipal partnership. These points will be localized in locals which will respect the restraints of the ambiental point of view optimizing the rates of the transportation from the logistic point of view.
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