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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Internet-based real estate multiple criteria decision support system / Nekilnojamojo turto internetinė daugiakriterinė sprendimų paramos sistema

Gikys, Mindaugas 09 June 2006 (has links)
In Lithuania, the real estate market has been growing fast in recent years. Such a speedy rise in the country‘s real estate market is being affected by several main factors: residents see the broad lending possibilities; the improving economic situation gives people greater hopes and expectations; the indices of available housing in Lithuania still lag behind the EU almost twice; once the demand well exceeds the supply, good conditions open to the construction companies and real estate agencies to sell their production; the expanding real estate market attracts investments from people who have free money; growing inflation in the country; etc. Due to the market expansion and higher competition, integration of information technologies to the real estate sector is more necessary today than ever before. The application of information technologies and telecommunications in the real estate sector ensures faster exchange of information among all interest groups, and allows more effective responding to market changes. Today we find internet as the field of applying information technologies and telecommunications in the real estate business. With the help of internet in any activity, the possibilities are provided to overcome time and space. By using internet, we can freely get a sufficiently big amount of exhaustive information about real estate. However, today‘s possibilities provided by internet are not limited to this. Frequently, different websites on real estate give us a... [to full text] / Pastaraisiais metais Lietuvoje nekilnojamojo turto rinka sparčiai auga. Toks spartus šalies nekilnojamojo turto rinkos augimas yra įtakojamas keleto pagrindinių veiksnių: gyventojams atsivėrė plačios skolinimosi galimybės, gerėjanti ekonominė situacija suteikia žmonėms didesnių vilčių ir lūkesčių, pagal apsirūpinimą būstu Lietuva vis dar atsilieka nuo Europos Sąjungos rodiklių beveik dvigubai, paklausai gerokai viršijant pasiūlą atsiveria geros sąlygos statybininkams bei jų produkciją pardavinėjančioms nekilnojamojo turto agentūroms, besiplečianti nekilnojamojo turto rinka traukte traukia investuoti žmones, turinčius laisvų pinigų, auganti infliacija šalyje ir kt. Dėl rinkos plėtros ir išaugusios konkurencijos, informacinių technologijų integracija į nekilnojamojo turto sektorių šiandiena yra reikalinga labiau nei bet kada anksčiau. Informacinių technologijų ir telekomunikacijų panaudojimas nekilnojamojo turto sektoriuje užtikrina spartesnį informacijos apsikeitimą tarp visų suinteresuotų grupių ir leidžia efektyviau reaguoti į rinkos pokyčius.

Nekilnojamojo turto internetinė daugiakriterinė sprendimų paramos sistema / Internet-based real estate multiple criteria decision support system

Gikys, Mindaugas 21 February 2006 (has links)
Pastaraisiais metais Lietuvoje nekilnojamojo turto rinka sparčiai auga. Toks spartus šalies nekilnojamojo turto rinkos augimas yra įtakojamas keleto pagrindinių veiksnių: gyventojams atsivėrė plačios skolinimosi galimybės, gerėjanti ekonominė situacija suteikia žmonėms didesnių vilčių ir lūkesčių, pagal apsirūpinimą būstu Lietuva vis dar atsilieka nuo Europos Sąjungos rodiklių beveik dvigubai, paklausai gerokai viršijant pasiūlą atsiveria geros sąlygos statybininkams bei jų produkciją pardavinėjančioms nekilnojamojo turto agentūroms, besiplečianti nekilnojamojo turto rinka traukte traukia investuoti žmones, turinčius laisvų pinigų, auganti infliacija šalyje ir kt. Dėl rinkos plėtros ir išaugusios konkurencijos, informacinių technologijų integracija į nekilnojamojo turto sektorių šiandiena yra reikalinga labiau nei bet kada anksčiau. Informacinių technologijų ir telekomunikacijų panaudojimas nekilnojamojo turto sektoriuje užtikrina spartesnį informacijos apsikeitimą tarp visų suinteresuotų grupių ir leidžia efektyviau reaguoti į rinkos pokyčius. Informacinės technologijos ir telekomunikacijos, kaip priemonė leidžianti pasinaudoti elektroninės terpės privalumais, tapo vienu iš svarbiausių veiksnių nekilnojamojo turto verslui. / In Lithuania, the real estate market has been growing fast in recent years. Such a speedy rise in the country‘s real estate market is being affected by several main factors: residents see the broad lending possibilities; the improving economic situation gives people greater hopes and expectations; the indices of available housing in Lithuania still lag behind the EU almost twice; once the demand well exceeds the supply, good conditions open to the construction companies and real estate agencies to sell their production; the expanding real estate market attracts investments from people who have free money; growing inflation in the country; etc. Due to the market expansion and higher competition, integration of information technologies to the real estate sector is more necessary today than ever before. The application of information technologies and telecommunications in the real estate sector ensures faster exchange of information among all interest groups, and allows more effective responding to market changes. Today we find internet as the field of applying information technologies and telecommunications in the real estate business. With the help of internet in any activity, the possibilities are provided to overcome time and space. By using internet, we can freely get a sufficiently big amount of exhaustive information about real estate. However, today‘s possibilities provided by internet are not limited to this. Frequently, different websites on real estate give us a... [to full text]

Gyvenamosios aplinkos atnaujinimo projektų daugiakriterinis vertinimas / Multiple criteria assessment of the built and human environment renovation projects

Tupėnaitė, Laura 08 June 2010 (has links)
Disertacijoje nagrinėjamas gyvenamosios aplinkos atnaujinimo efektyvumo didinimas holistiniu požiūriu, taikant daugiakriterinės sprendimų paramos metodus ir informacines technologijas. Disertaciją sudaro įvadas, keturi skyriai, išvados, naudotos literatūros ir autoriaus publikacijų disertacijos tema sąrašai ir trys priedai. Įvadiniame skyriuje aptariama tiriamoji problema, darbo aktualumas, aprašomas tyrimų objektas, formuluojamas darbo tikslas bei uždaviniai, aprašoma tyrimų metodika, darbo mokslinis naujumas, darbo rezultatų praktinė reikšmė, ginamieji teiginiai. Įvado pabaigoje pristatomos disertacijos tema autoriaus paskelbtos publikacijos ir pranešimai konferencijose bei disertacijos struktūra. Pirmame disertacijos skyriuje apžvelgiama mokslinė literatūra. Pateikiama gyvenamosios aplinkos (angl. Built and human environment) samprata, apžvelgiami Lietuvos ir pasaulio mokslininkų atlikti tyrimai ir jų rezultatai gyvenamosios aplinkos atnaujinimo srityje, analizuojami įvairių autorių siūlomi teoriniai modeliai ir sistemos. Skyriaus pabaigoje formuluojamos išvados ir tikslinami disertacijos uždaviniai. Antrame disertacijos skyriuje pateikiamas autorės sukurtas koncepcinis gyvenamosios aplinkos integruotos analizės modelis. Trečiame disertacijos skyriuje autorės sukurtas modelis ir daugiakriterinės analizės metodai pritaikomi sprendžiant praktinį uždavinį – vertinami Bulgarijos kultūros paveldo atnaujinimo projektai. Projektų paraiškos buvo pateiktos Europos ekonominės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The dissertation investigates the issues of the efficiency improvement of the built and human environment renovation from holistic perspective by using multiple criteria decision support methods and information technologies. The dissertation consists of Introduction, 4 Chapters, Conclusions, References, List of Publications and 3 Annexes. The introduction reveals the investigated problem, importance of the thesis and the object of research and describes the purpose and tasks of the paper, research methodology, scientific novelty, the practical significance of results examined in the paper and defended statements. The introduction ends in presenting the author’s publications on the subject of the defended dissertation, offering the material of made presentations in conferences and defining the structure of the dissertation. Chapter 1 revises scientific literature. Scope and definition of built and human environment is presented, a survey of research investigated in the field of built and human environment renovation, developed renovation models as well as computer-based systems performed. At the end of the chapter, conclusions are drawn and the tasks for the dissertation are reconsidered. Chapter 2 presents the Conceptual Model for the Integrated Analysis of Built and Human Environment Renovation (IABHER) developed by author. In Chapter 3 the developed model and multiple criteria decision-making methods are applied for assessment of the Cultural Heritage Renovation... [to full text]

Preparing students to incorporate stakeholder requirements in aerospace vehicle design

Coso, Alexandra Emelina 22 May 2014 (has links)
The design of an aerospace vehicle system is a complex integration process driven by technological developments, stakeholder and mission needs, cost, and schedule. The vehicle then operates in an equally complex context, dependent on many aspects of the environment, the performance of stakeholders and the quality of the design itself. Satisfying the needs of all stakeholders is a complicated challenge for designers and engineers, and stakeholder requirements are, at times, neglected in design decisions. Thus, it is critical to examine how to better incorporate stakeholder requirements earlier and throughout the design process. The intent of this research is to (1) examine how stakeholder considerations are currently integrated into aerospace vehicle design practice and curricula, (2) design empirically-informed and theoretically-grounded educational interventions for an aerospace design capstone course, and (3) isolate the characteristics of the interventions and learning environment which support students’ integration of stakeholder considerations. The first research phase identified how stakeholder considerations are taken into account within an aerospace vehicle design firm and in current aerospace engineering design curricula. Interviews with aerospace designers revealed six conditions at the group, interaction and individual levels affecting the integration of stakeholder considerations. Examining current curricula, aerospace design education relies on quantitative measures. Thus, many students are not introduced to stakeholder considerations that are challenging to quantify. In addition, at the start of an aerospace engineering senior design capstone course, students were found to have some understanding of the customer and a few contextual considerations, but in general students did not see the impact of the broader context or of stakeholders outside of the customer. The second research phase comprised the design and evaluation of a Requirements Lab and Stakeholders in Design Labs, two in-class interventions implemented in a senior aircraft design capstone course. Further, a Stakeholders in Design rubric was developed to evaluate students’ design understanding and integration of stakeholder considerations and, as such, can be used as a summative assessment tool. The two interventions were evaluated using a multi-level framework to examine student capstone design projects, a written evaluation, and observations of students’ design team meetings. The findings demonstrated an increase in students’ awareness of a diverse group of stakeholders, but also perceptions that students appeared to only integrate stakeholder considerations in cases where interactions with stakeholders were possible and the design requirements had an explicit stakeholder focus. Particular aspects of the aircraft design learning environment such as the lack of explicit stakeholder requirements, the differences between the learning environment in the two semesters of the course, and the availability of tools impacted students’ integration of stakeholder considerations and overall effectiveness of the interventions. This research serves as a starting point for future research in pedagogical techniques and assessment methods for integrating stakeholder requirements into technology-focused design capstone courses. The results can also inform the vehicle design education of students and engineers from other disciplines.

Decision-making criteria for software requirements selection: an empirical study in China

Hu, Ganglan, Information Systems, Technology & Management, Australian School of Business, UNSW January 2006 (has links)
This study aims to explore the decision-making criteria for requirements selection in market-driven software development projects in China. Requirements selection decisions are made by reconciling the conflicting stakeholders??? value propositions into a mutually-agreed set through the negotiation and communication process between stakeholders. Firstly, this study identified decision-making criteria according to different stakeholders??? value propositions, and then evaluated the importance of the criteria when making the decisions of requirements selection. Moreover, the study determined the degree to which the stakeholders from business, product, and project perspectives influence the decision-making process. Furthermore, the study explored the communication between major stakeholders in requirements selection process, as a foundation to support and guide the process. A Delphi survey was applied in this study. Opinions from experienced industrial experts were obtained to achieve reliable consensus among them on the criteria and relative importance of the criteria in requirements selection process. The Delphi survey in this study included four phases of data collection by a series of intensive questionnaires interspersed with controlled opinion feedback and follow-up interviews. 132 Experts from 11 companies were recruited by following the rigid procedure to ensure the validity and reliability of the research. The study indicated that criteria from the business perspective had a major influence on decision-making of requirements selection, while project- and product-perspective criteria were relatively lower in priority. However, there were some inconsistencies among the opinions of the recruited experts regarding the importance of the criteria. The inconsistencies may result from a number of different factors, for example; different software development projects; different size, culture, organizational structure or maturity level of the companies; or different working positions of the experts surveyed. In addition, the study found three different types of communication in requirements selection in the companies surveyed. Further, Chinese culture was believed to have effects on the communication process between stakeholders. While informal communication was highlighted in Chinese context, the Chinese culture of strictly hierarchical communication could lead to problems in the communication process. Further research is recommended to gain deeper insight into these issues.

Modelo multiobjetivo de análise envoltória de dados combinado com desenvolvimento de funções empíricas e otimização via simulação Monte Carlo /

Figueiredo, Marcelo Vilela. January 2017 (has links)
Orientador: Aneirson Francisco da Silva / Banca: Fernando Augusto Silva Marins / Banca: Rafael de Carvalho Miranda / Resumo: O controle de qualidade é um dos principais pilares para um bom rendimento de uma linha produtiva, visando garantir maior eficiência, eficácia e redução de custos de produção. A identificação de causas de defeitos e o controle das mesmas é uma atividade relativamente complexa, devido à infinidade de variáveis presentes em determinados processos. Na produção de itens à base de aço fundido, objetiva-se reduzir defeitos de fundição (rechupes, trincas, problemas dimensionais, entre outros), os quais podem ser ocasionados por diversas variáveis de processo, tais como: composição química do aço, temperatura de vazamento e propriedades mecânicas. Em virtude disso, o presente trabalho foi desenvolvido em uma indústria siderúrgica de grande porte, a qual atua na produção de componentes ferroviários e industriais. Por meio de sua extensa base de dados, foram avaliadas as eficiências dos produtos produzidos, sendo os mesmos denominados DMU (Decision Making Units). Para tal foi aplicada a BiO-MCDEA (Bi Objective Data Envelopment Analysis) em sete DMUs produzidas à base de aço fundido em função de 38 variáveis de processos. Nesta aplicação foram evidenciadas as variáveis de processos (input/output) influentes na determinação da eficiência das DMUs. Uma vez obtidos tais resultados, foram desenvolvidas funções empíricas para as variáveis respostas em função das variáveis de processos influentes por meio de regressão não-linear múltipla. Por fim foi realizada a Otimização via Simulação ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Quality control is one of the pillars to guaranty a good yield on a production line, aiming to reach better efficiency, effectiveness and reduction of production costs. The identification of defects causes and its control is an activity relatively complex, due to the infinity of variables on some process. One of the most important objectives on a Steel Castings Parts production is to reduce castings defects (shrinkage, cracks, dimensional problems, etc.), that can be caused by several process variables, such asChemical Composition, Pouring Temperature and Mechanical Properties. Due to the mentioned explanations, this study was developed at a large steel industry, which produces rail and industrial parts. The efficiency of the produced parts, called DMU (Decision Making Units), was analyzed through an extensive data base. It was done by using BiO-MCDEA (Bi Objective Data Envelopment Analysis) on seven DMUs, which are steel casting parts, in function of 38 process variables. Additionally, the process variables influents on the DMU's efficiency determination were evidenced through the mentioned implementation. Once those results were obtained, empirical functions were developed for the response variables in function of the influents process variables through multiple non-linear regression. Finally an optimization via Monte Carlo Simulation was implemented in order to determine the inputs values necessary to optimize the empirical functions. The achieved results were satisfactory... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Hodnocení životního pojištění / Evaluation of life insurance

KULASOVÁ, Lucie January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the thesis with title Evaluation of life insurance is to choose the most convenient insurance product for a specific client. Since we choose insurance on the basis of several criteria and it is not obvious at first sight which product is the most advantageous, it is suitable to use methods of multiple criteria decision making. In theoretical part basic notions concerning insurance industry and multiple criteria decision making are explained. Next, all methods which are used to determine weights of criteria and to choose the best variant are described in detail. For purposes of the thesis there were gathered drafts contracts for investment life insurance and risk life insurance from seven insurance companies, which means altogether fourteen contracts. In practical part evaluation criteria are determined in collaboration with client and their weights are calculated. Next, order of particular variants was determined. All process was in person consulted with a specialist from the area of insurance industry. On the basis of used methods of multicriterial evaluation of variants we can say that for the specific client the insurance product Bella Vita from the Insurance Company Generali is the best choice. In comparison with other alternatives it´s advantage is insurance payment already from the fifteenth day in case of incapacity for work, which arose as a consequence of injury and high insurance payment in case of hospitalization. If the client will choose investment variant or risk variant depends only on his decision, because their results are comparable.

Proposta de um modelo multicritério para determinação da criticidade na gestão da manutenção industrial

Baran, Leandro Roberto 02 April 2015 (has links)
Esse trabalho tem como objetivo propor um modelo para determinação da criticidade em processos industriais, utilizando a análise multicritério. Inicialmente é proposta uma classificação por prioridade dos elementos mais críticos de um sistema industrial e posteriormente, uma ordenação desses elementos dentro das suas respectivas classes de criticidade, obtendo com isso a criticidade de cada um. O modelo baseia-se nos métodos de sobreclassificação ELECTRE TRI e PROMETHEE II. Uma aplicação do modelo é realizada nesse trabalho, onde são considerados os critérios: segurança; meio-ambiente; qualidade; impacto operacional; impactos econômicos; tempo médio entre falhas e tempo médio de reparo. Como resultado, são apresentadas comparações do modelo proposto com os métodos tradicionais de determinação de criticidade, procurando observar aspectos subjetivos e objetivos de forma conjunta, a fim de fornecer uma visão clara e sistêmica sobre os problemas implícitos na determinação da criticidade em sistemas industriais. É possível concluir que o uso da análise multicritério na determinação da criticidade possibilita maior profundidade na avaliação e constitui uma ferramenta que auxilia na gestão da manutenção e no aumento da confiabilidade para os sistemas produtivos. / This work aims to propose a model for determining the criticality in industrial processes, using the multi-criteria analysis. Initially it is proposed a priority rating of the most critical elements of an industrial system and later, an ordering of the elements within their respective classes of criticality, thus obtaining the criticality of each. The model is based on outranking methods ELECTRE TRI and PROMETHEE II. An application of the model is carried out in this work, where the criteria are considered: security; environment; quality; operational impact; economic impacts; mean time between failures and mean time to repair. As a result, are presented comparisons of the proposed model with the traditional methods of determination of criticality, trying to observe subjective aspects and objectives jointly in order to provide a clear and systemic view of the problems implicit in determining the criticality in industrial systems. It was concluded that the use of multi-criteria analysis to determine criticality enables greater depth in the assessment and is a tool that helps in the management of maintenance and increased reliability for production systems.

Supply Chain optimization with sustainability criteria : A focus on inventory models / Optimisation de la chaine logistique avec prise en compte de critères de développement durable : Un focus sur les modèles de gestion de stock

Bouchery, Yann 27 November 2012 (has links)
Les problématiques liées au développement durable modifient fortement les habitudes des consommateurs ainsi que les stratégies des entreprises. Dans ce contexte, l’optimisation de la chaîne logistique avec prise en compte de critères de développement durable devient un défi majeur. Néanmoins, les travaux scientifiques basés sur des modèles quantitatifs sont encore rares. Nous contribuons donc à cette littérature en revisitant des modèles classiques d’optimisation de gestion de stock en prenant en compte des critères de développement durable. Nous sommes convaincus que les différents aspects du développement durable ne devraient pas être réduits à un seul objectif. Nous proposons donc une approche basée sur l’optimisation multi-objectif pour revisiter les modèles economic order quantity en mono- et multi-échelon. Ces modèles sont ensuite utilisés pour analyser les impacts de la coopération client-fournisseur ou de l’investissement dans des technologies vertes sur les performances de la chaîne logistique. Par ailleurs, les entreprises deviennent de plus en plus proactives vis-à-vis du développement durable. Nous proposons donc d’utiliser des méthodes d’aide multicritère à la décision au lieu de considérer le développement durable comme une contrainte dans les modèles. Dans cette optique, l’entreprise peut fournir des informations sur les compromis désirables entre les dimensions économiques, environnementales et sociales du développement durable afin d’obtenir rapidement une solution satisfaisante. / Sustainability concerns are increasingly shaping customers’ behavior as well as companies’ strategy. In this context, optimizing the supply chain with sustainability considerations is becoming a critical issue. However, work with quantitative models is still scarce. Our research contributes by revisiting classical inventory models taking sustainability concerns into account. We believe that reducing all aspects of sustainable development to a single objective is not desirable. We thus reformulate single and multi-echelon economic order quantity models as multi-objective problems. These models are then used to study several options such as buyer-supplier coordination or green technology investment. We also consider that firms are becoming increasingly proactive with respect to sustainability. We thus propose to apply multiple criteria decision aid techniques instead of considering sustainability as a constraint. In this sense, the firm may provide preference information about economic, environmental and social tradeoffs and quickly identify a satisfactory solution.

Autômatos celulares e sistemas de informações geográficas aplicadas à modelagem da dinâmica espacial da cana-de-açucar na região de Araçatuba - SP / Modeling sugar care spatial dynamics with cellular automata and geographic information systems in Araçatuba region (SP)

Adami, Samuel Fernando, 1978- 08 November 2011 (has links)
Orientador: Archimedes Perez Filho / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Geociências / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-18T20:39:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Adami_SamuelFernando_D.pdf: 5891216 bytes, checksum: cc17f24dfac01e46191de849700c1742 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: O recente momento de expansão da agroindústria sucroalcooleira tem resultado na grande ampliação das áreas cultivadas com cana-de-açúcar no estado de São Paulo, substituindo outras culturas e penetrando em regiões que não eram tradicionalmente ligadas à produção canavieira. A abordagem proposta buscou integrar modelos autômatos celulares, sistemas de informações geográficas e métodos de avaliação multicriterial para simular a dinâmica espacial da cana-de-açúcar no território do escritório de desenvolvimento regional de Araçatuba no período entre 2001 e 2008. Esse lapso temporal foi considerado adequado após um estudo da periodização da agroindústria canavieira a partir do enfoque ambiental. Foram levantadas as preferências de especialistas e gestores de usinas, e essas informações tratadas por meio da aplicação dos métodos multicriteriais programação por compromisso e teoria dos jogos cooperativos para determinação das áreas mais importantes para a expansão da cana-de-açúcar. A partir dessa avaliação, um modelo autômato celular foi empregado para simular o crescimento da cultura canavieira na área de estudos. Os resultados foram comparados àqueles obtidos pela aplicação de métodos tradicionais, como cadeias de Markov, e classificações técnicas, exemplificada pela capacidade de usos das terras; todos os processos embasaram a aplicação de modelos autômatos celulares. Os resultados demonstraram que os métodos propostos, ao incorporar as preferências dos atores e dos especialistas, apresentaram desempenho superior na simulação da dinâmica espacial da cultura canavieira, pois foram obtidos valores mais elevados nos índices Kappa, acurácia total, e Lee-Salleem e menores erros de omissão e comissão para a cultura canavieira, além de aproximações maiores em parâmetros simples de análise da paisagem, quando comparados aos métodos tradicionais. Os procedimentos metodológicos propostos permitem simular a expansão da cana-de-açúcar e dimensionar seus efeitos sobre os usos das terras em nível regional e, assim, subsidiar os debates sobre o modelo de desenvolvimento do campo brasileiro / Abstract: The recent period of sugar cane industry growth has resulted in a major expansion in the cultivated areas with sugar cane at São Paulo, Brazil, replacing other agricultural land uses and moving into regions traditionally characterized by another rural production kind. The suggested approach sought to integrate cellular automata models, geographic information systems and multicriterial evaluation methods for simulating the spatial dynamics of sugar cane plots at the territory of regional development office of Araçatuba between 2001 and 2008. This time lapse was considered appropriate after a study of the periodization of the sugar industry from the environmental approach. The preferences of experts and mill managers were collected and this information was analyzed by applying the method of compromise programming and cooperative game theory to determine the most important areas for growth of sugar cane. Based on this assessment a cellular automaton model has been used to simulate the growth of sugar cane cultivation in the study area. The results were compared with those obtained by applying traditional methods such as Markov chains, and expert's classification, exemplified by the capacity of land uses, both associated with cellular automata models. The results showed that the methods proposed by incorporating the preferences of social actors and experts, were superior in the simulation of spatial dynamics of the sugar cane crop. Higher values were achieved for the Kappa index, overall accuracy, and Lee-Salle index, whereas minor omission errors and commission errors for the sugar cane land use were obtained. The results of proposed methods were closer to the real values at simple parameters of landscape analysis compared to traditional methods. The methodological procedures proposed allow to simulate the expansion of sugar cane and its effects on the land uses at the regional level and thus subsidize the debates about the development model of the brazilian countryside / Doutorado / Análise Ambiental e Dinâmica Territorial / Doutor em Ciências

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