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Practices of pluralism: a comparative analysis of trans-systemic relationships in Europe and on Turtle IslandCherry, Keith 08 April 2020 (has links)
This dissertation is an exploration of the ways in which contemporary practices of pluralism are challenging, and being shaped by, concepts of state sovereignty. I explore two very different contexts; the relationship between First Nations and Settlers on that part of Turtle Island sometimes called Canada, and the relationship between the European Union and its Member-States. In both contexts, I explore how political, legal, and economic practices are generating forms of social order that depart to varying degrees from the total, exclusive authority associated with sovereignty. In particular, I show that actors in both settings have actually developed two remarkably similar practices – interpenetrating institutions or co-decision mechanisms, and conditional authority claims. Together, these practices enable actors to contest and coordinate their respective authority claims in ways that do not rely on an overarching sovereign or even a shared understanding of their relationship. Instead, practices of interpenetration and conditional authority make all parties responsive to multiple standards of conduct, allowing diverse actors to seek justice over time in conditions of persistent difference and conflict. / Graduate
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Anarchisme et justice : la pensée de Pierre KropotkineGadoua, Félix 04 1900 (has links)
Presque quiconque est exposé.e pour une première fois à l’abolitionnisme pénal est frappé.e d’une même interrogation : celle de l’alternative. Que devrions-nous substituer à l’État afin d’assurer la sécurité de toutes et de tous et l’accès à une justice équitable et égalitaire en cas d’offense? À une époque de fortes effervescences politiques, cette question devait nécessairement occuper les révolutionnaires anticipant la mise en œuvre de la commune libertaire. Du moins, ce fut le cas pour l’anarchiste Pierre Kropotkine. L’héritier d’une famille princière russe s’intéresse d’abord à l’évolution des espèces. Le géologue de formation parcourt son pays natal et découvre l’existence d’un procédé de régulation sociale présent dans la quasi-totalité du règne animal : l’entraide. En s’opposant aux darwiniens autoproclamés, Kropotkine démonte le mythe d’une espèce humaine cruelle à l’état de nature. L’État, inutile en ces circonstances, doit être renversé afin d’offrir un maximum d’espace à nos intuitions solidaires. Ces intuitions doivent être enseignées aux futur.es communard.es plutôt que réprimées tel que le fait une institution comme la prison. Sa critique, qui fait de l’institution carcérale une véritable école du crime, est reprise par les abolitionnistes actuelles. Qu’en est-il des alternatives qu’il propose? L’anarchiste serait-il ouvert à la punition? Favorable à une justice réparatrice? Difficile de résoudre ces interrogations. Une chose est certaine, il existe dans l’histoire une multitude de façons de pratiquer la justice qui s’affranchit d’une autorité centrale. Que ce soit en mobilisant quelques indvidu.es, une commune voisine ou encore toute la communauté, les sociétés étudiées par Kropotkine, en pratiquant l’arbitrage, parviennent à résorber leurs conflits. / Almost anyone who is exposed to penal abolitionism for the first time is struck by the same question: what is the alternative? What substitute can the state implement so as to assure security for all as well as equal and equitable access to justice in the case of an offense? At a time of strong political effervescence, this question had to occupy the revolutionaries anticipating the implementation of the libertarian commune. At least, that was the case for anarchist Peter Kropotkin. The heir to a Russian princely family is first interested in the evolution of species. The geologist travels through his native country and discovers the existence of a process of social regulation present in almost all of the animal kingdom: mutual aid. By opposing to the self-proclaimed Darwinians, Kropotkin dismantles the myth of a cruel human species in the state of nature. The State, useless in these circumstances, must be overthrown in order to offer maximum space to our solidarity intuitions. These intuitions must be taught to future communards rather than repressed by an institution like prison. His criticism, which makes the penal institution a veritable school of crime, is usefull to current abolitionists. What about the alternatives it offers? Would the anarchist be open to punishment? In favor of restorative justice? It is difficult to answer these questions. One thing is certain, there are in history a multitude of ways of practicing justice that frees itself from a central authority. Whether it be by mobilizing a few individuals, a neighboring town or even the entire community, the societies that Kropotkin studied, by practicing arbitration, manage to resolve their conflicts.
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Endeuillés, mais non isolés : création et mise en place d’une intervention de groupe axée sur le modèle de l’aide mutuelle auprès d’enfants endeuillésPepin-LeBlanc, Valérie 03 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche témoigne d'une démarche de recherche-action-participative réalisée auprès d'enfants ayant vécu la perte d'un parent. Elle vise à comprendre l'expérience vécue par les enfants endeuillés d'un parent qui participent à un groupe d'intervention axé sur le modèle de l'aide mutuelle. La réalisation d'une entrevue pré-intervention et une autre post-intervention donnent accès aux perceptions des enfants concernant leur expérience d'endeuillé quant à leurs besoins, mais aussi à leur interprétation de leur réalité. Aussi, l'intervention de groupe utilisée comme méthode d’intervention, et comme méthode de collecte de données reflète la dynamique d'aide mutuelle et son influence sur le vécu des membres autant sur le plan émotif que sur le plan des stratégies adaptatives. Bref, cette recherche en service social, alliant les savoirs pratiques et ceux théoriques, permet de reconnaître que l’aide mutuelle soutient les enfants dans leur réalité d’endeuillés et met aussi l’accent sur le caractère unique de leur deuil respectif. / This research presents a participatory action research with parentally bereavement children. The aim of the project is to understand the experience of bereavement from the perspective of a children who participated at a mutual aid based group work intervention model on this process. First, the realisation of pre and post intervention interviews provide insights on the children's experience of bereavement with regards to their needs and also their perception of their own reality. Second, the group, used as an intervention and a data collect tool reflects, the dynamic's of mutual aid and it's influence on what the members are living emotionally as well to plan various adaptation strategies. In summary, this research in social work, which combines practical knowledge and theory, show the uniqueness of children's bereavement process at the same time than the potential for support obtained through mutual aid group work intervention.
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Évaluation de la mise en oeuvre et des effets perçus du programme Vestiaire des pèresChampigny, Marc-Olivier 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Endeuillés, mais non isolés : création et mise en place d’une intervention de groupe axée sur le modèle de l’aide mutuelle auprès d’enfants endeuillésPepin-LeBlanc, Valérie 03 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche témoigne d'une démarche de recherche-action-participative réalisée auprès d'enfants ayant vécu la perte d'un parent. Elle vise à comprendre l'expérience vécue par les enfants endeuillés d'un parent qui participent à un groupe d'intervention axé sur le modèle de l'aide mutuelle. La réalisation d'une entrevue pré-intervention et une autre post-intervention donnent accès aux perceptions des enfants concernant leur expérience d'endeuillé quant à leurs besoins, mais aussi à leur interprétation de leur réalité. Aussi, l'intervention de groupe utilisée comme méthode d’intervention, et comme méthode de collecte de données reflète la dynamique d'aide mutuelle et son influence sur le vécu des membres autant sur le plan émotif que sur le plan des stratégies adaptatives. Bref, cette recherche en service social, alliant les savoirs pratiques et ceux théoriques, permet de reconnaître que l’aide mutuelle soutient les enfants dans leur réalité d’endeuillés et met aussi l’accent sur le caractère unique de leur deuil respectif. / This research presents a participatory action research with parentally bereavement children. The aim of the project is to understand the experience of bereavement from the perspective of a children who participated at a mutual aid based group work intervention model on this process. First, the realisation of pre and post intervention interviews provide insights on the children's experience of bereavement with regards to their needs and also their perception of their own reality. Second, the group, used as an intervention and a data collect tool reflects, the dynamic's of mutual aid and it's influence on what the members are living emotionally as well to plan various adaptation strategies. In summary, this research in social work, which combines practical knowledge and theory, show the uniqueness of children's bereavement process at the same time than the potential for support obtained through mutual aid group work intervention.
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Peer Support Groups For Substance Misuse: Understanding Engagement With the GroupSotskova, Alina 25 August 2014 (has links)
Peer support groups (PSGs) for addiction recovery are the most common source for aftercare services once professional treatment has ended (Cloud, Rowan, Wulff, & Golder, 2007), and a significant number of individuals who seek help for a substance-related problem only seek that help from peer support organizations, such as Alcoholics Anonymous (White, 2010). In the last two decades, a different, more secular culture of “recovery” from self-defined problematic substance has led to the emergence of new PSGs (White, 2009). However, very few research studies to date have examined how more recent, typically secular, PSGs work, what aspects of them attract participants, and what participants find helpful about the group. Further, very little is known whether theories that have been applied to clinical treatment, such as the Stages of Change model, relate to the peer support environment. LifeRing is a secular PSG that views substance misuse as a learned habit that can be changed through taking responsibility for one’s actions and actively engaging with peers (Nicolaus, 2009). A particularly relevant model to LifeRing is Stages of Change, because LifeRing encourages personal responsibility and choice, does not prescribe any specific steps, and encourages individuals to build their own recovery plan that can help them stay motivated in recovery (Nicolaus, 2009). The current study examined data from 50 participants that attend LifeRing meetings on Vancouver Island. The results were not consistent with the Stages of Change framework.
Specifically, readiness to change and active group participation did not predict group engagement outcomes. Analysis of open-ended follow-up questions indicate that group cohesion and match in beliefs were significantly associated with greater active group participation and convenor alliance was significantly associated with group satisfaction, paralleling findings on the topic in the psychotherapy literature. Information from qualitative follow-up questions regarding helpful and unhelpful aspects of LifeRing are also discussed. / Graduate / avsotskova@gmail.com
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Miinigowiziwin: all that has been given for living well together: one vision of Anishinaabe constitutionalismMills, Aaron James (Waabishki Ma’iingan) 22 July 2019 (has links)
Ending colonialism requires the revitalization of not only indigenous systems of law, but also the indigenous legalities of which they form part. This means that Canada’s unique form of liberal constitutionalism cannot serve as the constitutional framework within which indigenous law is revitalized. Rather, we shall have to advert to the fact that indigenous law was and is generated by unique indigenous legal processes and institutions, which find their authorization in unique indigenous constitutional orders, which are in turn legitimated by indigenous peoples’ unique and varied creation stories. Through the gifts of diverse Anishinaabe writers and orators, and through work with my circle of elders, with aadizookaanan, in community, and on the land, I present one view of Anishinaabe legality. I give special emphasis to its earth-centric ‘rooted’ form of constitutionalism, which is characterized by mutual aid and its correlate structure, kinship.
In the second half, I examine the problem of colonial violence in contemporary indigenous-settler relationships. I identify two principles necessary for indigenous-settler reconciliation and I consider how commonly proposed models of indigenous-settler relationship fare against them. I conclude that one vision of treaty, treaty mutualism—which is a form of rooted constitutionalism—is non-violent to indigenous peoples, settler peoples and to the earth. Finally, I consider counter-arguments on themes of fundamentalism, power, and misreading. / Graduate
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A Hipstory of Food, Love, and Chaosmos at the Rainbow Gathering of the TribesTrocchia-Balkits, Lisa 20 September 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Essai d'une théorie générale de l'entraide policière internationale / Towards a general theory of the international mutual help between the policesHerran, Thomas 16 November 2012 (has links)
L’entraide policière internationale, en raison de la multiplicité de ses sources et de ses applications, apparaît comme un phénomène pluriel difficile à appréhender. Sa mise en œuvre différenciée dans les différents espaces géographiques et les nombreuses évolutions qu’elle a connues aggravent sa complexité. L’objet de la présente étude est de proposer une grille de lecture dont l’ambition est de donner une vision plus claire et plus cohérente. En définitive, deux types d’entraide se dessinent : l’assistance et la coopération. Ce résultat est révélé par une étude notionnelle et conforté par la modélisation du régime. L’étude de la notion permet de révéler, malgré une définition unitaire, la nature duale de l’entraide policière. Cette dualité se répercute sur le régime puisque deux types distincts apparaissent : l’assistance s’apparente au régime de droit commun et la coopération prend les traits d’un régime spécial. En filigrane, il apparaît que l’entraide policière internationale emprunte à la procédure pénale et au droit international leurs caractères et leurs facteurs d’influence. / Due to the several sources and its implementation, the international mutual help between the polices tends to be a concept difficult to understand. The different ways to set up the cooperation in the different part of the world and the several evolutions known, are increasing the difficulties to understand its complexity. This study wants to show and give a clearer vision of this mutual help. Basically, there are two kinds of mutual helps: the assistance and the cooperation. The result appears after a notional study and is consolidated by the establishment of a framework. Despite a commom definition, the study of the notion reveals a duality in the international mutual help between the polices. This duality has an impact on the legal framework, as two types of frameworks are appearing: the assistance relates on the common law system and the cooperation tends to be a specific framework. Finally, it appears the international mutual helps between the polices borrows from the criminal proceedings and from the international rights their caracteristics and their influences.
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Integrating individual and social learning strategies in a small-group model for online psychoeducational intervention : a mixed methods study of a parent-management training programWilkerson, David A. January 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / In the fields of formal and informal online adult education, the absence of a social context for instruction has been found to present significant limitations for learner persistence and retention. In the field of online psychoeducational intervention, self-administered and self-paced individualized prevention programs have been developed for delivery to large populations of anonymous users. These delivery models provide limited social context for instructional activities, due in part to the anonymity of their participants. When social interaction is included in their prevention programs through voluntary, asynchronous self-help/mutual aid discussion forums, anonymity may still limit social interaction, in favor of observational learning advantages for self-efficacy appraisals derived from "lurking". When these large-group models have been applied to online psychoeducation intervention programs for the purposes of encouraging mutual aid, interactive participation has been limited. This mixed methods study focused on a model for the design of an online small group psychoeducational intervention that integrated individual and social learning in a parent management training program. Self-paced participation was replaced with facilitator-led participation in an asynchronous discussion forum where topics were prioritized and sequenced with learning content from individual web-based training modules. Social interaction was facilitated through online problem-based learning discussion group. Despite assertions that interactive participation in online psychoeducational discussion forums may only be accomplished once a subscriber threshold of several hundred participants has been reached, this study found that small group participation through the program's integrated design resulted large effects for increases in parent self-agency and reduction of over-reactive, coercive parenting behaviors. Participation in the online problem-based group discussion forum was found to have contributed to participant outcomes when posting characteristics revealed the presence of both mutual aid processes and the application of individual learning module content.
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