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Dangerous WomenRuss, Jana R. 02 September 2008 (has links)
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Characters in Conflict with Time: the Evolution and Exposition of Temporality in <i>Historia de una escalera</i>, <i>El tragaluz</i>, <i>La Fundación</i>, and <i>La detonación</i>Whittaker, Frieda Martina 29 January 2003 (has links)
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Mytologická a sémiotická rovina vybraných plakátů z období Třetí Říše / Mythological and semiotic niveau of the chosen posters of the Third reichFulková, Andrea January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the poster of the Nazi Third Reich and the ideology shaped by the images and text communication, which it presents. The work looks at the poster as an important medium of communication that served Nazi propaganda to spread National Socialist ideology. This thesis aims to analyse these myths and debunk them in the way how Roland Barthes defines them in his book Mythologies. The author of the diploma thesis applies the traditional method of qualitative research of the media content - mythological and semiotic analysis - to demystify the myths and semiotic characters used in the selected Nazi posters. The first part of the thesis contains terminology, the second part presents the analysis of the individual posters, which are divided into several groups. In the conclusion of the thesis, the author presents a list of common symbols and myths, which are the result of the analysis.
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Mytologie titulních stran časopisu Reflex / Mythology of Reflex magazine cover pagesVondrák, Jan January 2013 (has links)
This diploma work examines a product from the field of print media - front pages of magazine Reflex. Method of mythological analysis is used, which has been in qualitative research of media content applied for half of a century and is considered to be one of the traditional methods used by media studies. Unlike other dissertations in this thematic area this work does not only analyze visual or lexical contents of cover pages, but also focuses on participation of those contents in the development of myth. The work begins with introduction of key theoretical background and resulting terms used in following analyzes describing effects of myths in individual covers. Then the summary brings the interpretation and explanation of described phenomena. The work focuses to decipher myths contained in the first message which the Reflex magazine week after week addresses to his readers -the title page of individual issues. It analyses how the magazine constructs a system of myths, by which ideology can impact on its readers. Aim of this dissertation is not only to describe the process by which the myths capture a variety of signs and fill them with their own meanings, but also a dialectical relationship between myths and stereotypes or ideologies which stand in their background.
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Sala šiuolaikinėje moterų prozoje (Birutė Jonuškaitė "Didžioji sala", Sue Monk Kidd "Undinės krėslas", Victoria Hislop "Sala") / The Island in Women’s Contemporary Prose (Birutė Jonuškaitė „The Great Island”, Sue Monk Kidd „The Mermaid Chair” and Victoria Hislop „The Island”)Stankevič, Oksana 24 September 2008 (has links)
Magistro darbe "Sala šiuolaikinėje moterų prozoje" analizuojama salos tema pasirinktuose trijuose mterų romanuose - Birutės jonuškaitės "Didžioji sala", Sue Monk Kidd "Undinės krėslas", Victoria Hislop "Sala". Remiantis feministinės kritikos, hermeneutiniu ir lyginamuoju metodu buvo siektina atskleisti salos erdves - geografinę, dvasinę ir mitinę, bei jos funkcijas, prasmes moterų gyvenime. Klasikiniuose vyrų romanuose sala atsiskleidžia kaip veikėjų prieglobstis, kalėjimas, išbandymų vieta ar idealusis pasaulis.Darbo analizė atskleidžia gilesnį salos kontekstą - jos geografinė erdvė ir laikas susilieja su moters pasąmone, atveria moteriai vidinio pasaulio erdves. aiškinamasi, kokiu būdu moterų proza per įvairius mitinius simbolius analizuoja moters tapatybės, saviidentifikacijos problemą, kuri išsprendžiama tik salos kontekste. / In the Master’s degree work called „An Island in Women’s Contemporary Prose” it is analyzed the theme of an island. To analyze the following theme there were chosen three novels written by women―writers, i. e. Birutė Jonuškaitė „The Great Island”, Sue Monk Kidd „The Mermaid Chair” and Victoria Hislop „The Island”. The aim of the work is to reveal spiritual, mythological and geographical spaces of the island, as well as its funkctions and meanings in women’s life. The aim of revealing spaces was reached with the help of feminist criticism, as well as hermeneutic and comparative methods. In classical novels written by men―writers the island is show as the main character’s shelter, prison, challenge place or perfect world. Whereas, work analysis presents us another island’s concept in the novels written by women―writers. The island’s geographical space and time merge together with woman’s subconsciousness revealing spaces of inner world for the woman. In the work it is analyzed in which way women’s prose with the help of various mythological symbols analizes woman’s identity and self―identity problem which is solved only in the context of the island.
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Drabužių kolekcija "Mėnuo Saulužę vedė" / Clothes collection „The Moon Wed The Sun“Gedmontaitė, Kristina 27 August 2012 (has links)
Išanalizuotos informacijos pagrindu sukurta 26 modelių drabuţių kolekcija „Mėnuo Sauluţę vedė“, iš kurių 4 pasiūti bei pagaminti jiems tinkantys aksesuarai. Kolekcija norima atkreipti dėmesį į senąjį tikėjimą, kultūrą, papročius ir suteikti galimybę XXI a. ţmogui iš naujo pajusti, kokia plona riba yra tarp realybės ir mitų. Sukurti 2 planšetai, kuriuose pristatoma kolekcija. Filmavimas ir fotosesija vykdyta kartu su ketvirto kurso audiovizualinio meno studentu Mantu Galvičiumi. Kolekcijos pristatymas vykdomas kartu su specialiai tam paruoštomis videoprojekcijomis ir erdvės ketimu videoinstaliacijos pagalba. / According to analyzed information the collection of 26 clothes was designed, 4 of them were sewn and appropriate accessory were made. The purpose of this collection is to attract the attention into old beliefs, culture, and custom and provide the possibility for 21st century human to find the slight boundary between the reality and myths. There were created 1 plane–table where the collection is represented. Filming and photos where made together with the 4th year student of audiovisual art Mantas Galvičius. The presentation of the collection is made with the help of special for this purpose created video-projections and space shifting video-installations.
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O imaginário cristõa seiscentista: uma análise histórico-simbólica da obra O Peregrino de John BunyanOliveira Neto, Estevão Domingos de 08 July 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-07-08 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The purpose of this research is to investigate the symbolic-mythological imaginary of seventeenth century Puritan Protestantism, based on the work of John Bunyan, The Pilgrim. The study was developed within the Graduate Program in Sciences of Religions at the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB), in the research line Religion, Culture and Symbolic Production, by Research and Study Group in Anthropology and the Imaginary (GEPAI). The objective is to identify the mythical and imaginary roots of the Christian imaginary which are present in such work. The historical context in which such work was produced with all religious, philosophical and political conflicts are described. The approach offers elements to realize the mythic-ideological dimension present in John Bunyan s speech. He was a preacher of the Gospel (pastor), forged in an atmosphere of great tension, representative of Protestantism dissent known as Puritan . He used the resource of allegory as a support for the metaphors. The work narrates the trajectory of a Christian towards the Heavenly City. The symbolic-mythological element is present in all the work. This paper aims to bring near the allegory present in the work to the Christian Protestant imaginary. The work was originally published in 1678. The author was in prison for twelve years, and it was during this time that he wrote this, which is his masterpiece. The plot of this novel mingles to the symbolic interpretation. The theoretical analysis adopted is the Theory of the Imaginary by Gilbert Durand. The cultural imaginary consists of a dynamic system, organizer of images, mixture of mythical fragments generated by the human imagination and does not constitute of a secondary element of man s thinking, but in the very matrix of this thought. As a second Theoretical reference is Joseph Campbell, with his work about The Hero Adventure. The proposal is to identify the pilgrim journey in the work of Bunyan with the thesis of the conception of the mythological hero in Campbell. The myths are manifested in the symbolic acts, whose function is to put the man in a relationship of meaning with the world, with the other self and with his own self. There is a logic in all the imaginary mythological building process, in such a way that its phenomenology can be investigated and explained. Methodologically, the research consists in a descriptive and bibliographical study, associated with the studies of the imaginary according to Durand, and the hero adventure according to Campbell. The experience described by Bunyan illustrates our own experience. To tell the truth, all of us are pilgrims in this world, all of us walk in the direction of what is there and beyond, in one way or another, may it be in the plurality of how we feel, perceive and believe, may it be in the singularity of our inner beliefs. / A proposta desta pesquisa consiste em investigar o imaginário simbólico-mitológico do protestantismo puritano do século XVII, tomando como base a obra O peregrino de John Bunyan. O estudo foi desenvolvido dentro do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências das Religiões da Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB), na linha de pesquisa Religião, Cultura e Produção Simbólica, do Grupo de Estudo e Pesquisa em Antropologia do Imaginário (GEPAI). O objetivo é identificar as raízes míticas e imaginárias do imaginário cristão que estão presentes na referida obra. O contexto histórico da produção da referida obra com todos os seus conflitos religiosos, filosóficos e políticos são descritos. A abordagem oferece elementos para se perceber a dimensão mítico-ideológica do discurso de John Bunyan. Era um ministro do evangelho (pastor), forjado num ambiente de grande tensão, representante da dissidência protestante conhecida por puritana . Usa o recurso da alegoria como suporte para as metáforas. A obra narra a trajetória de Cristão rumo à Cidade Celestial. O elemento simbólico-mitológico está presente em toda a obra. Este trabalho procura aproximar a alegoria da obra e o imaginário cristão protestante. A obra foi publicada originalmente em 1678. O autor esteve na prisão por doze anos, tendo nesta época escrito esta sua obra prima. O enredo da obra mescla-se à interpretação simbólica. A fundamentação teórica adotada para a análise é a Teoria do Imaginário de Gilbert Durand. O imaginário cultural consiste de um sistema dinâmico, organizador de imagens, formado pelo amálgama de fragmentos míticos gerados pela imaginação humana e não se constitui num elemento secundário do pensamento do homem, mas na própria matriz deste pensamento. Como segunda referência teórica está Joseph Campbell, com o seu trabalho sobre A aventura do herói. A proposta é identificar a jornada do peregrino da obra de Bunyan com a tese da concepção do herói mitológico de Campbell. Os mitos são manifestos nos atos simbólicos, cuja função é colocar o homem em relação de significado com o mundo, com o outro e consigo mesmo. Há uma lógica em todo o processo de construção do imaginário mitológico, tanto que a sua fenomenologia pode ser pesquisada e explicada. Metodologicamente, a pesquisa consiste de um estudo descritivo e bibliográfico, associado aos estudos do imaginário segundo Durand, e da aventura do herói segundo Campbell. A experiência descrita por Bunyan ilustra a nossa própria. Na verdade, todos somos peregrinos neste mundo, todos caminhamos na direção do que está ali e além, de um modo ou de outro, seja na pluralidade dos modos de sentir, perceber e crer, seja na singularidade das convicções internalizadas.
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Autorský mýtus v postmoderním románu / Writer's myth in the postmodern novelPyanzina, Vera January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis Author's Myth in the Postmodern Novel concerns the issue of myth and mythologization in modern literature. The theoretical portion of the thesis focuses on the concept of "author's myth". The conception of primitive myth is interpreted with regard to its features and functions in archaic societies. The first chapter discusses the relation of myth to literature and the characteristics of mythological aspects in contemporary literature. In terms of literary theory, it examines the issues of memory and history and its influence on the author's myth. The second, analytical part of the work, follows the application of the concept of author's myth. It specifically examines this concept in the novels "I Served the King of England" by Bohumil Hrabal, "The Erl-King" by Michel Tournier and "The Tin Drum" by Günter Grass and as well as a comparative analysis of mythological elements of these novels. Considerable attention is paid to the character of the narrator; the space, time and language of the texts; the process of remembering and the meaning of history in the selected novels.
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Mytologie v Krimi zprávách televize Prima / Mythology in Crime News on TV PrimaHoudková, Martina January 2017 (has links)
This master's thesis examines Czech TV news called "Crime News", that is broadcasted by TV Prima. Method of mythological semiotic analysis was chosen for this paper and it refers to work of Roland Barthes. Crime News (their three-month period) were examined not only from the perspective of lexical and visual point of view but as a complex communicate. This helped to uncover mythological structures, persuasiveness and other phenomena. In the beginning of this thesis theoretical concepts are explained. Second chapter is dedicated to methodology. Analysis itself is the third part of this master's thesis. Show's jingle and anchormen were examined first and the other phenomena second, thereby mythological structures, archetypes and narratives were exposed. Conclusion provides summary and interpretation of described phenomena.
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