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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Temporal Projections of the Shoreline Displacement on Gotland

Tekeste, Yonathan January 2023 (has links)
Global mean sea level rise (GMSLR) impacts the displacement of the world’s coasts and shorelinedifferently due to it being contingent on local topographic and geological conditions. The island of Gotlandis located in the Fennoscandian Shield which lies at the intersection between GMSLR and post-glacialrebound (PGR), at rates that vary latitudinally and, in some areas, are at equal levels. Therefore, the future for the shorelines on the Swedish island can be uncertain due to the shoreline displacement being non-uniform. In this thesis, Själsö, a village located on the north-eastern coast of the island with a higher GMSLR than PGR rate was studied to analyse the shoreline displacement and temporally project thepermanent inundation of the study area. Through a more a deductive analysis, the inundation of the studyarea is projected to take place in approx. 4000 yr. This result was compared with the results from anothermore inductive analysis based on finding displacement rates of the study area through satellite and aerialimagery presenting a wide-ranging results based on two particular set of data, early and late displacementrates. The former inductive results yielded a range between 177-211 yr. while the latter inductive resultsyielded a range between 500-588 yr. The inductive results suggest that the GMSLR is not the onlycontributing factor but also accounts for short-term SLR fluctuations, with the later displacementprojections being slightly more accurate than the early when comparing their results with the deductivelycalculated projection that only takes the GMSLR into consideration.

Lufttemperaturens, vindens och snödjupets inverkan på utveckling av laviner i Abisko/Riksgränsen under 2021

Dahlström, Maria January 2023 (has links)
Det huvudsakliga syftet med denna studie är att studera möjligheten att koppla rapporterade väderdata till antalet rapporterade laviner inom samma område och undersöka i vilken utsträckning rapporterad temperatur, snödjup och vindhastighet påverkar utvecklingen av laviner. I arbetet studeras väderdata kopplat till lavinrapportering inom området Abisko/Riksgränsen. Studien fokuserar på spontant utlösta laviner, det vill säga laviner som utlösts av naturliga väderfenomen utan mänsklig påverkan.Studien bygger på väderdata från endast en väderstation, Katterjåkk, som således får representera hela lavinprognosområdet Abisko/Riksgränsen. Trots att vädret kan uppvisa lokala variationer inom det valda området, tyder resultaten på att det finns ett klart samband mellan å ena sidan väderförhållandena (förändringar i snödjup, vindstyrka och temperatur) och antalet spontant utlösta laviner.Studien visar att väderdata kan användas för att undersöka lavinutveckling i området, och att mer eller mindre ökande snödjup i kombination med vindhastighet verkar vara den huvudsakliga orsaken bakom lavinerna. Många laviner under senare vår verkar också kunna initieras av snabba temperaturförändringar.

Dagvattenhantering med BGG-system : En fallstudie av Birger Jarlsgatan

Sellgren, Betty January 2023 (has links)
I denna studie har möjligheten att använda blågröngrå system (BGG-system) för översvämningshantering i stadsmiljöer undersökts. Med Birger Jarlsgatan som fall har en kombination av litteraturstudier, platsbesök och geografiskt informationssystem (GIS) använts för att undersöka den fysiska möjligheten att placera BGG-system på platsen och om systemen kan minska områdets sårbarhet för översvämningar. Resultatet visade att det troligen går att installera BGG-system längs Birger Jarlsgatan, med undantag för körfältet, samtidigt som områdets karaktär och funktioner kunde bevaras. Vidare visade resultatet att BGG-system kan minska områdets sårbarhet för översvämningar men att systemen inte är tillräckliga för att hantera ett 100-årsregn. För att området ska kunna hantera ett 100-årsregn behöver antingen en större del av avrinningsområdet bestå av BGG-system eller alternativa lösningar användas.

Glacial lakes in the Torneträsk region, northern Sweden, are key to understanding regional deglaciation patterns and dynamics

Ploeg, Karlijn January 2022 (has links)
The prospect of sea level rise due to melting ice sheets affirms the urgency of gaining knowledge on ice sheet dynamics during deglaciation. The Fennoscandian Ice Sheet serves as an analogue, whose retreat can be reconstructed from the geomorphological record. The recent development of a high-resolution LiDAR-derived elevation model can reveal new relationships between landforms, even for well-studied areas such as the Torneträsk region in northwestern Sweden. Therefore, this study aims to refine the reconstruction of the deglaciation in this region based on an updated glacial geomorphological map. A range of glacial landforms were mapped, which by means of an inversion model were utilized to form swarms representing spatially and temporally coherent ice sheet flow systems. Additionally, glacial lake traces allowed for the identification of ice margins that dammed lakes in Torneträsk, Rautasjaure, and other (former) lake basins. Eight glacial lake stages were identified for the Torneträsk basin, where final drainage occurred through Tornedalen. Over 20 glacial lake stages were identified for the Rautasjaure basin, where drainage occurred along the margins of a thinning ice lobe. The disparity between the glacial lake systems results from different damming mechanisms in relation to the contrasting topography of the basins. A strong topographic control on the retreat pattern is evident, as the ice sheet retreated southward in an orderly fashion in the premontane region, but disintegrated into ice lobes in the montane region. The temporal resolution of current dating techniques is insufficient to constrain the timing of ice retreat at the spatial scale of this study. Precise dating of the Pärvie fault would pinpoint the age of the ice margin which at the time of rupture was located between two glacial lake stages of Torneträsk. Collectively, this study provides data for better understanding the final retreat of the ice sheet and associated processes, such as interactions between glacial lakes and ice dynamics.

Glacial lakes in the Torneträsk region, northern Sweden, are key to understanding regional deglaciation patterns and dynamics

Ploeg, Karlijn January 2022 (has links)
The prospect of sea level rise due to melting ice sheets affirms the urgency of gaining knowledge on ice sheet dynamics during deglaciation. The Fennoscandian Ice Sheet serves as an analogue, whose retreat can be reconstructed from the geomorphological record. The recent development of a high-resolution LiDAR-derived elevation model can reveal new relationships between landforms, even for well-studied areas such as the Torneträsk region in northwestern Sweden. Therefore, this study aims to refine the reconstruction of the deglaciation in this region based on an updated glacial geomorphological map. A range of glacial landforms were mapped, which by means of an inversion model were utilized to form swarms representing spatially and temporally coherent ice sheet flow systems. Additionally, glacial lake traces allowed for the identification of ice margins that dammed lakes in Torneträsk, Rautasjaure, and other (former) lake basins. Eight glacial lake stages were identified for the Torneträsk basin, where final drainage occurred through Tornedalen. Over 20 glacial lake stages were identified for the Rautasjaure basin, where drainage occurred along the margins of a thinning ice lobe. The disparity between the glacial lake systems results from different damming mechanisms in relation to the contrasting topography of the basins. A strong topographic control on the retreat pattern is evident, as the ice sheet retreated southward in an orderly fashion in the premontane region, but disintegrated into ice lobes in the montane region. The temporal resolution of current dating techniques is insufficient to constrain the timing of ice retreat at the spatial scale of this study. Precise dating of the Pärvie fault would pinpoint the age of the ice margin which at the time of rupture was located between two glacial lake stages of Torneträsk. Collectively, this study provides data for better understanding the final retreat of the ice sheet and associated processes, such as interactions between glacial lakes and ice dynamics.

Geografididaktik : Fältstudier som komplement till det klassrumsbaserade lärandet i geografiämnet och vad de bidrar med i årskurserna F-3

Gottfridsson, Anja, Östman, Evelina January 2024 (has links)
Om eleverna ska få rätt bild av geografiämnets delar i närområdet, behöver de få genomföra fältstudier. De kan inte få all geografisk kunskap ur det den fakta som förmedlas i klassrummet, eftersom ämnet är komplext. Syftet med studien var därför att undersöka hur lärare kompletterar den klassrumsbaserade undervisningen med utomhuspedagogiska fältstudier och vad dessa bidrar med. Samt om det finns begränsningar kring att genomföra dessa. En kvalitativ metod tillämpades, där semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med fem respondenter. Resultatet som framkommer i studien visar att lärare använder fältstudier som komplement och att de tycker de är viktiga, både för kunskapsinhämtning och elevernas minnesbilder. Detta då eleverna får förståelse för de mönster och samband som finns i utomhusmiljön. Det framkommer även att det finns en del begränsningar i form av ekonomi och elevgruppssammansättningar. Slutsatsen av detta tillsammans med relevant forskning, visar att det är gynnsamt att använda både klassrumsbaserat lärande och fältstudier i geografiundervisningen som genomförs i F-3. Dock skulle de intervjuade lärarna önskat att de kunde genomföra dessa oftare. / <p>2024-01-12</p>

Inventering av skred genom jämförelse av två generationer LiDAR-genererad höjddata

Alm, Klara January 2023 (has links)
Landslides are a natural hazard that is expected to increase in the future, due to climate change. In order to keep risk management plans up to date, an efficient inventory method is needed. In previous studies, multi-temporal high-resolution digital elevation models (DEM) produced with LiDAR technology have been used successfully for landslide inventory and monitoring in different parts of the world. The aim of this study has been to discover an inventory method for landslides in Sweden, using two generations of elevation data produced with LiDAR. The analysis was performed in GIS with the creation of a DEM of difference (DoD) and visual comparison as key components. The sites were also verified using Google Earth satellite imagery and aerial photos. The result of the study shows that a functional, efficient method was developed and several potential landslides were found in the three different study areas. The soil characteristics, slope gradient and distance to areas affected by forestry were recorded for all potential landslide sites. Using multi-temporal DEM for landslide inventory is time- and cost efficient, and the results are more accurate compared to traditional inventory techniques. Hopefully the method developed in this study can be used on a larger scale and lead to updated risk management and prevention plans throughout all risk areas for landslides in Sweden. In future studies field work is recommended to verify the potential landslide sites.

Geomorphic change along the Rönne river : Effects caused by dams / Geomorfologisk förändring längs Rönneån : Effekter av dammar

Scheér, Adam January 2024 (has links)
Many rivers can shape their path through the landscape with erosion and deposition where the riverbed and riverbanks both shape the direction and energy of the flow. The river flow can erode the riverbanks and create meanders which is when the river creates bends in its path that become increasingly curved. Meanders are affected by natural aspects of the landscape but also by anthropogenic structures like dams. The Rönne river is the largest river in the region of Skåne in southern Sweden and along it is three major dams that act as barriers for fish species. These dams are scheduled to be removed in 2024. To estimate how the Rönne river may react to the removal of these dams, the river’s erosion, deposition, and stream width was studied for the years 1926-1934, 1960, 1970 and 2018. By understanding how the dams have affected the river, it may be possible to argue how the river will change after the dams are removed. Erosion was greatest downstream of the dams but changes to deposition and stream width did not follow the pattern indicative with dams. The dams were not the determining factor and other factors such as land use and surficial geology are more impactful to the morphological changes in the river. Issues with the method and used materials affected and created uncertainty with the results. Improvements and changes are therefore needed for the method and the materials to better determine how the Rönne river is affected by the studied dams.

Frihet eller tvång? : Hur upplevs dagens digitala lärande av lärare och elever i två årskurser i en högstadieskola?

AL-Rubaye, Safa January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Analysis of the Amazonian tipping element in the 21st century within the local safe operating space framework : A scientific article review

Schützer, Sara January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

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