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Hur bostadsfrågan ska lösas för de nyanlända : En uppsyn över de nyanländas bostadssituation / How to solve the housing issue for the newly arrivedSleman, Civan January 2020 (has links)
Idag upplever Sverige en stor bostadsproblematik som påverkar både ursprungsbefolkningen och nyanlända. De senare påverkas i synnerhet på grund av gruppens svaga betalningsförmåga. Med föga chanser till jobb och hotet av segregation, befinner de nyanlända sig i en ofördelaktig situation på bostadsmarknaden, en situation som tenderar att mynna ut i en ond spiral som endast kan brytas om åtgärder och initiativ tas vid på entreprenöriell, kommunal, statlig nivå. Detta arbete fokuserar därför på de nyanländas bostadssituation. Mer specifikt undersöker arbetet bakomliggande faktorer till deras ofördelaktiga situation och därmed vilka optimala åtgärder som kan tas vid för att lösa detta. Resultatet påvisar att den ogynnsamma situationen beror på fyra större faktorer: Den rådande bostadsbristen, EBO-lagen, höga hyres- och prisnivåer och den svaga betalningsförmågan bland nyanlända. Den första faktorn innebär att det råder ett underskott på bostäder, vilket antyder att vare sig nyanlända har råd eller inte med att hyra en bostad så finns inte mycket tillgängligt ändå. Enligt flertalet respondenter är lösningen till detta att staten subventionerar markpriser och att detaljplaneprocessen förkortas. Den andra faktorn är en lagstiftning som medför att nyanlända får bosätta vart de vill och är uppbyggd på människors rätt att vara fria. Dessvärre leder lagen till segregation i allra högsta grad då de nyanlända tenderar att bosätta sig i närhet av bekanta. Detta innebär inte bara större trångboddhet, men också sämre chanser till jobb, språkutveckling och etablering i samhället och på bostadsmarknaden. Resultat såväl som diskussion kommer fram till att en avskaffning av lagen är en optimal lösning. En annan lösning är implementering av komplementerande lagstiftning som tillåter kommuner att kontrollera trångboddhet i bostäder som nyanlända avser flytta till. Detta i syfte att avgöra om de får flytta dit eller inte och på så sätt minska den potentiella segregationen. Den tredje och fjärde faktorn är sammankopplade. En kombination av höga hyres- och prisnivåer och de nyanländas svaga betalningsförmåga formar ogynnsamma förhållanden för de nyanlända. Eftersom att hyres- och prissättningen idag är ett stort problem, ser flera respondenter att de enda lösningarna är att kommuner sänker markpriser, staten subventionerar byggherrar och detaljeringsgraden i detaljplaner sänks. Detta i syfte att byggherrar ska kunna sänka produktionskostnader och på så sätt bygga mer prisrimliga bostäder. Ytterligare en lösning är att de nyanlända får ett snabbare kliv in i arbetsmarknaden. / Today, Sweden is experiencing a large housing problem that affects both the indigenous population and new arrivals. The latter are particularly affected by the group’s poor purchasing power. With little chance of jobs and the threat of segregation, the newcomers find themselves in a disadvantageous situation in the housing market, a situation that tends to result in an evil spiral that can only be broken if measures are taken at an entrepreneurial, municipal and state level. Thus, this work focuses on the new arrivals’ housing situation. More specifically, the work examines underlying factors for their disadvantageous situation and thus what optimal measures can be taken to solve this. The result shows that the unfavorable situation is due to four major factors: The current housing shortage, the EBO Act, high rents and prices and the poor purchasing power among new arrivals. The first factor is that there is a deficit in housing, which indicates that whether newcomers can afford to rent a home or not, there is not much available anyway. According to several interviewees, the solution to this is government grants to the municipalities and a shortened detailed planning process. The second factor is a legislation that allows new arrivals to settle wherever they want and is built on people's right to be free. Unfortunately, the act results in segregation to the highest degree as the newly arrived tend to settle in the vicinity of acquaintances. This not only means overcrowded accomodations, but also worse opportunities for jobs, language development and establishment in the society and in the housing market. Results as well as discussion conclude that the abolition of the law is an optimal solution. Another solution is the implementation of complementary legislation that allows municipalities to control the cramped living situations in homes that newcomers intend to move to. This is to determine whether they can move there or not and thus reduce potential segregation. The third and fourth factors are linked. A combination of high rents and price levels and the newcomers' weak purchasing power form unfavorable conditions for the newcomers. Since setting rents and pricing is a major problem today, several respondents see that the only solutions are that municipalities lower land prices, the state subsidizes construction clients and the level of detail in detailed development plans is lowered. This, in order for the construction client to be able to lower production costs and thus build more affordable housing. Another solution is that the newcomers get a faster step into the labor market.
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Information Receptivity: The Information-Seeking Behavior and Networking Activity of Women in a Rural Texas County Judicial SystemLivingston, Jo Ann 05 1900 (has links)
This study identified the information seeking behavior and networking practices used by members of a specific marginalized population, that of adult female probationers (AFPs) in a rural county in Texas. The study focused on how they seek out information when faced with a self-identified need in their lives. Beyond the basic "food, shelter and clothing" that comes to mind, the respondents find themselves faced with questions not only about the judicial system but also ones involving health care, employment, transportation, child-care, and other. The study utilized a qualitative research approach to gather data about the AFPs' information behavior and networking activities. The AFPs were asked about their information behavior during their time in the judicial system and after that involvement ended, and about their use of three points of information access: personal social network, physical resources, and electronic resources. Data was also gathered from community members (CMs) who have a role either within the judicial system or external to the judicial system. In its findings, the study determined there is no single point of access to a comprehensive listing of resources for the AFPs to utilize, and that AFPs reported seeking information via two ways as based on the type of question being raised. The study found that a hierarchy of needs should include access to the internet, if not an electronic device itself. The study also found there is a strong relationship between an AFP's personal social network and their support system, and that, beyond access to information, there is an element of information receptivity involved with their success. Based upon the insights provided by the AFPs and CMs, the study provides recommendations to improve information dissemination, especially about available resources, and to facilitate AFPs' access to same. With the study's conclusion, a report will be submitted to members of the rural county's judicial system who have stated a strong interest in the study's recommendations for potential implementation.
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A Multi-Country, Single-Blinded, Phase 2 Study to Evaluate a Point-of-Need System for Rapid Detection of Leishmaniasis and Its Implementation in Endemic SettingsGhosh, Prakash, Sharma, Abhijit, Bhattarai, Narayan Raj, Abhishek, Kumar, Nisansala, Thilini, Kumar, Amresh, Böhlken-Fascher, Susanne, Chowdhury, Rajashree, Khan, Md Anik Ashfaq, Faisal, Khaledul, Hossain, Faria, Uddin, Md. Rasel, Rashid, Md. Utba, Maruf, Shomik, Rai, Keshav, Sooriyaarachchi, Monica, Abhayarathna, Withanage Lakma Kumari, Karki, Prahlad, Kumar, Shiril, Ranasinghe, Shalindra, Khanal, Basudha, Routray, Satyabrata, Das, Pradeep, Mondal, Dinesh, Wahed, Ahmed Abd El 05 May 2023 (has links)
With the advancement of isothermal nucleic acid amplification techniques, detection of the pathogenic DNA in clinical samples at point-of-need is no longer a dream. The newly developed recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA) assay incorporated in a suitcase laboratory has shown promising diagnostic efficacy over real-time PCR in detection of leishmania DNA from clinical samples. For broader application of this point-of-need system, we undertook a current multi-country diagnostic evaluation study towards establishing this technique in different endemic settings which would be beneficial for the ongoing elimination programs for leishmaniasis. For this study purpose, clinical samples from confirmed visceral leishmaniasis (VL) and post-kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis (PKDL) patients were subjected to both real-time PCR and RPA assay in Bangladesh, India, and Nepal. Further skin samples from confirmed cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) patients were also included from Sri Lanka. A total of 450 clinical samples from VL patients, 429 from PKDL patients, 47 from CL patients, and 322 from endemic healthy/healthy controls were under investigation to determine the diagnostic efficacy of RPA assay in comparison to real-time PCR. A comparative sensitivity of both methods was found where real-time PCR and RPA assay showed 96.86% (95% CI: 94.45–98.42) and 88.85% (95% CI: 85.08–91.96) sensitivity respectively in the diagnosis of VL cases. This new isothermal method also exhibited promising diagnostic sensitivity (93.50%) for PKDL cases, when a skin sample was used. Due to variation in the sequence of target amplicons, RPA assay showed comparatively lower sensitivity (55.32%) than that of real-time PCR in Sri Lanka for the diagnosis of CL cases. Except for India, the assay presented absolute specificity in the rest of the sites. Excellent concordance between the two molecular methods towards detection of leishmania DNA in clinical samples substantiates the application of RPA assay incorporated in a suitcase laboratory for point-of-need diagnosis of VL and PKDL in low resource endemic settings. However, further improvisation of the method is necessary for diagnosis of CL.
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’’Det är viktigt attarbeta utifrån de behov som finns’’ : Yrkesprofessionernas arbete kring lärmiljön inom förskolan, i relation tillbarn i behov av särskilt stöd. / "It is important to work based on the needs that exist" : The work of the professions around the learning environment within thepreschool, in relation to children in need of special support.Esak, Simone Viktoria January 2023 (has links)
This study is about the work in the preschool adapted to children in need ofspecial support. The purpose of this study is to investigate how the variousprofessions within the preschool's operations work to promote an equallearning environment adapted to children in need of special support, as well aswhat limitations arise. The study is qualitative and has been based on semistructured interviews. The theoretical framework the study is based on isPractical epistemological analysis as the study's three central concepts arequalification, socialization and personality development which can becompared in relation to the curriculum's three concepts of learning, care, anddevelopment. These three concepts have great importance in relation to thework with learning environments adapted to children in need of specialsupport. The theory is based on meaning creation, which in the results of thestudy we get to see is important in the design of the learning environment. Theresults of the study show that when designing the learning environment, it isimportant to start from the needs that exist in order to create an equal learningenvironment that will benefit every child. It is important to know what you aredoing and why in order to develop the learning environment. Knowledge isimportant and by working together with the work team with their variousknowledge, experiences and competences, they constantly strive to create anenvironment that benefits and is the best for the children.
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Sociala medier-stalkning : den normaliserade övervakningen / Social media stalking : the normalized surveillanceGunnarsson, Andrea, Åkerberg, Olivia January 2018 (has links)
Digitaliseringen är djupt rotat i det svenska samhället och idag ser vi att majoriteten av svenskarna använder internet och sociala medier i stor utsträckning (IIS, 2017). Sociala medier-stalkning (SM-stalkning) är det relativt nya fenomenet som innebär att hämta information om andra människor via sociala plattformar som Facebook eller Instagram. Tidigare forskning har fokuserat på nära, redan etablerade relationer. Denna uppsats ämnar undersöka sociala medier-stalkning i relation till nya och potentiella relationer genom att besvara frågorna om vilken utsträckning detta beteende sker, hur det varierar mellan olika grupper och vilka faktorer som kan förklara beteendet. Med en kvantitativ utgångspunkt formulerades en webbenkät som skickades ut via Facebook. Resultatet analyserades sedan i tre fokusområden i multipla linjära regressionsmodeller samt medelvärdestabeller. Resultatet visade att sociala medier stalkning är ett vanligt beteende men att det skiljer sig i vilken utsträckning det genomförs. De gruppskillnader som hittades i studien var att kvinnor gör beteendet mer än män, studenter gör beteendet mer än heltidsarbetare och yngre SM-stalkar mer än äldre. Efter att ha konstanthållt för samtliga fokusområden (sociodemografi, personlighetsdrag och ensamhet) visade det sig att resultatet som var signifikant i våra regressionsmodeller, pekar på att de förklaringsfaktorer till varför människor SM-stalkar var; viktighet av att bli omtyckt samt användning av den information som uppkommer vid SM-stalkning. Vi argumenterar för att detta handlar om kontroll respektive konformitet inom ramarna för människors fundamentala behov av att tillhöra sociala relationer och grupper.
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Online Product Reviews: Effects of Star Ratings and Valence on Review Perception among Those High and Low in Need for CognitionSchreck, Jacquelyn L 01 January 2018 (has links)
The Internet is becoming the main source for various tasks, from learning, to working, and shopping. There are many websites one can use to shop. Almost all stores have a website from which you can order anything you might want. As online shopping becomes more prominent, it is important to understand the effects of the Internet and its product reviewers and, specific to this study, consumer decision making. This study seeks to understand the effect of star ratings and valence on review perception between the different cognitive levels of individuals. Recognition review perception, and intent to purchase were being measured. Results showed that need for cognition did have an effect on accuracy of recognition and perceived valence. Need for cognition and congruency as well as actual valence had an effect on perceived valence. Need for cognition, actual valence, and congruency all had an effect on purchase intention. This research is important because it is relevant to a growing trend around the world. Technology is already integrated into nearly everyone’s lives and it is only going to more so as we continue to evolve. Just as it is becoming more common for people to receive education from online institutions, and for employers to use more Internet based applications, it is only natural consumers will continue the trend of purchasing items online. Learning the social and cognitive influences of online reviews on perception and purchasing intentions is something everyone needs to be aware of.
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An Empirical Study of Organizational Ubiquitous Computing Technology Adoption: the Case of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) in the Healthcare IndustryLee, Cheon-Pyo 09 December 2006 (has links)
Advances in wireless networking and the Internet move us toward ubiquitous and embedded computing. Ubiquitous and embedded computing enhances computer use by making computers available throughout the physical environment while making them effectively invisible to the user. In the ubiquitous and embedded computing era, computers in the traditional sense gradually fade, and information mediated by computers is available anywhere and anytime through devices that are embedded in the environment. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is one of the key technologies of the ubiquitous and embedded computing era. RFID is a technology used to identify, track, and trace a person or object and enables the automated collection of important business information. RFID minimizes human intervention in the person and object identification process by using electronic tags and is expected to complement or replace traditional barcode technology. RFID is a highly beneficial technological advancement which ultimately may change the way of doing business. This study examines the RFID adoption decision process and proposes a model predicting the likelihood of adopting RFID within organizations in the healthcare industry. A considerable number of studies have been conducted regarding organizational information technology (IT) adoption, but the nature of the organizational IT adoption process is still not well understood. It is even posited that the only consistency found in the organizational adoption literature is the inconsistency of research results. The inconsistency of results is partially explained by changes in technological, organizational, and environmental statuses. Therefore, factors explaining traditional IT adoption may not justify RFID adoption and should be revisited and revalidated. In addition, given the ongoing importance of RFID, it is very important to identify the unique factors that contribute to the likelihood of adopting RFID. In this study, an organizational RFID adoption model is proposed and empirically tested by a survey using a sample of 865 senior executives in U. S. hospitals. The model posits that three categories of factors, technology push, need pull, and decision maker characteristics, determine the likelihood of adopting RFID within organizations. The relationships between those three categories and the likelihood of adopting RFID are strengthened or weakened by organizational readiness. This study may serve as the theoretical and empirical basis for research on other forms of ubiquitous and embedded computing systems.
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Identifying and Measuring Aspects of Need to Evaluate: Expressing versus LearningWright, Nicholas Fernand 09 July 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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The Normative Context of NeedsHeim, Jacob D. 10 June 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Investigation of the Differential Predictive Abilities of the Need to Evaluate Sub-scalesXu, Mengran 12 October 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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