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Living in Present to Nurture the Future: Investigating the Association Between Mindfulness and Sustainable Consumption Behaviors Using Individuals' Cognitive Personality, Values and Beliefs VariablesSubramaniam, Brintha, Subramaniam, Brintha January 2016 (has links)
Currently our world consumes the equivalent of 1.6 earths per year. Although the production has become resource-efficient by using fewer natural resources to produce one dollar of GDP, per-capita consumption in the US firmly increases. Individuals consume an ever-increasing quantity of goods and services which inevitably leads to environmental damages in terms of pollution, deforestation, climate change and psychological disorders such as reduced wellbeing, unhappiness, and anxiety. Past research has suggested that embracing sustainable consumption - where consumption of products and services have minimal impact on the environment, and improvement in society's wellbeing-might mitigate the detrimental effects of over-consumption. Increasingly studies in this stream propose that adopting a psychological approach, specifically by enhancing individuals' inherent capability known as mindfulness may aid in boosting sustainable consumption behaviors. However, only few studies have investigated the decision-making processes associated with mindfulness that could show a detailed picture of how mindfulness - receptive attention to and present moment awareness is positively associated with sustainable consumption behaviors. Conceptual model for this study was built based on mindfulness-related mechanisms, namely re-perceiving, systematic processing, and ability to overcome need for fulfillment. Using a four-step conceptual model: mindfulness-cognitive personality variables-values and beliefs variables-sustainable consumption behaviors, this research empirically examines how trait mindfulness is associated with sustainable consumption behaviors. Embracing a broad definition of sustainable consumption in terms of its impact on environment (composition) and level of consumption (volume), this research includes both pro-environmental and downshifting consumption behaviors. By utilizing an online survey method, data was collected from 1005 respondents in Amazon Mechanical Turk (Mturk). Findings from self-reported measures suggested that while mindfulness directly and positively associated with sustainable behaviors, significant indirect relationships are explained by cognitive personality variables such as cognitive flexibility, need for cognition, attention based self-regulatory control, and values/beliefs namely altruistic values, self-acceptance values, materialistic values, and perceived consumer effectiveness. Comparing empirical models using measures of both socio-cognitive based mindfulness and meditation based mindfulness demonstrated that the former has both direct and indirect relationships with sustainable behaviors while the latter showed only indirect relationships through cognitive personality variables and values/beliefs. By identifying cognitive personality variables that are closely associated with mindfulness, this research teases out the tenets of mindfulness that are more relevant for sustainable consumption behaviors. Also, the recognized cognitive personality variables in this research have been rigorously studied in consumer behavior research, hence finding their relationships with mindfulness might help uncover applications of mindfulness in mainstream consumer behavior research. In addition, by supporting relationships involving cognitive personality variables and values/beliefs relevant for sustainable consumption, this study may offer insights for policy makers and practitioners in maneuvering consumers' mindfulness and their sustainable behaviors to bring about change in their sustainable consumption behaviors.
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Hearts in the Balance: The Impact of Desired Versus Received Social Support Needs on Persons with Heart FailureSchrader, Melanie P. 01 January 2016 (has links)
Social support is the collection of tangible and intangible experiences that surround people as they cope with daily stressors. High quality social support is important among patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD) because it has positive effects on social, psychological and physical well-being, and those with good social support cope better with the travails of CVD. Although there are many studies of social support in CVD, little work has been done on the topic of discrepancies between desired and received social support in the context of gender.
The purpose of this dissertation was to determine if there are gender differences in the discrepancies between CVD patients’ desired and received social support. If gender differences exist in desired and received needs for social support, it is necessary to identify how these differences might affect rehospitalization and mortality rates. Three manuscripts are included in this dissertation: 1) a comprehensive review of the literature to examine gender differences in CVD patients’ perception of the concordance between desired and received social support and if gender differences in patients’ perception of concordance are associated with differences in health outcomes; 2) a secondary analysis of a cross-sectional observational study to determine whether there is a differential relationship between perceived social support and depression in African American and Caucasian patients with heart failure (HF), and 3) a longitudinal observational study to determine if the discrepancy between desired and received support for individuals hospitalized with an exacerbation of HF is associated all-cause event-free survival.
I identified a gap in the literature regarding the differences in received and desired levels of social support between genders that warrants further investigation. In the secondary analysis, I found that race moderates the relationship between perceived social support and depressive symptoms. Higher levels of perceived social support were associated with lower levels of depressive symptoms among Caucasians who had higher levels of depression. Among African Americans, depression levels were lower and were unaffected by level of social support. In the longitudinal observational study, 157 participants identified desired and received support upon enrollment. The participants had follow-up at one- and three-month post discharge intervals to determine if they had experienced rehospitalization or mortality during the period. In unadjusted and adjusted analyses neither gender nor social support congruency score group were predictive of all-cause event-free survival. This finding belies the common belief that too much support will smother the patient, causing cardiac invalidism. Despite this, further research is needed to continue to evaluate ongoing discrepancies between genders of desired and received support and their impact on health outcomes. Further research is also needed to establish accuracy in more appropriately matching social support received with the social support desired.
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Det besvärliga våldet : Socialtjänstens stöd till kvinnor som utsatts för våld i nära relationer / The troublesome Violence : The Social Services’ Support for Female Victims of Domestic ViolenceEkström, Veronica January 2016 (has links)
I avhandlingen analyseras hur våldsutsatta kvinnors behov tolkas, omförhandlas och anpassas för att kunna hanteras inom socialtjänstens organisation. Avhandlingens övergripande frågeställningar fokuserar på insatser och behov, betydelsen av socialtjänstens organisering och betydelsen av socialarbetarnas handlingsutrymme. Avhandlingen baseras på kvalitativa analyser av statliga propositioner, intervjuer med socialarbetare och med kvinnor som varit utsatta för våld i nära relationer. Det teoretiska ramverket bygger bland annat på Frasers (1989) teoretiska perspektiv som tar sin utgångspunkt i samhällets tolkningar av människors/gruppers behov av stöd, nyinstitutionell teori och teorier om gatubyråkrater. Avhandlingen visar att socialarbetares tolkningar är centrala aspekter av förhandlingen om hur våldsutsatta kvinnors behov och rätt till stöd ska förstås. Ett viktigt resultat i avhandlingen är att stödet till våldsutsatta kvinnor blir så pass olika. Avhandlingen ger inga svar i kvantitativa termer på hur olikheten är fördelad, men den ger exempel på hur olikheten tar sig uttryck. I kommuner där specialiseringen innebär att socialarbetarna på socialkontoret i första hand utreder behov och fattar beslut om insatser, måste det också finnas adekvata insatser att besluta om. Saknas det så erbjuds inte heller något stöd. Stödet till kvinnor som utsatts för våld i nära relationer blir också olika eftersom socialarbetare ställer olika krav eller sätter upp olika trösklar för att kvinnor ska få stöd. Avhandlingen visar att både gemensam kunskap och gemensam syn på sociala problem är centralt för att samarbetet inom den specialiserade socialtjänstens ska fungera och i längden också för vilket stöd människor kommer att erbjudas. / This thesis analyses how the needs of abused women are interpreted, renegotiated and adapted for handling within the social services. The overarching research questions concern support and needs, the significance of the social services organisation, and the role of social workers’ own discretion. The material consists of qualitative analyses of government bills, and interviews with social workers as well as with female victims of domestic violence. The theoretical framework includes Fraser's (1989) perspective on society's interpretations of people/groups in need of support, neo-institutional theory and the theory of street level bureaucracy. The thesis shows that social workers’ interpretations are central for how abused women's needs and their right to support will be understood. An important result is the wide variation in the kinds of support offered, deriving from the fact that there appears to be no uniform approach across the municipal social services; social workers in the different offices set up different requirements/thresholds for women to receive support. No answers are given in quantitative terms of how this diversity is distributed, but examples are presented to illustrate the range manifested. In municipalities where specialisation means that the social workers primarily investigate needs and make formal decisions about measures to be taken, there must also be adequate interventions in place to decide upon and distribute. The thesis shows that both mutual knowledge and mutual understanding of social problems are central for the cooperation within in the specialised social services and ultimately for what kind of support people will be offered.
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Specialpedagogik i förskolan: Barn i behov av särskilt stöd : En jämförelse mellan två olika förskolor utifrån pedagogernas resonemang om barn i behov av särskilt stödWard, Josephine, Jawhar, Sandi January 2016 (has links)
The aim of our study is to examine how pedagogues deal with inclusion and exclusion in the preschools and how they work with special education to include children in need of special support. We will do this by conducting interviews with seven different pedagogues at different preschools in Stockholm city which we will compare to each other. Our study is a qualitative research and with our data collection, we have chosen to focus on data in the shape of interviews and interpretive analysis to gain a deeper understanding and knowledge about our chosen topic. We have used these following questions as the starting point of our research:1. How can pedagogues approach when working with special education in children’s groups?2. What kind of view do pedagogues have with children who are in need of special support and how can it be understood from a relational perspective?3. In what way do pedagogues deal with inclusion and exclusion in the preschool?4. Are there any differences or similarities between these preschools? And what can this be due to? We have also chosen the relational perspective as our starting point in our study. In our research this means that children can be understood in relation to the environment and to the current context. It involves an understanding of the surroundings, the environment and the context affecting the individual. This means that we should understand human actions in communications and interactions with others. The conclusion of our study shows a larger perspective with both similarities and differences in how pedagogues work with special education, their views on children in need of special support and how they deal with inclusion and exclusion inthe preschools.
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G. W. F. Hegel et T. W. Adorno sur le besoin de la penséeLanglois, Philippe 08 1900 (has links)
Une traduction française des "Thèses sur le besoin" de Theodor W. Adorno accompagne la thèse (annexe). / La présente thèse analyse et contraste les positions de G.W.F. Hegel et de T. W. Adorno sur la nature de la pensée rationnelle et le sens de la pratique philosophique. Notre démarche consiste en une interprétation critique d’une idée que partagent Hegel et Adorno mais qu’ils développent différemment, selon laquelle la pensée rationnelle obéit à un certain besoin (Bedürfnis) qui lui est à la fois spécifique et universel.
Hegel a parlé d’un « besoin de la philosophie ». L’expression est ambiguë : elle vise à décrire la nature générale de la pensée rationnelle mais aussi à exprimer la pertinence historique de la raison, c’est-à-dire sa capacité à assouvir des besoins concrets. Je démontre dans les cinq premiers chapitres que Hegel tente de réconcilier ces deux besoins en soutenant que l’identification par le concept est précisément ce qui permet d’appaiser la souffrance concrète que génère la division de l’histoire avec elle-même. La solution est en effet trouvée dans l’idée du savoir absolu, une posture de la pensée rationnelle tout aussi fondée dans la nature de la pensée elle-même que dans les aspirations de son autre, c’est-à-dire de l’histoire. Le savoir absolu est le point où chez Hegel coïncident la nature de la raison en général et la nécessité d’exprimer les besoins universels de l’histoire.
Les chapitres six à neuf situent ensuite le déplacement épistémologique que propose la dialectique négative d’Adorno par rapport à cette conclusion de Hegel. Nous prenons soin de montrer qu’Adorno ne la juge pas fausse mais unilatérale. Il conçoit qu’exprimer et assouvir les souffrances historiques revient au concept mais il soutient en même temps que celui-ci échoue à cette tâche tant qu’on ne nuance pas la portée et la signification de sa « compulsion à identifier ». Nous démontrons que si cette dernière est d’après Adorno à la fois inévitable et fautive, c’est parce que le besoin qui motive la pensée rationnelle n’est pas d’abord la nécessité de concevoir l’unité dans la division mais celui de réaliser les conditions de la survie et du bonheur de l’organisme vivant qui soutient la pensée. Or pour Adorno, la société capitaliste bloque les pratiques émancipatrices qui s’attachent à combler ce besoin matériel parce qu’elle absolutise le principe d’identité. Nous soutenons que, dans ce contexte, l’approche adornienne de la philosophie comme relevant de l’essai (Essay) et développant des concepts discontinus orientés vers le non-identique n’est pas moins, mais plus rationnelle que la posture hégélienne qui considère la philosophie comme une science absolue. / This thesis analyzes and contrasts G. W. F. Hegel’s and T. W. Adorno’s positions on the nature of rationality and the task of philosophy. Its central aim is to offer a critical interpretation of a thought shared but interpreted differently by both thinkers, namely, that philosophy proceeds from a certain need (Bedürfnis) that is both specific and universal.
Hegel spoke of a « need of philosophy ». The expression is ambiguous: it is meant to describe the general nature of rational thinking, but also to express how reason or philosophy can justify their historical relevance and satisfy concrete needs. I argue in chapters one to five that Hegel tries to reconcile these two needs, in order to show why identifying with concepts is the key to appeasing the concrete suffering caused by history’s own division within itself. The answer is given in absolute knowledge, grounded and justified in respect of thought itself as well as thought’s other, i.e., history. Absolute knowledge is point of equilibrium between reason in general and reason as the adequate expression of history’s universal needs.
Chapters six to nine then interpret Adorno’s negative dialectics as a critical reworking of this dialectical problem of framing normativity in historical terms. Adorno agrees with Hegel that the most relevant and satisfying expression of historical suffering is conceptual, yet he also contends that the « compulsion to identity » as such fails to satisfy the need that motivates philosophical thinking. I argue that this is because striving for survival and happiness is not reducible to thought’s obsession with identity. For Adorno, happiness and “right life” are blocked in contemporary society because capitalism hypostasizes the identity principle inherent in conceptual thinking. In this context, I argue that Adorno’s view of philosophy as essay (Essay) is more, not less, rational than Hegel’s understanding of philosophy as an absolute science.
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Phases amont de l'innovation : proposition d'une démarche d'analyse de besoin et d'évaluation de l'acceptabilité d'un produit / Front-End Phases of Innovation : proposition of need analysis method and acceptability assessment of productBen Rejeb, Helmi 02 December 2008 (has links)
Aujourd’hui les entreprises doivent pouvoir offrir de nouveaux produits en continu prenant en considération les nouvelles technologies disponibles afin de satisfaire des clients de plus en plus exigeants et diversifiés. Il est donc primordial pour une entreprise de savoir quels sont les besoins des acteurs intéressés par son produit. L’objectif de ce travail de doctorat est de proposer une nouvelle méthode pour analyser le besoin pour aider les entreprises à mieux définir leurs nouveaux produits. La démarche proposée se décline en quatre phases : description de l’environnement et du fonctionnement des acteurs par la technique du RARe (Ressources, Activités, Résultats), détermination des besoins par la réalisation de quatre types d’opérations sur les ressources de l’acteur puis évaluation et classification des besoins selon le modèle de Kano et enfin comparaison de plusieurs concepts de produits. Pour y arriver, un travail de bibliographie sur la notion de besoin a été réalisé. Cette recherche bibliographique nous a permis également de définir le cahier des charges d’une nouvelle méthode d’analyse de besoin. Ceci a justifié le choix de la méthode RARe, basée sur l’observation des activités de l’acteur, pour comprendre et identifier les besoins. Pour les classer, nous avons utilisé le modèle de Kano, qui distingue les différents besoins existants : basiques, de performance, attractifs et neutres. Nous avons mis au point un calcul d’indicateurs à l’aide d’une formulation matricielle permettant de classifier les besoins et de comparer des concepts de produits. Cette méthode constitue donc un outil d’aide à la décision au début du processus de conception / Nowadays, companies must offer new products continuously and take into consideration new available technologies in order to satisfy more and more exigent and diversified customers. Therefore, it is essential for a company to know what are the needs of the stakeholders interested in its product. The objective of this PhD work is to propose a new method to analyze the need in order to improve the new product definition process in a firm. This tool is a part of a methodology for innovative project management and it is useful before the elaboration of the specification of the new product. The proposed method has four phases: description of the stakeholders’ environment by the RARe technique (Resources-Activities- Results), determination of needs by the realization of four types of operations on the stakeholder’s resources then evaluation and classification of needs according to the Kano model and finally comparison of several products concepts. To achieve this method, a bibliographical work on the notion of need was realized. This bibliographical research also allowed us to define the specifications of a new method for need analysis. Hence, the choice of the RARe method was justified because it is based on the observation of the stakeholders’ activities. To classify their needs, we used the model of Kano, which distinguishes various existing needs: basic, one dimensional, attractive and neutral. We worked out a calculation of indicators by means of a matrix formulation allowing to classify needs and to compare concepts of products. This method thus constitutes a decision-making tool at the beginning of the conception process
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Savoir être qu'est-ce à dire ? : du métier d'homme d'"Emile" de J.-J. Rousseau au savoir-être des apprenants d'aujourd'hui / What does "savoir-être" mean ? : from the job of being a man in J.-J. Rousseau's "Emile" to the life-skills contemporary learnersDagues, Véronique 26 November 2013 (has links)
Si les propositions proprement révolutionnaires de l’apprendre comme de l’enseigner de J.-J. Rousseau au XVIIIe siècle ont pu alimenter toute la pensée de l’éducation pendant près de deux siècles, se seraient-elles effondrées au milieu du XXe siècle avec l’arrivée des Approches communicatives, Perspective actionnelle et Cadre européen commun de références pour les langues dans leur prolongement ? Ou bien, ces nouveaux modèles d’apprentissage rejouent-ils Emile ou de l’éducation ? Se pourrait-il que cette fiction nous informe du continuum et de la rupture avec la Tradition éducative occidentale depuis Platon ? car si Emile annonce l’apprenant d’aujourd’hui, ils se séparent radicalement quant à leur « destination » (Kant). Il est en effet des conditions pour que le métier d’homme, se transforme en savoir-être.De son côté, l’Essai sur l’origine des langues rousseauiste pose une question qui, même sondée par la linguistique, reste toujours en suspens. Le langage des hommes leur servirait-il à exprimer leurs besoins et leurs pensées ? Rousseau n’y croit pas, Saussure non plus, d’aucuns (Lacan pour principal) avance même que la langue sert à tout autre chose qu’à la communication, et d’autres, écrivains et poètes, lui font dire des choses insoupçonnées qu’on reconnaît cependant. Serait-elle néanmoins réductible à un savoir-faire par tout le monde ?A vouloir vite tourner les pages de l’histoire, la didactique (DLE et FLE notamment) se prive d’un illustre ancêtre qui pourtant voyait loin. Cette étude se propose d’y retourner. / If Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s radically innovative proposals for learning and teachning in tle 18th century nourished educational thought for two centuries, why did they collapse in the middle of 20th century with the development of Communicative and Action-oriented approaches, and, in their wake, the Common European Framework of References for Languages ? Or, alternatively, did these newer models of knowledge acquisition replay in some fashion or another the ideas contained in Rousseau’s Emile, or On Education ?Could it be that Rousseau’s fiction tell us about certain continuities and discontinuities in the Western intellectual tradition of educational thought since Plato ? If contemporary discussions of learning acquisition differ radically in Kantian terms of their ends, there are certain conditions necessary for vocational training to be transformed into life-skills (savoir-être).On the other hand, Rousseau’s Essay on the Origin of Languages asked a question to which contemporary linguists have been unable to give an adequate answer : does human language exists in order to express needs and thoughts ? Neither Rousseau, nor Saussure long after him, believed so. Lacan claimed that language serves another purpose besides communication. Others, writers and poets for example, regularly use language to say things otherwise unknown but recognizable nevertheless. Does this make language use’s purpose reducible to a form of expertise, or know-how (savoir-faire) ?In its rush to turn the pages of history, pedagogical approaches (notably Foreign Language Teaching and French Foreign Language programs) have deprived educational instructors of visionary aspects of Rousseau’s ideas about theses issues. This study shows their relevance to contemporary linguistic concerns.
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Problematika dávek hmotné nouze z pohledu sociálního pracovníka / The problem of material need assistance from the perspective of a social workerVáchová, Jana January 2019 (has links)
In the theoretical part of this thesis, the theory of social policy, the social policy of the Czech Republic, the structure and importance of the Labor Office in the fight against social exclusion and the current legislation on benefits of material need and the role of social workers were examined. The practical part presented and analyzed the results of a questionnaire survey conducted among social workers of the Labor Office of the Czech Republic. The aim of the questionnaire survey was to obtain information on the state of administrative burdens, obstacles to effective work, threats at the workplace and opinions of social workers on the issue of payment of benefits of material need and their abuse. The results of the questionnaire survey are as follows: there is excessive staff turnover at the Labor Office of the Czech Republic, which does not benefit the functioning of this institution. Too much administrative burden, poor communication with other institutions or low financial rewards contribute to this issue. Social workers often face client aggression and, in their opinion, are often misused by material need.
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[pt] A tese identifica uma continuidade no pensamento de Wittgenstein centrada
na sua distinção entre o âmbito necessário e o âmbito contingente da linguagem,
particularmente na característica impredicativa do primeiro, sobretudo evidente na
sua Filosofia da Matemática, e cujas conseqüências seriam permanentemente
desenvolvidas ao longo da sua obra. São apresentadas as origens da noção de
impredicatividade nos sistemas de Poincaré e Russell e a importância desta noção
já para o início da Filosofia de Wittgenstein é avaliada. A partir disso, as críticas
de Wittgenstein à abordagem de Russell da Teoria dos Tipos são analisadas. Em
seguida, discute-se a importância do tema para a mudança de concepção operada
no período intermediário do pensamento de Wittgenstein e para suas posições
sobre as demonstrações e a verdade matemática. O trabalho contém ainda um
anexo no qual aplicamos a leitura proposta à compreensão das observações de
Wittgenstein sobre o teorema da incompletude de Gödel. O principal ganho de
nosso trabalho é oferecer uma opção de leitura da Filosofia de Wittgenstein que
confere unidade, sistematicidade e coerência interna para suas mais estranhas e
díspares posições. Além disso, na medida em que o âmbito necessário da
linguagem é tomado como o âmbito responsável pela determinação do sentido
lingüístico, identifica-se o caráter impredicativo da própria determinação
semântica como uma característica fundamental a ser levada em conta não apenas
na abordagem da Filosofia de Wittgenstein, mas também por aqueles que se
preocupam com o problema geral do significado e com suas conseqüências para
uma justificativa semântica do construtivismo matemático. / [en] This study identifies a line of continuity through Wittgenstein s Philosophy
based on his distinction between the necessary and the contingent domains of
language. This distinction is concerned with the impredicativity featured by the
necessary domain. This continuity is particularly evident in Wittgenstein s
Philosophy of Mathematics. My thesis claims that the consequences of this
continuity in the treatment of the necessary domain of language are permanently
developed throughout his work. First, I present the impredicativity notion roots in
the systems of Poincaré and Russell. As of this, I evaluate also this notion
importance to the beginning of Wittgenstein’s Philosophy and to his criticism
about Russell’s approach to a Theory of Types. Thereafter, I discuss the
impredicativy importance to the turn of Wittgenstein’s thought in its intermediary
period as well as to his positions about the mathematical truth and demonstrations.
This study contains also an appendix in which I apply the proposed interpretation
to the comprehension of Wittgenstein’s remarks on Gödel incompleteness
theorem. The thesis main contribution is to offer an alternative interpretation of
Wittgenstein s Philosophy conveying unity, systematization and an internal
coherence to his most awkward and strangest positions. Moreover, since it is
assumed that the necessary field of language is responsible for the linguistic
meaning determination, the impredicative feature in the semantic determination is
highlighted. As a result, this feature must be assumed not only as an approach to
Wittgenstein s Philosophy, but also by everyone that is concerned with the
general problem of meaning and with its consequences to a semantic justification
to mathematical constructivism.
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\"Estudo da prevalência das más oclusões e da necessidade de tratamento ortodôntico em pacientes da disciplina de clínica integrada da Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade de São Paulo\" / Prevalence of malocclusions and need for orthodontic treatment, Integrated Clinic Department , Dental School , University of São PauloSantos, Pedro César Fernandes dos 31 August 2006 (has links)
O Índice Dental Estético (DAI) tem sido amplamente usado em estudos envolvendo crianças e adolescentes, mas raramente usado em estudos com adultos. O propósito do presente estudo transversal foi avaliar a confiabilidade do DAI em uma amostra com 120 pacientes adultos, incluindo 46 do sexo masculino (38,3%) e 74 do sexo feminino (61,7%), entre 19 e 78 anos de idade (média de 49,2). Quase todos os pacientes apresentaram-se com muitas perdas dentárias e sem tratamento ortodôntico prévio. A prevalência e a severidade da má oclusão, a necessidade de tratamento ortodôntico, a autopercepção do paciente em relação à necessidade deste tipo de tratamento e a indicação, pelo cirurgião-dentista, foram avaliadas. Além disso, as opiniões subjetivas de 33 ortodontistas em 32 pacientes, por meio de fotografias intra e extrabucais e modelos de estudo foram também analisadas. Teste estatístico Kappa foi usado para avaliar o DAI e as opiniões dos profissionais. Testes qui-quadrado e de Fischer foram usados para verificar a correlação entre sexo, autopercepção e indicação do cirurgião-dentista e o escore do DAI. O teste t-student foi usado para investigar a correlação entre a idade e a necessidade de tratamento ortodôntico. A média do escore DAI foi de 38,5. Quase metade da amostra apresentou má oclusão severa ou muito severa, a qual sugeriu grande necessidade de tratamento ortodôntico. A confiabilidade intra e interexaminador do escore DAI e dos componentes foi muito alta (k>0,9). Inconsistências foram observadas na avaliação dos especialistas (k<0,4). Não houve diferenças estatisticamente significantes (P>0.05) nos escores do DAI entre sexo, idade, autopercepção da necessidade de tratamento, entretanto diferenças significantes foram encontradas em relação às indicações pelo cirurgião-dentista. Os resultados do presente estudo sugerem que a população de adultos com perdas dentárias tem elevada severidade da má oclusão e alta necessidade de tratamento ortodôntico. / Dental Aesthetic Index (DAI) has been broadly used in studies comprising children and adolescent patients but rarely used in adult studies. The aim of the present cross-sectional study was to evaluate the reliability of the DAI index in a sample of 120 adult patients, including 46 male (38.3%) and 74 female (61.7%), aged 19-78 years (mean 49.2). Several patients presented extensive dental missing and no orthodontic treatment. Prevalence, severity of malocclusion, orthodontic treatment need, self-perceived and dentist referral, were assessed. Further, subjective opinions of 33 orthodontists about 32 patients, based upon intra- and extra-oral photographs and study models were evaluated. Kappa statistics was used to assess the DAI and professional opinions. Chi-square test and Fischer test were used to test the correlation between DAI score and sex, self-perceived and dentist referral. Student ttest was used to test the correlation between age and orthodontic treatment need. The mean DAI score was 38.5. Almost half of the sample presented severe or very severe malocclusion, which suggests a substantial treatment need. Intra-rater and inter-rater reliability for DAI score and components was very high (k>0.9). Inconsistencies were observed in the professional evaluation (k<0.4). There were no statistically significant differences (P>0.05) in DAI scores between sex, age, selfperceived need, but significant differences were found between dentist referrals. The findings in the present study suggest that adult dental missing population have high severe malocclusion and high orthodontic treatment need for treatment.
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