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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Phases amont de l'innovation : proposition d'une démarche d'analyse de besoin et d'évaluation de l'acceptabilité d'un produit / Front-End Phases of Innovation : proposition of need analysis method and acceptability assessment of product

Ben Rejeb, Helmi 02 December 2008 (has links)
Aujourd’hui les entreprises doivent pouvoir offrir de nouveaux produits en continu prenant en considération les nouvelles technologies disponibles afin de satisfaire des clients de plus en plus exigeants et diversifiés. Il est donc primordial pour une entreprise de savoir quels sont les besoins des acteurs intéressés par son produit. L’objectif de ce travail de doctorat est de proposer une nouvelle méthode pour analyser le besoin pour aider les entreprises à mieux définir leurs nouveaux produits. La démarche proposée se décline en quatre phases : description de l’environnement et du fonctionnement des acteurs par la technique du RARe (Ressources, Activités, Résultats), détermination des besoins par la réalisation de quatre types d’opérations sur les ressources de l’acteur puis évaluation et classification des besoins selon le modèle de Kano et enfin comparaison de plusieurs concepts de produits. Pour y arriver, un travail de bibliographie sur la notion de besoin a été réalisé. Cette recherche bibliographique nous a permis également de définir le cahier des charges d’une nouvelle méthode d’analyse de besoin. Ceci a justifié le choix de la méthode RARe, basée sur l’observation des activités de l’acteur, pour comprendre et identifier les besoins. Pour les classer, nous avons utilisé le modèle de Kano, qui distingue les différents besoins existants : basiques, de performance, attractifs et neutres. Nous avons mis au point un calcul d’indicateurs à l’aide d’une formulation matricielle permettant de classifier les besoins et de comparer des concepts de produits. Cette méthode constitue donc un outil d’aide à la décision au début du processus de conception / Nowadays, companies must offer new products continuously and take into consideration new available technologies in order to satisfy more and more exigent and diversified customers. Therefore, it is essential for a company to know what are the needs of the stakeholders interested in its product. The objective of this PhD work is to propose a new method to analyze the need in order to improve the new product definition process in a firm. This tool is a part of a methodology for innovative project management and it is useful before the elaboration of the specification of the new product. The proposed method has four phases: description of the stakeholders’ environment by the RARe technique (Resources-Activities- Results), determination of needs by the realization of four types of operations on the stakeholder’s resources then evaluation and classification of needs according to the Kano model and finally comparison of several products concepts. To achieve this method, a bibliographical work on the notion of need was realized. This bibliographical research also allowed us to define the specifications of a new method for need analysis. Hence, the choice of the RARe method was justified because it is based on the observation of the stakeholders’ activities. To classify their needs, we used the model of Kano, which distinguishes various existing needs: basic, one dimensional, attractive and neutral. We worked out a calculation of indicators by means of a matrix formulation allowing to classify needs and to compare concepts of products. This method thus constitutes a decision-making tool at the beginning of the conception process

Docência universitária: interfaces entre avaliação institucional, necessidades formativas e desenvolvimento profissional docente / University teaching: interfaces between institutional evaluation, formative needs and professional teacher development

Sousa, Dolores Cristina 03 August 2018 (has links)
O objetivo geral da pesquisa é analisar as interfaces possíveis entre processos institucionais de avaliação de disciplinas e as necessidades formativas dos professores do ensino superior, do CECEN/UEMA. O problema central da pesquisa foi assim enunciado: como a avaliação de disciplina em contextos de avaliações institucionais exigidos por política nacional pode contribuir para o processo de desenvolvimento dos profissionais docentes do ensino superior? O referencial teórico baseou-se nos seguintes autores: Almeida, Cunha, Dias Sobrinho, Galindo, Marcelo García, Pimenta, Pimenta e Almeida, Pimenta e Anastasiou, Rodrigues, Rodrigues e Esteves, Veiga, dentre outros. Trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória, de abordagem qualitativa que mescla dados quantitativos e qualitativos e utiliza-se da técnica de triangulação e análise de conteúdo (BARDIN, 1977) para construir interpretações. O estudo teve como cenário de investigação a Universidade Estadual do Maranhão-UEMA, localizada em São Luís. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de questionário respondido por professores que atuam no Centro de Educação, Ciências Exatas e Naturais e, ainda, pela realização de grupo focal com cinco professores representantes da Comissão Própria de Avaliação-CPA. O grupo focal teve como intenção investigar a compreensão dos membros quanto à dimensão dos problemas referentes às necessidades formativas dos professores da UEMA. Os resultados evidenciam que a necessidade de formação precisa ser assumida como um continuum na perspectiva do desenvolvimento profissional docente, tanto pelo professor, quanto pela universidade, balizados pela autoavaliação. A investigação aponta que o professor universitário tem consciência de suas fragilidades e dificuldades pedagógicas para o exercício docente, desencadeando diferentes interesses formativos. A análise indica, ainda, que a formação permanente cria oportunidades de vivências formativas que contribuirão para o melhor entendimento dos problemas inerentes à profissão, como também, para provocar reflexões sobre as práticas desenvolvidas no seu espaço-institucional. Frente à complexidade da docência universitária é de suma importância à criação de políticas institucionais que viabilizem processos permanentes de formação cíclica, de cunho emancipatório, que considerem as necessidades formativas dos docentes como ponto de partida para sua sistematização. Nesse sentido, os processos avaliativos pautados em uma abordagem formativa, dialógica e colaborativa, conduzidos pela CPA, terão relevante contribuição para a ressignificação da docência, dos saberes e das identidades profissionais. / The general objective of the research is to analyze the possible interfaces between institutional processes for the evaluation of disciplines and the formative needs of university teaching teachers, CECEN / UEMA. The central problem of the research was thus stated: how can the evaluation of discipline in institutional evaluation contexts required by national policy contribute to the development process of university teaching professionals? The theoretical framework was based on the following authors: Almeida, Cunha, Dias Sobrinho, Galindo, Marcelo García, Pimenta, Pimenta and Almeida, Pimenta and Anastasiou, Rodrigues, Rodrigues and Esteves, Veiga, among others. It is an exploratory researche, qualitative approach that mixes quantitative and qualitative data and uses the technique of triangulation and content analysis (BARDIN, 1977) to construct interpretations. The study was carried out by the State University of Maranhão-UEMA, located in São Luís. The data were obtained through a questionnaire answered by teachers who work in the Education Center, Exact and Natural Sciences, and by achievement of the focal group with five professors representing the CPA\'s Self-Assessment Committee. The aim of the main group was to investigate the members\' understanding as regards the dimension of problems concerning the formative needs of UEMA teachers. The results show that the need of formation needs to be taken as a continuum in the perspective of professional teacher development, both by the teacher and by the university, marked by self-assessment. The researche indicates that the university professor is aware of its weaknesses and pedagogical difficulties for the teaching exercise, triggering different formative interests. The analysis also indicates that the permanent formation creates opportunities for formative experiences that will contribute to a better understanding of the problems inherent to the profession, as well as to provoke reflections on the developed practices in its institutional space. In face the complexity of university teaching, it is extremely important to create institutional policies that enable permanent processes of cyclic formation, emancipatory, that consider the formative needs of teachers as a starting point for their systematization. In this sense, the evaluation processes based on a formative, dialogic and collaborative approach, conducted by the CPA, will have a significant contribution to the re-signification of teaching, knowledge and professional identities.

Etableringen av IBS Rental på uthyrningsmarknaden : En behovsanalys hos potentiella kunder på en företagsmarknad / The establishment of IBS Rental on the rental market : A need analysis about prospects on a business to business market

Labrell, Douglas, Källebo, Annelie January 2009 (has links)
<p>Datum: 2009-10-30</p><p>Nivå: Kandidatuppsats i företagsekonomi, 15 hp</p><p>Författare: Annelie Källebo och Douglas Labrell</p><p>Handledare: Nazeem Sayed-Muhamed</p><p> </p><p>Titel: Etableringen av IBS Rental på uthyrningsmarknaden – en behovsanalys hos potentiella kunder på en företagsmarknad</p><p>Frågeställning: Hur ska IBS skapa hög kundnöjdhet med sin nya produkt IBS Rental?</p><p>Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att, genom en behovsanalys, bidra till att ge IBS en bättre kännedom över dess potentiella kunders behov. Förhoppningen är att kunna ge rekommendationer om vad IBS bör göra för att skapa hög kundnöjdhet.</p><p>Metod: En studie av potentiella kunders behov med hjälp av kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med IBS potentiella kunder på uthyrningsmarknaden för byggmaskiner och utrustning.</p><p>Slutsats: För att skapa hög kundnöjdhet måste IBS främst utgå från de potentiella kundernas behov. På en företagsmarknad är varje kund unik och bör således ses som ett eget segment. Detta kombinerat med att kundernas behov funnits vara mycket differentierade gör det viktigt att IBS skräddarsyr produkten i största möjliga mån. Genom att tillfredställa kundernas behov beträffande system- informations- och servicekvalitet samt implementera lösningen framgångsrikt kan IBS skapa en hög kundnöjdhet genom produkten IBS Rental.</p>

Etableringen av IBS Rental på uthyrningsmarknaden : En behovsanalys hos potentiella kunder på en företagsmarknad / The establishment of IBS Rental on the rental market : A need analysis about prospects on a business to business market

Labrell, Douglas, Källebo, Annelie January 2009 (has links)
Datum: 2009-10-30 Nivå: Kandidatuppsats i företagsekonomi, 15 hp Författare: Annelie Källebo och Douglas Labrell Handledare: Nazeem Sayed-Muhamed   Titel: Etableringen av IBS Rental på uthyrningsmarknaden – en behovsanalys hos potentiella kunder på en företagsmarknad Frågeställning: Hur ska IBS skapa hög kundnöjdhet med sin nya produkt IBS Rental? Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att, genom en behovsanalys, bidra till att ge IBS en bättre kännedom över dess potentiella kunders behov. Förhoppningen är att kunna ge rekommendationer om vad IBS bör göra för att skapa hög kundnöjdhet. Metod: En studie av potentiella kunders behov med hjälp av kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med IBS potentiella kunder på uthyrningsmarknaden för byggmaskiner och utrustning. Slutsats: För att skapa hög kundnöjdhet måste IBS främst utgå från de potentiella kundernas behov. På en företagsmarknad är varje kund unik och bör således ses som ett eget segment. Detta kombinerat med att kundernas behov funnits vara mycket differentierade gör det viktigt att IBS skräddarsyr produkten i största möjliga mån. Genom att tillfredställa kundernas behov beträffande system- informations- och servicekvalitet samt implementera lösningen framgångsrikt kan IBS skapa en hög kundnöjdhet genom produkten IBS Rental.

Nuotolinis mokymas(is) bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje: situacijos ir poreikio analizė / Distance learning in comprehensive school: situation and need analysis

Barabanova, Irina 07 September 2010 (has links)
Nacionalinės ir pasaulinės mokymo(si) sistemos išgyvena krizę: didėja atotrūkis tarp piliečių, turinčių galimybes įgyti kokybišką išsilavinimą ir jų neturinčių. Šiai problemai spręsti aktuali mokymo(si) visą gyvenimą sistemos plėtra. Lietuvoje sukurta valstybės švietimo strategija 2003–2012 metams, jos esmė – išplėtoti socialiai teisingą, visiems prieinamą švietimo sistemą, sudarančią sąlygas visuomenei mokytis visą gyvenimą. Viena tokio mokymo(si) formų – nuotolinis mokymas(is), grindžiamas moderniųjų IKT panaudojimu. Lietuvos nuotolinio švietimo esmė – plėtoti nuotolinio mokymo(si) tinklą, užtikrinantį kiekvienam prieinamą, visą gyvenimą trunkantį mokymą(si). Mokinių mobilumas, tėvų migracija ir kt. byloja, kad nuotolinio mokymo(si) poreikis gali būti jaučiamas ir bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje, todėl analizei pasirinkta tema ,,Nuotolinis mokymas(is) bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje: situacijos ir poreikio analizė“. Tyrimo objektas – nuotolinis mokymas(is) Lietuvos bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje. Tyrimo tikslas – išanalizuoti nuotolinio mokymo(si) situaciją ir poreikį Lietuvos bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje. Tyrimo uždaviniai: išanalizuoti šiuolaikinę nuotolinio mokymo(si) sampratą, jo teorinius pagrindus; išanalizuoti nuotolinio mokymo(si) situaciją Lietuvos švietimo sistemoje; atskleisti nuotolinio mokymo(si) poreikį Lietuvos bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje, tokį poreikį lemiančius veiksnius ir tikslines grupes. Tyrimui atlikti pasitelkta mokslinės informacijos, dokumentų šaltinių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / National and global education (learning) systems are in a crisis: the gap between citizens who have access to quality education and who don’t have is growing. To tackle this problem life long training (learning) system development is urgent. Lithuania has created a public education strategy for 2003–2012, its essence is the development of socially just, accessible education system, enabling the public to learn throughout their lives. One form of such training (learning) is distance learning based on the use of modern ICT. Essence of Lithuanian distance education is the development of distance education (learning) network that provides everyone with accessible lifelong learning (teaching). Student mobility, migration of parents etc. suggests that distance education (learning) needs may be felt in mainstream schools, so for analysis the following topic was chosen: “Distance education (learning) in general education schools: situation and needs analysis”. Research object is distance learning (teaching) in Lithuanian general education schools. Purpose of the survey is to analyse the need in the distance education (learning) in the Lithuanian general education schools. The objectives are: to analyze modern distance education (learning) concept, its theoretical framework, to analyze distance education (learning) situation and need in Lithuanian education system, to reveal distance education (learning) situation and its need in the Lithuanian general education schools, its demand... [to full text]

As percepções sobre as necessidades de formação continuada dos gestores e dos professores de Língua portuguesa e inglesa: algumas reflexões

Santana, Andréia da Cunha Malheiros [UNESP] 09 November 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:35:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2010-11-09Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:25:01Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 santana_acm_dr_arafcl.pdf: 898267 bytes, checksum: 0b50b4acecc764a73f485a2db3d37a8f (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Neste estudo o tema da formação continuada aparece associado à análise de necessidades, conforme a fundamentação teórica utilizada (Rodrigues e Esteves, 1993; Silva, 2000; Fusari, 1997 e Estrela, 2006). O objetivo desta pesquisa foi identificar as necessidades de formação continuada declaradas pelos gestores educacionais (diretores, vices, coordenadores pedagógicos e assistentes educacionais pedagógicos) e pelos professores de língua portuguesa e inglesa de dez escolas municipais da cidade de Araraquara e como ocorrem as iniciativas de formação continuada neste município. Os gestores foram ouvidos mediante questionário, relato de narrativas e entrevistas; o posicionamento dos professores de língua portuguesa e inglesa foi obtida através de um questionário e o posicionamento da Secretaria Municipal de Educação através de uma entrevista. A pesquisa ainda contou com um estudo da proposta pedagógica de cada unidade escolar. Conforme o relato destes gestores e professores foi possível perceber a distância entre as concepções dos idealizadores das formações representados pela Secretaria Municipal de Educação e o público alvo delas. Os resultados demonstram que as formações oferecidas não correspondem às necessidades vivenciadas por estes gestores e professores; suas concepções e dilemas não são levados em consideração ao se elaborar uma iniciativa de formação continuada / In this study the issue of teacher training appears linked to the analysis of needs as the theoretical foundation used Rodrigues and Esteves, 1993; Silva, 2000; Fusari, 1997 and Estrela, 2006. The objective of this research was to understand the needs of continuous graduation reported by educational administrators (principals, vice principals, coordinators and educational assistants ) and by Portuguese and English teachers of public schools in the city of Araraquara and how they occur as continuous graduation in this city. The principals were heard through a questionnaire, report narratives and interviews; the opinions of Portuguese and English teachers were obtained through a questionnaire and the position of the Department of Education through an interview. The research had a pedagogical study of each school. According to the story of these principals and teachers and it was possible to notice the distance between the conceptions of the creators of the formations represented by the Municipal Education and their target public. The results demonstrate that the training offered did not correspond to the needs faced by these principals and teachers; their conceptions and dilemmas are not taken into consideration when preparing an initiative for teacher training

As percepções sobre as necessidades de formação continuada dos gestores e dos professores de Língua portuguesa e inglesa : algumas reflexões /

Santana, Andréia da Cunha Malheiros. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Edson do Carmo Inforsato / Banca: Elenice Maria Cammarosano Onofre / Banca: Clarice Aparecida Alencar Garcia / Banca: Mauro Carlos Romanatto / Banca: Francisco José Carvalho Mazzeu / Resumo: Neste estudo o tema da formação continuada aparece associado à análise de necessidades, conforme a fundamentação teórica utilizada (Rodrigues e Esteves, 1993; Silva, 2000; Fusari, 1997 e Estrela, 2006). O objetivo desta pesquisa foi identificar as necessidades de formação continuada declaradas pelos gestores educacionais (diretores, vices, coordenadores pedagógicos e assistentes educacionais pedagógicos) e pelos professores de língua portuguesa e inglesa de dez escolas municipais da cidade de Araraquara e como ocorrem as iniciativas de formação continuada neste município. Os gestores foram ouvidos mediante questionário, relato de narrativas e entrevistas; o posicionamento dos professores de língua portuguesa e inglesa foi obtida através de um questionário e o posicionamento da Secretaria Municipal de Educação através de uma entrevista. A pesquisa ainda contou com um estudo da proposta pedagógica de cada unidade escolar. Conforme o relato destes gestores e professores foi possível perceber a distância entre as concepções dos idealizadores das formações representados pela Secretaria Municipal de Educação e o público alvo delas. Os resultados demonstram que as formações oferecidas não correspondem às necessidades vivenciadas por estes gestores e professores; suas concepções e dilemas não são levados em consideração ao se elaborar uma iniciativa de formação continuada / Abstract: In this study the issue of teacher training appears linked to the analysis of needs as the theoretical foundation used Rodrigues and Esteves, 1993; Silva, 2000; Fusari, 1997 and Estrela, 2006. The objective of this research was to understand the needs of continuous graduation reported by educational administrators (principals, vice principals, coordinators and educational assistants ) and by Portuguese and English teachers of public schools in the city of Araraquara and how they occur as continuous graduation in this city. The principals were heard through a questionnaire, report narratives and interviews; the opinions of Portuguese and English teachers were obtained through a questionnaire and the position of the Department of Education through an interview. The research had a pedagogical study of each school. According to the story of these principals and teachers and it was possible to notice the distance between the conceptions of the creators of the formations represented by the Municipal Education and their target public. The results demonstrate that the training offered did not correspond to the needs faced by these principals and teachers; their conceptions and dilemmas are not taken into consideration when preparing an initiative for teacher training / Doutor

Strategic Sustainable Development-Based Tool for Needs Analysis in Public Procurement

Liimatainen, Juho, Paludan-Müller, Kai, Saarinen, Nora, Schmeink, Helena January 2022 (has links)
In light of the pressing sustainability challenges, new solutions are needed in all aspects ofsociety. Sustainable public procurement (SPP) plays a crucial role in aligning publicorganizations' own actions with political goals and ambitions. In this paper, we focus on thefirst stages of procurement processes in order to realize the potential of SSP to contribute to amore sustainable society. We also acknowledge the potential advantages of the StrategicSustainable Development (SSD) approach, including a common definition for sustainability,promoting a more holistic understanding and these together enabling organizations to actmore strategically. To realize these advantages in practice, we propose an applicable tool for analyzingprocurement needs through an SSD lens. The tool guides procurers to consider sustainabilityaspects and to apply strategic and systemic thinking early on in procurement projects. Weargue that this supports more efficient use of resources, including not only the benefits ofincreased sustainability considerations, but also use of public funds. We further argue thatdespite current challenges of insufficient resources allocation to proper SPP considerations, itis essential to include foundational considerations such as what the need is and what optionsexist to meet the given need in every procurement project.

Analyse d'impacts du lancement de procédés innovants : application des théories multicritères pour une évaluation robuste / Impact analysis of innovative product launched on the market : application of multicriteria and multiagent approaches

Toledo Rojas, Francisco 04 April 2014 (has links)
Cette recherche se place dans le domaine de l’ingénierie industrielle, plus exactement aux premières étapes du processus d´innovation (Fuzzy Front-End). Aujourd´hui dans un monde globalisé, où la technologie est à la portée de tous, les entreprises cherchent de nouvelles techniques permettant de se distinguer de la concurrence, et offrent de nouveaux et meilleurs produits ou services ; une manière de conserver leurs avantages comparatifs ou d’en acquérir de nouveaux, pour des clients toujours plus exigeants, et dont les besoins changent constamment. Partant de ce constat, l’innovation se définit comme un processus long et continu, au sein duquel s’utilisent différents modèles. Du fait de la complexité du processus, il n’existe pas de modèle unique réunissant tous les besoins des clients. C’est pourquoi le processus d’innovation, implique différents acteurs de l’entreprise et de son environnement. Ces acteurs, dont l’importance varie, sont souvent d’origines diverses et possèdent des compétences variées. Ils ont des besoins différents, et sont soumis à des contraintes de travail différentes (ressources technologiques et financières, réglementations, etc...). Il paraît ainsi essentiel pour l’entreprise de créer un modèle unique, capable d’identifier les besoins de toutes les parties prenantes, avant d’entamer le processus de développement de nouveaux produits. C’est pour l’entreprise une manière de renforcer le processus d’innovation, et de réduire le taux d´échec lors du lancement de nouveaux produits. Ainsi l’objectif de cette étude est de proposer une nouvelle méthode d’analyse des impacts de l’innovation (A.I), afin de permettre aux entreprises d’identifier les besoins dynamiques des acteurs. Celles-ci pourront ainsi mieux définir leurs nouveaux produits et s’adapter plus facilement aux évolutions du marché. Cet outil fait partie d´une méthodologie de gestion des projets innovants, et doit être utilisé avant la définition des caractéristiques fonctionnelles du nouveau produit. Ceci nous ramène aux premières phases du développement, avant la conception du produit, qui comprennent toutes les étapes depuis la définition des besoins et opportunités pour l´innovation, jusqu’à la prise de décision pour le développement du nouveau produit, appelée Fuzzy Front-End. L’apport théorique de notre travail : Il n´existe pas de définition des impacts de l’innovation (I_n), nous avons donc fait un travail bibliographique sur le concept d’impact. Celui-ci a permis d’explorer les différentes définitions d´impact au sein de différentes disciplines (ingénierie, écologie, psychologie, etc.). Nous avons proposé de cette manière, notre propre définition de l’impact adaptée au contexte de l´innovation. Cette recherche bibliographique, nous a aussi permis d’identifier les différents types d´impacts et de justifier l´utilisation de différentes méthodologies. La contribution méthodologique : l’approche proposée pour l´analyse des impacts de l´innovation (A.I) se décompose en deux étapes. La première vise à modéliser l’« écosystème d´innovation », sur la base des relations, de l´importance et des besoins individuels de chacun des acteurs face au nouveau produit. Ceci grâce à une Analyse des Besoins Dynamiques (A.B.D), qui permettra d´obtenir les besoins agrégés permettant de représenter le système complet, sans considérer les possibles perturbations du milieu extérieur ou les impacts de la même innovation. Pour bien identifier et décrire les besoins des acteurs, nous avons basé la méthodologie sur l´observation de leurs activités. Ainsi, nous avons pu identifier les différents besoins des acteurs de l´innovation sur la base de l’analyse RAR (Ressources, Activités, Résultat), ensuite nous avons classifié les besoins grâce au modèle de KANO et ses améliorations réalisées par Tontini. Une méthode originale d’agrégation des besoins de tous les acteurs est proposée.[...] / This research belongs to the industrial engineering field, focusing on the first stages of the innovation process (Fuzzy Front-End). In a globalized world, where the technology is near to everyone, enterprises are looking for new technologies to be different from their competitors, offering new and better products / services as a strategy to keep or acquire new competitive advantages. Moreover, innovation is a large and continuous process, where different management models are used. But, because of the complexity of the process, no general model is suitable for situations and projects. Thus, the innovation process involves different stakeholders from the company and its environment. These individuals come from different origins (field of knowledge), have different needs, abilities, importance and work under different restrictions (technological or financial resources, work rules, etc.). Consequently, it is essential for the enterprise to identify all the needs of the parts involved in the products. And, a model is required in order to identify the stakeholder’s needs before starting design tasks. This model aims at more robustness in the new product development process and at the reduction of the failure rate when launching new products. Thus, the objective of this PhD thesis is to propose a new method to analyze the impact of the innovation, allowing companies to identify the dynamic actors' needs, to improve the definition of their new products and to adapt to the possible changes of the market. This tool is part of an innovative projects management methodology, used before the elaboration of the functional specifications of a new product. This locates the research in the first stages of development called Fuzzy Front-End: before the genesis of the product. Fuzzy front ends integrate among others the opportunity / needs identification for innovation to the development of the new product decision taking. The proposed approach for the innovation impact analysis (A.I) consists of two stages: the first one intends to model an innovation ecosystem, integrating the relations, the importance of each stakeholder and their individual necessities in regard to the new product. Through a Dynamic Needs Analysis (A.B.D) it will be possible to get the global needs, which represent the whole system, without considering the disturbances of the environment or the impact of the same innovation. Thus, the second stage of the model, through the generation of innovation impact scenarios (S.I.I), evaluates the impact of the innovation the new product may face at its market launching. Due to a new product emergence changes emerge: actors’ performance, their interrelations, the importance and their own needs about the product [...]

Développement de connaissances cliniques pour l’adaptation d’une technologie d’assistance cognitive pour soutenir des personnes ayant un traumatisme crânio-cérébral grave pendant la préparation de repas à domicile

Gagnon-Roy, Mireille 06 1900 (has links)
Reconnu comme l’une des principales causes d’invalidité, le traumatisme crânio-cérébral (TCC) est une condition chronique pouvant occasionner des déficits physiques, cognitifs, émotionnels et comportementaux. Ces déficits interfèrent avec la capacité de la personne à s’engager dans ses activités quotidiennes, incluant des activités complexes comme la préparation de repas. Afin de soutenir cette population lors de la préparation de repas, une technologie d’assistance à la cognition (TAC) nommée Cognitive Orthosis for coOKing (COOK) a été développée en partenariat avec une résidence alternative pour des personnes ayant des incapacités graves à la suite d’un TCC. Suivant l’installation de COOK, trois résidents ont été en mesure de préparer des repas de façon sécuritaire et autonome. Toutefois, rien n’est connu sur la façon avec laquelle COOK pourrait répondre aux besoins des personnes ayant eu un TCC et vivant dans la communauté, ni comment cette technologie pourrait offrir de l’assistance personnalisée, minimale et contextualisée pour soutenir cette population. Cette thèse vise donc à développer des connaissances pour soutenir le développement d’une version bonifiée de COOK qui correspondrait aux besoins variés de ces utilisateurs, en répondant à trois objectifs : 1) définir les besoins d’assistance verbale des personnes ayant eu un TCC modéré à grave afin d’améliorer les capacités de personnalisation de COOK; 2) évaluer son utilisabilité et expérience utilisateur en laboratoire et en milieu réel; et 3) identifier les facilitateurs et obstacles pouvant influencer l’implantation de COOK auprès de personnes ayant eu un TCC et vivant dans la communauté. Suivant une démarche de conception centrée sur l’utilisateur, quatre études ont été réalisées : (1) une étude mixte avec transformation des données et analyse d’enregistrements vidéo pour documenter l’assistance verbale offerte à 45 participants ayant un TCC lors de la préparation d’un repas; (2) une étude d’utilisabilité mixte pendant laquelle 10 participants ayant un TCC ont testé COOK en laboratoire; (3) une étude mixte à sujet unique pour évaluer l’utilisabilité de COOK au domicile d’une personne ayant eu un TCC grave; et (4) une étude qualitative descriptive impliquant des personnes ayant eu un TCC, des personnes proches aidantes et des intervenants, pour explorer leurs perceptions quant aux facilitateurs et obstacles à l’implantation de COOK dans leur milieu respectif. La première étude a permis d’identifier neuf types d’assistance cognitive et un type d’assistance motivationnelle, et de documenter les difficultés pour lesquelles les ergothérapeutes offraient de l’assistance. Des enjeux d’utilisabilité ont ensuite été documentés pendant les essais en laboratoire (étude 2) et en milieu réel (étude 3), particulièrement au niveau du système de sécurité autonome. Plusieurs besoins de bonifications technologiques ont aussi été identifiés par les participants (études 2, 3 et 4). Enfin, la quatrième étude a identifié divers facilitateurs (p.ex. les fonctionnalités disponibles dans COOK) et obstacles (p.ex. la logistique entourant l’installation, l’apprentissage et le soutien) à l’implantation de TAC comme COOK pour soutenir les personnes vivant dans la communauté avec un TCC grave. Ultimement, ces connaissances cliniques pourront soutenir le développement continu et l’implantation de TAC comme COOK pour qu’elles répondent aux besoins d’une plus grande population. / Defined as one of the main causes of disability, traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a chronic condition that can cause physical, cognitive, emotional, and behavioral deficits. These deficits may interfere with the person's ability to engage in daily activities, including complex activities such as meal preparation. To support this population during meal preparation, an assistive technology for cognition (ATC) called Cognitive Orthosis for coOKing (COOK) was recently developed in collaboration with an alternative residence for people with severe TBI. Following the installation of COOK, three residents were able to prepare meals safely and independently within their home. However, little is known about how COOK could meet the needs of people with TBI living in the community, or how it could provide personalized, minimal and contextualised assistance to support this population. This thesis aimed to develop a knowledge base to support the development of an improved version of COOK that would meet the varied needs of this new population, by meeting three objectives: 1) define the verbal assistance needs of people with moderate to severe TBI to enhance COOK's customization possibilities; 2) evaluate the usability and user experience of COOK in a laboratory setting and in a real-world environment; and 3) identify the facilitators and obstacles that may influence the implementation of COOK within the homes of people with TBI and in clinical settings. Integrated in a user-centered design process, four studies were conducted: (1) a study using conversion mixed design and video data analysis to document the verbal assistance provided to 45 participants with TBI during a meal preparation task; (2) a usability mixed-methods study during which 10 participants with TBI tested COOK in a laboratory setting; (3) a mixed-methods single-case study to assess the usability of COOK with a man with severe TBI living in the community; and (4) a qualitative descriptive study involving people with TBI, caregivers and healthcare professionals, to explore their perceptions of the facilitators and obstacles to the potential implementation of COOK in their respective settings. The first study identified nine types of cognitive assistance and one type of motivational assistance that were provided by occupational therapists to support people with TBI, and documented the difficulties for which these assistances were provided. Several usability issues were also documented when testing COOK in a laboratory setting (study 2) and in a real-world environment (study 3), particularly with the self-monitoring security system. Modification needs were also identified by the participants (studies 2, 3, and 4) to improve COOK. Finally, the fourth study highlighted many facilitators (e.g., the functionalities available in COOK) and obstacles (e.g., the logistics surrounding installation, learning and support of COOK) to consider before implementing ATCs like COOK. Ultimately, this knowledge base will support the continued development and the implementations of ATCs such as COOK to meets the needs of a larger population.

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