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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Föräldrars behov och uppfattning om information från vårdpersonalen när deras barn insjuknat i diabetes.

Johansson, Åsa, Englund, Camilla January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this literature review was to describe how the literature presents parents’ need for information and how parents perceive the information from care personnel when their child 0-18 years of age is diagnosed with diabetes. The literature search was performed in the databases PubMed and Cinahl. Thirteen articles that met the inclusion criteria were studied. The results showed that when a child is diagnosed with diabetes the whole family faces a new situation and the parents are in great need for adequate information from care personnel to be able to deal with the new life situation and participate in the care. The parents’ need for information varied over time and between different individuals. Parents perceived the information from care personnel differently depending on the point in time at which they were given the information and on the way the information was conveyed. Sufficient information made it easier for parents to cope with the new situation. Insufficient information meant worries and difficulties in finding new strategies to live with the disease. Difficulties in understanding and lack of continuity and follow-up of the information could lead to conflicts in the family. The authors conclude that it is important that there be well worked out guidelines for care personnel, advising them both how to give information to parents with children newly diagnosed with diabetes, and what form this information should take. / Syftet med föreliggande litteraturstudie var att beskriva hur vetenskapliglitteratur redogör för föräldrars behov av information och hur föräldrar uppfattar informationen får vårdpersonalen när deras barn 0-18 år insjuknat i diabetes. Litteratursökningen genomfördes i databaserna PubMed och Cinahl. Tretton artiklar som mötte inklusionskriterier granskades. Resultatet visade att när barnet insjuknat i diabetes ställs hela familjen inför en ny situation och föräldrarna hade stort behov av adekvat informationen från vårdpersonalen för att kunna hantera den nya livssituationen och vara delaktig i vården. Föräldrarnas behov av information varierade över tid och mellan olika individer. Föräldrar uppfattade informationen från vårdpersonalen varierande beroende på tidpunkt för information och hur informationen förmedlades. Information som uppfattades tillfredställande av föräldrarna var lättförståelig och individuellt anpassad. Tillfredställande information gjorde det lättare för föräldrarna att hantera den nya livssituationen. Bristfällig information innebar oro och svårigheter att hitta nya strategier att leva med sjukdomen. Svårigheter att förstå och brist på kontinuitet och uppföljning av information, kunde leda till konflikter i familjen. Författarna drar slutsatsen att det är viktigt att det finns väl genomarbetade riktlinjer för hur och om vad vårdpersonalen ska informera föräldrar när deras barn insjuknat i diabetes.

Att komma ut till ingenting : Informationspraktiker hos frigivna interner

Rohlfs, Fiona January 2013 (has links)
In this two-years masters thesis the information practices of former interns are examined in relation to a possible lack of certain kinds of information in the prison environment. The essay is positioned in the research field of information practices which means its looking at all kinds of information, formal and informal. Since the essay is in the field of information practices it means the focus lies in how information is taught whithin contexts and groups. Information is not looked at solely as an individual process but is seen as a collective experience. The method of the essay is that of the qualitative research interview. Besides taking an interest in information practices i investigate whether access of information in prisons could be improved and whether the library organisations could be a part of those improvements. The result of my research shows that information in the prison coming from the correctional institution is not perceived as well functioning. Some exceptions where found but these where described by the informants as instances where staff had been extra helpful, as opposed to there being a functioning system of information practices in place in the organisation of the prison. Several of the informants thought information within groups of inmates could be motivating. A reason for this could be that groups of inmates are in the same situation, the power differences of the situated identities inmate and prison guard does not exist among inmates. In order of accessing relevant information from prison staff the inmates had to be driven and determined. The result of this essay further shows that it is too late to plan the release after the release has taken place. Several of the informants recounted increased difficulties in adjustment to the new social situation, having gone through psychological breakdown subsequent to their release. Many practical problems like for example homelessness also occurred. The research points to the prison libraries as a place where steps in coping with the release could successfully have been taken. This being so because the libraries are a place where the situated prisoner identity can be dissolved. Where one can remember ones interests and which books one used to read. in which sense there is already in the library room, an opening to the outside world. During the prison stay many find it difficult thinking about the world outside. It can be explained in terms of an adjustment to the social practices in the institution having taken place and in that the contrasts between the correctional institution and the world outside being to wide.

Grundlagen und Forschungsstrategien regionaler Bedarfs- und Allokationsforschung am Beispiel des ASAT-F1-Projektes / Principles and research strategies of regional need and allocation research: The ASAT-F1 project

Perkonigg, Axel, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Zimmermann, Petra, Nocon, Agnes, Settele, Angela, Spiegel, Barbara, Bühringer, Gerhard, Lieb, Roselind 30 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Hintergrund und Fragestellung: Weiter steigende Raten des Konsums psychotroper Substanzen und klinisch bedeutsamer Substanzstörungen vor allem bei Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen, veränderte Gebrauchs- und Problemkonstellationen der Konsumentengruppen und die Einführung neuer Therapien und Versorgungsmodelle (Prävention, Frühintervention, Therapie und Rehabilitation) erfordern insbesondere angesichts der begrenzten Finanz- und Versorgungsressourcen neue Bedarfs- und Allokationsmodelle. Diese sollen praxisnah und effizient zu entscheiden helfen wann, bei welchen Rahmenbedingungen, welche Interventionsart und -strategie die individuell erfolgversprechendste ist. Diese Fragen werden in einem Forschungsprojekt des Suchtforschungsverbundes ASAT bearbeitet, das in einer umschriebenen Region mittels schrittweiser, epidemiologisch basierter Bedarfsund Bedürfnisanalysen die Ableitung und Priorisierung von institutionellen und therapeutischen Zuordnungsstrategien untersucht. Methodik: Basierend auf einem prospektiv-epidemiologischen Design wurden (1) bei einer repräsentativen regionalen Bevölkerungsstichprobe (EDSP-Studie) Inzidenzmuster, Spontanverlauf, Risikofaktoren und Konsequenzen des Substanzgebrauchs, -missbrauchs und der -abhängigkeit sowie Inanspruchnahmeverhalten, gedeckter und ungedeckter Bedarf beurteilt. (2) Ergänzt wird diese Erhebung durch eine Gesamterfassung und Evaluation des regionalen Suchthilfesystems. (3) Über statistische Analysen von Verläufen und Suchthilfeangeboten in der Region sollen "natürliche" Allokationsprozesse dargestellt und "outcome"-orientiert bewertet werden. (4) Anhand der dabei sichtbaren Mängel und Defizite können dann zusammen mit den Einrichtungen verbesserte Allokationsrichtlinien für einzelne sowie Gruppen von Patienten abgeleitet werden. Die Ergebnisse sollen in das regionale Suchhilfesystem übertragen werden. Ergebnisse und Diskussion: Erste Ergebnisse des Projekts bestätigen die Möglichkeit, Risikogruppen über spezifische Verlaufsanalysen zu identifizieren (z.B. regelmäßige Cannabiskonsumenten, Mehrfachkonsumenten, mehr weibliche Konsumenten mit einem höherem Abhängigkeitsrisiko). Die Inanspruchnahmemuster deuten in Teilbereichen (Frühintervention) auf ein hohes Ausmaß ungedeckten Bedarfs hin und scheinen neue Allokationsentwürfe zu erfordern. Den Einrichtungsträgern und regional Verantwortlichen der Suchthilfe können nach Auswertung weiterer Daten umfassende Bedarfsabschätzungen und verschiedene alternative Allokationsmodelle basierend auf der Perspektive von KlientInnen/ PatientInnen bereitgestellt werden. / Background and Aims: Increasing rates of substance use and substance use disorders especially in adolescents and young adults, changing patterns of use and associated problems and the introduction of new therapies and programs of care (prevention, early intervention, therapy, rehabilitation) require new need and allocation models especially because of restricted financial and care resources. These models should provide a rational basis for the improvement of allocation processes as well as setting priorities in the provision and restructuring of community and patientoriented interventions. In the present paper, we will present a project of the ASAT research network program which aims at a multi-staged, integrated epidemiology-based need and program evaluation in an area to determine institutional and therapeutical allocation processes. Methods: Based on a prospective epidemiological design, (1) prevalence and incidence, risk factors and course of substance use, abuse and dependence are investigated in a representative sample of the community-based EDSP study. Additionally, helpseeking behaviors, met and unmet need are assessed. (2) The investigation is supplemented by a survey of all substance use services in the area. (3) Course of substance use and service provision of substance use services in the area will be analyzed and reviewed to identify natural allocation processes and to determine the outcome. (4) With the knowledge of deficits and unmet need, improved allocation guidelines for specific groups of clients and patients will be developed. The results will be transferred into the regional health care system. Results and discussion: First results show that the identification of new risk groups with the help of course typologies is possible. The patterns of help-seeking point to a high rate of unmet need, especially with regard to the targeted early intervention, and a need of alternative allocation models. After the assessment and the overall data analyses, need evaluations and several alternative allocation models based on the clients'/patients' perspective will be provided.

Hur kan företags val att inte anlita en revisor förklaras? : en studie gjord i efterdyningarna av avskaffandet av revisionsplikten i Sverige den 1 nov 2010

Kempengren, Christoffer, Lundin, Susanne January 2013 (has links)
Efter avskaffandet av revisionsplikten för små företag i Sverige, den 1:e november 2010, har många små företag valt att inte anlita en revisor. Den främsta orsaken till detta torde vara kostnaden men eftersom det finns flera fördelar med revision undrar man om det finns andra bakomliggande orsaker. Syftet med denna uppsats är att förklara vilka faktorer som påverkar små företags val att inte anlita en revisor, samt om dessa små företag har något gemensamt. Studien fokuserar på således hur företag uppfattarna fördelarna med revision men vänder på argumenten och ställer frågan varför, trots de uppenbara fördelarna, företag väljer att inte anlita en revisor. Via ett positivistisk vetenskapligt perspektiv, genom en deduktiv undersökning baserad på befintlig teori används av en kvantitativ metod för att samla empirisk data. En undersökning av totalt 400 enkäter skickades ut och av dessa gav 82 fullständiga svar. Hälften av frågeformulären skickades ut till små bolag som inte anlitar en revisor och hälften till de som anlitar en revisor. Enligt resultatet av vår studie kan vi finna statistiska samband bland alla våra tre hypoteser. Det vill säga det finns ett samband mellan uppfattningen om revisionens kostnad, värde respektive behov och slopandet av revision. Studiens resultat visar även att behovet av revision ökar i enlighet med att ett företags storlek ökar. Resultatet presenteras i huvudsak genom data och tabeller. Förslag för framtida forskning är exempelvis att bredda studien och testa enkäten på andra intressenter för att få deras syn på nyttan med revision. Revisorns roll och förtroende har skadats av finansiella skandaler och liberalisering. Denna studie visar dock att tre år efter avskaffandet av revisionsplikten i Sverige - så efterfrågar fortfarande företag revisorer. / Since the removal of the audit requirement for small companies in Sweden, on the 1th of November 2010, many small companies have chosen not to hire an accountant. The main reason for this is likely the cost, but because there are several benefits of audit, we wonder if there are other underlying causes. The purpose of this thesis is to explain what factors influence a small company's choice to not hire an accountant and if these small companies have something in common. The study focuses on how companies perceive the benefits of auditing but reverses the arguments and asks the question why, despite the obvious advantages, companies choose not to hire an accountant Through a positivistic scientific perspective, through a deductive examination based on existing theory we will make use of quantitative methods in order to capture all the data we need. A survey of total 400 questionnaires was sent out and these resulted in 82 complete responses. Half of the questionnaires were sent out to small companies that don’t hire an accountant and the other half to those who do hire an accountant. According to the results of our study, we find statistic connections of all our hypotheses. That is to say there is a correlation between the perceptions of audit cost, value and need, and the abolition of the audit. The study's results also include that the need for audit increases as the company increases in size. The results are presented mainly through the data and tables. Proposals for future research are for example to broaden the study and to test the questionnaire on other stakeholders to get their views on the usefulness of the audit. The auditor's role has been damaged by financial scandals, loss of trust and liberalization. Our data demonstrate and provide the auditor a vindication because, after three years of the removal of the audit requirement in Sweden, small companies still have a demand for auditing.

Vilka är egentligen i behov av särskilt stöd? : En undersökning om lärares åsikter om arbetet med åtgärdsprogram i ämnet Idrott och hälsa

Johansson, Daniel, Dickman, Anders January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine how teachers see the use of action plans for students in need of special support in physical education. The questions used were: What do the teachers consider being the causes for students not reaching the objectives in physical education? What experiences do four teachers have considering the work with action plans for students in need of special support? And, what experiences have one chosen head of school about establishing action plans for students in need of special support? To reach the answers to these questions qualitative interviews were made with four teachers from different schools. The interviews deal with the teachers views on assessment, curriculum, and the work with action plans for students in need of special support. The results show that that the underlying causes for students not reaching their objectives was either lack of participation or difficulties in certain parts of the subject. Despite this, the teachers write very few action plans even though it appears there are students in need of special support. The head of school whom were interviewed had both knowledge and confidence in working with these types of issues but was rarely informed that there were students in need of special support in physical education.        The conclusion of the study is that the teachers in the survey in most of the cases choose to help and support a student in need of special support without including the principal in the process. In addition the difficulties in grading student in physical education according to the teachers, is grounded in a vague national syllabus for physical education. / Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur lärare ser på arbetet med åtgärdsprogram för de eleverna med behov av särskilt stöd inom ämnet Idrott och hälsa. Frågeställningarna som användes var: Vilka anser lärarna är de bakomliggande orsakerna till att elever inte når målen i Idrott och hälsa? Vilka erfarenheter har fyra utvalda lärare i ämnet Idrott och hälsa med arbetandet kring utformningen och uppföljningen av åtgärdsprogram för elever med behov av särskilt stöd i ämnet Idrott och hälsa? Samt, vad har en utvald skolledare för erfarenheter av upprättande av åtgärdsprogram för elever med behov av särskilt stöd? För att få svar på dessa frågeställningar gjordes fyra kvalitativa intervjuer med fyra olika på fyra olika skolor.  Detta för att få en djup och bred bild av problemet som undersöks. Texten behandlar lärarnas syn på bedömning, kursplanen samt arbete med åtgärdsprogram och elever i behov av särskilt stöd. Resultatet visar att de bakomliggande orsakerna till att elever är i behov av stöd är antingen att de väljer att inte delta eller att de har svårigheter i vissa moment. Lärarna skriver dock enbart i enstaka fall åtgärdsprogram trots att de även framkommer att det ofta finns elever som är i behov av särskilt stöd. Skolledaren intervjuades visade både kunskap och trygghet i hur man i ledningsposition arbetar med elever i behov av särskilt stöd men det är sällan denne får några indikationer på att åtgärdsprogram eventuellt krävs i Idrott och hälsa. Studiens slutsats är att lärarna i undersökningen i en klar majoritet av fallen då det visar sig att en elev är i behov av stöd väljer att internt hjälpa och stötta elever i Idrott och hälsa utan att blanda in skolledning i processen, samt att mycket av bedömningssvårigheterna i ämnet Idrott och hälsa enligt lärarna, grundar sig i en otydlig kursplan.

Om konsten att möta elever i läs- och skrivsvårigheter : En retrospektiv fallstudie

Tjernberg, Catharina January 2007 (has links)
The development of five individual pupils’ writing abilities, as reported by six of their teachers, is analysed. The thoughts and reflexions inspired by the everyday interaction between the teacher and the pupil suffering from some kind of reading and writing disability are presented. The purpose is to capture what was unique and characteristic in the measures that triggered a positive response in the pupils. Some of the questions answered in this study are: How does the phenomenon of reading and writing disabilities manifest itself in the classroom, and what are the consequences for the individual pupil of the various pedagogical measures available? One conclusion that may be drawn from this study is that there is no cut-and dried method for working with pupils suffering from reading and writing disabilities. Nor is there any such thing as a standard pupil with this disability. Instead, both the type and the extent of the problem vary greatly, and individual pupils develop their own personal strategies to cope with them and take in new knowledge. Also the skills of the individual pupils vary widely, and the possibility to use and develop them is dependent on the pedagogical context he/she is part of, on the actions of the individual teacher and several other interacting environmental factors. It also becomes clear that the ’capacity’ of the individual pupil, rather than being a fixed constant, is entirely dependent on the context. There is a strong correlation between the successful development of the pupil and the sensitivity, empathy, imagination, competence and ability of the teacher to capture opportunities as they arise. Some common features of the teachers involved in this study were that they helped their pupils to structure their thinking and involved them in their own acquisition of knowledge, and that their education was focused on the process rather than the goal. The methods they used were based on both theoretical knowledge and practical experience. They were well versed in many different theories and methods, and prepared to try different things till they found the best solution for the individual pupil. The communication between teacher and pupil was the cornerstone of their tuition. The classroom situation was characterised by a mixed group of pupils where individual measures constituted a natural component. The borderline between ‘ordinary’ and remedial teachers was deliberately blurred. Instead a spirit of constructive co-operation prevailed where all available resources were used in the work with the pupils. Events that promoted progress in the individual pupil were episodes where he experienced success and stood out in a positive sense among his class-mates. On these occasions the teacher had succeeded in identifying some specific skill possessed by the pupil, and made it visible also to the pupil himself and the people surrounding him. It was also a matter of identifying and challenging the individual weaknesses of the pupil, and of making him conscious of the progress he made. The social context surrounding the pupil did, of course, play a vital part in these positive events. This study demonstrates that a thorough linguistic diagnose followed by carefully tailored tuition is far superior to other kinds of remedial tuition in enhancing the reading-and writing abilities of the individual pupil. The common method of lumping together a group of pupils with widely varying types of reading and writing disabilities into a ’remedial class’ did, by contrast, appear to be an unfortunate strategy.

Syskonplacering, studieresultat och prestationsbehov hos gymnasieelever

Lööf, Sofie January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate whether there is a correlation between birth order, academic performance and need for achievement. 166 students from Alvesta Gymnasium/ High school and Växjö Fria Gymnasium/ High school participated in the study. The result showed a significant correlation between birth order and study result, but unlike previous studies this study showed that it was the youngest siblings that had the best academic performance. Furthermore, a significant correlation between academic performance and need for achievement was found, also that higher need for achievement results in higher academic performance. The study also showed that there is a significant correlation between birth order and need for achievement, and it is the youngest children that have the highest need for achievement. Finally the study shows, in resemblance with previous studies, that sibship size has a negative effect on study results. Most prominent in this current study was that the number of brothers has a significant negative correlation with study result. / Syftet med denna föreliggande studie är att undersöka huruvida det finns samband mellan syskonplacering, studieresultat och prestationsbehov. 166 elever från Alvesta Gymnasium och Växjö Fria Gymnasium deltog i studien. Resultatet visade ett signifikant samband mellan syskonplacering och studieresultat, men i motsats till tidigare studier visar resultatet av föreliggande studie att yngstabarnen har högst studieresultat. Dessutom påvisades ett signifikant samband mellan studieresultat och prestationsbehov, där högre prestationsbehov leder till högre studieresultat. Slutligen visar studien, i likhet med tidigare forskning, att en stor syskonskara påverkar studieresultaten negativt. Mest framträdande i föreliggande studie är att antal bröder visar sig ha ett signifikant negativt samband med studieresultat.

Elever med stort rörelsebehov : – Lärares tankar kring och förhållningssätt till dessa elever

Carlsson, Annika, Kopilovic, Suzana January 2009 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att förklara och förstå hur lärare tänker kring med stort rörelsebehov i skolan och hur de tänker kring sitt agerande. Upplevs elevernas beteende som störande av lärarna? Vi har även försökt få förståelse om vad lärarna anser kan bidra till detta beteende hos eleverna, både i och utanför skolan. I första delen har vi tagit upp vad litteraturen säger om detta ämne och närliggande områden. I andra delen av vår bakgrund har vi behandlat lärarens roll, för att sedan lyfta fram betydelsen av skolmiljön. Metoden som använts vid studien är en kvalitativ metod med hermeneutisk inriktning. Vi har intervjuat fem lärare om deras tankar och erfarenheter kring elever med ett stort rörelsebehov. Lärarna i studien har vid ett flertal tillfällen tagit emot en klass där det förekommer en eller flera elever med ett större rörelsebehov än klasskamraterna. De har under sin yrkesverksamma tid arbetat fram olika arbetssätt för att hjälpa och stötta eleverna med stort rörelsebehov. I diskussionen framkom att lärarens elevsyn och förmåga att individanpassa är betydelsefull för bemötandet av elever med ett stort rörelsebehov. / In this study we have chosen to look at teachers attitude towards pupils with a great need of movement. Are those pupils with extra needs experienced as inconvenient by the teachers? Our aim was also to learn more about teachers views on some of the triggers which causes this behavior among children in school environments and other surroundings. The first part of the study contains previous research in this and similar topics. The second part concerns the teachers role and professionalism and the importance of the school environment. The method that was used in this study was a qualitative method with a hermeneutic aim. We interviewed five teachers about their experiences with pupils with a great need of movement. The teachers that participated in the study have experienced teaching those pupils which have a greater need of movement than their classmates at several occassions. During their career the teachers have found several different strategies to help and support these pupils. In the discussion of this study we discovered the importance of the teachers ability to approach and individualize teaching situations towards the pupils who have great needs of movement.

Examining the Mechanisms and Boundary Conditions of the Transformational Leadership-Job Performance Links: The Moderating Roles of Adaptability and the Mediating Roles of Employee Fit Perceptions

Wang, Yi-chen 25 June 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore whether the employee perceived need-supply fit (N-S fit), demand-ability fit (D-A fit), person-organization fit (P-O fit), and person-supervisor fit (P-S fit) mediate the relationship between transformational leadership (TFL) and follower's task performance, and organizational citizenship behavior toward organization (OCB-O)and supervisor (OCB-S). In addition, we also examined the moderating effects of follower's cultural and learning adaptabilities on the relationship between TFL and the above employee's fit perceptions. The data was collected from 36 companies of different industries in Taiwan, consisted of 85 leaders and 179 followers. The result of structural equation modeling and hierarchical regression analysis showed that perceived N-S fit mediated the relationship of TFL and task performance. The effect of TFL on OCB-O and OCB-S was also mediated by perceived P-O fit, and P-S fit respectively. Furthermore, follower's cultural adaptability moderated the positive relationship between TFL and N-S fit. Besides, follower's low learning adaptability strengthened the effect of TFL on follower perceived D-A fit. Finally, follower's learning adaptability strengthened the positive relationship between TFL and perceived P-S fit. Theoretical and practical implications of our findings are discussed.

The analysis of consumer behavior for using data communication on the mobile phone

Tsou, Chung-wang 13 July 2004 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this paper is attempt to build and test the model of consumer behavior, using data communication on the mobile phone. Despite the explosive growth of 2nd generation mobile system (GSM) and rapidly increasing number of consumers who use media (such as photos or access the website) and try to get information they want. We adopt four dimensions to build the structural model of consumer behavior, including need for cognition, product attributes, price factors and purchase intention, and define them as unobserved variables in the LISERL. Finally, we perform relative strength in the Path analysis showing causal model. For model analysis, there are two phase to implement as follows: Firstly, we use Confirmatory Factors Analysis (CFA) to explore the correlation between unobserved (latent) and observed variables. Secondly, the relative relations of four unobserved variables will be confirmed by identification, estimation, test and model-fitting in the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). We expect that the model of consumer behavior will be appropriately inferred and explain to 3rd mobile communication (3G) in the future.

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