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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Adolescent male victims and perpetrators of child sexual abuse : maternal attributions

New, Michelle Jennifer Claire January 1995 (has links)
No description available.

Effects of Monitoring Positive and Negative Events on Measures of Depression

Ellis, Janet Koch 05 1900 (has links)
This study examined psychoanalytic, physiological, and social learning models of depression in terms of etiology and symptomatology. Emphasis was placed on social learning theories of depression. First, Beck's cognitive approach stated that the root of depression was a negative cognitive set. Depressive episodes might be externally precipitated, but it was the individual's perception and appraisal of the event that rendered it depression inducing. Secondly, Seligman's learned helplessness model explained reactive depression in terms of a belief in one's own helplessness. Specifically, Seligman stated belief in the uncontrollability of outcomes resulted in depression, irrespective of the correspondence of such beliefs to objective circumstances. Additionally, depression resulted from noncontingent aversive stimulation and noncontingent positive reinforcement. Thirdly, Lewinsohn's model was based on these assumptions: a low rate of response-contingent positive reinforcement which acted as an eliciting stimulus for depressive behaviors. This low rate of response-contingent positive reinforcement constituted an explanation for the low rate of behaviors observed in the depressive. Total amount of response—contingent positive reinforcement is a function of a number of events reinforcing for the individual, availability of reinforcement in the environment, and social skills of the individual that are necessary to elicit reinforcement.

A Prospective Study of Childhood Negative Events, Temperament, Adolescent Coping, and Stress Reactivity in Young Adulthood

January 2013 (has links)
abstract: Accumulating evidence implicates exposure to adverse childhood experiences in the development of hypocortisolism in the long-term, and researchers are increasingly examining individual-level mechanisms that may underlie, exacerbate or attenuate this relation among at-risk populations. The current study takes a developmentally and theoretically informed approach to examining episodic childhood stressors, inherent and voluntary self-regulation, and physiological reactivity among a longitudinal sample of youth who experienced parental divorce. Participants were drawn from a larger randomized controlled trial of a preventive intervention for children of divorce between the ages of 9 and 12. The current sample included 159 young adults (mean age = 25.5 years; 53% male; 94% Caucasian) who participated in six waves of data collection, including a 15-year follow-up study. Participants reported on exposure to negative life events (four times over a 9-month period) during childhood, and mothers rated child temperament. Six years later, youth reported on the use of active and avoidant coping strategies, and 15 years later, they participated in a standardized psychosocial stress task and provided salivary cortisol samples prior to and following the task. Path analyses within a structural equation framework revealed that a multiple mediation model best fit the data. It was found that children with better mother-rated self-regulation (i.e. low impulsivity, low negative emotionality, and high attentional focus) exhibited lower total cortisol output 15 years later. In addition, greater self-regulation in childhood predicted greater use of active coping in adolescence, whereas a greater number of negative life events predicted increased use of avoidant coping in adolescence. Finally, a greater number of negative events in childhood predicted marginally lower total cortisol output, and higher levels of active coping in adolescence were associated with greater total cortisol output in young adulthood. Findings suggest that children of divorce who exhibit better self-regulation evidence lower cortisol output during a standardized psychosocial stress task relative to those who have higher impulsivity, lower attentional focus, and/or higher negative emotionality. The conceptual significance of the current findings, including the lack of evidence for hypothesized relations, methodological issues that arose, and issues in need of future research are discussed. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Psychology 2013

Emotional Labor: Dispositional Antecedents And The Role Of Affective Events A Thesis Submitted To The Graduate School Of Social Sciences Of Middle East Technical University By Asli Yalcin In Partial Fulfillment Of The Requirements For The Degre

Yalcin, Asli 01 September 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The present study aimed to explore both situational (Emotional Display Rules and Affective Events) and dispositional antecedents (Four of Big Five personality dimensions / Extraversion, Neuroticism, Conscientiousness and Agreeableness) of emotional labor. Potential interaction effects of situational and dispositional variables on emotional labor / and long-term consequences of the construct were also examined. Data were collected from table servers working in caf&eacute / s, restaurants, and hotels in Ankara, Istanbul, Kusadasi, (Aydin) and Antalya. The study was performed in three stages. In the first stage, diary study was conducted and Affective Events Scale was created for the service work. In the second stage, psychometric properties of the new scale were pilot tested. In the main study, reliabilities of the scales, hypotheses and potential moderation effects were tested with a total sample of 254 employees. Results revealed that emotional display rules were a significant predictor of both surface and deep acting. Positive events positively predicted emotional labor. Among dispositional antecedents, agreeableness was the only dimension that predicted surface acting. Deep acting was predicted by all of the personality dimensions utilized in the study, especially by agreeableness. On the other hand,conscientiousness had a marginally significant moderation effect on the relationship between emotional display rules and surface acting. With respect to consequences of emotional labor, both surface acting and deep acting positively predicted personal accomplishment. Deep acting was also positively related to job satisfaction, and negatively related to turnover intentions. Findings discussed and practical implications, limitations, and directions for future research were presented.

Hur hanteras negativa händelser i företagets hållbarhetsrapporter? : En kvalitativ studie om hur företag presenterar negativa händelser ur ett branschperspektiv

Ahlenius, Marcus, Engbom, Edvin January 2023 (has links)
Att uppnå balans är en viktig aspekt inom hållbarhetsredovisning, trots detta är det inte ovanligt att företagens hållbarhetsrapporter är i en obalans. Det har visat sig vara en överrepresentation av positiva händelser i dessa rapporter. Tidigare forskning har visat att legitimitetsteori ligger till grund för upprättandet av en hållbarhetsrapport och förklarar varför företag väljer att presentera negativa händelser. Det finns incitament för företag att presentera negativa händelser, då det skapar legitimitet gentemot företagens intressenter. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilken typ av negativa händelser som presenteras och hur företag presenterar negativa händelser. Genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys sker en branschjämförelse för att identifiera eventuella mönster och skillnader. Det empiriska materialet består av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys som tillämpats på nio företag inom branscherna dagligvaruhandel, IT-och telekom och byggbranschen. Hållbarhetsrapporter från samtliga bolag har analyserats och sedan har all data kodats med hjälp av ett kodningsschema där strategier och kategorier har identifierats. Utformning av kodningsschemat präglades av tidigare forskning och lagtext där tidigare definierade legitimeringsstrategier och kategorier identifierats. Strategierna som identifierats från tidigare forskning var marginalisering, avskiljande, rationalisering, korrigerande åtgärder samt återge fakta. Resultatet påvisar att samtliga strategier framtagna från tidigare forskning kunde identifieras i studiens empiriska material. Där vissa strategier förekom mer frekvent än andra. Det var även möjligt att urskilja mönster inom och mellan branscherna, framför allt inom dagligvaruhandeln fanns ett samförstånd i hur negativa händelser presenteras och vilket område dessa berörde. De typer av negativa händelser som presenterades har även identifierats som småskaliga händelser. / Balance plays a key role in sustainability reporting, despite this it has been shown that there is an overrepresentation of the positive aspects. This indicates an imbalance in sustainability reporting. The legitimacy theory is the foundation in sustainability reporting and explains why companies choose to disclose. It has been shown that incentive to disclose negative aspects exists, because it provides the companies with legitimacy towards stakeholders. The purpose of this study was to examine which type of negative events companies choose to disclose and how companies choose to disclose information concerning negative events. Further the aim was to do an industry comparison, in order to identify patterns and differences. A qualitative content analysis was conducted and applied to nine companies, in the food industry, IT &- telecom and the construction industry. The sustainability reports from all the companies, got analyzed and then coded with the help of a coding scheme. The coding scheme helped identify the companies strategies and categories of the negative events. The coding scheme was conducted with previous research and laws as a base. The results show that all the strategies from earlier research could be identified, and those strategies were marginalization, authorization, indicating facts, rationalizing and corrective action. Some strategies occurred more frequently than others. Some patterns were identified, both within the industries and between the industries. Especially in the food industry, there was a consensus on how the negative events were to be presented and within which area. Further, the result showed that the negative events that were presented, could be identified as insignificant events.

社會問題解決模式在台灣的適用性及其與壓力、憂鬱的關係 / The Generalizability of Social Problem Solving Model in Taiwanese and It’s Relationship with Stress, Depression.

王韋婷, Wang,Wei Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以確立中文版『社會問題解決量表-修正版(簡稱SPSI-R)』之因素結構及探討社會問題解決與憂鬱、壓力之關係為主要目的。 『社會問題解決』一詞指稱發生在日常生活中的問題解決歷程,社會問題解決模式與SPSI-R將社會問題解決歷程分為五個向度(因素):「正向問題定向」、「負向問題定向」、「理性問題解決風格」、「衝動/粗心風格」、「逃避風格」。 本研究根據理論與過去文獻探索性因素分析結果,提出三種可能適合描述華人樣本社會問題解決的因素結構:五因素一階(原理論之模型)、四因素一階、五因素二階模型。以台灣大學生為樣本,採用驗證性因素分析,結果顯示五因素一階的因素結構為最佳模型,支持原模式之理論架構與SPSI-R五因素結構在華人樣本的可類比性。同時刪除第42題因其無法確切反應逃避風格因素之意涵。 採用本研究所確立的SPSI-R五因素結構探討社會問題解決與憂鬱關係,發現排除問題風格後,負向問題定向可顯著預測憂鬱;排除問題定向後,逃避風格可顯著預測憂鬱,顯示負向問題定向與逃避風格對憂鬱有獨特之預測力。探討社會問題解決對壓力—憂鬱關係的影響,結果顯示衝動/粗心風格為日常問題與憂鬱之調節變項。此結果支持社會問題解決模式中,分殊不同向度的必要性,並提供臨床上憂鬱之問題解決治療方案可採行的策略。 / Confirmatory factor analysis was used to investigate the generalizability of the factor structure of the Social Problem-Solving Inventory- Revised (SPSI-R; D’Zurilla, Nezu, & Mayden-Olivares, 2002) The SPSI-R is based on a theoretical model and was modified by empirical data consisting of five factors – positive problem orientation, negative problem orientation, rational problem solving style, impulsivity/carelessness style, avoidance style. According to the theory model and empirical data with Chinese sample, the present study proposed another two alternative model. Thus, three different model were tested. With the sample of 916 Taiwanese undergraduate students, the results showed that the original five factor model which was proposed by D’Zurilla et al. was the best for SPSI-R in the sense of goodness of fit. This finding supports the Generalizability of SPSI-R in Taiwanese. Using the five-factor model of SPSI-R to examine the relation between SPSI-R and depression. Negative problem orientation and avoidance style were both significantly related to depression even after partialing out the variance of “Style” and “Orientation” respectively. While exploring the influence of SPSI-R on the relationship of stress and depression, a support was found for the moderator hypothesis which assumes that social problem solving interacts with everyday problems to influence the level of depression. Therefore, the findings in present study supported the distinction of five factors in SPSI-R. The implications of these results for social problem solving theory and assessment are also discussed.

知覺展示規則、顧客負面事件與服務人員情感傳遞的關係:正、負向團隊情感氛圍的干擾效果及情緒勞動的中介效果 / Perceived display rules, negative events, and employee affective delivery: the moderating effect of group affective tone and the mediating effect of emotional labor

曾淑敏, Tseng, Shu-Min Unknown Date (has links)
對服務業而言,服務人員的情感傳遞 (employee affective delivery, EAD)影響顧客觀感甚鉅,因此,如何提升員工情感傳遞,為學術界與企業界皆關切的議題。然而,過去研究雖認為知覺展示規則應能提昇員工情感傳遞,但其結果並不一致;此外,如何降低來自顧客的負面事件對員工情感傳遞的影響,在過去研究亦未深入探討。再者,過去探討員工情感傳遞的研究大多著重在個人層次,但服務人員實務上常以團隊的方式進行運作 (如:分店),因此,本研究試圖以多層次研究的角度加以切入,探討團隊情感氛圍 (group affective tone)在其中扮演的角色。最後,本研究亦探究,團隊情感氛圍是否會干擾知覺展示規則與顧客負面事件與員工情感傳遞的關係、以及此干擾效果是否透過情緒勞動 (emotional labor)的中介而產生。 本研究樣本收集自美髮業58個設計師團隊,共計254個團隊成員 (含58位店長)。本研究以階層線性模式(hierarchical linear modeling)進行統計分析,結果發現,正、負向情感氛圍皆會干擾知覺展示規則與顧客負面事件對員工情感傳遞的關係,且上述干擾效果皆會透過深層演出的策略進而影響員工情感傳遞。另外,正向團隊情感氛圍亦能提升員工情感傳遞。 / Employee affective delivery (EAD) plays a vital role in enhancing customer satisfaction and retention. Although “how to increase EAD” has been a critical issue for both academic and practical fields, several research gaps remained in the EAD and emotional labor literature: (1) Although researchers have suggested that perceived display rules could enhance EAD, past empirical findings did not emerge a consistent pattern on this relationship; (2) Furthermore, past studies have rarely examined how to reduce the negative impacts of customer negative events on EAD; (3) Past studies in the EAD and emotional labor fields have mainly conducted at the individual level; whether the team context influences service workers’ EAD has been neglected. In order to fill these research gaps, this study intended to examine the role of group affective tone (GAT) on EAD using a multilevel perspective. In addition, this study also explored whether GAT moderated the relationships between perceived display rules/negative events and EAD, and whether these moderating effects were mediated by emotional labor. The sample is composed of 58 hair stylist teams and 254 team members (including 58 store managers). The hierarchical linear modeling analyses were conducted to test the hypotheses. The results showed that both positive group affective tone (PGAT) and negative group affective tone (NGAT) moderated the relationships between perceived display rules/negative events and EAD. Moreover, the above moderating effects were mediated by service employees’ deep acting. Finally, PGAT was positively related to EAD.

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