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Performance Quantification of Interlayer Systems in Flexible Pavements Using Finite Element Analysis, Instrument Response, and Non Destructive TestingElseifi, Mostafa 02 April 2003 (has links)
This study quantifies the benefits of two interlayer systems (steel reinforcing netting and a newly-designed geocomposite membrane) in different pavement applications. Steel reinforcing netting and geocomposite membrane have been installed at the Virginia Smart Road in four different sections. Ground penetrating radar (GPR) surveys and time domain reflectometer (TDR) validated the effectiveness of the geocomposite membrane in preventing water from infiltrating to the underneath layers. In pavement rehabilitation applications, based on finite element (FE) analysis, it was found that the geocomposite membrane would create a protective compressive field around the crack tip and separate the criticality of the stress field in the cracked area from the bottom of the overlay. However, if the crack passes through the interlayer, a faster propagation rate than in a typical pavement is expected. These results emphasize the importance of proper field installation. As to steel reinforcing netting, this study found that this interlayer system would be effective in new pavement systems in both the crack initiation and propagation phases when the cracks start at the bottom of the HMA layers. For the considered pavement structures, steel reinforcing netting was found effective to delay the initiation of the cracks. This delay depends on the stiffness of the hot-mix asphalt (HMA) layers, the reinforcing pattern, and the direction of the strain at the bottom of the HMA layers. After initiation of the crack, steel reinforcement contribute by delaying the rate of crack propagation to the pavement surface. In pavement rehabilitations, however, the crack is already well established in the existing pavement, and steel reinforcement contribution is expected from the time of installation. In this case, steel reinforcement will delay the initiation of the crack in the overlay, and reduce the rate of crack propagation afterwards. Two models, to predict the overlay service life against reflective cracking from existing HMA layers, were developed. / Ph. D.
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Devizová expozice a devizové riziko u výrobního podniku / Exchange exposition and exchange risk of production companyBLECHOVÁ, Pavlína January 2015 (has links)
Graduation theses named "Exchange exposition and exchange risk of production company" is focused on problems of management of exchange position and exchange risk in production company, which is under legislative The Czech Republic. Firstly the theses define basic terms, types of exchange operations, kinds of exchange exposition, internal and external methods of assuring of exchange risk. The practical part is focused on concrete solution of exchange position and ensuring exchange risk in the company Alfa CZ spol. s r. o..
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Zhodnocení používání cash poolingu ve vybraném podniku / Appreciation of Cash Pooling in a Choosen EnterpriseMayerová, Hana January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of cash pooling. The aim of the thesis is to assess profitability of the cash management methods and eventual benefits of involvement of branches of surveyed company in the Group cash pooling. The theoretical part analyzes basic concepts of cash pooling, analytical part contains presentation of the company. Draft part assesses suitability of pooling cash and the feasibility of introducing cash pooling in other branches.
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Effects of flower abundance and colour on pan-trap catchesBerglund, Hilda-Linn January 2016 (has links)
Pollinating insects are important for many plants and for the human population. To be able to monitor pollinators and assess improvements made for them, it is important to get information about pollinator population changes. Therefore, it is essential that the methods used to collect data are accurate (i.e. that they represent the pollinator fauna). One commonly used method is pan-traps, but this method is suggested to be affected by the abundance of surrounding flowers. The results in the present study showed that catches in pan-traps can be affected by flower cover and the colour of the flowers, depending on which colours are preferred by the insects. The effects differed when looking at a larger scale (2-6 ha) and a smaller scale (25 m2) around the pan-traps. When comparing cover of flowers with catches in pan-traps in the small scale there were some results that showed linear positive correlations (expected), but also, negative linear and quadratic correlations. In contrast, in the large scale there were no significant positive linear correlations. When comparing catches in hand-net and pan-traps, only in one out of six taxonomical groups there were a correlation. The results in this study show that catches in pan-traps can be misleading if catches are done to survey pollinator population fauna and the cover of flowers is not considered.
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Modelling the impact of close-out netting on bank portfoliosTaranto, Aldo, not supplied January 2007 (has links)
The stochastic volatility of daily foreign exchange (FX) derivatives poses a number of risks for the international banking community. Settlement risk, liquidity risk and capital adequacy are just a few immediate concerns that arise from such volatility. This thesis examines the impact of close-out netting on minimising the stochastic volatility of inter-bank FX derivatives. The problem with close-out netting is that although it is a simple formula of taking the differences between two banks at one point in time, it is the stochastic and volatile nature of FX rates that makes measuring the full impact of netting difficult. The objective of this thesis is to establish a realistic international banking framework or modelling environment in which close-out netting can be scientifically applied and examined. Five international daily FX rates will be used as sufficient approximations for five international banks. A generalised autoregressive conditionally heteroschedastic (GARCH) modelling approach is adopted as a robust and rich FX volatility paradigm. Then through Monte Carlo simulation of the resulting fitted GARCH models, we generate the distributions -with and without close-out netting. The findings of this thesis are interesting, showing that close-out netting is far more than just a simple mathematical process. Netting surely does reduce each bank's exposure to FX volatility, however, its multivariate nature reveals some important results for banking risk research and bank analysts.
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Devizová expozice a devizové riziko / Foreign exchange exposure and currency riskNOVÁKOVÁ, Ilona January 2013 (has links)
Thesis "Foreign exchange exposure and currency risk" deals with managing foreign currency exposure and foreign exchange risks when doing business in The Czech Republic. It defines foreign exchange risk, different types of foreign exchange exposures and the possibility of its ensuring, as well as internal and external methods of reducing foreign exchange exposure and foreign exchange risk. The practical part is devoted to a particular solution, respectively to the management of foreign exchange exposure and foreign currency risk in ABC, s.r.o. company.
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Prostorová distribuce vodních ploštic (Heteroptera: Nepomorpha) v rybářsky obhospodařovaných rybnících: odhad a srovnání na základě výsledků dosažených klasickou metodou odchytu (cedníkem) a metodou světelných pastí / Spatial distribution of water bugs (Heteroptera: Nepomorpha) in fishponds: estimation and comparison based on results reached by classic method (netting) and method of light traps.ČELOUDOVÁ, Monika January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this methodically oriented thesis was to find spatial distribution of water bugs in fishpond by parallelly used two different sampling methods - classic method (netting) and light traps as well as to find, if sampling method can influence a result of ecological study by substantial way. Study was realized in the one locality - fishpond Polepšil (region: Vysočina: Moravskobudějovicko) in years 2007 and 2008. Spaces {--} transects for sampling were difined. Efficiency of water bug sampling by nett is conspicuously less than sampling by light traps. More species and individuals (in total sum of samples and in samples from individual transects too) were sampled by light traps under comparable conditions. Chemical yelow-green light of light traps was more attractive for water bugs than the pink one. Spatial preferences of some corixid species and their developmental stages were noted by application of light trap method of sampling. Light trap method of samplings brings more complete and valuable data for ecological studies of water bug communities.
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Implementace cash poolingu ve vybraném podniku / The implementation of cash pooling in an enterpriseRANGLOVÁ, Jaroslava January 2014 (has links)
The basic idea of this diploma thesis is to look into one the area of financing czech company, which is member of french holding, with aim to introduce to public the important financial tool in the area of cash management including assessment of the accounting, tax and law aspects associated with it.
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Panoramic ShamVail, Andrea 08 May 2014 (has links)
Panoramic Sham is sunset and sunrise, a walk through a field of wildflowers or a day in the forest. It is that moment when a light breeze tousles your hair and chirping birds reaffirm vitality. Panoramic Sham is also a heap of outdated home goods that once transformed our living rooms into artificial habitats. I reimagine decommissioned domestic goods as a way to confront trends of mass-production, habits of consumption and to explore systems of artifice, authenticity, and the consumer haze perpetuated by contemporary American society. Comprised of synthetic materials and manufactured to impersonate nature, these 20th century cast-offs provide an abundant cycle of cultural and generational refuse.
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Terapia de rede para adictos: programa de tratamento e prevenção para dependentes de drogas em comunidades terapêuticas / Program for treatment and prevention dependents of drugs in communities therapeuticSilva, Jair Lourenço da 06 October 2011 (has links)
As comunidades terapêuticas para dependentes químicos são importantes recursos, descritos pela Secretária Nacional Antidrogas, na rede de atenção aos transtornos relacionados ao abuso de substâncias psicoativas. A equipe profissional nestas comunidades terapêuticas é representada, principalmente, por conselheiros em dependência química. É consenso entre os especialistas, pela complexidade desta problemática, que o tratamento deve abordar o paciente em seu contexto sociofamiliar (Stanton e Todd, 1990). O presente estudo tem como objetivo apresentar e avaliar um programa de tratamento e prevenção para dependentes químicos em comunidades terapêuticas com foco em seu contexto sociofamiliar, por nós denominado TRA: terapia de rede para adictos. Um programa destinado aos conselheiros em dependência química, que trabalham nestas comunidades. Fundamentados no pensamento-novo-paradigmático, de Esteves de Vasconcellos (2002), e na representação social, de Moscovici (2003), utilizamos como método uma pesquisa interventiva, com delineamento qualitativo construtivista, baseado em Pakman (1995), o que significa, no contexto deste trabalho, que o modelo de TRA foi construído em conjunto com os participantes: conselheiros e pacientes da comunidade terapêutica na qual realizamos a pesquisa. As principais técnicas empregadas foram: a família de origem do conselheiro e o discurso do sujeito coletivo (DSC), de acordo com Lefèvre e Lefèvre (2003). Para a análise dos resultados, usamos a técnica de triangulação de dados, segundo Denzin e Lincoln (2000). Os resultados obtidos contribuíram para conhecermos as representações sociais dos participantes sobre suas famílias e, sistemicamente, compreendermos os múltiplos aspectos envolvidos na complexidade do ciclo da drogadicção. As téc nicas interventivas auxiliaram no resgate dos aspectos resilientes e das competências dos sistemas familiares e no empoderamento da comunidade terapêutica, dos pacientes e de suas famílias, para lidar com os problemas da dependência química. Estas técnicas também colaboraram para a compreensão e a abordagem da imprevisibilidade ocorrida, em vários âmbitos, no desenvolvimento da pesquisa. As diferentes representações sociais nos DSC foram analisadas sob o olhar da intersubjetividade, proporcionando uma rica troca entre os participantes. A coparticipação, na elaboração deste modelo, contribuiu, principalmente, para a coconstrução de um novo saber em prevenção e tratamento para as comunidades terapêuticas, com um olhar mais amplo e globalizador, para o sistema familiar e outros sistemas envolvidos no problema da drogadicção / Therapeutic communities for chemical dependents are important resources, described by National Antidrug Secretary, to the network of care for disorders related to the abuse of psychoactive substances. The professional team in these therapeutic communities and represented, mainly, by advisers in chemical dependency. There is a consensus among the experts, the complexity of the problem, that treatment must approach the patient in their family environment (Stanton and Todd, 1990). The purpose of the present study is to present and assess a program of prevention and treatment for chemical dependents in therapeutic communities with a focus on their family environment, we called TRA: therapy of network for addiction. A program for counselor in chemical dependency, working in these communities. Based on thought-new-paradigmatic, Esteves de Vasconcellos (2002), and the social representation of Moscovici (2003), we used the method an interventional research, with qualitative design constructivist, based in Pakman (1995), which means, in the context of this work, that the model of TRA was built together with the participants, counselors, and patients in the therapeutic community where we have the research. The main techniques used were: the family of origin of the counselor and the collective subject discourse (DSC), according to Lefèvre and Lefèvre (2003). For the analysis of the results, we used the technique of data triangulation, second Denzin and Lincoln (2000). The results contributed to know the social representations of the participants on their families, and systemically, we understand the many aspects involved in the complexity of the cycle of drug-addiction. The interventional techniques helped with the rescue of the aspects resilient and the skills of the family systems and the empowerment of the therapeutic community, patients and their families to approach with the problems of chemical dependency. These techniques also collaborated for the understanding and approach of unpredictability that occurred in a number of areas in the development of the research. The different social representations in DSC were analyzed under the gaze of the intersubjectivity, providing a rich Exchange of views between the participants. The participation in colaboration, in drawing up this model contributed mainly to build together a new knowledge in treatment and prevention for the therapeutic communities, with a broader perspective and global vision, for the family system and other systems involved in the problem of drug-addiction
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