Spelling suggestions: "subject:"neuen."" "subject:"neuer.""
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System identification and control of smart structures: PANFIS modeling method and dissipativity analysis of LQR controllersMohammadzadeh, Soroush 30 May 2013 (has links)
"Maintaining an efficient and reliable infrastructure requires continuous monitoring and control. In order to accomplish these tasks, algorithms are needed to process large sets of data and for modeling based on these processed data sets. For this reason, computationally efficient and accurate modeling algorithms along with data compression techniques and optimal yet practical control methods are in demand. These tools can help model structures and improve their performance. In this thesis, these two aspects are addressed separately. A principal component analysis based adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system is proposed for fast and accurate modeling of time-dependent behavior of a structure integrated with a smart damper. Since a smart damper can only dissipate energy from structures, a challenge is to evaluate the dissipativity of optimal control methods for smart dampers to decide if the optimal controller can be realized using the smart damper. Therefore, a generalized deterministic definition for dissipativity is proposed and a commonly used controller, LQR is proved to be dissipative. Examples are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed modeling algorithm and evaluating the dissipativity of LQR control method. These examples illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed modeling algorithm and dissipativity of LQR controller."
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The generation of a candidate axial precursor in three dimensional aggregates of mouse embryonic stem cellsBaillie-Johnson, Peter January 2017 (has links)
Textbook accounts of vertebrate embryonic development have been based largely upon experiments on amphibian embryos, which have shown that the tissues of the trunk and tail are organised from distinct precursors that existed during gastrulation. In the mouse and chick, however, retrospective clonal analyses and transplantation experiments have demonstrated that the amniote body instead arises progressively from a population of axial precursors that are common to both the neural and mesodermal tissues of the trunk and tail. For this reason, they are known as neuro-mesodermal progenitors (NMps). Detailed studies of NMps have been precluded by their lack of a unique gene expression profile and the technical difficulties associated with isolating them from the embryo. Mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) provide the possibility of instead deriving them in vitro. ESCs have been used to model developmental processes, partly through large cellular aggregates known as embryoid bodies. These structures do not, however, resemble the axial organisation of the embryo and they develop in a disordered manner. This thesis presents a novel culture system of small, three-dimensional aggregates of ESCs (gastruloids) that can recreate the events of early post-implantation development, including axial elongation. Gastruloids are the first ESC-based model for axial elongation morphogenesis; this body of work characterises their development and identifies a candidate population of NMps within their elongating tissues. Additionally, this work establishes a xenotransplantation assay for testing the functional properties of in vitro-derived NMp populations in the chicken embryo and applies it to NMps from gastruloid cultures. The results of this assay show that gastruloids are a credible source of NMps in vitro and therefore offer a new experimental means to interrogate their properties. The use of gastruloids to recreate embryonic development has implications for basic research as a synthetic system and for the therapeutic derivation of other embryonic progenitors through bioengineering.
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O trabalho realizado em UTIP com bebês pré-termos e suas mães: contribuições ao método clínico fonoaudiológico / The work performed in the PICU with premature babies and their mothers: contributions to the speech therapy clinical approachPego, Jaqueline Abrantes 30 August 2005 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2005-08-30 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The purpose of this issue was to outline principles and techniques of the speech treatment of premature babies, since the moment of its hospital internment at the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) until its discharge; along with the mother and the staff members who take care of the child. To achive that aim, the qualitative-clinical methodology was used. A case study of an under-weight premature new-born who had feeding difficulties and was in a high risk condition concerning development, feeding and the establishment of a mother-baby bound was also discussed. The research took place in the PICU, the nursery and at Pediatric Unit of the Hospital Governador Israel Pinheiro do Instituto da Previdência dos Servidores do Estado de Minas Gerais (IPSEMG), in the city of Belo Horizonte, Brazil. The theoretical-metodological bases of this study originated from the joint established among the foundations of the Neuro-science, the Winnicott psycho-analisys, Neuro-Developmental Treatment- Bobath Approach and Synactive Theory. All of them are very important for the understanding of the speech therapy work performed with the new-born in risk. The importance of the mother as the first environment a baby was also reinforced due to the baby s constituion as person . From the analisys of this case we can come to the conclusion that this type of speech therapy work demands that the professional be in connection with the baby, the mother and also members of the hospital staff. In this perspective, it is possible to receive the mother-child bound, humanize the PICU environment and provide the little patients with tools that allow them to achieve a healthy and satisfactory development in its first period of life / Este trabalho teve como objetivo delinear princípios e técnicas do atendimento fonoaudiológico a recém-nascidos pré-termos, desde o momento da sua internação no Centro de Terapia Intensiva Pediátrico (CTIP), até a alta hospitalar, incluindo especificidades do enquadre envolvendo a mãe e a equipe multiprofissional. Para tanto, foi utilizada a metodologia clínico-qualitativa e realizado um estudo de caso de um recém-nascido pré-termo muito baixo peso, com dificuldades alimentares e em uma condição de alto risco para problemas no desenvolvimento, na alimentação e na constituição do vínculo mãe/bebê. A pesquisa foi feita no CTIP, no Berçário e na Unidade Pediátrica do Hospital Governador Israel Pinheiro do Instituto da Previdência dos Servidores do Estado de Minas Gerais (IPSEMG), em Belo Horizonte. Os pressupostos teórico-metodológicos que embasaram este estudo advém das articulações estabelecidas entre fundamentos da Neurociência, da Psicanálise winnicottiana e também os advindos do Tratamento Neuroevolutivo- Conceito Bobath e da Teoria Síncrono-ativa, importantes para a compreensão do trabalho fonoaudiológico voltado ao recém-nascido de risco. Deu-se destaque à importância da mãe como primeiro ambiente de um bebê, fundamental, portanto, em sua constituição como pessoa. Pode-se concluir, a partir da análise do caso, que esse tipo de trabalho fonoaudiológico exige que o profissional esteja sintonizado com o bebê, com a mãe e também com a equipe hospitalar. Nesta perspectiva, é possível acolher a dupla mãe/bebê, humanizar o ambiente de UTIP e favorecer ao pequeno paciente que conquiste as aquisições deste período inicial da vida
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"Programação neurolinguística: transformação e persuasão no metamodelo" / Neuro-Linguistic Programming: transformation and persuasion in meta-model.Regina Maria Azevedo 19 April 2006 (has links)
Neste estudo apresentamos as origens da Programação Neurolingüística (PNL), seus principais fundamentos, pressupostos teóricos e objetivos; analisamos o metamodelo, sua relação com a linguagem e sua exploração por meio do processo de modelagem, a partir do enfoque presente na obra A estrutura da magia I: um livro sobre linguagem e terapia, de Richard Bandler e John Grinder, idealizadores da PNL. Examinamos as transformações obtidas mediante o processo de derivação, com base na Gramática Gerativo-Transformacional de Noam Chomsky, objetivando verificar sua relação com o metamodelo. Explorando o discurso do Sujeito submetido ao processo de modelagem, verificamos em que medida os novos conteúdos semânticos revelados pelas transformações poderiam influenciá-lo, a ponto de mudar sua visão de mundo. Para esta análise, investigamos ainda as teorias clássicas da Argumentação, em especial os conceitos de convicção e persuasão, constatando que a modelagem oferece ao Sujeito recursos para ampliar seu repertório lingüístico, apreender novos significados a partir de seus próprios enunciados e, por meio da deliberação consigo mesmo, convencer-se e persuadir-se. / This study aims at presenting the origins of the Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), its main ideas, theoretical presuppositions and goals. Furthermore, it will be analyzed the meta-model, its relationship with language and its exploitation through the modeling process, all based on the book The structure of magic I: a book about language and therapy, by Richard Bandler and John Grinder, the founders of NLP. Moreover, it will be examined the transformations obtained from the derivation process, based on Noam Chomsky´s Transformational-generative grammar, with the goal of verifying its relationship with the meta-model. When exploiting the subject´s discourse submitted for the process of modeling, it will be verified in which way the new semantic contents revealed by the transformations could influence that subject and made him alter his vision of the world. For this analysis, it will be investigated also the classic theories of Argumentation, especially the conviction and persuasion concepts. It will also be verified that the process of modeling can offer resources to the subject, for him to enhance his linguistic vocabulary, to learn new meanings from his own sentences and to be able to persuade and convince himself through deliberating with his inner self.
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Innervation pelvi-périnéale : étude anatomique et immuno-histochimique avec reconstruction tridimensionnelle chez le foetus et l’adulte féminin. Applications chirurgicales lors des protectomies pour cancer / Innervation of the pelvis and perineum : anatomical and immunohistochemical study and three-dimensional reconstruction in the fœtus and female adult. Surgical applications during protectcomy for cancerPeschaud, Frédérique 28 June 2011 (has links)
Introduction : Le système nerveux autonome (SNA) est en situation supralévatorienne, le système somatique en situation infra lévatorienne. Le sympathique assurerait les fonctions de sécrétion et le parasympahtique, les fonctions dʼérection. Le rectum est en rapport étroit avec ces éléments nerveux. La protectomie avec exérèse totale du mésorectum pour cancer est associée à des séquelles sexuelles par lésion iatrogène des nerfs pelviens.Objectifs : Étudier la physiologie et lʼanatomie topographique et structurelle de l'innervation pelvipérinéale Matériels et méthodes : Cinq pelvis de foetus et dix pelvis dʼadultes féminins ont été prélevés pour études macroscopiques, microscopiques etimmunohistochimiques des nerfs pelviens. Les coupes ont été colorées puis immunomarquées pour détecter les fibres nerveuses (PS-100), somatiques(PMP22), autonomes adrénergiques (TH), cholinergiques (VAChT), sensitives(CGRP) et les fibres pro-érectiles (nNOS). Les lames ont été numérisées et reconstruites en 3D.Résultats : Les fibres nerveuses du SNA, richement interconnectées,véhiculent de façon mixte lʼinflux sympathique et parasympathique.Celles issues du plexus hypogastrique inférieur contrôlant les fonctions sexuelles sont regroupées avec le pédicule vaginal long et forment la bandelette neuro-vasculaire (BNV) sur la face antérolatérale du rectum à « 2et 10h ». Cette BNV est en avant de lʼexpansion postérolatérale du septum recto vaginal (SRV) qui la protège et qui est lʼéquivalent chez lʼhomme du fascia de Denonvilliers. Cette BNV concentre lʼensemble des fibres nerveusespro-érectiles destinées au périnée. Une lésion tronculaire de cette bandelette pourrait conduire à un trouble de lʼérection clitoridienne et de la lubrification vulvaire car, à ce niveau, les efférences sympathiques et parasympathiques coexistent.Conclusion: Un modèle anatomo-physiologique et pédagogiquedʼinnervation pelvipérinéale féminine a été développé. Ces travaux offrent des perspectives dʼétudes cliniques afin de mieux évaluer les dysfonctions sexuelles postopératoires. / Introduction: The nerve supply of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) to the pelvis is located above the levator ani muscle, and the somatic nerve supply to the pelvis is situated below levator ani. Sympathetic innervation assures secretory functions and parasympathetic innervation allows erection. The rectum is anatomically closely associated with these nerves. Protectomy with total excision of the mesorectum for cancer is associated with sexual sequellae due to iatrogenic damage to the pelvic nerves.Objectives: To study the physiology and topographic and structural anatomy of the innervation of the pelvis.Materials and methods: Five fœtal pelvises and ten adult female pelvises were collected for macroscopic, microscopic, and immunohistochemical studies of pelvic nerves. Sections were stained and then immunostained to reveal nerve fibres (PS-100), somatic nerves (PMP22), adrenergic autonomic nerves (TH), cholinergic autonomic nerves (VAChT), sensory nerves (CGRP) and pro-erectile nerves (nNOS). Sections were numbered and reconstructed in 3D.Results: ANS nerve fibres, densely interconnected, carry a combination of sympathetic and parasympathetic fibres.Nerve fibres controlling sexual function from the inferior hypogastric plexus are clustered along the vaginal pedicle and form the neurovascular bundle (NVB) on the anterolateral face of the rectum between “2 and 10 o’clock”. This NVB is in front of the expansion of the rectovaginal septum (RVS) which protects it. In males, the equivalent structure is the rectoprostratic fascia. This NVB contains all of the pro-erectile nerves supplying the perineum. A truncal lesion to this bundle could result in erectile dysfunction of the clitoris as well as difficulties in vulvar lubrication because sympathetic and parasympathetic efferent fibres are both present at this site.Conclusion: An educational anatomical and physiological model of the innervation of the female pelvis and perineum has been developed. This work offers perspectives for clinical studies to facilitate better evaluation of cases of post-operative sexual dysfunction.
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"Programação neurolinguística: transformação e persuasão no metamodelo" / Neuro-Linguistic Programming: transformation and persuasion in meta-model.Azevedo, Regina Maria 19 April 2006 (has links)
Neste estudo apresentamos as origens da Programação Neurolingüística (PNL), seus principais fundamentos, pressupostos teóricos e objetivos; analisamos o metamodelo", sua relação com a linguagem e sua exploração por meio do processo de modelagem", a partir do enfoque presente na obra A estrutura da magia I: um livro sobre linguagem e terapia, de Richard Bandler e John Grinder, idealizadores da PNL. Examinamos as transformações obtidas mediante o processo de derivação, com base na Gramática Gerativo-Transformacional de Noam Chomsky, objetivando verificar sua relação com o metamodelo". Explorando o discurso do Sujeito submetido ao processo de modelagem", verificamos em que medida os novos conteúdos semânticos revelados pelas transformações poderiam influenciá-lo, a ponto de mudar sua visão de mundo. Para esta análise, investigamos ainda as teorias clássicas da Argumentação, em especial os conceitos de convicção e persuasão, constatando que a modelagem" oferece ao Sujeito recursos para ampliar seu repertório lingüístico, apreender novos significados a partir de seus próprios enunciados e, por meio da deliberação consigo mesmo, convencer-se e persuadir-se. / This study aims at presenting the origins of the Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), its main ideas, theoretical presuppositions and goals. Furthermore, it will be analyzed the meta-model, its relationship with language and its exploitation through the modeling process, all based on the book The structure of magic I: a book about language and therapy, by Richard Bandler and John Grinder, the founders of NLP. Moreover, it will be examined the transformations obtained from the derivation process, based on Noam Chomsky´s Transformational-generative grammar, with the goal of verifying its relationship with the meta-model. When exploiting the subject´s discourse submitted for the process of modeling, it will be verified in which way the new semantic contents revealed by the transformations could influence that subject and made him alter his vision of the world. For this analysis, it will be investigated also the classic theories of Argumentation, especially the conviction and persuasion concepts. It will also be verified that the process of modeling can offer resources to the subject, for him to enhance his linguistic vocabulary, to learn new meanings from his own sentences and to be able to persuade and convince himself through deliberating with his inner self.
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Rôle du GPR120 microglial dans la neuro-inflammation et le comportement anxio-dépressifBairamian, Diane 03 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Characterising heterogeneity of glioblastoma using multi-parametric magnetic resonance imagingLi, Chao January 2018 (has links)
A better understanding of tumour heterogeneity is central for accurate diagnosis, targeted therapy and personalised treatment of glioblastoma patients. This thesis aims to investigate whether pre-operative multi-parametric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can provide a useful tool for evaluating inter-tumoural and intra-tumoural heterogeneity of glioblastoma. For this purpose, we explored: 1) the utilities of habitat imaging in combining multi-parametric MRI for identifying invasive sub-regions (I & II); 2) the significance of integrating multi-parametric MRI, and extracting modality inter-dependence for patient stratification (III & IV); 3) the value of advanced physiological MRI and radiomics approach in predicting epigenetic phenotypes (V). The following observations were made: I. Using a joint histogram analysis method, habitats with different diffusivity patterns were identified. A non-enhancing sub-region with decreased isotropic diffusion and increased anisotropic diffusion was associated with progression-free survival (PFS, hazard ratio [HR] = 1.08, P < 0.001) and overall survival (OS, HR = 1.36, P < 0.001) in multivariate models. II. Using a thresholding method, two low perfusion compartments were identified, which displayed hypoxic and pro-inflammatory microenvironment. Higher lactate in the low perfusion compartment with restricted diffusion was associated with a worse survival (PFS: HR = 2.995, P = 0.047; OS: HR = 4.974, P = 0.005). III. Using an unsupervised multi-view feature selection and late integration method, two patient subgroups were identified, which demonstrated distinct OS (P = 0.007) and PFS (P < 0.001). Features selected by this approach showed significantly incremental prognostic value for 12-month OS (P = 0.049) and PFS (P = 0.022) than clinical factors. IV. Using a method of unsupervised clustering via copula transform and discrete feature extraction, three patient subgroups were identified. The subtype demonstrating high inter-dependency of diffusion and perfusion displayed higher lactate than the other two subtypes (P = 0.016 and P = 0.044, respectively). Both subtypes of low and high inter-dependency showed worse PFS compared to the intermediate subtype (P = 0.046 and P = 0.009, respectively). V. Using a radiomics approach, advanced physiological images showed better performance than structural images for predicting O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) methylation status. For predicting 12-month PFS, the model of radiomic features and clinical factors outperformed the model of MGMT methylation and clinical factors (P = 0.010). In summary, pre-operative multi-parametric MRI shows potential for the non-invasive evaluation of glioblastoma heterogeneity, which could provide crucial information for patient care.
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A study of corporate culture compatibility on supply chain performanceAl-Mutawah, Khalid January 2009 (has links)
Supply chain systems have become a vital component of successful networked business firms/organisations. Over the last three decades, there has been a dramatic growth globally in the formation of supply chain networks. Research, however, indicates that there has been an increase in reported supply chains failures, and the incompatibility issues between participated organisations. Yet, these incompatibility issues are not just technical, but encompass wider cultural, organisational, and economical factors. Whilst research has shown the effect of such factors on supply chain performance, the influence of achieving corporate culture compatibility to the success of supply chains remains poorly understood. This is because it is widely accepted that organisations that operate in the same region possess a similar culture. In contrast, this research will examine the existence of corporate culture diversity between organisations in the same region, rather than diversity of national culture across different regions. Specifically, the study described the development of corporate culture compatibility between supply chains’ organisations and its influences on supply chain performance. Therefore, the thesis focus is the complex interrelationships between corporate culture compatibility of member organisations and supply chain performance. This research identifies cultural norms and beliefs of supply chain members within key organisational factors, rather than national or multi-national organisations factors, as in Hofstede (1983). A multi-method research design (combining case study, simulation, and neuro-fuzzy methods) was used to provide a rounded perspective on the phenomena studied. The multiple case studies helped to explore how corporate culture compatibility influences supply chain performance and develop a conceptual model for this association. The simulation experiments were conducted to verify the obtained conceptual framework from the multiple case studies, and investigate the effects of changing the corporate culture compatibility level on supply chain performance. The simulation is designed based on a Multi-Agent System (MAS) approach, in which each organisation in a supply chain is represented as an intelligent agent. Finally, a neuro-fuzzy approach is presented to assess corporate culture on supply chains context using real data. The analysis of the quantitative neuro-fuzzy study confirmed and validated the theoretical findings and adds depth to our understanding of the influences of corporate culture compatibility on supply chain performance. The study confirmed that organisations within the same supply chain in the same region possess different corporate cultures that consequently need the achievement of corporate culture compatibility as it is indicated by the literature. Moreover, the study revealed two types of corporate culture in supply chains’ context: individual culture and common culture. Individual culture refers to the internal beliefs within the organisation’s boundary, while common culture refers to beliefs when trading with partners across the organisation’s boundary. However, the study shows that common culture has more influences on supply chain performance than individual culture. In addition, the study highlighted bi-directional association between individual culture and common culture that helps the supply chain’s organisations developing their corporate culture compatibility. The results from the current study also showed that supply chain performance was shown to arise dramatically in response to corporate culture compatibility level increases. Yet, this increase in performance is diminished at a higher level of corporate culture compatibility, because more corporate culture compatibility increases are not cost effective for the organisations. In addition, organisations at a higher level of compatibility have more preferences to preserve their individual culture because it represents their identity. Furthermore, the study complements the gap in the literature related to the assessment of corporate culture of individual organisations in supply chains for sustaining a higher supply chain performance. While current culture assessment models observe individual organisations’ culture, the proposed approach describes a single concentrated model that integrates both individual and common culture in measuring influences of culture compatibility on supply chain performance. The findings from this study provide scholars, consultants, managers, and supply chain systems vendors with valuable information. This research thesis contributes to supply chain configuration and partnership formation theory, along with corporate culture theory, and is the first of its kind to establish the use of intelligent methods to model corporate culture compatibility. It is also one of the first empirical studies to compare corporate culture compatibility of supply chains’ organisations from organisational perspectives, rather than national perspectives.
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Barrière hémato-encéphalique humaine et endothéline 1 : régulation des transporteurs ABC et des cytokines inflammatoiresHembury, Alexandra 12 September 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Le système nerveux central est un organe complexe et privilégié, protégé, entre autres, par la barrière hémato-encéphalique (BHE), sur laquelle se trouvent des transporteurs d'efflux telle que la P-glycoprotéine (Pgp).<br />La BHE est impliquée dans la neuro-inflammation et les maladies cérébrales associées, et la littérature laisse penser que l'endothéline 1 (ET-1) y joue un rôle important. En utilisant un modèle in vitro autologue de BHE humaine adulte et un modèle in vitro de BHE humaine fœtale (co-culture de cellules gliales et de cellules endothéliales microvasculaires cérébrales), nous avons étudié l'effet de l'ET-1 sur la Pgp.<br />Une différence, en termes de modulation de l'activité de la Pgp, a été observée entre la BHE fœtale et la BHE adulte suite à l'exposition à l'ET-1. Nous avons également évalué la modulation induite par l'ET-1 sur la sécrétion de la MCP-1 (Monocyte chemoattractant protein 1) et de l'IL-8. Les résultats montrent que l'ET-1 diminue l'activité de la Pgp et induit la sécrétion de MCP-1 et d'IL-8.
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