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Sensibilização central induzida pelo vírus HSV-1: uma análise de mecanismos de dor crônica em modelo experimental de neuralgia pós-herpética / Central sensibilization inducted by HSV-1 virus: an analysis of chronic pain mechanisms in experimental model of post herpetic neuralgiaLaís Regina Rossi 11 January 2018 (has links)
A dor é descrita como uma sensação sensorial e emocional desagradável de extrema importância para sobrevivência e integridade do organismo. As dores crônicas de origem neuropática são de difícil tratamento e seus mecanismos fisiopatológicos pouco conhecidos. Este estudo foi realizado após inoculação do vírus HSV-1 na pata traseira esquerda de camundongos machos da linhagem Balb/C, e teve como objetivo investigar comportamentalmente o desenvolvimento de alodínia mecânica e hipernocicepção nas fases herpética e pós herpética, caracterizar a atividade de vias intracelulares de sinalização das proteínas JNK, AKT CREB, P38, ERK, Glutamina Sintetase e Stat 3, através de western blot na coluna dorsal da medula espinal nas fases herpética e pós herpética, além de verificar a presença do vírus HSV-1 na medula espinal e gânglio dos animais por meio da reação em cadeia da polimerase em tempo real (RT-PCR). Os resultados evidenciaram alteração de sensibilidade nos animais a partir do 7º dia que permaneceu até o 28º dia após a inoculação do vírus. Houve uma mudança na expressão das proteínas MAPKs, com aumento na expressão de JNK, AKT e CREB no corno dorsal da medula no 8º e 21º dia após a inoculação do vírus HSV-1, aumento na expressão de P 38 e P ERK no 8º dia após inoculação do vírus e uma diminuição na expressão da proteína Stat 3 no 8º e 21º dia após a inoculação do vírus, sugerindo assim a participação dessas proteínas na alteração de sensibilidade tanto no período herpético quanto pós herpético. Também ocorreu um aumento na amplificação do DNA viral HSV-1 na medula espinal e gânglio espinal esquerdo no período herpético após inoculação do vírus HSV-1 / The pain is described as a sensorial and emotional unpleasant sensation of extreme importance for survival and integrity of the organism. The chronic pains that has neuropathic source are hard to treat and its physiopathologic mechanisms not well known. This study was performed after inoculation of the virus HSV-1 in the left back foot of male Balb/C mouse, and had as main objectives to behaviorally investigate the development of mechanical allodynia and hyper nociception during the herpetic and post-herpetic phase, characterize the activity of the intracellular signalization paths of the proteins JNK, AKT CRB, P38, ERK, glutamine synthetase and Sat 3 during herpetic and post-herpetic phase using Western Blot, besides checking as well for the presence of HSV-1 viral load in the spinal cord and ganglions using RT-PCR. The results evidenced alteration of sensitivity in the animals from the 7th day that remained until the 28th day after inoculation of the virus, a change in the MAPKs proteins expression, with a raise of expression of JNK, AKT e CREB in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord in the 8th and 21st day after the HSV-1 virus inoculation, thus suggesting the participation of these proteins in the alteration of sensitivity both in the herpetic and post herpetic periods. It is also possible to observe the presence of viral load in the spinal cord and left spinal ganglion in the herpetic period after HSV-1 virus inoculation
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Papel dos receptores intracelulares NOD1 e NOD2 na gênese da dor neuropática / Role of NOD1 and NOD2 intracelular receptors in the genesis of neuropathic painFlávia Viana Santa Cecilia 29 July 2015 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, inúmeros avanços têm sido alcançados no que diz respeito aos mecanismos moleculares que participam na indução e manutenção da dor crônica, incluindo ativação glial. Já foi demonstrado que alguns receptores de reconhecimento padrão (PRRs), como os receptores do tipo Toll (TLRs) participam desse processo e, que em modelos de inflamação/infecção do Sistema Nervoso Central, os TLRs e os receptores do tipo NOD (NLRs) cooperam na ativação das células da glia, o que nos levou a hipotetizar que os receptores NOD1 e NOD2 também possam desempenhar um papel importante no processo de dor crônica. O NOD2 é responsável pela detecção intracelular do muramil dipeptídeo (MDP) enquanto que NOD1 reconhece o ácido diaminopimélico (iE-DAP), ambos padrões moleculares associados a patógenos (PAMPs) encontrados no peptideoglicano de bactérias. Após o reconhecimento, NLRs recrutam diretamente RIPK2 (proteína 2 de interação com o receptor RICK), uma serina-treonina quinase importante na ativação do fator nuclear kB (NF-kB). Assim, o objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a participação de NOD1 e NOD2, via RIPK2, no desenvolvimento da hipersensibilidade mecânica neuropática focando principalmente nos mecanismos espinais envolvidos. Dessa maneira, foi observado que os animais NOD1-/-, NOD2-/- e RIPK2-/- apresentaram redução significativa da hipersensibilidade nociceptiva mecânica quando comparado aos animais selvagens após indução de neuropatia periférica pelo modelo experimental de lesão limitada do nervo isquiático (SNI, Spared Nerve Injury). Ao contrário, a hipersensibilidade inflamatória induzida pelo adjuvante completo de Freud (CFA) não foi reduzida nesses animais. A redução da dor neuropática em NOD1-/-, NOD2-/- e RIPK2-/- foi associada a uma diminuição da expressão de IBA-1, GFAP, IL-1, TNF- e P2X4 na medula espinal quando comparado ao grupo WT. In vitro, foi observado que culturas primárias de micróglia não induziram liberação de IL-1, TNF-, IL-6 em resposta ao MDP (10g/mL) e iE-DAP (100ng/mL). No entanto, quando o MDP foi administrado juntamente com uma baixa concentração de lipopolissacarídeo (LPS) (0,1ng/mL), apresentou uma forte produção destas citocinas. Além disso, também foi demonstrado que células periféricas que infiltram na medula espinal podem expressar NOD1 e NOD2 e portanto serem capazes de induzir hipersensibilidade mecânica e ativação microglial após a indução de neuropatia. Dessa maneira, os resultados sugerem que NOD1 e NOD2, via RIPK2, contribuem para a gênese da dor neuropática, possivelmente mediando a liberação de citocinas pró-nociceptivas e a ativação de células gliais. Além disso, os resultados apontam ação potencial de NOD2 com TLR4 no intuito de estimular a ativação glial. Estes mecanismos representam uma nova abordagem para elucidar os mecanismos envolvidos na fisiopatologia da dor crônica e um possível alvo para o desenvolvimento de drogas para o tratamento da dor neuropática. / In the last years, many advances have been made related to the molecular mechanisms involved in the induction and maintenance of chronic pain, including glial activation. It has been shown that some pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) such as Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are involved in this process, and that in inflammation/infection models of the CNS, the TLRs and Nod-like receptors (NLRs) cooperate in activation of glial cells, which led us to hypothesize that NOD1 and NOD2 receptors may also play an important role in chronic pain process. NOD2 are responsible by intracellular detection of muramyl dipeptide (MDP) and NOD1 detects meso-diaminopimelic acid (iE-DAP), pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) found in the peptidoglycan from bacteria. Upon recognition, NLRs recruit directly RIPK2, an adaptor protein, important in NLRs-mediated NFB activation. In the present study, we aimed to evaluate the participation of NOD1 and NOD2, via RIPK2, in the development of neuropathic mechanical hypersensitivity focusing mainly on spinal mechanisms involved. The results demonstrate that NOD1-/-, NOD2-/-, RIPK2-/- showed a significant reduction in mechanical hypersensitivity when compared to WT mice, after submitted to an experimental model of neuropathic pain Spared Nerve Injury (SNI). Interestingly, CFA-induced chronic inflammatory hypersensitivity was not decreased in these mice. The reduction in neuropathic pain in NOD1-/-, NOD2-/- and RIPK2-/- mice was associated with a decrease in the expression of IBA-1, GFAP, IL-1, TNF- and P2X4 in spinal cord when compared with WT. In vitro, it was observed that primary cultures of microglia did not produce IL-1, TNF-, IL-6 in response to MDP (3g/mL) or iE-DAP (100ng/mL). However, MDP, together with an ineffective concentration of LPS (0.1ng/mL), produced a robust production of these cytokines. Moreover, it was also demonstrated that peripheral cells infiltrating the spinal cord could express NOD1 and NOD2 and thus, be able to induce mechanical hypersensitivity and microglial activation after induction of peripheral neuropathy. The results suggest that NOD1 and NOD2, via RIPK2, contribute to the genesis of neuropathic pain, possibly by mediating the release of pronociceptive cytokines and increased glial cells activation. Moreover, the results indicate potential action of NOD2 with TLR4 in attempt to stimulate glial cells activation. These mechanisms represent a novel approach for elucidating the pathophysiology of chronic pain, and a target for the development of drugs for the treatment of neuropathic pain.
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Adaptação transcultural e validação do instrumento Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy Assessment Tool (CIPNAT) para o Brasil / Adaptation transcultural and validation of the instrument Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy Assessment Tool (CIPNAT) to BrazilAlexandra Paola Zandonai 19 October 2015 (has links)
Introdução: A Neuropatia Periférica Induzida pela Quimioterapia (NPIQ) é um efeito adverso comum e debilitante ocasionado pela infusão de agentes quimioterápicos neurotóxicos como os taxanos, as platinas, alcalóides da vinca, bortezomibe e talidomida. A administração destas medicações aumentam a sobrevida do paciente, porém, aproximadamente, 30% a 40% desenvolvem NPIQ, o que afeta negativamente o tratamento planejado e a qualidade de vida ao interferir nas atividades diárias do paciente. A NPIQ manifesta-se com sintomas sensitivos (parestesia, disestesia, dor entre outros), motores (fraqueza, alterações na marcha e no equilíbrio, dificuldade nas habilidades motoras finas e outros) e neurovegetativos (constipação, retenção urinária, disfunção sexual e alterações na pressão sanguínea). Até o momento não foi concebido um instrumento que avalie a dor neuropática na NPIQ e, além disso, não há instrumento validado com essa finalidade no Brasil. Objetivos: Realizar a tradução e adaptação transcultural do instrumento Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy Assessment Tool (CIPNAT) para a língua portuguesa do Brasil e testar as propriedades psicométricas da versão adaptada em uma amostra de pacientes oncológicos, que apresentavam NPIQ. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo metodológico com coleta de dados transversal. Para o processo de tradução e adaptação do instrumento, adotou-se o referencial teórico metodológico proposto por Beaton e colaboradores (2000). A coleta de dados ocorreu em dois hospitais referência no tratamento oncológico da cidade de São Paulo. Resultados: Obteve-se uma amostra de 245 participantes, sendo que, 135 (55,1%) apresentavam neoplasia maligna de intestino, 162 (66,1%) usavam um quimioterápico da classe análogos da platina, 125 (51%) manifestavam dormência nas mãos com gravidade média de 6,71 e angústia média de 7,0 (numa escala de 0-10), impactou negativamente nas Atividades de Vida Diária (AVD) como a prática de exercícios, o trabalho e atividades de lazer. Para testar a validade de construto convergente fez-se uma correlação de Spearmam da versão adaptada do CIPNAT com os instrumento NPSI e DN4 e, obteve-se uma moderada correlação. Não foi possível atingir a validade discriminante. A análise fatorial exploratória com rotação varimax identificou dois fatores, sendo estes, sintomas sensitivos e sintomas motores. Em relação a confiabilidade, alcançou-se um alfa de Cronbach de 0,87, considerado satisfatório. O teste-reteste demonstrou uma forte correlação entre a primeira e segunda avaliação pelo CIPNAT, sendo considerado estável. Conclusão: A análise psicométrica do CIPNAT foi adequada. Desta forma, estará disponível um instrumento válido e confiável que rastreia, caracteriza, avalia e mensura a NPIQ e seu impacto nas AVDs para que a enfermagem oncológica promova uma assistência segura e com qualidade / Background: Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy (CIPN) is a common and debilitating adverse effects caused by the infusion of neurotoxic chemotherapeutics such as taxanes, platines, vinca alkaloids, bortezomib and thalidomide. The administration of these medications increase patient survival, however, approximately 30% to 40% develop CIPN, which negatively affects the planned treatment and the quality of life by interfering with daily activities of the patient. The CIPN manifests itself with sensory symptoms (paresthesia, dysesthesia, pain and others), motors (weakness, changes in gait and balance, difficulty with fine motor skills and others) and neurovegetative (constipation, urinary retention, sexual dysfunction and changes in blood pressure). So far, it has not been a tool designed to evaluate the neuropathic pain in CIPN and furthermore, there is no validated instrument for this purpose in Brazil. Aims: To perform the translation and cultural adaptation of Chemotherapy- Induced Peripheral Neuropathy Assessment Tool instrument (CIPNAT) into Portuguese of Brazil and test the psychometric properties of the adapted version in a sample of cancer patients with CIPN. Methods: This is a methodological study with cross data collection. For the process of translation and adaptation of the instrument, it was adopted the methodological theoretical framework proposed by Beaton et al (2000). Data collection occurred in two referral hospitals in the oncological treatment of São Paulo. Results: There was obtained a sample of 245 participants, and that 135 (55.1%) had colorectal neoplasm, 162 (66.1%) used a platinum chemotherapeutic agent, 125 (51%) manifested numbness in the hands with medium gravity of 6.71 and average distress of 7.0 (on a scale of 0-10), impacted negatively on the activities of Daily Living (ADLs) such as exercise, work and leisure activities. To test the convergent validity has made a Spearman\' correlation of the adapted version of CIPNAT with NPSI and DN4 instrument and, was obtained a moderate correlation. Could not achieve the discriminant validity. Exploratory factor analysis with varimax rotation identified two factors, which are, sensory symptoms and motor symptoms. Regarding reliability, it was reached a Cronbach\'s alpha of 0.87, satisfactory. The test-retest showed a strong correlation between the first and second evaluation by CIPNAT and is considered stable. Conclusion: The psychometric analysis of CIPNAT was adequate. Thus, it will be available a valid and reliable instrument that tracks, features, evaluates and measures the CIPN and its impact on ADL for the oncology nursing promotes safe and quality care
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Rôle de l'altération de la perméabilité vasculaire endoneurale dans la genèse des douleurs neuropathiques périphériques post-traumatiques : Implications des voies de signalisation TLR4, Sonic Hedgehog et Wnt/ß-caténine / Disruption of endoneurial vascular permeability in the development of painful post-traumatic neuropathies : Implications of TLR4, Sonic Hedgehog and Wnt/ß-catenin signaling pathwaysMoreau, Nathan 01 March 2017 (has links)
A la suite d'une lésion nerveuse périphérique, de multiples altérations cellulaires et moléculaires participent à la régénération physiologique du nerf, mais induisent dans certains cas le développement d'une cicatrisation dysfonctionnelle et l'apparition d'une douleur neuropathique chronique. La régulation de la perméabilité vasculaire endoneurale du nerf lésé joue un rôle essentiel dans ces phénomènes de cicatrisation nerveuse, via notamment l'infiltration locale d'immunocytes. L'objectif de ce travail était d'étudier le rôle spécifique de l'altération de la barrière hémato-nerveuse (BHN) au niveau du site lésé dans le développement des douleurs neuropathiques périphériques post-traumatiques. Nous avons montré à l'aide de modèles de constriction chronique du nerf sciatique et/ou infra-orbitaire que la disruption précoce de la BHN est un évènement clé de la neuropathie, favorisant l'infiltration locale de substances algogènes et d'immunocytes induisant une neuroinflammation, une sensibilisation périphérique et la neuropathie. L'altération des voies de signalisation Sonic Hedgehog, Wnt/?-caténine et TLR4 au niveau des cellules endothéliales endoneurales, favorise cette disruption en diminuant la synthèse des protéines de jonctions serrées, molécules clés de l'intégrité de la BHN. De plus, l'implication différentielle de ces voies dans des modèles de neurite et de neuropathie apporte un éclairage nouveau à la transition phénotypique entre neurite et neuropathie : alors que la neurite s'accompagne d'une perméabilité vasculaire endoneurale réversible, la neuropathie pourrait être considérée comme une pathologie de la perméabilité vasculaire chronique irréversible. / Following peripheral nerve injury, multiple cellular and molecular alterations occur within the nerve’s parenchyma, participating in physiological healing of the nerve, but can also lead to the development of dysfunctional nerve healing, translating as chronic neuropathic pain. The regulation of endoneurial microvascular permeability within the injured nerve plays a pivotal rôle in physiological and pathological nerve healing, notably via the local infiltration of pro-regenerative immunocytes. The main goal of this work was to study the specific role of local blood-nerve barrier disruption in the development of painful post-traumatic peripheral neuropathy. In sciatic nerve and/or infra-orbital nerve chronic constriction injury models, we showed that early disruption of the blood-nerve barrier is a key event in the development of neuropathy, allowing local infiltration of algogenic substances and immunocytes within the nerve’s parenchyma, responsible for local neuroinflammation, peripheral sensitization and peripheral neuropathic pain development. Among the homeostatic regulatory mecanisms of this barrier, the alteration of Sonic Hedgehog, Wnt/β-catenin and TLR4 signaling pathways in endoneurial endothelial cells, mediates the disruption of the blood-nerve barrier by downregulating key tight-junction proteins. Furthermore, the differential implication of these signaling pathways in models of neuritis and neuropathy shed light on the phenotypical transition between neuritis and neuropathy : As neuritis is associated with reversible endoneurial vascular permeability, neuropathy could be considered a disease of irreversible chronic vascular permeability.
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Déclenchement d'activité ectopique et infidélité de la transmission dans un axone endommagé : une modélisation fondée sur le décalage cinétique des canaux sodiquesLachance, Mathieu January 2014 (has links)
Les neurones endommagés développent de l'activité ectopique, c'est-à-dire qu'ils déchargent en l'absence de stimulus, ce qui engendre ensuite des douleurs neuropathiques. Des mesures expérimentales ont lié cette activité ectopique à un décalage cinétique (coupled left-shift, CLS) des canaux sodiques tensiodépendants. Nous avons donc construit un modèle numérique d'axone où une portion endommagée subit un tel décalage. Deux résultats fondamentaux et nouveaux sont obtenus :
1) En présence d'activité ectopique, une stimulation à haute fréquence peut entraîner la
zone ectopique de l'axone à décharger à la même fréquence que le stimulus. La propagation est alors presque normale.
2) Dans un axone faiblement endommagé, sans activité ectopique au départ, un stimulus
temporaire peut déclencher une activité ectopique qui perdure. Ceci amplifie le stimulus et peut donc être lié aux symptômes de douleurs neuropathiques.
En plus de ces travaux de recherche, cette thèse propose une imposante section pédagogique, adressé au physicien qui débute en neurosciences.
Injured neurons exhibit ectopic activity (ie. they fire without being stimulated), leading to neuropathic pain. Experiments have linked this ectopic activity to a kinetic shift (coupled left-shift, CLS) of the voltage-gated sodium channels. Therefore, we have designed a computational model axon where a damaged zone is affected by such a left-shift. Two important novel results were obtained :
1) In an ectopic axon, high-frequency stimulation can force the ectopic zone to phase-lock to the stimulation frequency. Propagation is then almost normal.
2) In a weakly damaged axon, without initial ectopic activity, a short stimulus can trigger a long lasting ectopic activity. This amplifies the stimulus and can thus be linked to neuropathic pain-like symptoms.
In addition to this research work, this thesis encompasses a large educational section,
addressed to physicists just starting in neuroscience.
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Effets de l'exercice sur le développement foetal chez la souris lors de douleur neuropathique chez la femelle gestanteParent-Vachon, Madeleine 07 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Úloha angiotenzinových receptorů v modelu neuropatické bolesti / The role of angiotensin receptors in neuropathic painKalynovska, Nataliia January 2012 (has links)
Neuropathic pain is one of the most debilitating disorders. Currently available treatments for neuropathic pain are still unsatisfactory as they have only limited treatment effect and patients may suffer from unwanted side effects. Mechanism-based approaches to neuropathic pain treatment are considered to be more effective. Therefore multiple studies are dedicated to study the pathophysiological mechanisms of neuropathic pain. One of the possible underlying mechanism that causes neuropathic pain is neuroinflammation. Recent studies suggested that angiotensin II ( main effector molecule of the renin-angiotensin system) via its receptors in the central nervous system may be involved in the neuroinflammatory processes. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of angiotensin receptor type 1 in the developement and maintenance of neuropathic pain induced in animal model. Spinal nerve ligation (L5) was used as a model of peripheral neuropathy. Our results showed that treatment with AT1R blocker losartan markedly reduced thermal hyperalgesia and reduced increased sensitivity to mechanical stimuli in the SNL-operated rats.This indicates a possibly significant role of AT1 receptors in the development of neuropathic pain, probably due to reduction of neuroinflammation in the nervous system. These findings...
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Postoperative oral surgical pain : Incidence, clinical characteristics and risk factors Jury / Douleurs orales post-chirurgicales : incidence, caractéristiques cliniques et facteurs de risque.Chatila, Nadwa 01 October 2015 (has links)
Les objectifs de cette thèse étaient de1/ carctériser la douleur post-opératoire chez des patients ayant reçu un implant dentaire mandibulaire. 2/examiner la relation entre facteurs individuels, facteurs chirurgicaux et douleurs post-operatoire chez patients ayant reçuun implant dentaire mandibulaire. 3/déterminer les incidences de la douleur neuropathique chez des patients ayant reçu un implant dentaire mandibulaire.Cette thèse a montré que la douleur post-opératoire aigüe après un implant dentaire allait d'une intensité douce à modérée((inférieur à 3 sur l'échelle visuelle analogique) et de courte durée. Une anlyse univariée a montré que l' intensité de la douleur post-operatoire était en lien avec l'âge, le souvenir de la douleur ayant fait suite à une précédente chirurgie orale, le nombre d'implants et la distance entre la fraise et le canal neurologique alvéolaire inférieur(IAN). En revanche aucun lien n'a été démontré avec le sexe, des facteurs psychologiques ou le procédé chirurgical. Une analyse multivariée a montré une association significative entre une douleur post-opératoie aigüe et la distance entre l'implant et le canal neurologique alvéolaire inférieur mémoire de la douleur après une précédente chirurgie orale. / This prospective study investigates the clinical characteristics and time course of postoperative pain after placement of dental implants in the mandible over a 6-month period. We also examined the influence of preoperative physical and psychological factors, as well as surgical factors, on acute postoperative pain. Postal questionnaires built to assess the existence neuropathic features of pain at the site of surgery (with the Douleur Neuropathique 4 Questions [DN4]) were sent two weeks, and one, three and six months after surgery.Acute postoperative pain was of mild-to-moderate intensity and had a short duration. Univariate analyses showed that the intensity of postoperative pain was related to age, remembrance of pain after a previous oral surgery, the number of implants, and the distance between the drill and the inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) canal. But, there was no relationship with gender, psychological factors, or surgical procedure (buccal flap). Besides the number of implants (P=0.013), and the distance between the end of the drill and the IAN canal (P=0.004), multivariate analyses showed a significant interaction between the acute postoperative pain and: i) the distance between the implant and the IAN canal (P=0.0005), ii) remembrance of pain after a previous oral surgery (P=0.003), iii) previous oral surgical pain (P=0.005). Among the patients who completed follow-up, only 0.7% (n = 1) scored positive on neuropathic symptoms (DN4 ≥ 3).This prospective observational study provides the characteristics of acute postoperative pain after placement of dental implants in the mandible and the risk factors for developing severe oral postoperative pain. It also provides the incidence rate of neuropathic pain occurring within the 6 months after dental implant surgery.
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Význam modulace nociceptivního synaptického přenosu na míšní úrovni za různých bolestivých stavů / The role of nociceptive synaptic transmission modulation at the spinal cord level in different pain statesAdámek, Pavel January 2019 (has links)
Pain is a common symptom of many clinical syndromes and diseases. In particular, the treatment of neuropathic pain represents a serious public health issue because currently available analgesia is ineffective in many cases or it has adverse effects. Treatment of pain-related suffering requires knowledge of how pain signals are initially generated and subsequently transmitted by the nervous system. A nociceptive system plays a key role in this process of encoding and transmission of pain signals. Modulation of the nociceptive synaptic transmission in the spinal cord dorsal horn represents an important mechanism in the development and maintenance of different pathological pain states. This doctoral thesis has aimed to investigate and clarify some of the mechanisms involved in the modulation of the spinal nociceptive processing in different pain states. The main attention was paid to study the following issues: (I.) Which is the role of Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid type 1 channels (TRPV1), Toll-Like Receptors 4 (TLR4), and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) in the development of neuropathic pain induced by paclitaxel (PAC) chemotherapy in acute in vitro, and subchronic in vivo murine model of PAC-induced peripheral neuropathy (PIPN)? (II.) How is affected spinal inhibitory synaptic control...
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Peripheral nerve field stimulation for trigeminal neuralgia, trigeminal neuropathic pain, and persistent idiopathic facial painKlein, Johann, Sandi-Gahun, Sahr, Schackert, Gabriele, Jratli, Tareq A 19 September 2019 (has links)
Objective: Peripheral nerve field stimulation (PNFS) is a promising modality for treatment of intractable facial pain. However, evidence is sparse. We are therefore presenting our experience with this technique in a small patient cohort. Methods: Records of 10 patients (five men, five women) with intractable facial pain who underwent implantation of one or several subcutaneous electrodes for trigeminal nerve field stimulation were retrospectively analyzed. Patients’ data, including pain location, etiology, duration, previous treatments, long-term effects and complications, were evaluated. Results: Four patients suffered from recurrent classical trigeminal neuralgia, one had classical trigeminal neuralgia and was medically unfit for microvascular decompression. Two patients suffered from trigeminal neuropathy attributed to multiple sclerosis, one from post-herpetic neuropathy, one from trigeminal neuropathy following radiation therapy and one from persistent idiopathic facial pain. Average patient age was 74.2 years (range 57–87), and average symptom duration was 10.6 years (range 2–17). Eight patients proceeded to implantation after successful trial. Average follow-up after implantation was 11.3 months (range 5–28). Using the visual analog scale, average pain intensity was 9.3 (range 7–10) preoperatively and 0.75 (range 0–3) postoperatively. Six patients reported absence of pain with stimulation; two had only slight constant pain without attacks. Conclusion: PNFS may be an effective treatment for refractory facial pain and yields high patient satisfaction.
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