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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Adaptace neuropsychologického dotazníku EBIQ pro účely diagnostiky emočních a psychosociálních problémů po poranění mozku. / Adaptation of the EBIQ neuropsychological questionnaire for the diagnostic of the emotional and psychosocial problems after brain injury.

Wolfová, Beata January 2012 (has links)
Neurorehabilitation for people suffering from brain injury has traditionally focused on rehabilitation of the somatic and cognitive functions. Research into the emotional aspects of brain injury has, however, been limited. The theoretical part of this thesis was therefore to map diagnostic tools suitable for the investigation of emotional problems of patients after brain injury and to classify these tools for the needs of neuropsychological practice. In the empirical part the author focused on the adaptation and pilot verification of the EBIQ (European Brain Injury Questionnaire) neuropsychological questionnaire, for a sample of patients having experienced brain injury and their immediate family and friends. The practical outcome of work in addition to the psychometric characteristics is a Czech working version EBIQ-P (version for patients) and EBIQ-R (version for family members), including well-prepared instructions for evaluating the results and examples for use in clinical practice. EBIQ provides an alternative to the previously used questionnaires SCL-90 and MMPI-100, since these, according to our findings and the findings from other studies on the group of patients after brain injury provide invalid results.

Avaliação neuropsicológica da tomada de decisão no comprometimento cognitivo leve / Neuropsychological assessment of decision-making in the mild cognitive impairment

Rodolfo Santos Flaborea 27 March 2015 (has links)
Introdução: o aumento da população idosa traz uma demanda significativa sobre as ciências da saúde para lidar com os problemas característicos do envelhecimento. Neste contexto, as demências são as desordens neuropsiquiátricas de maior impacto atualmente. Poucas pesquisas acerca do CCL foram dedicadas a analisar a função neuropsicológica da tomada de decisão. Esta é definida como o processo de escolher uma ação específica, dentro de um rol de alternativas possíveis, que produza o resultado mais vantajoso para o sujeito. Logo, ela possui papel clínico fundamental, pois subsidia importante espectro da funcionalidade. Objetivo: avaliar se idosos com CCL amnéstico de múltiplos domínios ou de único domínio apresentam prejuízos na tomada de decisão sob risco, quando comparados a idosos saudáveis. Métodos: foram analisados os desempenhos de 20 sujeitos (9 CCL e 11 controles) no teste de tomada de decisão Cambridge Gambling Task (CGT). Utilizou-se modelo linear geral acompanhado de análise de covariância para idade, anos de escolaridade e escore do Mini Exame do Estado Mental. Resultados: Foi verificado efeito de grupo e da idade sobre a aversão ao atraso, proporção global de aposta e assunção de risco. Conclusão: pacientes com CCL demonstraram maior impulsividade nas escolhas das apostas, além de terem apostado menos ao longo de todo o CGT. O déficit no controle da impulsividade pode ser um indicador de maior risco para conversão para demência, hipótese esta que necessita ser mais investigada. Apostas menores podem constituir estratégia compensatória em reação à impulsividade ou, ainda, ser resultado da menor confiança do paciente com CCL em suas capacidades para lidar com o teste / Introduction: The increase in elderly population brings a significant demand upon the health sciences to deal with aging-specific issues. In this context, dementia is currently the group of neuropsychiatric disorders with the greatest impact. Research on cerebral reserve shows the importance of early treatment in these syndromes, highlighting the need for comprehension about Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), classically defined by literature as a prodromic stage for dementia. Few existing studies on MCI aimed at investigating the neuropsychological function of decision-making, which is defined as the process of choosing a specific action among several options in order to achieve the most advantageous outcome. Therefore, this function has a fundamental clinical role, since it grants the basis for the individual functionality. Objective: investigate possible deficits in the decision-making of a sample of elderly patients diagnosed with amnestic MCI of multiple or single domain by comparing their performance with that of healthy ones. Methods: the performances of a sample 20 subjects (9 MCI and 11 controls) in the Cambridge Gambling Task (CGT) were analysed. General linear model with covariance analysis for age, years of schooling and the Mini Mental State Examination scores was used for the statistical analyses. Results: it was found that group and age effect on delay aversion, overall proportion bet, and risk taking. Conclusion: MCI patients showed higher impulsivity on bet choices and made smaller bets throughout the CGT run. The impulsivity control deficit can be an indicator of the conversion risk from MCI to dementia, hypothesis that needs further investigation. Smaller bets may be a compensatory strategy for the increased impulsivity or the result of MCI patients less confidence in their own cognitive ability to deal with the test

Do estresse precoce à depressão: avaliação da atividade do eixo Hipotálamo-Pituitária-Adrenal (HPA) e da função cognitiva / From early-life stress to depression: assessment of the Hipothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) axis activity and the cognitive function

Nayanne Beckmann Bosaipo 28 June 2016 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A exposição ao estresse precoce (EP) pode estar associada à depressão na vida adulta. Evidencias demonstram que alterações na capacidade regulatória do eixo hipotálamo-pituitária-adrenal (HPA) sejam subjacentes a essa associação. Pacientes depressivos com EP tendem a apresentar quadros clinicamente mais graves, com pior prognóstico e resposta limitada aos tratamentos usuais. Não se sabe ainda como é o perfil cognitivo desses pacientes e como as alterações na atividade do eixo HPA impactam no desempenho neuropsicológico. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar a atividade do eixo HPA, através dos níveis de cortisol basal, e as funções cognitivas em pacientes depressivos com história de estresse precoce. METODO: Integrou a amostra total do estudo 107 sujeitos, sendo 77 pacientes depressivos e 30 sujeitos saudáveis com idade entre 21 e 60 anos de ambos os sexos. Foram incluídos pacientes com diagnóstico confirmado de episódio depressivo maior e gravidade de sintomas pelo menos moderada no momento das avaliações. O Questionário de Traumas na Infância (CTQ) avaliou a história de EP dividindo a amostra de pacientes em dois grupos, um com estresse precoce (EP+) e outro sem estresse precoce (EP-). Os participantes foram avaliados quanto a gravidade de sintomas psiquiátricos relacionados ao quadro depressivo, quanto à impulsividade e ao temperamento afetivo. A avaliação neuropsicológica incluiu testes de memória verbal, memória visuoespacial, memória de trabalho, atenção sustentada e dividida, além de medidas de controle inibitório, flexibilidade cognitiva, fluência verbal e QI. Na avaliação endócrina cinco amostras de cortisol salivar e de uma amostra de cortisol plasmático foram analisadas para a avaliação da atividade do eixo HPA. RESULTADOS: Setenta e dois por cento dos pacientes depressivos apresentaram EP. A história de EP influenciou o início mais precoce dos quadros depressivos (p=0,03). Não foram encontradas diferenças entre os grupos de pacientes na gravidade de sintomas psiquiátricos, comorbidades clínicas. Não encontramos diferenças entre os pacientes EP+ e EP- comparados a controles no temperamento hipertímico. Na avaliação da atividade do eixo HPA, o grupo EP+ apresentou perda do ritmo circadiano (RC) de cortisol em relação ao grupo controle, além de aumento dos níveis de cortisol salivar às 22h em comparação ao grupo EP- (p=0,04) e uma tendência comparado ao grupo controle (p=0,06). No desempenho neuropsicológico, os pacientes EP+ apresentaram prejuízos em relação aos controles em todos os subdomínios cognitivos avaliados (p<0,05 para todos os escores), exceto memória visuoespacial (p=0,13). Em contraste, os pacientes EP- mostraram déficits apenas em memória de trabalho (p=0,006), alternância atencional (p=0,01) e controle inibitório (p=0,004) comparados aos controles. Na comparação entre os grupos de pacientes, os EP+ apresentaram déficit na nomeação de cores (p=0,01) e uma tendência de prejuízo na memória verbal tardia (p=0,07). Entre os pacientes EP+ encontramos correlações moderadas entre a diminuição da variabilidade nos níveis de cortisol salivar no RC com os prejuízos na flexibilidade cognitiva (?=0,61; p=0,002) e com o controle inibitório (?=0,42; p=0,048). CONCLUSÃO: Nossos achados apontam para um perfil endócrino e neuropsicológico distinto nos pacientes EP+ em comparação com pacientes com depressão EP- e controles. A combinação da história de EP à depressão resultou em inicio mais precoce da doença, prejuízos cognitivos abrangentes e perda na manutenção do ritmo circadiano de cortisol. / BACKGROUND: Exposure to early-life stress (ELS) may be associated with depression in adulthood. Evidence shows that changes in the regulatory capacity of the hypothalamicpituitary-adrenal axis (HPA) underlie association. Patients with ELS usually are more clinically ill, showing poorer prognosis and limited response to usual treatments. It is not known yet what the cognitive profile of those patients is and how changes in the HPA axis activity would impact on cognitive functioning. AIM: The aim of this study was to investigate the HPA axis activity through basal cortisol levels and cognitive functions mediated by the hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex in depressed patients with early stress history. METHOD: Study total study sample was 107 subjects, 77 depressed patients and 30 healthy subjects aged between 21 and 60 years of both sexes. Patients had diagnosis confirmed for major depressive episode with symptom severity at least moderate by the time of the evaluations. We used the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ) to assess the ELS history splitting the patient sample into two groups, one with early life stress (ELS+) and the other without early stress (ELS-). Participants were assessed for severity of psychiatric symptoms related to depression, such as impulsivity and affective temperament. The neuropsychological evaluation included tests for verbal memory, visuospatial memory, working memory, sustained and divided attention, inhibitory control measures, cognitive flexibility, verbal fluency, and IQ. For the endocrine assessment five samples of salivary cortisol and plasma cortisol were analyzed to evaluate HPA axis functioning. RESULTS Seventy-two percent of depressive patients had ELS. ELS itself influenced earlier onset of depressive disorders in patients (p = 0.03). Most of the affective temperaments are more prominent in patients with mood disorders than health controls. Regarding the assessment of the HPA axis activity, ELS + group showed lack of cortisol circadian rhythm (CR) compared to the control group. We also found increased salivary cortisol levels at 22 pm compared to the EP- group (p = 0.04) and a trend toward the control group (p = 0.06). In neuropsychological performance, patients EP + showed deficits compared to controls in all of the cognitive subdomains evaluated (p <0.05 for all test scores) except visuospatial memory (p = 0.13). In contrast, ELS-patients showed worse performance only in working memory (p = 0.006), attentional switching (p = 0.01) and inhibitory control (p = 0.004) compared to controls. Comparisons between patient groups showed that EP + patients had a deficit in color naming (p = 0.01) and a trend toward delayed verbal memory (p = 0.07). We found moderate positive correlations for EP+ patients between decreased variation in salivary cortisol levels in the CR and impairments in cognitive flexibility (? = 0.61; p = 0.002) and also to inhibitory control ( ? = 0.42, p = 0.048). CONCLUSION: Our findings indicate a distinct endocrine and neuropsychological profile in patients ELS + compared to depressed EP-. The combination of ELS history and depression resulted in early onset of the depression symptoms, comprehensive cognitive impairment in tasks related to the CPF and hippocampus, and failure in maintaining the circadian rhythm of cortisol.

Impacto neurotóxico do mercúrio avaliado no sistema nervoso central por testes neuropsicológicos e no sistema nervoso autônomo por pupilometria / Neurotoxic impact of Mercury on the Central Nervous System evaluated by neuropsychological tests and on the Autonomic Nervous System evaluated by dynamic pupillometry

Ana Luiza Vidal Milioni 16 June 2015 (has links)
O mercúrio é um metal tóxico, que pode causar diversas alterações no organismo humano. O presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar a ocorrência de disfunções neuropsicológicas em ex-trabalhadores de fábricas de lâmpadas fluorescentes que foram expostos a vapor de mercúrio, anos após a interrupção da exposição, além de investigar os efeitos dessa exposição sobre o Sistema Nervoso Autônomo a partir do método não-invasivo da pupilometria dinâmica. A avaliação neuropsicológica foi realizada através do Inventário Beck de Depressão e da bateria neuropsicológica computadorizada CANTABeclipse, utilizando-se subtestes que avaliam memória operacional (Spatial Span), memória espacial (Spatial Recognition Memory), memória visual (Pattern Recognition Memory), percepção visual (Delayed Matching to Sample), planejamento de ações (Stockings of Cambridge) e tomada de decisão (Information Sampling Task). A avaliação do Sistema Nervoso Autônomo, por sua vez, foi realizada através da pupilometria dinâmica, que provê informações acerca do funcionamento de ambas as funções simpática e parassimpática. Foram utilizados flashes de 631nm (luz vermelha) com 1 s de duração, com luminância de 1, 10 e 100 cd/m². Os escores de depressão foram significativamente mais altos entre os indivíduos com histórico de exposição em comparação aos sujeitos do grupo controle (p=0,025). Os pacientes expostos ao vapor de mercúrio apresentaram desempenho significativamente inferior à média do grupo controle nos testes: SSP direto (p=0,004), SRM (p=0,039), PRM (p=0,001), IST latência para abertura das caixas (p=0,001), IST latência para tomada de decisão (p=0,014), IST número de caixas abertas (p=0,045), DMS com intervalo (p=0,001) e DMS total (p=0,001). Portanto, foram encontrados prejuízos em: span atencional, memória espacial, memória visual de longa duração, memória visual de curta duração e tomada de decisão. No exame de pupilometria dinâmica, no parâmetro tempo em 75% de recuperação do diâmetro pupilar, em 10cd/m² de luminância, os sujeitos com histórico de exposição apresentaram resposta significativamente mais lenta do que os indivíduos do grupo controle (p=0,025). Os altos escores de depressão, além das perdas cognitivas em domínios variados, fazem parte do quadro de mercurialismo crônico e os achados do presente estudo são corroborados por pesquisas anteriores. O exame de pupilometria indicou perdas na função simpática do SNA. Estes últimos resultados já foram alcançados por algumas pesquisas anteriores, mas não foram encontrados registros de uso do exame de pupilometria dinâmica como forma de avaliação do SNA em pacientes com histórico de intoxicação por mercúrio / Mercury is a toxic metal which can cause several changes in the human body. The present study aimed to investigate the occurrence of neuropsychological dysfunction in former workers of fluorescent lamps factories that were exposed to mercury vapor (years after cessation of exposure), and to investigate the effects of such exposure on the Autonomic Nervous System using the non-invasive test of dynamic pupillometry. Neuropsychological evaluation was performed using the Beck Depression Inventory and the computerized neuropsychological battery CANTABeclipse, using subtests that assess working memory (Spatial Span), spatial memory (Spatial Recognition Memory), visual memory (Pattern Recognition Memory), visual perception (Delayed Matching to Sample), planning (Stockings of Cambridge) and decision making (Information Sampling Task). The Autonomic Nervous System assessment, in turn, was performed using dynamic pupillometry, which provides information on the operation on both the sympathetic and parasympathetic functions. We used flashes of red light (631nm) with 1 second duration and luminance of 1, 10 and 100cd/m². The depression scores were significantly higher among the former workers when compared with the control group (p=0,025). They also had significantly worse performance than the control group in the following tests: SSP direct (p=0,004), SRM (p=0,039), PRM (p=0,001), IST latency for opening the boxes (p=0,001), IST latency for decision making (p=0,014), IST number of boxes opened (p=0,045), DMS interval (p=0,001) e DMS complete (p=0,001). Therefore, deficits were found in: attentional spam, spatial memory, short term visual memory, long term visual memory, and decision making. In the dynamic pupillometry test, former workers had significantly lower response than the control group (p=0,025) in parameter time by 75% recovery of the pupil diameter, in 10cd/m² luminance. The high depression scores, in addition to cognitive impairments in several functions are expected in chronic mercurialism and our findings are supported by previous studies. The dynamic pupilllometry test indicated sympathetic function deficits. This latest result have already been achieved by some previous research, but we did not find any records of the dynamic pupillometry usage as a tool for assessing the Autonomic Nervous System in patients with previous mercury exposure

Perfil neuropsicológico de sujeitos com comprometimento cognitivo leve de uma amostra comunitária da cidade de São Paulo (Brasil) / Neuropsychological profile of subjects with Mild Cognitive Impairment from a community sample from São Paulo (Brazil)

Maria del Pilar Quintero Moreno 27 September 2006 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O impacto na saúde pública dos transtornos neuropsiquiátricos como a demência e o comprometimento cognitivo tem aumentado com o aumento da população idosa de países em desenvolvimento como o Brasil. O diagnóstico destas entidades requer confirmação objetiva da presença de prejuízo cognitivo, para a qual recomenda-se o uso de testes neuropsicológicos. OBJETIVO: Comparar o perfil neuropsicológico de sujeitos com comprometimento cognitivo leve (CCL), com um grupo de sujeitos considerados normais, provenientes de uma amostra comunitária identificada em um estudo de prevalência de demência e comprometimento cognitivo na cidade de São Paulo. MÉTODO: A amostra total (1.563 sujeitos de 60 ou mais anos de idade) foi selecionada aleatóriamente em três áreas com diferentes perfis sócio-econômicos em São Paulo. Os sujeitos foram classificados como CCL amnéstico, utilizando critérios adaptados de Petersen et al. (1999) usando os seguintes instrumentos: um questionário de queixas de memória de 10-pontos, Mini Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM), FOME e a escala internacional de atividades da vida diária (ADL-IS). Em uma segunda fase, os sujeitos foram submetidos novamente ao MEEM, ADL- IS, questionário (SRQ 20) para identificar sintomas psiquiátricos, e uma bateria de testes neuropsicológicos para avaliar: atenção (Dígitos de WMS-R, Trail Making Test), memória (Memória Lógica e Reprodução Visual de WMS-R, Selective Reminding Test - Buschke), praxia (desenho do relógio, Cubos do WAIS-R), linguagem (Teste de Nomeação de Boston, fluência verbal - animais) e QI estimado (Vocabulário e Cubos do WAIS-R). RESULTADOS: trinta e sete indivíduos classificados como CCL amnéstico e trinta e um classificados como normais completaram a avaliação. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os grupos quanto a: idade, gênero, anos de escolaridade, estado civil, classe social ou pontuações no MEEM ou no SRQ-20. Houve diferenças significativas entre os dois grupos nos seguintes testes: Trail Making A, Memória Lógica (evocação imediata e tardia), Selective Reminding Test (aprendizagem total), Reprodução Visual (evocação Imediata e tardia), Nomeação de Boston (nomeação e paragnosias), Cubos e QI Estimado, sendo que os indivíduos com CCL tiveram pior desempenho que os controles. CONCLUSÕES: Os achados sugerem que submetidos a uma bateria neuropsicológica abrangente, os dois grupos estudados apresentam diferenças significativas no desempenho não somente da memória mas também em outros domínios como atenção, linguagem e praxia. Estes achados sugerem que o conceito de CCL múltiplos domínios pode ser mais útil que o conceito de CCL amnéstico, quando são avaliados idosos que pertencem a uma amostra comunitária / BACKGROUND: The impact on public health of neuropsychiatry disorders as dementia and mild cognitive impairment is growing as the population grows older in developing countries as Brazil. The diagnosis of these entities requires confirmation of cognitive impairment assessed by neuropsychological tests. OBJECTIVE: Compare the neuropsychological profile of Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) individuals and Normal subjects from a community sample identified in a Prevalence Study of Dementia and MCI in São Paulo. METHOD: The total sample (1.563 subjects over 60 years old) was randomly selected from three different social class areas of São Paulo. The subjects were classified as amnestic MCI following criteria adapted from Petersen et al. (1999) using the following instruments: 10-point questionnaire on memory complaints, Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE), Fuld Object Memory Evaluation, and Activities of Daily Living - International Scale (ADL-IS). In a second phase, patients were submitted to the MMSE, ADL- IS, Self Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ 20) to identify psychiatric symptom, and Neuropsychological test battery to evaluate: Attention (Digit Symbol from WMS-R, Trail Making Test), Memory (Logic Memory and Visual Reproduction from WMS-R, Selective Reminding Test - Buschke 1973), Praxis (Clock drawing, Block Design - WAIS-R), Language (Boston Naming Test and Verbal Fluency - animal) and Intelligence (Estimated Intellectual Quotient - Vocabulary and Block Design from WAISR). RESULTS: 37 subjects classified as amnestic MCI and 31 Normal controls completed the evaluation. We did not found significant differences between the two groups in age, gender, years of education, civil status, social class, MMSE and SRQ-20 scores. There were significant differences between MCI and controls in the following tests: Trail Making A, Logical Memory (Immediate and Delayed recall), Selective Reminding Test (total learning), Visual Reproduction (Immediate and delayed Recall), Boston Naming Test (Naming and Paragnosias), Block Design, and Estimated IQ in which MCI subjects had a worse performance than the elderly Controls. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that the two groups evaluated through an extensive neuropsychological battery present differences in memory performance but also in other cognitive functions as attention, language and praxis. Perhaps the MCI multiple-domain concept would be more useful than the amnestic MCI considering individuals coming from community samples

Apatia e funções executivas em pacientes com doença de Alzheimer leve e em indivíduos com comprometimento cognitivo leve amnéstico / Apathy and executive functions in patients with Alzheimer disease and subjects with amnestic mild cognitive impairment

Guimarães, Henrique Cerqueira 13 February 2012 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A apatia constitui o transtorno neuropsiquiátrico mais prevalente na doença de Alzheimer (DA) e se relaciona com uma série de desfechos deletérios. Sua neurobiologia ainda é pouco compreendida, e alguns autores postulam sua associação com disfunção de circuitos fronto-estriatais. A maior parte da evidência disponível sobre essa relação provém de estudos em que foram avaliados pacientes com DA leve a moderada. OBJETIVO: Investigar a associação entre apatia e disfunção executiva em estágios bastante iniciais do processo de declínio cognitivo no contexto da DA. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 87 indivíduos, sendo 28 deles com DA leve, 26 com Comprometimento Cognitivo Leve de subtipo amnéstico (CCLa) e 33 controles. Os participantes foram submetidos a uma bateria de avaliações da qual constavam a Bateria Breve de Rastreio Cognitivo (BBRC-Edu), o Mini-Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM), a Entrevisa Executiva (EXIT-25), a Bateria de Avaliação Frontal (BAF), a Escala de Avaliação de Demência (DRS), o Teste de Aprendizagem Auditivo Verbal de Rey (RAVLT), a Escala de Avaliação de Incapacidade na Demência (DAD) e a Escala de Apatia (EA). Explorou-se correlações entre o desempenho nos testes empregados e os escores aferidos pela EA, nos grupos com comprometimento cognitivo (DA ou CCLa), e em grupos constituídos a partir da combinação deles, considerando os pacientes com CCLa conversores à DA no seguimento. RESULTADOS: O grupo de pacientes com DA apresentava média de idade de 81,9 ± 4,8 anos e escolaridade média de 2,5 ± 2,0 anos. O grupo com CCLa apresentava média de idade de 80,8 ± 3,7 anos e escolaridade média de 3,7 ± 2,8 anos. O grupo dos controles apresentava média de idade de 79,5 ± 3,5 anos e escolaridade média de 3,7 ± 3,3 anos. Os três grupos não se distinguiam significativamente quanto às suas características sociodemográficas. Não foram observadas correlações entre o desempenho em quaisquer dos testes de função executiva empregados e os escores obtidos por meio da EA. Observou-se correlação forte entre o desempenho funcional auferido através da DAD e os escores na EA (rho= -0,7; p<0,001) no grupo DA. Documentou-se correlação moderada entre a sintomatologia apática e o desempenho na subescala Atenção da DRS (rho= -0,59; p<0,01) e em tarefas de evocação tardia nos testes de memória episódica da BBRC (rho=-0,37; p<0,05) e do RAVLT (rho= -0,47; p< 0,001), quando analisados em conjunto os pacientes com DA e aqueles com CCLa que converteram para DA. CONCLUSÃO: Nesta amostra de indivíduos com baixa escolaridade, composta por pacientes com DA leve e CCLa, não se observou associação entre o desempenho em testes de função executiva e a sintomatologia apática medida pela EA / INTRODUCTION: Apathy is the most prevalent neuropsychiatric disorder in Alzheimer disease (AD), and has been related to several deleterious outcomes. Its neurobiology is still poorly understood, and some studies have suggested an association with frontostriatal circuits dysfunction. Most of this evidence comes from studies with mild to moderate AD patients. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the association between apathy and executive dysfunction in the very early stages of cognitive impairment in the context of AD. METHODS: 87 subjects were evaluated, being 28 with mild AD, 26 with amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment (aMCI) and 33 controls. The participants were submitted to a comprehensively evaluation consisting on the Brief Cognitive Screening Battery (BCSC), the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), the Executive Interview (EXIT-25), the Frontal Assessment Battery (FAB), the Mattis Dementia Rating Scale (DRS), the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT), the Disability Assessment in Dementia (DAD), and the Apathy Scale (AS). Correlations were investigated between AS scores and the performance in the cognitive measures within the two cognitively impaired groups (AD or aMCI) and also within combinations of them, considering aMCI convertion to AD. RESULTS: The AD group had mean age of 81.9 ± 4.8 years, and 2.5 ± 2.0 mean years of formal education, while the aMCI group had mean age of 80.8 ± 3.7 years and a mean of 3.7 ± 2.8 years of schooling. Controls were aged 79.5 ± 3.5 years, with 3.7 ± 3.3 years of education. The three groups did not differ statistically from each other regarding the main sociodemographic features. There was no correlation between any executive measure and AS scores. We found strong correlations between AS scores and functional performance evaluated with the DAD (rho= -0.70; p <0.001) in the AD group. There were also modest to moderate correlations between AS scores and DRS Attention subscale (rho= -0.59; p<0.01), and with delayed recall tasks of episodic memory tests from the BCSB (rho=-0.37; p<0.05) and the RAVLT (rho= -0.47 ; p< 0.05), when AD and aMCI converters were analysed toghether as a group. CONCLUSION: In this sample consisting of mild AD and aMCI subjects, with very low educational level, we failed to find any association between executive function tests performance and apathy symptoms measured with the AS

Algumas contribuições experimentais ao problema da habilidade inibitória em tarefas com interrupção sinalizada. / Some experimental contributions to the problem of the stopping ability in stop signal tasks.

Sylwan, Rolando Patricio 06 March 2001 (has links)
No presente trabalho é apresentado o Teste de Omissões Voluntárias (Square-Skipping Test, SST), uma versão de papel e lápis da tarefa computadorizada do sinal inibitório. Na primeira parte do trabalho, são relatados estudos que utilizaram uma tarefa computadorizada do sinal inibitório com estímulos excitatórios e inibitórios apresentados visualmente em um procedimento lateralizado. As estratégias de esperar o sinal inibitório foram controladas com sucesso mediante o controle "on-line" da estabilidade dos tempos de reação ao sinal excitatório. Um dos objetivos foi elucidar algum possível fator comum subjacente ao desempenho na tarefa do sinal inibitório e no Teste da tarefa Dupla. Os tempos de reação ao sinal inibitório não foram afetados pela lateralização, enquanto que os tempos de reação ao sinal excitatório direito foram os mais rápidos. Esta vantagem, a qual parece envolver especialização hemisférica e comunicação interhemisférica, correlacionou com a perda no desempenho da tarefa de box-crossing quando combinada com a tarefa verbal no Teste da Tarefa Dupla. A diferença Parte B-menos-Parte A do Trail Making Test correlacionou com os tempos de reação simples. Os resultados também sugerem a associação entre o tempo de reação simples e funções executivas. Foi descartada uma assimetria no sentido do deslocamento da atenção entre hemicampos para explicar a vantagem dos tempos de reação ao sinal excitatório direito. O tempo de reação simples parece ser uma medida de capacidade executiva. A comparação do desempenho de adultos idosos e jovens, medido pela tarefa computadorizada, demostrou que o controle inibitório não foi afetado de forma significativa pela idade. Na segunda parte do trabalho, é apresentado o SST, o qual permite obter de forma prática e rápida, medidas da habilidade inibitória e outras capacidades executivas tais como a flexibilidade cognitiva, a atenção concentrada e a velocidade na busca visual. O SST foi validado mediante a comparação com o desempenho na tarefa computadorizada do sinal inibitório. A execução do SST requer marcar com ‘Xs’ quadradinhos alinhados em um caminho irregular impressos em uma folha A4 (Parte D), sendo que nas Partes A, B e C devem-se omitir alguns quadradinhos indicados. Na terceira tentativa do SST deve ser escrita a seqüência de dígitos ‘1, 2, 3’. A correlação com o teste computadorizado do sinal inibitório sugeriu que o controle inibitório seria medido pela Parte D preenchida com a seqüência de dígitos (Parte D3). A idade não afetou de forma significativa o desempenho na Parte D3. O fator idade parece afetar seletivamente o desempenho nas diferentes partes do SST; p. ex. na Parte A1, que correlacionou com o coeficiente de atenção concentrada do Teste de Toulouse-Pièron. Para evitar os efeitos da prática sobre o desempenho no SST, recomenda-se a execução do Teste da Tarefa Dupla antes da execução do SST, e de preferência na mesma sessão experimental. / The present study aims to contribute to the understanding of the inhibitory ability, within the framework of the neuropsychology. The objective was to develop a paper-and-pencil test to assess the ability to stop an action in a simple and rapid way. A computerized stop signal task was used to validate the test. In the first part of this work, studies that involved the computerized stop signal task are presented. The result of these studies allowed to raise some theoretical issues. The paper-and-pencil test is presented in the second part of this work. In the Experiment 1 the aim was to control experimentally the strategy of waiting for the stop-signal on a lateralized stop signal task, by means of an algorithm, which controlled, on-line, the variation of response latencies for the go-signal (GSRT). Thirty-four healthy volunteers participated in this study. The GRST of the group that performed the task without the algorithm were significantly higher than the GSRT of the group that performed the task with the algorithm, whereas the stop-signal reaction times did not reach significant differences between groups. This procedure provided more stable reaction times throughout the task, and shifted the probability of responding on stop-trials from 0.364 to 0.479. The Experiment 2 studied the relationship between reaction time, laterality, and executive functions were examined by employing two computerized tasks with lateralized visual stimuli. Simple reaction time (SRT) was correlated with the Part B-minus-A difference of Trail Making Test (TMT). No significant difference was found between left and right SRT. Reaction times for left go-signals of the Stop-task were longer than reaction times for right go-signals. The ratio of left go-signal-minus left SRT to right go-signal-minus-right SRT was correlated with the loss in the visuospatial component when it was combined with a concurrent verbal task in the Dual-Task Test. Results suggest association between SRT and executive functions, and the involvement of hemispheric specialization and interhemispheric transfer in both, the stop signal task and the Dual-Tasks Test. Results from Experiment 3 permit to discard the possibility that the observed right visual field advantage observed was due to the orienting of attention across hemifields. The left GSRT were significantly slower than right GSRT. The right GRST advantage was not due to an attentional shift between left and right visual hemifields. In the Experiment 4, the stopping ability of older people in the computerized stop task was explored. There were no significant differences between the stopping ability of older and younger adults. The Square-skipping Test (SST) a paper-an-pencil version of the stop signal computerized task. is described in the second part of this study. The SST is divided in four parts. The effect of the administration of the different parts of the SST was studied in Experiment 5. The results allow for the use of the four parts in the same trial, since there was no effect of order of administration. In Experiment 6 it was studied the effect of placing a digit sequence on the third trial of the test, instead of the X’s. It seems that a greater degree on the inhibitory ability is necessary to perform the task with the sequence "1, 2, 3", than with the sequence "3, 2, 1". Thus, the sequence "1, 2, 3" was used in the final version of the SST. The practice effects of the Dual-Task Test on the SST was studied in Experiment 7. The interaction Group x Trial showed a general decrease on the performance of participants without previous practice in the Dual-task Test, contrasting with the performance of participants with within-session practice, which showed a clear digit sequence load effect. The aim of Experiment 8 was to know possible aging effects in the performance of SST. A general decrease was observed in the performance of older adults compared with performance of young adults; the interaction Group x Trial showed that the slope of the curves were different. The performance in SST is significantly affected by age. Performance in SST correlated with performance in the stop signal and the SRT tasks, respectively. Performance in SST also correlates with TMT, with the visuospatial component of the mu index of the Dual-task and with the attention coefficient of the Toulouse-Pièron Test. The best predictor of the stopping ability was the performance on the Part D with the digit sequence (Part D3). Thus, SST seems to be a useful neuropsychological tool for the assessment of several executive functions, including the stopping ability, mental flexibility, speed for visual search and focused attention.

Fonctionnement cognitif et démence du sujet très âgé / Cognitive functioning and dementia of the oldest old

Giulioli, Caroline 14 September 2017 (has links)
Alors que les personnes âgées de 80 ans et plus (oldest old dans la littérature anglophone) constituent un segment de la population de plus en plus important dans le monde et que l’âge est le principal facteur de risque de démence, peu d’études se sont intéressées à la cognition et à la démence dans cette population. Le premier objectif de cette thèse a été de synthétiser les données épidémiologiques et neuropsychologiques relatives aux oldest old dans le cadre du vieillissement normal et de la démence. Le manque de connaissances, d’outils et de normes adaptées pour les oldest old font de l’évaluation neuropsychologique un véritable challenge. Ainsi, dans un deuxième travail, nous avons développé des normes pour sept tests neuropsychologiques communément utilisés en clinique, administrés auprès d’une population de sujets très âgés. Néanmoins, les outils habituellement utilisés présentent des contraintes pour les très âgés qui peuvent remettre en cause leur fiabilité. Le Test des Neuf Images du 93 (TNI-93) - test évaluant la mémoire épisodique initialement développé pour les sujets de bas niveau d’étude - comporte de nombreux avantages eu égard aux spécificités cliniques des oldest old. Dans un troisième travail, nous avons cherché à étudier l’utilité du TNI-93 chez les oldest old en établissant des normes puis en étudiant ses propriétés de détection de la démence dans cette population. L’ensemble de ces travaux pourrait contribuer à améliorer la prise de décision diagnostique dans cette population, même s’il convient de souligner l’importance de promouvoir la recherche dans ce domaine pour comprendre les enjeux cliniques et neuropsychologiques du très grand âge. / While persons aged 80 years and over, the so-called “oldest old”, constitute the fastest growing segment of the population worldwide and age is the major risk factor for developing dementia, only few studies have addressed cognition and dementia in this population. The first objective of this thesis was to review the epidemiological and neuropsychological data relating to oldest old in the context of normal aging and dementia. The lack of knowledge, tools and normative data for oldest old make neuropsychological assessment a real challenge for clinicians. For this reason, the second step consisted in computing normative data for seven neuropsychological tests commonly used in clinical practice collected in an oldest old population. Likewise, the tools generally used in older adults testing involve constraints that question the reliability of the measurement. The “Test des Neuf Images of the 93” (TNI-93), (meaning Nine Images test of the district of Seine-Saint-Denis in the suburb of Paris) - test evaluating episodic memory initially developed for low-educational level subjects - could deal with the testing difficulties due to clinical specificities of oldest old. Thus, in a third work, we assessed the relevance of TNI-93 in oldest old by providing normative data, and also by studying its dementia detection properties in this specific population. Taken together, these works may contribute to improve decision-making diagnosis in oldest old population even though it is necessary to underline the importance of promoting research in this domain to deal with the clinical and neuropsychological challenges of the very old age.


Morlett Paredes, Alejandra 01 January 2018 (has links)
Neuropsychological tests are standardized tasks used to measure psychological functioning that is associated with a particular brain structure. These tests often are used in diagnosing a cognitive deficiency resulting from brain injuries. Currently, there are a limited number of studies that have focused on standardization of neuropsychological tests in Latin America. Therefore, the vast majority of cognitive tests used in the evaluation of patients with brain damage have no normative parameters adjusted to the cultural characteristics of Latinos and Latinas. As a result, neuropsychological diagnoses among this population may be inadequate, and evaluation of rehabilitation program effectiveness limited. The importance of culturally appropriate indices of neurological tests cannot be overstated; of all the problems presented by individuals with brain injuries, cognitive disorders are the leading source of disability for adequate work, family, and social reintegration among this group. There is an urgent need to standardize neuropsychological tests in Latin America, among Latinos in the US and any other regions where neuropsychological test have not been standardized. An important population subgroup in Latin America severely lacking in norms for many neuropsychological tests are those deemed illiterate or unable to read or write. Developing normative data for individuals who are illiterate will allow neuropsychologists to have a more accurate comparison when attempting to diagnose cognitive deficits among this group in Latin America. This dissertation is unique, as no other studies have looked at the normative data and standardization of neuropsychological tests within this population in Latin America.

Neuropsychologická diagnostika a psychoedukace pacientů s diagnózou psychogenních neepileptických záchvatů (PNES) / Neuropsychological diagnosis and psychoeducation of patients with psychogenic nonepileptic seizures

Hrešková, Lucia January 2019 (has links)
Neuropsychological assessment and psychoeducation of patients diagnosed with psychogenic nonepileptic seizures (PNES) Mgr. Lucia Hrešková Tutor: Assoc. Prof. Lenka Krámská, Ph.D. Abstract: The term psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES) refers to a conversion disorder (300.11) imitating epileptic seizures that are psychological etiology (DSM-5). Neuropsychological assessment including personality profile and mood status is an integral part of the diagnosis and treatment of PNES. The main treatment is psychotherapy. In the theoretical part of this research project, we have processed psychoeducation guide for clinical psychologists and psychotherapists working with patients diagnosed with PNES, based on recommended standards (Myers, 2014; LaFrance & Wincze, 2015; Reiter et al., 2015) and long-term clinical experiences with these patients (in particular Assoc. Prof. Lenka Kramska, Ph.D.). The purpose of our research project was to assess the presence of maladaptive emotional regulation in the profile of patients diagnosed with PNES (N = 51) compared to healthy populations (N = 51), through self-report questionnaires Affective Style Questionnaire (ASQ) and Difficulty in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS). The results of our research show a significantly higher level of maladaptive emotional regulation in the...

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