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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Decorative Program of the Eighteenth-Dynasty Tomb of Pairy (TT 139)

O'Neill, Megan C. 09 May 2015 (has links)
This thesis will identify what is particularly unusual about the funerary scenes of the eighteenth-dynasty Theban tomb (TT 139) and their chosen location by providing a thorough examination of both the life of the tomb owner, Pairy, and his tomb architecture. Following a discussion of the significance of the tomb chapel's decorative program, I will argue that the abbreviated scenes on two walls adjacent to the passageway to the burial chamber relate to the tomb owner’s safe journey into the underworld. Due to the lack of recent published work on the chapel hall and the deterioration of its paintings, the tomb of Pairy is in dire need of proper, comprehensive study.

Le traitement des prisonniers de guerre en Égypte sous le Nouvel Empire / The Treatment of Captives in Egypt during the New Kingdom

Valerio, Marta 04 December 2017 (has links)
Le but de la présente étude, est de tracer les caractéristiques principales du traitement de prisonniers de guerre pendant le Nouvel Empire. La période choisie coïncide avec l’arrivée d’une grande nombre de prisonniers étrangers en Égypte à la suite des activités belliqueuses portées contre les populations de Syrie- Palestine, de Nubie ou de Libye. En parallèle, les richesses apportées de ces pays permettaient la réalisation des nombreuses œuvres monumentales nécessitant de la main d’œuvre pour les bâtir et les entretenir. Dans ce cadre s’insèrent donc les prisonniers, enlevés de leur pays pour être emportés en Égypte comme trophées, mais aussi et surtout comme force de travail. De ce que nous avons pu constater, la condition de prisonnier était une condition temporaire qui cessait après l’arrivée en Égypte. À travers l’analyse des sources, écrites comme iconographiques, nous avons essayé de déterminer la répartition de ces nouveaux habitants dans le pays, les différentes institutions (temples, armée..) ou les particuliers qui les employaient et les conséquences sociales et économiques de ce phénomène. En outre, la manière dont les prisonniers sont cités dans les documents permet de dévoiler leur rôle dans l’idéologie royale et ses reflets dans le sources privées ou littéraires. / The purpose of this study is to describe the main characteristics of treatment of prisoners of war, during the New Kingdom. The period chosen coincides with the arrival of a large number of foreign prisoners in Egypt as a result of the belligerent activities against the populations of Syria-Palestine, Nubia or Libya. At the same time, the goods brought from these countries allowed the realisation of numerous monumental works requiring labour to build and maintain them. Prisoners were incorporated in this framework, taken from their country, carried in Egypt as trophies, but also and especially used as a work force. The evidence presented in this thesis shows that the condition of prisoner was temporary and ceased after the arrival in Egypt. Through the analysis of written and iconographic sources, this work seeks to determine the distribution of these new inhabitants in the country, the different institutions (such as temples and the army) or the individuals that employed them, and the social and economic consequences of this phenomenon. Moreover, the way prisoners are cited in the sources reveals their role in the royal ideology and its reflections in private or literary sources.

Coming of age or an age of becoming? : the role of childhood in identity formation at Deir el-Medina, New Kingdom Egypt

Hinson, Benjamin Samuel Paul January 2018 (has links)
This thesis explores the role of childhood in identity formation. The concept that childhood contributes to an individual’s identity—how a person becomes who they are, and how childhood influences this—is universally relevant. However, whilst the influence of childhood is universal, exactly what ‘childhood’ means is not. Because the existence of children is a common thread linking all societies, it is unsurprising that every society has a different conception of what ‘childhood’ means, which members were considered children, and the freedoms, restrictions or expectations placed on those at this stage of life. The discussion here is framed within the context of ancient Egypt—specifically, the site of Deir el-Medina—but its approach is also relevant to those studying childhood in other areas. Today, identity is considered equivalent to how we define and understand ourselves, influenced by our personal experiences. However, these experiences are themselves informed by how society defines and groups us, based on factors such as gender, ethnicity or religion. Identity therefore involves two inter-linked components: how society defines the individual, and how individuals define themselves. In exploring the role of childhood in identity formation, the aim of this thesis is to consider both components as they relate to children. The first reflects how society at Deir el-Medina constructed and conceptualised ‘childhood’, informing how children were treated, their scope for social participation, and the relationships they engaged in. The second reflects how children as individuals lived within these social structures, and how such personal experiences contributed to a sense of self. Only by considering both elements can a holistic picture be formed.

La reine Tiyi de la XVIIIeme dynastie : catalogue des documents-commentaires et étude critique / The queen Tiye from the 18th dynasty : inventory and critical study

Duhard, Arnault 23 November 2016 (has links)
La reine Tiyi de la XVIIIème dynastie est bien connue en tant que grande épouse d’Amenhotep III, mère d’Amenhotep IV/Akhenaton et grand-mère de Toutankhamon (au moins). Elle est fréquemment mentionnée dans les ouvrages ou les articles traitant de ces règnes, mais l’inventaire total concernant la reine, présenté ici (plus de huit cent objets, inscriptions, représentations, etc.) révèle qu’elle fut une actrice extraordinaire de l’Histoire égyptienne et qu’elle fut, de plus, la reine la plus titrée de la dynastie, peut-être même de tout le Nouvel Empire. Enfin nous pouvons établir que, comme cela a toujours été pressenti, Tiyi ne fut pas une « simple » reine. Notre étude établit clairement qu’elle joua un rôle important aux côtés de son mari et qu’elle peut être considérée comme la véritable contrepartie féminine du roi, plus particulièrement lors des fêtes-sed de la fin du règne. Le présent travail tente de dresser un bilan exhaustif de ce qui est actuellement connu sur la reine, afin de pouvoir servir de base à de futurs travaux concernant cette période de l’Histoire égyptienne. / Queen Tiye of the XVIIIth Egyptian dynasty is well known as great wife of king Amenhotep III, mother of king Amenhotep IV/Akhenaten and, at least, grandmother of king Tutankhamun. She is very often mentioned in books or articles related to these reigns. However, the complete catalogue of objects and mentions concerning this queen which has been constituted for the present work — with more than 800 artefacts, inscriptions, depictions, etc. — reveals that she was a prominent actress of the Egyptian History and that she was simultaneously the highest-ranked of all the queens of the dynasty, and perhaps of the entire New Kingdom. Lastly, it is possible to claim now that - as it was often presumed - Tiye was not “merely” a queen among others. Our investigation establishes clearly that she played an important role close to her husband and that she can be considered as an actual "female counterpart" of the king, and specially during the sed-festivals at the end of the reign. The present work aims to figure out an exhaustive balance-sheet of what is actually known about the queen Tiye, in order to serve as a basis for future studies concerning this period of the Egyptian History.

An Egyptian Royal Portrait Head in the Collection of the Michael C. Carlos Museum at Emory University

Bryson, Karen Margaret 18 July 2008 (has links)
This thesis discusses a small, red granite, Egyptian royal portrait head in the collection of the Michael C. Carlos Museum in Atlanta, Georgia. The head is determined to be a fragment from a group depicting the king in front of the monumental figure of a divine animal, probably a ram or baboon. Scholars have attributed the head to the reigns of various New Kingdom pharaohs, including Horemheb and Seti I, but on more careful examination its style demonstrates that it dates to the reign of Ramesses II (1304-1237 B.C.).

Les chaouabtis royaux et le développement de l’au-delà égyptien : la royauté et la religion des particuliers / The royal shabtis and the development of the egyptian afterlife : the kingship and the private’s religion

Alfieri Gama-Rolland, Cintia 05 March 2016 (has links)
Les statuettes funéraires égyptiennes dites chaouabtis ou, à partir de la XXIe dynastie, ouchabtis, comptent parmi les artefacts les plus couramment laissés par les Égyptiens anciens. On considère généralement qu’elles servent à conserver magiquement l’intégrité corporelle du défunt, ou à se substituer à lui lors des travaux agricoles obligatoires dans l’au-delà, ce qui explique la figuration d’outils. Aussi un certain nombre de questions sont posées par l’étude des exemplaires royaux. Pourquoi un pharaon, exempté de tout travail agricole de son vivant, aurait-il besoin de se faire représenter avec des outils, ou avoir des serviteurs travaillant pour accomplir ses corvées dans l’au-delà ? Si, comme l’affirme la théorie de la « démocratisation », la religion égyptienne se diffuse de la royauté à l'élite, puis au peuple de manière générale, comment expliquer que l’usage des chaouabtis semble se développer en sens inverse ? Cette recherche regroupe pour la première fois les chaouabtis royaux du Nouvel Empire dans un catalogue raisonné, sans se limiter au simple recensement, en insérant ces artefacts dans leur contexte religieux, social et politique, avec pour objectif de mieux appréhender les mouvements internes à la société égyptienne. / The Egyptian funerary statuettes, known as shabtis, or as from the XXIst dynasty, ushabtis, are among the most commonly artefacts left by ancient Egyptians. It is generally considered that they served to magically conserve the bodies of the deceased, or to replace them on mandatory agricultural chores in the afterlife, which would explain the presence of tools. A certain amount of questions are also raised while studying the royal figurines. Why does a pharaoh, exempt from all agricultural tasks while living, would need the representation of tools, or of servants working to accomplish their chores, in the afterlife? If, as stated by the theory of « democratization », the Egyptian religion diffuses itself from the royalty to the elite, and then to the people as a whole, how does one explain that the use of shabtis seems to develop itself the other way around? This research gathers for the first time the royal shabtis from the New Kingdom in a catalogue, without limiting itself to simply listing the articles, but putting the artefacts in their religious, social and political contexts, aiming to better apprehend the movements inside the Egyptian society.

Slaveri under det Nya Riket i Egypten / Slavery during the New Kingdom in Egypt

Bergh, Viktor January 2018 (has links)
The concept of slavery in ancient Egypt is a debated issue, that has mostly focused upon the different uses of the phrasing and terminology of the different words for servitude. Without giving too much emphasis upon the different terminologies, this essay presents a summary of the state of slavery within the borders of Egypt during the New Kingdom. As different kinds of servitude existed in the country, the focus is upon the types of slaves who were the property of their master and could be bought and sold. The essay presents who the slave was and where he came from, as well as what kinds of duties the slave was used for. The process of acquisition is also covered, before finally discussing the rights of the slave as well as the means to become free of your bonds.

Discours et pratiques Jesuites en Nouvelle Grenade : Les missionnaires du Casanare, Meta et Orenoque [1624-1767]. / Jesuit’s Discourses and Practices in New Granada : the Casanare, Meta and Orenoque Missionnaries [1624-1767].

Castro Roldan, Andrés 11 June 2009 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse le discours et les pratiques des Jésuites missionnaires au Casanare-Orénoque, territoire qui correspond actuellement aux régions des plaines orientales colombiennes et du cours bas et moyen de l’Orénoque (Colombie et Venezuela). Elle inscrit l’action jésuite dans ces territoires dans le contexte universel des missions catholiques en étudiant l’esprit de corps des missionnaires sous son aspect institutionnel et en tant que vocation ascétique. Elle présente aussi, à travers l’étude des vies missionnaires, des aspects historiques plus spécifiques du travail apostolique. Elle analyse également trois problématiques de l’action évangélique dans sa relation avec la colonisation : la conquête des Indiens, le degré d’autonomie ou de dépendance des villages-missions vis-à-vis du monde laïque, et le rôle politique et culturel de la mission comme marqueur d’une frontière territoriale. Elle étudie enfin les discours sur l’Indien et les pratiques pastorales. / The thesis analyses the discourses and practices of Jesuit missionaries in the former Casanare-Orénoque region, which roughly covers the plains in today’s eastern Colombia as well as the lower part of the Orinoco river. The study describes the missionary work of the Jesuits in its universal context of catholic missions and focuses on the corps spirit of the missionaries in its institutional aspect and its ascetic vocation. Thus, by concentrating on missionary live cycles, more specific historical aspects of apostolic work are investigated. Three sets of questions about evangelical action in its relation to colonization are also raised: the conquest of the Indians, the missionary village’s degree of autonomy or dependence in relation to the laic world, and the political and cultural role of the missions in the establishment of a territorial frontier. Finally, the discourses about the Indians and the pastoral practices are studied.

Les produits de la rivière de l'ouest au nouvel empire : étude épigraphique et pétrographique / The Products from the Western River during the New Kingdom, Epigraphical and Petrographical Study. : epigraphical and Petrographical Study.

Durand, Benjamin 15 December 2012 (has links)
Le toponyme de la Rivière de l’Ouest apparaît au cours de la XVIIIème dynastie et constitue la référence en matière de production vinicole jusqu’à la période ramesside. Après un hiatus d’à peu près 150 ans, il réapparait au cours de la deuxième moitié du règne de Ramsès II, pour finalement disparaître définitivement durant la XXème dynastie. Les sources textuelles prises en compte dans le cadre de cette étude sont uniquement celles inscrites sur les étiquettes d’amphores. Elles proviennent, pour la plupart d’entre elles, des sites d’Amarna, de Malkata et de Deir el Medina. L’étude de ce toponyme permet donc une ouverture sur un champ géographique et chronologique très large. Elle embrasse de même un ample panel de thèmes tel que l’organisation de la production du vin, la production des amphores, ou encore l’acheminement de celles-ci vers les lieux de consommation. Les axes de recherches empruntés ici sont à la fois archéologiques, épigraphiques, et archéométriques. La mise en parallèle des différentes données ouvre en effet la voie à un travail pluridisciplinaire par le biais duquel il est possible d’aborder sous un angle nouveau des problématiques telles que l’économie ou la politique. / The place-name of the western River appears during the XVIIIth dynasty and constitutes the reference regarding wine production until the Ramesside period. After a hiatus of about 150 years, it re-appears during the second half of the reign of Ramsès II, to finally disappear definitively during the XXth dynasty. The textual sources taken into account within the framework of this study are the ones only registered on the labels of amphorae. Most of these come from the sites of Amarna, Malkata and Deir el Medina. The study of this place-name thus allows an opening on a very wide geographical and chronological field. It also embraces a wide panel of themes such as the organization of the production of the wine, the production of amphorae, or still the routing of these towards the places of consumption. The axis of research borrowed here were at the same time archaeological, epigraphic, and archaeometrical. The putting in parallel of all these data opens the way to a multidisciplinary work by means of which it becomes possible to study, under a new angle, problems as wide as economy and politics

A comparison of tomb art from New Kingdom Egypt and classic period Oaxaca, Mexico

Madigan, Valeri J. 01 January 2009 (has links)
The afterlife is an important concept in many societies whether they are contemporary or ancient. Egypt and Oaxaca, Mexico are just two of the many cultures that took the time to find ways to ensure a successful transition into the afterlife. Each culture in the world has their own unique way of ensuring this transition. Tomb art is the common element that links the unique cultures of New Kingdom Egypt and Classic Period Oaxaca, Mexico. Each culture's tomb art has its own way of guiding the deceased into the world beyond this one. There are other common elements of the art, such as the idea of appeasement, that link the two civilizations that are thousands of miles apart as well as thousands of years apart. These commonalities can give researchers more insight on what is most important to gain access to the afterlife.

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