Spelling suggestions: "subject:"nonceramic"" "subject:"nonceramic""
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Optimization of biodiesel production using heterogenous catalyst in a packed bed reactorAyodeji, Olagunju Olusegun January 2018 (has links)
Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Engineering: Chemical Engineering, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2018. / Industrial development is associated with an increase in pollution levels and rising fuel prices. Research on clean energy contributes to reduction of fossil fuel dependency, decrease in ozone layer depletion and reduction in emission of toxic gases. The development of renewable energies increases the energy independence and reduces the impact of environmental pollution from fossil fuels.
The biodiesel market is among the fastest growing renewable energy markets and its demand in the energy sector has tremendously increased over the last decade due to its environmental friendly qualities. Biodiesel is considered as a promising diesel fuel substitute based on the similarities of its properties with that of petroleum based diesel fuel. However, the high cost of the feedstock, environmental pollution as a result of wastewater generated from a homogeneous process has limited its full implementation. In addition, other technical challenges encountered during the production such as the immiscibility of the reagents and the reversibility of the transesterification reaction calls for innovative technologies to be developed. One promising solution to these issues is the use of membrane technology to serve as a reaction and separating medium for the production of biodiesel.
This study is aimed at optimizing biodiesel production from vegetable oils using heterogeneous catalysts in a ceramic membrane. The objectives were to evaluate the performance of calcium oxide (CaO) as a catalyst supported on activated carbon in a membrane reactor for biodiesel production. Further still, to evaluate the membrane performance regarding permeate quality and to optimize the process using design of experiment. The final objective was to investigate the influence of operating parameters such as temperature, methanol/oil ratio, catalyst amount and reaction time on biodiesel yield.
The transesterification of soya bean oil with methanol in the presence of a supported catalyst was carried out on a laboratory scale. The membrane reactor was designed and assembled for this purpose. The membrane reactor integrated many procedures such as
combining reaction and separation in a single unit, continuous mixing of raw materials and maintaining high mass transfer between the immiscible phases during the reaction. The effect of the process parameters on the biodiesel production and FAME (fatty acid methyl ester) yields were investigated.
One factor at a time (OFAT) experiments were conducted to identify the optimum range of the yield. The membrane reactor produced a permeate stream which separated at room temperature into a FAME rich non-polar phase and a methanol polar phase. The
optimum range was between 90% - 94% within a reaction time of 60 – 180 minutes, methanol to oil ratio 3:1 - 9:1 and temperature range of 60 0C - 70 0C. Methyl ester produced met the ASTM D6751 and SANS 1935 specifications.
The response surface methodology (RSM) based on the central composite design (CCD) was used to optimize the process. The optimization experiments were conducted around the optimum range established by the OFAT method. The optimum condition for transesterification of soya bean oil to fatty acid methyl ester was obtained at 3 g/L catalyst concentration, 65 0C temperature, 4.5:1 methanol to oil molar ratio and 90 minutes reaction time. At these optimum conditions, the FAME yield was 96.9 %, which is well within the yield of 97.7 % as predicted by the model.
In conclusion, this work presents a study of high quality biodiesel production using a ceramic membrane reactor with the advantage of selectively permeating FAME and methanol. This study therefore showed that the use of a membrane for biodiesel production conserved water for other purposes; eliminates the purification step and wastewater generation thereby reducing the cost of biodiesel production. / M
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Preparation, characterization and testing of inorganic ceramic membranesOgbuke, Ikechukwu January 2013 (has links)
A novel approach to enhance the concentration of Carbon dioxide to economic scale using low efficient Inorganic Ceramic membranes has been proposed. This was achieved by the addition of second and third stage permeation trains to the existing low CO2 recovering Ceramic Inorganic membranes. The Inorganic Ceramic membrane development involved modification of Alpha Alumina support with Gamma Alumina for improved surface area. Further modifications with Magnesium Oxide and Silicon Elastomer showed increase in the selectivity of Carbon dioxide molecules over Nitrogen, Methane, Argon, and Helium molecules, both in pure and mixture forms. A simulated flue gas feed concentration of CO2-14% and N2-86% was found to be concentrated more than 90% of CO2. The Carbon dioxide permeability was found to decrease as the membrane thickness and number of dipping increased, whereas, the selectivity of the Carbon dioxide over Nitrogen, Argon, Helium and Methane molecules improved with the use of modified membranes compared to membrane support only. The testing of the fabricated membrane demonstrated that modified membrane at third stage permeation at a pressure drop of 9.00KPa and operating temperature of 296K was capable of recovering more than 90% of Carbon dioxide from a feed gas mixture of 14%-CO2 and N2-86%.The permeability of the Carbon dioxide gas molecules that was recovered at the above listed operating conditions was 4.26X10-12 (mol.m/m2.s.Pa). This was achieved by surface flow mechanism and membrane pore sizes estimated were found to be macroporoes and mesopores with their EDXA and SEM images. A numerical algorithm was used to estimate the errors. The error was found to decrease as the permeation value increases.
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Epiclassic and Early Postclassic Interaction in Central Mexico As Evidenced by Decorated PotteryJanuary 2011 (has links)
abstract: There has been debate and uncertainty on two important issues in the Basin of Mexico: the formation of Epiclassic city-states following Teotihuacan state collapse (ca. A.D. 650), and the nature of the subsequent Early Postclassic Tula state expansion. I evaluate the Basin as a case of regeneration of socio-political complexity using stylistic and compositional pottery analysis to examine patterns of interaction from the Epiclassic (ca. A.D. 600/650-850) through the Early Postclassic (ca. A.D. 850-1150). I selected representative specimens of temporally diagnostic pottery from the three large settlement clusters in the northwestern Basin (Tula and the Zumpango region), the northeastern Basin (Teotihuacan Valley), and the southeastern Basin (Cerro Portezuelo, the Ixtapalapa and Chalco regions) to assess: 1) participation in regional cultural complexes, 2) direct exchange or local production of particular pottery types, 3) regional variation in the production of pottery. For certain time periods, ceramic patterns among smaller settlements clusters were distinguished. The combination of chemical and attribute analysis provided a robust method for identifying regional variation in pottery. Chemical characterization using Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA) was used to provide fine-scaled compositional reference groups to assess regional production and exchange. Stylistic and technological attributes were used to define highly visible decorative traditions that were easily copied and low visibility production steps that were learned. Teotihuacan withdrawal from the southeastern Basin prompted reorganization and adoption of a distinctive pottery complex. Epiclassic settlement patterns throughout the Basin were reorganized into nucleated settlement clusters with unoccupied areas between them. Results indicate regional participation in the Coyotlatelco pottery tradition and a strong pattern of consumption of locally produced pottery by settlement cluster. Tula underwent significant urban growth in the Early Postclassic, while the Basin was marked by a process of "ruralization" as the Epiclassic centers dispersed and settlements filled the previously unoccupied landscape. Tula expanded its influence into the Basin with varying degrees of integration. The closest settlements in the northwestern Basin acquired the most Tula-produced pottery. The Teotihuacan Valley and Cerro Portezuelo settlements consumed mostly locally produced Tula style pottery. The southeastern settlements were least connected to Tula and initiated interactions towards Puebla-Tlaxcala. / Dissertation/Thesis / Notes authorizing use of figures. Not to be posted to public or part of publication / Ph.D. Anthropology 2011
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Formação da eflorescência em cerâmica vermelha : fatores de influência no transporte dos íons SO4 e CaFerreira, Cristiano Correa January 2009 (has links)
Neste trabalho, investigou-se a migração dos íons SO4 -2 e Ca+2 em uma cerâmica vermelha aditivada com CaSO4.2H2O simulando o processo de eflorescência. Para tanto, uma massa cerâmica com tendência não patológica, à base de uma argila da região de Gravataí-RS, foi formulada com 0, 4, 8, 12 e 16% em peso de CaSO4.2H2O. No processamento cerâmico, utilizou-se a conformação por extrusão a vácuo e queima em forno elétrico tipo mufla a diferentes temperaturas (800, 850, 900 e 950ºC) com patamar de doze horas. Os corpos cerâmicos obtidos em dimensões de 70x27x9mm3 foram caracterizados quanto às propriedades físicas (absorção de água e porosidade aparente). Para avaliar a mobilidade dos íons SO4 -2 e Ca+2, foram realizados ensaios de eflorescência segundo a norma ASTMC67/2003, análise da distribuição de tamanho de poros nos corpos cerâmicos investigados, ensaios de solubilização durante os períodos de uma hora com os corpos cerâmicos imersos em água a 90°C e imersão dos corpos cerâmicos por sete, quatorze e vinte e oito dias consecutivos em temperatura ambiente. Também foram realizados testes de condutividade elétrica nos solubilizados dos corpos cerâmicos durante os períodos de uma hora e de sete dias de ensaio e avaliou-se a potencialidade desses íons na formação do fenômeno em função das variáveis temperatura e pH. Para a quantificação da eflorescência, foi desenvolvida uma nova metodologia por análise de imagem utilizando o software gráfico Image Tools versão 3.0. Os resultados obtidos permitiram identificar que a nova metodologia baseada em análise de imagens mostrou-se bastante eficiente para quantificar a eflorescência em corpos cerâmicos, diminuindo a subjetividade da avaliação visual. Constatou-se que o íon cálcio possui maior mobilidade do que o íon sulfato após sete dias de repouso. Para maiores tempos de repouso, quatorze e vinte e oito dias, a diferença entre as concentrações por solubilização dos íons Ca+2 e SO4 -2 diminui significativamente. Também foi possível identificar uma tendência (com poucas exceções): os valores da concentração do íon Ca+2 são maiores do que os da concentração de SO4 -2 para um mesmo volume total e diâmetro médio de poros e mesma quantidade de sulfato de cálcio na formulação. Da mesma forma, quando a concentração por solubilização dos íons Ca+2 e SO4 -2 é relacionada à absorção de água dos corpos cerâmicos investigados, e comparando-os com os resultados dos ensaios de eflorescência por imagem, constata-se uma similaridade entre os resultados da eflorescência e da concentração do íon Ca+2 após sete dias de repouso. Já para o íon SO4 -2, os resultados de eflorescência assemelham-se aos de quatorze dias de repouso. A formação da eflorescência está intimamente ligada à porosidade e aos índices de concentração de sal e absorção de água dos corpos cerâmicos. Ao mesmo tempo, os ensaios de solubilização investigados mostraram-se ótimos instrumentos para análise do fenômeno, permitindo, de forma bastante confiável, que se disponha de dados sobre a formação da eflorescência em corpos cerâmicos. / In this work, the displacement of SO4 -2 and Ca+2 ions in red ceramic was investigated simulating the efflorescence process. Ceramic bodies were molded (70x27x9mm3) by vacuum extrusion formulated with different contents of CaSO4.2H2O (0, 2, 4, 8, 16% in weight) and burnt at different temperatures (800, 850, 900, 950°C) for 12 hours. Microstructure was evaluated for water absorption, apparent porosity, and pore size distribution. Efflorescence was evaluated according to the ASTMC67/2003 norm. Tests of SO4 -2 and Ca+2 ion solubilizations after periods of 1 hour with the ceramic bodies immerged in hot water and periods of 7, 14 and 28 consecutive days with the ceramic bodies in cold water were carried out. Tests were also made of electrical conductivity in solubilized from ceramic bodies during one hour and during seven days and evaluated the potential of these ions to formation of efflorescence regarding the variables temperature and pH. In the efflorescence quantification, an image analysis methodology was developed using the graphic software Image Tools 3.0. Results allowed establishing a relationship between the efflorescence of the investigated ions, physical properties (water absorption and apparent porosity), pore size distribution, and solubilization. The new methodology based on the analysis of images is sufficiently efficient to quantify efflorescence in ceramic bodies, reducing the subjectivity of the visual evaluation. Calcium ion has larger mobility than sulfate ion after 7 days of rest. For longer periods of rest (14 and 28 days), the difference between the concentrations by solubilization of Ca+2 and SO4 -2 ions significantly reduces. It was also possible to identify the tendency (with few exceptions) that the concentration values of the Ca+2 ion are bigger than the concentration values of SO4 -2 for the same total volume and average diameter of pores as well as the same amount of calcium sulfate in the formularization. Likewise, when the concentration for the solubilization of the Ca+2 and SO4 -2 ions is related to water absorption of the ceramic bodies investigated as well as when we compare them with the results of the assays of efflorescence for image, a similarity between the results of the efflorescence and the concentration of the Ca+2 ion after 7 days of rest is observed. For the SO4 -2 ion, the efflorescence results are similar to 14 days of rest. The formation of efflorescence is closely linked to the porosity and to the indices of concentration of salt and water absorption contained in the products at the same time. The investigated assays of solubilization showed to be excellent instruments for analysis of the phenomenon allowing, sufficiently trustworthy, the obtaining of data on the formation of efflorescence in ceramic bodies.
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Controle integrado da qualidade de processos de manufatura de revestimentos cerâmicosTen Caten, Carla Schwengber January 1999 (has links)
Essa tese versa sobre um procedimento inovador para o controle e garantia da qualidade em processos de manufatura onde existem vários atributos e variáveis a serem monitorados, como acontece, por exemplo, na indústria cerâmica. O procedimento proposto, chamado de controle integrado da qualidade, começa com a definição de alguns postos de controle na linha de produção, onde o monitoramento será feito usando uma única carta de controle que agrega vários atributos e variáveis. Esse procedimento é complementado usando gráficos de Pareto, que hierarquizam as características de qualidade que contribuem mais fortemente para o percentual de defeituosos do posto, e as cartas de controle tradicionais, que são utilizadas seletivamente, apenas conforme a indicação dos gráficos de Pareto. A utilização conjunta dessas ferramentas auxilia no diagnóstico e solução dos problemas de qualidade, permitindo que as ações de melhoria aconteçam no tempo e local certo. Entre as vantagens do procedimento proposto, cita-se: (a) a simplicidade do controle integrado, que foca prioritariamente umas poucas cartas de controle; (b) a abordagem estatística, que fornece uma base sólida para a tomada de decisões; e (c) o forte apelo gerencial fornecido pelo controle integrado, que disponibiliza a cada amostra uma visão geral da condição de qualidade nos postos de controle e na linha de produção como um todo. A tese apresenta também uma abordagem sistemática para auxiliar na implantação do controle integrado da qualidade. Essa abordagem contempla 5 etapas principais: definição do projeto, planejamento da implantação, treinamento, implantação efetiva e acompanhamento e consolidação. Por fim, é apresentado e discutido um estudo de caso em uma indústria cerâmica, que contribui para a validação do método proposto. Com base nesse estudo de caso e no referencial teórico, conclui-se sobre o assunto. / This dissertation presents a new procedure, Integrated Quality Control, for quality control and assurance in situations where severa! variables and attributes are to be monitored. That is the case in the ceramics manufacturing industry, for example. The procedure is implemented by defining control (or work) stations in the production line; variables and attributes in each station are monitored simultaneously using an aggregated control chart for the percentages of non-conformities. When a signal occurs, a Pareto graph sorts out variables and attributes identifying those contributing the most to its occurrence: such variables and attributes are then examined using traditional control charts. The joint use of aggregate charts, Pareto graphs and univariate control charts turns monitoring and improvement of processes into a non-complex task. A systematic approach for the implementation of Integrated Quality Control is also presented. The approach comprises five main steps: project definition, implementation planning, training of personnel, effective implementation, and follow up. Key advantages of the procedure suggested here are: (i) ability to handle variables and attributes in a single integrated chart, (ii) the statistical approach which provides a solid basis for the decision-making, and (iii) strong managerial appeal provided by the integrated charts. The procedure is illustrated with a case study conducted in a ceramic plant. Some conclusions are drawn based on the results of this case study and in the theoretical references.
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A escultura cerâmica e a partilha de conhecimento nas obras de Vilma Villaverde e Virgínia Fróis /Santos, Elaine Regina dos, 1964- January 2018 (has links)
Orientadora: Geralda Mendes F. S. Dalglish (Lalada Dalglish) / Banca: Sumaya Mattar / Banca: Claudia Fazzollari / Banca: Jean Jacques Vidal / Banca: Zandra Coelho de Miranda Santos / Resumo: Esta tese defende a relevância da cerâmica na arte, bem como seu importante aspecto político, educacional e social. O trabalho teve como principal objetivo o estudo e a reflexão sobre o processo de formação, produção em escultura cerâmica e a atividade didática das artistas contemporâneas Vilma Villaverde, da Argentina, e Virgínia Fróis, de Portugal, que têm o corpo como temática em seus trabalhos artísticos. Neste âmbito, a pesquisa reflete sobre o contexto histórico da produção artística feminina, a presença do corpo na escultura, o papel da argila na escultura moderna e contemporânea, processos e procedimentos na criação das artistas selecionadas, seus mestres e influências herdadas, a instituição de centros de formação em arte, especialmente em seus países, bem como a atribuição do artista-professor. Como resultado a pesquisa enfatiza a forma como as artistas se consolidaram e como aliam suas criações artísticas ao seu trabalho de ensino, e como se dá a partilha de conhecimento. / Abstract: This thesis defends the relevance of the certamic art, as well as the importance of its political, educational and social aspect. The main objective of this work was the study and reflection on the process of formation, production in ceramic sculpture and the didactic activity of the contemporary artists, Vilma Villaverde of Argentina and Virginia Fróis of Portugal, who have the body as theme in their art work. In this way, the research reflects on the historical context of female artistic production, the presence of the body in sculpture, the role of clay in modern and contemporary sculpture, the processes and procedures in the creation of the selected artists, their masters and the inherited influences, and the establishment of training centers in art, especially in their countries, as well as the role of the artist-teacher. As a result the research emphasizes how artists have been consolidated and how they have combined their artistic creations with their teaching work and how knowledge is shared. / Resumen: Esta tesis defiende la relevancia de la cerámica en el arte, así como su importante aspecto político, educativo y social. El objetivo principal de este trabajo fue el estudio y la reflexión sobre el proceso de formación, producción de la escultura de cerámica y la actividad de enseñanza de las artistas contemporáneas Vilma Villaverde, Argentina, y Virgínia Fróis, de Portugal, que tienen el cuerpo como un tema en sus trabajos artísticos. En este ámbito, la investigación reflexiona sobre el contexto histórico de la producción artística femenina, la presencia del cuerpo en la escultura, el papel de la arcilla en la escultura moderna y contemporánea, procesos y procedimientos en la creación de las artistas seleccionadas, sus maestros e influencias heredadas, y el estabelecimiento de centros de formación en arte, especialmente en sus países, así como el papel del artista-maestro. Como resultado, la investigación enfatiza cómo las artistas se han consolidado y cómo alían sus creaciones artísticas a su trabajo de enseñanza, y cómo se da el compartir de conocimiento. / Doutor
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Intensification of industrial processes : auto-tandem and molecular weight enlarged catalysisFenton, Lewis Michael January 2018 (has links)
The chemical industry is an essential part of modern society and therefore has a responsibility to develop solutions for the problems facing it. A major problem is continuing to match the material demands of a growing global population whilst simultaneously decreasing the consumption of finite natural resources and limiting the emissions of greenhouse gasses. An optimised catalytic system that shortens, or intensifies, the process chain for the production of chemicals can be an effective solution to this challenge. Auto-tandem catalysis is where a single metal-ligand complex facilitates two or more sequential transformations. For example: alkenes are hydroformylated into aldehydes which are then hydrogenated into alcohols. The alcohols have use as plasticisers or surfactants for metal extraction. A previously reported auto-tandem catalysis system was shown to be capable of sequential hydroformylation-hydrogenation of 1-octene to nonanol. It consisted of the neutral rhodium precursor [Rh(acac)(CO)2] and the bidentate ligand xantphos in 10% iPrOH/H2O co-solvent at temperatures of 160°C. Investigations, reported in this thesis, revealed that xantphos type ligands, with their large bite-angle, and high temperatures are required to generate the hydrogenation activity. However, in contrast to the previous system, water is not necessary; with the same results produced in toluene:iPrOH solutions and water:iPrOH solutions. It is proposed that the iPrOH or H2O has a direct influence in the catalytic cycle, either as a hydrogen-shuttle or generates a cationic rhodium species, known to be active in hydrogenation. High temperature NMR studies show the standard resting state of the hydroformylation catalyst is still predominant at high temperatures therefore the proposed catalytic cycle starts from this step. A recurring problem in the industrial process chain is the separation of the catalyst from the final products. Combing a TiO2 ceramic membrane with a POSS (polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane) modified tin catalyst and phosphonium iodide co-catalyst, for the coupling of epoxides and CO2 to make cyclic carbonates, was investigated. The catalyst system showed good substrate compatibility for a range of epoxides. In a prototype membrane set-up the system demonstrated a long catalyst life time, however significant leaching was also observed.
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Ceramic Ultrafiltration of Marine Algal Solutions: A Comprehensive StudyDramas, Laure 09 1900 (has links)
Algal bloom can significantly impact reverse osmosis desalination process and reduce the drinking water production. In 2008, a major bloom event forced several UAE reverse osmosis plants to stop their production, and in this context, a better understanding of UF membrane fouling caused by algal organic matter (AOM) is needed, in order to adjust the filtration conditions during algal bloom events. Polymeric MF/UF membranes are already widely used for RO pretreatment, but ceramic UF membranes can also be an alternative for the filtration of marine algal solutions. The fouling potential of the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea, sampled at different seasons, along with four algal monocultures grown in laboratory, and one mesocosm experiment in the Red Sea was investigated. Algal solutions induce a stronger and more irreversible fouling than terrestrial humic solution, toward ceramic membrane. During algal bloom events, this fouling is enhanced and becomes even more problematic at the decline phase of the bloom, for a similar initial DOC. Three main mechanisms are involved: the formation of a cake layer at the membrane surface; the penetration of the algal organic matter (AOM) in the pore network of the membrane; the strong adhesion of AOM with the membrane surface. The last mechanism is species-specific and metal-oxide specific.
In order to understand the stronger ceramic UF fouling at the decline phase, AOM quality was analyzed every two days. During growth, AOM is getting enriched in High Molecular Weight (HMW) structures (> 200 kDa), which are mainly composed by proteins and polysaccharides, and these compounds seem to be responsible for the stronger fouling at decline phase. In order to prevent the fouling of ceramic membrane, coagulation-flocculation (CF) using ferric chloride was implemented prior to filtration. It permits a high removal of HMW compounds and greatly reduces the fouling potential of the algal solution. During brief algal bloom events, CF should be implemented prior to UF to protect the membranes. A comparison between polymeric and ceramic UF membranes showed that ceramic membrane suffers from a stronger fouling but permits a better removal of DOC and particularly HMW compounds.
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Utilização de refugos de revestimentos cerâmicos (porcelanato e azulejo) em substituição à areia em argamassas cimentíciasPaixão, Cesar Alexandre Bratti January 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho visou avaliar a utilização de refugos de revestimentos cerâmicos em substituição da areia para confecção de argamassas cimentícias. Foram analisados dois resíduos, fornecidos pela mesma empresa, e provindo de quebra na produção de porcelanato esmaltado e de azulejo. Estes resíduos foram caracterizados quanto à sua distribuição granulométrica, composição química, mineralógica e comparados com a areia do Rio Jacuí, e incorporados em argamassas cimentíceas. Corpos-de-prova de 40x40x160mm3 foram moldados e submetidos a ensaios de resistência à tração na flexão, após 7, 28 e 63 dias de cura, enquanto que corpos-de-prova cilíndricos com 50 mm de diâmetro e 50mm de altura foram avaliados quanto às fases mineralógicas formadas por difração de raio-x, e quanto à resistência à compressão, absorção de água (após 28 dias), índices de vazios e massa específica. Os resultados mostram que, apesar do aumento da relação água/cimento, para que um mesmo espalhamento fosse mantido, a mistura utilizando resíduo apresenta um desempenho mecânico e físico igual ou mesmo superior em comparação às apresentadas pelas argamassas utilizando areia de rio. / The trend of using recycled materials is increasing. This fact is noted in several areas, but mainly in the construction industry. Therefore, it behooves researchers to identify and evaluate the potential use of waste mixtures of mortar and concrete. This study aims to evaluate the use of waste from the manufacture of floor and wall tiles, called grog, as a replacement for sand for making mortar. In this paper we analyzed two residues, supplied by the same company, and coming break in the production of porcelain and tile. These residues were physically characterized and compared with the sand of Rio Jacuí and evaluated in the form of mixing in cimentitious matrix. Specimens of 40x40x160 mm3 were cast and tested, the bending and compression at 7, 28 and 63 days of curing, while body-of-proof cylindrical 50 mm diameter and 50mm were evaluated for water absorption rates voids and density, after 28 days of healing, being held after the breakup of the specimens x-ray diffraction. The results show that, despite the increase of water cement ratio, so mechanical and physical performance in relation to river sand.
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Desenvolvimento do compósito magneto-dielétrico de Y3Fe5O12/CaTiO3 para uso em dispositivos que operem micro-ondas / Development of a magneto-dieletric composite based on Y3FE5O12/CATIO3 for microwaves devicesPaiva, Denis Valony Martins January 2014 (has links)
PAIVA, Denis Valony Martins. Desenvolvimento do compósito magneto-dielétrico de Y3Fe5O12/CaTiO3 para uso em dispositivos que operem micro-ondas. 2014. 66 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em química)- Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza-CE, 2014. / Submitted by Elineudson Ribeiro (elineudsonr@gmail.com) on 2016-10-04T17:44:08Z
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Previous issue date: 2014 / With the development of wireless technology, many electronic devices require high integration and materials with multifunctional properties. In such a case, magneto-dielectric composites have attracted much attention because they have both magnetic and dielectric properties. In this sense, research on composites is employed to search for new materials. The calcium titanate and yttrium iron garnet possess excellent dielectric properties and ferrimagnetic, respectively. This paper presents the preparation of ferrimagnetic composite, comprising the steps Y3Fe5O12 (YIG) and CaTiO3 (CTO) by the solid state synthetic route with the use of high energy mechanical grinding. The phases of the ceramics were sintered at 1200 ° C for 5 h. The X-ray diffraction, Raman and Mössbauer Spectroscopy were used to elucidade structural properties of the composites. The morphological characteristics of the samples were elucidated by Scanning Electron Microscopy and supported by Pycnometry to analyze the densification of the material. Furthermore, experiments to evaluate the electrical and magnetic behavior of composites in the range of radiofrequency and microwave were performed and finally an appropriate technological application was suggested. The results obtained by X-Ray Diffraction and Raman spectroscopy confirm that the synthesis of YIG was successfully obtained. The structural characterization of pure and composite samples was performed successfully and the formation of ionic phase in composites YIG-CTO was found, being in the same family of oxide in which the CTO is inserted. Qualitative analysis of the Mössbauer spectra showed good agreement with the results reported by x-ray diffraction. The dielectric permittivity composites showed almost constant in the range of 50 MHz to 1.5 GHz. Evaluating the increasing and decreasing in mass concentration of CTO and YIG, respectively and it was realized that the values of εr increased. Two profiles was noticed in the compositional series, it can be inferred that the possibility of the reaction of YIG and CTO products may be interfering with the proper measurements. / Com o desenvolvimento da tecnologia sem fio, muitos dispositivos eletrônicos exigem alta integração e que possuam propriedades multifuncionais. Em tal caso, compósitos magneto-dielétricos têm atraído muita atenção devido as suas propriedades. Nesse sentido, a pesquisa sobre compósitos é empregada para a busca de novos materiais. O titanato de cálcio (CaTiO3 - CTO) e a granada de ítrio e ferro (Y3Fe5O12 - YIG) possuem excelentes propriedades dielétricas e ferrimagnéticas, respectivamente. Este trabalho apresenta a obtenção do compósito ferrimagnético, constituído pelas fases YIG e CTO, através da rota sintética no estado sólido com a utilização de moagem mecânica de alta energia. As fases das cerâmicas foram sinterizadas a 1200ºC/5h. A Difração de Raios-X, a Espectroscopia Raman e Mössbauer foram essenciais para caracterização estrutural dos compósitos. A morfologia das amostras foi elucidada pela Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura e auxiliada pela Picnometria a fim de avaliar a densificação do material. Adicionalmente, foram realizados experimentos para se avaliar o comportamento elétrico e magnético dos compósitos na faixa de radiofrequência e de micro-ondas, para depois sugerir uma aplicação tecnológica cabível. Os resultados obtidos pela Difração de Raio X e da Espectroscopia Raman confirmaram que a síntese das fases foi realizada de forma satisfatória. As análises qualitativas dos espectros Mössbauer mostraram boa concordância com os resultados apresentados pela Difração de raios-x. Os compósitos apresentaram permissividade dielétrica praticamente constante na faixa de 50 MHz a 1,5 GHz. Ao analisar o aumento e a diminuição da concentração em massa de CTO e YIG, respectivamente, foi percebido que os valores de εr aumentaram. A partir dos valores obtidos, pode-se sugerir que o compósito sintetizado possui potencial para ser utilizado em dispositivos de micro-ondas, tais como para antenas monopolo.
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