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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exploring the Compositionality of German Particle Verbs

Rawein, Carina January 2018 (has links)
In this thesis we explore the compositionality of particle verbs using distributional similarity and pre-trained word embeddings. We investigate the compositionality of 100 pairs of particle verbs with their base verbs. The ranking of our findings are compared to a ranking of human ratings on compositionality. In our distributional approach we use features such as context window size, content words, and only use particle verbs with one word sense. We then compare the distributional approach to a ranking done with pre-trained word embeddings. While none of the results are statistically significant, it is shown that word embeddings are not automatically superior to the more traditional distributional approach.

Traduire les expressions figées de l’espagnol au français / Fixed expressions translation between Spanish and French

Haquin, Yohan 03 November 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objet d’analyser les stratégies de traduction des expressions figées de l’espagnol vers lefrançais. Pour ce faire, un corpus contrastif d’expressions figées a été constitué, permettant d’interrogerleurs propriétés – sémantiques, syntaxiques et pragmatiques – et d’aborder, tout en les discutant, desnotions fondamentales en phraséologie comme celles de figement, d’opacité ou de non-compositionnalité.Sont notamment introduites comme outils d’analyse sémantique les distinctions entre compositionnalitélexicale et compositionnalité globale d’une part, et entre scène lexicale et scène réelle, d’autre part.Dans un deuxième temps est présentée une typologie descriptive des opérations de traduction à l’oeuvredans le corpus, qui permet de disposer d’une vue d’ensemble des stratégies adoptées par les traducteurspour traduire les expressions sources recueillies tout en préparant la réflexion sur des questions commel’équivalence ou les méthodes de traduction des expressions figées. Cette typologie révèle la largeur et lagradualité du spectre de variation et de correspondance que l’on trouve parmi les expressions figées.La dernière partie est entièrement consacrée à la dimension traductologique des expressions figées. A partirdes travaux qui traitent de cette question, et du cadre théorique introduit antérieurement, elle interroge lanotion d’équivalence sur corpus afin d’en proposer une caractérisation plus précise. Une méthodologie de latraduction, qui fait de l’étude des expressions sources elles-mêmes le moyen de mieux cerner les difficultésliées à leur traduction – que celles-ci soient ou non spécifiques à l’objet étudié – est enfin proposée afin dedisposer de critères robustes et opérationnels pour traduire ces dernières de façon satisfaisante. / This thesis aims at analyzing Spanish to French translation strategies of fixed expressions. In thisperspective, we have gathered a contrastive corpus of fixed expressions in order to question their semantic,syntactic and pragmatic properties and to discuss phraseology’s fundamental notions such as fixation,opacity or non-compositionality. We also introduce semantic analysis tools : distinctions between lexicalcompositionality and global compositionality, on one hand, and between lexical scene and real scene, onanother hand.The second part of the study proposes a descriptive typology of translation operations observed in thecorpus offering a global view of the strategies adopted by the translators that allows reflection on questionssuch as the equivalence or methods in fixed expressions translation. This typology reveals the width and thegradualism of the variation and correspondence spectrum that we find among fixed expressions.After introducing the theoretical framework and the state of art in the previous chapters, the last part of thethesis is entirely dedicated to the translation dimension of fixed expressions. We examine here theconstrative corpus in order to question the notion of equivalence and to propose a more precisecharacterization of it. In order to have strong and operational criteria for an optimal translation, we propose atranslation methodology based on the study of the source expressions as a mean to identifying translationdifficulties whether they are specific or not of the object.

Onomatopoeic phrasal verbs : A corpus study of their meanings and usage in American English

Rydblom, Oskar January 2010 (has links)
<p>This study examines how the meanings of onomatopoeic phrasal verbs are created and in which register these verbs are most frequently used. Through the study of previous research on the subject qualities of onomatopoeia and phrasal verbs are identified. Based on this a framework for identifying phrasal verbs and categorizing the meanings of onomatopoeic verbs and particles was created. Using the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA), a study of concordance lines and frequency in different registers was carried out on 50 onomatopoeic phrasal verbs. These verbs were constructed from ten mono-syllabic onomatopoeic verbs and three opposite pairs of spatial adverbs. The study found that several metaphorical meanings of the onomatopoeic verbs examined were not listed in the Oxford English Dictionary (OED). The meanings of the particles were strongly linked to metaphorical structures.The conclusion of this study was that onomatopoeic verbs possess a flexibility that allows them to create a variety of different meanings. Furthermore, the types of meaning can be categorized after a pattern, although this pattern is often not found in the dictionary. The onomatopoeic phrasal verbs studied were most frequent in the fiction register, more so than other phrasal verbs. Understanding of the metaphorical nature of particles such as up and down is imperative to understand how the meaning of a phrasal verb is created. This should be taken into consideration when teaching English as a second language or creating a dictionary.</p>

Essays on semantic content and context-sensitivity

Yli-Vakkuri, Tuomo Juhani January 2012 (has links)
The thesis comprises three foundational studies on the topics named in its title, together with an introduction. Ch. 1 argues against a popular combination of views in the philosophy of language: Propositionality, which says that the semantic values of natural language sentences (relative to contexts) are the propositions they express (in those contexts) and Compositionality, which says that the semantic value of a complex expression of a natural language (in a context) is determined by the semantic values its immediate constituents have (in that same context) together with their syntactic mode of combination. Ch. 1 argues that the Naïve Picture is inconsistent with the presence of variable-binding in natural languages. Ch. 2 criticizes the strategy of using “operator arguments” to establish relativist conclusions such as: that the truth values of propositions vary with time (Time Relativism) or that they vary with location (Location Relativism). Operator arguments purport to derive the conclusion that propositions vary in truth value along some parameter P from the premise that there are, in some language, sentential operators that operate on or “shift” the P parameter. I identify two forms of operator argument, offer a reconstruction of each, and I argue that both they rely on an implausible, coarse-grained conception of propositions. Ch. 3 is an assessment of the prospects for semantic internalism. It argues, first, that to accommodate Putnam’s famous Twin Earth examples, an internalist must maintain that narrow semantic content determines different extensions relative to agents and times. Second, that the most thoroughly worked out version of semantic internalism – the epistemic two-dimensionalism (E2D) of David Chalmers – can accommodate the original Twin Earth thought experiments but is refuted by similar thought experiments that involve temporally or spatially symmetric agents.

Les effects et les handlers dans le langage naturel / Effects and handlers in natural language

Maršík, Jiří 09 December 2016 (has links)
Ces travaux s’intéressent à la modélisation formelle de la sémantique des langues naturelles. Pour cela, nous suivons le principe de compositionnalité qui veut que le sens d’une expression complexe soit une fonction du sens de ses parties. Ces fonctions sont généralement formalisées à l’aide du [lambda]-calcul. Cependant, ce principe est remis en cause par certains usages de la langue, comme les pronoms anaphoriques ou les présuppositions. Ceci oblige à soit abandonner la compositionalité, soit modifier les structures du sens. Dans le premier cas, le sens n’est alors plus obtenu par un calcul qui correspond à des fonctions mathématiques, mais par un calcul dépendant du contexte, ce qui le rapproche des langages de programmation qui manipulent leur contexte avec des effets de bord. Dans le deuxième cas, lorsque les structures de sens sont ajustées, les nouveaux sens ont tendance à avoir une structure de monade. Ces dernières sont elles-mêmes largement utilisées en programmation fonctionnelle pour coder des effets de bord, que nous retrouvons à nouveau. Par ailleurs, s’il est souvent possible de proposer le traitement d’un unique phénomène, composer plusieurs traitements s’avère être une tâche complexe. Nos travaux proposent d’utiliser les résultats récents autour des langages de programmation pour parvenir à combiner ces modélisations par les effets de bord. Pour cela, nous étendons le [lambda]-calcul avec une monade qui implémente les effects et les handlers, une technique récente dans l’étude des effets de bord. Dans la première partie de la thèse, nous démontrons les propriétés fondamentales de ce calcul (préservation de type, confluence et terminaison). Dans la seconde partie, nous montrons comment utiliser le calcul pour le traitement de plusieurs phénomènes linguistiques : deixis, quantification, implicature conventionnelle, anaphore et présupposition. Enfin, nous construisons une unique grammaire qui gère ces phénomènes et leurs interactions. / In formal semantics, researchers assign meanings to sentences of a natural language. This work is guided by the principle of compositionality: the meaning of an expression is a function of the meanings of its parts. These functions are often formalized using the [lambda]-calculus. However, there are areas of language which challenge the notion of compositionality, e.g. anaphoric pronouns or presupposition triggers. These force researchers to either abandon compositionality or adjust the structure of meanings. In the first case, meanings are derived by processes that no longer correspond to pure mathematical functions but rather to context-sensitive procedures, much like the functions of a programming language that manipulate their context with side effects. In the second case, when the structure of meanings is adjusted, the new meanings tend to be instances of the same mathematical structure, the monad. Monads themselves being widely used in functional programming to encode side effects, the common theme that emerges in both approaches is the introduction of side effects. Furthermore, different problems in semantics lead to different theories which are challenging to unite. Our thesis claims that by looking at these theories as theories of side effects, we can reuse results from programming language research to combine them.This thesis extends [lambda]-calculus with a monad of computations. The monad implements effects and handlers, a recent technique in the study of programming language side effects. In the first part of the thesis, we prove some of the fundamental properties of this calculus: subject reduction, confluence and termination. Then in the second part, we demonstrate how to use the calculus to implement treatments of several linguistic phenomena: deixis, quantification, conventional implicature, anaphora and presupposition. In the end, we build a grammar that features all of these phenomena and their interactions.

A relação entre gênero e morfologia avaliativa nos nominais do português brasileiro: uma abordagem sintática da formação de palavras / The relation between gender and evaluative morphology in Brazilian Portuguese nominals: a syntactic approach to word formation

Armelin, Paula Roberta Gabbai 06 April 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho se insere no âmbito dos estudos a respeito da formação de palavras e pretende analisar a estrutura morfossintática de diminutivos e aumentativos do português brasileiro construídos com os formadores -inh/-zinh e -ã/-zã, respectivamente. Mais especificamente, o recorte empírico feito na tese pode ser dividido em duas grandes linhas: uma que aborda a interação entre as marcas de diminutivo e de aumentativo com as marcas de gênero/classe nominal e outra que contempla a (im)possibilidade de que as formações diminutivas e aumentativas sejam não-composicionalmente interpretadas. Para tanto, reanalisamos o estatuto das noções de gênero e classe nominal, propondo que elas ocupam a mesma posição na estrutura sintática. Tal posição é identificada como uma projeção de gênero, que é parte da projeção estendida do nome. Os formadores de diminutivo e aumentativo são analisados com base nas relações que estabelecem com esse núcleo sintático de gênero. A hipótese de base é a de que nuances na relação entre os formadores avaliativos e o núcleo de gênero revelam aspectos significantes da posição estrutural ocupada por cada um deles. Em linhas gerais, propomos que o diminutivo -inh se diferencia dos outros formadores por compartilhar com a raiz o mesmo núcleo de gênero. Essa estrutura é capaz de dar conta, entre outros fatos empíricos, da possibilidade de que a vogal final da forma diminutiva seja idêntica à vogal final da forma não-diminutiva, ainda que tal vogal seja condicionada pela raiz. Por outro lado, a vogal final que completa o aumentativo -ã reflete os padrões gerais da língua, independentemente da raiz presente na derivação. Tomamos esse fato como evidência de que o aumentativo e a raiz possuem núcleos independentes de gênero. No que diz respeito às construções aumentativas e diminutivas encabeçadas pela consoante -z, a presença de núcleos de gênero independentes na estrutura sintática é ainda mais clara, uma vez que tanto a vogal que completa a raiz, como a vogal que completa as formas -zinh e -zã são fonologicamente realizadas. Assim como no caso das formações com -ã, a vogal que completa os formadores de grau encabeçados por -z é completamente independente da raiz que participa da formação, seguindo o padrão mais geral da língua. Esses fatores fazem a análise do aumentativo -ã e a análise das formas encabeçadas por -z bastante similares uma à outra: tais formas possuem, em sua estrutura sintática, um núcleo de gênero que é independente daquele que categoriza a raiz. No entanto, há diferenças no comportamento dessas formas que acabam por separar de um lado o aumentativo -ã e, de outro, as formas -zinh e -zã. Propomos que tais diferenças são derivadas do fato de o primeiro formador se anexar abaixo do núcleo de número, enquanto os dois últimos entram na estrutura depois que ela já possui um núcleo de número. Por fim, dentro de uma visão localista de gramática, em que a atribuição de significado não-composicional deverá ser licenciada dentro de domínios bem definidos, discutimos a composicionalidade das formações partir das posições sintáticas atribuídas a cada um dos formadores em questão. / This work is inserted within the scope of the studies that investigate word formation, and aims to analyze the morphosyntactic structure of diminutives and augmentatives in Brazilian Portuguese built with the formatives -inh/-zinh, and -ã/-za, respectively. More specifically, the empirical path of this thesis can be divided into two main lines: one that addresses the interaction of diminutive and augmentative with the notions of gender/noun classes, and one that addresses the (im)possibility of a non-compositional interpretation being attributed to the structure. In order to do so, it was necessary to review the status of notions like gender and noun class in the grammar, and the formal representation attributed to them. I propose that gender and noun class occupy the very same position in the syntactic structure. This position is identified as a gender projection, which is part of the extended projection of the noun. Diminutive and augmentative markers are, then, analyzed based on the relations they establish with the syntactic gender head. The underlying hypothesis is that differences in the relation established between the evaluative formatives and the gender head reveal important aspects of the structural position that hosts each of them. More specifically, I propose that the diminutive -inh differs from other formatives, because it shares with the root the same gender head. In this sense, -inh is attached to the same gender projection responsible for categorizing the root. This structure is capable of accounting, among other empirical facts, for the possibility that the final vowel of diminutive and nondiminutive forms is identical, even if it is a root-conditioned element. On the other hand, the final vowel that completes -ã augmentatives always reflects the general gender pattern of the language, quite independently of the root. I take this as evidence that, unlike the diminutive, the augmentative and the root have independent gender heads. Thus, the syntactic structure proposed for the augmentative formation has two gender heads: one that attaches to the root, and another one that attaches directly to the augmentative. The distance between the root and the gender head that follows the augmentative is responsible for the default phonological realization of the final vowel of the augmentative. In the same sense, in the diminutive and augmentative formations built with -zinh and -zã, the presence of two independent gender heads is even clearer, since they can be phonologically identified in the output form. It is proposed, then, that, just as in is the case of the -ã forms, the vowel completing -zinh and -zã occupies a gender head that is independent from the one that categorizes the root. Differences in the behavior of these forms point to a split between -ã on one side, and -zinh/-zã on the other. We propose that these differences are derived from the fact that while -ã attaches below a number head, -zinh/-zã, on the other hand, attaches above a number head. Finally, within a localist view of grammar, in which the licensing of noncompositional meaning must be conditioned by local domains of syntactic structure, the possibility and impossibility of non-compositional interpretation being attributed to diminutive and augmentative formations is derived from the syntactic positions assigned to each of the formatives.

A relação entre gênero e morfologia avaliativa nos nominais do português brasileiro: uma abordagem sintática da formação de palavras / The relation between gender and evaluative morphology in Brazilian Portuguese nominals: a syntactic approach to word formation

Paula Roberta Gabbai Armelin 06 April 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho se insere no âmbito dos estudos a respeito da formação de palavras e pretende analisar a estrutura morfossintática de diminutivos e aumentativos do português brasileiro construídos com os formadores -inh/-zinh e -ã/-zã, respectivamente. Mais especificamente, o recorte empírico feito na tese pode ser dividido em duas grandes linhas: uma que aborda a interação entre as marcas de diminutivo e de aumentativo com as marcas de gênero/classe nominal e outra que contempla a (im)possibilidade de que as formações diminutivas e aumentativas sejam não-composicionalmente interpretadas. Para tanto, reanalisamos o estatuto das noções de gênero e classe nominal, propondo que elas ocupam a mesma posição na estrutura sintática. Tal posição é identificada como uma projeção de gênero, que é parte da projeção estendida do nome. Os formadores de diminutivo e aumentativo são analisados com base nas relações que estabelecem com esse núcleo sintático de gênero. A hipótese de base é a de que nuances na relação entre os formadores avaliativos e o núcleo de gênero revelam aspectos significantes da posição estrutural ocupada por cada um deles. Em linhas gerais, propomos que o diminutivo -inh se diferencia dos outros formadores por compartilhar com a raiz o mesmo núcleo de gênero. Essa estrutura é capaz de dar conta, entre outros fatos empíricos, da possibilidade de que a vogal final da forma diminutiva seja idêntica à vogal final da forma não-diminutiva, ainda que tal vogal seja condicionada pela raiz. Por outro lado, a vogal final que completa o aumentativo -ã reflete os padrões gerais da língua, independentemente da raiz presente na derivação. Tomamos esse fato como evidência de que o aumentativo e a raiz possuem núcleos independentes de gênero. No que diz respeito às construções aumentativas e diminutivas encabeçadas pela consoante -z, a presença de núcleos de gênero independentes na estrutura sintática é ainda mais clara, uma vez que tanto a vogal que completa a raiz, como a vogal que completa as formas -zinh e -zã são fonologicamente realizadas. Assim como no caso das formações com -ã, a vogal que completa os formadores de grau encabeçados por -z é completamente independente da raiz que participa da formação, seguindo o padrão mais geral da língua. Esses fatores fazem a análise do aumentativo -ã e a análise das formas encabeçadas por -z bastante similares uma à outra: tais formas possuem, em sua estrutura sintática, um núcleo de gênero que é independente daquele que categoriza a raiz. No entanto, há diferenças no comportamento dessas formas que acabam por separar de um lado o aumentativo -ã e, de outro, as formas -zinh e -zã. Propomos que tais diferenças são derivadas do fato de o primeiro formador se anexar abaixo do núcleo de número, enquanto os dois últimos entram na estrutura depois que ela já possui um núcleo de número. Por fim, dentro de uma visão localista de gramática, em que a atribuição de significado não-composicional deverá ser licenciada dentro de domínios bem definidos, discutimos a composicionalidade das formações partir das posições sintáticas atribuídas a cada um dos formadores em questão. / This work is inserted within the scope of the studies that investigate word formation, and aims to analyze the morphosyntactic structure of diminutives and augmentatives in Brazilian Portuguese built with the formatives -inh/-zinh, and -ã/-za, respectively. More specifically, the empirical path of this thesis can be divided into two main lines: one that addresses the interaction of diminutive and augmentative with the notions of gender/noun classes, and one that addresses the (im)possibility of a non-compositional interpretation being attributed to the structure. In order to do so, it was necessary to review the status of notions like gender and noun class in the grammar, and the formal representation attributed to them. I propose that gender and noun class occupy the very same position in the syntactic structure. This position is identified as a gender projection, which is part of the extended projection of the noun. Diminutive and augmentative markers are, then, analyzed based on the relations they establish with the syntactic gender head. The underlying hypothesis is that differences in the relation established between the evaluative formatives and the gender head reveal important aspects of the structural position that hosts each of them. More specifically, I propose that the diminutive -inh differs from other formatives, because it shares with the root the same gender head. In this sense, -inh is attached to the same gender projection responsible for categorizing the root. This structure is capable of accounting, among other empirical facts, for the possibility that the final vowel of diminutive and nondiminutive forms is identical, even if it is a root-conditioned element. On the other hand, the final vowel that completes -ã augmentatives always reflects the general gender pattern of the language, quite independently of the root. I take this as evidence that, unlike the diminutive, the augmentative and the root have independent gender heads. Thus, the syntactic structure proposed for the augmentative formation has two gender heads: one that attaches to the root, and another one that attaches directly to the augmentative. The distance between the root and the gender head that follows the augmentative is responsible for the default phonological realization of the final vowel of the augmentative. In the same sense, in the diminutive and augmentative formations built with -zinh and -zã, the presence of two independent gender heads is even clearer, since they can be phonologically identified in the output form. It is proposed, then, that, just as in is the case of the -ã forms, the vowel completing -zinh and -zã occupies a gender head that is independent from the one that categorizes the root. Differences in the behavior of these forms point to a split between -ã on one side, and -zinh/-zã on the other. We propose that these differences are derived from the fact that while -ã attaches below a number head, -zinh/-zã, on the other hand, attaches above a number head. Finally, within a localist view of grammar, in which the licensing of noncompositional meaning must be conditioned by local domains of syntactic structure, the possibility and impossibility of non-compositional interpretation being attributed to diminutive and augmentative formations is derived from the syntactic positions assigned to each of the formatives.

Onomatopoeic phrasal verbs : A corpus study of their meanings and usage in American English

Rydblom, Oskar January 2010 (has links)
This study examines how the meanings of onomatopoeic phrasal verbs are created and in which register these verbs are most frequently used. Through the study of previous research on the subject qualities of onomatopoeia and phrasal verbs are identified. Based on this a framework for identifying phrasal verbs and categorizing the meanings of onomatopoeic verbs and particles was created. Using the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA), a study of concordance lines and frequency in different registers was carried out on 50 onomatopoeic phrasal verbs. These verbs were constructed from ten mono-syllabic onomatopoeic verbs and three opposite pairs of spatial adverbs. The study found that several metaphorical meanings of the onomatopoeic verbs examined were not listed in the Oxford English Dictionary (OED). The meanings of the particles were strongly linked to metaphorical structures.The conclusion of this study was that onomatopoeic verbs possess a flexibility that allows them to create a variety of different meanings. Furthermore, the types of meaning can be categorized after a pattern, although this pattern is often not found in the dictionary. The onomatopoeic phrasal verbs studied were most frequent in the fiction register, more so than other phrasal verbs. Understanding of the metaphorical nature of particles such as up and down is imperative to understand how the meaning of a phrasal verb is created. This should be taken into consideration when teaching English as a second language or creating a dictionary.

A stylistic analysis of 2pac Shakur's rap lyrics: In the perpspective of Paul Grice's theory of implicature

Campbell, Christopher Darnell 01 January 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Emergence of language-like latents in deep neural networks

Lu, Yuchen 05 1900 (has links)
L'émergence du langage est considérée comme l'une des marques de l'intelligence humaine. Par conséquent, nous émettons l'hypothèse que l'émergence de latences ou de représentations similaires au langage dans un système d'apprentissage profond pourrait aider les modèles à obtenir une meilleure généralisation compositionnelle et hors distribution. Dans cette thèse, nous présentons une série d'articles qui explorent cette hypothèse dans différents domaines, notamment l'apprentissage interactif du langage, l'apprentissage par imitation et la vision par ordinateur. / The emergence of language is regarded as one of the hallmarks of human intelligence. Therefore, we hypothesize that the emergence of language-like latents or representations in a deep learning system could help models achieve better compositional and out-of-distribution generalization. In this thesis, we present a series of papers that explores this hypothesis in different fields including interactive language learning, imitation learning and computer vision.

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