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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mathematical modelling of blood spatter with optimization and other numerical methods / Anetta van der Walt

Van der Walt, Anetta January 2014 (has links)
The current methods used by forensic experts to analyse blood spatter neglects the influence of gravitation and drag on the trajectory of the droplet. This research attempts to suggest a more accurate method to determine the trajectory of a blood droplet using multi-target tracking. The multi-target tracking problem can be rewritten as a linear programming problem and solved by means of optimization and numerical methods. A literature survey is presented on relevant articles on blood spatter analysis and multi-target tracking. In contrast to a more advanced approach that assumes a background in probability, mathematical modelling and forensic science, this dissertation aims to give a comprehensive mathematical exposition of particle tracking. The tracking of multi-targets, through multi-target tracking, is investigated. The dynamic programming methods to solve the multi-target tracking are coded in the MATLAB programming language. Results are obtained for different scenarios and option inputs. Research strategies include studying documents, articles, journal entries and books. / MSc (Applied Mathematics), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Tone realisation for speech synthesis of Yorùbá / Daniel Rudolph van Niekerk

Van Niekerk, Daniel Rudolph January 2014 (has links)
Speech technologies such as text-to-speech synthesis (TTS) and automatic speech recognition (ASR) have recently generated much interest in the developed world as a user-interface medium to smartphones [1, 2]. However, it is also recognised that these technologies may potentially have a positive impact on the lives of those in the developing world, especially in Africa, by presenting an important medium for access to information where illiteracy and a lack of infrastructure play a limiting role [3, 4, 5, 6]. While these technologies continually experience important advances that keep extending their applicability to new and under-resourced languages, one particular area in need of further development is speech synthesis of African tone languages [7, 8]. The main objective of this work is acoustic modelling and synthesis of tone for an African tone,language: Yorùbá. We present an empirical investigation to establish the acoustic properties of tone in Yorùbá, and to evaluate resulting models integrated into a Hidden Markov model-based (HMMbased) TTS system. We show that in Yorùbá, which is considered a register tone language, the realisation of tone is not solely determined by pitch levels, but also inter-syllable and intra-syllable pitch dynamics. Furthermore, our experimental results indicate that utterance-wide pitch patterns are not only a result of cumulative local pitch changes (terracing), but do contain a significant gradual declination component. Lastly, models based on inter- and intra-syllable pitch dynamics using underlying linear pitch targets are shown to be relatively efficient and perceptually preferable to the current standard approach in statistical parametric speech synthesis employing HMM pitch models based on context-dependent phones. These findings support the applicability of the proposed models in under-resourced conditions. / PhD (Information Technology), North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2014

A toolkit for analysis of gene editing and off-target effects of engineered nucleases

Fine, Eli Jacob 27 May 2016 (has links)
Several tools were developed to help researchers facilitate clinical translation of the use of engineered nucleases towards their disease gene of interest. Two major issues addressed were the inability to accurately predict nuclease off-target sites by user-friendly \textit{in silico} methods and the lack of a high-throughput, sensitive measurement of gene editing activity at endogenous loci. These objectives were accomplished by the completion of the following specific aims. An online search interface to allow exhaustive searching of a genome for potential nuclease off-target sites was implemented. Previously discovered off-target sites were collated and ranking algorithms developed that preferentially score validated off-target sites higher than other predictions. HEK-293T cells transfected with newly developed TALENs and ZFNs targeting the beta-globin gene were analyzed at the off-target sites predicted by the tool. Many samples of genomic DNA from cells treated with different ZFNs and TALENs were analyzed for off-target effects to generate a greatly expanded training set of bona fide off-target sites. Modifications to the off-target prediction algorithm parameters were evaluated for improvement through Precision-Recall analysis and several other metrics. An analysis pipeline was developed to process SMRT reads to simultaneously measure the rates of different DNA repair mechanisms by directly examining the DNA sequences. K562 cells were transfected with different types of nucleases and donor repair templates in order to optimize conditions for repairing the beta-globin gene. This work will have significant impact on future studies as the methods developed herein allow other laboratories to optimize nuclease-based therapies for single gene disorders.

Pattern-theoretic automatic target recognition for infrared and laser radar data

Dixon, Jason Herbert 07 January 2016 (has links)
Pattern theory, a mathematical framework for representing knowledge of complex patterns developed by applied mathematician Ulf Grenander, has been shown to have potential uses in automatic target recognition (ATR). Prior research performed in the mid-1990s at Washington University in St. Louis resulted in ATR algorithms based on concepts in pattern theory for forward-looking infrared (FLIR) and laser radar (LADAR) imagery, but additional work was needed to create algorithms that could be implemented in real ATR systems. This was due to performance barriers and a lack of calibration between target models and real data. This work addresses some of these issues by exploring techniques that can be used to create practical pattern-theoretic ATR algorithms. This dissertation starts by reviewing the previous pattern-theoretic ATR research described above and discussing new results involving the unification of two previously separate outcomes of that research: multi-target detection/recognition and thermal state estimation in FLIR imagery. To improve the overall utility of pattern-theoretic ATR, the following areas are re-examined: 1) generalized diffusion processes to update target pose estimates and 2) the calibration of thermal models with FLIR target data. The final section of this dissertation analyzes the fundamental accuracy limits of target pose estimation under different sensor conditions, independent of the target detection/recognition algorithm employed. The Cramér-Rao lower bound (CRLB) is used to determine these accuracy limits.

Evolutionary consumers an investigation into the ethical implications of marketing to children

Van den Berg, Marinus 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: When it comes to getting people to spend money on consumer goods, Madison Avenue have trust in the power of a whining child. The very young are more and more becoming the target of the advertising industry. As more and more companies are turning to child psychologists to help fine tune their messages, some specialists in child development are disturbed by the trend. As marketers are pitching to younger audiences, the question arises if children are being robbed of their innocence and childhood. Children are very naïve about advertising and can easily be manipulated and exploited. The general belief in the industry is that marketers can shape these children into lifelong customers with brand loyalties. Estimates have shown that children's aggregate spending has roughly doubled during the 1960's, 1970's, 1980's and almost tripled in the 1990's (Zoll, 2000). Why is this the case? What are the big corporations really up to: recruiting children to promote products on the playground, acting as their friends on social networks, repackaging junk food as a new health alternative and blurring the lines between what is advertising and what is not. Marketing that targets children are virtually everywhere - television, the internet, the playground and even the classroom. Product placements and other innovations have introduced more subtle ways of conveying their message. All this have created "commercialised children". The debate regarding the ethics of marketing to children is not a new development. Over the last three decades there were some fundamental questions asked about the fairness of marketing to children. Most of these questions are still unresolved. As the consumers started to understand their rights better over the last few years, this debate has started to move to the fore. While parents at home are struggling to set limits, marketing executives are working just as hard to undermine these efforts with irresistible offers. We need ask ourselves if too much marketing leads to unhappy families or will all these products lead to a more happy life. Because of the difficulty of gaining access to the child as a research subject, for the purpose of this thesis the focus was on secondary data available. This thesis is therefore a work of investigation, bringing research together from studies conducted in the United States of America, Canada, the United Kingdom and other European countries. The starting point was to gain knowledge of the cognitive development of a child. Using the work of Piaget as a basis and working with the developmental blind sports developed by Acuff and Reiher, vulnerabilities where identified for each of the developmental stages. Studies where then conducted into how the marketing industry targets each of those groupings and the products sold to them. In the end the products can be classified as: Inherently dangerous, safe and neutral. The classification of these products is an important aspect of the moral value of the companies selling them. It was necessary to look at the current legislation that is protecting the child and how the industry is finding their way around these. Finally, an ethical framework was designed that was used to look at the marketing industry's actions in each of the developmental phases and the products they sell. Because this thesis looks at the development of the child and the way that marketers target the child by focusing on the developmental blind spots, the feminine is also included when the masculine is used unless specifically stated that there is an important difference. In the end, it is clear that it is the ones who are in the daily "trenches" of homes everywhere who are under the most pressure. It is the parents and caretakers who are purposefully trying to design a healthy and enriching environment for their kids to grow up in who needs to be applauded. They are encouraging these children to have the courage to say no to the negative influences of materialism and irresponsible marketing. Although legislation does exist, it is in most cases not nearly strong enough to have a significant impact. In most cases the industry is left to regulate itself and the flow of money has the strongest pull. All over the world, parents are starting to form a united front against the irresponsible marketers and are forcing new laws and legislation to be implemented to help regulate the industry better. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Wanneer dit kom by die motivering vir mense om geld uit te gee op verbruiksgoedere, het Madison Avenue baie vertroue in die krag van 'n kermende kind. Die jong kind word al meer en meer geteiken deur die advertensie industrie. Meer en meer ondernemings gaan na kindersielkundiges toe om hulle te help om hul boodskap te verfyn. Sommige spesialiste in die ontwikkeling van die kind is baie bekommerd oor hierdie tendens. Soos wat bemarkers al meer na jonger markte neig, het die vraag begin ontstaan of hulle nie besig is om die jeug te beroof van hul onskuld nie. Sover dit die bemarkingsboodskap aangaan, is kinders baie naïef en kan hulle maklik gemanipuleer en uitgebuit word. Die algemene gevoel in die industrie is dat bemarkers hierdie kinders kan omskep in lewenslange kliënte deur gebruik te maak van handelsmerk lojalitiet. Skattings toon dat die kinders se gemiddelde spandering rofweg verdubbel het gedurende die 1960's 1970 en 1980's en amper verdriedubbel het in die 1990's (Zoll, 2000). Die vraag is nou, waarom is dit die geval? Waarmee is die groot maatskappye werklik besig wanneer hulle kinders werf om hul produkte op die speelgronde te bemark, of voorgee dat hulle vriende is op die sosiale netwerke, of kitskos herverpak asof dit gesond is en die lyne tussen realiteit en advertensie laat verdof. Bemaring wat kinders teiken kom amper orals voor - televisie, die internet, die speelgrond en selfs in die klas. Die plasing van produkte en ander innoverings maak die oordra van die boodskap baie meer subtiel. Dit alles is besig om 'n gekommersialiseerde kind te skep. Die debat oor die etiek van bemarking na kinders is nie 'n nuwe ontwikkeling nie. Oor die laaste drie dekades was daar reeds fundamentele vrae gevra oor die regverdigheid van bemarking na kinders toe. Die meeste van die vrae is steeds onbeantwoord. Soos wat verbruikers hulle regte oor die laaste paar jaar beter begin verstaan het, het dit die debat opnuut na die voorgrond gebring. Terwyl ouers tuis sukkel om grense te bepaal, werk die bemarkingsbestuurders net so hard daaraan om hierdie reëls te ondermyn met baie aantreklike en onweerstaanbare aanbiedings. Dit gee aanleiding tot die vraag vra of te veel bemarking kan aanleiding gee tot ongelukkige gesinne en of al hierdie produkte werklik sal lei tot 'n beter lewe. As gevolg van die beperkinge op die toegang tot kinders in navorsing, is daar vir die doel van die tesis gebruik gemaak van sekondêre data bronne. Die tesis is dus 'n ondersoek na bestaande navorsing gedoen in die Verenigde State van Amerika, Kanada, die Verenigde Koninkryke en ander Europese lande. Die begin punt van die studie was om kennis op te bou oor die kognitiewe ontwikkeling van 'n kind. Deur die werk van Piaget te gebruik en te werk met die ontwikkelingsblindekolle wat ontwikkel is deur Acuff en Reiher, is kwesbare areas geïdentifiseer vir elke stadium van die ontwikkelingsproses. 'n Studie is gedoen om te bepaal hoe die bemarkingsindustrie elk van hierdie groepe teiken en watter tipe produkte op elke vlak verkoop word. Die produkte is in drie kategorieë geklasifiseer: gevaarlik, veilig en neutraal. Die klassifikasie van die produkte is 'n belangrike aspek in die morele waarde van die onderneming wat dit verkoop. Dit was ook nodig om na die huidige wetgewing te kyk wat die kind beskerm en hoe die industrie rondom hierdie wette beweeg. Laastens is 'n etiese raamwerk opgestel waarteen die bemarkingsindustrie se aksies in elke ontwikkelingsfase gemeet word. Omdat hierdie tesis fokus op die kind en die wyse wat bemarkers die kind teiken deur te fokus op die ontwikkelingsblindekolle word die vroulik ingesluit elke keer waneer die manlike aanspreek vorm gebruik word, tensy daar spesifiek verwys na die feit dat daar 'n verskil is in die optrede. Op die uiteinde is dit duidelik dat die wat in die loopgrawe op die tuisfront is, is die wat onder die meeste druk verkeer. Dit is die ouers en die versorgers wat doelbewus probeer om 'n gesonde en verreikende omgewing te skep vir die kinders wat lof en waardeering verdien. Dit is hulle wat poog om die kinders te ondersteun en aan te moedig om nee te se vir die negatiewe invloede afkomstig van die materialistiese en onverantwoordelike bemarking. Alhoewel wetgewing wel bestaan, het dit in die meeste gevalle nie 'n sterk genoeg impak om die kind se belange te besterm nie. In die meeste gevalle is die industrie ook oorgelewer aan self-regulering en het die vloei van geld die sterkste aantrekking. Reg oor die wêreld is ouers besig om saam te staan teen die onverantwoordelike bemarkers en begin hulle druk uitoefen om die huidige wetgewing te verander en nuwe wette ingestel te kry om die industrie beter te reguleer.

High power LDMOS L-band radar amplifiers

McIver, Stuart Roderick Arthur 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Electrical and Electronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The thesis details the design, construction and experimental evaluation of 30W, 35W and 250W L-Band LDMOS Radar amplifiers. Each amplifier module contains an integrated high speed power supply in order to optimize RF pulse repeatability and to improve radar MTI factor (Moving Target Indication.) As part of the work, a pulsed RF measurement system for measuring the dynamic I-V curves of a power FET was developed. Work was also done on low impedance S-parameter measurement test fixtures for the characterisation of power FETs. These measurement systems generated design information which was used in the development of the L-Band power amplifiers / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis beskryf die ontwerp, bou en experimentele evaluering van „n 30W, 35W en 250W L-band LDMOS radarversterker. Elke versterker bevat ook „n geintegreerde hoë-spoed kragbron om optimum RF pulsherhaalbaarheid te verseker en die radar se „MTI (Moving Target Indication)‟ te verbeter. „n RF-pulsmetingstelsel is ook ontwikkel om die dinamiese I-V kurwes van „n hoë-krag FET te meet. Verder is daar ook gewerk aan „n toetsopstelling vir lae-impedansie S-parameters om hoë-krag FETs te karakteriseer. Hierdie toetsopstelling is gebruik om ontwerpsdata te genereer wat gebruik is in die ontwerp van die L-band kragversterkers.


Wehenkel, Marie V. 01 January 2011 (has links)
β1i is a major catalytic subunit of the immunoproteasome, an alternative form of the constitutive proteasome, and its upregulation has been demonstrated in a variety of disease states including cancer. Our lab has developed a small molecule inhibitor of β1i, dubbed UK-101. While UK-101 causes apoptosis in cancer cell lines, it was not clear whether this apoptotic effect was directly mediated by its irreversible inhibition of β1i. Since off-target effects are major roadblocks for the development of new and effective pharmaceuticals, target validation studies in this system would assist in the further progression of β1i inhibitors towards preclinical trials. Our hypothesis was that the expression and catalytic activity of β1i is important for the growth and proliferation of the PC-3 prostate cancer cell line, therefore the apoptotic effect seen upon treatment of PC-3 cells with UK-101 was due solely to its covalent inhibition of β1i. To test this hypothesis, a number of complementary approaches were used. The expression of β1i in PC-3 cells was increased by the treatment of these cells with interferon-gamma or tumor necrosis factor-alpha, natural inducers of the immunoproteasome. The expression of β1i in PC-3 cells was decreased using small interfering RNA or short hairpin RNA, in a transient or stable manner, respectively. All of these cells were then treated with UK-101. The efficacy of UK-101 decreased in the interferon-gamma treated cells but did not change in any other the other cell lines, suggesting that UK-101 was not specific for β1i. This was confirmed using a molecular probe of the proteasome and demonstrated that UK-101 bound to other proteasome catalytic subunits. Additional experiments were performed to determine the effect of β1i on the proliferation of PC-3 cells. Simply removing the β1i using small interfering RNA reduces the viability of these cells. Other studies demonstrated that a mutation of β1i which inhibited its catalytic activity reduced the viability of cells when compared to those containing the wild type protein. Overall, our data indicate that β1i is a potential therapeutic target in prostate cancer. Further medicinal chemistry efforts will be required develop UK-101 into a truly selective proteasome inhibitor.

Age Differences in the Impact of Emotional Cues on Subsequent Target Detection

Coffey, Brandon Wade 01 July 2015 (has links)
Emotional cues within the environment capture our attention and influence how we perceive our surroundings. Past research has shown that emotional cues presented before the detection of a perceptual gap can actually impair the perception of elementary visual features (e.g., the lack of detail creating a spatial gap) while simultaneously improving the perception of fast temporal features of vision (e.g., the rapid onset, offset, and re-emergence of a stimulus). This effect has been attributed to amygdalar enhancements of visual inputs conveying emotional features along magnocellular channels. The current study compared participants’ ability to detect spatial and temporal gaps in simple stimuli (a Landolt Circle) after first being exposed to a facial cue in the periphery. The study was an attempt to replicate past research using younger adult samples while also extending these findings to an older adult sample. Unlike younger adults, older adults generally display an attentional bias toward positive instead of negative emotional facial expressions. It is not clear if this positivity bias is strictly driven by cognitive control processes or if there is a change in the human visual system with age that reduces the amplification of negative emotive expressions by the amygdala. The current study used psychophysical data to determine if the rapid presentation of an emotional cue and subsequent perceptual target to older adults leads to the same benefit to temporal vision evinced by younger adults or if amygdalocortical enhancements to perception degrade with age. The current study was only able to partly replicate findings from past research. The negative facial cues that were presented in the periphery did not lead to an enhancement in temporal gap detection for the younger adult sample nor a reduction in spatial gap detection. In fact, the opposite was found. Younger adults’ spatial gap detection benefited from the negative emotional cues. The negative and neutral emotional cues had no effect on the older adult sample. The older adults’ performance on both gap detection tasks was not impacted by the emotional cues

Information Acquisition in Data Fusion Systems

Johansson, Ronnie January 2003 (has links)
<p>By purposefully utilising sensors, for instance by a datafusion system, the state of some system-relevant environmentmight be adequately assessed to support decision-making. Theever increasing access to sensors o.ers great opportunities,but alsoincurs grave challenges. As a result of managingmultiple sensors one can, e.g., expect to achieve a morecomprehensive, resolved, certain and more frequently updatedassessment of the environment than would be possible otherwise.Challenges include data association, treatment of con.ictinginformation and strategies for sensor coordination.</p><p>We use the term information acquisition to denote the skillof a data fusion system to actively acquire information. Theaim of this thesis is to instructively situate that skill in ageneral context, explore and classify related research, andhighlight key issues and possible future work. It is our hopethat this thesis will facilitate communication, understandingand future e.orts for information acquisition.</p><p>The previously mentioned trend towards utilisation of largesets of sensors makes us especially interested in large-scaleinformation acquisition, i.e., acquisition using many andpossibly spatially distributed and heterogeneous sensors.</p><p>Information acquisition is a general concept that emerges inmany di.erent .elds of research. In this thesis, we surveyliterature from, e.g., agent theory, robotics and sensormanagement. We, furthermore, suggest a taxonomy of theliterature that highlights relevant aspects of informationacquisition.</p><p>We describe a function, perception management (akin tosensor management), which realizes information acquisition inthe data fusion process and pertinent properties of itsexternal stimuli, sensing resources, and systemenvironment.</p><p>An example of perception management is also presented. Thetask is that of managing a set of mobile sensors that jointlytrack some mobile targets. The game theoretic algorithmsuggested for distributing the targets among the sensors proveto be more robust to sensor failure than a measurement accuracyoptimal reference algorithm.</p><p><b>Keywords:</b>information acquisition, sensor management,resource management, information fusion, data fusion,perception management, game theory, target tracking</p>

Hur får du en student att lyssna? : - En studie av Academic Works kommunikation mot studenter

Hansson, Fredrik January 2008 (has links)
<p>ABSTRACT</p><p>Title: How do you get the students to listen? – A study of Academic Works communication towards students (Hur får du en student att lyssna? – En studie av Academic Works kommunikation mot studenter)</p><p>Number of pages: 38 (41 including enclosures)</p><p>Author: Fredrik Hansson</p><p>Tutor: Peder Hård af Segerstad</p><p>Course: Media and Communication studies C</p><p>Period: Autumn 2007</p><p>University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University.</p><p>Aim: The purpose of this paper is to study the strategies involved in the communication process between an organisation and its target audience. The study also aims to examine the company Academic Work and its communication efforts towards the targeted audience students.</p><p>Method/Material: In order to examine the aim above, interviews were made with two persons involved in the communication of Academic Work. In addition to the interviews, a questionnaire was carried out at campus Ekonomikum, Uppsala University.</p><p>Main results: The main result can be summarized as:</p><p>· Academic Works communications have a lot of resemblance with the papers presented theory.</p><p>· Events and direct meetings is the communication effort by Academic Work that has the biggest impact on student’s awareness and knowledge of the company.</p><p>· A large majority of the students at campus Ekonomikum at Uppsala University are interested in working part-time and are aware of Academic Work. Despite this, only a few percents of the students participating in the questionnaire are working or have ever worked for Academic Work.</p><p>Keywords: Communication, students, Academic Work, target audience, strategies, message, media channel.</p>

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