Spelling suggestions: "subject:"academic work"" "subject:"academic york""
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Teacher identity in uinversity classrooms: Reflexivity and professional learning.J.Pearce@murdoch.edu.au, Jane Pearce January 2005 (has links)
Many academics become teachers without the help of formal professional learning. This study explores how a small group of academics have done this. The research aims to uncover the informal, experiential means whereby participants have constructed the knowledge about teaching and learning that underpins their pedagogies. The research begins with the assumption that three key elements play a major role in supporting academics informal learning about teaching. These are a persons previous experiences of learning, their experience of being part of a particular academic environment and their personal or private theories about teaching and learning, which are experientially based.
Life narratives were collected from a small group of university teachers who participated in qualitative interviews and provided written evidence of their experiences, practices and philosophies of teaching. The research uses an ethnographic, interpretive approach to collect and analyse data in which participants voices are foregrounded. The researchers life narratives also form part of the final thesis, demonstrating an engaged approach to research and providing explicit evidence of the researchers positioning in relation to the subject matter of the thesis.
The research reveals the importance for participants of a teaching self or consistent identity that develops in early life and continues through to the adult professional context. This identity forms a basis for participants teaching practices. The challenges experienced by participants when institutional practices do not support or help maintain this identity are discussed, as are the processes whereby participants seek out like-minded colleagues with whom to engage in professional conversations about teaching. The research reveals strong connections between participants sense of self and the principles underpinning their pedagogies, and the thesis concludes with some suggestions about how the concept of the teaching self might be used to support all teachers engaged in professional learning. Finally, the research advocates reflexivity on the part of teachers, whereby a critical awareness of biography helps locate practice in the cultural and social environment in which it develops.
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Högskoleutbildningens påverkan på arbetsminnets kapacitetKull, Johanna January 2014 (has links)
Arbetsminnet är en viktig funktion för människans kognitiva förmåga. Tidigare forskning har visat det finns flera faktorer som kan påverka arbetsminnets kapacitet, ett exempel är inlärning. Den aktuella studien undersöker om om det finns ett samband med att studera på högskola och att förbättra sin arbetsminneskapacitet. I studien deltog 82 ekonomistuderanden varav 42 studeranden från andra terminen och 40 från sjätte terminen. Ett nätbaserat arbetsminnestest visade att det var en signifikant skillnad i arbetsminneskapaciteten (antalet ihågkomna ord) från andra till sjätte terminen. Det visade sig även att motivationen hade en tendens att vara högre att klara testet i sjätte terminen än i andra. Studien kan bidra till vidareforskning om en högre utbildnings effekt på olika faktorer som är förknippade med kognition.
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The aim of this research study was to explore the relationship between academic work stress, psychological well-being and social life of university master students. It was also examined whether the presence of control variables i.e. gender and living status had an influence on the relationship between the variables mentioned above. A total of 100 participants both male (N=56) and female (N=44) were conveniently drawn from master students pursuing different master programmes in the university and the spearman’s correlation results of how academic work stress is related to psychological well-being showed a significant strong negative correlation between the variables (rs=-.448, p < .001) which suggests that students who experienced a high level academic work stress, experienced a lower level of psychological well-being. In addition, the results on the relationship between academic work stress and social life showed a significant negative correlation between variables (rs=-.293, p < .001) meaning that a high level of academic work stress is negatively correlated with a lower level of social life among students. Also, the inclusion of living status as a control variable did not have an influence on the above relationship but including gender had a positive significant impact. Lastly, theoretical implications of the study as well as the conclusion were presented.
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Hur får du en student att lyssna? : - En studie av Academic Works kommunikation mot studenterHansson, Fredrik January 2008 (has links)
<p>ABSTRACT</p><p>Title: How do you get the students to listen? – A study of Academic Works communication towards students (Hur får du en student att lyssna? – En studie av Academic Works kommunikation mot studenter)</p><p>Number of pages: 38 (41 including enclosures)</p><p>Author: Fredrik Hansson</p><p>Tutor: Peder Hård af Segerstad</p><p>Course: Media and Communication studies C</p><p>Period: Autumn 2007</p><p>University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University.</p><p>Aim: The purpose of this paper is to study the strategies involved in the communication process between an organisation and its target audience. The study also aims to examine the company Academic Work and its communication efforts towards the targeted audience students.</p><p>Method/Material: In order to examine the aim above, interviews were made with two persons involved in the communication of Academic Work. In addition to the interviews, a questionnaire was carried out at campus Ekonomikum, Uppsala University.</p><p>Main results: The main result can be summarized as:</p><p>· Academic Works communications have a lot of resemblance with the papers presented theory.</p><p>· Events and direct meetings is the communication effort by Academic Work that has the biggest impact on student’s awareness and knowledge of the company.</p><p>· A large majority of the students at campus Ekonomikum at Uppsala University are interested in working part-time and are aware of Academic Work. Despite this, only a few percents of the students participating in the questionnaire are working or have ever worked for Academic Work.</p><p>Keywords: Communication, students, Academic Work, target audience, strategies, message, media channel.</p>
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Hur får du en student att lyssna? : - En studie av Academic Works kommunikation mot studenterHansson, Fredrik January 2008 (has links)
ABSTRACT Title: How do you get the students to listen? – A study of Academic Works communication towards students (Hur får du en student att lyssna? – En studie av Academic Works kommunikation mot studenter) Number of pages: 38 (41 including enclosures) Author: Fredrik Hansson Tutor: Peder Hård af Segerstad Course: Media and Communication studies C Period: Autumn 2007 University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University. Aim: The purpose of this paper is to study the strategies involved in the communication process between an organisation and its target audience. The study also aims to examine the company Academic Work and its communication efforts towards the targeted audience students. Method/Material: In order to examine the aim above, interviews were made with two persons involved in the communication of Academic Work. In addition to the interviews, a questionnaire was carried out at campus Ekonomikum, Uppsala University. Main results: The main result can be summarized as: · Academic Works communications have a lot of resemblance with the papers presented theory. · Events and direct meetings is the communication effort by Academic Work that has the biggest impact on student’s awareness and knowledge of the company. · A large majority of the students at campus Ekonomikum at Uppsala University are interested in working part-time and are aware of Academic Work. Despite this, only a few percents of the students participating in the questionnaire are working or have ever worked for Academic Work. Keywords: Communication, students, Academic Work, target audience, strategies, message, media channel.
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Designstrategi i en förändringsprocess : En fallstudie på ett tjänsteföretagKonradsson, Hanna, Laudon, Marie January 2010 (has links)
Tjänster är en växande marknad där bemanningsföretagen har fått en ökad betydelse bland annat beroende av marknadens höga krav på tillgänglighet och flexibilitet. I dagens samhälle är det viktigt att produkter och tjänster inte bara fyller en funktion utan också uttrycker och förmedlar rätt budskap till intressenterna. Design har därför fått en allt viktigare funktion inom företag som vill utmärka och särskilja sig. För att frambringa ett starkt och trovärdigt varumärke som differentierar sig gentemot konkurrenterna, borde skapandet av varumärket inkluderas i en designstrategi där kvaliteten på designen är väsentlig. Studien syftar till att skapa en tydligare bild om och på vilket sätt ett tjänsteföretag arbetar med designstrategi i en förändringsprocess och hur de når ut till målgruppen. Urvalet för denna studie är tjänsteföretaget Academic Work, kommunikationsbyrån Naked, som företaget har tagit hjälp av i framtagandet av det nya konceptet, och slutligen en av företagets utvalda målgrupper, studenter. Genomförandet av denna studie bygger på kvalitativa intervjuer med Academic Work och Naked samt en kvantitativ enkätundersökning med målgruppen studenter. De viktigaste slutsatserna från studien är att Academic Work: Inte har en entydig och självklar syn på designstrategi utifrån en förändringsprocess. Inte uttalat varit medvetna om att design har betydelse när de skulle se över sin marknadsföring och kommunikationsplattform, och är inte, eller i vart fall i ringa ut-sträckning, medvetna om designstrategins betydelse. Anlitat externa konsulter för att få hjälp med förändringsprocessen och de har därigenom implementerat design och designstrategi i processen. Förutom slutsatserna kring Academic Work har även följande slutsatser dragits: Det är viktigt med en tydlig kommunikation mellan företaget och externa konsulter för att stärka företagets varumärke och värden. Enkätundersökningen visar på att företaget nått ut till ekonomer i större grad än till humanister. Studenterna beskriver Academic Work utifrån givna påståenden som: seriösa, intressanta, vägvisande, karriär och arbete. / Services are a growing market where agencies have taken on increased importance, partly because of the market's higher demands on availability and flexibility. It’s important today that products and services not only fulfill a function, they also need to express and convey the right message to the consumers. Therefore has design got an increasingly important role in companies. To generate a strong and credible brand that differentiates itself from competitors, a distinctive design and developed design strategy is necessary. The study aims to create a picture on whether and how a service company works with design strategy in a process of change and how the target group conceives the new design. This study is based in the service company Academic Work changed design, the communications agency Naked who helped them and one of Academic Works target groups, students. Information from above is given via qualitative interviews with Academic Work and Naked and a quantitative survey that students have filled in. The main conclusions of this study are that Academic Work: Not have a clear and obvious approach to the design strategy based on a process of change. Not explicitly been aware that the design has a meaning when they would review their marketing and communications platform, and is not or at least to a limited extent, aware of the importance of the strategy design. Used external experts, Naked, for help with the change process, have implemented the design and design strategy in the process. In addition to conclusions about Academic Work have also the following conclusions been made: Communication between the company and external experts is important regarding companies brand and their values. The survey shows that the company has primarily reached out to economists in greater degree than the humanists. Students describe Academic Work, from given statements, as: genuine, interesting, pioneering, career and work.
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Utilisation des TIC dans l'enseignement universitaire : influence des facteurs individuels et des facteurs liés à la discipline et à l'organisationRheault, Marianne 05 1900 (has links)
La littérature montre que plusieurs aspects du travail d’universitaire sont influencés tant par la discipline et l’organisation, que par les caractéristiques individuelles des professeurs. Cette recherche vise à explorer l’impact de ces deux premiers facteurs sur l’utilisation des technologies de l’information et des communications (TIC) par les professeurs d’une université de recherche. Les données, recueillies par sondage, ont été analysées à l’aide d’un modèle hiérarchique comprenant deux niveaux, dans lequel 350 professeurs sont nichés dans 42 départements. Le statut professoral, le profil d’adoption des innovations technologiques et la perception de la compétence technologique ont été placés au niveau 1 (individus), alors que le secteur disciplinaire et quatre facteurs organisationnels liés à l’enseignement et à la recherche, ont été placés au niveau 2 (départements). Les résultats montrent que ces variables indépendantes n’influencent pas de la même façon l’utilisation des différentes technologies. Une plus grande partie des différences d’utilisation se situe entre les départements lorsqu’on considère l’utilisation du projecteur en salle de classe. L’utilisation d’équipements en salle de classe relève davantage de facteurs organisationnels que celle des environnements numériques d’apprentissage (ENA). Les résultats montrent par ailleurs que la perception de la compétence technologique et le profil d’adoption des innovations technologiques mesurent des choses différentes. Alors que le profil d’adoption influence dans une plus ou moins grande mesure toutes les utilisations, la perception de la compétence n’a d’impact que sur l’utilisation plus poussée des ressources, soit l’utilisation d’une page web personnelle ou d’une plateforme autre que WebCT. Un clivage entre disciplines molles pures et disciplines dures pures existe, mais seulement lorsqu’on considère l’utilisation des ENA et de la page web personnelle. La plateforme WebCT est associée au secteur des sciences humaines alors que l’utilisation de la page web ou d’ENA autre que WebCT est liée au secteur des sciences pures. Dans les deux cas, l’utilisation des ENA est liée à l’enseignement de premier cycle, c’est à dire à un enseignement de masse. / Literature shows that discipline and institution, as well as individual characteristics, influence the way faculty members work. This research aims at exploring the impact of those two first elements on use of information and communication technologies (ICT) by professors of a public research university. Data, collected by survey, have been analysed through a two-level hierarchical model, in which 350 teachers were nested in 42 departments. Technologies studied are WebCT, the personal web site or other learning environments, and the projector. The results showed the individual factors, discipline and institutional factors have different impacts on the use of these technologies. A more substantial part of the variance stays at the departmental level when the output is use of a projector in the classroom. Factors at the departmental level have a more substantial impact on the use of a numerical environment. Disciplinary differences appear in relation with the use of personal web sites and learning environments. Undergraduate teaching is the only factor positively related to the use of these resources, while research income is the only factor positively related to projector use.
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Local moorings, international visions : fabricating internationalised practices in Australian higher educationO'Regan, Justine Mary January 2006 (has links)
Over the last two decades, Australian higher education has undergone dramatic changes in purpose and orientation. Changes in public funding arrangements and concomitant policy statements have contributed to the reconceptualisation of Australian higher education, and internationalisation has become a core goal for Australian universities. In light of these dynamics, this study examined understandings of internationalisation within two Australian universities. The study examined the ways in which internationalisation was understood by university staff working in either a teaching capacity and/or a managerial position. Situated within the broad field of critical sociology, the study drew on critical realism (Bhaskar, 1979, 1989), critical epistemology (Carspecken, 1996) and reflexive sociology (Bourdieu, 1972, 1990) to analyse how the universities and their staff positioned themselves in relation to the goal of internationalisation. Furthermore, the study examined how this goal served to reposition the institution and/or various forms of university work. The insights of critical social theory were used to examine the contested power relations associated with the growing importance attributed to the goal of internationalisation in Australian higher education. The significance of the study resides in its recognition of the ways in which academic and non-academic subcultures within the university contribute to the goal of internationalisation. Whereas previous research viewed divergence of understandings as weakening the commitment given to internationalisation as an institutional goal, this study has shown that such diversity stems from the differential encounters with and experiences of internationalisation. Moreover, in previous research, the pre-determined objectives for internationalisation resulted in the compartmentalisation of this goal, as in economic objectives and academic objectives. In contrast, this study focused on the dynamic and evolving nature of internationalisation in higher education. Consequently, the study's contribution lies in its explanation of the long term benefits to be derived from viewing internationalisation as a dynamic and generative phenomenon, rather than simply as a pre-determined goal. A case study approach was used in this research with two contrasting onshore Australian universities selected as the case sites. One institution had a reputation as an elite, research intensive university. The other was a post-Dawkins university with a strong vocational orientation. At each site, semi-structured interviews were conducted with staff from across the university's hierarchy. Interviewees included the Pro Vice-Chancellor for the Office of Internationalisation, the Chair of the Academic Board, the Director of the Teaching and Learning Support Unit, Faculty Deans, Heads of Departments, as well as departmental staff concerned with first year teaching. Departmental staff were drawn from two disciplinary areas, Australian History and Marketing. Interviews engaged participants in discussion about the processes by which internationalisation was enacted. Furthermore, university documents, such as the Strategic Plan, were analysed in terms of how the given institution constructed the need for internationalisation and the means by which this goal was to be achieved. The study found that internationalisation involves and promotes constant adaptability. The two institutions used whatever resources they had to develop and promote their international aspirations. The international visions of the institutions were influenced by both their historical and intended relationship with the broader higher education world. The elite, research intensive institution viewed internationalisation with becoming a university of international standing. This institution used its bureaucratic and hierarchical nature to advance its objectives for internationalisation. The vocationally oriented university had developed an internationalisation policy with a view to maximising the revenue to be derived from its diverse international activities and to gaining greater prestige within the higher education field. Staff involved with managerial and/or teaching work were found to develop their ideas about internationalisation through a combination of personal and professional experiences. The study confirmed the growing trend for academics to assume managerial roles in addition to their teaching and research. Consequently, accounts of internationalisation were not necessarily confined to a purely managerial or an academic perspective. Furthermore, the accounts of internationalisation differed between and within the two selected disciplines. On the one hand, specific disciplinary attributes could be seen by the academics interviewed as inherently international, even though they may not assist in realising institutional objectives for internationalisation. On the other, academics spoke of the perceived need for the frames of reference used in undergraduate education to be broadened, given the globalised nature of contemporary society and/or the increasing international enrolments. The study concluded that internationalisation is an important means by which the localised priorities of an institution, an academic department, and/or of individuals can engage with forms of global mobility. Moreover, the study argued the need for all staff and students in Australian higher education to see themselves as part of the processes of internationalisation. This latter point raises questions about the personal and professional attributes required of academics when working within internationalised Australian universities.
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IDEB, quantificação e qualidade: avaliação de desempenho no ensino fundamental e os impactos no trabalho docente em escolas de Araguari-MGDias, Rúbia Mara Ribeiro 28 February 2014 (has links)
This research provides insights about the world of work and the current changes in its organization, having as clipping the discussion on management control present in the production models Taylorism/Fordism and Toyotism and its origin in the capitalist system. Seeks to highlight in the list of market interests the worker is expropriated of its knowledge, the work remains fragmented and parceled within the company and the implementation of new forms of control aims to increasingly dominate the worker. From this perspective, the research seeks to analyze relevant points of the new model of state administration, which is characterized as manager from the 1995 reform, ie, a state that administers following the logic of the market, seeking control of the results and reproducing the precept the neoliberal organization that prevails in the current political, social and economic scene. The research demonstrates how the assessments of student performance reflect the work of teachers in the early elementary school years at two schools in the public education at Araguari, Minas Gerais, what is the perception of teachers working in these schools on these external assessments that comprise the Ideb, and are aimed at the schools, with the objetctive of controlling the results and productivity of teachers, by placing under questioning the consequences of this process for the teacher and the ratio of the loss of autonomy that professional. From the bibliographic references and selected readings performed, the text establishes a dialogue with key authors on the external control suffered by the teacher and understands that teaching autonomy has undergone changes brought about by the dominant production system. Finally, the results of the data collection confirm that the teachers of the studied schools enjoy a supervised, conditioned and obedient autonomy. / A pesquisa apresenta algumas reflexões sobre o mundo do trabalho e as atuais transformações na sua organização, tendo como recorte a discussão sobre controle gerencial presente nos modelos de produção taylorismo/fordismo e toyotismo e a sua origem no sistema capitalista. Procura evidenciar que no rol de interesses mercadológicos o trabalhador acaba sendo expropriado do seu conhecimento, o trabalho permanece fragmentado e parcelado dentro da empresa e a implantação de novas formas de controle tem como objetivo dominar cada vez mais o trabalhador. Nessa perspectiva, busca analisar pontos relevantes do novo modelo de administração do Estado que se caracteriza como gerenciador, a partir da reforma de 1995, ou seja, um Estado que administra seguindo a lógica do mercado, buscando o controle dos resultados e reproduzindo o preceito da organização neoliberal que prevalece no atual cenário político, econômico e social. Busca verificar como as avaliações de desempenho discente refletem no trabalho dos professores dos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental de duas escolas da rede pública de educação de Araguari, Minas Gerais, qual a percepção dos trabalhadores docentes dessas escolas sobre essas avaliações externas que compõe o Índice de Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica (Ideb), e são destinadas às escolas, com o objetivo de controlar os resultados e a produtividade do trabalhador docente, colocando sob questionamento as consequências desse processo para o professor e a relação da perda de autonomia desse profissional. A partir do referencial bibliográfico selecionado e das leituras realizadas o texto estabelece um diálogo com importantes autores, acerca do controle externo sofrido pelo professor e entende que a autonomia docente vem sofrendo mudanças ocasionadas pelo sistema dominante de produção. Ao final os resultados da coleta de dados confirmam que, as trabalhadoras docentes das escolas estudadas desfrutam de uma autonomia vigiada, condicionada e obediente. / Mestre em Educação
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Utilisation des TIC dans l'enseignement universitaire : influence des facteurs individuels et des facteurs liés à la discipline et à l'organisationRheault, Marianne 05 1900 (has links)
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