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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação de madeira de peroba-rosa por método não destrutivo utilizando emissão de ondas de ultrassom para peças estruturais do patrimônio histórico. / Evaluation of peroba-rosa wood by non destructive tests using ultrasound waves for structural timber of historical heritage.

Zambrano Figueroa, Fabiola Margoth 12 November 2010 (has links)
O objetivo desta pesquisa é avaliar uma metodologia utilizando ondas de ultrassom para estimar a resistência de peças estruturais de madeira de peroba-rosa, Aspidosperma polyneuron Müll. Arg. A metodologia pode ser utilizada para orientar projetos de restauro de estruturas de madeira do patrimônio histórico, onde de acordo com os critérios da restauração, a avaliação por métodos destrutivos não são recomendados. A verificação foi realizada em três amostras retiradas de edificações construídas há 122 anos, 50 anos e peças sem uso de madeira da espécie perobarosa, que foram submetidas à sequência de ensaios não destrutivos e destrutivos. Os corpos-de-prova ensaiados tiveram suas dimensões definidas de acordo com os métodos de ensaio de resistência à compressão e à flexão da norma ABNT 7190:1997 e o teor de umidade estabilizado na condição padrão de referência a 12%. Os ensaios com o uso de equipamento de ultrassom com freqüência de 100 KHz e transdutores de ondas longitudinais e transversais foram utilizados para a determinação da velocidade ultrassônica nos três eixos da madeira (longitudinal, radial e tangencial). Em seguida, os mesmos corpos-de-prova foram submetidos aos ensaios de determinação da resistência e da rigidez à compressão e à flexão de acordo com a norma NBR 7190:1997. O resultados dos ensaios dinâmicos e estáticos foram correlacionados, tendo, portanto sido definido o coeficiente de correlação R²= 0,56 na direção do eixo longitudinal. / The objective of this research is to evaluate a methodology by making use of ultrasound waves to estimate the strength of structural timber of peroba-rosa, Aspidosperma polyneuron Müll. Arg. This methodology can be used to provide guidance in restoration projects of wooden structures of historical buildings, where the assessment by destructive methods is not recommended, according to the restoration criteria. The sequence of tests was performed by using both non destructive and destructive analysis methods on samples from three buildings constructed 122 years ago, 50 years ago and non used wood. The specimens tested had their dimensions defined according to the test methods of ABNT 7190:1997 for resistance to compression and bending and their moisture content was stabilized at 12%. The tests using ultrasound equipment with a frequency of 100 kHz transducers and longitudinal and transverse waves were used to determine the ultrasonic velocity in three axes of the wood (longitudinal, radial and tangential). Afterwards, the same specimens were tested to determine the strength and stiffness to compression and bending in accordance with NBR 7190:1997. The test results of dynamic and static modulus were correlated, obtaining thus the correlation coefficient of R²=0.54 in the longitudinal direction.

Avaliação dos efeitos da danificação e da acustoelasticidade sobre a velocidade de pulso ultrassônico em corpos de prova de concreto submetidos a compressão uniaxial / Evaluation of damaging and acoustoelastic effect over ultrasonic pulse velocity in concrete elements

Resende, Rafaella Moreira Lima Gondim 23 April 2018 (has links)
A teoria da acustoelasticidade relaciona a variação de velocidade de propagação de ondas mecânicas à variação de tensão em um meio sólido. Em materiais frágeis como concreto, a danificação altera a velocidade de propagação paralelamente ao efeito acustoelástico. O objetivo deste trabalho é identificar e quantificar como a danificação e o efeito acustoelástico agem sobre a Velocidade de Pulso Ultrassônico (VPU) em corpos de prova de concreto submetidos a compressão uniaxial. Para tanto, foram realizadas três fases de ensaio. A primeira fase objetivou gerar dados para a análise da aplicação da interferometria de cauda de onda (Coda Wave Interferometry – CWI). Duas variações deste método foram estudadas e comparadas, com o propósito de determinar-se qual gera melhores resultados e quais parâmetros devem ser adotados para as análises. Para tal, um código computacional foi desenvolvido utilizando a linguagem Python 3.6.0. Foi constatado que a técnica do alongamento apresenta resultados melhores que a técnica tradicional da interferometria de cauda de onda. A segunda etapa foi dedicada ao estudo da variação de velocidade de propagação devido à recuperação de dano do corpo de prova. A terceira fase abordou a influência da geometria da amostra e da composição do concreto sobre a resposta do material à acustoelasticidade. Além disso, definiu-se um Índice de Dano (D) baseado na redução do módulo de elasticidade devido ao carregamento, a fim de isolar a variação de velocidade causada pelo efeito acustoelástico. Quanto ao estudo da recuperação de dano ao longo do tempo, a variação relativa de velocidade nas primeiras 24 horas após a retirada do carregamento se mostrou muito pequena em relação às variações geradas pelas condições de temperatura e umidade. Concluiu-se também que as amostras cilíndricas apresentaram respostas mais uniformes ao efeito acustoelástico que as amostras prismáticas. Por fim, o Índice de Dano se mostrou eficaz para isolar os efeitos da danificação e da acustoelasticidade sobre a VPU. / The acoustoelasticity theory relates the variation in propagation velocity of mechanical waves to the stress variation in a solid medium. In brittle materials such as concrete, damage affects the propagation velocity parallel to the acoustoelastic effect. This research aims to identify and quantify how damage and acoustoelastic effect act on Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV) in concrete samples subjected to uniaxial compression. In order to do so, three phases of testing were performed. The first one focused on generating data to analyze the application of the Coda Wave Interferometry (CWI). Two variations of this method were studied and compared, to the purpose of determining which variation shows better results and which parameters should be adopted in the analysis. To enable the analysis, a computational code using Python 3.6.0 language was developed. It was verified that the stretching technique shows better results than the traditional coda wave interferometry technique. The second phase was dedicated to study the variation in propagation velocity due to damage recovery in the sample. The third phase addressed the influence of the sample geometry and the concrete composition over the response from the material to the acoustoelasticity. Furthermore, a Damage Index (D) was defined based on the elastic modulus reduction due to loading, in order to isolate the variation of velocity due solely to the acoustoelastic effect. Regarding the study of damage recovery over time, the relative velocity variation in the first 24 hours following the withdrawal of the loading showed to be too little when compared to the variations caused by temperature and humidity conditions. It was also concluded that the cylindrical samples showed more uniform responses to the acoustoelastic effect than the prismatic samples. Finally, the Damage Index proved itself to be a reliable tool to isolate the effects of damage and acoustoelasticity over the UPV.

Etude et mise au point de méthodes de mesures non destructives permettant de caractériser les paramètres critiques de l'adhésion sur structures collées / Study and development of non-destructive methods to characterize the critical parameters on bonded structures

Baudot, Alice 08 January 2015 (has links)
L’engouement pour le collage structural est important dans l’aéronautique. Actuellement, il n’existe pas de méthode de contrôle non destructive de l’adhésion dans un assemblage collé. Les méthodes de CND usuelles peuvent détecter au mieux des défauts majeurs de type décollement ou absence de colle. L’objectif de la thèse est donc de déterminer un indicateur ultrasonore en lien avec le niveau d’adhésion et la tenue structurale des assemblages collés.La première étape a consisté en l’élaboration d’éprouvettes étalons à adhésions variables de forme cisaillement simple. Trois traitements de surface différents ont été définis afin d’obtenir trois niveaux de force à rupture et donc trois niveaux d’adhésion distincts. Des cartographies détaillées du joint de colle sont obtenues par ultrasons. A l’issue des essais mécaniques les faciès de rupture sont analysés. Des contrôles supplémentaires par micro-tomographie X ont été réalisés. L’ensemble de ces essais ont permis de valider l’obtention d’éprouvettes homogènes et de niveaux d’adhésion maîtrisé. Un système expérimental spécifique a été réalisé pour développer des mesures d’acoustoélasticité qui permettent l’étude des variations locales de champ des contraintes. Pendant une sollicitation mécanique de type cisaillement simple, les variations de temps de vol dans l’aluminium en mode pulse-écho des éprouvettes sont analysées. Le dispositif est d’abord validé sur une éprouvette d’aluminium. Puis, il est démontré que sur une éprouvette de cisaillement simple, les bords d’un défaut, lieu de concentration de contraintes, sont visibles. Les simulations numériques réalisées donnent les mêmes tendances / The enthusiasm for structural bonding is important in aeronautic. Currently there is no method to test non-destructively the adhesion in a bonded assembly. The usual NDT methods can detect the most common defects like delamination or disbond. The aim of this thesis is to determine an ultrasonic indicator related to the level of adhesion and the structural strength of bonded assemblies.The first step was the development of calibrated samples. The specimens are single lap shear joints. Three different surface treatments have been developed to obtain three different levels of ultimate tensile strength and therefore three distinct levels of adhesion. Detailed cartographies of the adhesive joint are obtained by ultrasound. After mechanical testing the fracture surfaces are analyzed. Additional tests by microtomography were performed. They were used to validate the quality of samples. The objective of standards sample is achieved. A specific control system has been achieved to use acoustoelasticty to study the stress field in the bonded assembly. The variations of time of flight in the aluminum part in pulse-echo mode during mechanical test are analysed. First, the method is validated with an aluminum test piece. Then, it is shown, for a sample with defect, the edges of a defect are visible through the increase of stresses on its borders. Numerical simulations give the same trends.

Desenvolvimento de técnicas para avaliação de combustíveis nucleares tipo placa pelo método de ensaio por ultra-som

Múcio José Drumond de Brito 27 August 2008 (has links)
Nenhuma / Uma das principais etapas na fabricação de combustíveis nucleares tipo placa, para a utilização em reatores de pesquisa e de propulsão naval, consiste no desenvolvimento de métodos e técnicas de ensaios não destrutivos para a avaliação do combustível nuclear durante a fabricação, assim como para análises do combustível pós-irradiação. Os ensaios não destrutivos podem contribuir para a detecção de descontinuidades durante as etapas de fabricação do combustível, como trincas e falhas na união entre o cerrne e o revestimento, que podem provocar a falha do combustível durante o seu uso em reatores nucleares. Métodos de ensaio como visual, radiográfico, correntes parasitas e ultra-som podem ser utilizados para essa finalidade. Neste trabalho foi abordado o uso do ensaio não destrutivo por ultra-som para a avaliação de combustíveis nucleares tipo placa. Devido às pequenas espessuras dos combustíveis tipo placa, assim como aos diferentes materiais presentes nos mesmos, foram utilizados, nos experimentos, transdutores ultra-sônicos de contato com sapatas de atraso e transdutores de imersão. Os ensaios foram realizados em um protótipo de combustível tipo placa constituído por um núcleo de UO2 disperso em uma matriz metálica de aço inoxidável, com revestimento em aço inoxidável. Neste protótipo foram usinados diferentes tipos de refletores artificiais, simulando a presença de descontinuidades naturais. Para os testes com os transdutores de imersão foi desenvolvido um dispositivo para a obtenção do perfil do feixe sônico emitido pelos mesmos, de forma a identificar a região de maior sensibilidade do feixe para o ensaio. Foram ainda fabricadas algumas lentes acústicas para a focalização do feixe, neste caso, sem sucesso. O uso dos diferentes tipos de transdutores ultra-sônicos possibilitou o estabelecimento de uma metodologia para a detecção de descontinuidades com diferentes geometrias e dimensões. O protótipo de combustível desenvolvido para os experimentos demonstrou ser adequado para estudos de sensibilidade do sistema de ensaio. / One of the most important steps in the fabrication processes of plate type nuclear fuels, intended to be used in research reactors or naval propulsion, is the development of nondestructive testing (NDT) methods and techniques for their quality assessment during fabrication and post-irradiation analysis. Those tests can contribute to detect discontinuities such as cracks and fails in meat-cladding junctions, that can lead to failures when installed and used in reactors. Examples of NDT methods that may be used for this purpose are visual inspection, radiography, eddy current and ultrasound. The objective of this study is to present the utilization of ultrasound methods to evaluate plate type nuclear fuels. Due to the small thicknesses of such kind of fuels, as well as the presence of different materials, the ultrasonic transducers used to perform the experiments were immersion type or contact with delay shims. Furthermore, a dummy plate fuel, constituted by a dispersion of UO2 in stainless steel matrix, with stainless steel cladding, was specially constructed. In the surface of such plate, several kinds of artificial reflectors, simulating the presence of natural flaws were machined. For immersion type ultrasonic transducers, a mechanical scanning system was developed to allow the determination of their sonic beam profiles and identification of the highest sensitivity beam region. Additionally, some acoustic lenses, useful to help on beam focalization, were fabricated and used, but the expected performance was not achieved. The use of different kinds of ultrasonic transducers allowed the establishing of a methodology to detect discontinuities of different geometry and sizes. The developed dummy fuel demonstrated to be adequate for the studies of sensitivity of the test system.

Técnicas de propagação de ondas na estimativa de propriedades mecânicas de painéis OSB / Wave propagation techniques in estimation of mechanical properties of OSB panels

Elen Aparecida Martines Morales 30 October 2006 (has links)
Um dos painéis derivados de madeira que tem se destacado é o OSB (Oriented Strand Board). Cada vez mais se evidencia a necessidade de novas tecnologias relacionadas à avaliação das propriedades mecânicas desse tipo de derivado de madeira, atualmente realizada através de ensaios destrutivos, efetuados horas ou dias após a respectiva produção. A utilização de métodos não-destrutivos tem se mostrado eficiente na caracterização mecânica e na avaliação da qualidade da madeira, e promissora em relação aos derivados de madeira. O objetivo geral deste trabalho foi investigar a eficiência de técnicas não-destrutivas de ensaio, de ultra-som e de stress wave, na estimativa de parâmetros físicos e mecânicos de painéis OSB fabricados no país. Foram considerados dois grupos, com 10 painéis de espessuras nominais de 15mm cada, que possuíam valores de resistência e de módulos de elasticidade na flexão estática, na direção longitudinal, distintos entre si. Primeiramente foram conduzidos os ensaios não-destrutivos, de ultra-som e de stress wave, nos painéis OSB e, em seguida, os ensaios destrutivos para a caracterização físico-mecânica e subseqüentes comparações. Os painéis estudados apresentaram valores de velocidades e constantes dinâmicas diferenciados na espessura e nas direções longitudinal e transversal. Os coeficientes de correlação obtidos entre os valores de velocidades e de constantes dinâmicas e os das propriedades físico-mecânicas, dos dois grupos de painéis, na espessura e direção transversal, não atingiram 0,70 e, na direção longitudinal superaram 0,90. Mostrou-se que é equivalente a estimativa de parâmetros mecânicos na flexão estática, ou até mesmo o estudo de painéis OSB, com a utilização dos métodos não-destrutivos de ultra-som e de stress wave. Com os resultados obtidos são gerados importantes subsídios para possibilitar a avaliação da produção de painéis OSB, viabilizando eventuais correções e ajustes até no decorrer do próprio processo produtivo. / Wood based materials production has grown in the national market, as it is the current international trend. Such products have been an interesting alternative to the sawn wood. Among them, OSB (Oriented Strand Board) has been of an outstanding importance. Its potential of production in the national context is expressive when supplying civil construction, furniture industry, and others. However, this fact also makes clear the need of innovative technologies for mechanical properties evaluation of this wood based material, since until the present day it has been conducted with destructive tests which are only made hours or days after production. Nondestructive methods utilization has been proven to be efficient for mechanical characterization and quality evaluation of sawn wood, and quite promising for wood based materials. The main goal of this research has been to investigate the efficiency of nondestructive testing (ultrasound and stress wave) when estimating physical and mechanical parameters of OSB panels made in Brazil. Two groups of ten 15mm thick panels have been used, having each one of them strength and modulus of elasticity in static bending values distinct from each other in longitudinal direction. First the two types of nondestructive testing have been conducted on all OSB panels and then destructive tests have also been conducted for physical-mechanical characterization and following comparisons. Values of velocities and dynamic constants both in thickness and longitudinal and transversal directions have been different in the two groups of studied panels. Correlation coefficients between values of velocity and dynamic constants and values of physical-mechanical properties of the two groups of panels have not reached 0,70 in thickness and transversal direction, but they have exceeded 0,90 in longitudinal direction. It has been shown that ultrasound is analogous to stress wave either when estimating static bending mechanical parameters or studying OSB panels by nondestructive testing. Such results generate some important subsidies to the evaluation of OSB production, making feasible eventual corrections and adjustments even in the course of its process.

Técnicas de propagação de ondas na estimativa de propriedades mecânicas de painéis OSB / Wave propagation techniques in estimation of mechanical properties of OSB panels

Morales, Elen Aparecida Martines 30 October 2006 (has links)
Um dos painéis derivados de madeira que tem se destacado é o OSB (Oriented Strand Board). Cada vez mais se evidencia a necessidade de novas tecnologias relacionadas à avaliação das propriedades mecânicas desse tipo de derivado de madeira, atualmente realizada através de ensaios destrutivos, efetuados horas ou dias após a respectiva produção. A utilização de métodos não-destrutivos tem se mostrado eficiente na caracterização mecânica e na avaliação da qualidade da madeira, e promissora em relação aos derivados de madeira. O objetivo geral deste trabalho foi investigar a eficiência de técnicas não-destrutivas de ensaio, de ultra-som e de stress wave, na estimativa de parâmetros físicos e mecânicos de painéis OSB fabricados no país. Foram considerados dois grupos, com 10 painéis de espessuras nominais de 15mm cada, que possuíam valores de resistência e de módulos de elasticidade na flexão estática, na direção longitudinal, distintos entre si. Primeiramente foram conduzidos os ensaios não-destrutivos, de ultra-som e de stress wave, nos painéis OSB e, em seguida, os ensaios destrutivos para a caracterização físico-mecânica e subseqüentes comparações. Os painéis estudados apresentaram valores de velocidades e constantes dinâmicas diferenciados na espessura e nas direções longitudinal e transversal. Os coeficientes de correlação obtidos entre os valores de velocidades e de constantes dinâmicas e os das propriedades físico-mecânicas, dos dois grupos de painéis, na espessura e direção transversal, não atingiram 0,70 e, na direção longitudinal superaram 0,90. Mostrou-se que é equivalente a estimativa de parâmetros mecânicos na flexão estática, ou até mesmo o estudo de painéis OSB, com a utilização dos métodos não-destrutivos de ultra-som e de stress wave. Com os resultados obtidos são gerados importantes subsídios para possibilitar a avaliação da produção de painéis OSB, viabilizando eventuais correções e ajustes até no decorrer do próprio processo produtivo. / Wood based materials production has grown in the national market, as it is the current international trend. Such products have been an interesting alternative to the sawn wood. Among them, OSB (Oriented Strand Board) has been of an outstanding importance. Its potential of production in the national context is expressive when supplying civil construction, furniture industry, and others. However, this fact also makes clear the need of innovative technologies for mechanical properties evaluation of this wood based material, since until the present day it has been conducted with destructive tests which are only made hours or days after production. Nondestructive methods utilization has been proven to be efficient for mechanical characterization and quality evaluation of sawn wood, and quite promising for wood based materials. The main goal of this research has been to investigate the efficiency of nondestructive testing (ultrasound and stress wave) when estimating physical and mechanical parameters of OSB panels made in Brazil. Two groups of ten 15mm thick panels have been used, having each one of them strength and modulus of elasticity in static bending values distinct from each other in longitudinal direction. First the two types of nondestructive testing have been conducted on all OSB panels and then destructive tests have also been conducted for physical-mechanical characterization and following comparisons. Values of velocities and dynamic constants both in thickness and longitudinal and transversal directions have been different in the two groups of studied panels. Correlation coefficients between values of velocity and dynamic constants and values of physical-mechanical properties of the two groups of panels have not reached 0,70 in thickness and transversal direction, but they have exceeded 0,90 in longitudinal direction. It has been shown that ultrasound is analogous to stress wave either when estimating static bending mechanical parameters or studying OSB panels by nondestructive testing. Such results generate some important subsidies to the evaluation of OSB production, making feasible eventual corrections and adjustments even in the course of its process.

Development of microwave and millimeter-wave integrated-circuit stepped-frequency radar sensors for surface and subsurface profiling

Park, Joongsuk 17 February 2005 (has links)
Two new stepped-frequency continuous wave (SFCW) radar sensor prototypes, based on a coherent super-heterodyne scheme, have been developed using Microwave Integrated Circuits (MICs) and Monolithic Millimeter-Wave Integrated Circuits (MMICs) for various surface and subsurface applications, such as profiling the surface and subsurface of pavements, detecting and localizing small buried Anti-Personnel (AP) mines and measuring the liquid level in a tank. These sensors meet the critical requirements for subsurface and surface measurements including small size, light weight, good accuracy, fine resolution and deep penetration. In addition, two novel wideband microstrip quasi-TEM horn antennae that are capable of integration with a seamless connection have also been designed. Finally, a simple signal processing algorithm, aimed to acquire the in-phase (I) and quadrature (Q) components and to compensate for the I/Q errors, was developed using LabView. The first of the two prototype sensors, named as the microwave SFCW radar sensor operating from 0.6-5.6-GHz, is primarily utilized for assessing the subsurface of pavements. The measured thicknesses of the asphalt and base layers of a pavement sample were very much in agreement with the actual data with less than 0.1-inch error. The measured results on the actual roads showed that the sensor accurately detects the 5-inch asphalt layer of the pavement with a minimal error of 0.25 inches. This sensor represents the first SFCW radar sensor operating from 0.6-5.6-GHz. The other sensor, named as the millimeter-wave SFCW radar sensor, operates in the 29.72-35.7-GHz range. Measurements were performed to verify its feasibility as a surface and sub-surface sensor. The measurement results showed that the sensor has a lateral resolution of 1 inch and a good accuracy in the vertical direction with less than  0.04-inch error. The sensor successfully detected and located AP mines of small sizes buried under the surface of sand with less than 0.75 and 0.08 inches of error in the lateral and vertical directions, respectively. In addition, it also verified that the vertical resolution is not greater than 0.75 inches. This sensor is claimed as the first Ka-band millimeter-wave SFCW radar sensor ever developed for surface and subsurface sensing applications.

Nondestructive Evaluation of the Depth of Cracks in Concrete Plates Using Surface Waves

Yang, Yanjun January 2009 (has links)
Concrete structures can often be modeled as plates, for example, bridges, tunnel walls and pipes. Near-surface damage in concrete structures mostly takes the form of cracking. Surface-breaking cracks affect concrete properties and structural integrity; therefore, the nondestructive evaluation of crack depth is important for structural monitoring, strengthening and rehabilitation. On the other hand, material damping is a fundamental parameter for the dynamic analysis of material specimens and structures. Monitoring damping changes is useful for the assessment of material conditions and structural deterioration. The main objective of this research is to develop new methodologies for depth evaluation of surface-breaking cracks and the evaluation of damping in concrete plates. Nondestructive techniques based on wave propagation are useful because they are non-intrusive, efficient and cost effective. Previous studies for the depth evaluation of surface-breaking cracks in concrete have used diffracted compressional waves (P-waves). However, surface waves exhibit better properties for the characterization of near surface defects, because (a) surface waves dominate the surface response, they carry 67% of the wave propagation energy, and present lower geometrical attenuation because the propagating wave front is cylindrical; and (b) the penetration depth of Rayleigh waves (R-waves) depends on their frequency. Most of the R-wave energy concentrates at a depth of one-third of their wavelengths. The transmission of R-waves through a surface-breaking crack depends on the crack depth; this depth sensitivity is the basis for the so-called Fourier transmission coefficient (FTC) method. R-waves only exist in a half-space (one traction-free surface); whereas in the case of a plate (two traction-free surfaces), Lamb modes are generated. Fundamental Lamb modes behave like R-waves at high frequencies, because their wavelengths are small relative to the plate thickness. Lamb modes are not considered in the standard FTC method, and the FTC method is also affected by the selected spacing between receivers. The FTC calculation requires the use of an explicit time window for the identification of the arrival of surface waves, and the selection of a reliable frequency range. This research presents theoretical, numerical and experimental results. Theoretical aspects of Lamb modes are discussed, and a theoretical transfer function is derived, which can be used to study changes of Lamb modes in the time and frequency domains as a function of distance. The maximum amplitude of the wavelet transform varies with distance because of the dispersion of Lamb modes and the participation of higher Lamb modes in the response. Numerical simulations are conducted to study the wave propagation of Lamb modes through a surface-breaking crack with different depths. The surface response is found to be dominated by the fundamental Lamb mode. Using the 2D Fourier transform, the incident, transmitted and reflected fundamental Lamb modes are extracted. A transmission ratio between the transmitted and incident modes is calculated, which is sensitive to crack depths (d) normalized to the wavelength (λ) in a range (d / λ) = 0.1 to 1/3. A new wavelet transmission coefficient (WTC) method for the depth evaluation of surface-breaking cracks in concrete is proposed to overcome the main limitations of the FTC method. The WTC method gives a global coefficient that is correlated with the crack depth, which does not require time windowing and the pre-selection of a frequency bandwidth. To reduce the effects of wave reflections, which are present in the FTC method because of the non-equal spacing configuration, a new equal spacing configuration is used in the WTC method. The effects of Lamb mode dispersion are also reduced. In laboratory tests, an ultrasonic transmitter with central frequency at 50kHz is used as a source; the 50kHz frequency is appropriate for the concrete plate tested (thickness 80mm), because the fundamental Lamb modes have converged to the Rayleigh wave mode. The new method has also been used in-situ at Hanson Pipe and Precast Inc., Cambridge, Ontario, Canada, and it shows potential for practical applications. In general, the evaluation of material damping is more difficult than the measurement of wave velocity; the dynamic response and attenuation of structural vibrations are predominantly controlled by damping, and the damping is typically evaluated using the modal analysis technique, which requires considerable efforts. The existing methods based on surface waves, use the Fourier transform to measure material damping; however, an explicit time window is required for the spectral ratio method to extract the arrival of surface wave; in addition, a slope of the spectral ratio varies for different frequency ranges, and thus a reliable frequency range needs to be determined. This research uses the wavelet transform to measure material damping in plates, where neither an explicit time window nor the pre-selection of a frequency bandwidth are required. The measured material damping represents an average damping for a frequency range determined by source. Both numerical and experimental results show good agreement and the potential for practical applications.

Online monitoring of turn insulation deterioration in mains-fed induction machines using online surge testing

Grubic, Stefan 10 June 2011 (has links)
The development of an online method for the early detection of a stator turn insulation deterioration is the objective of the research at hand. A high percentage of motor breakdowns is related to the failure of the stator insulation system. Since most of the stator insulation failures originate in the breakdown of the turn-to-turn insulation, the research in this realm is of great significance. Despite the progress that has been made in the field of stator turn fault detection methods, the most popular and the best known ones are still limited to the detection of solid turn faults. The time span between a solid turn fault and the breakdown of the primary insulation system can be as short as a few seconds. Therefore, it is desirable to develop a method capable of detecting the deterioration of the turn insulation as early as possible and prior to the development of a solid turn fault. The different stresses that cause the aging of the insulation and eventually lead to failure are described as well as the various patterns of an insulation failure. A comprehensive literature survey shows the methods presently used for the monitoring of the turn insulation. Up to now no well-tested and reliable online method that can find the deterioration of the turn insulation is available. The most commonly used turn insulation test is the surge test, which, however, is performed only when the motor is out of service and disconnected from the supply. So far no research at all has been conducted on the application of an online surge test. The research at hand examines the applicability of the surge test to an operating machine. Various topologies of online surge testing are examined with regard to their practicability and their limitations. The most practical configuration is chosen for further analysis, implementation and development. Moreover, practical challenges are presented by the non-idealities of the induction machine like the eccentricity of the rotor and the rotor slotting, and have to be taken into account. Two solutions to eliminate the influence of the rotor position on the surge waveform are presented. Even though the basic concepts of online surge testing can be validated experimentally by a machine with a solid turn fault, it is preferable to use a machine with a deteriorated turn insulation. Therefore, a method, which does not require complex and expensive hardware, to experimentally emulate the turn insulation breakdown is implemented. The concepts at any stage of the work are supported by simulations and experimental results. In addition, the theory of surge testing is further developed by giving new definitions of the test's sensitivity, i.e., the frequency sensitivity and the error area ratio (EAR) sensitivity.

Nondestructive Evaluation of the Depth of Cracks in Concrete Plates Using Surface Waves

Yang, Yanjun January 2009 (has links)
Concrete structures can often be modeled as plates, for example, bridges, tunnel walls and pipes. Near-surface damage in concrete structures mostly takes the form of cracking. Surface-breaking cracks affect concrete properties and structural integrity; therefore, the nondestructive evaluation of crack depth is important for structural monitoring, strengthening and rehabilitation. On the other hand, material damping is a fundamental parameter for the dynamic analysis of material specimens and structures. Monitoring damping changes is useful for the assessment of material conditions and structural deterioration. The main objective of this research is to develop new methodologies for depth evaluation of surface-breaking cracks and the evaluation of damping in concrete plates. Nondestructive techniques based on wave propagation are useful because they are non-intrusive, efficient and cost effective. Previous studies for the depth evaluation of surface-breaking cracks in concrete have used diffracted compressional waves (P-waves). However, surface waves exhibit better properties for the characterization of near surface defects, because (a) surface waves dominate the surface response, they carry 67% of the wave propagation energy, and present lower geometrical attenuation because the propagating wave front is cylindrical; and (b) the penetration depth of Rayleigh waves (R-waves) depends on their frequency. Most of the R-wave energy concentrates at a depth of one-third of their wavelengths. The transmission of R-waves through a surface-breaking crack depends on the crack depth; this depth sensitivity is the basis for the so-called Fourier transmission coefficient (FTC) method. R-waves only exist in a half-space (one traction-free surface); whereas in the case of a plate (two traction-free surfaces), Lamb modes are generated. Fundamental Lamb modes behave like R-waves at high frequencies, because their wavelengths are small relative to the plate thickness. Lamb modes are not considered in the standard FTC method, and the FTC method is also affected by the selected spacing between receivers. The FTC calculation requires the use of an explicit time window for the identification of the arrival of surface waves, and the selection of a reliable frequency range. This research presents theoretical, numerical and experimental results. Theoretical aspects of Lamb modes are discussed, and a theoretical transfer function is derived, which can be used to study changes of Lamb modes in the time and frequency domains as a function of distance. The maximum amplitude of the wavelet transform varies with distance because of the dispersion of Lamb modes and the participation of higher Lamb modes in the response. Numerical simulations are conducted to study the wave propagation of Lamb modes through a surface-breaking crack with different depths. The surface response is found to be dominated by the fundamental Lamb mode. Using the 2D Fourier transform, the incident, transmitted and reflected fundamental Lamb modes are extracted. A transmission ratio between the transmitted and incident modes is calculated, which is sensitive to crack depths (d) normalized to the wavelength (λ) in a range (d / λ) = 0.1 to 1/3. A new wavelet transmission coefficient (WTC) method for the depth evaluation of surface-breaking cracks in concrete is proposed to overcome the main limitations of the FTC method. The WTC method gives a global coefficient that is correlated with the crack depth, which does not require time windowing and the pre-selection of a frequency bandwidth. To reduce the effects of wave reflections, which are present in the FTC method because of the non-equal spacing configuration, a new equal spacing configuration is used in the WTC method. The effects of Lamb mode dispersion are also reduced. In laboratory tests, an ultrasonic transmitter with central frequency at 50kHz is used as a source; the 50kHz frequency is appropriate for the concrete plate tested (thickness 80mm), because the fundamental Lamb modes have converged to the Rayleigh wave mode. The new method has also been used in-situ at Hanson Pipe and Precast Inc., Cambridge, Ontario, Canada, and it shows potential for practical applications. In general, the evaluation of material damping is more difficult than the measurement of wave velocity; the dynamic response and attenuation of structural vibrations are predominantly controlled by damping, and the damping is typically evaluated using the modal analysis technique, which requires considerable efforts. The existing methods based on surface waves, use the Fourier transform to measure material damping; however, an explicit time window is required for the spectral ratio method to extract the arrival of surface wave; in addition, a slope of the spectral ratio varies for different frequency ranges, and thus a reliable frequency range needs to be determined. This research uses the wavelet transform to measure material damping in plates, where neither an explicit time window nor the pre-selection of a frequency bandwidth are required. The measured material damping represents an average damping for a frequency range determined by source. Both numerical and experimental results show good agreement and the potential for practical applications.

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