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Masking Level Differences with the Grason-Stadler GSI-10 AudiometerOyler, Robert F., St. Clair, Melissa E. 01 January 1997 (has links)
No description available.
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AbstraktSyftet med denna studie var att skapa kunskaper om hur det är att vara förälder med fysisk funktionsnedsättning i samhället när det finns så normer och förväntningar på hur man ska vara som förälder. Syftet var även att lyfta vilka möjligheter och hinder som föräldrar med fysisk funktionsnedsättning upplever kring sitt föräldraskap. Denna studie bygger på en kvalitativ innehållsanalys där jag analyserat tre intervjuer publicerade i svensk media, med induktiv tematisk analys. Resultatet visade att på grund samhällets förväntningar på föräldraskap och omgivningens negativa attityder kring funktionsnedsättning, får personer med bland annat fysisk funktionsnedsättning gå igenom en lång process tills de kan bli föräldrar. När de väl blivit föräldrar så ifrågasätts de i sin roll som förälder. Ett annat resultat var att trots de negativa effekterna som funktionedsättning medför med sig för en förälder, menade föräldrarna att deras funktionsnedsättning var en möjlighet som kunde berika deras barn.Nyckelord: föräldraskap, fysisk funktionsnedsättning, normer, möjligheter och hinder. / AbstractThe aim of this study was to create knowledge about how it is to be a parent with physical disability in society when there are such norms and expectations how to be a parent. The aim was also to lift the possibilities and obstacles that parents with physical disabilities experience about their parenthood. This study is based on a qualitative content analysis where I analyzed three interviews published within Swedish media, with inductive thematic analysis.The result showed that, due to society's expectations of parenting and the negative attitude of disability around the environment, people with physical disabilities may go through a long process until they can become parents. Once they become parents, they are questioned in their role as parent. Another result was that despite the negative effects of functional impairment on a parent, the parents suggested that their disability was an opportunity that enriched their children.Keywords: parenthood, physical disability, norms, opportunities and obstacles.
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The participation of men in HIV interventions: Responses from men in the Imbizo men's health project, Soweto, Johannesburg, South Africa.Dreyer, Abigail Ruth January 2009 (has links)
Master of Public Health - MPH / The unequal balance of power between women and men, which has its roots in
gender norms, contributes to both male and female vulnerability to HIVand
sexually transmitted infections (STIs).Yet most HIV prevention activities target only
women. There are, however, a range of civil society organisations that are
currently working to promote gender equity and HIV prevention among men in
South Africa.
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If and how are Instagram's top male makeup influencers shifting the beauty norms & beauty representations in a female oriented industryJalba, Rima January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this research is to explore if and how men performing makeup can shift the beauty norms and beauty representations for women. The shift is studied in the context of Instagram- a photo and video sharing social media platform, where individuals with large followings are called influencers, whereas their presence is qualified as influence. The study looks into how the influence of two of the top male makeup influencers is measured and manifested, and if and how their influence can generate a shift for female beauty norms. To understand if and how a shift can be produced, I focused on analyzing the metrics, the posted content and the interactions and opinions of the followers. This tri-dimensional approach focuses on the elements a shift around Instagram’s male makeup artists involves: influence, which in the context of Instagram is measurable (metrics); the representations the shared content embodies (i.e. images and text), and the feedback given by the followers on their interaction with the accounts. Understanding and studying how these merge together helps getting a sense of what impact the male makeup influencers are potentially having on female beauty norms through Instagram.The key findings uncovered that the two male influencers are a source of inspiration for women, whilst also teaching them how to perform makeup in terms of techniques, products and tools. The influencer- follower relationship is strong enough to make women follow their advice and even proceed to buying products suggested by the male makeup artists. More so, women no longer find it unusual for men to perform makeup, and see makeup related content suitable for both men and women. These findings highlight the role men play in changing beauty norms for women on social media while they perform female assigned beauty practices.
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Using Social Cues to Influence Fruit and Vegetable Intake in College StudentsNix, Elizabeth A 01 May 2018 (has links)
People often base their behaviors on social norms—what they think others do or approve of. This is likely true of fruit and vegetable (FV) intake as well. College students typically don’t get enough FV. We attempted to encourage FV eating by providing students with messages or demonstrations that eating FV is normal. First, we tried to encourage FV intake by providing students with messages regarding the average skin carotenoid concentration and where they fit within their peers (Chapter II). Carotenoids are compounds found in FV that cannot be made by the body, making them an estimate of FV intake. We found that students did not increase their self-reported FV intake or skin carotenoids as a result of these social norms messages, messages about the recommendation for FV or no message at all. We then added an approval/disapproval message (as ☺︎, :| or ☹︎ ) to the average carotenoid scores and where a student fit within their peers’ scores (Chapter V). This resulted in small increases in self-reported FV intake and skin carotenoids for those receiving the approval/disapproval message and those who only got information about the average score of their peers and where they fit within the average. To test whether self-report was influenced by messages regarding social norms, we sent out messages telling students they were lower than average—whether this was true or not, higher than average, providing the recommendation for FV, no message. Those told they were lower than their peers reported a half-cup increase in FV intake immediately after receiving the message. Finally, we attempted to influence student’s FV intake by having other students come into a weekly class, pose as students in the class and eat vegetables (Chapter III). We found that those exposed to these vegetable-eating students were no more likely to increase FV than those not exposed to it. Overall, we found very small or no effects from any of the included studies and that self-reported FV intake should be interpreted with caution. Interventions that include other factors, such as time, cost, availability or knowledge/skills, might increase FV more than social norms alone.
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Income, power, and intimate partner violence at the transition to parenthoodMatheson, Lauren 04 November 2019 (has links)
In relationships between men and women, women are still more likely than men to take family leave and reduce work hours after the birth of their first child. This results in economic changes between partners at the transition to parenthood. Gendered changes in income may impact relationship dynamics within couples and contribute to the elevated risk of intimate partner violence (IPV) seen at this time. Previous research has linked both relative and absolute income to IPV; however, it is unlikely that income directly impacts IPV. For this reason, the current study explored potential mediators of the relationship between income and IPV such as decision-making power (i.e., the ability to influence another person’s opinions and decisions) and quality of alternatives (i.e., the availability of options outside of the current relationship) by following 196 first time parents across four timepoints (the third trimester of pregnancy, one year, two years, and four years postpartum). Multilevel modelling was used to test whether decision-making power mediates the relationship between relative income and IPV and whether quality of alternatives mediates the relationship between absolute income and IPV. Despite low base rates of physical IPV, findings indicated that at times when the gender wage gap within couples was smaller, overall levels of physical violence within the relationship were reduced. However, at times when the gender wage gap was smaller women’s psychological IPV perpetration increased. There were mixed findings regarding decision-making power and quality of alternatives as mediators of the relationship between income and IPV. Implications for the current conceptualization of the link between income and power are discussed. / Graduate
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Meet us in the Battlefield Sand to Maintain our Democracy : Militarized masculinities among veteran elites in post-war NamibiaSalomonsson, Lovisa January 2021 (has links)
Gender awareness has been recognized as critical in sustainable peace efforts, and gender mainstreaming has become a natural practice in peace projects. While gender has long been equated with focus on women, the inclusion of men has increased. The concept of militarized masculinity has gained recognition, where exposure to the military institution is believed to foster certain gendered norms. The construction of these militarized masculinities has been a prominent focus in previous research, where capability of violence is apparent, and they are often found to undermine sustainable peace efforts. Less attention has been given to how these norms endure outside of the military institution. This thesis seeks to explore this question by studying five Namibian veterans who after the independence war moved on to become prominent politicians, which is argued to provide a least likely case for norm change. Through a qualitative content analysis, the veterans are studied during their entire time in the Namibian parliament. The study finds that the masculinity norms of the veterans developed and adapted to peace time, but still remained militarized. A new ideal type of militarized masculinity is formulated based on the findings, the Nation Protector, where leadership, bravery and patriotism are central, together with ideas of gender equality and peace. The study thus provide evidence that militarized masculinities may change outside of the military institution, but that this change is slow.
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Workplace chronotype bias, flexible scheduling, and performance beliefsGilmer, Declan O. 06 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Workers who request a flexible schedule to accommodate their biologically-determined sleep-wake cycle (chronotype) may face prejudice if supervisors perceive them, particularly “night owls”, as lazy or unconscientious. Such bias may be exacerbated in organizational cultures characterized by stability and control. Thus, chronotype bias was examined in a 2 (rigid vs. flexible organizational norms) X 3 (morningness chronotype, eveningness chronotype, educational pursuit/control as reason for a flexible schedule request) online scenario study. Participants were recruited through Amazon Mechanical Turk (N=398) and were instructed to act as managers to decide whether to approve a fictitious employee’s request for a flexible schedule. Organizational culture and reason for schedule request were orthogonally manipulated in the scenarios. Ps completed measures of schedule approval (including an open-ended justification item), beliefs about the employee’s performance (job-specific task performance, contextual performance, personal discipline, and conscientiousness), and manipulation checks, as well as measures of their own chronotype. Ps were less likely to approve a flexible schedule request for employees with chronotype-based requests (both morningness and eveningness) compared to control (educational pursuit/control request). Task performance beliefs mediated the effect. Organizational norms had both a direct and moderating effect on schedule approval, such that approval was higher and chronotype bias was weakened in the flexible norm condition compared to the rigid norm condition. Ps’ own chronotype had no direct or moderating effect on schedule approval. Qualitative content analysis of Ps’ justification for the schedule approval decision revealed that Ps justified their decision on the impact of schedule approval on the organization.
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Klara, färdiga, stopp! : En kritisk diskursanalys av domstolshandlingar från Idrottens skiljedomstol gällande IAAF:s regelverk om kvinnliga atleters deltagande inom elitlöpningPalacios Ibanez, Christabel January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis has been to investigate elements of racism in two court documents from The Court of Arbitration for Sports (CAS). The court documents deal with two regulations from the International Athletics Federation (IAAF) and the implementation of these regulations, which aim to assess womens’ participation in elite running. These regulations are based on measurements of female athletes’ testosterone levels to assess who is considered eligible to compete in the female category in elite running. The regulations have been criticized by UN Human Rights Council, which states that the regulations include racial discrimination, since the regulations are primarily aimed at women from the global South as they to a greater extent demonstrate higher levels of testosterone. The thesis has analysed whether racist discourses can be discerned in the court documents by examining statements from the IAAF and CAS when it discusses the implementation of these regulations in elite running for women. The analysis of the court documents is based on a method of critical discourse analysis. which intends to shed light on uneven power structures due to, among other things, race. In the court documents, the content of the texts was examined according to the method. The thesis examines how women who produce higher levels of testosterone are described in relation to women who produce testosterone within the “normal” range. The thesis also examines which discourses have the most space in the court documents. The analysis is supplemented with Sara Ahmed´s theory of the phenomenology of whiteness, and Sandra Fredman´s theory of the concept of equality. The results of the thesis show that women from the global South are considered abnormal due to a socially constructed norm based on white Western ideals. Female athletes who show a higher level of testosterone come mainly from the global South. Since these athletes are more affected by the IAAF:s regulations than those from the West, it can be interpreted that these women are restricted in their freedom of movement within elite running compared to white female athletes.
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Explaining Agreements on EU Sanctions against Russia in 2022-23 : A Deliberative PerspectiveLöf Hagström, Gustaf January 2023 (has links)
Following the invasion of Ukraine on the 24th of February 2022, the EU imposed new heavy sanctions on Russia as a response to their act of aggression. The first EU sanctions on Russia were imposed following their annexation of Crimea in 2014, and sanctions have been employed ever since. However, the EU response in 2022 differs significantly from 2014 in both scope and impact, and the EU’s capability to reach an agreement was a surprise for scholars and experts. Drawing from a deliberative perspective, the aim of this thesis is to explain the agreement on EU sanctions against Russia in 2022-23. By analysing the arguments presented by the EU member states, this paper will examine how a collective stance on sanctions was attained. The findings will conclude that rights-based norms linked to international law, in particular the principles of state sovereignty and self-determination, enabled the agreement. Yet, security concerns had an impact on the discourse on sanctions which underlines the importance of a sense of threat. However, the rights-based norms were inextricably intertwined with value-based norms that influenced and shaped the discourse on which the agreement was reached. The value-based norms were linked to a particular duty to Europe and moral obligations vis-á-vis Ukrainians. Hence, European solidarity and a sense of European identity encompassed the discourse and facilitated the EU’s collective action.
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