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Mannen som tilltalar Mannen : En studie om hur maskulinitet kan ses och förklaras utifrån uppfostranTavukçu, Azime January 2019 (has links)
This essay processes how masculinity is expressed and used in regards to fatherhood. What does the father maintain and distance himself from when it comes to fatherhood and how does it affect the father's identity. The concept perspectives that are used in this essay to describe and understand manliness are hegemonic masculinity and the theoretical perspective discourse. The empirical data drawn from interviews will be subjected to discourse analysis. The interviews are based on five men with different ethnicities as well as different backgrounds and socioeconomic status. The reason I chose different informants was to see if it has an impact on the way men think of masculinity and how this manifest in to fatherhood, as well as which norms and values they adhere to and takes distance from in regards to their children. There are several factors that can explain how humans think and act, however, these experiences are often based on factors from your childhood, society and culture which are always intertwined. This study investigates how experiences and interactions concerning masculinity from an early childhood shapes and is transmitted on to ones child when one becomes a father.
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Souffrance sexuelle : genre, norme et politique dans une pratique psychanalytique : la différence sexuelle et sa fétichisation / Sexual suffering : gender, norm and politics in a psychoanalytic practice : sexual difference and its fetishizationStefani, Pascale 14 January 2017 (has links)
Le sexuel à l’oeuvre dans la clinique psychanalytique s'avère toujours traversé par des enjeux de genre, genre commesexe social mais aussi comme catégorie discursive produisant le corps sexué et questionnant la subjectivité d'uneépoque. Cette thématique est analysée du point de vue de la question des normes et de la prise en compte de sonincorporation et de son attachement dans les processus d'identification. Il s'agira de penser les insuffisancesthéoriques et politiques de la notion de « différence sexuelle » pour une clinique qui souhaite prendre en compte leschangements sociaux relatifs à la sexualité et inventer de nouvelles manières de « faire de la politique ». Unefétichisation de la différence sexuelle m'est apparue un obstacle majeur aux avancées du travail théorico-clinique. Maclinique au quotidien comme psychologue clinicienne en service d'urologie à l'hôpital accueillant des personnessouffrant dans leur sexualité m'a invité à m'enrichir de l'apport de la pluridisciplinarité, et particulièrement des étudesde genre et féministes. Celles-ci me sont apparues comme pouvant permettre à la psychanalyse de demeurer undispositif critique à l'endroit des normes, envisagées comme grammaire de la subjectivation. De penser le lien entremode d'assujettissement, désir de normes et souffrance sexuelle et d'entendre la plainte, le symptôme dans sasingularité et comme résistance psychique aux normes sociales. L'approche de la différence sexuelle sous l'angle dugenre propose à la psychanalyse d'autres configurations du désir, du symbolique, du pouvoir et de la sexuation pourainsi articuler l'individuel et le collectif, le sujet social avec le sujet de l'inconscient. Ainsi pouvons nous penserpsychanalytiquement sans les pathologiser les configurations de genre, sexe et sexualité contestant la conceptionbinaire de la différence sexuelle et ses assignations, avec la question centrale du traitement politique que l'on souhaitefaire de la différence. / In psychoanalysis clinical practice, the sexual always is confronted to gender's issues ; gender as social sex butalso as a discursive category producing sexed body and questionning a particular time's subjectivity. We haveinvestigated those questions from the perspective of norms, taking into account its incorporation and attachment inthe identification process. This will involve thinking about the concept of “sexual difference” theorical and politicalshortcomings, in order to propose a clinical approach that takes into account social changes related to sexuality and toinvent new ways to « do politics ». The fetichization of sexual difference, it seems to me, is a obstacle to theoreticaland clinical work's advancement. My daily clinical practice as a clinical psychologist in the hospital urologydepartment, where I see people suffering in their sexuality, opened upfor me the benefits of a multidisciplinaryapproach, particulary in gender and feminist studies. These ones appeared to me allowing psychoanalysis to remain acritical perspective of the norms, seen as a “grammar of subjectivation” ; allow also to investigate the link betweenmodes of submission, desire of norms and sexual suffering, and lastly to be able to hear the complaint, the symptom,as a singularity, a resistance to social norms. The approach of the sexual difference seen from the gender perspectiveopen up for psychoanalysis new configurations of desire, symbolic, power and sexuation, allowing a differentarticulation of the individual and collective, of the social actor and the unconscious. We may attain a psychoanalyticalapproach that doesn't see as pathology, gender, sex and sexuality's configurations which contest the binary conceptionof sexual difference and its assignations, withing the central question, the political treatment of “ difference”.
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“Jag har ställt upp på sex, för att han inte ska bli ledsen eller upprörd” : En intervjustudie om hur pornografinormerna och dess ideal påverkar unga, svenska heterosexuella kvinnor / “I’ve had sex, just so he doesn’t get sad or upset” : An interview study about the norms of pornography and how its ideals influence young, Swedish heterosexual women.Lundgren, Josefin, Nemeth, Evelina January 2021 (has links)
Mainstream pornography is a widely researched phenomenon, however not many studies focus on the impact it may have on young heterosexual women. The discussion of whether an individual is “damaged by porn” usually refers to sex offenders, rapists and less aggressive sexual behavior. These discussions usually involve young and adult men and how they might be “damaged” by watching pornography and how that adapts to their own sex life. However, the discussion whether women are or could be damaged by pornography is not as widely discussed. The aim of this study is therefore to provide an understanding whether pornography creates norms and ideals that influence young heterosexual women in Sweden. Two main theoretical frameworks are used, Gagnon & Simon’s sexual script theory and Fredrickson & Robert’s objectification theory in correlation with the concept of the male gaze to analyze the results. The study is based on twelve interviews with young heterosexual Swedish women between the ages of 21 and 32 and their experiences and own stories. With inspiration from Robert Emerson and his colleague’s analysis model we’ve presented our results. The results and outcome provide us with three main themes: “the good-girl mentality”, “ambivalent feelings” and “norms and ideals”. The main conclusion of the empirical data is that all women in the study are shown to be influenced by the norms and ideals that pornography provides. In addition, the impact of aggression and violence was striking in the empirical data. These impacts by the norms and ideals of pornography may be consciously told by the women or interpreted by us authors.
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ESSAYS ON SOCIAL NORMS AND THE MANY SIDES OF RACISMKeunchang Oh (9738371) 15 December 2020 (has links)
<p>My dissertation is divided into five relatively freestanding yet thematically linked essays, investigating a number of ways in which social norms and the question of racism are related. In these chapters, I aim to show the vital influence of social norms on our interpersonal relationships, going beyond the futile binary between individual (moral philosophy) and state (political philosophy), thereby affirming the primacy of the social over the political. Considering social norms can help us to see how individual agents are socially and culturally mediated, shaped, and distorted. In the dissertation, I discuss the racial contract (John Rawls and Charles Mills), racism as volitional states (Jorge Garcia), racism as ideology (Tommie Shelby and Sally Haslanger), and anti-racism through social movements (Elizabeth Anderson). By engaging them, I argue that racism as a socially harmful norm should be understood in the context of broader social environments. My thesis is that racism as a socially harmful norm should be understood as a manifestation in broad social environments where the mechanisms of social norms function structurally. In conclusion, I argue for the relevance of social critique instead of a narrow moral critique of racism. In this regard, my solution is not intended as a complete solution for the termination of all forms of racism, rather as certainly a needed viable approach both morally warranted and pragmatically efficacious.</p>
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Tolerancia hacia los comportamientos transgresores en jóvenes de la ciudad de Lima Metropolitana y Callao en el tiempo de cuarentena COVID-19 / Tolerance towards transgressive behaviors in young people from the city of Metropolitan Lima and Callao during the quarantine period COVID-19Joy Way Lion, Maria Jose 15 July 2020 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo general identificar la Tolerancia hacia los comportamientos transgresores de la ciudad de Lima Metropolitana y Callao en el tiempo de aislamiento social COVID-19. Para ello, se contó con la participación de 181 jóvenes, entre los 18 y 30 años, con un promedio de 23,87 (DS = 2,77), a quienes se les aplico la Escala de Tolerancia hacia la Transgresión (Rottenbacher & Schmitz, 2012) para medir la tolerancia hacia la transgresión social. En cuanto a los resultados, se encontró una baja tolerancia hacia los comportamientos transgresores, tanto en la escala global como en las dimensiones que la conforman. Asimismo, se encuentra mayor tolerancia hacia comportamientos de transgresión a las normas sociales que a actos ilícitos. / This research has the general objective of identifying tolerance towards transgressive behaviors in the city of Metropolitan Lima and Callao in the time of social isolation COVID-19. For this, 181 young people, between 18 and 30 years old, with a mean age of 23,87 (SD = 2,77) participated, to whom the Scale of Tolerance towards Transgression was applied (Rottenbacher & Schmitz, 2012 ) to measure tolerance towards social transgression. Regarding the results, a low tolerance towards transgressive behavior was found, both on the global scale and in the dimensions that comprise it. Likewise, there is greater tolerance towards behaviors of transgression to social norms than to illegal acts. / Trabajo de investigación
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Att Instagramma eller att umgås? : En studie om smartphoneanvändande i sociala situationer / To use Instagram or to socialize? : A study about the use of smartphones in social situationsCarlson, Matilda, Ghebremikael, Sharon January 2016 (has links)
Teknikens snabba utveckling har förändrat hur människor använder teknik och hur vanor bildas kring den. Tidigare forskning visar att majoriteten av smartphoneanvändare ofta använder sin enhet under sociala aktiviteter, även om det inte anses vara socialt accepterat. Detta faktum gör det intressant att undersöka vilka faktorer och funktioner som påverkar användningen av smartphones under sociala aktiviteter samt om det finns några situationer som motiverar till eventuella undantag. I denna undersökning utforskas Medieteknikstudenters ställningstagande vad gäller användningen av smartphones under sociala situationer. De sociala situationerna har begränsats till en grupp bestående av tre till fem vänner i en café- eller restaurangmiljö. För att besvara frågeställningen har en studie genomförts i form av dels en kvantitativ enkät som skickades ut till studenterna, samt en kvalitativ studie i form av fokusgrupper. Resultatet av de båda visade att det inte fanns ett definitivt svar på studenternas inställning till användandet av smartphones i dessa situationer, utan de flesta studenterna ansåg vad som var acceptabelt eller inte var beroende av situationen. Majoriteten tyckte också att användande som inte var märkbar eller användning som bidrog till den sociala situationen var acceptabelt. / Technology’s swift development has changed the way people use it and the way habits form around it. Research has shown that the majority of smartphone users use their device during social activities, even though it is deemed unacceptable. This idea is what makes it interesting to investigate what factors, and if there are applications, that affect the use of smartphones during social activities and if there are any situations that warrants exceptions. The problem this essay will explore is:" What is Media Technology students’ stance on the use of smartphones during social activities?". The social activities were narrowed down to a group consisting of three to five friends in a café or restaurant setting. To answer the problem a quantitative survey was sent out to the target group and qualitative focus groups were conducted. The result of both showed that there was not a definitive answer on the students’ stance. Most students felt that whether something was acceptable or not was contingent on the situation at hand. The majority felt like unnoticeable use or use that contributed to the social activity was acceptable.
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Alltså hur mår du egentligen? : En litteraturstudie om maskulinitetsnormers påverkan på mäns hjälpsökande vid mental ohälsa / So how are you really feeling? : A review about how masculinity norms affect men’s help seeking when suffering from mental health issuesEjnar, Martin, Jimenez, Christie January 2022 (has links)
Background: Men around the world seek help to a lesser extent than women for mental health problems. Standards have demonstrated themselves negative in how men seek help for their mental problems, as they are usually associated as female problems. Men tend to minimize their mental illnessin fear of becoming stigmatized. The stigma can affect men's social life and aggravate their mental illness. Aim: The aim of the literature study was to describe how masculinity norms affect men’s help seeking when suffering from mental health issues. Method: A qualitative literature review based on 15 qualitative articles analyzed with a thematic analysis. Results: Five themes were identified; Mens obligations, Stigma to seek help for mental illness, Prejudice against mental illness, Lacking knowledge about mental illness, Lacking confidence to the healthcare. Conclusion: Norms affect men’s help seeking for mental health problems from several different angles. They can be enforced by the men themselves or by the community. Through knowledge of which thenorms are and how they are enforced, can they be changed.
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Normativity and Rationality – Analyzing the Norms for Disagreements and Judgment SuspensionWang, Yuzhou 02 June 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Moderskap och dess förväntningar : En kvalitativ studie om hur moderskap reproduceras av mammorPasandideh, Azita, Tivani, Grace January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to examine whether norms and expectations about motherhood affect mothers and whether normative notions of motherhood are reproduced by mothers in today's society. We live in a society that is constantly changing, as is the role of mother. Becoming a mother is something that women do through socio-cultural aspects and norms and by reflecting on themselves in the role of mother. The study has used a qualitative approach with semi-structured interviews. There were six mothers who participated in the study, those who participated were students or working women. Previous research shows how norms and values as well as close contacts can be central factors in how women shape their mother roles, in addition, how deviant factors can affect women in their role and identity. The result was that the women in the study are influenced by some norms, they maintain and reproduce the norms and expectations that they think are good regarding motherhood and challenge the norms and expectations that they consider less good. In conclusion, the informants agreed that an obligation that exists in motherhood is to adapt to the child and the child's needs. / Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur normer och förväntningar kring moderskap påverkar mödrar och om normativa föreställningar av moderskap reproduceras av mammor i dagens samhälle. Vi lever i ett samhälle som förändras kontinuerligt, det gör även modersrollen. Att bli mamma är något som kvinnor gör via sociokulturella aspekter och normer samt genom att reflektera kring sig själv i rollen som mamma. Det var ett kvalitativt förhållningssätt med semistrukturerade intervjuer som användes i studien. Det var sex mödrar som deltog i studien, de som deltog var studerande eller arbetade kvinnor. Den tidigare forskningen visar hur normer och värderingar samt nära kontakter kan vara centrala faktorer i hur kvinnor formar sina modersroller, dessutom presenteras hur ett avvikande faktorer kan påverka kvinnorna i deras roll och identitet. Resultatet var att kvinnorna i studien blir påverkade av en del normer, de upprätthåller och reproducerar de normer och förväntningar som de tycker är bra gällande moderskapet och utmanar de normer och förväntningar som de anser som mindre bra. Avslutningsvis var informanterna eniga om att en förpliktelse som finns på moderskapet är att anpassa sig efter barnet och barnets behov.
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Norm Adherence and Violation: Different Motivational Locus for Moral Rules versus Social ConventionsLiu, Zaijia January 2022 (has links)
Although prior work has investigated the important influence of social norms, research has yet to explore the differential impact of internalization (i.e., the degree to which social norms regulate one’s behavior by integrated personal values versus external pressures) on different types of social norms. This dissertation compares the motivational underpinnings of moral rules and social conventions. To do so, I examine both norm adherence and responses to observed violations.
Chapter 1 examines how internalization influences adherence to different norms. In three studies across different contexts, I found that intrinsic motivation (i.e., inner valuation) drives adherence to moral rules, whereas extrinsic motivation (i.e., the weight placed on the community’s judgments and sanctions) drives adherence to social conventions.
Chapter 2 investigates individuals’ reactions to moral or conventional norm violations. Across seven studies, I showed that extrinsic and intrinsic motivations for norms moderate observers’ responses to different types of norm violations in terms of inappropriateness (i.e., cognitive response), anger (i.e., emotional response), punishment (i.e., behavioral tendency), and heart rate reactivity (i.e., physiological response). Results suggest that for moral norms, negative reactions to violations are stronger for individuals feeling higher intrinsic motivation. However, for social conventions, negative reactions are greater for individuals with higher extrinsic motivation.
Chapter 3 introduces an important motivational concept—need for cognitive closure (NFCC, i.e., desperation to seek an answer). With two different studies, I found that NFCC is more likely to make people stressed out when confronting violations to moral than to conventional norms.
Taken together, this dissertation has established the critical interaction between the domain of norms and one’s motivation to influence norm adherence and enforcement.
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