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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Myrar på Storön vid Norrbottenskusten / Coastal mires on the Storön peninsula, Norrbotten, N Sweden

Elveland, Jan January 1976 (has links)
ELVELAND, J. 1976. Coastal mires on the Storön peninsula, Norrbotten, N Sweden. Wahlenbergia 3. 274 pp. (map + 1 fig. in end pocket). Umeå.Vegetation, flora and habitat conditions of mires on and above the seashore have been studied in an eutrophic coastal area (Storön) in N Sweden. Here the rate of land uplift is almost 1 m per century and vegetational dynamics are rather intense in the younger mires, especially in the seashore fens recently "born from the sea" (primary mire formation).The mire vegetation is dealt with in three main groups: seashore fens, fens above the seashore and bog vegetation. The plant communities have been classified on a basis of their physiognomically dominant species. "Sphagnum fuscum islets" (often called "miniature raised bogs" or "miniature bogs") in the rich fens form the predominant type of bog vegetation. In the present paper the main emphasis has been laid on the rich fens above the seashore.Several vegetational gradients are dealt with, i. a. rich fen-poor fen, mire margin-mire expanse and the complex gradient mud-bottom/carpet/magnocaricetum/ lawn/hummock. Both small-scale and large-scale successions are discussed and a floristic list (vascular plants, bryophytes and lichens) with ecological annotations is presented.Extensive field measurements of pH and electrolytic conductivity of mire waters have been made. The pH, ash content, SÌO2r s r P#• C and N, total content and exchangeable fractions of Na, K, Mg, Ca, Mn and Fe have been determined at different depths for various kinds of peat. The chemistry of lagoon and lake sediments have also been studied. The vertical gradients shown by the chemical parameters are of special interest regarding the Sphagnum fuscum islets. The surface peats of the islets are "functionally ombrotrophic", while from a depth of ca. 30 cm and downwards the chemical characteristics are those of a rich fen peat.Historical and present-day mire utilization is discussed, especially hay-making and cattle grazing. / digitalisering@umu

Agrara bebyggelseprocesser : utvecklingen i Norrbottens kustland fram till 1900-talet /

Egerbladh, Inez. January 1987 (has links)
Akademisk avhandling--geografiska institutionen--Uméå, 1987.

Boplatsvallen som bostad i Norrbottens kustland 5000 till 2000 före vår tideräkning : en studie av kontinuitet och förändringar

Norberg, Erik January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Zugl.: Umeå, Univ., Diss., 2008. / Mit Zsfassung in engl. Sprache.

The natural holocene vegetation development and the introduction of agriculture in northern Norrland, Sweden : studies of soil, peat and especially varved lake sediments

Segerström, Ulf January 1990 (has links)
The Holocene vegetation history of northern Norrland was studied by pollen analysis of sediement, peat and soil samples, with the aim to improve our knowledge about vegetation development in northern Norrland, and also about the history of man and the introduction of agriculture in the area. Earlier made pollen analyses from the four northernmost provinces were summarized and a series of new analyses from northern Norrland added. Pollen anlyses were conducted on sediment and peat profiles from four sites in the Luleälv valley, in Norrbotten, and from Kassjön in coastal Västerbotten. Furthermore, the hypothesis was tested that pollen analysis of thin mor humus soils could be used to trace and identify ancient cultivated fields. When the interior parts of the Luleälv valley were deglaciated about 9500 BP, an open ecosystem formed dominated by shrubs and dwarf-shrubs. A few hundred years later Betula and Pinus invaded and rapidly formed forests, and by 9000 BP Alnus had immigrated and become common in most of Norrland. With climatic improvement Betula and Alnus increased in abundance, and nemoral broad-leaved trees colonized from south to north: between 6000-3500 BP Ulmus and Corvlus had become common as far north as Västerbotten. In Norrbotten, however, Betula and Alnus were the dominant deciduous trees. Around 3400 BP Picea abies reached the coast of Norrland from Finland, established itself and within 300 years became the major forest tree along a coastal zone. It occupied the moist, fine sediment substrates in those areas which earlier had been mainly dominated by Alnus and Betula. Climatic deterioration resulted in a steady retreat of the more southerly forest elements, and by 2000 BP only small, remnant stands at isolated sites were left. Over the last 2000 years little natural change has occurred in the forest vegetation. Man invaded the area soon after the deglaciation. These first occupants were hunters and fishermen, however, and their impact on the vegetation development was minor and restricted to small camp clearings. Not until an agricultural economy became established, did the influence of man become pronounced. In coastal Västernorrland and Västerbotten, traces of agriculture and animal husbandry occurred between 4700-2500 BP, but these first cereal cultivations were temporary, short-lived and occurred primarily at coastal sites. In those areas, permanent cultivation developed due to changed settlement structure during the first centuries AD. In the Luleälv valley in Norrbotten, cereal cultivation and animal husbandry was introduced between 500-1000 AD, although the hunter/gatherer economy continued to dominate, as it did in most of interior Norrland. Concomitant with the general agricultural expansion in Västernorrland and Västerbotten between 1000-1200 AD, permanent field cultivation developed in the coastal parts of the Luleälv valley. In the interior of northern Norrland, however, agriculture did not become important until the 17th-19th centuries. / <p>Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Umeå universitet, 1990, härtill 4 uppsatser.</p> / digitalisering@umu

Kolonisationen på kronoparkerna i Norrbotten 1894-1950 / The colonization of state forest areas in Norrbotten in the period 1894-1950

Bergström, Sten Ove January 1979 (has links)

Vem var "alltid redo"? : En studie om socioekonomiska förhållanden av flickscouter och dess föräldrar i Norrbotten mellan 1946-1951

Svanström, Erik January 2021 (has links)
This study aims to get insight into how the socio-economic background of girl scouts in Norrbotten, Sweden, looked like in the 1940s and 1950s: what were their parents occupations and their social class belonging? The study also emphasises differences in social background between girl scout groups in different places in Norrbotten and whether the girl scouts social background differed from the social structure in their places of residence. I have identified the girl scouts names from the scout corps member charts and traced parents and their occupations using the genealogical website arkivdigital.se. Next, we classified the parental occupations through the internationally recognised twelve social group HISCLASS system.Theoretically, the study uses James Vela-McConnell"s social affinity theory, which helps usunderstand how groups are constructed and why we choose the groups we do. McConnell argues that when groups form we look for something to connect us to others, that being a feeling of affection or simply a geographical closeness, for instance, as neighbours. McConnell also raises the idea that we can have a proximity not only physically but also socially. The social connection can be quite small, as in what group in class we belong to but also which social class our families are apart of. This is what this study has fokus on. The study includes girl scout corps in five towns in Norrbotten County in northernmost Sweden between 1946 and 1951: Piteå, Övertorneå, Boden, Haparanda and Pajala. A majority of the girlscouts had middle-class backgrounds. However, there were differences between the towns. In the military town Boden, most girl scout parents were upper-class militaries with higher ranks. In the nearby Piteå, where the sawmill and pulp and paper industries played significant roles, most of the girl scout parents belonged to the middle class. However, several also came from the working classas they were employees of the lumber mill. We can here see that the difference in location and that which town the girl scouts lived in greatly affected the social class of the scout group in a town as a whole. These differences continue to show themselves between the different towns and especially between the smaller and larger ones depending how usual service jobs were, which more often where in higher HISCLASS groups.

Om rekrytering och mobilisering : fackliga organisationsproblem vid Båtskärsnäs sågverk i början 1900-talet

Johansson, Mats, Drugge, Ulf January 2002 (has links)
Organisering, discplinering, socialisering. Fallstudier av människor och idéer, arbete och familjeliv i två sågverkssamhällen i Norrbotten 1860-1930.

Vem syns? : En kvantitativ studie av män och kvinnor i Norrbottens lokalpress

Lundmark, Sofie, Öqvist, Marie January 2012 (has links)
I uppsatsen undersöks hur män och kvinnor representeras i Piteå Tidningen, en av Norrbottens största lokaltidningar. I Norrbotten pågår en genusdebatt, som kretsar kring kvinnors svårigheter att slå sig fram på näringsmarknaden. Följande studie utgår ifrån en kvantitativ innehållsanalys, som genom en rad variabler söker besvara uppsatsen frågeställningar: [1] Hur stort utrymme ges män respektive kvinnor i tidningen? [2] I vilka sammanhang förekommer män respektive kvinnor i nyhetsrappoteringen? och [3] Vilka skillnader och likheter finns i framställningen av kvinnor och män? Genom en rad olika teorier och tidigare forskningar tolkas resultatet och analyseras i en slutlig diskussion. I nyhetsrapportering skulle det generellt kunna upplevas att män och kvinnor värderas olika, genom att de inte tilldelas lika utrymme och förekommer på lika villkor. Hypotesen bekräftas i denna studie av norrbottnisk lokalpress, som landar i ett resultat som visar på mäns överrepresentering i nyheterna. I de analyserade artiklarna förekommer kvinnor främst i ämnen som vård och utbildning, medan män främst porträtteras i ämnen som företagsamhet och sport. I tidigare genusstudier framgår ett synsätt där mannen är samhällets norm som kvinnan jämförs med, vilket kan innebära att manliga egenskaper värderas högre. Resultatet av denna studie visar på ett mönster där män visas i Piteå Tidningen på bekostnad av kvinnor, som i sig kan vara ett tecken på ett samhälle som inte är jämställt.

Plant cover and environment of steep hillsides in Pite Lappmark / La couverture végétale et l'habitat des flancs escarpés des collines de Pite Lappmark

Lundqvist, Jim January 1968 (has links)
<p>Avec un résumé en français</p>

Norrbottens Bruna Historia : -En fallstudie av nationalsocialismen i Boden och Luleå 1934 - 1946

Sandling, Staffan January 2017 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte är att studera hur de nationalsocialistiska partierna följde de nationella partiernas riktlinjer på kommunalnivå i Boden och Luleå. Tidsmässigt ligger undersökningen tiden mellan 1934 - 1946. Det var då som de nationalsocialistiska partierna var som störst i Norrbotten. Undersökningen har också granskat om de fick något inflytande över de beslut som fattades där. Undersökningen har främst använt sig av stadsfullmäktigeprotokoll till detta då dessas evidens är väldigt högt. Uppsatsen innehåller också en diskursanalytisk del av vad Norrbottens-Kuriren valt att skriva om dessa partier inför och efter kommunalvalen 1934, 1938 och 1942. Slutsatserna är att vissa partilinjer inte går att påvisa genom stadsfullmäktige-protokollen men det framkommer att de fick visst inflytande över beslut som fattades. Inflytandet märks främst genom att de blev invalda i styrelser och nämnder. Norrbottens-Kuriren ändrade sin ståndpunkt från positiv till neutral, framförallt gentemot SNF.

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