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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Spory o dědické právo v řízení o pozůstalosti / Disputes over inheritance law in inheritance proceedings

Stoklasová, Lucie January 2022 (has links)
Disputes over inheritance law in inheritance proceedings Abstract This thesis deals with the inheritance proceedings. The thesis is primarily focused on disputes over inheritance law that may arise during the inheritance proceedings and which must be resolved in the ways prescribed by law before the final decision on inheritance is made. The content of this thesis is divided into four main chapters. The first chapter is devoted to the general characteristics of inheritance proceedings. The purpose was to describe which legal provisions regulate the inheritance procedure, on which principles the procedure is based and what its normal course looks like. Chapter two is focused directly on the disputes over inheritance law. The subchapters describe what a dispute over inheritance law is and how it is defined by the Act On Special Court Proceedings. On the contrary, it is also described what the case law or commentary literature does not consider as a dispute over inheritance law, although this may not be obvious at first sight. The procedure for resolving such disputes depends on whether the dispute is based solely on a legal assessment of the situation, or whether the facts on which the right of succession of individuals depends are the subject of the dispute. The aim of the subchapter, which focuses on the...

Impartial Contract-Engineering in Real Estate Transactions : The Swedish Broker and the Latin Notary

Jingryd, Ola January 2008 (has links)
Even in the days of an ever closer European union, Europe contains no less than four different legal cultures with respect to real estate conveyances: the Latin-German notary system, the deregulated Dutch notary system, the lawyer/solicitor system, and the Scandinavian licensed real estate broker system. The latter is of particular interest in that Scandinavian brokers play a far larger role in real estate transactions than their European counterparts.This paper examines and compares the Swedish real estate broker and the Latin notary. The Swedish broker is required by law to act as an impartial intermediary, to provide counseling to both parties, and to assist in drawing up all contracts and other documents necessary for the transaction at hand. To that end, the broker must be active and observant of the particular needs of the parties to the present transaction, always striving to enable them to reach equitable and practical agreements so as to prevent future disputes. In other words, the broker is required to tailor the transaction to fit the needs of the buyer and seller.The Latin notary profession prevails in large parts of the world, particularly the Latin-German parts of continental Europe, and Latin America. While there are divergences in the notarial laws of all countries, the similarities are greater still, and it is correct to speak of a single profession throughout all these countries. The notary carries out several important functions, the nexus of which is the authentication of legal documents. In the preparation of these documents, the notary is required to provide impartial counseling in order to tailor the transaction at hand to fit the will and needs of the parties. To uphold the integra fama of the profession, and to safeguard the proper performance of the notarial functions, lawgivers in all countries emphasize the importance of impartiality and integrity. There are national divergences as to the specific rules of conduct related to impartiality, particularly those concerning what activities are considered incompatible with the notariat, but they rest on common principles. Most importantly, not only must the publica fides be honored, it must be seen in the eyes of the public to be honored. The organization and regulation of the notary profession raises important economic issues, particularly with regard to competition/monopoly and market failures. The discussion of the regulation or deregulation of the notariat is by no means settled. Comparing the two professions, it is striking to see the enormous similarities in the legal frameworks and their respective rationales. Two common features are of particular interest. Firstly, both the Swedish broker and the Latin notary are required to assist the contracting parties in the contract phase, drawing up any necessary documents and counseling the parties as to the implications of the transaction. In that respect, both professions function as tailors to the transaction. Secondly, both the broker and the notary are required to act impartially and independently – impartially visavi the contracting parties, and independently in order to preserve the public faith in the independence and integrity of the professions.The similarities can be summarized as a function on the real estate market: impartial counseling and contract-engineering. This function exists alongside other functions, such as the brokers’ traditional matchmaking, or the registration of property rights. This functional approach may prove very useful in all kinds of analyses of the real estate market, whether of political, legal, or economic nature. For instance, with respect to the merits and/or necessity of the Swedish impartiality rule, those wishing to amend the law and introduce a system of overtly partial brokers acting solely on behalf of their principal have to face the question of what is to become of counseling for the principal’s counterpart. Should the counterpart be forced to choose between hiring their own legal counsel or make do without? Further, those wishing to contest the mandatory notarial intervention in real estate transactions have to face the same question: what is to happen to impartial counseling, given not only to the client but also to the client’s counterpart? Both instances illustrate the common feature shared by the two examined professions: impartial contract-engineering and counseling. To complete the picture and cover the whole arena of real estate transactions, the next logical step is therefore to compare and analyze different systems for registration of property rights. Doing so will hopefully achieve a tool for examining the real estate market that will prove useful indeed, particularly in future discussions concerning European harmonization.

Notář a civilní process / The notary and civil procedure

Straděj, Jakub January 2013 (has links)
This thesis titled "The notary and civil procedure" deals with the role of notaries in the legal order of the Czech Republic. Notaries public have a long historical tradition in our country, even though the organization of their profession has changed over the years. General awareness of their profession, which is considered to be very conservative, is not too widespread. It was also one of the reasons, why I chose thesis topic from this field. The aim of this work is to analyze the activities of notary, which are related to the civil procedural law and civil process, characterize the principles, which are typical for him and to clarify the position in which is the notary public while conducting each task. This thesis is divided into five chapters. First of them, except a brief history, explains basic concepts such as notary and notary office. This is followed by a description of the fundamental notary principles, assumptions for the appointment and organization of their profession. In the first half of the second chapter are summarized all activities of notaries in the Czech Republic under the current Law on Notaries. The civil process is defined in the rest of the chapter; it connects with the role of the notary to form a logical basis for the following three chapters describing the specific activities....

Le conseil fiscal notarial en gestion de fortune : planification successorale et structuration patrimoniale / The tax adviser by the french notary in wealth management : estate planning and wealth structuring

Rebattet, Philippe 04 July 2018 (has links)
Le notaire a une fonction essentielle pour conseiller les familles dans la gestion de leur patrimoine. Il intervient directement ou indirectement en matière d'optimisation fiscale. Pour les riches et les ultra-riches, son rôle peut être déterminant dans la construction des schémas d'optimisations fiscales. La plus-value du conseil notarial réside dans la vision à la fois juridique et fiscale. Son intervention s'étend également dans les dossiers internationaux. L'expertise du notaire français en droit international privé et en fiscalité international du patrimoine permet d'accompagner les projets familiaux et patrimoniaux transfrontaliers. / The french notary has an essential function to advise families in the management of their heritage. He actes directly or indirectly for the files of tax optimization. For the high-net-worth individuals (HNWI) and the ultra high-net-worth individuals (UHNWI), his role can be determining in the construction of the plans of tax optimizations. We find the added-value of the French notary advise in its legal and tax skills The intervention of the French notary also extends in the international cases. The expertise of the French notary in private international law and in taxsystem international allows to accompany the cross-border family and international wealth structuring.

Critical overview of the application of the default system in South Africa's matrimonial property regimes

Jassiem, Mogammad Shamiel January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Valstybės registrų vaidmuo notaro funkcijų atlikime / The role of public registers implementing functions of notaries

Krastinytė, Jovita 30 January 2008 (has links)
Šiame darbe, analizuojant nacionalinius, kitų pasirinktų Europos valstybių ir Europos Sąjungos teisės aktus, vadovaujantis teisine literatūra, notarine praktika, yra nagrinėjamas valstybės registrų vaidmuo notaro funkcijų atlikime. Naudojantis teoriniais ir empiriniais tyrimo metodais, yra nustatoma ir nagrinėjama valstybės registrų ir notaro sąveika. Atskleidžiamas valstybės registrų duomenų reikšmingumas įgyvendinant notarui pagrindinį uždavinį – teisėtumo užtikrinimą civiliniuose teisiniuose santykiuose, bei problemos, su kuriomis susiduria notaras dėl nepakankamai integralios valstybės registrų sistemos, valstybės registrų duomenų nepakankamo išsamumo, aktualumo, prieinamumo, operatyvaus perdavimo. / In this master thesis author analyses the role of public registers implementing functions of notaries, referring to national legal acts, other European countries and European Union legal acts, legal nonfiction and notarial practice. Author also establishes and analyses the interaction of public registers and notaries, revealing the meaning of public registers data implementing functions of notaries. Difficulties and problems, which are emerging because of insufficient integrity of public registers and particularity, relevancy, accessability of public registers data.

Lietuvos notariato veiklos optimizavimas 1990 – 2010 m / The optimization of lithuania's notary activity in 1990 – 2010 period

Skyriūtė, Beata 03 August 2011 (has links)
Magistro darbe yra suformuluotos Lietuvos Notariato veiklos optimizavimo problemos, remiantis moksline literatūra bei kitais šaltiniais, išanalizuoti Lietuvos Notariato 1990 – 2010 m. laikotarpyje įvykusius pokyčius įtakoję veiksniai ir atskleisti, kokie sprendimai neigiamai, kokie teigiamai paveikė institucijos veiklą. Darbe iškeltos 4 hipotezės. Remiantis atliktu tyrimu, pirmoji hipotezė, kad Lietuvos Notariatui iš Valstybinio tapus Lotyniškuoju pagerėjo atliekamų paslaugų kokybė bei išaugo pasitikėjimas šios profesijos atstovais, buvo patvirtinta tik iš dalies; antroji hipotezė, kad Lietuvos tapimas Europos Sąjungos nare lotyniškojo tipo notarui atvėrė kelius integracijai į Europos teisinį tinklą - į patikimesnį profesinį bendradarbiavimą, buvo patvirtinta; trečioji hipotezė, kad sėkmingam Notariato veiklos optimizavimui būtinas elektroninių sistemų diegimas, buvo patvirtinta; ketvirtoji hipotezė, kad notarinių paslaugų vartotojai notarų veiklos optimizavimą vertina pagal gaunamų paslaugų kokybę bei jų kainodarą, buvo patvirtinta. / This master’s final paper formulates the problems of optimization of Lithuania’s Notary activity. Based on scientific literature and other sources, factors, which influenced the changes of Lithuania Notary in 1990 – 2010, were analyzed, and reveal, which decisions negatively or positively have affected the performance of the institution. There are four hypotheses raised in the master’s final paper. According to a study carried out, the first hypothesis says that when Lithuania’s Notary has changed to the Latin type, the quality of services has improved and the trust of the employees has increased. This hypothesis was only confirmed partially. The second hypothesis which says that after Lithuania became a member of the European Union, the notary of Latin was able to integrate into the European legal network, which meant stronger professional cooperation, was confirmed. The third hypothesis, which says that electronic systems are necessary for successful optimization of Notary activity, was confirmed. The fourth hypothesis, which says that customers of Notary service assess the optimization according to the quality of service and their pricing, was confirmed.

Critical overview of the application of the default system in South Africa's matrimonial property regimes

Jassiem, Mogammad Shamiel January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

La notion de sceau authentique au Moyen Âge : doctrine et pratique / The notion of the medieval sigillum authenticum : theory and practice

Degouzon, Arnaud 14 February 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie la notion de sceau authentique au Moyen Âge. Elle aspire à proposer une définition du sceau à travers la lecture des lois et commentaires médiévaux. Ce travail nous permet de considérer qu’un acte scellé d’un sceau authentique était avant toute autre chose un instrument au service du pouvoir et des justiciables. Pour être reconnu comme authentique, le sceau devait répondre à un ensemble de conditions. Il devait donc : respecter un ensemble de formalités ; avoir été reçu, rédigé et vérifié par des agents compétents et avoir donné lieu au paiement d’une taxe sans laquelle l’acte n’aurait pu être authentique puisque d’une part il n’aurait pas été scellé et d’autre part il n’aurait pas été conservé. Une telle analyse met en lumière l’idée selon laquelle l’authenticité n’existe pas en soi mais se présente comme le résultat d’un processus de contrôle et de vérification créé par l’autorité publique et mis en œuvre par des agents spécialement habilités par elle. Cette étude nous donne également l’occasion d’observer que l’écrit n’était pas aussi déprécié dans la société médiévale que ne le pensait traditionnellement la doctrine en histoire du droit. Elle nous a enfin offert l’opportunité de reconsidérer le rapport entre la preuve scripturale et la preuve testimoniale. / This thesis puts forward the notion of the sigillum authenticum at the Medieval time. It proposes a definition of such a concept through the analysis of medieval legal material. The aim is to show that a deed with a sigilum authenticum was used as a tool for power and any persons subject to Community laws. To be recognised as authentic, the seal required a few conditions. It had to respect a set of formalities, to be received, written and verified by officials and to prove a tax payment. Without all these requirements, the seal could not be considered as authentic since it would neither have been sealed nor been. Such an analysis puts forward the idea that authenticity could not exist on its own but was the result of a dynamic process of controls and checkings. Such a process was created by the competent public authority and set up by assermented officials. This study also shows the importance of written proof by the medieval society. It underlines the relationship between the written proof and the oral testimonies.

Critical overview of the application of the default system in South Africa's matrimonial property regimes

Jassiem, Mogammad Shamiel January 2010 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM / South Africa

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