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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Approche psychosociale de la structuration des perspectives temporelles en contexte d'incertitude d'emploi : le cas des intermittents du spectacle / Time perspective construction in professional precariousness situation : social comparisons in entertainment jobs

Beder, Aude 26 September 2017 (has links)
La présente recherche s’inscrit dans un contexte d’emploi particulier, celui de l’intermittence du spectacle qui est un mode d’affiliation spécifique au régime de l’assurance-chômage. Si, au départ, ce régime est avantageux dans la mesure où il s’adapte à des métiers qui ne permettent pas de travailler de manière continue par la compensation, sous forme d’indemnités-chômage, des aléas de la vie professionnelle, les réformes successives, dont il a fait l’objet, et notamment le protocole de 2003, ont profondément modifié les règles qui prévalaient jusqu’alors en matière de gestion temporelle de l’emploi et de l’activité de travail pour les techniciens et les artistes du spectacle, introduisant un principe de « double incertitude ».L’objectif de cette thèse est de contribuer à la production des connaissances sur la manière dont se construisent les Perspectives Temporelles dans des contextes socio-professionnels marqués par une forte instabilité et une incertitude accrue, en appréhendant le rôle des processus comparatifs mis en œuvre par les individus dans le sens qu’ils accordent à leurs expériences.Nous avons rencontrés 20 intermittents du spectacle, dont 10 techniciens du spectacle (annexe 8) et 10 artistes (annexe 10). Selon une approche essentiellement qualitative (Delory-Momberger, 2013), nous avons effectué des entretiens semi-directifs de type « récits de vie » (Bertaux, 1984). Les données recueillies ont fait l’objet d’une double analyse lexicométrique et phénoménologique. Nos résultats montrent que la relation existant entre les modalités d’inscription dans une situation plus ou moins précarisée et la construction des perspectives temporelles est médiatisée par des processus de comparaison sociale mis en œuvre par les individus dans leurs différentes sphères de vie et dont l’issue va contribuer à l’orientation (ou à la réorientation) de ces perspectives temporelles et au vécu de cette situation. / This research deals with a particular context of employment: occasional work in the entertainment industry, which is a mode of affiliation which is specific to the system of unemployment insurance. At first, this system was advantageous, insofar as it was compatible with jobs which cannot provide continuous work - thanks to the compensation of the hazards of work life through unemployment indemnities. However, the succeeding reforms - especially the 2003 protocol – deeply changed the regulations which had up to then prevailed in the time management of jobs and professional activities for technicians and artists in the entertainment industry, by initiating a principle of « double uncertainty ».The aim of this dissertation is to contribute to widen the knowledge about the way Temporal Perspectives develop in socio-professional contexts amid which heavy instability and increased uncertainty occur. In order to do so, this paper attempts to grasp the role of the comparative processes carried out by individuals in the meaning they attribute to their life experiences.We have met with 20 occasional entertainment workers, among whom 10 entertainment technicians (appendix 8) and 10 artists (appendix 10). Following a thoroughly qualitative approach (Delory-Momberger, 2013), we have carried out semi-guiding interviews in form of « life narratives » (Bertaux, 1884). The data gathered was submitted to a double analysis: lexicometric and phenomenological.The results show that the connection found between the ways individuals join into a situation more or less unsecured and the creation of temporal perspectives is mediated through social comparison processes carried out by individuals in the different spheres of their lives. Subsequently, the outcome of these processes will help direct (or redirect) these temporal perspectives and contribute to their life experience.

Okazionaliųjų frazeologizmų stilistinės išgalės publicistiniame stiliuje / Stylistic potential of occasional phraseological units in the publicistic style

Butkutė, Laura 01 April 2010 (has links)
Disertacijos tyrimo objektas – okazionalieji, t.y. individualios vartosenos, frazeologiniai junginiai, patarlės ir priežodžiai. Disertacijos tikslas – išnagrinėti frazeologinį vaizdą ir jo kūrimo būdus, okazionaliųjų frazeologizmų, patarlių ir priežodžių stilistinius atspalvius remiantis pasirinktais šaltiniais. Bendrosioms frazeologizmų funkcijoms, semantikai, struktūrai kalbininkai skiria daug dėmesio, o stilistinėms jų ypatybėms – gerokai mažiau. Iki šiol lietuvių kalbotyroje nebuvo nė vienos disertacijos, skirtos okazionaliajai frazeologijai. Iš tikrųjų šių frazeologinių junginių stilistinių ypatumų aptarimas yra ne ką mažiau svarbus negu frazeologizmų kilmės, semantikos ar struktūros tyrinėjimai: kalba nuolat kinta, o okazionalieji frazeologizmai, patarlės ir priežodžiai kaip tik ir atspindi šį procesą, tai rodo komponentų keitimas, sudėties plėtimas, reikšmės kitimas, frazeologinių junginių plėtojimas į platesnį kontekstą ir pan. Modifikacijos būdai parodo junginių pritaikymo šiandieninio gyvenimo situacijoms, reiškiniams galimybes, aktualumą komunikacijos procese. Kalbos ir stiliaus kitimas aiškiai matomas publicistikoje, kurioje fiksuojami svarbiausi žmonių gyvenimo, valstybės, kultūros pokyčiai. Taigi okazionaliai vartojamų frazeologizmų tyrinėjimas publicistikoje yra naujas ir aktualus. Šia disertacija norima atkreipti dėmesį į okazionaliųjų frazeologinių junginių, taip pat patarlių, priežodžių vartosenos ypatumus dabartinės lietuvių kalbos publicistiniame stiliuje... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Object of the research this Dissertation – occasional phraseological units, common proverbs and sayings, i.e., units of individual usage. The latter are discussed not only when they are used in Lithuanian but also when found in texts in their original language. Purpose of the Dissertation – based on the selected references, to examine the phraseological image and image formation methods as well as stylistic shades of occasional phraseological units, common proverbs and sayings. General functions of phraseological units, semantics and structure are given vast attention by linguists whereas their stylistic characteristics receive rather less consideration. Dissertations regarding occasional phraseology are absent from Lithuanian linguistics thus far. In fact, consideration of stylistic patterns of these phraseological word combinations is none the less important than research of their origin, semantics and structure: language is continuously changing, and occasional phraseological units, common proverbs and sayings are the ones that reflect this process; it is evidenced by the change and replacement of components, expansion of composition, change of meaning, development of phraseological units into the broader context, etc. Types of modification show adaptability potential of word combinations and their communicative flexibility. Process of speech and style changing is obvious in the publicistic writings where fundamental changes in human life, state and culture are captured.

Okazionaliųjų frazeologizmų stilistinės išgalės publicistiniame stiliuje / Stylistic potential of occasional phraseological units in the publicistic style

Butkutė, Laura 01 April 2010 (has links)
Disertacijos tyrimo objektas – okazionalieji, t.y. individualios vartosenos, frazeologiniai junginiai, patarlės ir priežodžiai. Disertacijos tikslas – išnagrinėti frazeologinį vaizdą ir jo kūrimo būdus, okazionaliųjų frazeologizmų, patarlių ir priežodžių stilistinius atspalvius remiantis pasirinktais šaltiniais. Bendrosioms frazeologizmų funkcijoms, semantikai, struktūrai kalbininkai skiria daug dėmesio, o stilistinėms jų ypatybėms – gerokai mažiau. Iki šiol lietuvių kalbotyroje nebuvo nė vienos disertacijos, skirtos okazionaliajai frazeologijai. Iš tikrųjų šių frazeologinių junginių stilistinių ypatumų aptarimas yra ne ką mažiau svarbus negu frazeologizmų kilmės, semantikos ar struktūros tyrinėjimai: kalba nuolat kinta, o okazionalieji frazeologizmai, patarlės ir priežodžiai kaip tik ir atspindi šį procesą, tai rodo komponentų keitimas, sudėties plėtimas, reikšmės kitimas, frazeologinių junginių plėtojimas į platesnį kontekstą ir pan. Modifikacijos būdai parodo junginių pritaikymo šiandieninio gyvenimo situacijoms, reiškiniams galimybes, aktualumą komunikacijos procese. Kalbos ir stiliaus kitimas aiškiai matomas publicistikoje, kurioje fiksuojami svarbiausi žmonių gyvenimo, valstybės, kultūros pokyčiai. Taigi okazionaliai vartojamų frazeologizmų tyrinėjimas publicistikoje yra naujas ir aktualus. Šia disertacija norima atkreipti dėmesį į okazionaliųjų frazeologinių junginių, taip pat patarlių, priežodžių vartosenos ypatumus dabartinės lietuvių kalbos publicistiniame stiliuje... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Object of the research this Dissertation – occasional phraseological units, common proverbs and sayings, i.e., units of individual usage. The latter are discussed not only when they are used in Lithuanian but also when found in texts in their original language. Purpose of the Dissertation – based on the selected references, to examine the phraseological image and image formation methods as well as stylistic shades of occasional phraseological units, common proverbs and sayings. General functions of phraseological units, semantics and structure are given vast attention by linguists whereas their stylistic characteristics receive rather less consideration. Dissertations regarding occasional phraseology are absent from Lithuanian linguistics thus far. In fact, consideration of stylistic patterns of these phraseological word combinations is none the less important than research of their origin, semantics and structure: language is continuously changing, and occasional phraseological units, common proverbs and sayings are the ones that reflect this process; it is evidenced by the change and replacement of components, expansion of composition, change of meaning, development of phraseological units into the broader context, etc. Types of modification show adaptability potential of word combinations and their communicative flexibility. Process of speech and style changing is obvious in the publicistic writings where fundamental changes in human life, state and culture are captured.

Francis Ponge : un atelier pratique du "moviment" / Francis Ponge : an application workshop of "moviment"

Ayabé, Mami 23 September 2014 (has links)
Resitué dans le contexte original, L’Écrit Beaubourg, le mot «moviment » s’avère emblématique des pratiques poétiques de Ponge. ll incarne en un seul mot deux éléments fondamentaux 1 le jeu de décalage et de rapprochement des choses différentes, et la matérialité du moyen d’expression. Sous le principe de l’éloge paradoxal, ces caractéristiques permettent la synthèse textuelle des éléments contradictoires, notamment le temps et l’espace, l’abstrait et le concret. Ajouté à cette animation intellectuelle, les textes se meuvent dans leur composition comme un corps organique, en tant que composants fragmentaires de l’œuvre du poète. Dans les écrits sur l’art, Ponge procède également à l’éloge paradoxal en corrélation avec son appréhension de l’art plastique qui transforme l’émotion temporelle et personnelle en matière substantielle et communicative. C’est justement dans ces «poèmes de circonstance>> que se manifestent ses poétiques les plus contradictoires, celle de l’abstraction concrète et concise, et celle de la monumentalité dans le mouvement. Entre l’épaisseur des mots et la surface plane de la page, le poète les met en œuvre particulièrement dans ses journaux poétiques sur les objets d’espace 1 La Fabrique du pré et La Table. Suggérant la forme musicale « moment », et la forme spatiale parallélépipédique par le segment « ment », le « moviment » concrétise la poésie à trois dimensions, qui, à l’instar du Centre Pompidou, conserve la mémoire collective langagière en la renouvelant sans cesse par le biais de l’incitation à la mise en pratique de la parole. / Replaced in its original context, L Ecrit Beaubourg, the word “movement” appears to be a symbol of Ponge’s poetical practice. ln one only word it associates two fundamental elements: a play with the divergence and association of various things, and the materialism of the expression mode. On the basis of the paradoxical praise, these characteristics allow the making of a textual synthesis of contradictory elements, in particular of time and space, of the abstract and the concrete. Added to this intellectual vitality, the texts evolve in their composition like an organic body, as fragmentary constituents of Ponge’s work. ln his writings on art, he carries out also the paradoxical praise in accordance with his approach of plastic arts which convert temporal subjective emotions into substantial communicable materials. lt is precisely in his ‘poemes de circonstance’ (occasional poems) that his most contradictory poetics appear: that of concrete concise abstraction and that of monumentality in movement. ln between the thickness of the words and the flat surface of the pages, Ponge makes use of them particularly in his poetic diaries: La Fabrique du pré and La Table. Suggesting the musical form “moment”, and the parallelepiped spatial form by the segment “ment”, “movement” embodies the three-dimensional poetry, which keeps, as the Pompidou Center, the collective memory of words, revitalizing it constantly through the encouragement to practical applications of language.

La lyre et le masque : la poésie des fêtes du manièrisme à l'âge baroque (1549-1583) / The Lyre and the Masque : Festive poetry in France from Mannerism to Baroque (1549-1538)

Lionetto, Adeline 05 April 2014 (has links)
Vestiges de magnificences réputées diaprées, les vers produits à l'occasion des fêtes de cour de la seconde moitié du XVIe siècle ont longtemps été considérés comme des objets littéraires dépourvus de tout intérêt. Et pourtant la génération de la Pléiade, bien plus connue aujourd’hui pour ses recueils poétiques devenus classiques, a aussi été à l’origine d’une poésie impromptue qui a donné au poète un rôle fondamental de maître des plaisirs de la cour. Non content de rester à son pupitre ou dans sa « librairie », le poète devait prendre en charge la mise en scène de ses compositions, jouer parfois le rôle de l’un des personnages et travailler en collaboration avec d’autres artistes, d’une manière non plus solitaire mais tout à fait collégiale. Sa poésie non seulement agrémente la fête mais la colore, la suscite et la structure : des vers chantés aux vers gravés dans les décors ou encore sur des petits billets tombant en cascade sur le monarque au moment de son arrivée, la poésie est omniprésente dans la fête dont elle se fait, à divers niveaux, la « légende. Contribuant à dramatiser et à sacraliser l'histoire de France, cette poésie se développe en outre sur l'esthétique des merveilles qui caractérise les fêtes de cette époque. Enfin les genres poétiques qui y apparaissent (mascarades, momeries, cartels, etc.) s'influencent alors les uns les autres et se développent au carrefour de multiples pratiques poétiques. / The poems written for court festivals in the second half of the Sixteenth century have long been considered unworthy of the attention of scholars of French literature. However, these colourful traces of famously splendid court festivities involved many of the poets of the generation of the “Pléiade”, remembered today mostly for its classic collections of poetry. Nonetheless, these poets also participated in the practice of composing impromptu poetical pieces, which effectively made them the masters of court entertainment. These poets did not restrict their activities to their study or their “librarie”, but designed the sets and organised the saging of their masques – sometimes even playing some of the parts – and collaborating with other artists. The part played by the poet in these festivals is far from being solitary: it is essentially collaborative. His verses are not a mere ornament of the festivities, but are their very life, giving them shape and colour. Poetry plays a part in all aspects of the festivals at court: it is sung, but also inscribed on elements of the décor and showered down on the monarch when he arrives. In this sense, poetry is the “légende” of the celebrations, serving as a caption and as a way creating a legendary, sacred and dramatic representation of power. This poetry also participates in the aesthetic of the maraviglia characteristic of manneristic and baroque festivals. The poetic genres that they involve (masques, mummeries, cartels etc.) mutually influenced each other and developed as hybrid forms which were grew out of the intertwining of many different poetic traditions.

Different Samenesses: Essays on Non-Standard Views of Identity

de Araujo, Eric William Matteson 29 September 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Окказиональная лексика Терри Пратчетта в русских переводах : магистерская диссертация / Terry Pratchett’s Occasional Words in Russian Translations

Пырикова, Т. В., Pyrikova, T. V. January 2018 (has links)
В данной магистерской диссертации исследуются окказионализмы, созданные Терри Пратчеттом, в сопоставлении с их русскими эквивалентами. Рассматриваются способы конструирования окказиональной лексики в оригинале и переводе романов «Мор, ученик Смерти» и «Мрачный жнец», определена частотность использованных способов перевода. В русле существующих теорий эквивалентности доказана зависимость используемого способа перевода от степени семантической нагруженности индивидуально-авторского онима или реалии, а равно от типологической принадлежности каждой окказиональной единицы. / This master's thesis studies the occasional words created by Terry Pratchett as compared to their Russian equivalents. The ways of constructing occasional words in English and Russian variants of the novels "Mort" and "Reaper Man" are considered, the frequency of the applied translation methods is defined. Within the existing theories of equivalence, the dependence of the applied method of translation on the degree of semantic meaningfulness of the individual author’s word is proved, as well as on the typological peculiarities of each occasional lexeme.

Эргонимы г. Екатеринбурга в коммуникативно-прагматическом аспекте : магистерская диссертация / Ergonyms of Yekaterinburg in the communicative and pragmatic aspect

Савенков, А. Д., Savenkov, A. D. January 2020 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация представляет собой комплексное изучение эргонимов в рамках города Екатеринбурга. В работе проведена общая классификация онимов на материале центральной улицы города – проспекта Ленина. В следующей части исследования делается акцент на прагматическом компоненте современных эргонимов. Рассматриваются продуктивные модели образования эргонимов, оказывающие воздействующий эффект на горожанина. К ним относятся эргонимы-англицизмы, эргонимы, использующие латиницу, единицы, в образовании которых используется языковая игра, эргонимы-реплики и др. / Master's thesis is a comprehensive study of ergonyms within the city of Yekaterinburg. In this paper, the General classification of onyms based on the material of the Central street of the city – Lenin Avenue. The next part of the study focuses on the pragmatic component of modern ergonyms. Рroductive models of education are considered that have an impact on the citizen. These include ergonyms-anglicisms, ergonyms that use the Latin alphabet, units that use a language game in their formation, ergonyms-replicas and others.

The effects of complexity, choice and control on the behaviour and the welfare of captive common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus)

Badihi, Inbal January 2006 (has links)
There are numerous guidelines recommending that captive primates live in complex environments in which they have the opportunity to make choices and the ability to control aspects of the environment, despite the lack of quantitative evidence to suggest these qualities improve welfare. Complexity, choice and control (the ‘Three Cs’) are inter-related and therefore it is complicated to separate their effects. The main aim of this thesis was to examine how the ‘Three Cs’ affect welfare, using the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) as a model. Behavioural measures and preference tests were used to determine the impact and significance of the ‘Three Cs’ on welfare. Experimental manipulations were natural (i.e. access to outside runs), or unnatural (e.g. pressing a button to control additional illumination). In a series of different studies, marmosets were moved to larger and more complex enclosures, were allowed to choose between indoor cages and outdoor complex enclosures and were able to control additional white light or coloured lights in their home enclosures. The results of these studies show that appropriate levels of each of the ‘Three Cs’ had a positive influence on the welfare of the marmosets, especially on youngsters. Although having control over light, and increased illumination itself improved welfare, providing a choice of access to outside runs (which were more complex and allowed the marmosets greater control over their activities) resulted in the greatest welfare improvement for marmosets of all ages. Loss of access, or control, did not appear to have a negative impact. The marmosets were housed in pairs or in family groups, in the different studies. A cross-study comparison shows that the composition of the groups affected the behavioural response of adult marmosets to environmental enrichment. Unexpectedly, it was also found that, when housed in standard laboratory conditions, adult marmosets were more relaxed when housed in pairs than when housed with their offspring. A secondary aim of the thesis was to quantify welfare indicators and activity budgets of common marmosets in a range of different social and physical contexts, and to compare this with the behaviour of wild marmosets, to increase our understanding of what is “normal” in captive situations. It is concluded that it is critical to sub-divide locomotion and inactivity into different levels to interpret these measures accurately. Levels of calm locomotion increased in enriched environments, while levels of relaxed inactivity and scent marking decreased. A number of recommendations for the care and housing of marmosets are made.

Sekundární prevence drogových závislostí / Secondary prevention of drug addiction

VODOVÁ, Michaela January 2011 (has links)
The main aim of this graduation thesis is to define the term of secondary prevention of drug addiction, which is sometime apprehended in different ways in The Czech Republic. I try to include this new definition to our drug policy and classify target groups and bring new methods to the secondary prevention of drug addiction. The thesis is focused on the terms drug, dependence syndrome and prevention and I use various definitions and opinions. I describe and briefly evaluate the system of drug policy and the place of secondary prevention. The occasional users and their families and friends are defined as a target group. The motivational interviewing is the main method in the secondary prevention. The thesis is structured into six parts and in the last part there are some practical examples from two low-thershold facilities for children and youth.

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