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Management of chemical risk through occupational exposure limitsSchenk, Linda January 2009 (has links)
Occupational Exposure Limits (OELs) are used as an important regulatory instrument to protect workers’ health from adverse effects of chemical exposures. The OELs mirror the outcome of the risk assessment and risk management performed by the standard setting actor. In paper I the OELs established by 18 different organisations or national regulatory agencies from the industrialised world were compared. The comparison concerned: (1) what chemicals have been selected and (2) the average level of exposure limits for all chemicals. In paper II the OELs established by 7 different national regulatory agencies of EU member states are compared to those of the European Commission (EC). In addition to the same comparisons as performed in the first study a comparison level was introduced (3) the similarity between the OELs of these EU member states and the OELs recommended by the EC. List of OELs were collected through the web-pages of, and e-mail communication with the standard-setting agencies. The selection of agencies was determined by availability of the lists. The database of paper I contains OELs for a total of 1341 substances; of these 25 substances have OELs from all 18 organisations while more than one third of the substances are only regulated by one organisation alone. In paper II this database was narrowed down to the European perspective. The average level of OELs differs substantially between organisations; the US OSHA exposure limits are (on average) nearly 40 % higher than those of Poland. Also within Europe there was a nearly as large difference. The average level of lists tends to decrease over time, although there are exceptions to this. The similarity index in paper II indicates that the exposure limits of EU member states are converging towards the European Commission’s recommended OELs. These two studies also showed that OELs for the same substance can vary significantly between different standard-setters. The work presented in paper III identifies steps in the risk assessment that could account for these differences. Substances for which the level of OELs vary by a factor of 100 or more were identified and their documentation sought for further scrutiny. Differences in the identification of the critical effect could explain the different level of the OELs for half of the substances. The results reported in paper III also confirm the tendency of older OELs generally being higher. Furthermore, several OELs were more than 30 years old and were based on out-dated knowledge. But the age of the data review could not account for all the differences in data selection, only one fifth of the documents referred to all available key studies. Also the evaluation of the key studies varied significantly.
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Maternal occupational exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic fields and risk of brain tumors in offspringLi, Pei Zhi. January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Kretanje utvrđenih profesionalnih zaraznih oboljenja kod radnika na teritoriji Vojvodine / Trends of the established occupational communicable diseases among workers in the territory of VojvodinaŠpanović Milorad 22 June 2016 (has links)
<p>Profesionalna infektivna oboljenja nastaju kao posledica izloženosti mikroorganizama u radnoj sredini. Cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrđivanje vrsta profesionalnih štetnosti koje dovode do profesionalnih infektivnih oboljenja i njihove incidencije u privrednim delatnostima Autonomne Pokrajine Vojvodine, kao i predloga adekvatnih mera za njihovu prevenciju. Profesionalna infektivna oboljenja su činila 13,4% od ukupno 464 slučaja utvrđenih profesionalnih oboljenja u Autonomnoj Pokrajini Vojvodini u toku dvadesetogodišnjeg perioda od 1992. do 2011. godine. Od ukupno utvrđenih 62 slučaja profesionalnih infektivnih oboljenja dve trećine su činili profesionalni virusni hepatitisi, 31% profesionalne antropozoonoze i 3% profesionolana tuberkuloza. Dve trećine obolelih od profesionalnih infektivnih bolesti bile su osobe ženskog pola što je statistički značajno više u poređenju sa osobama muškog pola, dok su zaposleni muškog pola činili 57%, a ženskog 43% ukupno zaposlenih na teritoriji Vojvodine. Najčešća profesionalna infektivna oboljenja bila su virusni hepatits B 52%, kju groznica 18%, virusni hepatitis C 15%, lajmska bolest 6%, leptospiroza 5%. Utvrđeno je da je došlo do statistički značajnog sniženja incidencije profesionalnog virusnog hepatitisa B u<br />periodu nakon donošenja odluke o obaveznoj imunizaciji 2002. godine, sa 6,27 na 1,35 na 100.000 zaposlenih, dok nije bilo statistički značajne razlike kada je u pitanju incidencija virusnog hepatitisa C. Profesionalna infektivna oboljenja su u više od dve trećine slučajeva registrovana kod zdravstvenih radnika (69%) sa prosečnom incidencijom od 5,18 na 100.000 zaposlenih, znatno niža bila je incidencija u proizvodnji prehrambenih proizvoda (1,36) i poljoprivredi sa lovom, ribolovom i šumarstvom (1,11). Nešto više od trećine radnika bilo je privremeno nesposobno za rad u toku utvrđivanja profesionalnog oboljenja, jer je lečenje bilo u toku. Kod ovih radnika značajno je naknadno oceniti radnu sposobnost i utvrditi eventualne posledice oboljenja. Pored primene specifičnih mera imunizacije ukoliko postoje, kao i ličnih mera zaštita koje sprečavaju kontakt sa uzročnicima, značajno je sprovođenje edukacije radnika o rizicima i preventivnih lekarskih pregleda radi rane identifikacije obolelih radnika.</p> / <p>Occupational communicable diseases are caused by exposure to microorganism’s in working environment. The aim of this study is to determine the types of occupational hazards that lead to occupational communicable diseases and their incidence in the economic activities of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, as well as the proposal of adequate measures for their prevention. Occupational communicable diseases accounted for 13.4% of the total of 464 cases of occupational diseases identified in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina during the twenty-year period from 1992 to 2011. In the total of 62 identified cases of occupational communicable diseases, occupational viral hepatitis accounted for two-thirds, occupational anthropozoonoses for 31%, occupational tuberculosis for 3%. Two-thirds of patients with occupational communicable diseases were females, significantly more compared to male, while male accounted for 57% and female for 43% of the total employees in Vojvodina. The most frequent occupational communicable diseases were viral hepatitis B 52%, Q fever 18%, viral hepatitis C 15%, Lyme disease 6%, leptospirosis 5%. It was found that there was a statistically significant decrease in the incidence of occupational viral hepatitis B in the period after the decision on obligatory immunization in 2002, from 6.27 to 1.35 per 100,000 employees, while there were no statistically significant differences in the incidence of viral hepatitis C. In more than two-thirds of the cases occupational communicable diseases were registered in health care workers (69%) with the average incidence of 5.18 per 100,000 employees, substantially lower the incidence was in the production of food (1.36), as well as in agriculture, hunting, fishing and forestry (1.11). Just over a third of workers were temporarily unable to work during the verification of occupational disease due to the ongoing treatment. In these workers it is important to assess working ability afterwards and identify the possible consequences of the disease. In addition to the application of specific measures of immunization if any available, as well as personal protection measures that prevent contact with pathogens it is important to implement risk education of workers and preventive medical examinations for early identification of affected employees.</p>
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Occupational exposure to fluorinated ski waxNilsson, Helena January 2012 (has links)
Per- and polyfluorinated substances (PFAS) are used in the production of ski wax to reduce the friction between the snow and the ski. In this occupational study of ski wax technicians’ exposure to PFAS and particulate aerosol we have collected whole blood (wb) (n =94), air (n =84) and aerosol (n =159) samples at World Cup events from 2007-2011. We have analysed the blood, air and aerosol with respect to 13 perfluorocarboxylic acids (PFCAs), 4 perfluorosulfonic acids (PFSAs), 3 fluorotelomer alcohols (FTOHs), 3 fluorotelomer acids (FTCAs) and 3 unsaturated fluorotelomer acids (FTUCAs). Further, we assessed the exposure to 3 particulate aerosol fractions (inhalable, respirable and total aerosol) in air. In comparison to a general population, several of the PFCA blood levels are elevated in the technicians’, primarily erfluorooctanoate (PFOA) and perfluorononate (PFNA) with concentrations up to 628 and 163 ng/mL wb, respectively. Further, we detected FTUCAs and FTCAs in the blood, suggesting biotransformation of FTOHs to PFCAs. The metabolites 5:3 and 7:3 FTCA were detected in all blood samples at levels up to 6.1 and 3.9 ng/mL wb. Levels of perfluorohexadecanoic acid PFHxDA) and perfluorooctadecanoic acid (PFOcDA) were detected in the technician’s blood at mean concentration up to 4.22 ng/mL wb and 4.25 ng/mL wb. The FTOH levels in air of the wax cabin during work ranged up to 997 000 ng/m3 (average=114 000 ng/m3 ) and PFOA up to 4 890 ng/m3 (average= 526 ng/m3 . FTOHs were not detected in aerosols but PFOA showed average levels of 12 000 ng/m3 (range=1 230- 46 900 ng/m3 ). The occupational exposure limit (OEL) of 2 mg/m3 was exceeded in 37% of the personal measurements with aerosol concentrations up to 15 mg/m3 . Keywords : Perfluorinated, polyfluorinated, FIS, occupational exposure, ski wax, iotransformation, metabolism, fluorotelomer alcohol, fluorotelomer acid, aerosol, dust, UPLC/MS-MS, GC/MS-MS
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Reproductive hazards in an industrial setting : an epidemiological assessmentWulff, Marianne January 1996 (has links)
Background: As more women of childbearing age engage in the workforceand a lot of new chemicals are available, a growing interest of diagnosing andpreventing reproductive disorders due to occupational and environmentalexposure has occurred. The source location of this thesis is the Rönnskärcopper smelter which is situated in the north of Sweden, in the municipality of Skellefteå. Emissions from the smelter, which have diminished during theperiod 1975-1990 include sulphur dioxide and heavy metals, especially lead,arsenic, cadmium, copper, mercury and zinc. Reproductive studies from the1970s in and around the smelter reported increased risks of spontaneousabortions, malformations and lower birth weight. The aim of this thesis wasto perform a broad and long-term epidemiological assessment of adversereproductive outcome in and around the smelter and to determine if theexposed population suffered from reproductive disturbances during the recentdecades. Subjects and methods: The study involve two main sources of data. Onewas a retrospective cohort formed through record linkage of populationregisters, the medical birth register (1961-90), the register of congenitalmalformations (1973-90) and the cancer register (1961-90). As another source,information on reproductive history, life-style and work related factors wasobtained from a questionnaire study in 1992. An exposed population wasdefined as smelter workers and their children, and also neighbours to thesmelter and their children. Results: In the register study, compared to the reference population, nooverall significant increased risk of malformations, childhood cancer, low birthweight or perinatal death was found in the exposed group. In thequestionnaire study, regarding infertility, no environmental effects were found.Also, no increased risk of a prolonged waiting time to pregnancy or increasedrisk of spontaneous abortions were associated with occupational or environmentalfactors. Conclusion: With the lack of a high statistical power in mind, due to smallsample sizes in some of the studies, the summary of our findings includingseveral outcomes, different epidemiological study designs and studies coveringa long period of time gives no evidence for any increased risk of reproductivehazards due to occupational or environmental exposure. / digitalisering@umu
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Modélisation de l’exposition à la silice cristalline dans le secteur de la constructionSauvé, Jean-François 12 1900 (has links)
L’exposition prolongée par inhalation à des poussières de taille respirable contenant de la silice cristalline est reconnue pour causer des maladies respiratoires dont le cancer du poumon et la silicose. De nombreuses études ont relevé la surexposition des travailleurs de la construction à la silice cristalline, puisque ce composé est présent dans de nombreux matériaux utilisés sur les chantiers. L’évaluation de l’exposition à la silice cristalline dans cette industrie constitue un défi en raison de la multitude de conditions de travail et de la nature éphémère des chantiers. Afin de mieux cerner cette problématique, une banque de données d’exposition professionnelle compilée à partir de la littérature a été réalisée par une équipe de l’Université de Montréal et de l’IRSST, et constitue le point de départ de ce travail.
Les données présentes dans la banque ont été divisées en fonction de la stratégie d’échantillonnage, résultant en deux analyses complémentaires ayant pour objectif d’estimer les niveaux d’exposition sur le quart de travail en fonction du titre d’emploi, et selon la nature de la tâche exécutée. La méthode de Monte Carlo a été utilisée pour recréer les échantillons provenant de données rapportées sous forme de paramètres de synthèse. Des modèles Tobit comprenant les variables de titre d’emploi, tâche exécutée, durée, année et stratégie d’échantillonnage, type de projet, secteur d’activité, environnement et moyens de maîtrise ont été développés et interprétés par inférence multimodèle.
L’analyse basée sur le quart de travail a été réalisée à partir de 1346 données d’exposition couvrant 11 catégories de titre d’emploi. Le modèle contenant toutes les variables a expliqué 22% de la variabilité des mesures et la durée, l’année et la stratégie d’échantillonnage étaient d’importants prédicteurs de l’exposition. Les chantiers de génie civil et les projets de nouvelle construction étaient associés à des expositions plus faibles, alors que l’utilisation de moyens de maîtrise diminuait les concentrations de 18% à l’extérieur et de 24% à l’intérieur. Les moyennes géométriques les plus élevées prédites pour l’année 1999 sur 8 heures étaient retrouvées chez les foreurs (0.214 mg/m3), les travailleurs souterrains (0.191 mg/m3), les couvreurs (0.146 mg/m3) et les cimentiers-applicateurs (0.125 mg/m3).
1566 mesures réparties en 27 catégories de tâches étaient contenues dans la seconde analyse. Le modèle contenant toutes les variables a expliqué 59% des niveaux d’exposition, et l’ensemble des variables contextuelles étaient fortement prédictives. Les moyennes géométriques prédites pour l’année 1998 et selon la durée médiane par tâche dans la banque de données étaient plus élevées lors du bouchardage du béton (1.446 mg/m3), du cassage de pièces de maçonnerie avec autres outils (0.354 mg/m3), du décapage au jet de sable (0.349 mg/m3) et du meulage de joints de brique (0.200 mg/m3). Une diminution importante des concentrations a été observée avec les systèmes d’arrosage (-80%) et d’aspiration des poussières (-64%) intégrés aux outils.
L’analyse en fonction des titres d’emploi a montré une surexposition généralisée à la valeur guide de l’ACGIH et à la norme québécoise, indiquant un risque à long terme de maladies professionnelles chez ces travailleurs. Les résultats obtenus pour l’évaluation en fonction de la tâche exécutée montrent que cette stratégie permet une meilleure caractérisation des facteurs associés à l’exposition et ainsi de mieux cibler les priorités d’intervention pour contrôler les niveaux d’exposition à la silice cristalline sur les chantiers de construction durant un quart de travail. / Chronic inhalation of respirable inorganic dusts containing crystalline silica is linked to occupational respiratory diseases such as lung cancer and silicosis. Several studies have documented the overexposure to respirable crystalline silica in construction workers, as this compound is found in several building materials and many operations can release fine suspended particles. Comprehensive quantitative exposure assessment in this industry is challenging due to the variety in tasks performed, materials used and environmental conditions between work sites, the mobile workforce and the temporary nature of construction sites. An occupational exposure database of silica exposure was compiled from the literature by a research group from the Université de Montréal and the Institut de recherche en santé et en sécurité du travail (IRSST) to address this issue.
The exposure data contained in the database were separated on the basis of sampling strategies, which resulted in two separate – but complementary – analyses. The first analysis was restricted to samples collected to compare levels with an occupational exposure limit, in order to estimate work-shift respirable crystalline silica exposure by construction trade. The second analysis used measurements collected under a task-based sampling strategy in order to estimate the exposure levels associated with specific activities. Monte-Carlo simulation was used to recreate individual exposures from measurements reported as summary statistics. Modeling was performed using Tobit models within a multimodel inference framework, with construction trade, task, sampling duration, year and strategy, project type, construction sector, workspace and control methods as potential predictors.
The dataset for the analysis by construction trade was comprised of 1346 exposure measurements and included 11 trade categories. The model containing all the variables explained 22% of the exposure variability and the sampling duration, year and strategy were identified as important predictors. Civil engineering and roadwork sites as well as new construction projects were associated with lower exposure levels, while the use of control methods reduced silica concentrations by 18% outdoors and 24% indoors. Predicted geometric means (GM) for year 1999 were the highest for drillers (0.214 mg/m3), underground workers (0.191 mg/m3), roofers (0.146 mg/m3) and cement grinders/finishers (0.125 mg/m3), based on a 8-hour shift. Heavy equipment operators (0.041 mg/m3) and foremen (0.047 mg/m3) had the lowest predicted GMs.
1566 task-based measurements, representing 27 task categories, were included in the activity-specific dataset. The proportion of variance explained by the model containing all the variables was 59%, and all the variables investigated had a strong influence on the exposure levels. Predictions were made based on the year 1998 and the median duration by task in the dataset. The largest predicted GMs were associated with the following operations: scabbling concrete (1.446 mg/m3), chipping with other tools (0.354 mg/m3), abrasive blasting (0.349 mg/m3) and tuck point grinding (0.200 mg/m3). Important reductions in exposure levels were found with the use of tool-integrated water sprays (-80%) and local exhaust ventilation (-64%).
Important overexposure to the ACGIH Threshold Limit Value and the Québec exposure limit was found for all the trades investigated, indicating a long-term risk of silica-related occupational diseases. The results of the task-based analysis suggest that this sampling strategy provides a better characterization of the factors affecting exposure and the impacts of engineering dust control methods to control long-term exposure levels.
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Effets chroniques des pesticides sur le système nerveux central : données épidémiologiques en milieu agricole / Chronic central nervous system effects of pesticides : epidemiological data in farmersBlanc-Lapierre, Audrey 20 November 2012 (has links)
Compte-tenu de l’importance des populations exposées, les effets à long terme des pesticides sont un enjeu de santé publique majeur. Leur étude pose néanmoins des problèmes méthodologiques complexes. Notre objectif était de contribuer à la connaissance des effets chroniques des pesticides sur le système nerveux central en explorant par une approche épidémiologique innovante le rôle des insecticides organophosphorés dans l’apparition de troubles cognitifs. Nous avons développé et utilisé deux outils de mesure de l’exposition (une matrice culture-exposition : PESTIMAT, et des algorithmes basés sur des études de terrain : PESTEXPO) afin d’estimer l’exposition à 34 insecticides organophosphorés utilisés en vigne, en considérant pour chaque individu l’ensemble des tâches viticoles exposant aux pesticides (préparation, application, nettoyage, réentrée) réalisées au cours de sa vie. Ces outils ont été appliqués dans le cadre du premier suivi (2001-2003) de la cohorte PHYTONER constituée en 1997 par l’inclusion de 925 affiliés à la Mutualité Sociale Agricole de Gironde. L’exposition aux organophosphorés définie par des index cumulés à l’aide de nos deux outils était associée à une baisse des performances cognitives, de manière plus marquée pour les tests explorant la mémoire de travail visuelle et la vitesse de traitement de l’information. Les niveaux de risque variaient en fonction des organophosphorés et étaient plus marqués pour le mévinphos. Cette thèse a confirmé le risque de troubles cognitifs chez les utilisateurs professionnels de pesticides et pose la question d’une évolution ultérieure vers une démence. Elle a également démontré la faisabilité et la pertinence d’une approche s’attachant à établir des scores d’exposition à des matières actives pesticides spécifiques pour en analyser les effets de santé. / Given the number of exposed persons, long term effects of pesticides are a foremost Public Health concern. However their study raises complex methodological issues. Our objective was to contribute to the knowledge of the pesticide chronic effects on the central nervous system by exploring the role of organophosphate insecticides in occurence of cognitive disorders by an innovative epidemiological approach. Two exposure assessment tools were developed (a crop exposure matrix: PESTIMAT and algorithms based on field studies: PESTEXPO) to estimate the lifetime cumulated exposure to 34 organophosphate insecticides used in vineyards, taking into account pesticide exposure during tasks (mixing, spraying, cleaning, re-entry) performed by wine-growers. These tools were used in the framework of the first follow-up (2001-2003) of the PHYTONER cohort, initiated in 1997 by the enrollment of 925 workers affiliated to the farmer health insurance system in Gironde, France. Cumulative organophosphate exposure defined by an index using the two tools was associated with poor cognitive performances, particularly for tests exploring the visual working memory and the processing speed. Risk level varied depending on the organophosphate, and was more pronounced for mevinphos. This thesis supports the hypothesis that cognitive impairment may be associated with pesticide occupational use and raises the question of a further evolution towards dementia. It also demonstrated the feasibility and the relevance of an approach based on chemical specific exposure scores to analyze health effects.
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Avaliação da exposição dos profissionais da área da saúde à ciclofosfamida / Evaluation of exposure to cyclophosphamide in health care workersMartins, Isarita 19 December 2003 (has links)
Trabalhadores da área da saúde, em laboratórios, hospitais e/ou outros locais, estão potencialmente expostos a numerosos riscos ocupacionais. A ampla e crescente utilização de fármacos antineoplásicos, na quimioterapia, é considerada um importante risco químico para o pessoal envolvido no preparo e na administração destas substâncias. O manuseio destes fármacos sem cuidados pode levar a inúmeros efeitos tóxicos. Alguns destes fármacos foram classificados pela IARC como carcinógenos e provavelmente carcinógenos para humanos. Para tais fármacos é difícil atingir uma dose de não efeito observado, pois a patologia provocada por eles é considerada multifatorial. Este estudo objetivou validar método para a determinação de ciclofosfamida, um dos fármacos mais utilizados e, classificado como carcinógeno para humanos, para posterior aplicação em amostras coletadas em situação de real exposição. O analito foi identificado e quantificado por CG-EM após extração do analito em fase sólida e derivação com anidrido trifluoroacético. A ifosfamida foi utilizada como padrão interno e o fármaco foi determinado em amostras provenientes de wipe test e luvas, coletadas em quatro hospitais italianos, dentro de um intervalo de calibração de 1 a 100 ng/mL. Os intervalos de coeficiente de variação obtidos, no ensaio da precisão do método, foram entre 0,5 e 10% (intra-ensaio) e O e 19% (interensaio). Amostras contendo ciclofosfamida foram analisadas durante um mês, sem perda significativa do analito. A porcentagem de recuperação foi 98,9%. Os valores de ciclofosfamida nas 176 amostras coletadas variaram de inferior ao limite de quantificação (1,0 ng/mL) a 141.186 ng. Os resultados, bem correlacionados com aqueles relatados na literatura, sugerem que o método pode ser utilizado na identificação da ciclofosfamida em diversas superfícies e materiais e pode ser considerado ferramenta útil na monitorização da exposição ocupacional à esta substância. / Workers in laboratories and hospitals have potential exposure to numerous occupational hazards. The widespread use of antineoplastic drugs in chemotherapy is considered an important risk to staff involved in the preparation and administration to these drugs. Careless handling may lead toxic effects among the occupational exposure subjects. Some antineoplastic drugs were classified by IARC as carcinogenic and probably carcinogenic for humans. For carcinogenic agents the absence of a no-adverse-effect-Ievel is supposed. In this study cyclophosphamide was quantified adapting a previous analytical method by gas chromatography coupled mass spectrometry (GC-MS) after solid phase extraction and derivatization with trifluoroacetic anhydride. This drug in fact is one of the most frequently used alkylating antineoplastic agent for different types of tumors and classified as human carcinogen. The ifosfamide was used as internal standard and the drug was measured by analysis in wipe samples and gloves, collected from four different hospitals, within a range from 1 to 100 ng/mL. The values of variation coefficient varied from 0.5 to 10% (intra-assay) and from 0 to 19% (interassay). Frozen reference wipe samples containing cyclophosphamide were analysed over one month and no significant loss was observed. The range obtained for bias assay was 83-116% and the recovery was 98.9%. The cyclophosphamide was measured in 176 samples with values ranging from below limit of quantification (1.0 ng/mL) to 141186 ng. The results, well related with those reported in literature, suggest that this method can be used to identify the cyclophosphamide from surfaces and materials samples and can be considered useful in exposure assessment to this drug.
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Acidente ocupacional com material biológico: adesão ao seguimento ambulatorial segundo as características do acidente e do acidentado / Occupational accident with biological material: compliance to the ambulatory follow-up according to the characteristics of the accident and the victimCassoli, Lourenia Mendonça 07 March 2007 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Os profissionais de saúde estão constantemente sob risco de sofrerem acidentes ocupacionais, através de exposição percutânea ou mucosa, envolvendo material biológico. Consequentemente ficam expostos a agentes veiculados pelo sangue, como os vírus das hepatites B e C (VHB e VHC), vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV) e o Trypanosoma cruzi, agente da doença de Chagas. MÉTODOS: Estudo descritivo, retrospectivo, de análise de prontuários. Foi utilizado um banco de dados, com base no seguimento ambulatorial de profissionais de saúde acidentados no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (HC FMUSP), no período de agosto de 1998 a agosto de 2005. O banco de dados foi construído e alimentado no programa EpiInfo 6.0 e posteriormente transferido para o Excel, a partir do qual foi realizada análise dos dados. As variáveis qualitativas foram representadas por freqüência absoluta e relativa (%) e as quantitativas por média, desvio padrão (dp), mediana, valores mínimo e máximo. A presença de associação entre as variáveis qualitativas foi avaliada pelo teste do Qui-quadrado. RESULTADOS: Foram analisados 1091 casos. 1) 76,5% dos acidentados eram do gênero feminino; 2) a média de idade foi de 33,3 anos e mediana de 30 anos; 3) principais categorias profissionais acidentadas: auxiliares de enfermagem (42,3%), médicos residentes (11,5%), funcionários da limpeza (11,1%); 4) acidentes percutâneos com agulhas com lúmen, envolvendo sangue, foram os mais freqüentes; 5) a mediana do intervalo de tempo entre o acidente e procura pelo atendimento foi de 30 minutos; 6) 60% dos acidentados tinha pesquisa de anti-HBs positiva no momento do acidente; 7) 2,7% dos acidentados tinha sorologia positiva pra VHC no momento do acidente; 8) A maior procura por atendimento ocorreu entre acidentados cuja fonte era conhecida e positiva para HIV e VHC; 9) adesão completa ao seguimento ambulatorial após exposição a material biológico foi de 70%, sendo mais freqüente em acidentados do gênero feminino, cuja fonte era conhecida e tinha perfil sorológico totalmente negativo para os patógenos avaliados; 10) dos profissionais que receberam antiretrovirais apenas 45,2% completaram o tratamento; 11) não ocorreu soroconversão para HIV, VHB e Doença de Chagas; 12) foram observados três possíveis casos de soroconversão para VHC. CONCLUSÕES: A alta taxa de abandono do seguimento é motivo de preocupação. Considerando-se que sabidamente nem todos os profissionais de saúde acidentados procuram atendimento, e dos que o fazem, cerca de 30% não o completam, estima-se que haja importante parcela de profissionais acidentados não investigados. Embora a maior procura por atendimento tenha sido de acidentados com fontes suspeitas ou positivas para VHC e HIV, a adesão ao seguimento foi menor nestes casos. Adesão à terapêutica antiretroviral também foi baixa. / INTRODUCTION: Healthcare professionals are constantly under risk of suffering occupational accidents, due to percutaneous or mucosa exposure, involving biological material. They are consequently exposed to agents diffused into blood, such as hepatitis B and C virus (HBV and HCV), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and the Trypanosoma cruzi, agent of the Chagas disease. METHODS: Descriptive, retrospective study of promptuary analysis. A data base was used, based on the ambulatory follow-up of health professional victims in the Clinics\' Hospital from the Medicine School of the University of São Paulo (HC FMUSP), from August, 1998 until August, 2005. The data base was built and fed in the EpiInfo 6.0 program and afterwards it was transferred to Excel, where the data analysis was executed. The qualitative variables were represented by absolute and relative frequency (%) and the quantitative by average, standard deviation (sd), median, minimum and maximum values. The presence of association among the qualitative variables was evaluated by the Chi-square test (x 2 ). RESULTS: 1091 cases were analyzed. 1) 76.5% of the victims were women; 2) the age average was 33.3 years old and the median 30 years old; 3) main professional categories: nursing assistants (42.3%), resident doctors (11.5%), cleaning employees (11.1%); 4) percutaneous accidents with needles with lumen, involving blood, were the most frequent; 5) the median of the time interval between accident and search for assistance was 30 minutes; 6) 60% of the victims had a positive anti-HBs search at the moment of the accident; 7) 2.7% of the victims had positive serology for HCV at the moment of the accident; 8) the highest search for assistance happened among victims which source was known and positive for HIV and HCV; 9) complete compliance to the ambulatory follow-up after the exposure to biological material was of 70%, being more frequent in female victims, which source was known and had a serologic profile totally negative for the evaluated pathogens; 10) from the professionals who received antiretroviral, only 45.2% completed the treatment; 11) there wasn?t seroconversion for HIV, HBV and Chagas Disease; 12) three possible seroconversion cases for VHC were observed. CONCLUSIONS: The high abandonment tax of the segment is a reason for concerning. Considering that not all of the health professional victims search for assistance, and from the ones that do, around 30% don?t complete it, it is estimated that there is an important parcel of professional victims not investigated. Although the higher search for assistance has been from victims with suspicious sources or positive for HCV and HIV, the compliance to follow-up was lower in these cases. Compliance to antiretrovirals was also low.
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Exposição ao ruído em call center: headsets, sintomas auditivos e extra-auditivos de operadores de telemarketing / Exposure to noise in call center: headsets, auditory and extra-auditory symptoms in telemarketersSilva, Bárbara Gabriela 09 November 2018 (has links)
Introdução: A exposição ao ruído ocupacional pode trazer consequências negativas para a saúde auditiva e extra-auditiva dos trabalhadores. Há, na literatura, escassez de estudos que avaliem as condições de trabalho dos operadores de telemarketing, bem como da principal fonte de ruído (headset), que, na maioria dos call centers, é monoaural. Objetivo: Avaliar a exposição ao ruído no trabalho de operadores de telemarketing, buscando relacioná-la aos sintomas auditivos e extra-auditivos referidos, bem como avaliar a aplicabilidade dos headsets mono e binaural. Métodos: Estudo transversal observacional. Participaram 79 operadores de telemarketing, normo-ouvintes, de uma empresa multinacional. Foi realizada medição do ruído, com um audiodosímetro, pela técnica de microfone em ouvido real, por 20 minutos (10 com cada headset), durante ligações diárias dos teleoperadores. Adicionalmente, os participantes responderam a questionário para caracterização dos sintomas auditivos/extraauditivos e relato de preferência entre os headsets. Para a análise dos dados, utilizou-se medidas descritivas e testes de hipótese (Qui-quadrado, Wilcoxon e Mann-Whitney), com nível de significância de 5%. Resultados: Dos 79 participantes (média 22±4,2 anos), 50,64% trabalhavam no período matutino e 49,36% no período vespertino/noturno, sendo a maioria do sexo feminino (78,5%). Mais da metade da amostra relatou: episódios de dor ou infecções de ouvido (55,7%); utilização de estéreo pessoal (70,9%), por mais de uma hora diária, com intensidade acima da metade da capacidade do equipamento; não realizar o controle da intensidade do headset individual (68%). Quanto aos sintomas, 98,7% relataram pelo menos um sintoma auditivo e 88,6% pelo menos um extra-auditivo, sendo os mais frequentes: plenitude auricular (15,2%) e zumbido (13,4%), ansiedade (65,8%), dor de cabeça (34,2%) e estresse (17,7%). Observou-se associação entre as variáveis: intensidade de uso do headset individual e quantidade de sintomas auditivos (p=0,044) e extraauditivos (p=0,026); aumento abrupto de som e zumbido (p=0,020). Os níveis de pressão sonora provenientes do headset monoaural foram maiores que os do binaural para as medidas de pico (p < 0,001), intensidade máxima (p < 0,001) e equivalente (p=0,006). Com relação aos níveis de pressão sonora equivalentes, a média foi de 85,54 dB(A) para o headset monoaural, e de 76,57 dB(A) para o ambiente externo. Quanto à preferência, a maioria dos indivíduos (84,8%) manifestou-se a favor do headset binaural, sendo o principal motivo, proporcionar maior atenção e concentração para as chamadas. Na comparação dos níveis de pressão sonora equivalentes entre os headsets mono e binaurais, de acordo com a preferência de headset dos operadores, para aqueles que preferiram o binaural, verificou-se níveis de pressão sonora dos headsets binaurais significantemente menores quando comparados aos monoaurais (p=0,017), o que não ocorreu para os que preferiram o monoaural (p=0,976). Conclusões: Os níveis de pressão sonora equivalentes produzidos pelo headset monoaural, que é o utilizado neste call center, atingiram valores médios de 85,54 dB(A), com variação de 52,9 a 98,1 dB(A). A quantidade de sintomas auditivos e extra-auditivos referidos pelos operadores de telemarketing, apesar dos limiares auditivos estarem dentro da normalidade, sugere que a exposição a qual estão submetidos pode oferecer riscos para a saúde. O headset binaural, avaliado no presente estudo, demonstrou ser uma alternativa viável para estes trabalhadores e ambiente de trabalho, por produzir menores intensidades sonoras e melhorar a qualidade das chamadas, na perspectiva dos teleoperadores, quando comparado ao headset monoaural / Introduction: Being exposed to occupational noise may result in negative consequences to auditory and extra-auditory health of workers. In the literature, studies that assess the working conditions of telemarketers are scarce, as well as regarding the main source of noise (headset), which, in most call centers, is monaural. Purpose: To assess the exposure to noise of telemarketers, aiming to relate it to the auditory and extra-auditory symptoms mentioned by them, as well as to assess the applicability of mono and binaural headsets. Methods: Crosssectional observational study in which seventy-nine telemarketers from a multinational company participated. Noise measurement was performed with an audiodosimeter using the real ear microphone technique for 20 minutes (10 minutes using each headset) during daily calls to telemarketers. Additionally, the participants answered a questionnaire to characterize auditory / extra-auditory symptoms and reported their most preferably headsets. For the analysis of the data, we used descriptive measures and hypothesis tests (Chi-square, Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney), with significance level of 5%. Results: Among the 79 participants (mean 22 ± 4.2 years), 50.64% worked in the morning period and 49.36% in the afternoon / evening period, with a majority of females (78.5%). More than half of the sample reported: episodes of pain or ear infections (55.7%); use of personal stereo (70.9%), for more than one hour per day, with intensity above half of the equipment capacity; and lack of monitoring the intensity of the individual headset (68%). Concerning the symptoms, 98.7% reported at least one auditory symptom and 88.6% had at least one extra-auditory one, being the most frequent: auricular fullness (15.2%) and tinnitus (13.4%), anxiety (65.8%), headache (34.2%) and stress (17.7%). We observed an association between the variables: intensity of use of the individual headset and amount of auditory (p = 0.044) and extra-auditory symptoms (p = 0.026); abrupt increase in sound and tinnitus (p = 0.020). The sound pressure levels from the monaural headset were greater than those of the binaural for peak measurements (p < 0.001), maximum intensity (p < 0.001) and equivalent (p = 0.006). Regarding equivalent sound pressure levels, the mean was 85.54 dB (A) for the monaural headset, and 76.57 dB (A) for the external environment. Regarding preference, the majority of individuals (84.8%) expressed support for the binaural headset, being the main reason, the fact that it provides greater attention and concentration capacity for the calls. In comparison to the equivalent sound pressure levels between mono and binaural headsets, according to the headset preference of the telemarketers, for those who preferred binaural, sound pressure levels of binaural headsets were significantly lower when compared to monoaural ones (p = 0.017), which did not occur for those who preferred the monoaural (p = 0.976). Conclusions: Equivalent sound pressure levels produced by the monaural headset, which is the one used in this call center, achieved mean values of 85.54 dB (A), ranging from 52.9 to 98.1 dB (A). The amount of auditory and extra-auditory symptoms reported by telemarketers, even though the hearing thresholds are within normal range, suggests that the noise exposure to which they undergo may jeopardize health. The binaural headset, assessed in the present study, has been shown to be a viable alternative for these workers and work environment, because it produces lower sound intensities and improve the quality of calls, from telemarketers\' perspective, when compared to the monaural headset
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