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The rise of the Islamic Movement in the West Bank and Gaza Strip since 1967Milton-Edwards, Beverley Janette Potter January 1991 (has links)
No description available.
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The re-education of the adult population of Württemberg-Baden 1945-1949Welsh-Rush, Margaret Marie January 1994 (has links)
No description available.
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International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 30-November 02, 1995 / Riviera Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada / This paper will present and compare several definitions of telemetry radio
frequency (RF) signal bandwidth. Measured spectra for different signals will be
presented. The bandwidths of these signals will then be determined and
measurement methods will be discussed. This discussion will include the effects
of spectrum analyzer resolution bandwidth, video bandwidth and detector type.
Finally, a proposed spectral mask will be discussed. This spectral mask can be
used to calculate the required attenuation for a given frequency offset from the
center frequency. The required attenuation is a function of the the bit rate or
maximum frequency of interest and the transmitter power. This spectral mask is
proposed to be part of the next edition of the Telemetry Standards, Inter-Range
Instrumentation Group (IRIG) Standard 106.
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The elephant in the room religious extremism in the Israeli-Palestinian conflictLingenfelder, Christian J. 03 1900 (has links)
Successive U.S. administrations have mired themselves in fruitless attempts to arrive at a peaceful conclusion to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Jewish and Islamic extremist groups have both been complicit in the delay, complication and derailment of peace efforts undertaken by regional moderates and the international community. Whatever the ancillary secular motivations of these factions have been, both sides also lay claim to profound religious reasons for their opposition to peace. Israeli religious Zionist extremists acting on a divine mandate have pressed to incorporate all of biblical Israel into their modern state, pursuing settlement activity and violence against Arabs and fellow Israelis to achieve this. Palestinian Islamic extremists claim justification from their scriptures for their war against the Jewish state and their ultimate goal of seeing it annihilated. These scriptural dogmas have been reified by religious leaders of both faiths, and have been utilized as ideological grounds for violence by their respective religious extremist groups. This work is an effort to expose the significant religious motivations propelling Zionist and Islamic extremist opponents of the Israeli-Palestinian peace process; seeking thereby to raise awareness of the origins of this complex and central dimension of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict among U.S. policymakers and intelligence analysts.
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Anglo-Jewish rescue and relief efforts, 1938-1944Shatzkes, Pamela Joy January 1999 (has links)
Recent scholarship has focused on the response of Jews in the free world to the plight of European Jewry in Nazi-occupied Europe. The work of Anglo- Jewish refugee organisations in facilitating the arrival of over 50,000 refugees in Britain between 1933-1939 has been variously chronicled as a model of charitable endeavour and a half-hearted effort cramped by insecurity and self- interest. More consistently, scholars argue that Anglo-Jewry failed to respond to the catastrophe of the war years with the resolution and vigour that might have saved more lives. This thesis takes issue with the current consensus on both the pre-war and war periods. Anglo-Jewry was a confident, well-integrated community which tackled the escalating problems of refugee immigration in the 1930s with common sense and administrative expertise born of a long tradition of communal charity. Its achievement is all the more remarkable measured against the scale of the disaster, the constraints of government immigration policy regulations and the organisations' own chronic lack of funds. By contrast, the Anglo-Jewish organisations were hamstrung during the war years by their political naivete and inexperience in dealing with government officials. Although their administrative skills remained valuable in areas of relief work such as internment and parcel schemes, their preoccupation with the Jewish humanitarian issue prevented them from grasping the military and logistical implications of their proposals. Misreading the language of diplomacy, they doggedly pursued aims which were in practice, if not in theory, unrealistic. Unlike most previous literature on the record of Anglo-Jewry during this period, this thesis eschews both the didactic and speculative approaches to historical interpretation. Instead of attempting to apportion blame, or to answer hypothetical questions of responsibility, it offers an evaluation based on the evidence available. The thesis examines the quality and scope of rescue and relief work, both of organisations and individuals. What was done, rather than what should have been done, is the focus of attention.
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Architecture and Rehabilitation: How Architecture can be Rehabilitative for its Patients, for its CityConner-Diven, Erin 08 February 2016 (has links)
This building serves as a rehabilitative center for patients in recovery from mild traumatic brain injuries (mTBI). It is located on the Columbia Medical School and New York Presbyterian Hospital campus in the Washington Heights neighborhood of New York City. The building is designed with three goals in mind: to provide a safe and healing environment tailored specifically to the needs of the patients; to provide a positive working environment for the doctors, nurses, and staff who care for the patients; to provide a space for the public to find healing of their own.
Patient rooms are broken up into three stages - dark, intermediate, and light - that encourage a slow and gentle reintroduction into the world. Staff areas are designed to allow in natural light, easy access to the outside, and privacy away from patients that allow the caregivers a space to recover and find moments of revitalization. The roof, open to the public, lifts upward toward the Hudson River and allows an unobstructed view of the Hudson River Greenway, the Hudson River, and Fort Lee, New Jersey. In a neighborhood of overworked doctors and staff, family members visiting sick loved ones, and residents of an urban environment this roof overlook provides a rehabilitating view of a rare natural environment.
The following words, sketches, and drawings attempt to convey the process, structure, and poetry of the building. / Master of Architecture
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Israeli control of the administered territories acquired in June 1967Nisan, Mordechai. January 1975 (has links)
No description available.
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Israeli control of the administered territories acquired in June 1967Nisan, Mordechai. January 1975 (has links)
No description available.
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Ägarlägenheter : En studie om relationen mellan fasta och löpande kostnader i förhållande till bostadsrättenTibblin, Klara January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva de kostnadsskillnader som föreligger mellan ägarlägenhetsfastigheter och bostadsrätter. Studien kommer att belysa de löpande kostnaderna samt de engångskostnader som ett bostadsköp innebär för respektive boendeform. Då ägarlägenheten är den nyaste boendeformen på den svenska marknaden undersöks andrahandsöverlåtelser av dessa i förhållande till aktuell prisutveckling på bostadsrätter. Slutligen sker en undersökning av de påverkansmöjligheter en samfällighetsförening för ägarlägenheter har gällande de löpande kostnaderna av gemensamma ytor. Genom att studera främst skattemässiga förhållanden har en beräkning genomförts som visar kostnadsskillnaderna mellan ägarlägenheter och bostadsrätter. En utvärdering av genomförda andrahandsöverlåtelser för ägarlägenheter har gjorts efter material som behandlar överlåtelser av ägarlägenheter i Sverige. Två intervjuer har genomförts med representanter för samfällighetsföreningar för ägarlägenheter. Under intervjuerna diskuterades olika tillvägagångssätt för att minska kostnaderna för de gemensamma ytorna. Inköpspriset för en ägarlägenhet är högre än för bostadsrätten medan månadskostnaden är lägre för ägarlägenheten. Främsta anledningen till kostnadsskillnaderna är de cirka 33 procent av kostnaderna för att producera en bostadsrätt som lånas upp av bostadsrättföreningen. För ägarlägenheter är produktionskostnaderna lika höga fast inga lån upptas inom samfällighetsföreningen vilket gör att inköpspriset är cirka 33 procent högre. De andrahandsöverlåtelser som undersökts visar en positiv prisutveckling för ägarlägenheter. Huruvida detta är kopplat till boendeformen eller inte är svårt att utvärdera då prisutvecklingen på samtliga bostäder ökat kraftigt de senaste åren. Intervjuerna rörande förvaltning av gemensamma ytor för ägarlägenheter visade att kostnaderna kan sänkas genom engagemang, leverantörsbyte samt omförhandlingar av vissa avtal. / The purpose of this study is to describe the cost differences, which exist between owner-occupied apartments and condominiums. The study will describe the current costs for housing and the non-recurrent costs for purchasing. Current resale prices on the transfer of owner-occupied apartments have been studied in relation to the current price trend of condominiums. Finally, there is a study about the influence a joint property management association for the owner-occupied apartments have on the current costs for the joint areas. By studying mainly fiscal conditions, a calculation that present differences in costs between the owner-occupied apartments is presented. An evaluation of completed secondary transfers for condominiums and owner-occupied apartments is also presented. Two interviews has been conducted with representatives of joint property management association belonging to owner-occupied apartments. The interviews shows different approaches to reduce costs for maintaining the joint areas. Calculations of the cost differences show that the purchase price of an owner-occupied apartment is higher and that the monthly cost is higher for condominiums. The main reason for the cost differences is the mortage of the condominium associations resulting in approximately 33 percent higher current costs for condominiums. For owner-occupied apartments, the loans is with the owner of the apartment, making the purchase price about 33 percent higher. The joint property management association for the owner-occupied apartments has no mortgage. Prices for secondary transfers show a positive trend for owner-occupied apartments. Whether this is connected to the form of housing or something else is difficult to clarify since the prices of residential in Sweden has increased in recent years. Interviews regarding the management and maintenance of the common areas associated to the owner-occupied apartments shows that costs can be reduced by better procurement, in example better negotiations evaluations and choice of supplier.
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Effekter på palestinska kvinnors hälsa av att leva som flykting och under ockupation : En litteraturöversikt / Effects on Palestinian womens health of live as refugees and under occupation : An integrative litterature reviewLundholm, Elisabeth January 2016 (has links)
Introduction: It’s estimated to be 4 573 185 Palestinians living as refugees 2014, since the start of the Israel-Palestine conflict in 1948. The third generation of Palestinians live without recognized citizenship and lack essential fundaments to achieve good health. Refugee women are more at risk for health hazards, especially women in fertile age. The aim is to identify effects on the health among Palestinian women in fertile age, in occupied Palestinian Territories and Lebanon. Methods: An integrative literature review with ten selected original articles, which have been analyzed and compiled together. Result: Stress is associated with political instability and affect Palestinian women, especially during pregnancies. Access public health care is a problem and affected women at birth, family planning and a cause of death. Participation in religious organization is a protective copingstrategy when faced with chronic political violence, also solidarity is strengthen. Living conditions in refugeecamps is associated with prevalence of obesity, anemia and domestic violence. Discussion: The military occupation prevent women to access health care. Women have an indirect roll in Israel-Palestine conflict to raise the population number. Individuals who experience chronic violence develop coping-strategies of solidary trait for survival. Living conditions in refugee camps is a risk factor for over-weight, obesity and anemia among Palestinian women. Conclusion: Negative effects among fertil women as stress, PTSD, physical illness, obesity and anemia is associated with living conditions in refugee camps. Development of external and solidary copingstrategy have protective effects on long term political violence. / Introduktion: Det uppskattas att 4 573 185 palestinier år 2014, leva som flyktingar, sedan Israel-Palestina konflikten påbörjades år 1948. Tredje generationen palestinier lever utan erkänt medborgarskap och saknar essentiella fundament, för att uppnå god hälsa. Flyktingkvinnor är mer utsatta för hälso-riskfaktorer, speciellt kvinnor i fertil ålder. Syftet är att identifiera effekter på hälsan hos palestinska flyktingkvinnor i fertil ålder, i ockuperade Palestinska Territoriet och Libanon. Metod: En litteraturöversikt med tio utvalda original artiklar har analyserats och sammanställts för att besvara syftet. Resultat: Stress är associerat med politisk instabilitet och drabbar palestinska kvinnor, speciellt under graviditeter. Åtkomst på hälso-sjukvård är ett problem och drabbar kvinnor vid förlossningar, familjeplanering och utgör dödsorsak. Engagemang i religiös verksamhet är en skyddande copingstrategi vid kroniskt politiskt våld, även solidaritet stärks. Levnadsförhållanden i flyktingläger kopplas till prevalens av fetma, anemi och våld i hemmet. Diskussion: Militär ockupationen förhindrar palestinska kvinnors att nå sjukvård. Kvinnor har en indirekt roll i Israel-Palestina konflikten med att bidra till befolknings tillväxt. Individer som erfar kroniskt våld utvecklar copingstrategier av solidariskt slag för överlevnad. Levnadsförhållanden i flyktingläger är en riskfaktor för fetma, övervikt, och anemi bland palestinska kvinnor. Slutsats: Negativa effekter bland fertila kvinnor som stress, PTSD, fysiska sjukdomar, fetma och anemia är associerat med levnadsförhållanden i flyktingläger. Utvecklande av yttre och solidarisk copingstrategi har skyddande effekt vid långvarigt politiskt våld.
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