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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Harmful Effects of Online and Offline Anti LGBTI Hate Speech

Nyman, Hanna, Provozin, Annastasiya January 2019 (has links)
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people (LGBTI) are discriminated and subjected to violence in societies across the world, and ensuring their rights is on the international agenda. On a European level, nationalism, state-led persecution and rhetoric of hate have slowed down the process of ensuring human rights for LGBTI people particularly in Eastern Europe, where they are subject to violence, discrimination and hostility. One type of hostility targeting LGBTI people is hate speech. As literature has shown, hate speech can have harmful effects on its targets. Additionally, with the increased accessibility and use of the Internet and social media networks, hate speech has become more widespread and new challenges have appeared. Our research objective has addressed the gap identified by Brown (2018); to contribute to the research on hate speech and its harmful effects in general, comparing the effects of online and offline hate speech in particular. Additionally, by comparing the findings from Moldova and Ukraine, we have investigated if the context in which the hate speech is produced has any effect on the harmful effects experienced by targets. The research was conducted using a mixed method with a parallel convergent design, giving equal priority to qualitative and quantitative data. Data collection took place in Moldova (Chisinau) and in Ukraine (Kyiv) during Pride in the respective countries. Due to the nature of this research, results are not representative, and conclusions drawn can neither be applied to the entire LGBTI community in Moldova nor in Ukraine. Conclusions can, however, provide interesting insights for further research. Constitutive and consequential harms from online and offline hate speech are experienced by the LGBTI activists and community in both countries. In terms of constitutive harms, LGBTI community have suffered from harms like negative impact on self-esteem, silencing, psychological distress and restrictions on freedom of movement and association. Experienced consequential harms were negative stereotyping, physical violence and normalization of discrimination. Further, this research indicated that there is a difference in terms of harms caused by online and offline hate speech when it comes to the constitutive harms, as the harms from offline hate speech seemed to be experienced to a larger extent. Comparing results from Moldova and Ukraine, it can be concluded that the content of hate speech and harmful effects of hate speech are experienced differently depending on the context in which hate speech was produced. In general, hate speech in Ukraine seemed to be more violent and aggressive while in Moldova it was more related to the structural violence.

台灣新創公司O2O經營策略之研究 - 以食我、百迪爾與呼叫師傅為例

秦嘉興, Chin, Chia Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
繼網路創業後,近年來可以看到以行動應用創業的案例越來越多,而之中又以整合虛實通路的O2O (Online to Offline,線上至線下的通路模式)模式更為熱門。過去由於虛擬通路的盛行,造就了電子商務的快速發展,也因而使得消費資訊傳遞得更加快速。在這樣的情況下,企業的策略與經營模式也不斷地調整,電子商務方面則產生了很大的變化,原本只著重於經營虛擬通路的企業,開始反向經營實體通路,而原本只經營實體通路的企業,則開始經營起虛擬通路。 本論文研究主要的目的在於探討台灣新創公司如何經營O2O的模式,本研究以核心資源、營運範疇、事業網路等三構面,探討三家新創公司(食我餐飲顧問公司、百迪爾資訊公司、呼叫師傅公司)O2O方面的經營策略,並藉由第四構面-價值創造,探究該等公司在O2O服務上所創造的價值。 本研究所得到的主要結論包括:(1)新創公司在O2O的初期經營上,會著重於需求端。(2)新創公司在經營O2O的業務推廣上,會尋求外部資源的協助。(3)新創公司在經營O2O的服務品質控管上,會透過廠商篩選機制的建立以及與廠商的合約來加以強化。(4)新創公司在O2O的經營上,會透過在地資訊的即時提供來提高使用者採用O2O平台的意願。本文最後並提出實務上的意涵與後續研究的建議。 / Since the trend of running businesses on the Internet started to foster, we could see that there are more and more cases taking portable devices as the core of their business. Besides, the Online to Offline (O2O) business model of using the clicks-and-mortar channel might be one of the most popular choices. In the past, due to the prevailing of virtual channel, it did make e-commerce to be in vogue, and also help consuming information to transact more rapidly. In this kind of situations, the business strategies and business models of enterprises also kept on making adjustments to follow the flow. As for e-commerce, it did resulted in huge changes. For those enterprises who used to concentrate on virtual channels, they started the business of physical channels; those enterprises who only aiming at running physical channels started to explore the area of virtual channels. The main purpose of the study is to discuss about how those Taiwanese start-up companies operate O2O business. Moreover, the study takes core resources, operating area and business networks to view the O2O business strategies of three start-up companies. Also, by using value creation, the study wants to understand the value created by the O2O business of those companies. After the research of the issues above, the study came up with four main conclusions: 1. Start-up companies would concentrate on the demand side in the beginning of their business. 2. Start-up companies would seek for the help of outer resources when they were promoting their business. 3. In the aspect of controlling the quality of their services, start-up companies would choose to build the filtering system of target companies and signing contracts. 4. In running O2O business, start-up companies would offer local information immediately to raise consumers’ will of using their O2O platform. With those four main point provided by the study, it also brings up the meaning the practical meaning of the study and suggestions of following researches. Keywords: Start-up Company, O2O (Online to Offline), Business Strategy, Value Creation

Offline Approximate String Matching forInformation Retrieval : An experiment on technical documentation

Dubois, Simon January 2013 (has links)
Approximate string matching consists in identifying strings as similar even ifthere is a number of mismatch between them. This technique is one of thesolutions to reduce the exact matching strictness in data comparison. In manycases it is useful to identify stream variation (e.g. audio) or word declension (e.g.prefix, suffix, plural). Approximate string matching can be used to score terms in InformationRetrieval (IR) systems. The benefit is to return results even if query terms doesnot exactly match indexed terms. However, as approximate string matchingalgorithms only consider characters (nor context neither meaning), there is noguarantee that additional matches are relevant matches. This paper presents the effects of some approximate string matchingalgorithms on search results in IR systems. An experimental research design hasbeen conducting to evaluate such effects from two perspectives. First, resultrelevance is analysed with precision and recall. Second, performance is measuredthanks to the execution time required to compute matches. Six approximate string matching algorithms are studied. Levenshtein andDamerau-Levenshtein computes edit distance between two terms. Soundex andMetaphone index terms based on their pronunciation. Jaccard similarity calculatesthe overlap coefficient between two strings. Tests are performed through IR scenarios regarding to different context,information need and search query designed to query on a technicaldocumentation related to software development (man pages from Ubuntu). Apurposive sample is selected to assess document relevance to IR scenarios andcompute IR metrics (precision, recall, F-Measure). Experiments reveal that all tested approximate matching methods increaserecall on average, but, except Metaphone, they also decrease precision. Soundexand Jaccard Similarity are not advised because they fail on too many IR scenarios.Highest recall is obtained by edit distance algorithms that are also the most timeconsuming. Because Levenshtein-Damerau has no significant improvementcompared to Levenshtein but costs much more time, the last one is recommendedfor use with a specialised documentation. Finally some other related recommendations are given to practitioners toimplement IR systems on technical documentation.

The impact of same-language subtitling on student comprehension in an English as an Additional Language (EAL) context / Fanny Lacroix

Lacroix, Fanny January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the impact of Same-Language Subtitles (SLS) on the subject-specific comprehension and the academic literacy levels of EAL students on the Vaal Triangle Campus of North-West University (NWU). Essentially, the study aimed to determine whether exposing students studying through English as an Additional Language (EAL) to subtitled lectures (live or recorded lectures) would help improve their comprehension of the academic content as well as their receptive academic literacy skills, compared to students who were not exposed to subtitled lectures. This study stems from the identification of an academic performance-related issue on the Vaal Triangle Campus of NWU. Indeed, campus statistics show that the throughput rate of EAL students remains low, and that these students‟ academic literacy levels are inadequate. In other words, EAL students on this campus are underachieving and seem to have difficulties in mastering academic English. Based on various studies that showed SLS to be a valuable tool in terms of learning and academic literacy, this study proposed to introduce SLS (both live via respeaking and offline) in the university classroom as a learning aid, thus optimising the time students spend in lectures. Very little information was available in South Africa on the impact of SLS on the subject-specific comprehension of EAL students in a tertiary academic context. Furthermore, it had been anticipated that a certain number of technical constraints were likely to be encountered during the empirical investigation. These two factors made it difficult to predict what other factors could influence the outcome of the study. As a result, the study was based on the principle of Action Research, a research method characterised by the fact that the research is carried out in as many cycles as may be necessary in order to achieve the optimal conditions for a specific intervention. Three cycles were necessary to reach the optimal design of the present study so that a confident conclusion could be made regarding the impact of SLS on comprehension and academic literacy. For each cycle, the intervention was carried out over an academic semester. In the first cycle, a test group composed of EAL first-year Economics students was exposed to live SLS via respeaking during class, while a control group (also composed of EAL first-year Economics students) attended the same class at a different time, without SLS. In the second cycle, the live SLS via respeaking were replaced with offline SLS. The intervention was taken out of the regular classes and was carried out in the context of practical revision classes scheduled specifically for the purpose of the intervention. The test group viewed subtitled videos of lectures, while the control group viewed videos without subtitles. After each viewing, all participants were required to complete a short comprehension test. This cycle was also conducted in first-year Economics. The basic design of the third cycle was similar to that of the second cycle, but for the fact that the intervention took place in the context of a Psychology module, which, unlike the Economics module, was taught without the lecturer making use of slides. After these three research cycles were completed, it could be concluded that offline SLS indeed have a positive impact on the subject-specific comprehension and the receptive academic literacy skills of EAL students in a tertiary academic context. This conclusion was supported by the following findings: 1. The first research cycle pointed towards a slight, but statistically insignificant benefit in terms of both comprehension and academic literacy. However, at this stage of the empirical investigation, the technical constraints made it difficult to draw a precise conclusion in that respect. 2. In the second research cycle, the SLS seem to have had a significant impact on the receptive academic literacy skills of the test group, compared to the control group. However, no such impact could be noted in terms of subject-specific comprehension. This was attributed to the presence of a confounding variable, namely slides used during the lectures. This once more made it impossible to draw a confident conclusion regarding the impact of SLS on comprehension. 3. The third research cycle made a more confident conclusion regarding the impact of SLS on subject-specific comprehension possible. Indeed, the results of the statistical analyses show that the test group performed significantly better in their semester test (covering the work done in all the recorded lectures) than the control group, which was not exposed to any videos at all. On the basis of these findings, it was concluded that SLS in their offline form have a positive impact on the subject-specific comprehension and the receptive academic literacy skills of EAL students in a tertiary academic context, specifically if the students are given sufficient time to get used to the mode. This study seems to indicate that the benefits of SLS for comprehension can be recorded provided that students are exposed to the intervention over a longer period of time. However, there may be further scope for refinement as far as this study is concerned. It is therefore important that the topic be investigated further. / MA, Language Practice, North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2012

Design and implementation of a mobile wiki : mobile RikWik

Huang, Wei-Che (Darren) January 2007 (has links)
Wikis are a popular collaboration technology. They support the collaborative editing of web pages through a simple mark-up language. Mobile devices are becoming ubiquitous, powerful and affordable. Thus it is advantageous for people to get the benefits of wikis in a mobile setting. However, mobile computing leads to its own challenges such as limited screen size, bandwidth, memory and battery life; they also have intermittent connectivity due to the mobility and the coverage of network. I investigate how wikis can be made mobile; that is how wiki forms of collaborative editing can be achieved through mobile devices such as PDAs and smart phones. A prototype mobile wiki has been created using .NET, which addresses these issues and enables simple collaborative working whilst on and offline through smart mobile devices. A cut down wiki runs on the mobile device. This communicates with a main central wiki to cache pages for off line use. When sitting in a powered cradle eager, downloading and synchronization of pages is supported. During mobile operation, pages are cached lazily on demand to minimize power use and to save the limited and expensive bandwidth. On re-connection, offline edited as well as new pages are synchronized with the main wiki server. Finally a pluggable page rendering engine enables pages to be rendered in different ways to suit different sized screens.

Développement méthodologique pour l'analyse d'une large gamme de composés dans le milieux aquatiques / Methodological development for the analysis of a wide range of compounds in the aquatic environments

Leonco, Daniel, siao-Loung 04 December 2017 (has links)
Il est maintenant avéré que les contaminants présents dans les milieux aquatiques peuvent être toxiques à l’état de traces voire d’ultra traces. Il est donc important de développer des méthodes d’analyse performantes et sensibles pouvant atteindre ces niveaux de concentration. Dans cette optique, les techniques chromatographiques couplées à la spectrométrie de masse (GC-MS et LC-MS/MS) sont généralement utilisées pour l’analyse des polluants organiques. Les composés présents dans les milieux aquatiques possèdent des propriétés physico-chimiques très variées, d’apolaires à très polaires. Ainsi, développer une analyse simultanée pour toutes ces molécules représente un challenge analytique. Dans ce travail de thèse, plusieurs étapes du processus analytique ont été évaluées : la préparation de l’échantillon par extraction sur phase solide (SPE), la séparation par chromatographie et la détection par spectrométrie de masse. Une liste de composés modèles couramment retrouvés dans les milieux aquatiques a été établie pour conduire ces essais. Les méthodes d’extraction en phase solide hors ligne et en ligne ont été développées dans une optique d’analyse multirésidus à un niveau de traces. Les méthodes chromatographiques, gazeuse et liquide, couplées à la spectrométrie de masse ont été étudiées pour favoriser une analyse exhaustive et sensible. La dernière partie a consisté à appliquer les méthodes développées pour une approche d’analyse non ciblée. / It is now widely recognized that contaminants present in aquatic environments can be toxic at traces or even ultra-traces level. Therefore, it is important to develop efficient and sensitive analytical methods to reach these levels of concentration. In that respect, chromatographic techniques coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS and LC-MS / MS) are commonly used for the analysis of organic pollutants. The substances encountered in aquatic environments display a large range of physico-chemical properties, from apolar to very polar. Thus, developing a simultaneous analysis for all these molecules represents an analytical challenge. In this pHD work, several steps of the analytical process have been investigated: sample preparation by solid phase extraction (SPE), chromatographic separation and the detection by mass spectrometry. A list of model compounds commonly determined in aquatic environments was established to conduct the tests. Solid phase extraction methods, offline and online, were developed in a multiresidue analysis aim at traces level. Chromatographic methods, gaseous and liquid, coupled to mass spectrometry were studied to obtain an exhaustive and sensitive analysis. The last part consisted to apply the developed methods for a non-targeted analysis approach.


Holmberg, Jonas January 2017 (has links)
Software systems in the automotive domain are generally safety critical and subject to strict timing requirements. Systems of this character are often constructed utilizing periodically executed tasks, that have a hard deadline. In addition, these systems may have additional deadlines that can be specified on cause-effect chains, or simply task chains. They are defined by existing tasks in the system, hence the chains are not stand alone additions to the system. Each chain provide an end-to-end timing constraint targeting the propagation of data through the chain of tasks. These constraints specify the additional timing requirements that need to be fulfilled, when searching for a valid schedule. In this thesis, an offline non-preemptive scheduling method is presented, designed for single core systems. The scheduling problem is defined and formulated utilizing Constraint Programming. In addition, to ensure that end-to-end timing requirements are met, job-level dependencies are considered during the schedule generation. Utilizing this approach can guarantee that individual task periods along with end-to-end timing requirements are always met, if a schedule exists. The results show a good increase in schedulability ratio when utilizing job-level dependencies compared to the case where job-level dependencies are not specified. When the system utilization increases this improvement is even greater. Depending on the system size and complexity the improvement can vary, but in many cases it is more than double. The scheduling generation is also performed within a reasonable time frame. This would be a good benefit during the development process of a system, since it allows fast verification when changes are made to the system. Further, the thesis provide an overview of the entire process, starting from a system model and ending at a fully functional schedule executing on a hardware platform.

Strategie budování značky Lilien Czech Jewelry / Brand building strategy of the mark Lilien Czech Jewelry

Perglerová, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is to is to present the company P&P Jewelry Ltd., it's activities and to describe the current way of building brand Lilien Czech Jewelry, as well as an analysis of key markets and on the basis of the results to draft a new strategy of brand building. The first theoretical chapter deals with the specifics of brand building in the offline and online environments. The next part contents presents the company P&P Jewelry Ltd., it's project Lilien Czech Jewelry and markets on which the jewelery is exported. The following chapter focuses on the analysis of the competitiveness of the brand on the most important markets for by using the PEST analysis and the Porter's five forces model. The fourth part analyzes contemporary brand building strategy of the brand Lilien Czech Jewelry. In conclusion of this thesis is analysis of research of customers perception of the brand.

Direct Online/Offline Digital Signature Schemes.

Yu, Ping 12 1900 (has links)
Online/offline signature schemes are useful in many situations, and two such scenarios are considered in this dissertation: bursty server authentication and embedded device authentication. In this dissertation, new techniques for online/offline signing are introduced, those are applied in a variety of ways for creating online/offline signature schemes, and five different online/offline signature schemes that are proved secure under a variety of models and assumptions are proposed. Two of the proposed five schemes have the best offline or best online performance of any currently known technique, and are particularly well-suited for the scenarios that are considered in this dissertation. To determine if the proposed schemes provide the expected practical improvements, a series of experiments were conducted comparing the proposed schemes with each other and with other state-of-the-art schemes in this area, both on a desktop class computer, and under AVR Studio, a simulation platform for an 8-bit processor that is popular for embedded systems. Under AVR Studio, the proposed SGE scheme using a typical key size for the embedded device authentication scenario, can complete the offline phase in about 24 seconds and then produce a signature (the online phase) in 15 milliseconds, which is the best offline performance of any known signature scheme that has been proven secure in the standard model. In the tests on a desktop class computer, the proposed SGS scheme, which has the best online performance and is designed for the bursty server authentication scenario, generated 469,109 signatures per second, and the Schnorr scheme (the next best scheme in terms of online performance) generated only 223,548 signatures. The experimental results demonstrate that the SGE and SGS schemes are the most efficient techniques for embedded device authentication and bursty server authentication, respectively.

Promoción de ventas en redes sociales de marcas de ropa urbana en relación a la decisión de compra offline dirigida a jóvenes entre 18 a 24 años de edad del NSE AB de la zona 7 que residan en Lima Metropolitana / Promotion of sales in social network of urban clothing brands in relation to the offline purchase decision aimed at young people between 18 and 24 years of age of the NSE AB of zone 7 residing in Metropolitan Lima

Flores-Araoz Zamalloa, María José 20 June 2019 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene como propósito encontrar la relación entre las promociones online a través de Instagram, Facebook y mailing en su relación con la intención de compra en el entorno offline. Para ello, se realizó un análisis mixto de carácter cualitativo y cuantitativo. Con respecto al análisis cualitativo, se realizaron entrevistas a expertos y un focus group al target. También se realizó un análisis cuantitativo bivariado a través de correlaciones mediante encuestas a 150 mujeres jóvenes entre 18 a 24 años, los datos fueron procesados utilizando un análisis de correlaciones. Como resultado se obtuvo que existe una relación más fuerte entre Instagram y la intención de compra y, en el caso de Facebook esta es más débil. Con respecto a la plataforma mailing se encontró que no existe relación con la intención de compra. Dichos resultados son de utilidad para el sector estudiado debido a que se ha podido conocer la opinión sobre qué tipo de red social es la más utilizada. De esta forma, las empresas deberían de comunicar sólo en redes sociales como Facebook e Instagram y descartar otras herramientas que son secundarias para el target, porque aparentemente las mujeres jóvenes no esperan este tipo de información como son las promociones de venta vía mailing. / The purpose of this research is to find the relationship between online promotions through Instagram, Facebook and mailing in relation to the purchase intention in the offline environment. For this, a mixed analysis of qualitative and quantitative character was carried out. With respect to the qualitative analysis, expert interviews and a focus group were conducted on the target. A bivariate quantitative analysis was also carried out through correlations through surveys to 150 young women between 18 and 24 years old, the results were analyzed using correlation analysis. From this, it has been found that there is a stronger relationship on Instagram than on Facebook with the purchase intention, in the case of the mailing it was found that there is no relationship with the purchase intention. These results are useful for the sector studied because it has been possible to know the opinion on what type of social network is the most used. In this way, companies should only communicate on social networks such as Facebook and Instagram and discard other tools that are secondary to the target, because apparently young women do not expect this type of information such as sales promotions via mailing. / Trabajo de investigación

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